def __init__(self, laser, map_size_pixels, map_size_meters, map_quality=_DEFAULT_MAP_QUALITY, hole_width_mm=_DEFAULT_HOLE_WIDTH_MM, random_seed=None, sigma_xy_mm=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_XY_MM, sigma_theta_degrees=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_THETA_DEGREES, max_search_iter=_DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_ITER): self.myfilter = FilterHandler(standardGH(g, h, 20000, 0), standardGH(g, h, 20000, 0), standardGH(g, h)) RMHC_SLAM.__init__(self, laser, map_size_pixels, map_size_meters, map_quality, hole_width_mm, random_seed, sigma_xy_mm, sigma_theta_degrees, max_search_iter)
def __init__(self, laser, MAP_SIZE_M=4.0, MAP_RES_PIX_PER_M=100, MAP_DEPTH=5, HOLE_WIDTH_MM = 200, RANDOM_SEED = 0xabcd, **unused): MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = int(MAP_SIZE_M*MAP_RES_PIX_PER_M) # number of pixels across the entire map RMHC_SLAM.__init__(self, \ laser, \ MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, \ MAP_SIZE_M, \ MAP_DEPTH, \ HOLE_WIDTH_MM, \ RANDOM_SEED) self.scanSize = laser.SCAN_SIZE self.breezyMap = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS**2) # initialize map array for BreezySLAM's internal mapping
def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) #self.lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, map_quality=50, hole_width_mm=200, max_search_iter=10000) self.N = 0 self.bot_pos = [[1500, 1300]] self.bot_ori = [0] self.state = True
def __init__(self, robot, laser, logFile=None, MAP_SIZE_M=8.0, MAP_RES_PIX_PER_M=100, USE_ODOMETRY=True, MAP_QUALITY=5, **unused): self.USE_ODOMETRY = USE_ODOMETRY MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = int(MAP_SIZE_M*MAP_RES_PIX_PER_M) # number of pixels across the entire map RMHC_SLAM.__init__(self, \ laser, \ MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, \ MAP_SIZE_M, \ MAP_QUALITY, \ HOLE_WIDTH_MM, \ RANDOM_SEED) self.robot = robot self.scanSize = laser.SCAN_SIZE self.logFile = logFile self.prevEncPos = () # robot encoder data self.currEncPos = () # left wheel [ticks], right wheel [ticks], timestamp [ms] self.breezyMap = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS**2) # initialize map array for BreezySLAM's internal mapping
def update(self, scan_mm, velocities=None, command=0): """ Calculates the amount of usefull pixels perframe and stores the time. scan_mm: new scan velocities: velocitie data command: next to perform command :param velocities: :param command: :param scan_mm: """ errors = 0 self.values = len(scan_mm) for x in range(0, len(scan_mm)): if scan_mm[x] == 0: errors += 1 self.error = float(errors) / len(scan_mm) if velocities == None: self.time = None else: self.time = velocities[2] self.command = command RMHC_SLAM.update(self, scan_mm, velocities)
def _getNewPosition(self, start_position): """ Filters the rmhc slam result. start_position: estimated position based on odometry """ # RMHC search is implemented as a C extension for efficiency slam_position = RMHC_SLAM._getNewPosition(self, start_position) #check slam values for reliable turn. #vtheta = (slam_position.theta_degrees - start_position.theta_degrees)/self.time #if(math.fabs(vtheta) > MAX_DEGREE_PER_S): # vtheta = vtheta/math.fabs(vtheta) * MAX_DEGREE_PER_S # slam_position.theta_degrees = start_position.theta_degrees + vtheta * self.time if not filtering: return slam_position if self.time == None: return slam_position return self.myfilter(slam_position, start_position, self.error, self.time, self.command)
class SLAM_Engine: def __init__(self, size_pixels, size_meters): self.map_size_pixels = size_pixels self.map_size_meters = size_meters self.map_scale_meters_per_pixel = float(size_meters) / float( size_pixels) self.mapbytes = bytearray(self.map_size_pixels * self.map_size_pixels) self.robot = None self.control = False self.lidarShow = True self.routine = False #slam算法初始化 self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_meters, map_quality=_DEFAULT_MAP_QUALITY, hole_width_mm=_DEFAULT_HOLE_WIDTH_MM, random_seed=999, sigma_xy_mm=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_XY_MM, sigma_theta_degrees=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_THETA_DEGREES, max_search_iter=_DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_ITER) self.map_view = OpenMap(self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_meters) self.pose = [0, 0, 0] def set_auto_control(self): self.control = True def reset_auto_control(self): self.control = False self.map_view.path = [] self.map_view.point_list = [] def