def menu(): music_menu = False if file_exists('music\\menu.wav', file_exists_param): music_menu = True snd_main_class.load('music\\menu.wav') snd_main_class.async_play() global menu_running menu_running = True txx_m = ('00000 0 0 00000 0 0 00000', '0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 ', '00000 0 0 0 00000 000 00000', ' 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 ', '00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000') tmp_r = {'0': str(a.back.GREEN + ' ' +} for i in range(len(txx_m)): a.text(txx_m[i], (int(a.width / 2 - 29 / 2), i), replacer=tmp_r) backward_m = False count = 0 a.text('Press Space To Start...', (int(a.width / 2 - 23 / 2), int(a.height / 2) + 4), start=a.fore.GREEN, to_sleep = int(fps / 10) thread(target=waitkey_space).start() while menu_running: if backward_m: if count > to_sleep: count = 0 backward_m = False else: a.text('Press Space To Start...', (int(a.width / 2 - 23 / 2), int(a.height / 2) + 4), start=a.back.GREEN + a.fore.BLACK, count += 1 else: if count > to_sleep: count = 0 backward_m = True else: a.text('Press Space To Start...', (int(a.width / 2 - 23 / 2), int(a.height / 2) + 4), start=a.fore.GREEN, count += 1 a.convert() a.up_screen() a.display() a.tick(fps) if music_menu: snd_main_class.stop() game_loop()
def game_over(): global fps global game_running game_running = False t_f_p_s = fps fps = default_fps snd_main_class.stop() a.clear() n = int(a.width / 2 - 13 / 2) a.text('Game Over :(', (n, 0), start=a.fore.GREEN, a.text(f'Score : {score}', (n, 1), start=a.fore.GREEN, a.text(f'Speed : {t_f_p_s}', (n, 2), start=a.fore.GREEN, a.text('Escape - Exit', (n, 3), start=a.fore.GREEN, a.text('R - Restart', (n, 4), start=a.fore.GREEN, a.text('M - Menu', (n, 5), start=a.fore.GREEN, a.convert() a.up_screen() a.display() to = 'exit' if file_exists('music\\fail1.wav', file_exists_param): snd_main_class.load('music\\fail' + str(rand(1, 3)) + '.wav') snd_main_class.async_play() while True: key_r = a.wait_for_key() if key_r == b'\x1b': to = 'exit' break elif key_r == b'r': to = 'restart' break elif key_r == b'm': to = 'menu' break a.clear() if to == 'exit': exit() elif to == 'menu': menu() elif to == 'restart': game_loop()
at = input('Enter max speed (40): ') if at: try: max_speed = int(at) except ValueError: pass at = input('Enter default fps (60): ') if at: try: default_fps = int(at) except ValueError: pass a.text('Resize window and press any key to continue...', (0, 0), start=a.fore.GREEN, a.convert() a.up_screen() a.display() a.wait_for_key() a.reload_screen_size() a.reload_size() a.reload_geometry() a.reload_mouse_pos() a.clear() a.up_screen() a.title(f'Pixelsuft Console Snake [{a.width}x{a.height}]') menu_running = False game_running = True snd_main_class = a.wav_mixer() if a.width < 25 or a.height < 10: a.print_center('This window is veery small')
def game_loop(): global game_running global vector global temp_vector global score global fps temp_vector = 'right' vector = 'right' fps = default_speed game_running = True thread(target=vec_left).start() thread(target=vec_right).start() thread(target=vec_up).start() thread(target=vec_down).start() apple = (rand(0, a.width - 1), rand(0, a.height - 1)) score = 0 snake = [(2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 3), (5, 3)] if play_eat_sound: snd_main_class.load('music\\eat.wav') while game_running: a.clear() a.text('Score: ' + str(score), (0, 0), start=a.fore.GREEN, if temp_vector == 'right': snake.append(((snake[-1][0] + 1), (snake[-1][1]))) vector = 'right' elif temp_vector == 'left': snake.append(((snake[-1][0] - 1), (snake[-1][1]))) vector = 'left' elif temp_vector == 'up': snake.append(((snake[-1][0]), (snake[-1][1]) - 1)) vector = 'up' elif temp_vector == 'down': snake.append(((snake[-1][0]), (snake[-1][1]) + 1)) vector = 'down' if snake[-1] == apple: score += 1 if play_eat_sound: snd_main_class.async_play() if fps < max_speed: fps += rand(0, 2) apple = (rand(0, a.width - 1), rand(0, a.height - 1)) else: snake.remove(snake[0]) a.point(a.fore.RED + 'O' +, apple) if snake[0] in snake[1:]: game_over() elif snake[-1][0] < 0 or snake[-1][1] < 0: game_over() elif snake[-1][0] > a.width or snake[-1][1] > a.height: game_over() for i in range(len(snake)): if i == len(snake) - 1: try: a.point(a.back.RED + ' ' +, (snake[i])) except IndexError: pass else: try: a.point(a.back.GREEN + ' ' +, (snake[i])) except IndexError: pass a.convert() a.up_screen() a.display() a.tick(fps)
while running: if engine.get_async_key_state(engine.VK_ESCAPE): running = False mixer.stop() break thread(target=check_keys).start() while running: engine.clear() engine.reload_size() engine.reload_geometry() engine.reload_mouse_pos() otnosh_x = engine.window_geometry[2] / engine.width otnosh_y = engine.window_geometry[3] / engine.height engine.shape(engine.fore.GREEN+pick(lister), (0, 0), (7, 5)) engine.shape(engine.fore.GREEN+pick(lister), (14, 0), (7, 5)) engine.shape(engine.back.RED+pick(lister), (0, 10), (21, 5)) engine.text(welcome_text, (int(engine.width/2-len(welcome_text)/2), int(engine.height/2)), start = engine.back.GREEN + engine.fore.BLACK, end = engine.text(str(engine.mouse_x) + 'x' + str(engine.mouse_y), (int(engine.width/2), engine.height - 1)) try: engine.point('X', (int(engine.mouse_x / otnosh_x), int(engine.mouse_y / otnosh_y))) except: pass engine.up_screen() engine.convert() engine.display() engine.tick(fps) running = False exit()