コード例 #1
def connect_tiles_same_row(src=0, dst=5, track=0, DBG=0):
    if DBG < 0: DBG = 0  # ugh

    (rsrc, csrc) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(src)
    (rdst, cdst) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(dst)

    # Case 1: hpath ends at bottom of mem tile
    # If mem tile is 2 rows high, can match rsrc to either rdst or rdst+1
    if rsrc == (rdst + 1) and is_2hi_rc(rdst, cdst):
        # Source row matches bottom half of mem tile
        rdst = rdst + 1

    # Case 2: hpath *begins* at bottom of mem tile
    start_on_bottom = False
    if (rsrc + 1) == rdst and is_2hi_rc(rsrc, csrc):
        print 'new stuff foo'
        # Source row matches bottom half of mem tile
        # rsrc = rsrc+1
        start_on_bottom = True

        # tiles must be on same row; must be two different tiles
        # (unless start_on_bottom :o )
        assert rsrc == rdst, 'foo'
    assert src != dst, 'bar'

    if DBG:        print "# Connect tile %d (r%d,c%d) to tile %d (r%d,c%d) on track %d 336" %\
   (src,rsrc,csrc, dst,rdst,cdst, track)

    if cdst > csrc: (inside, outside) = (2, 0)  # left-to-right
    else: (inside, outside) = (0, 2)  # right-to-left

    path = []
    if start_on_bottom:
        # Case 2: hpath *begins* at bottom of mem tile
        # That's okay!
        beginwire = build_wire_rc(rsrc, csrc, 'out', outside + 4, track)
        rsrc = rsrc + 1
        beginwire = build_wire_rc(rsrc, csrc, 'out', outside, track)

    if (cdst >= csrc): cols = range(csrc + 1, cdst, 1)  # left-to-right
    else: cols = range(csrc - 1, cdst, -1)  # right-to-left

    for c in cols:
        # Note build_wire will apply mem offset on NS sides
        # depending on top/bottom half vs. up/down dir of flow

        inwire = build_wire_rc(rsrc, c, 'in', inside, track)
        outwire = build_wire_rc(rsrc, c, 'out', outside, track)
        connection = "%s -> %s" % (inwire, outwire)

    endwire = build_wire_rc(rdst, cdst, 'in', inside, track)

    if DBG: printpath(beginwire, path, endwire)
    return pack_path(beginwire, path, endwire)
コード例 #2
def connect_tiles(src=0, dst=17, track=0, dir='hv', DBG=0):
    '''tile17 should be row 2, col 3 maybe'''
    (rsrc, csrc) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(src)
    (rdst, cdst) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(dst)

    if DBG:
        print "# Connect tile %d (r%d,c%d)" % (src, rsrc, csrc),
        print "to tile %d (r%d,c%d)" % (dst, rdst, cdst),
        print "on %s path" % dir
        if is_mem_rc(rdst, cdst):
            print "# Destination is a memory tile"

    # No need for a corner if sr, dst are in same row or col
    (cornerconn, path1, path2) = ([], [], [])

    # FIXME okay maybe this is kinda terrible.
    memstraight = False
    # If mem tile is 2 rows high, can match rsrc to either rdst or rdst+1
    if rsrc == (rdst + 1) and is_mem_rc(rdst, cdst):
        if DBG:
            print "# connect_tiles.py: Straight enough! (For a memory tile anyway)"
        memstraight = True

