コード例 #1
 def _putToDict():
     oddPortError = odd()
     lstPortErrLines = self.strPorterrshow.split('\n')
     for intPortNum in self._allSWPort:
         lstErrInfo = _getErrorAsList(intPortNum, lstPortErrLines)
         oddPortError[str(intPortNum)] = lstErrInfo
     self._dicPartPortError = oddPortError
コード例 #2
 def _dict_string_to_int(self, dicPE):
     dicIntPE = odd()
     if dicPE:
         for i in range(len(dicPE.values())):
             port = dicPE.keys()[i]
             lstPortError = dicPE.values()[i]
             dicIntPE[port] = self.list_string_to_int(lstPortError)
         return dicIntPE
コード例 #3
 def _get_oddCommand(intTraceLevel):
     oddCMD = odd()
     if intTraceLevel == 1 or intTraceLevel == 2 or intTraceLevel == 3:
         oddCMD['Trace'] = 'ftpprep trace'
         if intTraceLevel == 2 or intTraceLevel == 3:
             oddCMD['Primary'] = 'ftpprep coredump primary all'
             if intTraceLevel == 3:
                 oddCMD['Secondary'] = 'ftpprep coredump secondary all'
         return oddCMD
         print('Trace level must be: 1 or 2 or 3, please refer "Config.ini" ')
コード例 #4
ファイル: add_sample_id.py プロジェクト: nanshanjin/popgen
import sys
import re
from sys import argv
from collections import OrderedDict as odd
#Add sample id to the master strawberry table. Only perfect case-blind matches accepted.
script, crown_rot_tb, samples_tb = argv

crown_rot = odd()
#Read in the list of the cultivars in the crown rot GWAS table.
with open(crown_rot_tb) as crown_rot_tb_h:
    for line in crown_rot_tb_h:
        fields = line.strip().split("\t")
        #Convert to lower-case:
        search_token = fields[0].lower()
        crown_rot[search_token] = line.strip()

#read in the samples table
samples = dd()
with open(samples_tb) as samples_tb_h:
    for line in samples_tb_h:
        lines = line.strip().split("\t")
        samples[line.lower()] = lines

#print crown_rot.keys()
#print the results
matching_ids = dd(list)
for my_id in crown_rot.keys():
    for my_sample in samples.keys():
        if re.search(my_id, my_sample):