def test_unknown_resident_weapon_returned(self): ''' Cleaning an unknown weapon returns the same value passed. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() weapon = "Suspect - Lewd Nebulosity " cleaned = cleaner.resident_weapon_used(weapon) assert cleaned == weapon
def test_unknown_gender_returned(self): ''' Cleaning an unknown gender returns the same value passed. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() gender = "Golf" cleaned = assert cleaned == gender
def test_correct_complaint_cap (self, testapp): ''' New complaint data from the extractor is processed as expected. ''' # Set up the extractor department = Department.create(name="IM Police Department", short_name="IMPD", load_defaults=False) extractor, envs = Extractor.from_department_and_password(department=department, password="******") # Set the correct authorization testapp.authorization = ('Basic', (extractor.username, 'password')) # Get a generated list of complaint descriptions from the JSON test client test_client = JSONTestClient() complaint_count = 1 complaint_data = test_client.get_prebaked_complaints(last=complaint_count) complaint_data[0]["allegation"] = "Rude, demeaning, or affronting language" # post the json to the complaint URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/complaints", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': complaint_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 0 assert response.json_body['added'] == complaint_count # check the complaint incident in the database against the data that was sent cleaner = Cleaners() sent_complaint = cleaner.capitalize_incident(complaint_data[0]) check_complaint = CitizenComplaintIMPD.query.filter_by(opaque_id=sent_complaint['opaqueId']).first() assert check_complaint.allegation == "Rude, Demeaning, or Affronting Language" with open("scratch.txt", "w") as text_file: text_file.write("Complaint Data: {} ".format(check_complaint.allegation))
def test_post_assaults_data(self, testapp): ''' New assaults data from the extractor is processed as expected. ''' # Set up the extractor department = Department.create(name="IM Police Department", short_name="IMPD", load_defaults=False) extractor, envs = Extractor.from_department_and_password(department=department, password="******") # Set the correct authorization testapp.authorization = ('Basic', (extractor.username, 'password')) # Get a generated list of assault descriptions from the JSON test client test_client = JSONTestClient() assault_count = 1 assault_data = test_client.get_prebaked_assaults(last=assault_count) # post the json to the assault URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/assaults", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': assault_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 0 assert response.json_body['added'] == assault_count # check the assault incident in the database against the data that was sent cleaner = Cleaners() sent_assault = cleaner.capitalize_incident(assault_data[0]) check_assault = AssaultOnOfficerIMPD.query.filter_by(opaque_id=sent_assault['opaqueId']).first() assert check_assault.service_type == sent_assault['serviceType'] assert check_assault.force_type == sent_assault['forceType'] assert check_assault.assignment == sent_assault['assignment'] assert check_assault.arrest_made == sent_assault['arrestMade'] assert check_assault.officer_injured == sent_assault['officerInjured'] assert check_assault.officer_killed == sent_assault['officerKilled'] assert check_assault.report_filed == sent_assault['reportFiled']
def test_known_genders_cleaned(self): ''' Cleaning known genders returns the expected value. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() for gender in GENDER_LOOKUP: check_gender = assert check_gender == GENDER_LOOKUP[gender]
def test_known_races_cleaned(self): ''' Cleaning known races returns the expected value. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() for race in RACE_LOOKUP: check_race = cleaner.race(race) assert check_race == RACE_LOOKUP[race]
def test_unknown_officer_force_type_returned(self): """ Cleaning an unknown weapon returns the same value passed. """ cleaner = Cleaners() force_type = "Bugbear Squeeze" cleaned = cleaner.officer_force_type(force_type) assert cleaned == force_type
def upgrade(): complaints = CitizenComplaintIMPD.query.all() cleaner = Cleaners() for complaint in complaints: new_allegation = cleaner.capitalize(complaint.allegation) if complaint.allegation != new_allegation: complaint.update(allegation=new_allegation)
def test_known_officer_force_types_cleaned(self): ''' Cleaning known weapons returns the expected value. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() for force_type in OFFICER_FORCE_TYPE_LOOKUP: check_force_type = cleaner.officer_force_type(force_type) assert check_force_type == OFFICER_FORCE_TYPE_LOOKUP[force_type]
