def main(): # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Create an iterator to collect scan data from the RPLidar iterator = lidar.iter_scans() # We will use these to store previous scan in case current scan is inadequate previous_distances = None previous_angles = None # First scan is crap, so ignore it next(iterator) while True: # Extract (quality, angle, distance) triples from current scan items = [item for item in next(iterator)] # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] print(distances) angles = [item[1] for item in items] # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles) previous_distances = distances.copy() previous_angles = angles.copy() # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: slam.update(previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Display map and robot pose, exiting gracefully if user closes it if not viz.display(x / 1000., y / 1000., theta, mapbytes): exit(0) # Shut down the lidar connection lidar.stop() lidar.disconnect()
class BreezySLAM(object): ''' ''' def __init__(self, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS=500, MAP_SIZE_METERS=10): from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM from breezyslam.sensors import Laser laser_model = Laser(scan_size=360, scan_rate_hz=10., detection_angle_degrees=360, distance_no_detection_mm=12000) MAP_QUALITY = 5 self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(laser_model, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, MAP_QUALITY) def run(self, distances, angles, map_bytes): self.slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles) x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() if map_bytes is not None: self.slam.getmap(map_bytes) #print('x', x, 'y', y, 'theta', norm_deg(theta)) return x, y, deg2rad(norm_deg(theta)) def shutdown(self): pass
class Lidar(BaseLidar): def __init__(self, on_map_change): super().__init__(on_map_change=on_map_change) self.lidar = RPLidar(os.getenv('LIDAR_DEVICE', SLAM["LIDAR_DEVICE"])) self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(RPLidarA1(), SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS'], SLAM['MAP_SIZE_METERS']) self.map_size_pixels = SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS'] self.trajectory = [] self.mapbytes = bytearray(SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS'] * SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS']) self.prev_checksum = 0 def stop(self): # await super().stop() self.lidar.stop() self.lidar.stop_motor() self.lidar.disconnect() def run(self): try: previous_distances = None previous_angles = None iterator = self.lidar.iter_scans() next(iterator) while True: items = [(q, 360 - angle, dist) for q, angle, dist in next(iterator)] distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] if len(distances) > SLAM['MIN_SAMPLES']: self.slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles) previous_distances = distances.copy() previous_angles = angles.copy() elif previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() self.trajectory.append((x, y)) self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) for coords in self.trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) self.mapbytes[y_pix * SLAM['MAP_SIZE_PIXELS'] + x_pix] = 0 checksum = sum(self.mapbytes) if self.on_map_change and checksum != self.prev_checksum: # print(checksum) x = Image.frombuffer('L', (self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_pixels), self.mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1) bytes_img = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') self.on_map_change(bytearray(bytes_img.getvalue())) self.prev_checksum = checksum except Exception as e: print(e) finally: self.stop()
def main(): print "initiating engine..." seed = 9999 dequeueCount = 0 time_start = time.time() targetProcess = "node server.js" targetSignal = signal.SIGUSR1 serverMinTimeDelay = 5 pid = getpid(targetProcess) slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) trajectory = [] while time.time() - time_start < 600: time_thisLoop = time.time() if not q.empty(): while (not q.empty()): slam.update(q.get()) dequeueCount = dequeueCount + 1 x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get map from this batch slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0; # Save map and trajectory as PNG file image = Image.frombuffer('L', (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS), mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)"../../webgui/images/" + "map" + ".png") print "map created after {} scans".format(dequeueCount) # Try to tell the server if pid == False: print "failure: no server pid" pid = getpid(targetProcess) else: try: os.kill(int(pid),targetSignal) print "success: signal sent to server" except OSError: print "error: whoops, just lost the pid" pid = getpid(targetProcess) # give the server at least serverMinTimeDelay seconds to catch up while time.time() - time_thisLoop < serverMinTimeDelay: ()
class SLAM: """ takes a breezyslam laser object and a flag to determine the slam algorithms that is used. """ def __init__(self, lidar_turret): self.map_size_pixels = 1600 self.map_size_meters = 50 self.trajectory = [] self.mapbytes = bytearray(self.map_size_pixels * self.map_size_pixels) self.laser = Laser(lidar_turret.point_cloud_size, 2.4, lidar_turret.detection_angle_degrees, 0) self.algorithm = RMHC_SLAM(self.laser, self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_meters) def update(self, timestamp, point_cloud, velocity): self.algorithm.update(point_cloud, velocity) x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = self.algorithm.getpos() self.trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) self.algorithm.getmap(self.mapbytes) def make_image(self, image_name, image_format="pgm"): self.algorithm.getmap(self.mapbytes) for coords in self.trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = self.mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = self.mm2pix(y_mm) self.mapbytes[y_pix * self.map_size_pixels + x_pix] = 0 if image_format == "pgm": pgm_save(image_name + "." + image_format, self.mapbytes, (self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_pixels)) else: image = Image.frombuffer( 'L', (self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_pixels), self.mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1) + "." + image_format) def get_pos(self): return self.algorithm.getpos() def mm2pix(self, mm): return int(mm / (self.map_size_meters * 1000 / self.map_size_pixels))
def __init__(self): from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM lidar = MyLidarModel() mapbytes = bytearray(800 * 800) slam = RMHC_SLAM(lidar, 800, 35) while True: scan = readLidar() slam.update(scan) x, y, theta = slam.getpos(scan) slam.getmap(mapbytes)
def main(): lidar = Lidar(device='/dev/ttyACM0') slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), map_size_pixels=MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, map_size_meters=MAP_SIZE_METERS) display = SlamShow(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS*1000/MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, 'SLAM') #image_thread = threading.Thread(target=save_image, args=[display]) #image_thread.start() mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) while True: slam.update(lidar.getScan()) x, y, theta = slam.getpos() #print(x, y, theta) slam.getmap(mapbytes) display.displayMap(mapbytes) display.setPose(x, y, theta) #display.save_image() display.save_pgm(mapbytes) if not display.refresh(): exit(0)
def main(): seed = 9999 runCount = 0 dequeueCount = 0 slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) trajectory = [] while dequeueCount < 1000: time.sleep(10) if q.empty() == False: while (q.empty() == False): slam.update(q.get()) #print "%i" %dequeueCount dequeueCount = dequeueCount + 1 x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0 # Save map and trajectory as PNG file image = Image.frombuffer('L', (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS), mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)'map%i.png' %runCount)"/home/card/webgui/images/" + "map" + str(dequeueCount) + ".png")"/home/card/webgui/images/" + "map" + ".png")
async def main(): async with websockets.connect(SERVER_URL, max_size=None, max_queue=None, ping_interval=None, ping_timeout=None) as websocket: # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Create an iterator to collect scan data from the RPLidar iterator = lidar.iter_scans() # We will use these to store previous scan in case current scan is inadequate previous_distances = None previous_angles = None # First scan is crap, so ignore it next(iterator) while True: # Extract (quality, angle, distance) triples from current scan items = [item for item in next(iterator)] # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles) previous_distances = distances.copy() previous_angles = angles.copy() # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: slam.update(previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes) while True: try: await websocket.send(struct.pack(STRUCT_FORMAT, x, y, theta, mapbytes)) except: else: break # Shut down the lidar connection lidar.stop() lidar.disconnect()
