def addUser(name, age, email, phone,dose_no, search_by,pincode,state_id=-1 ,dist_id=-1,dist_name='NA'): session=Session() user = User() = name user.age = int(age) = phone = email user.dose_no=dose_no user.search_by = search_by if user.search_by=='pincode': user.pincode = int(pincode) else: user.dist_id = int(dist_id) user.dist_name=dist_name user.state_id=int(state_id) user.secret_key=common_util.getToken()+common_util.getToken() _,isExist=isUserExist(email) if isExist==False: session.add(user) session.commit() session.close() return 'Added SuccessFully',True else: session.close() return 'User already exists with Email Id ',False
def updateUser(name, age, email, phone, dose_no, search_by, pincode, state_id=-1, dist_id=-1, dist_name='NA'): session = Session() user, _ = isUserExist(email) if _ != True: return "Failed to Update the Details as user doesnt exist", False = name user.age = int(age) = phone user.dose_no = dose_no user.search_by = search_by user.pincode = int(pincode) if user.search_by == 'pincode' else -1 user.dist_id = int(dist_id) if user.search_by == 'district' else -1 user.state_id = int(state_id) if user.search_by == 'district' else -1 user.dist_name = dist_name if user.search_by == 'district' else 'NA' session.add(user) session.commit() session.close() return 'Added SuccessFully', True
def addDistrict(dist_id, dist_name='districtName', isTracked=False): print('*' * 80) print('Adding District {} with id {} '.format(dist_name, dist_id)) print('*' * 80) lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() try: session = Session() res, isexist = isDistExist(dist_id) if isexist == False: print('-' * 80) print("District ", dist_id, "NOT EXIST IN DB ") temp_p = District() temp_p.district_name = dist_name temp_p.district_id = int(dist_id) temp_p.isTrackedAllPin = isTracked temp_p.lastUpdated = lastUpdated print(temp_p) session.add(temp_p) session.commit() session.close() print('-' * 80) return 'District added SuccessFully', True else: print("District ", dist_id, "EXIST IN DB") return 'District Exist in DB ', False except Exception as e: return 'Exception -->{} '.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def startReceivingMail(email): session=Session() user ,_= isUserExist(email) if _!=True: return "Failed to Update the Details as user doesnt exist",False user.receive_email=True session.add(user) session.commit() session.close()
def addPincode(pincode, district_id=-1): print('*' * 80) print('Adding Pincode {} with dist id {} '.format(pincode, district_id)) print('*' * 80) lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() try: session = Session() res, isexist = isPincodeExist(pincode) if isexist == False: print('-' * 80) print("PINCODE ", pincode, "NOT EXIST IN DB ") temp_p = Pincode() temp_p.pincode = int(pincode) temp_p.district_id = int(district_id) temp_p.lastUpdated = lastUpdated print(temp_p) session.add(temp_p) session.commit() session.close() print('-' * 80) return 'pincode added SuccessFully', True else: print("PINCODE ", pincode, "EXIST IN DB") # pincode exist.. # now check whether it has District ID or not if district_id != -1 and res.district_id == -1: print('-+' * 40) print( "Updating Pincode {} District id with {} where old dist id was {}" .format(pincode, district_id, res.district_id)) # queried district id is not provided i.e it is -1 res.district_id = int(district_id) res.lastUpdated = lastUpdated session.add(res) session.commit() print('-+' * 40) # updated Pincode with District Id # else pincode already exist and no modification is going to be done . return 'Pincode Exists[no modification done]', False except Exception as e: return 'Exception -->{} '.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def updatePrevCnt(sid): try: session = Session() s = session.query(VaccineSession).filter( VaccineSession.session_id == sid).first() s.last_avail_cnt = s.available s.last_avail_dose_1 = s.avail_dose_1 s.last_avail_dose_2 = s.avail_dose_2 session.add(s) session.commit() except Exception as e: print("Exception at updating previous cnt", str(e)) finally: session.close()
def storeToken(email, newToken): try: session = Session() user, isExist = getPreference(email) if isExist == False: user = UserPref() user.token = newToken = email session.add(user) session.commit() print("Stored key in db->", newToken) return "token added Successfully", True except Exception as e: return "error occured While saving token " + str(e), False finally: session.close()
def addCenter(cid, cname, caddr, cpin, fee, block_name): try: session = Session() temp = None centerobj = session.query(Center).filter( Center.center_id == cid).first() if centerobj != None: temp = centerobj else: temp = Center() temp.center_name = cname temp.center_id = cid temp.address = caddr temp.pincode = cpin temp.fee = fee temp.block_name = block_name temp.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() session.add(temp) res = session.commit() return "Added Center->[{}]".format(res), True except Exception as e: return "error {} occured while Adding Center {} for {}".format( e, cid, cpin), False finally: session.close()