def test_unknown_officer_force_type_returned(self): ''' Cleaning an unknown weapon returns the same value passed. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() force_type = "Bugbear Squeeze" cleaned = cleaner.officer_force_type(force_type) assert cleaned == force_type
def test_known_genders_cleaned(self): """ Cleaning known genders returns the expected value. """ cleaner = Cleaners() for gender in GENDER_LOOKUP: check_gender = assert check_gender == GENDER_LOOKUP[gender]
def test_known_races_cleaned(self): """ Cleaning known races returns the expected value. """ cleaner = Cleaners() for race in RACE_LOOKUP: check_race = cleaner.race(race) assert check_race == RACE_LOOKUP[race]
def test_unknown_race_returned(self): ''' Cleaning an unknown race returns the same value passed. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() race = "Comet" cleaned = cleaner.race(race) assert cleaned == race
def test_known_officer_force_types_cleaned(self): """ Cleaning known weapons returns the expected value. """ cleaner = Cleaners() for force_type in OFFICER_FORCE_TYPE_LOOKUP: check_force_type = cleaner.officer_force_type(force_type) assert check_force_type == OFFICER_FORCE_TYPE_LOOKUP[force_type]
def test_unknown_race_returned(self): """ Cleaning an unknown race returns the same value passed. """ cleaner = Cleaners() race = "Comet" cleaned = cleaner.race(race) assert cleaned == race
def test_known_resident_weapons_cleaned(self): """ Cleaning known weapons returns the expected value. """ cleaner = Cleaners() for weapon in RESIDENT_WEAPONS_LOOKUP: check_weapon = cleaner.resident_weapon_used(weapon) assert check_weapon == RESIDENT_WEAPONS_LOOKUP[weapon]
def test_unknown_resident_weapon_returned(self): """ Cleaning an unknown weapon returns the same value passed. """ cleaner = Cleaners() weapon = "Suspect - Lewd Nebulosity " cleaned = cleaner.resident_weapon_used(weapon) assert cleaned == weapon
def test_known_resident_weapons_cleaned(self): ''' Cleaning known weapons returns the expected value. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() for weapon in RESIDENT_WEAPONS_LOOKUP: check_weapon = cleaner.resident_weapon_used(weapon) assert check_weapon == RESIDENT_WEAPONS_LOOKUP[weapon]
def test_unknown_gender_returned(self): """ Cleaning an unknown gender returns the same value passed. """ cleaner = Cleaners() gender = "Golf" cleaned = assert cleaned == gender
def test_capitalization(self): ''' A phrase is title-cased with expected exceptions. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() in_sentence = "I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world" titlecased_sentence = titlecase(in_sentence) send = " ".join(i.lower() + " " + j.lower() for i, j in zip(in_sentence.split(" "), CAPITALIZE_LIST)) check = " ".join(i + " " + j for i, j in zip(titlecased_sentence.split(" "), CAPITALIZE_LIST)) result = cleaner.capitalize(send) assert check == result
def test_capitalization(self): """ A phrase is title-cased with expected exceptions. """ cleaner = Cleaners() in_sentence = "I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world" titlecased_sentence = titlecase(in_sentence) send = " ".join(i.lower() + " " + j.lower() for i, j in zip(in_sentence.split(" "), CAPITALIZE_LIST)) check = " ".join(i + " " + j for i, j in zip(titlecased_sentence.split(" "), CAPITALIZE_LIST)) result = cleaner.capitalize(send) assert check == result
def test_captilization_handles_non_strings(self): """ Non-strings passed to capitalize aren't altered. """ cleaner = Cleaners() send_int = 23 send_float = 32.01 send_list = ["I", "thought", "I", "would", "sail"] result_int = cleaner.capitalize(send_int) result_float = cleaner.capitalize(send_float) result_list = cleaner.capitalize(send_list) assert send_int == result_int assert send_float == result_float assert send_list == result_list
def test_captilization_handles_non_strings(self): ''' Non-strings passed to capitalize aren't altered. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() send_int = 23 send_float = 32.01 send_list = ["I", "thought", "I", "would", "sail"] result_int = cleaner.capitalize(send_int) result_float = cleaner.capitalize(send_float) result_list = cleaner.capitalize(send_list) assert send_int == result_int assert send_float == result_float assert send_list == result_list
