def load_model(): # Root directory of the project ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath("") # Import Mask RCNN sys.path.append(ROOT_DIR) # To find local version of the library # Directory to save logs and trained model MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs") # You can download this file from the Releases page # BALLON_WEIGHTS_PATH = "mrcnn/mask_rcnn_object_0010.h5" # TODO: update this path config = custom.CustomConfig() CUSTOM_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "dataset") # changes for inferencing. class InferenceConfig(config.__class__): # Run detection on one image at a time GPU_COUNT = 1 IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 config = InferenceConfig() config.display() # Device to load the neural network on. # Useful if you're training a model on the same # machine, in which case use CPU and leave the # GPU for training. DEVICE = "/gpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 # Inspect the model in training or inference modes # values: 'inference' or 'training' # TODO: code for 'training' test mode not ready yet TEST_MODE = "inference" # Load validation dataset dataset = custom.CustomDataset() dataset.load_custom(CUSTOM_DIR, "val") # Must call before using the dataset dataset.prepare() print("Images: {}\nClasses: {}".format(len(dataset.image_ids), dataset.class_names)) with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=config) weights_path = "mrcnn/mask_rcnn_object_0010.h5" # Load weights print("Loading weights ", weights_path) model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True) return model, dataset, config
config.display() #Qual dispositivo deve ser usado na predição DEVICE = "/cpu:0" #"/gpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 TEST_MODE = "inference" def get_ax(rows=1, cols=1, size=16): _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(size * cols, size * rows)) return ax # Carregando informações do dataset dataset = custom.CustomDataset() dataset.load_custom(CUSTOM_DIR, "val") dataset.prepare() print("Images: {}\nClasses: {}".format(len(dataset.image_ids), dataset.class_names)) with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=config) weights_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "WEIGHT\CORROSION.h5") # Carregando o peso previamente treinado com as imagens de corrosão print("Carregando modelo treinado: ", weights_path) model.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True)
def detect_image(self, image,k): start = timer() if self.model_image_size != (None, None): assert self.model_image_size[0]%32 == 0, 'Multiples of 32 required' assert self.model_image_size[1]%32 == 0, 'Multiples of 32 required' boxed_image = letterbox_image(image, tuple(reversed(self.model_image_size))) else: new_image_size = (image.width - (image.width % 32), image.height - (image.height % 32)) boxed_image = letterbox_image(image, new_image_size) image_data = np.array(boxed_image, dtype='float32') print(image_data.shape) image_data /= 255. image_data = np.expand_dims(image_data, 0) # Add batch dimension. out_boxes, out_scores, out_classes = [self.boxes, self.scores, self.classes], feed_dict={ self.yolo_model.input: image_data, self.input_image_shape: [image.size[1], image.size[0]], K.learning_phase(): 0 }) print('Found {} boxes for {}'.format(len(out_boxes), 'img')) font = ImageFont.truetype(font='font/FiraMono-Medium.otf', size=np.floor(3e-2 * image.size[1] + 0.5).astype('int32')) thickness = (image.size[0] + image.size[1]) // 300 for i, c in reversed(list(enumerate(out_classes))): predicted_class = self.class_names[c] box = out_boxes[i] score = out_scores[i] label = '{} {:.2f}'.format(predicted_class, score) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) label_size = draw.textsize(label, font) top, left, bottom, right = box top = max(0, np.floor(top + 0.5)) left = max(0, np.floor(left + 0.5)) bottom = min(image.size[1], np.floor(bottom + 0.5)) right = min(image.size[0], np.floor(right + 0.5)) print(label, (left, top), (right, bottom)) #a=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] dict1={"class":label, i:[left, top, right, bottom]} #print(dict1) dict2.update(dict1) # print(dict2) dict1 = {} if top - label_size[1] >= 0: text_origin = np.array([left, top - label_size[1]]) else: text_origin = np.array([left, top + 1]) # My kingdom for a good redistributable image drawing library. for i in range(thickness): draw.rectangle( [left + i, top + i, right - i, bottom - i], outline=self.colors[c]) draw.rectangle( [tuple(text_origin), tuple(text_origin + label_size)], fill=self.colors[c]) draw.text(text_origin, label, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=font) del draw conn = sqlite3.connect('toll_data.db') c = conn.cursor() print("classssssssssss",out_classes) ##################################################### MASK RCNN######################################################### for i in out_classes: if(i==7): # Directory to save logs and trained model MODEL_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "logs") custom_WEIGHTS_PATH = "mask_rcnn_wheel_0100.h5" # TODO: update this path config = custom.CustomConfig() custom_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "customImages") # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Override the training configurations with a few # changes for inferencing. class InferenceConfig(config.__class__): # Run detection on one image at a time GPU_COUNT = 1 IMAGES_PER_GPU = 1 config = InferenceConfig() config.display() # Device to load the neural network on. # Useful if you're training a model on the same # machine, in which case use CPU and leave the # GPU for training. DEVICE = "/cpu:0" # /cpu:0 or /gpu:0 # Inspect the model in training or inference modes # values: 'inference' or 'training' # TODO: code for 'training' te def get_ax(rows=1, cols=1, size=16): """Return a Matplotlib Axes array to be used in all visualizations in the notebook. Provide a central point to control graph sizes. Adjust the size attribute to control how big to render images """ _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(size * cols, size * rows)) return ax # Load validation dataset dataset = custom.CustomDataset() dataset.load_custom(custom_DIR, "val") # Must call before using the dataset dataset.prepare() print("Images: {}\nClasses: {}".format(len(dataset.image_ids), dataset.class_names)) # Create model in inference mode with tf.device(DEVICE): model = modellib.MaskRCNN(mode="inference", model_dir=MODEL_DIR, config=config) # load the last model you trained # weights_path = model.find_last()[1] # Load weights print("Loading weights ", custom_WEIGHTS_PATH) model.load_weights(custom_WEIGHTS_PATH, by_name=True) # Display results import skimage # i=read() imag results = model.detect([imag], verbose=1) ax = get_ax(1) r = results[0] visualize.display_instances(imag, r['rois'], r['masks'], r['class_ids'], dataset.class_names, r['scores'], ax=ax, title="Predictions") visualize.display_images(imag) print(r['scores']) axle = (len(r['scores'])) print(len(r['scores'])) if axle >= 8: c = conn.cursor() #seven_count = seven_count + 1 global eight_count eight_count = eight_count + 1 print(eight_count) print("8 Axle or 8 Axle Above Truck... Pay 12 Riyal") now = print(now) global eight_sum eight_sum = eight_sum + 12 print("eight_sum", eight_sum) ctime = now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = '--' bus = '--' truck = '8 axle or above' amount = 20 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() elif axle == 7: c = conn.cursor() #seven_count = seven_count + 1 global seven_count seven_count = seven_count + 1 print(seven_count) print("7 Axle Truck... Pay 10 Riyal") now = print(now) global seven_sum seven_sum = seven_sum + 10 print("seven_sum", seven_sum) ctime = now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = '--' bus = '--' truck = '7 axle' amount = 20 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() elif axle == 6: c = conn.cursor() global six_count six_count = six_count + 1 print(six_count) print("6 Axle Truck... Pay 8 Riyal") now = print(now) global six_sum six_sum = six_sum + 8 print("six_sum", six_sum) ctime = now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = '--' bus = '--' truck = '6 axle' amount = 20 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() elif axle == 5: c = conn.cursor() global five_count five_count = five_count + 1 print(five_count) print("5 Axle Truck... Pay 6 Riyal") now = print(now) global five_sum five_sum = five_sum + 6 print("five_sum", five_sum) ctime = now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = '--' bus = '--' truck = '5 axle' amount = 20 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() elif axle == 4: c = conn.cursor() global four_count four_count = four_count + 1 print(four_count) print("4 Axle Truck... Pay 4 Riyal") now = print(now) global four_sum four_sum = four_sum + 4 print("four_sum", four_sum) ctime = now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = '--' bus = '--' truck = '4 axle' amount = 20 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() elif axle == 3: c = conn.cursor() #global three_count #three_count = three_count + 1 #print(three_count) now = #print(now) #global three_sum #three_sum = three_sum + 2 #print("three_sum", three_sum) ctime = now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = '--' bus = '--' truck = '3 axle' amount = 15 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() else: c = conn.cursor() now = #global two_sum #two_sum = two_sum + 1 #print("two_sum", two_sum) ctime = now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = '--' bus = '--' truck = '2 axle' amount = 10 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() elif i == 5: c = conn.cursor() global flag flag = 1 now = #global bus_sum #bus_sum = bus_sum + 3 #print(bus_sum) ctime= now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = '--' bus = 'bus' truck = '--' amount = 20 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() elif i == 2: c = conn.cursor() global flag flag = 2 now = #global car_sum #car_sum = car_sum + 2 #print(car_sum) ctime = now.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p") today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = 'car' bus = '--' truck = '--' amount = 10 c.execute("INSERT INTO toll(datestamp, time, car,bus,truck,amount) VALUES (?,?, ?, ?, ?,?)", (today, ctime, car, bus, truck, amount)) conn.commit() else : continue ########################### CAR COUNT ##################################### v = """SELECT count(car) FROM toll GROUP BY car""" c.execute(v) record = c.fetchall() car_count_list = [] for row in record: car_count_list = row[0] print("Printing Car Count", car_count_list) ############################# BUS COUNT ################################## sel = """SELECT count(bus) FROM toll GROUP BY bus""" c.execute(sel) record = c.fetchall() count_list = [] for row in record: count_list = row[0] print("Printing Bus Count", count_list) ############################## TRUCK COUNT ############################### sel = """SELECT count(truck) FROM toll GROUP BY truck""" c.execute(sel) record = c.fetchall() print("size", record) global truck_count sel_truck = """SELECT truck FROM toll """ c.execute(sel_truck) rec = c.fetchall() for r in rec : print(r[0]) conn.commit() ############################## TWO COUNT ############################### sel_two = """SELECT count(truck) FROM toll WHERE truck = '2 axle' """ c.execute(sel_two) rec_two = c.fetchall() for row in rec_two: print(row) flag = 3 conn.commit() ############################## THREE COUNT ############################### sel_three = """SELECT truck FROM toll WHERE truck = '3 axle' """ c.execute(sel_three) rec_three = c.fetchall() for row1 in rec_three: print(row1) flag = 4 conn.commit() ############################## FOUR COUNT ############################### if flag == 2: c = conn.cursor() now = today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") car = car_count_list # c.execute("INSERT INTO count(eight_above,seven,six,five,four,three,two,car,bus) VALUES " # "(?, ?, ?, ?,?,?,?,?,?)", (eight_or_more, seven, six, five, four, three, two, car, bus)) up = """UPDATE count SET date =? ,car=? WHERE count_id =1""" val = (today, car) c.execute(up, val) global car_sum car_sum = car * 10 up = """UPDATE amount SET date =?, car_sum=? WHERE amt_id =1""" val = (today, car_sum) c.execute(up, val) conn.commit() elif flag == 1: c = conn.cursor() now = today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") bus = count_list #c.execute("INSERT INTO count (date,bus) VALUES (?, ?)", (today,bus)) up = """UPDATE count SET date =?, bus=? WHERE count_id =1""" val = (today, bus) c.execute(up, val) global bus_sum bus_sum = bus * 20 up1 = """UPDATE amount SET date =?, bus_sum=? WHERE amt_id =1""" val1 = (today, bus_sum) c.execute(up1,val1) conn.commit() elif flag == 3: c = conn.cursor() now = today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") tr_2count = row up1 = """UPDATE count SET date =?, 2axle=? WHERE count_id =1""" val1 = (today, tr_2count) c.execute(up1, val1) global truck_sum truck_sum = tr_2count * 50 up2 = """UPDATE amount SET date =?, truck_sum=? WHERE amt_id =1""" val2 = (today, truck_sum) c.execute(up2, val2) elif flag == 4: c = conn.cursor() now = today = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") tr_3count = row up1 = """UPDATE count SET date =?, 3axle=? WHERE count_id =1""" val1 = (today, tr_3count) c.execute(up1, val1) global truck_sum truck_sum = tr_3count * 50 up2 = """UPDATE amount SET date =?, truck_sum=? WHERE amt_id =1""" val2 = (today, truck_sum) c.execute(up2, val2) conn.commit() ####################################################MRCNN END################################################## end = timer() with open('data.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(dict2, outfile) print(end - start) return image,out_classes