    # if rsrc==rdst:
    if (rsrc == rdst) or memstraight:
        if DBG: print "# Both tiles are in same row\n# "
        p = connect_tiles_same_row(src, dst, track, DBG=DBG - 1)
        (begin, path1, end) = unpack_path(p)
        if DBG: prettyprint_path(dir, begin, path1, cornerconn, path2, end)
        return pack_path(begin, path1, end)

    elif csrc == cdst:
        if DBG: print "# Both tiles are in same column\n# "
        p = connect_tiles_same_col(src, dst, track, DBG=DBG - 1)
        (begin, path2, end) = unpack_path(p)
        if DBG: prettyprint_path(dir, begin, path1, cornerconn, path2, end)
        return pack_path(begin, path2, end)

    elif dir == 'hv':
        # First go horizontal (EW), then vertical (NS)
        # Find corner tile: same row as src, same col as dst
        (rcorn, ccorn) = (rsrc, cdst)
        p = connect_through_corner(src, dst, rcorn, ccorn, track, dir, DBG)
        return p

    elif dir == 'vh':
        # First go vertical (NS), then horizontal (EW)
        # Find corner tile: same row as dst, same col as src
        (rcorn, ccorn) = (rdst, csrc)
        p = connect_through_corner(src, dst, rcorn, ccorn, track, dir, DBG)
        return p

    assert False, 'unknown case in connect_tiles()'
    return [-1, -1, -1]
コード例 #3
def connect_tiles_same_col(src, dst, track, DBG=0):
    if DBG < 0: DBG = 0  # ugh

    (rsrc, csrc) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(src)
    (rdst, cdst) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(dst)

    # Special case for mem tile DOWN => start in bottom half
    # FIXME may want to rethink this later...
    if is_mem_rc(rsrc, csrc) and (rdst > rsrc):  # down
        # print "foo mem tile down"
        if (rsrc % 2 == 0): rsrc = rsrc + 1
        else: rsrc = rsrc % 2

    # Special case for mem tile UP => end in bottom half
    # FIXME may want to rethink this later...
    if is_mem_rc(rsrc, csrc) and (rdst < rsrc):  # up
        # print "foo mem tile up"
        if (rdst % 2 == 0):
            rdst = rdst + 1  # Stop when get to *bottom* of dest tile
            rdst = dst % 2

    if DBG:        print "# Connect tile %d (r%d,c%d) to tile %d (r%d,c%d)" %\

    # tiles must be on same col; must be two different tiles
    assert csrc == cdst
    assert src != dst

    if rdst > rsrc: (inside, outside) = (3, 1)  # down
    else: (inside, outside) = (1, 3)  # up

    beginwire = build_wire_rc(rsrc, csrc, 'out', outside, track)

    path = []

    if (rdst >= rsrc): rows = range(rsrc + 1, rdst)
    else: rows = range(rsrc - 1, rdst, -1)
    # print rows

    for r in rows:
        # Note build_wire will apply mem offset (mo) on EW sides if
        # row is odd and tile is mem mo=s02_mem_offset(rsrc,c)

        inwire = build_wire_rc(r, csrc, 'in', inside, track)
        outwire = build_wire_rc(r, csrc, 'out', outside, track)
        connection = "%s -> %s" % (inwire, outwire)

    endwire = build_wire_rc(rdst, cdst, 'in', inside, track)

    if DBG: printpath(beginwire, path, endwire)
    return pack_path(beginwire, path, endwire)
コード例 #4
def connect_tiles(src=0, dst=17, track=0, dir='hv', DBG=0):
    '''tile17 should be row 2, col 3 maybe'''
    (rsrc, csrc) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(src)
    (rdst, cdst) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(dst)

    if DBG:
        print "# Connect tile %d (r%d,c%d)" % (src, rsrc, csrc),
        print "to tile %d (r%d,c%d)" % (dst, rdst, cdst),
        print "on %s path" % dir
        if is_mem_rc(rdst, cdst):
            print "# Destination is a memory tile"