def test_post_mistyped_complaint_data(self, testapp): ''' New complaint data from the extractor with wrongly typed data is processed as expected. ''' # Set up the extractor department = Department.create(name="Good Police Department", short_name="GPD", load_defaults=False) extractor, envs = Extractor.from_department_and_password(department=department, password="******") # Set the correct authorization testapp.authorization = ('Basic', (extractor.username, 'password')) # Get a generated list of complaint descriptions from the JSON test client test_client = JSONTestClient() complaint_count = 1 complaint_data = test_client.get_prebaked_complaints(last=complaint_count) # The app expects number values to be transmitted as strings. Let's change them to integers. complaint_data[0]['residentAge'] = 28 complaint_data[0]['officerAge'] = 46 complaint_data[0]['officerYearsOfService'] = 17 # post the json to the complaint URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/complaints", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': complaint_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 0 assert response.json_body['added'] == complaint_count # check the complaint incident in the database against the data that was sent cleaner = Cleaners() sent_complaint = cleaner.capitalize_incident(complaint_data[0]) check_complaint = CitizenComplaint.query.filter_by(opaque_id=sent_complaint['opaqueId']).first() assert check_complaint.occured_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %-H:%-M:%S') == sent_complaint['occuredDate'] assert check_complaint.division == sent_complaint['division'] assert check_complaint.precinct == sent_complaint['precinct'] assert check_complaint.shift == sent_complaint['shift'] assert check_complaint.beat == sent_complaint['beat'] assert check_complaint.disposition == sent_complaint['disposition'] assert check_complaint.service_type == sent_complaint['serviceType'] assert check_complaint.source == sent_complaint['source'] assert check_complaint.allegation_type == sent_complaint['allegationType'] assert check_complaint.allegation == sent_complaint['allegation'] assert check_complaint.resident_race == cleaner.race(sent_complaint['residentRace']) assert check_complaint.resident_sex ==['residentSex']) assert check_complaint.resident_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_complaint['residentAge']) assert check_complaint.officer_identifier == sent_complaint['officerIdentifier'] assert check_complaint.officer_race == cleaner.race(sent_complaint['officerRace']) assert check_complaint.officer_sex ==['officerSex']) assert check_complaint.officer_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_complaint['officerAge']) assert check_complaint.officer_years_of_service == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_complaint['officerYearsOfService'])
def test_number_to_string(self): """ Numbers are turned into strings. """ cleaner = Cleaners() in_int = 85 in_float = 82.12 in_string = "big frame, small spirit!" in_list = ["hands", "by", "the", "halyards"] in_none = None assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_int) == str(in_int) assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_float) == str(in_float) assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_string) == in_string assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_list) == in_list assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_none) is None
def test_capitalization_inside_parentheses(self): ''' Words are left titlecased even if they're inside parentheses ''' cleaner = Cleaners() in_sentence = "I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world" titlecased_sentence = titlecase(in_sentence) send = " ".join( i.lower() + " (" + j.lower() + ")" for i, j in zip(in_sentence.split(" "), CAPITALIZE_LIST)) check = " ".join( i + " (" + j + ")" for i, j in zip(titlecased_sentence.split(" "), CAPITALIZE_LIST)) result = cleaner.capitalize(send) assert check == result
def test_incident_capitalization(self): """ Incident descriptions are title-cased with expected exceptions. """ cleaner = Cleaners() in_sentence = "Northwest and east district" send = {} send["division"] = in_sentence send["precinct"] = in_sentence for key in CAPITALIZE_IGNORE_KEYS_LIST: send[key] = in_sentence result = cleaner.capitalize_incident(send) # values of keys not in the list should be titlecased titlecased_sentence = "Northwest and East District" assert result["division"] == titlecased_sentence assert result["precinct"] == titlecased_sentence # values of keys in the list should not be titlecased for key in CAPITALIZE_IGNORE_KEYS_LIST: assert result[key] == in_sentence
def test_incident_capitalization(self): ''' Incident descriptions are title-cased with expected exceptions. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() in_sentence = "It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation" titlecased_sentence = titlecase(in_sentence) send = {} send["damp"] = in_sentence send["drizzly"] = in_sentence for key in CAPITALIZE_IGNORE_KEYS_LIST: send[key] = in_sentence result = cleaner.capitalize_incident(send) # values of keys not in the list should be titlecased assert result["damp"] == titlecased_sentence assert result["drizzly"] == titlecased_sentence # values of keys in the list should not be titlecased for key in CAPITALIZE_IGNORE_KEYS_LIST: assert result[key] == in_sentence