def slam(currentProgram): trajectory = [] # Connect to Lidar unit try: lidar = Lidar(PORT0) currentProgram.roombaPort = PORT1 iterator = lidar.iter_scans(1000) lidar.stop() next(iterator) print("Lidar 0, Roomba 1") except: print("Roomba 0, Lidar 1") lidar.stop() lidar.disconnect() lidar = Lidar(PORT1) currentProgram.roombaPort = PORT0 iterator = lidar.iter_scans(1000) lidar.stop() next(iterator) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) trajectory = [] previous_distances = None previous_angles = None # start time start_time = time.time() prevTime = start_time trigger_start = -100 while (not currentProgram.stop): SLAMvel = currentProgram.SLAMvals[0] SLAMrot = currentProgram.SLAMvals[1] # Extract (quality, angle, distance) triples from current scan items = [item for item in next(iterator)] # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] l = list(zip(angles,distances)) filtered = list(filter(lambda e: (e[0]>=45 and e[0]<=135) and e[1]<300 , l)) # s = sorted(l, key = lambda e: e[0]) if (len(filtered) > constants.POINTS_THRESHOLD) and (time.time()-trigger_start >5): currentProgram.programStatus = constants.Status.LIDAR_OBSTACLE topleft = list(filter(lambda e: (e[0]>=105 and e[0]<=135) , filtered)) front = list(filter(lambda e: (e[0]>=75 and e[0]<=105) , filtered)) topright = list(filter(lambda e: (e[0]>=45 and e[0]<=75) , filtered)) if (len(topleft) > 2): currentProgram.obstacleLocation[0] = 1 if (len(front) > 2): currentProgram.obstacleLocation[1] = 1 if (len(topright) > 2): currentProgram.obstacleLocation[2] = 1 trigger_start = time.time() # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: # print("using speeds ", SLAMvel, SLAMrot) dt = time.time() - prevTime slam.update(distances, pose_change=( (SLAMvel*dt, SLAMrot*dt, dt)), scan_angles_degrees=angles) prevTime = time.time() previous_distances = copy.copy(distances) previous_angles = copy.copy(angles) # print("updated - if") # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: # print("using speeds ", SLAMvel, SLAMrot) dt = time.time() - prevTime slam.update(previous_distances, pose_change=( (SLAMvel*dt, SLAMrot*dt, dt)), scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) prevTime = time.time() # print("updated - else") # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() [x_pix, y_pix] = [mm2pix(x), mm2pix(y)] currentProgram.robot_pos = [ y_pix // constants.CHUNK_SIZE, x_pix // constants.CHUNK_SIZE] # print("robot_pos - ",x_pix // constants.CHUNK_SIZE,y_pix // constants.CHUNK_SIZE, theta) # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(currentProgram.mapbytes) # Shut down the lidar connection pgm_save('ok.pgm', currentProgram.mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS)) lidar.stop() lidar.disconnect()
class Slam(Node): """ SLAM NODE This node is in charge of receiving data from the LIDAR and creating a map of the environment while locating the robot in the map. INPUT - Bottle detected by the Neuron (to be removed soon) - Lidar detections OUTPUT - Robot position: /robot_pos - Map as a byte array: /world_map (this map can be interpred using the package !) """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('slam_node') # Create second subscription (SLAM) self.subscription2 = self.create_subscription( LidarData, 'lidar_data', self.listener_callback_lidar, 100) self.subscription2 # prevent unused variable warning # Create third subscription (Motor speeds to compute robot pose change) self.subscription3 = self.create_subscription( MotorsSpeed, 'motors_speed', self.listener_callback_motorsspeed, 1000) self.subscription3 # prevent unused variable warning # create subscription to control map_quality self.slam_control_sub = self.create_subscription( String, 'slam_control', self.slam_control_callback, 1000) # Create publisher for the position of the robot, and for the map self.publisher_position = self.create_publisher( Position, 'robot_pos', 10) self.publisher_map = self.create_publisher(Map, 'world_map', 10) # Initialize parameters for slam laser = LaserModel(detection_margin=DETECTION_MARGIN, offset_mm=OFFSET_MM) self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(laser, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, map_quality=MAP_QUALITY, hole_width_mm=OBSTACLE_WIDTH_MM, x0_mm=X0, y0_mm=Y0, theta0=0, sigma_xy_mm=DEFAULT_SIGMA_XY_MM) self.trajectory = [] self.mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) self.previous_distances = None self.previous_angles = None self.robot_pose_change = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.is_map_quality_high = True # DEBUG parameters self.map_index = 0 self.previous_pos = (0, 0, 0) self.s = time.time() print("SLAM is starting") def slam_control_callback(self, msg): """Called to changed the map quality """ if == "save_state": print("Slam is saving current state") self.last_valid_map = self.mapbytes.copy() self.last_valid_pos = self.slam.getpos() elif == "recover_state": # METHOD 1 self.slam.setmap(self.last_valid_map) ## self.slam.setpos(self.last_valid_pos) elif == "freeze": self.last_valid_map = self.mapbytes.copy() self.last_valid_pos = self.slam.getpos() elif == "unfreeze": self.slam.setmap(self.last_valid_map) # self.slam.setpos(self.last_valid_pos) return ########################## print("changing quality") if self.is_map_quality_high: #self.previous_map = self.mapbytes.copy() self.slam.map_quality = 0 self.slam.sigma_xy_mm = 5 * DEFAULT_SIGMA_XY_MM else: #self.slam.setmap(self.previous_map) self.slam.map_quality = MAP_QUALITY self.slam.sigma_xy_mm = DEFAULT_SIGMA_XY_MM self.is_map_quality_high = not self.is_map_quality_high def listener_callback_motorsspeed(self, msg): """ Must compute the robot pose change since the last time the data was collected from the motor The input are the motors speed and the time change. Documentation of the SLAM library says : "pose_change is a tuple (dxy_mm, dtheta_degrees, dt_seconds) computed from odometry" """ dx_left = msg.RADIUS * msg.left * (0.1047) * msg.time_delta dx_right = msg.RADIUS * msg.right * (0.1047) * msg.time_delta delta_r = 1 / 2 * (dx_left + dx_right) # [mm] delta_d = -(dx_right - dx_left) delta_theta = np.arctan(delta_d / msg.LENGTH) * 57.2958 # [deg] self.robot_pose_change += [delta_r, delta_theta, msg.time_delta] def listener_callback_lidar(self, msg): # transform angles to $FORMAT1 angles = np.array(msg.angles) angles = list( (angles + 180) % 360) # because LIDAR is facing the robot distances = list(msg.distances) # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: e = time.time() self.s = e self.slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles, pose_change=tuple(self.robot_pose_change)) # self.analyse_odometry() self.robot_pose_change = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.previous_distances = distances.copy() self.previous_angles = angles.copy() elif self.previous_distances is not None: # If not adequate, use previous print("Slam NOT updating") self.slam.update(self.previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=self.previous_angles) # Get current robot position and current map bytes as grayscale x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) # Send topics pos = Position() pos.x = float(x) pos.y = float(y) pos.theta = float(theta) self.publisher_position.publish(pos) map_message = Map() map_message.map_data = self.mapbytes map_message.index = self.map_index self.publisher_map.publish(map_message) print("Map sent: ", self.map_index) self.map_index += 1 # debug functions here (do NOT call them on real runs) def analyse_odometry(self): """Compare the odometry resuls with the change in position according to SLAM. For this function to work, self.robot_pose_change must be set to something different than zero. And the variabe self.previous_pos must exist """ x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() x_old, y_old, theta_old = self.previous_pos dr = np.sqrt((x - x_old)**2 + (y - y_old)**2) dtheta = theta - theta_old print("-------") print("SLAM change of pos: {:.3f} {:.3f}".format(dr, dtheta)) print("Odometry change of pos: {:.3f} {:.3f} ".format( self.robot_pose_change[0], self.robot_pose_change[1])) self.previous_pos = (x, y, theta) def find_lidar_range(self, distances, angles): """Finds the critical angles of the LIDAR and prints them. Careful, this function works (currently) only with the previous angles format. """ (i1, i2) = lidar_utils.get_valid_lidar_range(distances=distances, angles=angles, n_points=10) print('indexes : {} : {} with angles {} - {}'.format( i1, i2, angles[i1], angles[i2]))
def main(): # Bozo filter for input args if len(argv) < 3: print('Usage: %s <dataset> <use_odometry> [random_seed]' % argv[0]) print('Example: %s exp2 1 9999' % argv[0]) exit(1) # Grab input args dataset = argv[1] use_odometry = True if int(argv[2]) else False seed = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) > 3 else 0 # Load the data from the file, ignoring timestamps _, lidars, odometries = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = Rover() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): if use_odometry: # Convert odometry to velocities velocities = robot.computePoseChange(odometries[scanno]) # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocities) else: # Update SLAM with lidar alone slam.update(lidars[scanno]) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans / elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Pickle the map to a file pklname = dataset + '.map' print('Writing map to file ' + pklname) pickle.dump(mapbytes, open(pklname, 'wb'))
