コード例 #1
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, namespace):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Invalid or missing namespace'), name)
     self.HELP = prepare_string_for_xml(_(
         'This file has {0}. Its namespace must be {1}. Set the namespace by defining the xmlns'
         ' attribute on the <html> element, like this <html xmlns="{1}">').format(
             (_('incorrect namespace %s') % namespace) if namespace else _('no namespace'),
コード例 #2
ファイル: links.py プロジェクト: Britlantine/calibre
 def __init__(self, link_source, link_dest, link_elem, fragment):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Link points to a location not present in the target file'), link_source, line=link_elem.sourceline)
     self.bad_href = link_elem.get('href')
     self.HELP = _('The link "{0}" points to a location <i>{1}</i> in the file {2} that does not exist.'
                   ' You should either remove the location so that the link points to the top of the file,'
                   ' or change the link to point to the correct location.').format(
                       self.bad_href, fragment, link_dest)
コード例 #3
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
     msg = msg or ''
     BaseError.__init__(self, 'Parsing failed: ' + msg, *args, **kwargs)
     m = mismatch_pat.search(msg)
     if m is not None:
         self.has_multiple_locations = True
         self.all_locations = [(self.name, int(m.group(1)), None), (self.name, self.line, self.col)]
コード例 #4
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, eid, locs):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Duplicate id: %s') % eid, name)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The id {0} is present on more than one element in {1}. This is'
         ' not allowed. Remove the id from all but one of the elements').format(eid, name)
     self.all_locations = [(name, lnum, None) for lnum in sorted(locs)]
     self.duplicate_id = eid
コード例 #5
ファイル: fonts.py プロジェクト: felagund/calibre
 def __init__(self, font_name, css_name, name, line):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The CSS font-family name {0} does not match the actual font name {1}').format(css_name, font_name), name, line)
     self.HELP = _('The font family name specified in the CSS @font-face rule: "{0}" does'
                   ' not match the font name inside the actual font file: "{1}". This can'
                   ' cause problems in some viewers. You should change the CSS font name'
                   ' to match the actual font name.').format(css_name, font_name)
     self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Change the font name {0} to {1} everywhere').format(css_name, font_name)
     self.font_name, self.css_name = font_name, css_name
コード例 #6
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: yunfile123/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, eid, locs):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Duplicate id: %s') % eid, name)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The id {0} is present on more than one element in {1}. This is'
         ' not allowed. Remove the id from all but one of the elements'
     ).format(eid, name)
     self.all_locations = [(name, lnum, None) for lnum in sorted(locs)]
     self.duplicate_id = eid
コード例 #7
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: yunfile123/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, namespace):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Invalid or missing namespace'), name)
     self.HELP = prepare_string_for_xml(
         _('This file has {0}. Its namespace must be {1}. Set the namespace by defining the xmlns'
           ' attribute on the <html> element, like this <html xmlns="{1}">'
           ).format((_('incorrect namespace %s') %
                     namespace) if namespace else _('no namespace'),
コード例 #8
ファイル: fonts.py プロジェクト: T30rGRB7/calibre-python3
 def __init__(self, name, fs_type):
         _('The font {} is not allowed to be embedded').format(name), name)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The font has a flag in its metadata ({:09b}) set indicating that it is'
         ' not licensed for embedding. You can ignore this warning, if you are'
         ' sure you have permission to embed this font.').format(fs_type)
コード例 #9
ファイル: fonts.py プロジェクト: siebert/calibre
 def __init__(self, font_name, css_name, name, line):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The CSS font-family name {0} does not match the actual font name {1}').format(css_name, font_name), name, line)
     self.HELP = _('The font family name specified in the CSS @font-face rule: "{0}" does'
                   ' not match the font name inside the actual font file: "{1}". This can'
                   ' cause problems in some viewers. You should change the CSS font name'
                   ' to match the actual font name.').format(css_name, font_name)
     self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Change the font name {0} to {1} everywhere').format(css_name, font_name)
     self.font_name, self.css_name = font_name, css_name
コード例 #10
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: wynick27/calibre
 def __init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
     msg = msg or ''
     BaseError.__init__(self, 'Parsing failed: ' + msg, *args, **kwargs)
     m = mismatch_pat.search(msg)
     if m is not None:
         self.has_multiple_locations = True
         self.all_locations = [(self.name, int(m.group(1)), None),
                               (self.name, self.line, self.col)]
コード例 #11
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, line, eid):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Invalid id: %s') % eid, name, line)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The id {0} is not a valid id. IDs must start with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be'
         ' followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_")'
         ', colons (":"), and periods ("."). This is to ensure maximum compatibility'
         ' with a wide range of devices.').format(eid)
     self.invalid_id = eid
コード例 #12
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: yws/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, lnum, bad_idref=None, bad_mimetype=None):
     if bad_idref is not None:
         msg = _('The item identified as the Table of Contents (%s) does not exist') % bad_idref
         self.HELP = _('There is no item with id="%s" in the manifest.') % bad_idref
         msg = _('The item identified as the Table of Contents has an incorrect media-type (%s)') % bad_mimetype
         self.HELP = _('The media type for the table of contents must be %s') % guess_type('a.ncx')
     BaseError.__init__(self, msg, name, lnum)
コード例 #13
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, lnum, bad_idref=None, bad_mimetype=None):
     if bad_idref is not None:
         msg = _('The item identified as the Table of Contents (%s) does not exist') % bad_idref
         self.HELP = _('There is no item with id="%s" in the manifest.') % bad_idref
         msg = _('The item identified as the Table of Contents has an incorrect media-type (%s)') % bad_mimetype
         self.HELP = _('The media type for the table of contents must be %s') % guess_type('a.ncx')
     BaseError.__init__(self, msg, name, lnum)
コード例 #14
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: wynick27/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, line, eid):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Invalid id: %s') % eid, name, line)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The id {0} is not a valid id. IDs must start with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be'
         ' followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_")'
         ', colons (":"), and periods ("."). This is to ensure maximum compatibility'
         ' with a wide range of devices.').format(eid)
     self.invalid_id = eid
コード例 #15
ファイル: links.py プロジェクト: mkhuramj/calibre
 def __init__(self, link_source, link_dest, link_elem):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Link points to a file that is not a text document'), link_source, line=link_elem.sourceline)
     self.HELP = _('The link "{0}" points to a file <i>{1}</i> that is not a text (HTML) document.'
                   ' Many ebook readers will be unable to follow such a link. You should'
                   ' either remove the link or change it to point to a text document.'
                   ' For example, if it points to an image, you can create small wrapper'
                   ' document that contains the image and change the link to point to that.').format(
                       link_elem.get('href'), link_dest)
     self.bad_href = link_elem.get('href')
コード例 #16
ファイル: links.py プロジェクト: Britlantine/calibre
 def __init__(self, link_source, link_dest, link_elem):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Link points to a file that is not a text document'), link_source, line=link_elem.sourceline)
     self.HELP = _('The link "{0}" points to a file <i>{1}</i> that is not a text (HTML) document.'
                   ' Many ebook readers will be unable to follow such a link. You should'
                   ' either remove the link or change it to point to a text document.'
                   ' For example, if it points to an image, you can create small wrapper'
                   ' document that contains the image and change the link to point to that.').format(
                       link_elem.get('href'), link_dest)
     self.bad_href = link_elem.get('href')
コード例 #17
 def __init__(self, name, eid, locs, for_spine=False):
     loc = 'spine' if for_spine else 'manifest'
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Duplicate item in {0}: {1}').format(loc, eid), name)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The item {0} is present more than once in the {2} in {1}. This is'
         ' not allowed.').format(eid, name, loc)
     self.all_locations = [(name, lnum, None) for lnum in sorted(locs)]
     self.duplicate_href = eid
     self.xpath = '/opf:package/opf:' + ('spine/opf:itemref[@idref]' if for_spine else 'manifest/opf:item[@href]')
     self.attr = 'idref' if for_spine else 'href'
コード例 #18
ファイル: links.py プロジェクト: fortyoneandahalf/calibre-1
 def __init__(self, container, name, opf_mt, ext_mt):
     self.opf_mt, self.ext_mt = opf_mt, ext_mt
     self.file_name = name
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The file %s has a mimetype that does not match its extension') % name, container.opf_name)
     ext = name.rpartition('.')[-1]
     self.HELP = _('The file {0} has its mimetype specified as {1} in the OPF file.'
                   ' The recommended mimetype for files with the extension "{2}" is {3}.'
                   ' You should change either the file extension or the mimetype in the OPF.').format(
                       name, opf_mt, ext, ext_mt)
     self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Change the mimetype for this file in the OPF to %s') % ext_mt
コード例 #19
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: ZRhinoceros/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, enc):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _("Non UTF-8 encoding declaration"), name)
     self.HELP = (
             "This file has its encoding declared as %s. Some"
             " reader software cannot handle non-UTF8 encoded files."
             " You should change the encoding to UTF-8."
         % enc
コード例 #20
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, eid, locs, for_spine=False):
     loc = 'spine' if for_spine else 'manifest'
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Duplicate item in {0}: {1}').format(loc, eid), name)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The item {0} is present more than once in the {2} in {1}. This is'
         ' not allowed.').format(eid, name, loc)
     self.all_locations = [(name, lnum, None) for lnum in sorted(locs)]
     self.duplicate_href = eid
     self.xpath = '/opf:package/opf:' + ('spine/opf:itemref[@idref]' if for_spine else 'manifest/opf:item[@href]')
     self.attr = 'idref' if for_spine else 'href'
コード例 #21
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, iid, mt, lnum, opf_name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Incorrect media-type for spine item'), opf_name, lnum)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The item {0} present in the spine has the media-type {1}. '
         ' Most ebook software cannot handle non-HTML spine items. '
         ' If the item is actually HTML, you should change its media-type to {2}.'
         ' If it is not-HTML you should consider replacing it with an HTML item, as it'
         ' is unlikely to work in most readers.').format(name, mt, XHTML_MIME)
     if iid is not None:
         self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Change the media-type to %s') % XHTML_MIME
         self.iid = iid
コード例 #22
 def __init__(self, name, iid, mt, lnum, opf_name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Incorrect media-type for spine item'), opf_name, lnum)
     self.HELP = _(
         'The item {0} present in the spine has the media-type {1}. '
         ' Most e-book software cannot handle non-HTML spine items. '
         ' If the item is actually HTML, you should change its media-type to {2}.'
         ' If it is not-HTML you should consider replacing it with an HTML item, as it'
         ' is unlikely to work in most readers.').format(name, mt, XHTML_MIME)
     if iid is not None:
         self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Change the media-type to %s') % XHTML_MIME
         self.iid = iid
コード例 #23
ファイル: links.py プロジェクト: pombreda/calibre-1
 def __init__(self, link_source, link_dest, link_elem, fragment):
         _('Link points to a location not present in the target file'),
     self.bad_href = link_elem.get('href')
     self.HELP = _(
         'The link "{0}" points to a location <i>{1}</i> in the file {2} that does not exist.'
         ' You should either remove the location so that the link points to the top of the file,'
         ' or change the link to point to the correct location.').format(
             self.bad_href, fragment, link_dest)
コード例 #24
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: tornado-p/calibre
    def __init__(self, name):
        BaseError.__init__(self, _('Filename contains unsafe characters'), name)
        qname = urlquote(name)

        self.sname = make_filename_safe(name)
        self.HELP = _(
            'The filename {0} contains unsafe characters, that must be escaped, like'
            ' this {1}. This can cause problems with some e-book readers. To be'
            ' absolutely safe, use only the English alphabet [a-z], the numbers [0-9],'
            ' underscores and hyphens in your file names. While many other characters'
            ' are allowed, they may cause problems with some software.').format(name, qname)
        self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _(
            'Rename the file {0} to {1}').format(name, self.sname)
コード例 #25
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
    def __init__(self, name):
        BaseError.__init__(self, _('Filename contains unsafe characters'), name)
        qname = urlquote(name)

        self.sname = make_filename_safe(name)
        self.HELP = _(
            'The filename {0} contains unsafe characters, that must be escaped, like'
            ' this {1}. This can cause problems with some e-book readers. To be'
            ' absolutely safe, use only the English alphabet [a-z], the numbers [0-9],'
            ' underscores and hyphens in your file names. While many other characters'
            ' are allowed, they may cause problems with some software.').format(name, qname)
        self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _(
            'Rename the file {0} to {1}').format(name, self.sname)
コード例 #26
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, level, msg, name, line, col):
     self.level = level
     prefix = 'CSS: '
     BaseError.__init__(self, prefix + msg, name, line, col)
     if level == WARN:
         self.HELP = _('This CSS construct is not recognized. That means that it'
                       ' most likely will not work on reader devices. Consider'
                       ' replacing it with something else.')
         self.HELP = _('Some reader programs are very'
                       ' finicky about CSS stylesheets and will ignore the whole'
                       ' sheet if there is an error. These errors can often'
                       ' be fixed automatically, however, automatic fixing will'
                       ' typically remove unrecognized items, instead of correcting them.')
         self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Try to fix parsing errors in this stylesheet automatically')
コード例 #27
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, level, msg, name, line, col):
     self.level = level
     prefix = 'CSS: '
     BaseError.__init__(self, prefix + msg, name, line, col)
     if level == WARN:
         self.HELP = _('This CSS construct is not recognized. That means that it'
                       ' most likely will not work on reader devices. Consider'
                       ' replacing it with something else.')
         self.HELP = _('Some reader programs are very'
                       ' finicky about CSS stylesheets and will ignore the whole'
                       ' sheet if there is an error. These errors can often'
                       ' be fixed automatically, however, automatic fixing will'
                       ' typically remove unrecognized items, instead of correcting them.')
         self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Try to fix parsing errors in this stylesheet automatically')
コード例 #28
ファイル: links.py プロジェクト: mkhuramj/calibre
 def __init__(self, container, name, opf_mt, ext_mt):
     self.opf_mt, self.ext_mt = opf_mt, ext_mt
     self.file_name = name
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The file %s has a mimetype that does not match its extension') % name, container.opf_name)
     ext = name.rpartition('.')[-1]
     self.HELP = _('The file {0} has its mimetype specified as {1} in the OPF file.'
                   ' The recommended mimetype for files with the extension "{2}" is {3}.'
                   ' You should change either the file extension or the mimetype in the OPF.').format(
                       name, opf_mt, ext, ext_mt)
     if opf_mt in OEB_DOCS and name in {n for n, l in container.spine_names}:
         self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Change the file extension to .xhtml')
         self.change_ext_to = 'xhtml'
         self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _('Change the mimetype for this file in the OPF to %s') % ext_mt
         self.change_ext_to = None
コード例 #29
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: felagund/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     from calibre.utils.filenames import ascii_filename
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Filename contains unsafe characters'), name)
     qname = urlquote(name)
     def esc(n):
         return ''.join(x if x in URL_SAFE else '_' for x in n)
     self.sname = '/'.join(esc(ascii_filename(x)) for x in name.split('/'))
     self.HELP = _(
         'The filename {0} contains unsafe characters, that must be escaped, like'
         ' this {1}. This can cause problems with some ebook readers. To be'
         ' absolutely safe, use only the English alphabet [a-z], the numbers [0-9],'
         ' underscores and hyphens in your file names. While many other characters'
         ' are allowed, they may cause problems with some software.').format(name, qname)
     self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _(
         'Rename the file {0} to {1}').format(name, self.sname)
コード例 #30
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     from calibre.utils.filenames import ascii_filename
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Filename contains unsafe characters'), name)
     qname = urlquote(name)
     def esc(n):
         return ''.join(x if x in URL_SAFE else '_' for x in n)
     self.sname = '/'.join(esc(ascii_filename(x)) for x in name.split('/'))
     self.HELP = _(
         'The filename {0} contains unsafe characters, that must be escaped, like'
         ' this {1}. This can cause problems with some ebook readers. To be'
         ' absolutely safe, use only the English alphabet [a-z], the numbers [0-9],'
         ' underscores and hyphens in your file names. While many other characters'
         ' are allowed, they may cause problems with some software.').format(name, qname)
     self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _(
         'Rename the file {0} to {1}').format(name, self.sname)
コード例 #31
ファイル: links.py プロジェクト: timpalpant/calibre
 def __init__(self, container, name, opf_mt, ext_mt):
     self.opf_mt, self.ext_mt = opf_mt, ext_mt
     self.file_name = name
         self, _("The file %s has a mimetype that does not match its extension") % name, container.opf_name
     ext = name.rpartition(".")[-1]
     self.HELP = _(
         "The file {0} has its mimetype specified as {1} in the OPF file."
         ' The recommended mimetype for files with the extension "{2}" is {3}.'
         " You should change either the file extension or the mimetype in the OPF."
     ).format(name, opf_mt, ext, ext_mt)
     if opf_mt in OEB_DOCS and name in {n for n, l in container.spine_names}:
         self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _("Change the file extension to .xhtml")
         self.change_ext_to = "xhtml"
         self.INDIVIDUAL_FIX = _("Change the mimetype for this file in the OPF to %s") % ext_mt
         self.change_ext_to = None
コード例 #32
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, ent, name, lnum, col):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Invalid entity: %s') % ent, name, lnum, col)
コード例 #33
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, idref, lnum):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('idref="%s" points to unknown id') % idref, name, lnum)
     self.HELP = xml(_(
         'The idref="%s" points to an id that does not exist in the OPF') % idref)
コード例 #34
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Named entities present'), name)
コード例 #35
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('File too large'), name)
コード例 #36
 def __init__(self, name, item_id, lnum):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Item in manifest has no href attribute'), name, lnum)
     self.item_id = item_id
コード例 #37
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Parsing of %s failed, could not decode') % name, name)
コード例 #38
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Parsing of %s failed, could not decode') % name, name)
コード例 #39
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The file %s is empty') % name, name)
コード例 #40
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The file %s is empty') % name, name)
コード例 #41
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, lines):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Bare text in body tag'), name)
     self.all_locations = [(name, l, None) for l in sorted(lines)]
コード例 #42
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, lnum, ncx_id):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Missing reference to the NCX Table of Contents'), name, lnum)
     self.ncx_id = ncx_id
コード例 #43
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, enc):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Non UTF-8 encoding declaration'), name)
     self.HELP = _('This file has its encoding declared as %s. Some'
                   ' reader software cannot handle non-UTF8 encoded files.'
                   ' You should change the encoding to UTF-8.') % enc
コード例 #44
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, ent, name, lnum, col):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Invalid entity: %s') % ent, name, lnum, col)
コード例 #45
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, enc):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Non UTF-8 encoding declaration'), name)
     self.HELP = _('This file has its encoding declared as %s. Some'
                   ' reader software cannot handle non-UTF8 encoded files.'
                   ' You should change the encoding to UTF-8.') % enc
コード例 #46
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: greising/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Named entities present'), name)
コード例 #47
ファイル: images.py プロジェクト: 089git/calibre
 def __init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
     BaseError.__init__(self, 'Invalid image: ' + msg, *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #48
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: siebert/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, locs):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Non-linear items in the spine'), name)
     self.all_locations = [(name, x, None) for x in locs]
コード例 #49
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The OPF has no unique identifier'), name)
コード例 #50
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: siebert/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The OPF has no unique identifier'), name)
コード例 #51
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, lines):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Bare text in body tag'), name)
     self.all_locations = [(name, l, None) for l in sorted(lines)]
コード例 #52
 def __init__(self, name, idref, lnum):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('idref="%s" points to unknown id') % idref, name, lnum)
     self.HELP = xml(_(
         'The idref="%s" points to an id that does not exist in the OPF') % idref)
コード例 #53
 def __init__(self, name, lnum, cover):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The meta cover tag points to an non-existent item'), name, lnum)
     self.HELP = xml(_(
         'The meta cover tag points to an item with id="%s" which does not exist in the manifest') % cover)
コード例 #54
ファイル: parsing.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def __init__(self, name):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('File too large'), name)
コード例 #55
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, lnum):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The meta cover tag has content before name'), name, lnum)
コード例 #56
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, item_id, lnum):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Item in manifest has no href attribute'), name, lnum)
     self.item_id = item_id
コード例 #57
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: siebert/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, locs):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('There is more than one cover defined'),
     self.all_locations = [(name, lnum, None) for lnum in sorted(locs)]
コード例 #58
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: Riva3000/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, lnum, cover):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('The meta cover tag points to an non-existent item'), name, lnum)
     self.HELP = xml(_(
         'The meta cover tag points to an item with id="%s" which does not exist in the manifest') % cover)
コード例 #59
ファイル: opf.py プロジェクト: siebert/calibre
 def __init__(self, name, lnum):
                        _('The meta cover tag has content before name'),
                        name, lnum)
コード例 #60
 def __init__(self, name, lnum):
     BaseError.__init__(self, _('Empty id attributes are invalid'), name, lnum)
     self.HELP = xml(_(
         'Empty ID attributes are invalid in OPF files.'))