def test_incident_capitalization(self): ''' Incident descriptions are title-cased with expected exceptions. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() in_sentence = "Northwest and east district" send = {} send["division"] = in_sentence send["precinct"] = in_sentence for key in CAPITALIZE_IGNORE_KEYS_LIST: send[key] = in_sentence result = cleaner.capitalize_incident(send) # values of keys not in the list should be titlecased titlecased_sentence = "Northwest and East District" assert result["division"] == titlecased_sentence assert result["precinct"] == titlecased_sentence # values of keys in the list should not be titlecased for key in CAPITALIZE_IGNORE_KEYS_LIST: assert result[key] == in_sentence
def test_string_to_integer(self): ''' Strings are turned into integers. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() in_string_success_int = '85' in_string_success_float = '33.34' in_int = 85 in_float = 82.12 in_string_fail = 'whaleman' in_list = ["hands", "by", "the", "halyards"] in_none = None assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_string_success_int) == int(in_string_success_int) assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_string_success_float) == int(float(in_string_success_float)) assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_int) == in_int assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_float) == int(in_float) assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_string_fail) is None assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_list) is None assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_none) is None
def test_number_to_string(self): ''' Numbers are turned into strings. ''' cleaner = Cleaners() in_int = 85 in_float = 82.12 in_string = "big frame, small spirit!" in_list = ["hands", "by", "the", "halyards"] in_none = None assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_int) == str(in_int) assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_float) == str(in_float) assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_string) == in_string assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_list) == in_list assert cleaner.number_to_string(in_none) is None
def test_string_to_integer(self): """ Strings are turned into integers. """ cleaner = Cleaners() in_string_success_int = "85" in_string_success_float = "33.34" in_int = 85 in_float = 82.12 in_string_fail = "whaleman" in_list = ["hands", "by", "the", "halyards"] in_none = None assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_string_success_int) == int(in_string_success_int) assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_string_success_float) == int(float(in_string_success_float)) assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_int) == in_int assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_float) == int(in_float) assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_string_fail) is None assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_list) is None assert cleaner.string_to_integer(in_none) is None
def test_update_complaint_data(self, testapp): ''' Updated complaint data from the extractor is processed as expected. ''' # Set up the extractor department = Department.create(name="IM Police Department", short_name="IMPD", load_defaults=False) extractor, envs = Extractor.from_department_and_password(department=department, password="******") # Set the correct authorization testapp.authorization = ('Basic', (extractor.username, 'password')) # Get a generated list of complaint descriptions from the JSON test client test_client = JSONTestClient() complaint_data = test_client.get_prebaked_complaints(last=1) # post the json to the complaint URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/complaints", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': complaint_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 0 assert response.json_body['added'] == 1 # Get the second pre-baked complaint updated_complaint_data = test_client.get_prebaked_complaints(first=1, last=2) # Swap in the opaque ID from the first complaint updated_complaint_data[0]["opaqueId"] = complaint_data[0]["opaqueId"] # The complaint won't be a match unless these fields are the same updated_complaint_data[0]["allegationType"] = complaint_data[0]["allegationType"] updated_complaint_data[0]["allegation"] = complaint_data[0]["allegation"] updated_complaint_data[0]["officerIdentifier"] = complaint_data[0]["officerIdentifier"] updated_complaint_data[0]["residentRace"] = complaint_data[0]["residentRace"] updated_complaint_data[0]["residentSex"] = complaint_data[0]["residentSex"] updated_complaint_data[0]["residentAge"] = complaint_data[0]["residentAge"] # post the json to the complaint URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/complaints", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': updated_complaint_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 1 assert response.json_body['added'] == 0 # There's only one complaint in the database. all_complaints = CitizenComplaintIMPD.query.all() assert len(all_complaints) == 1 # check the complaint incident in the database against the updated data that was sent cleaner = Cleaners() sent_complaint = cleaner.capitalize_incident(updated_complaint_data[0]) check_complaint = CitizenComplaintIMPD.query.filter_by(opaque_id=sent_complaint['opaqueId']).first() assert check_complaint.occured_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %-H:%-M:%S') == sent_complaint['occuredDate'] assert check_complaint.division == sent_complaint['division'] assert check_complaint.precinct == sent_complaint['precinct'] assert check_complaint.shift == sent_complaint['shift'] assert check_complaint.beat == sent_complaint['beat'] assert check_complaint.disposition == sent_complaint['disposition'] assert check_complaint.service_type == sent_complaint['serviceType'] assert check_complaint.source == sent_complaint['source'] assert check_complaint.allegation_type == sent_complaint['allegationType'] assert check_complaint.allegation == sent_complaint['allegation'] assert check_complaint.resident_race == cleaner.race(sent_complaint['residentRace']) assert check_complaint.resident_sex ==['residentSex']) assert check_complaint.resident_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_complaint['residentAge']) assert check_complaint.officer_identifier == sent_complaint['officerIdentifier'] assert check_complaint.officer_race == cleaner.race(sent_complaint['officerRace']) assert check_complaint.officer_sex ==['officerSex']) assert check_complaint.officer_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_complaint['officerAge']) assert check_complaint.officer_years_of_service == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_complaint['officerYearsOfService'])
def test_post_mistyped_uof_data(self, testapp): ''' New UOF data from the extractor is processed as expected. ''' # Set up the extractor department = Department.create(name="IM Police Department", short_name="IMPD", load_defaults=False) extractor, envs = Extractor.from_department_and_password(department=department, password="******") # Set the correct authorization testapp.authorization = ('Basic', (extractor.username, 'password')) # Get a generated list of UOF descriptions from the JSON test client test_client = JSONTestClient() uof_count = 1 uof_data = test_client.get_prebaked_uof(last=uof_count) # The app expects number values to be transmitted as strings. Let's change them to integers. uof_data[0]['residentAge'] = 28 uof_data[0]['officerAge'] = 46 uof_data[0]['officerYearsOfService'] = 17 # post the json to the UOF URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/UOF", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': uof_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 0 assert response.json_body['added'] == uof_count # check the uof incident in the database against the data that was sent cleaner = Cleaners() sent_uof = uof_data[0] check_uof = UseOfForceIncidentIMPD.query.filter_by(opaque_id=sent_uof['opaqueId']).first() assert check_uof.occured_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %-H:%-M:%S') == sent_uof['occuredDate'] assert check_uof.division == cleaner.capitalize(sent_uof['division']) assert check_uof.precinct == cleaner.capitalize(sent_uof['precinct']) assert check_uof.shift == cleaner.capitalize(sent_uof['shift']) assert check_uof.beat == cleaner.capitalize(sent_uof['beat']) assert check_uof.disposition == sent_uof['disposition'] assert check_uof.officer_force_type == cleaner.officer_force_type(sent_uof['officerForceType']) assert check_uof.use_of_force_reason == sent_uof['useOfForceReason'] assert check_uof.service_type == sent_uof['serviceType'] assert check_uof.arrest_made == sent_uof['arrestMade'] assert check_uof.arrest_charges == sent_uof['arrestCharges'] assert check_uof.resident_weapon_used == sent_uof['residentWeaponUsed'] assert check_uof.resident_injured == sent_uof['residentInjured'] assert check_uof.resident_hospitalized == sent_uof['residentHospitalized'] assert check_uof.officer_injured == sent_uof['officerInjured'] assert check_uof.officer_hospitalized == sent_uof['officerHospitalized'] assert check_uof.resident_race == cleaner.race(sent_uof['residentRace']) assert check_uof.resident_sex ==['residentSex']) assert check_uof.resident_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_uof['residentAge']) assert check_uof.resident_condition == sent_uof['residentCondition'] assert check_uof.officer_identifier == sent_uof['officerIdentifier'] assert check_uof.officer_race == cleaner.race(sent_uof['officerRace']) assert check_uof.officer_sex ==['officerSex']) assert check_uof.officer_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_uof['officerAge']) assert check_uof.officer_years_of_service == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_uof['officerYearsOfService']) assert check_uof.officer_condition == sent_uof['officerCondition']
def test_unknown_race_returned(self): ''' Cleaning an unknown race returns the same value passed. ''' race = "Comet" cleaned = Cleaners.race(race) assert cleaned == race