class SLAM_Engine: def __init__(self, size_pixels, size_meters): self.map_size_pixels = size_pixels self.map_size_meters = size_meters self.map_scale_meters_per_pixel = float(size_meters) / float( size_pixels) self.mapbytes = bytearray(self.map_size_pixels * self.map_size_pixels) self.robot = None self.control = False self.lidarShow = True self.routine = False #slam算法初始化 self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_meters, map_quality=_DEFAULT_MAP_QUALITY, hole_width_mm=_DEFAULT_HOLE_WIDTH_MM, random_seed=999, sigma_xy_mm=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_XY_MM, sigma_theta_degrees=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_THETA_DEGREES, max_search_iter=_DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_ITER) self.map_view = OpenMap(self.map_size_pixels, self.map_size_meters) self.pose = [0, 0, 0] def set_auto_control(self): self.control = True def reset_auto_control(self): self.control = False self.map_view.path = [] self.map_view.point_list = [] def data_test(self, dataset='expX'): timestamps, lidars, odometries = load_data_EAI('.', dataset) for scanno in range(len(lidars)): self.slam_run(lidars[scanno]) self.slam_view() def NoLidarInit(self, dataset='expX'): self.timestamps, self.lidars, self.odometries = load_data_EAI( '.', dataset) self.SLAM_continue = False def NoLidarGetScans(self): scans_m = [] if len(self.lidars) > 1: scans = self.lidars.pop(0) for scan in scans: scans_m.append(float(scan) / 1000.0) return scans, scans_m else: scans = self.lidars[0] for scan in scans: scans_m.append(float(scan) / 1000.0) return scans, scans_m def routine_switch(self): self.map_view.path = self.map_view.routinePath.copy() self.map_view.routinePath.reverse() self.map_view.END_flag = False def slam_control(self): if self.control == True: return self.map_view.track_control() else: return def slam_run(self, scans): self.slam.update(scans) #地图更新 self.pose[0], self.pose[1], self.pose[2] = self.slam.getpos() #位置预测 self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) #地图读取 self.map_view.setPose(self.pose[0] / 1000., self.pose[1] / 1000., self.pose[2]) def slam_view(self): self.map_view.display(self.pose[0] / 1000., self.pose[1] / 1000., self.pose[2], self.mapbytes, test=False) def slam_mjpg(self): s = self.map_scale_meters_per_pixel self.map_view.display_mjpg(self.pose[0] / 1000., self.pose[1] / 1000., self.pose[2], self.mapbytes, test=False) pos = [ self.map_size_pixels - int((self.pose[0] / 1000.) / s), int((self.pose[1] / 1000.) / s), self.pose[2] ] return self.map_view.get_jpg(), pos def setPoint(self, x, y): return self.map_view.setPoint(self.map_size_pixels - x, y) def _m2pix(self, x_m, y_m): s = self.map_scale_meters_per_pixel #p = self.map_size_pixels return int(x_m / s), int(y_m / s) def draw_history(self): self.map_view.get_history_pose() def del_history(self): self.map_view.del_history_pose()
def main(): # Bozo filter for input args if len(argv) < 3: print('Usage: %s <dataset> <use_odometry> <random_seed>' % argv[0]) print('Example: %s exp2 1 9999' % argv[0]) exit(1) # Grab input args dataset = argv[1] use_odometry = True if int(argv[2]) else False seed = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) > 3 else 0 # Load the data from the file lidars, odometries = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = Rover() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(URG04(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): if use_odometry: # Convert odometry to velocities velocities = robot.computeVelocities(odometries[scanno]) # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocities) else: # Update SLAM with lidar alone slam.update(lidars[scanno]) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans/elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0; # Save map and trajectory as PGM file pgm_save('%s.pgm' % dataset, mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS))
class JetsonEV(object): xbox_mode = 'xbox' xbox_direct_mode = 'xbox_direct' xbox_forwarding_mode = 'xbox_forwarding' __running_car__ = None VESC_CONTROL = 'VESC_CONTROL' ARDUINO_CONTROL = 'ARDUINO_CONTROL' # Default TCP ports for out-going data SPEED_PORT = 4020 """Constant: TCP port being used to send speed measurement""" IMU_PORT = 5025 """Constant: TCP port being used to send IMU measurements""" LIDAR_PORT = 5026 """Constant: TCP port being used to send lidar measurements""" CAMERA_PORT = 5027 """Constant: TCP port being used to send camera frames""" SLAM_PORT = 5028 """Constant: TCP port being used to send SLAM data (x, y, theta, map)""" ARDUINO_CONFIG = { 'steering_pin': 9, 'motor_pwm_pin': 10, 'motor_pin_a': 19, 'motor_pin_b': 18, 'motor_pin_c': 2 } """Constant: Dictionary of pin configuration to use for arduino control. Default values are good to use for a MEGA. These values may be changed before constructing JetsonEV. * * * """ def __init__(self, mode='xbox', initialize_imu=True, imu_bus=0, initialize_camera=False, initialize_lidar=False, slam_map_meters=15, slam_map_pixels=1000, max_speed_limit=5, max_duty_cycle=0.2, rc_control='VESC_CONTROL', rc_communication='/dev/ttyTHS1'): """ :param mode: Control mode for the vehicle. Possible values are: >- JetsonEV.xbox_mode >- JetsonEV.xbox_direct_mode >- JetsonEV.xbox_forwarding_mode >See [here](./modes.html) for more details on each mode. :param initialize_imu: Whether or not to initialize imu :param imu_bus: I2C bus number to communicate with the IMU :param initialize_camera: Whether or not to initialize camera :param initialize_lidar: Whether or not to initialize rplidar :param slam_map_meters: The distance in meters to use for the SLAM map size. A square map is made using this distance for each side. :param slam_map_pixels: The SLAM square map size in pixels. This controls the resolution of the map. :param max_speed_limit: Max speed in m/s when using speed controller. :param max_duty_cycle: Max duty cycle to send when using direct duty cycle control. :param rc_control: Type of hardware control for rc components (motor and steering servo). Can be either JetsonEV.VESC_CONTROL or JetsonEV.ARDUINO_CONTROL. :param rc_communication: Port or bus to use for rc_control. If using VESC, this should point to the UART port. If using USB for UART control, set rc_communication = 'USB' (linux only). If rc_control=JetsonEV.ARDUINO, this should be an integer for the I2C bus number. * * * """ JetsonEV.__running_car__ = self self.rc_control = rc_control self._timed_tasks = [] """private list to hold all existing TimedTask objects""" self._output_sockets = [] """private list to hold all existing output TCP sockets objects""" self.max_speed_limit = max_speed_limit self.duty_cycle_limit = max_duty_cycle self._speed = [0] self._speed_lock = threading.Lock() '''************** Initiate Steering and Motor ****************''' try: self._initialize_rc_control(rc_communication) except OSError as e: print(e) '''*********************************************************''' '''****************** Initiate Camera **********************''' = None if initialize_camera: print('initiating Camera... ', end='') try: camera = Camera(flip=2) self._latest_frame = [0] self._latest_frame_lock = threading.Lock() self.camera_socket = SendSocket(tcp_port=JetsonEV.CAMERA_PORT, tcp_ip=ip_address) self._output_sockets.append(self.camera_socket) def update_frame(frame): self.latest_frame = frame self.camera_socket.send_data(frame) # wrap the object in a TimedTask set to update at fixed rate = self.add_timed_task(, object_to_wrap=camera, forwarding_function=update_frame, sampling_rate=120) except Exception as e: print(e) print('success') '''*********************************************************''' '''******************* Initiate IMU ************************''' self.imu: TimedTask if initialize_imu: try: imu = MPU6050(bus=imu_bus, device_addr=0x68) # create the imu device print('Successfully connected to IMU') self._imu_values = [0] self._imu_values_lock = threading.Lock() # wrap the object in a TimedTask set to update at fixed rate self.imu = self.add_timed_task( calling_function=self._get_imu_values, object_to_wrap=imu, sampling_rate=50) self.imu_socket = SendSocket(tcp_port=JetsonEV.IMU_PORT, tcp_ip=ip_address) self._output_sockets.append(self.imu_socket) imu_config_dict = get_calibration() self._imu_rotation = np.array( imu_config_dict['rotation_matrix']) self._gravity_offset = imu_config_dict['gravity'] self._gyro_offset = np.array(imu_config_dict['gyro_offsets']) except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERROR: Could not connect to IMU') self.imu = None if hasattr(self, 'imu_socket'): self._output_sockets.remove(self.imu_socket) '''*********************************************************''' '''****************** Initiate Lidar ***********************''' self.lidar = None self._theta_lock = threading.Lock() self._theta = 0 self._x_lock = threading.Lock() self._x = 0 self._y_lock = threading.Lock() self._y = 0 self._map_lock = threading.Lock() self._map = bytearray(slam_map_pixels * slam_map_pixels) self._breezyslam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), map_size_meters=slam_map_meters, map_size_pixels=slam_map_pixels, hole_width_mm=500) if initialize_lidar: started = threading.Event( ) # threading event to watch if lidar started # This is done to prevent the script from locking up if the lidar needs to be restarted def check_lidar(): start_time = time.time() while not started.isSet(): time.sleep(0.2) if time.time() - start_time > 10: os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) raise Exception('Unable to start Lidar.') initialize_thread = threading.Thread(target=check_lidar) initialize_thread.start() try: print('connecting to lidar...', end='') lidar = RPLidar(scan_mode=0) started.set() try: initialize_thread.join() except Exception as e: raise e except Exception as e: print(e) print('ERROR: Unable to connect to lidar sensor.') os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM) self._latest_lidar_scan = lidar.get_scan_as_xy(filter_quality=True) self._latest_lidar_scan_lock = threading.Lock() print('success') self.lidar_socket = SendSocket(tcp_port=JetsonEV.LIDAR_PORT, tcp_ip=ip_address) self._output_sockets.append(self.lidar_socket) self.slam_socket = SendSocket(tcp_port=JetsonEV.SLAM_PORT, tcp_ip=ip_address) self._output_sockets.append(self.slam_socket) self._update_map = [True] self._save_criteria_dist = 100 # must move ** mm before updating map self._save_criteria_angle = 20 # must rotate more than ** deg before updating