コード例 #1
# Standard imports
import sqlite3
from typing import Callable

# Qt imports
from PySide2.QtCore import QRunnable, QObject, Signal, QThread

# Custom imports
from cutevariant.core.sql import get_sql_connection
from cutevariant.commons import logger

LOGGER = logger()

class SqlRunnable(QObject, QRunnable):
    """Used to execute SQL/VQL queries in a separated thread

        - db_file (str): File path of the database.
        - async_conn (sqlite3.Connection): sqlite3 Connection
        - function (Callable): Function to be executed
        - query_number (int): (default: 0) Used to identify the finished query
            in a pool via the finished signal (see section Signals below).
        - results: Contain the result of the threaded function.
            `None`, as long as the function has not finished its execution done.

    Class attributes:
        - sql_connections_pool (dict): Mapping of thread ids as keys and
            sqlite3 Connections as values. It allows to reuse sql connections
            accros calls of run() method and benefit from their cache methods.
コード例 #2
import os
import glob
from abc import abstractmethod
from logging import DEBUG

# Qt imports
from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
from PySide2.QtCore import *  # QApplication.instance()
from PySide2.QtGui import *  # QIcon, QPalette

# Custom imports
import cutevariant.commons as cm
from cutevariant.gui.ficon import FIcon
from cutevariant.gui import network, style, widgets

LOGGER = cm.logger()

class AbstractSettingsWidget(QWidget):
    """Abstract class for settings widgets

    User must reimplement load() and save() 

    def __init__(self):
        self.section_widget = None