    # No need for a corner if sr, dst are in same row or col
    (cornerconn, path1, path2) = ([], [], [])

    if rsrc == rdst:
        if DBG: print "# Both tiles are in same row\n# "
        p = connect_tiles_same_row(src, dst, track, DBG=DBG - 1)
        (begin, path1, end) = unpack_path(p)
        if DBG: prettyprint_path(dir, begin, path1, cornerconn, path2, end)
        return pack_path(begin, path1, end)

    elif csrc == cdst:
        if DBG: print "# Both tiles are in same column\n# "
        p = connect_tiles_same_col(src, dst, track, DBG=DBG - 1)
        (begin, path2, end) = unpack_path(p)
        if DBG: prettyprint_path(dir, begin, path1, cornerconn, path2, end)
        return pack_path(begin, path2, end)

    elif dir == 'hv':
        # First go horizontal (EW), then vertical (NS)
        # Find corner tile: same row as src, same col as dst
        (rcorn, ccorn) = (rsrc, cdst)
        p = connect_through_corner(src, dst, rcorn, ccorn, track, dir, DBG)
        return p

    elif dir == 'vh':
        # First go vertical (NS), then horizontal (EW)
        # Find corner tile: same row as dst, same col as src
        (rcorn, ccorn) = (rdst, csrc)
        p = connect_through_corner(src, dst, rcorn, ccorn, track, dir, DBG)
        return p

    assert False, 'unknown case in connect_tiles()'
    return [-1, -1, -1]
コード例 #5
def connect_tiles_same_row(src=0, dst=5, track=0, DBG=0):
    if DBG < 0: DBG = 0  # ugh

    (rsrc, csrc) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(src)
    (rdst, cdst) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(dst)

    # If mem tile is 2 rows high, can match rsrc to either rdst or rdst+1
    if rsrc == (rdst + 1) and is_mem_rc(rdst, cdst):
        # Source row matches bottom half of mem tile
        rdst = rdst + 1

    if DBG:        print "# Connect tile %d (r%d,c%d) to tile %d (r%d,c%d)" %\
   (src,rsrc,csrc, dst,rdst,cdst)

    # tiles must be on same row; must be two different tiles
    assert rsrc == rdst
    assert src != dst

    if cdst > csrc: (inside, outside) = (2, 0)  # left-to-right
    else: (inside, outside) = (0, 2)  # right-to-left

    beginwire = build_wire_rc(rsrc, csrc, 'out', outside, track)

    path = []

    if (cdst >= csrc): cols = range(csrc + 1, cdst, 1)  # left-to-right
    else: cols = range(csrc - 1, cdst, -1)  # right-to-left
    # print cols

    for c in cols:
        # Note build_wire will apply mem offset on NS sides
        # depending on top/bottom half vs. up/down dir of flow

        inwire = build_wire_rc(rsrc, c, 'in', inside, track)
        outwire = build_wire_rc(rsrc, c, 'out', outside, track)
        connection = "%s -> %s" % (inwire, outwire)

    endwire = build_wire_rc(rdst, cdst, 'in', inside, track)

    if DBG: printpath(beginwire, path, endwire)
    return pack_path(beginwire, path, endwire)
コード例 #6
def find_neighbor(w, DBG=9):
    '''E.g. find_neighbor_wire("T4_in_s1t1") => ("T5_out_s3t1")'''

    # FIXME this can all be cleaned up...

    if (0):
        (tilefoo, wfoo) = (3, ("sb_wire_in1_s3t2", "out0_s1t2"))
        (tilefoo, wfoo) = (1, ("in_s2t4"))
        if (tileno == tilefoo) and (w in wfoo):
            DBG = 1
            print "\nWant match for tile %d wire '%s'" % (tileno, w)

    #     # find_neighbor_wire(4,"in_s1t1") => (5, "out_s3t1")

    # find_neighbor_wire("T4_in_s1t1") => ("T5_out_s3t1")
    # parse = re.search("(in|out)([01])*_s([0-9]+)t([0-9]+)", w)
    (tileno, dir, side, track) = parsewire(w)

    # Only works for 'out' wires (HA!)
    assert dir == 'out'

    in_or_out = dir

    # top_or_bottom = parse.group(2)  # 'None', '0' or '1'
    top_or_bottom = side / 4  # '0' or '1'

    if (in_or_out == "out"): in_or_out = "in"
    else: in_or_out = "out"

    (r, c) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(tileno)