def test_known_races_cleaned(self): ''' Cleaning known races returns the expected value. ''' for race in RACE_LOOKUP: check_race = Cleaners.race(race) assert check_race == RACE_LOOKUP[race]
def test_unknown_gender_returned(self): ''' Cleaning an unknown gender returns the same value passed. ''' gender = "Golf" cleaned = assert cleaned == gender
def test_update_uof_data(self, testapp): ''' Updated UOF data from the extractor is processed as expected. ''' # Set up the extractor department = Department.create(name="Good Police Department", short_name="GPD", load_defaults=False) extractor, envs = Extractor.from_department_and_password(department=department, password="******") # Set the correct authorization testapp.authorization = ('Basic', (extractor.username, 'password')) # Get a generated list of UOF descriptions from the JSON test client test_client = JSONTestClient() uof_data = test_client.get_prebaked_uof(last=1) # post the json to the UOF URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/UOF", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': uof_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 0 assert response.json_body['added'] == 1 # Get the second pre-baked uof incident updated_uof_data = test_client.get_prebaked_uof(first=1, last=2) # Swap in the opaque ID from the first uof incident updated_uof_data[0]["opaqueId"] = uof_data[0]["opaqueId"] # The uof incident won't be a match unless these fields are the same updated_uof_data[0]["officerIdentifier"] = uof_data[0]["officerIdentifier"] updated_uof_data[0]["officerForceType"] = uof_data[0]["officerForceType"] # post the json to the uof URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/UOF", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': updated_uof_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 1 assert response.json_body['added'] == 0 # There's only one complaint in the database. all_uof = UseOfForceIncident.query.all() assert len(all_uof) == 1 # check the uof incident in the database against the updated data that was sent cleaner = Cleaners() sent_uof = updated_uof_data[0] check_uof = UseOfForceIncident.query.filter_by(opaque_id=sent_uof['opaqueId']).first() assert check_uof.occured_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %-H:%-M:%S') == sent_uof['occuredDate'] assert check_uof.division == cleaner.capitalize(sent_uof['division']) assert check_uof.precinct == cleaner.capitalize(sent_uof['precinct']) assert check_uof.shift == cleaner.capitalize(sent_uof['shift']) assert check_uof.beat == cleaner.capitalize(sent_uof['beat']) assert check_uof.disposition == sent_uof['disposition'] assert check_uof.officer_force_type == cleaner.officer_force_type(sent_uof['officerForceType']) assert check_uof.use_of_force_reason == sent_uof['useOfForceReason'] assert check_uof.service_type == sent_uof['serviceType'] assert check_uof.arrest_made == sent_uof['arrestMade'] assert check_uof.arrest_charges == sent_uof['arrestCharges'] assert check_uof.resident_weapon_used == sent_uof['residentWeaponUsed'] assert check_uof.resident_injured == sent_uof['residentInjured'] assert check_uof.resident_hospitalized == sent_uof['residentHospitalized'] assert check_uof.officer_injured == sent_uof['officerInjured'] assert check_uof.officer_hospitalized == sent_uof['officerHospitalized'] assert check_uof.resident_race == cleaner.race(sent_uof['residentRace']) assert check_uof.resident_sex ==['residentSex']) assert check_uof.resident_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_uof['residentAge']) assert check_uof.resident_condition == sent_uof['residentCondition'] assert check_uof.officer_identifier == sent_uof['officerIdentifier'] assert check_uof.officer_race == cleaner.race(sent_uof['officerRace']) assert check_uof.officer_sex ==['officerSex']) assert check_uof.officer_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_uof['officerAge']) assert check_uof.officer_years_of_service == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_uof['officerYearsOfService']) assert check_uof.officer_condition == sent_uof['officerCondition']
def test_update_ois_data(self, testapp): ''' Updated OIS data from the extractor is processed as expected. ''' # Set up the extractor department = Department.create(name="Good Police Department", short_name="GPD", load_defaults=False) extractor, envs = Extractor.from_department_and_password(department=department, password="******") # Set the correct authorization testapp.authorization = ('Basic', (extractor.username, 'password')) # Get a generated list of OIS descriptions from the JSON test client test_client = JSONTestClient() ois_data = test_client.get_prebaked_ois(last=1) # post the json to the OIS URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/OIS", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': ois_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 0 assert response.json_body['added'] == 1 # Get the second pre-baked ois incident updated_ois_data = test_client.get_prebaked_ois(first=1, last=2) # Swap