# Standard imports
import sqlite3
from typing import Callable

# Qt imports
from PySide2.QtCore import QRunnable, QObject, Signal, QThread

# Custom imports
from cutevariant.core.sql import get_sql_connection
from cutevariant.commons import logger

LOGGER = logger()

class SqlRunnable(QObject, QRunnable):
    """Used to execute SQL/VQL queries in a separated thread

        - db_file (str): File path of the database.
        - async_conn (sqlite3.Connection): sqlite3 Connection
        - function (Callable): Function to be executed
        - query_number (int): (default: 0) Used to identify the finished query
            in a pool via the finished signal (see section Signals below).
        - results: Contain the result of the threaded function.
            `None`, as long as the function has not finished its execution done.

    Class attributes:
        - sql_connections_pool (dict): Mapping of thread ids as keys and
            sqlite3 Connections as values. It allows to reuse sql connections
            accros calls of run() method and benefit from their cache methods.
import os
import glob
from abc import abstractmethod
from logging import DEBUG

# Qt imports
from PySide2.QtWidgets import *
from PySide2.QtCore import *  # QApplication.instance()
from PySide2.QtGui import *  # QIcon, QPalette

# Custom imports
import cutevariant.commons as cm
from cutevariant.gui.ficon import FIcon
from cutevariant.gui import network, style, widgets

LOGGER = cm.logger()

class AbstractSettingsWidget(QWidget):
    """Abstract class for settings widgets

    User must reimplement load() and save() 

    def __init__(self):
        self.section_widget = None