    # Adjust for wire in bottom of a memtile
    if (top_or_bottom == '1'): r = r + 1

    if (side == 0): (r, c, side) = (r, c + 1, side + 2)
    elif (side == 1): (r, c, side) = (r + 1, c, side + 2)
    elif (side == 2): (r, c, side) = (r, c - 1, side - 2)
    elif (side == 3):
        (r, c, side) = (r - 1, c, side - 2)

        # Yes, yes, I know
    elif (side == 4):
        (r, c, side) = (r, c + 1, side + 2)
    elif (side == 5):
        (r, c, side) = (r + 1, c, side + 2)
    elif (side == 6):
        (r, c, side) = (r, c - 1, side - 2)
    elif (side == 7):
        (r, c, side) = (r - 1, c, side - 2)

    if (r < 0): return (False, False)
    if (c < 0): return (False, False)

    #   print (r,c,side)

    nbr_tileno = cgra_info.rc2tileno(r, c)
    # Note should return 'False' if (r,c) invalid
    if DBG: print "Found nbr tile number '%s'" % str(nbr_tileno)

    top_or_bottom = ''
    if (cgra_info.tiletype(nbr_tileno) == "memory_tile"):
        if DBG: print "HO found memory tile.  is it a top or a bottom :)"
        # '0' means top, '1' means bottom
        top_or_bottom = str(r % 2)
        if DBG:
            if (top_or_bottom): print " It's a bottom"
            else: print " You're the top!"
コード例 #7
def find_neighbor(w, DBG=0):
    '''E.g. find_neighbor_wire("T4_in_s1t1") => ("T5_out_s3t1")'''
    # FIXME this can all be cleaned up...

    if (0):
        (tilefoo, wfoo) = (3, ("sb_wire_in1_s3t2", "out0_s1t2"))
        (tilefoo, wfoo) = (1, ("in_s2t4"))
        if (tileno == tilefoo) and (w in wfoo):
            DBG = 1
            print "\nWant match for tile %d wire '%s'" % (tileno, w)

    # find_neighbor_wire("T4_in_s1t1") => ("T5_out_s3t1")
    (tileno, dir, side, track) = cgra_info.parse_canon(w)

    # Only works for 'out' wires (HA!)
    assert dir == 'out'

    in_or_out = dir

    if (in_or_out == "out"): in_or_out = "in"
    else: in_or_out = "out"

    (r, c) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(tileno)
    if DBG: print("FN: I am '%s' at (r,c) = (%d,%d)" % (w, r, c))

    # top_or_bottom = parse.group(2)  # 'None', '0' or '1'
    top_or_bottom = side / 4  # '0' or '1'

    # Adjust for wire in bottom of a memtile
    if (top_or_bottom == '1'): r = r + 1

    if (side == 0): (r, c, side) = (r, c + 1, side + 2)
    elif (side == 1): (r, c, side) = (r + 1, c, side + 2)
    elif (side == 2): (r, c, side) = (r, c - 1, side - 2)
    elif (side == 3):
        (r, c, side) = (r - 1, c, side - 2)

        # Yes, yes, I know
    elif (side == 4):
        (r, c, side) = (r, c + 1, side + 2)
    elif (side == 5):
        (r, c, side) = (r + 1, c, side + 2)
    elif (side == 6):
        (r, c, side) = (r, c - 1, side - 2)
    elif (side == 7):
        (r, c, side) = (r - 1, c, side - 2)

    if (r < 0): return (False, False)
    if (c < 0): return (False, False)

    #   print (r,c,side)
    if DBG: print("FN: My neighbor is (r,c) = (%d,%d)" % (r, c))
    nbr_tileno = cgra_info.rc2tileno(r, c)
    # Note should return 'False' if (r,c) invalid
    if DBG: print "Found neighbor tile number '%s'" % str(nbr_tileno)