map def update_scan(scan): scan = np.array(scan) self.latest_lidar_scan = scan self._breezyslam.update(scan[:, 1].tolist(), scan_angles_degrees=scan[:, 0].tolist(), should_update_map=self._update_map[0]) x, y, theta = self._breezyslam.getpos() dist = np.sqrt((x - self.x)**2 + (y - self.y)**2) del_theta = abs(theta - self.theta) if dist > self._save_criteria_dist or del_theta > self._save_criteria_angle: self._update_map[0] = True else: self._update_map[0] = False self.x = x self.y = y self.theta = theta with self._map_lock: self._breezyslam.getmap(self._map) self.lidar_socket.send_data(scan) self.slam_socket.send_data({ 'x': self.x, 'y': self.y, 'theta': self.theta, 'map': np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8), 'meters': slam_map_meters, 'pixels': slam_map_pixels }) self.lidar = self.add_timed_task( calling_function=lidar.get_scan_as_vectors, calling_func_args=[True], object_to_wrap=lidar, forwarding_function=update_scan, sampling_rate=5) print("initializing SLAM map") for _ in range(10): scan = np.array(lidar.get_scan_as_vectors(True)) self._breezyslam.update(scan[:, 1].tolist(), scan_angles_degrees=scan[:, 0].tolist(), should_update_map=True) time.sleep(0.05) '''*********************************************************''' '''************ Initiate XBOX Controller *******************''' self.xbox_controller: Xbox360Controller self._initialize_xbox_controller(mode) '''*********************************************************''' '''***************** Setup speed control *******************''' self._desired_speed = [0] self.last_error = 0 self._current_duty = 0 self._integrated_speed_error = 0 self._desired_speed_lock = threading.Lock() self._speed_control_task = TimedTask( calling_function=self._speed_control, sampling_rate=20) if mode in [JetsonEV.xbox_mode]: # define an in between function to convert percentage from xbox controller to speed using max speed limit. def percent_to_speed(percent): self.set_motor_speed(percent * self.max_speed_limit) self._xbox_speed_func = percent_to_speed self.duty_cycle_limit = 1 self.start_speed_control() elif mode in [JetsonEV.xbox_direct_mode]: self._xbox_speed_func = self.set_motor_percent '''*********************************************************''' print('Starting Vehicle...', end='') self.start_sockets() self.start_all_tasks() print('running.') def start_speed_control(self): """Starts the internal speed controller. Speed is controlled with set_motor_speed(). This may be called automatically depending on mode. * * * """ self._speed_control_task.start() def stop_speed_control(self): """Stops the internal speed controller. * * * """ self._speed_control_task.stop() def _speed_control(self): # NOT PROPER (OR AT LEAST GOOD) IMPLEMENTATION OF PID CONTROL if abs(self.speed) < 0.4 and abs(self.desired_speed) < 0.5: self.set_motor_percent(0) self._current_duty = 0 return error = self.desired_speed - self.speed error_rate = error - self.last_error self.last_error = error self._integrated_speed_error += error self._current_duty = self._current_duty + \ error * gains[self.gain_id]['p'] + \ error_rate * gains[self.gain_id]['d'] + \ self._integrated_speed_error * gains[self.gain_id]['i'] # print("speed: {:.3f}, desired: {:.3f}, duty:{:.3f}".format(self.speed, self.desired_speed, self._current_duty)) self.set_motor_percent(self._current_duty) @property def x(self): with self._x_lock: return self._x @x.setter def x(self, new_x): with self._x_lock: self._x = new_x @property def y(self): with self._y_lock: return self._y @y.setter def y(self, new_y): with self._y_lock: self._y = new_y @property def theta(self): with self._theta_lock: return self._theta @theta.setter def theta(self, new_theta): with self._theta_lock: self._theta = new_theta @property def map(self): with self._map_lock: return self._map.copy() @property def desired_speed(self): """ The currently stored desired speed (m/s) * * * """ with self._desired_speed_lock: return self._desired_speed[0] @desired_speed.setter def desired_speed(self, new_speed): with self._desired_speed_lock: self._desired_speed[0] = new_speed @property def speed(self): """ Holds the current vehicle speed measurement. * * *""" with self._speed_lock: return self._speed[0] @speed.setter def speed(self, new_speed): with self._speed_lock: self._speed[0] = new_speed @property def latest_lidar_scan(self): """ Holds the latest complete lidar scan. * * *""" with self._latest_lidar_scan_lock: return self._latest_lidar_scan @latest_lidar_scan.setter def latest_lidar_scan(self, scan): with self._latest_lidar_scan_lock: self._latest_lidar_scan = scan @property def latest_frame(self): """ Holds the latest camera image. * * *""" with self._latest_frame_lock: return self._latest_frame[0] @latest_frame.setter def latest_frame(self, frame): with self._latest_frame_lock: self._latest_frame[0] = frame @property def imu_values(self): """ Holds the latest imu values. * * *""" with self._imu_values_lock: return self._imu_values[0] @imu_values.setter def imu_values(self, values): with self._imu_values_lock: self._imu_values[0] = values def _initialize_rc_control(self, communication): """This function creates the properties to control the motor and steering. :param communication: either 'VESC_CONTROL' for using the VESC or 'ARDUINO_CONTROL' for using an ArduinoI2CBus * * * """ if self.rc_control == self.VESC_CONTROL: self.gain_id = JetsonEV.VESC_CONTROL if communication == 'USB': try: for dev in os.listdir('/dev/serial/by-id'): if dev.find('ChibiOS') >= 0: communication = '/dev/serial/by-id/' + dev except FileNotFoundError: raise Exception( 'Unable to find VESC device. Check port and power.') try: self.vesc = VESC(serial_port=communication) except Exception as e: raise e self._set_servo_percent = self.vesc.set_servo def vesc_motor_duty(percentage): # percentage should be between -1 and 1 self.vesc.set_duty_cycle(percentage) self._set_motor_duty = vesc_motor_duty self._speed_socket = SendSocket(tcp_port=JetsonEV.SPEED_PORT, tcp_ip=ip_address) self._output_sockets.append(self._speed_socket) new_conversion = speed_conversion * poles_on_motor # poles in motor def set_motor_speed(new_speed): self.speed = new_speed * new_conversion self._speed_socket.send_data(self.speed) self.motor_speed_task = self.add_timed_task( calling_function=self.vesc.get_rpm, sampling_rate=20, forwarding_function=set_motor_speed, verbose=False) else: # Use arduino self.gain_id = JetsonEV.ARDUINO_CONTROL self.arduino_devices = ArduinoI2CBus(communication) self.StWhl = self.arduino_devices.create_servo_dev( pin=JetsonEV.ARDUINO_CONFIG['steering_pin']) self.StWhl.attach() self._set_servo_percent = self.StWhl.write_percentage self.Motor = self.arduino_devices.create_servo_dev( pin=JetsonEV.ARDUINO_CONFIG['motor_pwm_pin']) self.Motor.attach() self._last_duty = [0] self._was_reversing = [False] # define function to handle a percentage from -1 to 1 and convert to regular ESC percentage def arduino_motor_duty(percentage): if percentage < 0 and self._last_duty[ 0] >= 0 and not self._was_reversing[0]: self.Motor.write_percentage(.1) time.sleep(0.15) self.Motor.write_percentage(.5) self._current_duty = 0 time.sleep(0.1) self._was_reversing[0] = True self._last_duty[0] = percentage if percentage >= 0: if percentage > 0: self._was_reversing[0] = False percentage = 0.5 * percentage + 0.5 # convert to percent of pwm above 50 % else: percentage = 0.5 - 0.5 * abs(percentage) self.Motor.write_percentage(percentage) self._set_motor_duty = arduino_motor_duty encoder = self.arduino_devices.create_BLDC_encoder_dev( pin_A=JetsonEV.ARDUINO_CONFIG['motor_pin_a'], pin_B=JetsonEV.ARDUINO_CONFIG['motor_pin_b'], pin_C=JetsonEV.ARDUINO_CONFIG['motor_pin_c']) self._speed_socket = SendSocket(tcp_port=JetsonEV.SPEED_PORT, tcp_ip=ip_address) self._output_sockets.append(self._speed_socket) def set_motor_speed(new_speed): self.speed = new_speed * speed_conversion self._speed_socket.send_data(self.speed) self.motor_encoder = self.add_timed_task( calling_function=encoder.get_speed, object_to_wrap=encoder, sampling_rate=20, forwarding_function=set_motor_speed, verbose=True) def shutdown(self): """Shuts down the car. It is necessary to call this before this object goes out of scope in order to shut down the hardware properly. * * * """ self.stop_speed_control() self.set_motor_percent(0) try: print('shutting down controller') self.xbox_controller.close() except AttributeError as e: print(e) if hasattr(self, 'vesc'): self.vesc.set_duty_cycle(0) self.vesc.stop_heartbeat() if hasattr(self, 'arduino_devices'): print('shutting down arduino') self.arduino_devices.clear_all_devices() print('closing ports') [x.stop() for x in self._output_sockets] print('stopping any tasks') [x.stop() for x in self._timed_tasks] if self.lidar is not None: self.lidar.wrapped_object.stopmotor() print('shutting down camera') self.close_camera() def start_sockets(self): """ Starts all the TCP sockets in _output_sockets. This is called automatically in the constructor. * * *""" [x.thread.start() for x in self._output_sockets] def _connect_controller(self): try: self.xbox_controller = Xbox360Controller(index=1, axis_threshold=0.05) except Exception as e: # this library emits a stupid general exception that makes it difficult to retry try: self.xbox_controller = Xbox360Controller(index=2, axis_threshold=0.05) except Exception as e: self.xbox_controller = Xbox360Controller(index=0, axis_threshold=0.05) def _initialize_xbox_controller(self, mode): if mode in [self.xbox_mode, self.xbox_direct_mode]: self._connect_controller() self.xbox_controller.axis_l.when_moved = self._xbox_adjust_steering self.xbox_controller.trigger_r.when_moved = self._xbox_control_speed self.xbox_controller.trigger_l.when_moved = self._xbox_control_speed print('sucessfully connected to controller') elif mode == self.xbox_forwarding_mode: self._connect_controller() print('sucessfully connected to controller.') print( 'Don\'t forget to set forwarding functions using: set_trigger_l_func, set_trigger_r_func,' ' set_l_joystick_func') def set_trigger_l_func(self, function): """ Use this function when in xbox_forwarding_mode to assign a function to handle a signal from the left trigger. :param function: function that takes one argument that will be an Axis object from the xbox360controller * * * """ self.xbox_controller.trigger_l.when_moved = function def set_trigger_r_func(self, function): """ Use this function when in xbox_forwarding_mode to assign a function to handle a signal from the right trigger. :param function: function that takes one argument that will be an Axis object from the xbox360controller * * * """ self.xbox_controller.trigger_r.when_moved = function def set_l_joystick_func(self, function): """ Use this function when in xbox_forwarding_mode to assign a function to handle a signal from the left joystick. :param function: function that takes one argument that will be an Axis object from the xbox360controller * * * """ self.xbox_controller.axis_l.when_moved = function def set_r_joystick_func(self, function): """ Use this function when in xbox_forwarding_mode to assign a function to handle a signal from the right joystick. :param function: function that takes one argument that will be an Axis object from the xbox360controller * * * """ self.xbox_controller.axis_r.when_moved = function def _xbox_adjust_steering(self, axis): self.set_steering_percent(axis.x) def _xbox_control_speed(self, axis): trigger_value = axis.value if == "trigger_r": speed_percent = trigger_value else: speed_percent = -trigger_value self._xbox_speed_func(speed_percent) def set_motor_speed(self, new_speed): """ The value set here will be assigned to self.desired_speed. This is only effective in xbox_mode or if the internal speed controller is turned on with start_speed_control. :param new_speed: new speed in m/s * * * """ # if self.rc_control == JetsonEV.VESC_CONTROL: # self.vesc.set_rpm(int(new_speed/(speed_conversion*poles_on_motor))) # else: self.desired_speed = new_speed def set_motor_percent(self, percentage): """ This function will directly send a pwm signal to the motor controller. Do not use this while the internal speed control is running (i.e. DO NOT use while in xbox_mode or if start_speed_control() has been called). :param percentage: motor duty cycle to use between -1 (reverse) and 1 (forward) * * * """ if percentage > 1: percentage = 1 elif percentage < -1: percentage = -1 # print(percentage*self.duty_cycle_limit) self._set_motor_duty(percentage * self.duty_cycle_limit) def set_steering_percent(self, percentage): """ :param percentage: steering servo percentage between -1 and 1 * * * """ if percentage > 1: percentage = 1 elif percentage < -1: percentage = -1 steering_percent = -(percentage - 1) / 2 self._set_servo_percent(steering_percent) def close_camera(self): if is not None: def _get_imu_values(self): self.imu_values = ( self._imu_rotation @ self.imu.wrapped_object.accel. xyz, # + [0, 0, self._gravity_offset], self._imu_rotation @ ( - self._gyro_offset)) # , self._imu_rotation @ self.imu_socket.send_data({ 'accel': self.imu_values[0], 'gyro': self.imu_values[1] }) return self.imu_values def get_x(self): """ :returns Latest x position measurement in millimeters calculated from SLAM. * * * """ return self.x def get_y(self): """ :returns Latest y position measurement in millimeters calculated from SLAM. * * * """ return self.y def get_yaw(self): """ :returns Latest yaw angle measurement in degrees calculated from SLAM. * * * """ return self.theta def get_imu_values(self): """ :returns Latest measurement from the IMU. * * * """ return self.imu_values def get_lidar_values(self): """ :returns: Latest measurement from the Lidar sensor. * * *""" return self.latest_lidar_scan def get_camera_frame(self): """ :returns: Latest camera frame. * * * """ return self.latest_frame def get_speed(self): """ :returns: Latest speed measurement (m/s) * * *""" def add_timed_task(self, calling_function, object_to_wrap=None, sampling_rate=10, calling_func_args=[], forwarding_function=None, verbose=False): """ This is a helper function to create a TimedTask object. The only difference between using this and making a TimedTask directly, is that the resulting new task is also added to JetsonEV._timed_tasks which are all automatically stopped when shutdown() is called. :param calling_function: The function that will be called at the set interval. :type calling_function: function :param object_to_wrap: An instance of an object that is associated with the repetitive task. References to this object can be obtained from two member attributes of TimedTask under the name "wrapped_object" and the name of the type of the object that is passed (i.e. if an object of type "Sensor" is passed, then the reference would be "myTimedTask.Sensor"). This can be set as None if you do not want this feature or are not using an object. :type object_to_wrap: object :param sampling_rate: The frequency in Hz of task loop. :type sampling_rate: float :param calling_func_args: A list of any arguments that need to be passed to the calling_function when it is called. :type calling_func_args: list :param forwarding_function: An additional optional function that can be specified to be called every loop. :type forwarding_function: function :param verbose: Whether or not to print errors from the task (i.e. task is not keeping up to desired run speed). :returns The created TimedTask object. * * * """ new_task = TimedTask(calling_function, object_to_wrap, sampling_rate, calling_func_args, forwarding_function, verbose=verbose) self._timed_tasks.append(new_task) return new_task def start_all_tasks(self): """Starts all the created TimedTasks that are being tracked by JetsonEV. This is called in the constructor. * * * """ [x.start() for x in self._timed_tasks]
def start_simulation(self): self.set_motor_speed(0.8, 0) (errorCode, detectionState, detectedPoint, detectedObjectHandle, detectedSurfaceNormalVector) = vrep.simxReadProximitySensor( self.client_id, self.proximity_handle, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) e, data = vrep.simxGetStringSignal(self.client_id, "lidarMeasuredData", vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) self.check_error_code(e, "simxGetStringSignal lidar error") # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) res, v0 = vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(self.client_id, 'Vision_sensor', vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot_wait) res, resolution, image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( self.client_id, v0, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_streaming) while vrep.simxGetConnectionId(self.client_id) != -1: is_detected, distance, vector = self.get_proximity_data() if is_detected: print("distance: {} {}".format(distance, vector)) e, lidar_data, dist_data = self.get_lidar_data() point_data_len = len(lidar_data) dist_data_len = len(dist_data) dist_data = dist_data[::-1] print("points len: {}; dist len: {}".format( point_data_len, dist_data_len)) self.draw_lidar_data(dist_data[0:-2]) # Update SLAM , with current Lidar scan slam.update(dist_data[0:-2]) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() print("x: {}; y: {}; theta: {}".format(x, y, theta)) # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Display map and robot pose, exiting gracefully if user closes it if not viz.display(x / 1000., y / 1000., theta, mapbytes): exit(0) err, resolution, image = vrep.simxGetVisionSensorImage( self.client_id, v0, 0, vrep.simx_opmode_buffer) if err == vrep.simx_return_ok: img = np.array(image, dtype=np.uint8) img.resize([resolution[1], resolution[0], 3]) fimg = cv2.flip(img, 0) cv2.imshow('vision sensor', fimg) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break elif err == vrep.simx_return_novalue_flag: print("no image yet") pass else: print(err) simulationTime = vrep.simxGetLastCmdTime(self.client_id) time.sleep(0.1) vrep.simxFinish(self.client_id)
def main(): # Grab input args dataset = "testLidar" use_odometry = True seed = 0 # Load the data from the file, ignoring timestamps lidars, velocities = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = RoboPorter() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(roboPorterLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) # \ #if seed \ #else Deterministic_SLAM(roboPorterLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): print(len(lidars[scanno])) # Convert odometry to velocities velocitity = velocities[ scanno] #dxyMillimeters, dthetaDegrees, dtSeconds # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocitity) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans / elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0 # Save map and trajectory as PGM file pgm_save('%s.pgm' % dataset, mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS))
class narlam: def __init__(self): self.flag = 0 self.lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) self.viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM MAP') # no visualizer needed self.trajectory = [] self.mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) self.iterator = self.lidar.iter_scans() self.previous_distances = None self.previous_angles = None self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 def slam_no_map(self, path_map_name): # doing slam with building maps from zero simultaneously next(self.iterator) while True: if self.flag == 1: break items = [item for item in next(self.iterator)] distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: self.slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles) self.previous_distances = distances.copy() self.previous_angles = angles.copy() elif self.previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(self.previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=self.previous_angles) self.x, local_y, local_theta = self.slam.getpos() local_theta = local_theta % 360 if local_theta < 0: self.theta = 360 + local.theta else: self.theta = local_theta self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) # save map generated by slam image = Image.frombuffer('L', (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS), self.mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1) self.lidar.stop() self.lidar.disconnect() def slam_yes_map(self, path_map_name): # doing localization only, with pre-built map image file. with open(path_map_name, "rb") as map_img: f = b = bytearray(f) self.slam.setmap(b) next(self.iterator) while True: if self.flag == 1: break items = [item for item in next(self.iterator)] distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: self.slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles, should_update_map=False) self.previous_distances = distances.copy() self.previous_angles = angles.copy() elif self.previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(self.previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=self.previous_angles, should_update_map=False) self.x, self.y, self.theta = self.slam.getpos() self.lidar.stop() self.lidar.disconnect()
def main(): # Bozo filter for input args if len(argv) < 3: print('Usage: %s <dataset> <use_odometry> [random_seed]' % argv[0]) print('Example: %s exp2 1 9999' % argv[0]) exit(1) # Grab input args dataset = argv[1] use_odometry = True if int(argv[2]) else False seed = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) > 3 else 0 # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = Rover() if use_odometry else None lidarobj = Laser(360, 12, 360, 8000) # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(lidarobj, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) suffix = 1 while (True): if (use_odometry): mutex.acquire() mainLCMQ = lcmQ mainODOQ = odoQ # Clear Queues once copied from thread into main for next batch of data lcmQ.queue.clear() odoQ.queue.clear() mutex.release() velocities = robot.computePoseChange(mainODOQ.get()) slam.update(mainLCMQ.get(), velocities) x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) trajectory.append((y_pix, x_pix)) slam.getmap(mapbytes) trajLen = len(trajectory) for i in range(trajLen): if (i == (trajLen - 1)): mapbytes[trajectory[i][0] * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + trajectory[i][1]] = 0 else: mapbytes[trajectory[i][0] * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + trajectory[i][1]] = 120 filename = dataset + str(suffix) pgm_save('%s.pgm' % filename, mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS)) suffix += 1 if (keyPressed == 's'): #Wrap up last map using leftover data pgm_save('%s.pgm' % filename, mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS)) ''' This will take all the maps generated and place them into pgmbagfolder For this to work, make sure your destination directory has a folder called pgmbagfolder Change the directory: /home/Shaurya98/rplidar_workspace/src/mapping/BreezySLAM/examples and /home/Shaurya98/rplidar_workspace/src/mapping/BreezySLAM/examples/pgmbagfolder With your own destination directory. It it recommended to put pgmbagfolder under the examples directory ''' os.chdir( "/home/pi/rplidar_workspace/src/mapping/BreezySLAM/examples/pgmbagfolder" ) for pgm_file in glob.iglob('*.pgm'): os.remove(pgm_file) print("\nEmptied pgmbagfolder") os.chdir( "/home/pi/rplidar_workspace/src/mapping/BreezySLAM/examples" ) for pgm_file in glob.iglob('*.pgm'): shutil.copy2( pgm_file, "/home/pi/rplidar_workspace/src/mapping/BreezySLAM/examples/pgmbagfolder" ) os.remove(pgm_file) print("\nFiles recorded and sent to pgmbagfolder") #Terminate threads before exiting main() thread1.join() thread2.join() thread3.join() break
class narlam: def __init__(self): self.flag = 0 self.pause = 0 self.lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) #self.viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') self.trajectory = [] self.mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) self.iterator = self.lidar.iter_scans() self.previous_distances = None self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.theta = 0.0 def slam_no_map(self, path_map, map_name_pgm, map_name_png): self.flag = 0 self.pause = 0 path_map_name = path_map + '/' + map_name_pgm # map for reusing next(self.iterator) while True: if self.flag == 1: break if self.pause == 1: continue items = [item for item in next(self.iterator)] distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: f = interp1d(angles, distances, fill_value='extrapolate') distances = list(f(np.arange(360))) self.slam.update(distances) self.previous_distances = distances.copy() elif self.previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(self.previous_distances) self.x, self.y, local_theta = self.slam.getpos() local_theta = local_theta % 360 if local_theta < 0: self.theta = 360 + local.theta else: self.theta = local_theta self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) # On SLAM thread termination, save map image in the map directory # PNG format(To see/pathplannig) image = Image.frombuffer('L', (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS), self.mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1) + '/' + map_name_png) # PGM format(To reuse map) pgm_save(path_map_name, self.mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS)) self.lidar.stop() self.lidar.disconnect() def slam_yes_map(self, path_map, map_name): self.flag = 0 self.pause = 0 path_map_name = path_map + '/' + map_name map_bytearray, map_size = pgm_load(path_map_name) self.slam.setmap(map_bytearray) next(self.iterator) while True: if self.flag == 1: break if self.pause == 1: pass items = [item for item in next(self.iterator)] distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: f = interp1d(angles, distances, fill_value='extrapolate') distances = list(f(np.arange(360))) self.slam.update(distances, should_update_map=False) self.previous_distances = distances.copy() elif self.previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(self.previous_distances, should_update_map=False) self.x, local_y, local_theta = self.slam.getpos() self.y = MAP_SIZE_METERS * 1000 - local_y local_theta = local_theta % 360 if local_theta < 0: local_theta = 360 + local.theta else: local_theta = local_theta #6/11 -> we found that the vehicle's angle was reversed on the map self.theta = (local_theta + 180) % 360 self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) self.lidar.stop() self.lidar.disconnect()
class Main(): def __init__(self): self.b = True self.MIN_SAMPLES = 20 while self.b == True: try: self.init_lidar() self.b = False except Exception as e: print(e) self.init_slam() def init_lidar(self): self.lidar = Lidar('/dev/ttyUSB0') self.iterator = self.lidar.iter_scans(1000) time.sleep(0.5) # First scan is crap, so ignore it next(self.iterator) def init_slam(self): self.MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = cfg.MAP_SIZE_PIXELS self.MAP_SIZE_METERS = cfg.MAP_SIZE_METERS self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), self.MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, self.MAP_SIZE_METERS) self.mapbytes = bytearray(self.MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * self.MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) def img_processing(self, mapimg): t_map = ip.thresholding(mapimg) d_map = ip.dilation(t_map) e_map = ip.erosion(d_map) blur = ip.blur(e_map, cfg.MAP_BLUR, t=0) return blur #cv2.imwrite("map2.jpg", blur) def main_loop(self): var = 0 time_total = 0 total_matches = 0 max_matches = 0 while var < 50: # Extract (quality, angle, distance) triples from current scan items = [item for item in next(self.iterator)] # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > self.MIN_SAMPLES: self.slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles) self.previous_distances = distances.copy() self.previous_angles = angles.copy() # If not adequate, use previous elif self.previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(self.previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=self.previous_angles) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() # Get current map bytes as grayscale self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) mapimg = np.reshape(np.frombuffer(self.mapbytes, dtype=np.uint8), (self.MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, self.MAP_SIZE_PIXELS)) t1 = time.time() blur = self.img_processing(mapimg) a, b, matches = ip.find_spot(blur) t2 = time.time() - t1 if matches > max_matches: max_matches = matches time_total += t2 total_matches += matches var += 1 avg_time = time_total / var avg_matches = total_matches / var print("avg_matches: " + str(avg_matches)) print("max_matches: " + str(max_matches)) print("avg_time: " + str(avg_time))
class LidarProcessingNode(Node): def __init__(self, visualize): super().__init__('cont') self.visualize = visualize self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) if self.visualize: self.viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') self.subscriber = self.create_subscription(LaserScan, '/scan', self.lidarCallback, 10) self.mapPublisher = self.create_publisher(OccupancyGrid, '/map', 1) self.locPublisher = self.create_publisher(Pose, '/pose', 1) print("Setup Finished") self.previous_distances = None self.previous_angles = None self.mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) self.i = True def lidarCallback(self, data): # print("Received Lidar Message") self.angle_min = data.angle_min self.angle_max = data.angle_max self.angle_increment = data.angle_increment self.time_increment = data.time_increment self.scan_time = data.scan_time self.range_max = data.range_max self.range_min = data.range_min self.intensities = data.intensities self.distances = list(data.ranges) self.angle_max = self.angle_max - self.angle_min self.angle_min = 0.0 #Filtering out points that are outside the max range or Nan. self.angles = [ i * 180.0 / np.pi for i in np.arange( self.angle_min, self.angle_max, self.angle_increment) ] + [self.angle_max * 180.0 / np.pi] self._distances = [i * 1000.0 for i in self.distances] self._distances, self.angles = (list(t) for t in zip( *[x for x in zip(self._distances, self.angles) if x[0] <= 5000])) # print(max(filteredDistances)) # print(len(filteredDistances)) # print(len(filteredAngles)) # if len(self.angles) != len(self.distances): # self.angles = self.angles[:len(self.distances)] # print(len(self.distances) # print(self.angles) if len(self._distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: self.slam.update(self._distances, scan_angles_degrees=self.angles) self.previous_distances = self._distances.copy() self.previous_angles = self.angles.copy() # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(self.previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=self.previous_angles) # self.slam.update(laserScanData) x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) if self.visualize: if not self.viz.display(x / 1000., y / 1000., theta, self.mapbytes): exit(0) #Publishing Position data pose = Pose() pose.position.x = x pose.position.y = y pose.orientation.z = theta self.locPublisher.publish(pose) #Publishing Map data map = OccupancyGrid() map.header.stamp.sec = 0 map.header.stamp.nanosec = 0 map.header.frame_id = "1" = 0 = 0 = MAP_SIZE_PIXELS / MAP_SIZE_METERS = MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = MAP_SIZE_PIXELS = 5000.0 = 5000.0 mapimg = np.reshape(np.frombuffer(self.mapbytes, dtype=np.uint8), (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS)) norm_const = 100 / mapimg.max() norm_map = (np.absolute(mapimg.astype(float) * norm_const - 100.0)).astype(int) # plt.matshow(norm_map) # = norm_map.flatten().tolist() self.mapPublisher.publish(map)
def run_slam(LIDAR_DEVICE, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, mapbytes, posbytes, odometry, command, state, STATES): MIN_SAMPLES = 200 # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = start_lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, map_quality=_DEFAULT_MAP_QUALITY, hole_width_mm=_DEFAULT_HOLE_WIDTH_MM, random_seed=None, sigma_xy_mm=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_XY_MM, sigma_theta_degrees=_DEFAULT_SIGMA_THETA_DEGREES, max_search_iter=_DEFAULT_MAX_SEARCH_ITER) # Initialize empty map mapbytes_ = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Send command to start scan lidar.start_scan() # We will use these to store previous scan in case current scan is inadequate previous_distances = None previous_angles = None pose_change = (0, 0, 0) pose_change_find = (0, 0, 0) iter_times = 1 while command[0] != b'qa': # read a scan items = lidar.scan() # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] if state[0] == STATES['stop']: if command[0] == b'lm': mapbytes_find = mapbytes pose_change_find = find_slam_pos(lidar, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, mapbytes_find, pose_change_find, iter_times / 2.0, slam) iter_times = iter_times + 1.0 print(pose_change_find) pose_change = pose_change_find pose_change_find = (0, 0, 0) ''' items = lidar.scan() # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] slam.update(distances, pose_change, scan_angles_degrees=angles) ''' if (iter_times > 10): command[0] = b'w' print(slam) slam.setmap(mapbytes_find) pose_change = pose_change_find pose_change_find = (0, 0, 0) print('ennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd') print(pose_change) iter_times = 1 else: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: slam.update(distances, pose_change, scan_angles_degrees=angles) previous_distances = distances.copy() previous_angles = angles.copy() # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: slam.update(previous_distances, pose_change, scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) #pass the value into point_cal function global point_a, point_b global current_theta_o # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() current_theta_o = theta point_a = x - 5000 point_b = y - 5000 # Calculate robot position in the map xbytes = int(x / 1000. / MAP_SIZE_METERS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) ybytes = int(y / 1000. / MAP_SIZE_METERS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Update robot position posbytes[xbytes + ybytes * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS] = 255 #print('LIDAR::', command[0], x,y,theta) pose_change = (odometry[0], odometry[1] / np.pi * 180, odometry[2]) # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes_) # Update map mapbytes[:] = mapbytes_ # Shut down the lidar connection lidar.stop() lidar.disconnect() print('LIDAR::thread ends')
class Robot: def __init__(self, messagequeue): # Connect to Lidar unit # when initializing the robot object, we first open lidar and start # reading data from the lidar self.lidar = lidarReader('/dev/mylidar', 115200) self.mover = MotorController() # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display self.viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize empty map self.mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) self.messages = messagequeue # All the functions should run in the same process so that the variable can be shared self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.navigate, args=()) # the main-thread will exit without checking the sub-thread at the end of the main thread. # At the same time, all sub-threads with the daemon value of True will end with the main thread, regardless of whether the operation is completed. self.thread.daemon = True self.navigating = True self.thread.start() # Construct Map should always run in the main process def constructmap(self): while True: time.sleep(0.0001) # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan, using first element of (scan, quality) pairs self.slam.update(self.lidar.getdata()) #print(self.lidar.getdata()) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() # Get current map bytes as grayscale self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) # Display map and robot pose, exiting gracefully if user closes it if not self.viz.display(x / 1000., y / 1000., theta, self.mapbytes): break def navigate(self): while self.navigating: time.sleep( 0.01) # (yield) allowing reading data from the serailport if ( self.messages.empty() ): # The camera doesn't detect one traffic sign message.empty() #if(True): # The camera doesn't detect one traffic sign message.empty() front_too_close, left_too_close, right_too_close = False, False, False if (self.lidar.angle_180 < 400): front_too_close = True left_angle = np.argmin(self.lidar.left_container) right_angle = np.argmin(self.lidar.right_container) if (self.lidar.left_container[left_angle] < 250): left_too_close = True if (self.lidar.right_container[right_angle] < 250): right_too_close = True if (front_too_close and left_too_close and right_too_close): self.mover.backward() elif (front_too_close): if (self.lidar.angle_270 > self.lidar.angle_90): self.mover.turn_left() else: self.mover.turn_right() elif (left_too_close or right_too_close): if (left_too_close): self.mover.turn_right(left_angle) else: self.mover.turn_left(right_angle) else: self.mover.forward() #print(self.lidar.left_container) #print(front_too_close, left_too_close, right_too_close, self.lidar.angle_180) else: sign = self.messages.get() # get the detection id if (sign == 1): self.mover.stop() elif (sign == 2): self.mover.turn_right() else: self.mover.turn_left()
# Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: # First interpolate to get 360 angles from 0 through 359, and corresponding distances f = interp1d(angles, distances, fill_value='extrapolate') distances = list(f(np.arange(360))) # slam.update wants a list # Then update with interpolated distances slam.update(distances) # Store interplated distances for next time previous_distances = distances.copy() # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: slam.update(previous_distances) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Display map and robot pose, exiting gracefully if user closes it if not viz.display(x/1000., y/1000., theta, mapbytes): exit(0) # Shut down the lidar connection lidar.stop() lidar.disconnect()
