コード例 #1
ファイル: mkadapter.py プロジェクト: hbprosper/SusySapien
def expandMethod(filename, methlist):

	header, classname, basenames, methodlist = readMethods(filename)

	# Ok now, get simple methods

	for rtype, name, atype, record in methodlist:

		if DEBUG3 > 1: print "\t\texpandMethod RTYPE( %s, %s )" % (rtype, name)
		if rtype == "void": continue
		if atype != "void": continue
		if retype.match(rtype) == None: continue
		if DEBUG3 > 1: print "\t\texpandMethod RTYPE( %s, %s )" % (rtype, name)
		# We have a simple return type
		methlist.append((rtype, name))
コード例 #2
def expandMethod(filename, methlist):

    header, classname, basenames, methodlist = readMethods(filename)

    # Ok now, get simple methods

    for rtype, name, atype, record in methodlist:

        if DEBUG3 > 1: print "\t\texpandMethod RTYPE( %s, %s )" % (rtype, name)

        if rtype == "void": continue
        if atype != "void": continue
        if retype.match(rtype) == None: continue

        if DEBUG3 > 1: print "\t\texpandMethod RTYPE( %s, %s )" % (rtype, name)

        # We have a simple return type
        methlist.append((rtype, name))
コード例 #3
ファイル: mkadapter.py プロジェクト: hbprosper/SusySapien
def makeAdapter(filename, editsfile):
	if find(filename,'_') > -1: return
	# Evaluate edits file, if specified
	edits = extraMethods(editsfile)

	names = {}
	tab = "//              "

	header, classname, basenames, methodlist = readMethods(filename)
	if DEBUG3 > 0:
		print "\theader: %s\t\n\t\tclassname: %s" % (header, classname)

	# Return if this is a template class

	if find(classname, "<") > -1:
		print "\tskipping template class: %s" % classname
	# Construct adapter class name etc.
	adapterclassname = "a%s" % stripcolon.sub("",classname)
	headerfilename   = striptemplatepars.sub("",adapterclassname)
	if find(headerfilename,'>') > -1: return
	if find(headerfilename,'<') > -1: return

	print "processing: %s" % filename
	# Ok now, process methods

	expanded = False

	index = 0
	meths = []
	methods = []
	for rtype, name, atype, record in methodlist:

		# Take are not to overwrite these variables

		if DEBUG3 > 0: print "\n\tRTYPE( %s ) METHOD( %s ) ARG( %s )" % \
		   (rtype, name, atype)

		# Skip some methods
		if skipmethod.match(name) != None: continue
		if rtype == "void": continue
		arg = striparg.sub("", atype)

		if simpletype.match(arg) == None: continue

		if DEBUG3 > 0:
			print "\t\tKEEP"

		if retype.match(rtype) != None:
			# We have a simple return type

			val, arg, var = fixreturnAndarg(rtype, atype)
			# identify simple return type with * at end of string

			method = "  %s\t%s(%s) const \t{return %s(%s);}*" % \
					 (rtype, name, arg, name, var)
			meths.append(("%s %s" % (name, rtype), index))
			index += 1
			# expand complex return type

			cname = striprtypeless.sub("", rtype)
			if DEBUG3 > 0: print "\t\tCOMPLEX RTYPE( %s )" % cname

			# Get header for this class from ClassToHeaderMap

			if not ClassToHeaderMap.has_key(cname):
				if DEBUG3 > 0:
					print "\t\t** header for class %s NOT found" % cname
			headerfile = ClassToHeaderMap[cname]
			filestem = replace(headerfile, 'interface/', '')
			filestem = split(filestem, '.h')[0]
			filestem = replace(filestem, '/', '.')
			cname  = split(cname,'::').pop()
			txtfilename = "txt/%s.%s.txt" % (filestem, cname)

			if not os.path.exists(txtfilename):
				if DEBUG3 > 0:
					print "\t\t*** file %s NOT found" % txtfilename

			if DEBUG3 > 0:
				print "\t\t\tTXTFILE( %s )" % txtfilename
				print "\t\t\t\tRETURN TYPE( %s )" % cname
			# txt file exists, so proceed 
			methlist = []
			expandMethod(txtfilename, methlist)
			if len(methlist) == 0: continue