    # Adjust for mem tile top/bottom
    # Even row means top, odd row means bottom
    if (cgra_info.tiletype(nbr_tileno) == "memory_tile"):
        if DBG: print "HO found memory tile.  is it a top or a bottom :)"
        if (r % 2) == 0:
            if DBG: print " You're the top!"
            if DBG: print " It's a bottom"
            side = side + 4

    nbr_wire = "Tx%04X_%s_s%dt%d" % (nbr_tileno, in_or_out, side, track)

    # if DBG: print "%s on tile %d matches %s on tile %d\n" % (w, tileno, nbr_wire, nbr_tileno)
    if DBG: print "'%s' connects to neighbor '%s'\n" % (w, nbr_wire)

    return nbr_wire
コード例 #8
def connect_tiles(src=0, dst=17, track=0, dir='hv', DBG=0):
    '''tile17 should be row 2, col 3 maybe'''
    (rsrc, csrc) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(src)
    (rdst, cdst) = cgra_info.tileno2rc(dst)

    # if (src==18) and (dst==31): DBG=9

    if DBG:
        print "# Connect tile %d (r%d,c%d)" % (src, rsrc, csrc),
        print "to tile %d (r%d,c%d)" % (dst, rdst, cdst),
        print "on %s path" % dir
        if is_mem_rc(rdst, cdst):
            print "# Destination is a memory tile"

    # No need for a corner if sr, dst are in same row or col
    (cornerconn, path1, path2) = ([], [], [])

    # FIXME okay maybe this is kinda terrible.
    memstraight = False

    # Case 1: hpath ends at bottom of mem tile
    # If mem tile is 2 rows high, can match rsrc to either rdst or rdst+1
    # if rsrc == (rdst+1) and is_mem_rc(rdst,cdst):
    if rsrc == (rdst + 1) and is_2hi_rc(rdst, cdst):
        if DBG:
            print "# connect_tiles.py: Straight enough! (For a memory tile anyway) 237"
        memstraight = True

    # Case 2: hpath *begins* at bottom of mem tile
    # Hm I wonder what would happen if...
    # elif is_mem_rc(rsrc, csrc) and ((rsrc+1) == rdst):
    elif is_2hi_rc(rsrc, csrc) and ((rsrc + 1) == rdst):
        if DBG:
            print "# connect_tiles.py: Straight enough! (For a memory tile anyway) 243"
        print 'new stuff bar'
        memstraight = True

    if (rsrc == rdst) or memstraight:
        if DBG: print "# Both tiles are in same row\n# "
        p = connect_tiles_same_row(src, dst, track, DBG=DBG - 1)
        (begin, path1, end) = unpack_path(p)
        if DBG: prettyprint_path(dir, begin, path1, cornerconn, path2, end)

        # Note this does not trigger until harris
        # if is_mem_rc(rsrc, csrc) and ((rsrc+1) == rdst): assert False, "well?  how'd we do?"

        return pack_path(begin, path1, end)

    elif csrc == cdst:
        if DBG: print "# Both tiles are in same column\n# "
        p = connect_tiles_same_col(src, dst, track, DBG=DBG - 1)
        (begin, path2, end) = unpack_path(p)
        if DBG: prettyprint_path(dir, begin, path1, cornerconn, path2, end)
        return pack_path(begin, path2, end)

    elif dir == 'hv':
        # First go horizontal (EW), then vertical (NS)
        # Find corner tile: same row as src, same col as dst
        (rcorn, ccorn) = (rsrc, cdst)

        if (src == 18) and (dst == 31):
            print("666c RECURSE NOW?")
            # assert False

        p = connect_through_corner(src, dst, rcorn, ccorn, track, dir, DBG)
        return p

    elif dir == 'vh':
        # First go vertical (NS), then horizontal (EW)
        # Find corner tile: same row as dst, same col as src
        (rcorn, ccorn) = (rdst, csrc)
        p = connect_through_corner(src, dst, rcorn, ccorn, track, dir, DBG)
        return p

    assert False, 'unknown case in connect_tiles()'
    return [-1, -1, -1]