data_test(self, dataset='expX'): timestamps, lidars, odometries = load_data_EAI('.', dataset) for scanno in range(len(lidars)): self.slam_run(lidars[scanno]) self.slam_view() def NoLidarInit(self, dataset='expX'): self.timestamps, self.lidars, self.odometries = load_data_EAI( '.', dataset) self.SLAM_continue = False def NoLidarGetScans(self): scans_m = [] if len(self.lidars) > 1: scans = self.lidars.pop(0) for scan in scans: scans_m.append(float(scan) / 1000.0) return scans, scans_m else: scans = self.lidars[0] for scan in scans: scans_m.append(float(scan) / 1000.0) return scans, scans_m def routine_switch(self): self.map_view.path = self.map_view.routinePath.copy() self.map_view.routinePath.reverse() self.map_view.END_flag = False def slam_control(self): if self.control == True: return self.map_view.track_control() else: return def slam_run(self, scans): self.slam.update(scans) #地图更新 self.pose[0], self.pose[1], self.pose[2] = self.slam.getpos() #位置预测 self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) #地图读取 self.map_view.setPose(self.pose[0] / 1000., self.pose[1] / 1000., self.pose[2]) def slam_view(self): self.map_view.display(self.pose[0] / 1000., self.pose[1] / 1000., self.pose[2], self.mapbytes, test=False) def slam_mjpg(self): s = self.map_scale_meters_per_pixel self.map_view.display_mjpg(self.pose[0] / 1000., self.pose[1] / 1000., self.pose[2], self.mapbytes, test=False) pos = [ self.map_size_pixels - int((self.pose[0] / 1000.) / s), int((self.pose[1] / 1000.) / s), self.pose[2] ] return self.map_view.get_jpg(), pos def setPoint(self, x, y): return self.map_view.setPoint(self.map_size_pixels - x, y) def _m2pix(self, x_m, y_m): s = self.map_scale_meters_per_pixel #p = self.map_size_pixels return int(x_m / s), int(y_m / s) def draw_history(self): self.map_view.get_history_pose() def del_history(self): self.map_view.del_history_pose()
class Map(Thread): MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = 1000 MAP_SIZE_METERS = 7 LIDAR_DEVICE = '/dev/ttyACM0' THRESH_DETECTION = 100 RAW_ANGLE = np.pi/4 LIDAR_POS = np.array([140,140]) def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) #self.lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, map_quality=50, hole_width_mm=200, max_search_iter=10000) self.N = 0 self.bot_pos = [[1500, 1300]] self.bot_ori = [0] self.state = True def run(self): self.i = 0 x_th = 1500 y_th = 1300 while(self.state): if(self.i<10): y_th +=35 elif(self.i<33): x_th -= 45 elif(self.i<45): y_th -= 35 else: y_th -= 10 x_th += 10 # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan #self.slam.update(self.lidar.getScan()) data = getHokuyoData([x_th, y_th], -self.i*5/180.0*np.pi, [np.array([[0, 2000, 2000, 0],[0, 0, 3000, 3000]]), np.array([[650, 1350, 1350, 650],[1450, 1450, 1550, 1550]]), np.array([[1500, 1600, 1600, 1500],[1000, 1000, 1100, 1100]]), np.array([[1000+200*np.cos(k*10/180*np.pi) for k in range(0,36)], [2500+200*np.sin(k*10/180*np.pi) for k in range(0,36)]])], 0) list = data[1].tolist() if(len(list) == 682): self.slam.update(list, [0,0,0.1]) # Get current robot position y, x, theta = self.slam.getpos() x-=3500 y-=3500 x = -x #y-=198 x+=1500 y+=1300 #angle = self.RAW_ANGLE + theta*3.1415/180 #R = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)],[np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]) #pos =[x,y])) pos = np.array([x,y]) self.bot_pos.append(pos) self.bot_ori.append(theta) self.i += 1 def stop(self): self.state = False
LIDAR_DEVICE = '/dev/ttyACM0' from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM from breezyslam.components import XVLidar as LaserModel from xvlidar import XVLidar as Lidar from cvslamshow import SlamShow if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display display = SlamShow(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS*1000/MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, 'SLAM') # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) while True: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan, using first element of (scan, quality) pairs slam.update([pair[0] for pair in lidar.getScan()])
LIDAR_DEVICE = '/dev/ttyACM0' from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM from breezyslam.sensors import URG04LX as LaserModel from breezylidar import URG04LX as Lidar from roboviz import MapVisualizer if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) while True: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan slam.update(lidar.getScan()) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos()