def updateLastUpdated(pincode): try: session = Session() pinObj = session.query(Pincode).filter( Pincode.pincode == pincode).first() if pinObj == None: raise Exception pinObj.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() session.add(pinObj) session.commit() return "Updated LastUpdated Successfully", True except Exception as e: return 'Not Found e->{}'.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def updateLastUpdated(dist_id): try: session = Session() Obj = session.query(District).filter( District.district_id == dist_id).first() if Obj == None: raise Exception Obj.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() session.add(Obj) session.commit() return "Updated LastUpdated Successfully", True except Exception as e: return 'Not Found e->{}'.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def addSessions(sid, cid, min_age, available, avail_dose_1, avail_dose_2, slots, date, vaccine_name): try: session = Session() slots = ",".join(slots) sid = str(sid) cid = int(cid) available = int(available) date = str(date) vaccine_name = str(vaccine_name) print("$" * 80) # whether Session Exist. temp = None oldRecord = session.query(VaccineSession).filter( VaccineSession.session_id == sid).first() print("OLD RECORD-->", oldRecord) if oldRecord != None: temp = oldRecord print("{} {} already Exist hence Updating...".format( sid, vaccine_name)) temp.last_avail_cnt = oldRecord.available temp.last_avail_dose_1 = oldRecord.avail_dose_1 temp.last_avail_dose_2 = oldRecord.avail_dose_2 else: temp = VaccineSession() print("{} {} is New Record".format(sid, vaccine_name)) temp.last_avail_cnt = available temp.last_avail_dose_1 = avail_dose_1 temp.last_avail_dose_2 = avail_dose_2 temp.session_id = sid temp.center_id = cid temp.min_age = min_age temp.available = available temp.avail_dose_1 = avail_dose_1 temp.avail_dose_2 = avail_dose_2 temp.slots = slots = date temp.vaccine_name = vaccine_name temp.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() # for the first Time Last available is same as avail. session.add(temp) res = session.commit() return "Added Seesion->[{}]".format(res), True except Exception as e: print("A fatal Exception " + str(e)) return "error [{}] occured while Adding Sessions of Vaccine for Center[{}]".format( e, cid), False finally: session.close()
def removeunTaggedPincode(): try: session = Session() pincodes, _ = getAllPincodeWithoutDistricts() print("All pincodes without dist id ", pincodes['pincodes']) for pin in pincodes['pincodes']: print("Current Pin-> ", pin) usersLst, _ = user_model.getUsersofPincode(pin.pincode) print("total Users of this pincode-> ", usersLst['total']) if usersLst['total'] < 1: print("remove pincode ", pin.pincode, " as no user is tagged to this pincode") session.delete(pin) except: return "Failed to remove untagged Pincode", False finally: session.commit() session.close()
def trackComplete(dist_id): try: session = Session() district = session.query(District).filter( District.district_id == dist_id).first() district.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() district.isTrackedAllPin = True session.add(district) session.commit() return 'Districts All pin tracked successfully', True except Exception as e: return "Exception occurred {}".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def removeUnTaggedDistricts(): try: session = Session() alldist, _ = getAllDistricts() print(alldist) for dist in alldist['districts']: print(dist.district_id) allUsers, _ = user_model.getUserofDistID(dist.district_id) print(allUsers) if allUsers['total'] < 1: print("Remove ", dist.district_id, " as no user is tagged to this dist id") session.delete(dist) except: return False finally: session.commit() session.close()
def removeOutDatedSession(): try: session = Session() allSessions, _ = getAllSessions() print("$" * 80) print("Before deletion total ->", len(allSessions)) print("$" * 80) currentDate_splitted = common_util.getDate().split("-") cur_day, cur_mnth = int(currentDate_splitted[0]), int( currentDate_splitted[1]) print("Current Date->", cur_day, "-", cur_mnth) for s in allSessions: date_splitted ="-") session_day, session_mnth = int(date_splitted[0]), int( date_splitted[1]) print("session Date->", session_day, "-", session_mnth) if cur_mnth > session_mnth: # like cur date 1-06-2021 and session date 31-05-2021 then also remove print("remove this session") session.delete(s) elif cur_mnth == session_mnth: if cur_day - session_day >= 1: print("Remove this Session ") session.delete(s) else: print("Keep this session") except Exception as e: return "Failure to delete outdated Session", False finally: session.commit() session.close() lsts, _ = getAllSessions() print("$" * 80) print("After deletion total ->", len(lsts)) print("$" * 80)