def addCenter(cid, cname, caddr, cpin, fee, block_name): try: session = Session() temp = None centerobj = session.query(Center).filter( Center.center_id == cid).first() if centerobj != None: temp = centerobj else: temp = Center() temp.center_name = cname temp.center_id = cid temp.address = caddr temp.pincode = cpin temp.fee = fee temp.block_name = block_name temp.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() session.add(temp) res = session.commit() return "Added Center->[{}]".format(res), True except Exception as e: return "error {} occured while Adding Center {} for {}".format( e, cid, cpin), False finally: session.close()
def addSessions(sid, cid, min_age, available, avail_dose_1, avail_dose_2, slots, date, vaccine_name): try: session = Session() slots = ",".join(slots) sid = str(sid) cid = int(cid) available = int(available) date = str(date) vaccine_name = str(vaccine_name) print("$" * 80) # whether Session Exist. temp = None oldRecord = session.query(VaccineSession).filter( VaccineSession.session_id == sid).first() print("OLD RECORD-->", oldRecord) if oldRecord != None: temp = oldRecord print("{} {} already Exist hence Updating...".format( sid, vaccine_name)) temp.last_avail_cnt = oldRecord.available temp.last_avail_dose_1 = oldRecord.avail_dose_1 temp.last_avail_dose_2 = oldRecord.avail_dose_2 else: temp = VaccineSession() print("{} {} is New Record".format(sid, vaccine_name)) temp.last_avail_cnt = available temp.last_avail_dose_1 = avail_dose_1 temp.last_avail_dose_2 = avail_dose_2 temp.session_id = sid temp.center_id = cid temp.min_age = min_age temp.available = available temp.avail_dose_1 = avail_dose_1 temp.avail_dose_2 = avail_dose_2 temp.slots = slots = date temp.vaccine_name = vaccine_name temp.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() # for the first Time Last available is same as avail. session.add(temp) res = session.commit() return "Added Seesion->[{}]".format(res), True except Exception as e: print("A fatal Exception " + str(e)) return "error [{}] occured while Adding Sessions of Vaccine for Center[{}]".format( e, cid), False finally: session.close()
def getPreference(email): try: session = Session() res = session.query(UserPref).filter( == email).first() if res == None: return None, False return res, True except Exception as e: return 'Not Found e->{}'.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def isUserExist(email): try: session = Session() res = session.query(User).filter( == email).first() if res == None: return "Not found ", False return res, True except Exception as e: return 'Not Found e->{}'.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def isPincodeExist(pincode): try: session = Session() res = session.query(Pincode).filter(Pincode.pincode == pincode).first() if res == None: raise Exception return res, True except Exception as e: return 'Not Found e->{}'.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def isDistExist(dist_id): try: session = Session() res = session.query(District).filter( District.district_id == dist_id).first() if res == None: raise Exception return res, True except Exception as e: return 'Not Found e->{}'.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def updatePrevCnt(sid): try: session = Session() s = session.query(VaccineSession).filter( VaccineSession.session_id == sid).first() s.last_avail_cnt = s.available s.last_avail_dose_1 = s.avail_dose_1 s.last_avail_dose_2 = s.avail_dose_2 session.add(s) session.commit() except Exception as e: print("Exception at updating previous cnt", str(e)) finally: session.close()
def getAllCenters(): try: session = Session() centers = session.query(Center).order_by(Center.lastUpdated).all() centerList = [] for center in centers: centerList.append(center) return centerList, True except Exception as e: return "error {} occured while Getting all Centers ".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def getAllSessions(): try: session = Session() sessionsQ = session.query(VaccineSession).order_by( VaccineSession.lastUpdated).all() sessionList = [] for s in sessionsQ: sessionList.append(s) return sessionList, True except Exception as e: return "error {} occured while Getting all Sessions ".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def updateLastUpdated(dist_id): try: session = Session() Obj = session.query(District).filter( District.district_id == dist_id).first() if Obj == None: raise Exception Obj.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() session.add(Obj) session.commit() return "Updated LastUpdated Successfully", True except Exception as e: return 'Not Found e->{}'.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def getCenterByID(center_id): try: session = Session() center = session.query(Center).filter( Center.center_id == center_id).first() if center != None: return center, True else: return None, False except Exception as e: return "error {} occured while Getting Centers for {}".format( e, cpin), False finally: session.close()
def updateLastUpdated(pincode): try: session = Session() pinObj = session.query(Pincode).filter( Pincode.pincode == pincode).first() if pinObj == None: raise Exception pinObj.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() session.add(pinObj) session.commit() return "Updated LastUpdated Successfully", True except Exception as e: return 'Not Found e->{}'.format(e), False finally: session.close()
def getCentersByPincode(pincode): try: session = Session() centers = session.query(Center).filter( Center.pincode == pincode).order_by(Center.lastUpdated).all() centerList = [] for center in centers: centerList.append(center) return centerList, True except Exception as e: return "error {} occured while Getting Centers for {}".format( e, cpin), False finally: session.close()
def getSessionByCenter(center_id): try: session = Session() centers = session.query(VaccineSession).filter( VaccineSession.center_id == center_id).order_by( VaccineSession.lastUpdated).all() sList = [] for center in centers: sList.append(center) return sList, True except Exception as e: return "error {} occured while Getting Sessions for {}".format( e, center_id), False finally: session.close()
def getUserofDistID(distID): try: session = Session() users = session.query(User).filter(User.dist_id == distID).all() datas = {} userslst = [] for user in users: userslst.append(user) datas['users'] = userslst datas['total'] = len(datas['users']) return datas, True except Exception as e: return "Exception occurred {}".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def getUsersWithPincodeSelectBy(): try: session = Session() users = session.query(User).filter(User.search_by == "pincode").all() datas = {} userslst = [] for user in users: userslst.append(user) datas['users'] = userslst datas['total'] = len(datas['users']) return datas, True except Exception as e: return "Exception occurred {}".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def trackComplete(dist_id): try: session = Session() district = session.query(District).filter( District.district_id == dist_id).first() district.lastUpdated = common_util.getUtcTimeStamp() district.isTrackedAllPin = True session.add(district) session.commit() return 'Districts All pin tracked successfully', True except Exception as e: return "Exception occurred {}".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def getPincodesByDistID(dist_id): try: session = Session() pincodes = session.query(Pincode).filter( Pincode.district_id == dist_id).order_by( Pincode.lastUpdated).all() datas = {} lst = [] for pincode in pincodes: lst.append(pincode) datas['pincodes'] = lst datas['total'] = len(datas['pincodes']) return datas, True except Exception as e: return "Exception occurred {}".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def getAllPincodes(): try: session = Session() pincodes = session.query(Pincode).order_by(Pincode.lastUpdated) datas = {} lst = [] for pincode in pincodes: lst.append(pincode) datas['pincodes'] = lst datas['total'] = len(datas['pincodes']) print(datas) return datas, True except Exception as e: return "Exception occurred {}".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def getUsers(): try: session = Session() users = session.query(User) datas = {} userslst = [] for user in users: userslst.append(user) datas['users'] = userslst datas['total'] = len(datas['users']) print(datas) return datas, True except Exception as e: return "Exception occurred {}".format(e), False finally: session.close()
def getAllDistWithoutTracked(): try: session = Session() districts = session.query(District).filter( District.isTrackedAllPin == False).order_by( District.lastUpdated).all() datas = {} lst = [] for dist in districts: lst.append(dist) datas['districts'] = lst datas['total'] = len(datas['districts']) return datas, True except Exception as e: return "Exception occurred {}".format(e), False finally: session.close()