class Robot: def __init__(self): # Connect to Lidar unit self.lidar = lidarReader('/dev/mylidar', 115200) self.mover = MotorController() # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display self.viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize empty map self.mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) self.left_distance_table = np.zeros(80) self.right_distance_table = np.zeros(80) self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.navigate, args=()) self.thread.start() def constructmap(self): while True: time.sleep(0.0001) # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan, using first element of (scan, quality) pairs self.slam.update(self.lidar.getdata()) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() # Get current map bytes as grayscale self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) # Display map and robot pose, exiting gracefully if user closes it if not self.viz.display(x / 1000., y / 1000., theta, self.mapbytes): break exit(0) def navigate(self): while True: time.sleep( 0.01) # (yield) allowing reading data from the serailport front_too_close, left_too_close, right_too_close = False, False, False if (self.lidar.angle_180 < 400): front_too_close = True left_angle = np.argmin(self.lidar.left_container) right_angle = np.argmin(self.lidar.right_container) if (self.lidar.left_container[left_angle] < 250): left_too_close = True if (self.lidar.right_container[right_angle] < 250): right_too_close = True if (front_too_close and left_too_close and right_too_close): self.mover.backward() elif (front_too_close): if (self.lidar.angle_270 > self.lidar.angle_90): self.mover.turn_left() else: self.mover.turn_right() elif (left_too_close or right_too_close): if (left_too_close): self.mover.turn_right(left_angle) else: self.mover.turn_left(right_angle) else: self.mover.forward() print(front_too_close, left_too_close, right_too_close, self.lidar.angle_180)
import time if __name__ == '__main__': lidar = rplidar.RPLidar(sys.argv[1]) print('RPLidar health:', lidar.get_health()[0]) print('RPLidar info: ', lidar.get_info()) lidar.start_motor() scans_iterator = lidar.iter_scans() slam = RMHC_SLAM(RPLidarA1(), 800, 5) uvon_dev = serial.Serial(sys.argv[2], 115200) time.sleep(2) uvon_dev.write(b'2\n') uvon_dev.write(b'I1\n') atexit.register(lambda: uvon_dev.write(b'2\n')) atexit.register(lambda: uvon_dev.write(b'I0\n')) atexit.register(lidar.stop) atexit.register(lidar.disconnect) forward_cmd = b'm1,15,0,15\n' backward_cmd = b'm0,15,1,15\n' left_cmd = b'm1,1,0,15\n'
def run_slam(LIDAR_DEVICE, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, mapbytes, posbytes, odometry, command, state, STATES): MIN_SAMPLES = 200 # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = start_lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, map_quality=_DEFAULT_MAP_QUALITY, hole_width_mm=_DEFAULT_HOLE_WIDTH_MM, random_seed=None, sigma_xy_mm=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_XY_MM, sigma_theta_degrees=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_THETA_DEGREES, max_search_iter=_DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_ITER) # Initialize empty map mapbytes_ = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Send command to start scan lidar.start_scan() # We will use these to store previous scan in case current scan is inadequate previous_distances = None previous_angles = None pose_change = (0, 0, 0) pose_change_find = (0, 0, 0) iter_times = 1 while command[0] != b'qa': # read a scan items = lidar.scan() # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] if state[0] == STATES['stop']: if command[0] == b'lm': mapbytes_find = mapbytes pose_change_find = find_slam_pos(lidar, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, mapbytes_find, pose_change_find, iter_times / 2.0, slam) iter_times = iter_times + 1.0 print(pose_change_find) pose_change = pose_change_find pose_change_find = (0, 0, 0) ''' items = lidar.scan() # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] slam.update(distances, pose_change, scan_angles_degrees=angles) ''' if (iter_times > 10): command[0] = b'w' print(slam) slam.setmap(mapbytes_find) pose_change = pose_change_find pose_change_find = (0, 0, 0) print('ennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd') print(pose_change) iter_times = 1 else: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: slam.update(distances, pose_change, scan_angles_degrees=angles) previous_distances = distances.copy() previous_angles = angles.copy() # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: slam.update(previous_distances, pose_change, scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) #pass