			expanded = True

			# write method

			ispointer = rtype[-1] == "*"
			isRef     = rtype[-3:] == "Ref"
			for rtype, fname in methlist:

				val, arg, var = fixreturnAndarg(rtype, atype)
				method = ""
				if ispointer:
					method += "  %s %s_%s(%s) "\
							  "const \t{return %s(%s) ? " % \
							  (rtype, name, fname, arg, name, var)
					method += "%s(%s)->%s() : %s;}" % (name, var, fname, val)
				elif isRef:
					method += "  %s %s_%s(%s) "\
							  "const \t{return %s(%s).isNonnull() ? " % \
							  (rtype, name, fname, arg, name, var)
					method += "%s(%s)->%s() : %s;}" % (name, var, fname, val)
					method += "  %s %s_%s(%s) "\
							  "const \t{return %s(%s).%s();}" % \
							  (rtype, name, fname, arg, name, var,fname)

				meths.append(("%s %s %s" % (name, fname, rtype), index))
				index += 1

				if DEBUG3 > 0:
					print "\tEXPANDEDMETHOD( %s %s_%s )" % (rtype, name, fname)
	# sort
	simmethods = []
	extmethods = []
	for x, index in meths:
		method = methods[index]
		if not method[-1] == "*":
			method = method[:-1]

	methods = extmethods

	# Check whether to add edits

	if edits.has_key(adapterclassname):
		method = '\n  // -------------------------------'
		method =   '  // --- Methods added by "hand" ---'
		method =   '  // -------------------------------'

		meths = edits[adapterclassname]
		for method in meths:
			method = '  %s\n' % strip(method)

	# Write adapter header only if we had to expand methods
	# or methods were added by "hand"

	if expanded:

		print RED+"\t\t\t** adapter created" + BLACK

		names['bases'] = "//"		
		names['time'] = ctime(time())
		names['classname'] = classname
		names['header']    = header
		names['adapterclassname'] = adapterclassname
		names['ADAPTERCLASSNAME'] = upper(adapterclassname)
		names['file'] = file
		names['methods'] = joinfields(methods,'\n')

		str = TEMPLATE % names
		os.system("mkdir -p adapters")
		open("adapters/%s.h" % headerfilename, 'w').write(str+'\n')

	# Finally, write a simple summary document for this class
	allmethods = simmethods + extmethods
	methods = map(lambda z: z[0],
				  filter(lambda y: len(y) > 0,
						 map(lambda x: methodname.findall(x), allmethods)))

	methods = map(strip, methods)
	str = '%s\n' % joinfields(methods,'\n')
	os.system("mkdir -p methods")
	open("methods/%s.txt" % headerfilename, 'w').write(str+'\n')
コード例 #4
def makeAdapter(filename, editsfile):

    if find(filename, '_') > -1: return

    # Evaluate edits file, if specified

    edits = extraMethods(editsfile)

    names = {}
    tab = "//              "

    header, classname, basenames, methodlist = readMethods(filename)
    if DEBUG3 > 0:
        print "\theader: %s\t\n\t\tclassname: %s" % (header, classname)

    # Return if this is a template class

    if find(classname, "<") > -1:
        print "\tskipping template class: %s" % classname

    # Construct adapter class name etc.

    adapterclassname = "a%s" % stripcolon.sub("", classname)
    headerfilename = striptemplatepars.sub("", adapterclassname)

    if find(headerfilename, '>') > -1: return
    if find(headerfilename, '<') > -1: return

    print "processing: %s" % filename

    # Ok now, process methods

    expanded = False

    index = 0
    meths = []
    methods = []
    for rtype, name, atype, record in methodlist:

        # Take are not to overwrite these variables

        if DEBUG3 > 0:            print "\n\tRTYPE( %s ) METHOD( %s ) ARG( %s )" % \
(rtype, name, atype)

        # Skip some methods

        if skipmethod.match(name) != None: continue

        if rtype == "void": continue
        arg = striparg.sub("", atype)

        if simpletype.match(arg) == None: continue

        if DEBUG3 > 0:
            print "\t\tKEEP"

        if retype.match(rtype) != None:

            # We have a simple return type

            val, arg, var = fixreturnAndarg(rtype, atype)

            # identify simple return type with * at end of string

            method = "  %s\t%s(%s) const \t{return %s(%s);}*" % \
               (rtype, name, arg, name, var)
            meths.append(("%s %s" % (name, rtype), index))
            index += 1

            # expand complex return type

            cname = striprtypeless.sub("", rtype)
            if DEBUG3 > 0: print "\t\tCOMPLEX RTYPE( %s )" % cname

            # Get header for this class from ClassToHeaderMap

            if not ClassToHeaderMap.has_key(cname):
                if DEBUG3 > 0:
                    print "\t\t** header for class %s NOT found" % cname

            headerfile = ClassToHeaderMap[cname]
            filestem = replace(headerfile, 'interface/', '')
            filestem = split(filestem, '.h')[0]
            filestem = replace(filestem, '/', '.')
            cname = split(cname, '::').pop()
            txtfilename = "txt/%s.%s.txt" % (filestem, cname)

            if not os.path.exists(txtfilename):
                if DEBUG3 > 0:
                    print "\t\t*** file %s NOT found" % txtfilename

            if DEBUG3 > 0:
                print "\t\t\tTXTFILE( %s )" % txtfilename
                print "\t\t\t\tRETURN TYPE( %s )" % cname

            # txt file exists, so proceed
            methlist = []
            expandMethod(txtfilename, methlist)
            if len(methlist) == 0: continue


            expanded = True

            # write method

            ispointer = rtype[-1] == "*"
            isRef = rtype[-3:] == "Ref"

            for rtype, fname in methlist:

                val, arg, var = fixreturnAndarg(rtype, atype)

                method = ""
                if ispointer:
                    method += "  %s %s_%s(%s) "\
                        "const \t{return %s(%s) ? " % \
                        (rtype, name, fname, arg, name, var)
                    method += "%s(%s)->%s() : %s;}" % (name, var, fname, val)
                elif isRef:
                    method += "  %s %s_%s(%s) "\
                        "const \t{return %s(%s).isNonnull() ? " % \
                        (rtype, name, fname, arg, name, var)
                    method += "%s(%s)->%s() : %s;}" % (name, var, fname, val)
                    method += "  %s %s_%s(%s) "\
                        "const \t{return %s(%s).%s();}" % \
                        (rtype, name, fname, arg, name, var,fname)

                meths.append(("%s %s %s" % (name, fname, rtype), index))
                index += 1

                if DEBUG3 > 0:
                    print "\tEXPANDEDMETHOD( %s %s_%s )" % (rtype, name, fname)

    # sort
    simmethods = []
    extmethods = []
    for x, index in meths:
        method = methods[index]
        if not method[-1] == "*":
            method = method[:-1]

    methods = extmethods

    # Check whether to add edits

    if edits.has_key(adapterclassname):
        method = '\n  // -------------------------------'
        method = '  // --- Methods added by "hand" ---'
        method = '  // -------------------------------'

        meths = edits[adapterclassname]
        for method in meths:
            method = '  %s\n' % strip(method)

    # Write adapter header only if we had to expand methods
    # or methods were added by "hand"

    if expanded:

        print RED + "\t\t\t** adapter created" + BLACK

        names['bases'] = "//"
        names['time'] = ctime(time())
        names['classname'] = classname
        names['header'] = header
        names['adapterclassname'] = adapterclassname
        names['ADAPTERCLASSNAME'] = upper(adapterclassname)
        names['file'] = file
        names['methods'] = joinfields(methods, '\n')

        str = TEMPLATE % names
        os.system("mkdir -p adapters")
        open("adapters/%s.h" % headerfilename, 'w').write(str + '\n')

    # Finally, write a simple summary document for this class
    allmethods = simmethods + extmethods
    methods = map(
        lambda z: z[0],
        filter(lambda y: len(y) > 0,
               map(lambda x: methodname.findall(x), allmethods)))

    methods = map(strip, methods)
    str = '%s\n' % joinfields(methods, '\n')
    os.system("mkdir -p methods")
    open("methods/%s.txt" % headerfilename, 'w').write(str + '\n')