in the opaque ID from the first ois incident updated_ois_data[0]["opaqueId"] = ois_data[0]["opaqueId"] # The ois incident won't be a match unless this field is the same updated_ois_data[0]["officerIdentifier"] = ois_data[0]["officerIdentifier"] # post the json to the ois URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/OIS", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': updated_ois_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 1 assert response.json_body['added'] == 0 # There's only one complaint in the database. all_ois = OfficerInvolvedShooting.query.all() assert len(all_ois) == 1 # check the ois incident in the database against the updated data that was sent cleaner = Cleaners() sent_ois = updated_ois_data[0] check_ois = OfficerInvolvedShooting.query.filter_by(opaque_id=sent_ois['opaqueId']).first() assert check_ois.occured_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %-H:%-M:%S') == sent_ois['occuredDate'] assert check_ois.division == cleaner.capitalize(sent_ois['division']) assert check_ois.precinct == cleaner.capitalize(sent_ois['precinct']) assert check_ois.shift == cleaner.capitalize(sent_ois['shift']) assert check_ois.beat == cleaner.capitalize(sent_ois['beat']) assert check_ois.disposition == sent_ois['disposition'] assert check_ois.resident_race == cleaner.race(sent_ois['residentRace']) assert check_ois.resident_sex ==['residentSex']) assert check_ois.resident_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_ois['residentAge']) assert check_ois.resident_weapon_used == cleaner.resident_weapon_used(sent_ois['residentWeaponUsed']) assert check_ois.resident_condition == sent_ois['residentCondition'] assert check_ois.officer_identifier == sent_ois['officerIdentifier'] assert check_ois.officer_weapon_used == sent_ois['officerForceType'] assert check_ois.officer_race == cleaner.race(sent_ois['officerRace']) assert check_ois.officer_sex ==['officerSex']) assert check_ois.officer_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_ois['officerAge']) assert check_ois.officer_years_of_service == cleaner.string_to_integer(sent_ois['officerYearsOfService']) assert check_ois.officer_condition == sent_ois['officerCondition']
def test_post_mistyped_ois_data(self, testapp): ''' New OIS data from the extractor is processed as expected. ''' # Set up the extractor department = Department.create(name="Good Police Department", short_name="GPD", load_defaults=False) extractor, envs = Extractor.from_department_and_password(department=department, password="******") # Set the correct authorization testapp.authorization = ('Basic', (extractor.username, 'password')) # Get a generated list of OIS descriptions from the JSON test client test_client = JSONTestClient() ois_count = 1 ois_data = test_client.get_prebaked_ois(last=ois_count) # The app expects number values to be transmitted as strings. Let's change them to integers. ois_data[0]['residentAge'] = 28 ois_data[0]['officerAge'] = 46 # And it expects this number value to be transmitted as a number, so let's make it a string. ois_data[0]['officerYearsOfService'] = "17" # post the json to the OIS URL response = testapp.post_json("/data/OIS", params={'month': 0, 'year': 0, 'data': ois_data}) # assert that we got the expected reponse assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json_body['updated'] == 0 assert response.json_body['added'] == ois_count # check the ois incident in the database against the data that was sent cleaner = Cleaners() sent_ois = ois_data[0] check_ois = OfficerInvolvedShooting.query.filter_by(opaque_id=sent_ois['opaqueId']).first() assert check_ois.occured_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %-H:%-M:%S') == sent_ois['occuredDate'] assert check_ois.division == cleaner.capitalize(sent_ois['division']) assert check_ois.precinct == cleaner.capitalize(sent_ois['precinct']) assert check_ois.shift == cleaner.capitalize(sent_ois['shift']) assert check_ois.beat == cleaner.capitalize(sent_ois['beat']) assert check_ois.disposition == sent_ois['disposition'] assert check_ois.resident_race == cleaner.race(sent_ois['residentRace']) assert check_ois.resident_sex ==['residentSex']) assert check_ois.resident_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_ois['residentAge']) assert check_ois.resident_weapon_used == cleaner.resident_weapon_used(sent_ois['residentWeaponUsed']) assert check_ois.resident_condition == sent_ois['residentCondition'] assert check_ois.officer_identifier == sent_ois['officerIdentifier'] assert check_ois.officer_weapon_used == sent_ois['officerForceType'] assert check_ois.officer_race == cleaner.race(sent_ois['officerRace']) assert check_ois.officer_sex ==['officerSex']) assert check_ois.officer_age == cleaner.number_to_string(sent_ois['officerAge']) assert check_ois.officer_years_of_service == cleaner.string_to_integer(sent_ois['officerYearsOfService']) assert check_ois.officer_condition == sent_ois['officerCondition']