the value into point_cal function global point_a, point_b global current_theta_o # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() current_theta_o = theta point_a = x - 5000 point_b = y - 5000 # Calculate robot position in the map xbytes = int(x / 1000. / MAP_SIZE_METERS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) ybytes = int(y / 1000. / MAP_SIZE_METERS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Update robot position posbytes[xbytes + ybytes * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS] = 255 #print('LIDAR::', command[0], x,y,theta) pose_change = (odometry[0], odometry[1] / np.pi * 180, odometry[2]) # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes_) # Update map mapbytes[:] = mapbytes_ # Shut down the lidar connection lidar.stop() lidar.disconnect() print('LIDAR::thread ends')
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import socket import time from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM from breezyslam.sensors import RPLidarA1 as LaserModel from PIL import Image MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = 500 MAP_SIZE_METERS = 35 MIN_SAMPLES = 200 slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=1) mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) Dist = {} sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(('', 4013)) def mm2pix(mm): return int(mm / (MAP_SIZE_METERS * 1000. / MAP_SIZE_PIXELS)) def on_connect(self, client, userdata, rc): print("MQTT Connected.") self.subscribe("/ldb01/mapdata")
def main(): # Bozo filter for input args if len(argv) < 3: print('Usage: %s <dataset> <use_odometry> [random_seed]' % argv[0]) print('Example: %s exp2 1 9999' % argv[0]) exit(1) # Grab input args dataset = argv[1] use_odometry = True if int(argv[2]) else False seed = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) > 3 else 0 # Load the data from the file, ignoring timestamps _, lidars, odometries = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = Rover() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): if use_odometry: # Convert odometry to velocities velocities = robot.computePoseChange(odometries[scanno]) # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocities) else: # Update SLAM with lidar alone slam.update(lidars[scanno]) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans / elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Pickle the map to a file pklname = dataset + '.map' print('Writing map to file ' + pklname) pickle.dump(mapbytes, open(pklname, 'wb'))
def main(): # Grab input args dataset = "testLidar" use_odometry = True seed = 0 # Load the data from the file, ignoring timestamps lidars, velocities = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = RoboPorter() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(roboPorterLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) # \ #if seed \ #else Deterministic_SLAM(roboPorterLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): print(len(lidars[scanno])) # Convert odometry to velocities velocitity = velocities[ scanno] #dxyMillimeters, dthetaDegrees, dtSeconds # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocitity) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans / elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0 # Save map and trajectory as PGM file pgm_save('%s.pgm' % dataset, mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS))
class Lidar(BaseLidar): def __init__(self, on_map_change): super().__init__(on_map_change=on_map_change) self.lidar = RPLidar(os.getenv('LIDAR_DEVICE', SLAM["LIDAR_DEVICE"])) self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(RPLidarA1(), SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS'], SLAM['MAP_SIZE_METERS']) self.map_size_pixels = SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS'] self.trajectory = [] self.mapbytes = bytearray(SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS'] * SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS']) self.prev_checksum = 0 def stop(self): # await super().stop() self.lidar.stop() self.lidar.stop_motor() self.lidar.disconnect() def run(self): try: previous_distances = None previous_angles = None iterator = self.lidar.iter_scans() next(iterator) while True: items = [(q, 360 - angle, dist) for q, angle, dist in next(iterator)] distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] if len(distances) > SLAM['MIN_SAMPLES']: self.slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles) previous_distances = distances.copy() previous_angles = angles.copy() elif previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() self.trajectory.append((x, y)) self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) for coords in self.trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) self.mapbytes[y_pix * SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS'] + x_pix] = 0 checksum = sum(self.mapbytes) if self.on_map_change and checksum != self.prev_checksum: # print(checksum) x = Image.frombuffer( 'L', (self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_pixels), self.mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1) bytes_img = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') self.on_map_change(bytearray(bytes_img.getvalue())) self.prev_checksum = checksum except Exception as e: print(e) finally: self.stop()
def main(): # Bozo filter for input args if len(argv) < 3: print('Usage: %s <dataset> <use_odometry> <random_seed>' % argv[0]) print('Example: %s exp2 1 9999' % argv[0]) exit(1) # Grab input args dataset = argv[1] use_odometry = True if int(argv[2]) else False seed = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) > 3 else 0 # Load the data from the file lidars, odometries = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = Rover() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): if use_odometry: # Convert odometry to velocities velocities = robot.computeVelocities(odometries[scanno]) # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocities) else: # Update SLAM with lidar alone slam.update(lidars[scanno]) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans / elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0 # Save map and trajectory as PNG file image = Image.frombuffer('L', (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS), mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)'%s.png' % dataset)
# scan, but on slower computers you'll get an empty map and unchanging position # at that rate. MIN_SAMPLES = 200 from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM from breezyslam.sensors import RPLidarA1 as LaserModel from rplidar import RPLidar as Lidar from roboviz import MapVisualizer if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Create an iterator to collect scan data from the RPLidar iterator = lidar.iter_scans() # We will use these to store previous scan in case current scan is inadequate previous_distances = None
LIDAR_DEVICE = '/dev/ttyACM0' from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM from breezyslam.components import XVLidar as LaserModel from xvlidar import XVLidar as Lidar from pltslamshow import SlamShow if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display display = SlamShow(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS * 1000 / MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, 'SLAM') # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) while True: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan, using first element of (scan, quality) pairs slam.update([pair[0] for pair in lidar.getScan()])
from breezyslam.sensors import RPLidarA1 as LaserModel from rplidar import RPLidar as Lidar from roboviz import MapVisualizer from scipy.interpolate import interp1d import numpy as np if __name__ == '__main__': # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Create an iterator to collect scan data from the RPLidar iterator = lidar.iter_scans() # We will use this to store previous scan in case current scan is inadequate previous_distances = None
def main(): # Bozo filter for input args if len(argv) < 3: print('Usage: %s <dataset> <use_odometry> <random_seed>' % argv[0]) print('Example: %s exp2 1 9999' % argv[0]) exit(1) # Grab input args dataset = argv[1] use_odometry = True if int(argv[2]) else False seed = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) > 3 else 0 # Load the data from the file lidars, odometries = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = Rover() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(URG04(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): if use_odometry: # Convert odometry to velocities velocities = robot.computeVelocities(odometries[scanno]) # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocities) else: # Update SLAM with lidar alone slam.update(lidars[scanno]) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans/elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0; # Save map and trajectory as PGM file pgm_save('%s.pgm' % dataset, mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS))
def create_slam(): return RMHC_SLAM(SweepLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS)