def opal_init(arg, xpmpv=None): global pv print('opal_init') myargs = { 'dev': '/dev/datadev_0', 'pollEn': False, 'initRead': True, 'camType': ['Opal1000'], 'dataDebug': False, } # in older versions we didn't have to use the "with" statement # but now the register accesses don't seem to work without it -cpo cl = cameralink_gateway.ClinkDevRoot(**myargs) cl.__enter__() # Open a new thread here if xpmpv is not None: cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.ConfigureXpmMini() pv = PVCtrls(xpmpv, cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.XpmMiniWrapper) pv.start() else: cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.ConfigLclsTimingV2() time.sleep(0.1) return cl
def opal_init(arg, dev='/dev/datadev_0', lanemask=1, xpmpv=None, timebase="186M", verbosity=0): global pv global cl global lm global lane print('opal_init') lm = lanemask lane = (lm & -lm).bit_length() - 1 assert (lm == (1 << lane)) # check that lanemask only has 1 bit for opal myargs = { 'dev': dev, 'pollEn': False, 'initRead': True, 'laneConfig': { lane: 'Opal1000' }, 'dataDebug': False, 'enLclsII': True, 'pgp4': False, 'enableConfig': False, } # in older versions we didn't have to use the "with" statement # but now the register accesses don't seem to work without it -cpo cl = cameralink_gateway.ClinkDevRoot(**myargs) cl.__enter__() # Open a new thread here if xpmpv is not None: cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.ConfigureXpmMini() pv = PVCtrls(xpmpv, cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.XpmMiniWrapper) pv.start() else: # Empirically found that we need to cycle to LCLS1 timing # to get the timing feedback link to lock cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.ConfigLclsTimingV1() time.sleep(0.1) cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.ConfigLclsTimingV2() time.sleep(0.1) # the opal seems to intermittently lose lock back to the XPM # and empirically this fixes it. not sure if we need the sleep - cpo cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.TimingPhyMonitor.TxPhyReset() time.sleep(0.1) return cl
def opal_init(arg, dev='/dev/datadev_0', lanemask=1, xpmpv=None): global pv global cl global lm print('opal_init') myargs = { 'dev': dev, 'pollEn': False, 'initRead': True, 'camType': ['Opal1000'], 'dataDebug': False, 'enLclsII': True, } # in older versions we didn't have to use the "with" statement # but now the register accesses don't seem to work without it -cpo cl = cameralink_gateway.ClinkDevRoot(**myargs) cl.__enter__() # Open a new thread here if xpmpv is not None: cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.ConfigureXpmMini() pv = PVCtrls(xpmpv, cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.XpmMiniWrapper) pv.start() else: cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.ConfigLclsTimingV2() time.sleep(0.1) # the opal seems to intermittently lose lock back to the XPM # and empirically this fixes it. not sure if we need the sleep - cpo cl.ClinkPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.TimingPhyMonitor.TxPhyReset() time.sleep(0.1) lm = lanemask return cl
def tb_init(arg,dev='/dev/datadev_0',lanemask=1,xpmpv=None,timebase="186M",verbosity=0): global base logging.debug('tb_init') # # Invoke generic root to lookup firmware type # with _DevRoot(dev = dev) as _base: fwImage = _base.DevPcie.AxiVersion.ImageName.get() # Some images have conflicting versions of surf module sys.modules.pop('surf') print(f'Found image {fwImage}') base = {} base['fwImage'] = fwImage base['virtChan'] = 1 if fwImage.startswith('Lcls2Xilinx'): import lcls2_pgp_pcie_apps pbase = lcls2_pgp_pcie_apps.DevRoot(dev =dev, enLclsI =False, enLclsII =True, yamlFileLclsI =None, yamlFileLclsII=None, startupMode =True, standAloneMode=False, pgp4 =True, dataVc =0, pollEn =False, initRead =False) base['virtChan'] = 0 elif fwImage.startswith('Lcls2EpixHr'): import lcls2_epix_hr_pcie pbase = lcls2_epix_hr_pcie.DevRoot(dev =dev, enLclsI =False, enLclsII =True, yamlFileLclsI =None, yamlFileLclsII=None, startupMode =True, standAloneMode=False, pgp4 =True, #dataVc =0, pollEn =False, initRead =False) elif fwImage.startswith('Clink'): import cameralink_gateway pbase = cameralink_gateway.ClinkDevRoot(dev =dev, pollEn =False, initRead =True, laneConfig ={0:'Opal1000'}, dataDebug =False, enLclsII =True, pgp4 =False, enableConfig=False) else: raise ValueError(f'Image not recognized - {fwImage}') pbase.__enter__() pbase.DevPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.TimingFrameRx.ModeSelEn.set(1) pbase.DevPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.TimingFrameRx.ModeSel.set(1) if timebase=="119M":'Using timebase 119M') base['clk_period'] = 1000/119. base['msg_period'] = 238 pbase.DevPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.TimingFrameRx.ClkSel.set(0) else:'Using timebase 186M') base['clk_period'] = 7000/1300. # default 185.7 MHz clock base['msg_period'] = 200 pbase.DevPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.TimingFrameRx.ClkSel.set(1) pbase.DevPcie.Hsio.TimingRx.TimingFrameRx.RxDown.set(0) base['pcie'] = pbase return base