class LidarGraph(Thread): def __init__(self, port): Thread.__init__(self) self.scan = None self.running = False self.port = port def setup(self): GPIO.output(23, GPIO.HIGH) sleep(1) self.lidar = RPLidar(self.port) self.lidar.connect() self.lidar.start_motor() self.slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, map_quality=1, max_search_iter=50) self.mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) success = False while success is not True: try: self.iterator = self.lidar.iter_scans() next(self.iterator) #first scan is shit success = True except Exception as e: print('retrying') print(e) sleep(0.5) def restart(self): self.stop() self.go() def go(self): self.setup() self.running = True def stop(self): print('Stopping') self.running = False self.lidar.stop_motor() self.lidar.disconnect() del self.lidar GPIO.output(23, GPIO.LOW) # turn off lidar relay sleep(1) def update(self): self.scan = next(self.iterator) self.offsets = np.array([(np.radians(meas[1]), meas[2]) for meas in self.scan]) self.intens = np.array([meas[0] for meas in self.scan]) # BreezySLAM previous_distances = None previous_angles = None items = [item for item in self.scan] distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] print(str(len(distances)) + ' distances') # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: print('updating slam') self.slam.update(distances, scan_angles_degrees=angles) previous_distances = distances.copy() previous_angles = angles.copy() # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: self.slam.update(previous_distances, scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = self.slam.getpos() print('x ' + str(x) + 'y ' + str(y) + 'theta ' + str(theta)) # Get current map bytes as grayscale self.slam.getmap(self.mapbytes) sleep(0.05) #gather more samples? def data(self): if self.running != True: return {'intens': [], 'offsets': []} return { 'intens': self.intens.tolist(), 'offsets': self.offsets.tolist() } def get_map(self): # slam map return self.mapbytes def run(self): print('run') iterator = None while True: if self.running: try: self.update() print('Updated') except Exception as e: print('Exception during update') print(e)
from Methods import * from LidarClass import * from breezyslam.algorithms import RMHC_SLAM import pandas as pd from numpy import degrees import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Laser = YDlidarx2() slam2 = RMHC_SLAM(Laser, 1000, 40) mapbytes = bytearray(1000 * 1000) class Flora: pass Flora.MSP = 1000 P = [(0, 0, 0), (1000, 0, 1)] for i in range(2): a = str(i) ld = pd.read_csv('/home/pi/Flora/FloraMainCode/scans/LD0' + a + '.csv') tmpd = ld.range * 1000 tmpa = degrees(ld.angle) slam2.update(tmpd.tolist(), scan_angles_degrees=tmpa.tolist()) slam2.getmap(mapbytes) Flora.mapbytes = mapbytes #slam2.position.x_mm = 10000+1000 AA = ByteMapToNP(Flora) plt.imshow(AA)
def slamThread(): global SLAMrot global SLAMvel # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = Lidar(LIDAR_DEVICE) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display viz = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Create an iterator to collect scan data from the RPLidar iterator = lidar.iter_scans() # We will use these to store previous scan in case current scan is inadequate previous_distances = None previous_angles = None # First scan is crap, so ignore it next(iterator) # start time start_time = time.time() prevTime = start_time print("start") while True: # Extract (quality, angle, distance) triples from current scan items = [item for item in next(iterator)] # Extract distances and angles from triples distances = [item[2] for item in items] angles = [item[1] for item in items] # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan and scan angles if adequate if len(distances) > MIN_SAMPLES: slam.update(distances, pose_change = ( (SLAMvel, SLAMrot, time.time() - prevTime)),scan_angles_degrees=angles) prevTime = time.time() previous_distances = copy.copy(distances) previous_angles = copy.copy(angles) print("updated - if") print((SLAMvel, SLAMrot, time.time() - prevTime)) # If not adequate, use previous elif previous_distances is not None: slam.update(previous_distances, pose_change = ( (SLAMvel, SLAMrot, time.time() - prevTime)),scan_angles_degrees=previous_angles) prevTime = time.time() print("updated - else") print((SLAMvel, SLAMrot, time.time() - prevTime)) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x, y)) # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes) if(time.time() - start_time > 30): # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0; pgm_save('ok.pgm', mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS)) exit(0)
def main(): # Bozo filter for input args if len(argv) < 4: print('Usage: %s <dataset> <output_dir> <use_odometry> [random_seed]' % argv[0]) print('Example: %s exp2 output 1 9999' % argv[0]) exit(1) # Grab input args dataset = argv[1] use_odometry = True if int(argv[2]) else False seed = int(argv[3]) output_filename = argv[4] draw_trajectory = True if int(argv[5]) else False print("dataset: " + dataset) print("use_odometry: " + str(use_odometry)) print("seed: " + str(seed)) print("output_filename: " + output_filename) print("draw_trajectory: " + str(draw_trajectory)) # Load the data from the file, ignoring timestamps _, lidars, odometries = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = Robot() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(Laser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(Laser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): if use_odometry: # Convert odometry to pose change (dxy_mm, dtheta_degrees, dt_seconds) velocities = robot.computePoseChange(odometries[scanno]) # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocities) else: # Update SLAM with lidar alone slam.update(lidars[scanno]) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans/elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) if(draw_trajectory): # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0; # Save map and trajectory as PGM file pgm_save(output_filename, mapbytes, (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS))
async def main(): #--------------------------------------- # Setup Lidar unit and SLAM #--------------------------------------- # Connect to Lidar unit lidar = nanoLidar.nanoLidar(host) # get firmware info print("Lidar Version:") print(lidar.getInfo()) # Create an RMHC SLAM object with a laser model and optional robot model slam = RMHC_SLAM(LaserModel(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Set up a SLAM display display = SlamShow(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS * 1000 / MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, 'SLAM') # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) #--------------------------------------- # Setup Robot unit #--------------------------------------- # Connect to robot unit robot = robotPosition.robotPosition(host) robot.powerOn() # get firmware info print("Chassis Version:") print(robot.getInfo()) #--------------------------------------- # main loop #--------------------------------------- run = True while run: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan, using first element of (scan, quality) pairs slam.update([pair[0] for pair in lidar.getScan()]) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes) display.displayMap(mapbytes) display.setPose(x, y, theta) # Exit on ESCape key = display.refresh() if key != None and (key & 0x1A): run = False # Movement control distance = int(input("Distance [mm]: ")) angle = int(input("Turn angle [degrees]: ")) (xp, yp, theta_deg, theta_rad) = robot.setPosition(distance, angle) if int(input("Carry on (1/0): ")) == 0: run = False # power off stepper motors robot.powerOff()
# Set up a SLAM display display = MapVisualizer(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, 'SLAM') # Initialize an empty trajectory trajectory = [] # Initialize empty map mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) while True: # Update SLAM with current Lidar scan, using first element of (scan, quality) pairs slam.update([pair[0] for pair in lidar.getScan()]) # Get current robot position x, y, theta = slam.getpos() # Get current map bytes as grayscale slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Display map display.displayMap(mapbytes) # Display pose after converting from mm to meters display.setPose(x / 1000., y / 1000., theta) # Exit on window close if not display.refresh(): exit(0)
def main(): # Bozo filter for input args if len(argv) < 3: print('Usage: %s <dataset> <use_odometry> <random_seed>' % argv[0]) print('Example: %s exp2 1 9999' % argv[0]) exit(1) # Grab input args dataset = argv[1] use_odometry = True if int(argv[2]) else False seed = int(argv[3]) if len(argv) > 3 else 0 # Load the data from the file lidars, odometries = load_data('.', dataset) # Build a robot model if we want odometry robot = Rover() if use_odometry else None # Create a CoreSLAM object with laser params and optional robot object slam = RMHC_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS, random_seed=seed) \ if seed \ else Deterministic_SLAM(MinesLaser(), MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_METERS) # Report what we're doing nscans = len(lidars) print('Processing %d scans with%s odometry / with%s particle filter...' % \ (nscans, \ '' if use_odometry else 'out', '' if seed else 'out')) progbar = ProgressBar(0, nscans, 80) # Start with an empty trajectory of positions trajectory = [] # Start timing start_sec = time() # Loop over scans for scanno in range(nscans): if use_odometry: # Convert odometry to velocities velocities = robot.computeVelocities(odometries[scanno]) # Update SLAM with lidar and velocities slam.update(lidars[scanno], velocities) else: # Update SLAM with lidar alone slam.update(lidars[scanno]) # Get new position x_mm, y_mm, theta_degrees = slam.getpos() # Add new position to trajectory trajectory.append((x_mm, y_mm)) # Tame impatience progbar.updateAmount(scanno) stdout.write('\r%s' % str(progbar)) stdout.flush() # Report elapsed time elapsed_sec = time() - start_sec print('\n%d scans in %f sec = %f scans / sec' % (nscans, elapsed_sec, nscans / elapsed_sec)) # Create a byte array to receive the computed maps mapbytes = bytearray(MAP_SIZE_PIXELS * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS) # Get final map slam.getmap(mapbytes) # Put trajectory into map as black pixels for coords in trajectory: x_mm, y_mm = coords x_pix = mm2pix(x_mm) y_pix = mm2pix(y_mm) mapbytes[y_pix * MAP_SIZE_PIXELS + x_pix] = 0 # Save map and trajectory as PNG file image = Image.frombuffer('L', (MAP_SIZE_PIXELS, MAP_SIZE_PIXELS), mapbytes, 'raw', 'L', 0, 1)'%s.png' % dataset)