コード例 #1
ファイル: ImageUtil.py プロジェクト: ziliaogithub/IUCS
def get_chessboard_pose(img, info, ncol=5, nrow=4, squareSize=0.045, useSubPix=True, publishDetection=True, isRect=True):
    compute the pose of the chessboard in the camera frame   
  (success, chessboard_wrtImage) =  find_chessboard(img, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow, useSubPix=useSubPix);
  if (len(chessboard_wrtImage) == 0):
    rospy.logwarn(__name__ + ': no chessboard found');
    return None;

  if (publishDetection):
    chessboardCV = draw_chessboard(img, chessboard_wrtImage, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow);
    chessboardMsg = cvmat2msg(chessboardCV, img.encoding, frame_id=img.header.frame_id, stamp=rospy.Time().now());

  # compute pose
  chessboard_wrtBoard = cv.CreateMat(ncol*nrow, 1, cv.CV_32FC3);
  for i in range(ncol*nrow):
    chessboard_wrtBoard[i,0] = ((i % ncol) * squareSize, (i / ncol) * squareSize, 0);

  # get camera intrinsics
  (cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, projectionMatrix, rotationMatrix) = info2cvmat(info);

  # extrinsic outputs 
  rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
  trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)

  # find chessboard pose
  if isRect:
    distCoeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC1);
    distCoeffs[0,0] = 0; distCoeffs[0,1] = 0; distCoeffs[0,2] = 0; distCoeffs[0,3] = 0;
    cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(chessboard_wrtBoard, chessboard_wrtImage, projectionMatrix[:,:3], distCoeffs, rot, trans);
    cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(chessboard_wrtBoard, chessboard_wrtImage, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rot, trans);

  # get transform from rot, trans
  rot = np.asarray(rot);
  trans = np.asarray(trans);

  th = np.linalg.norm(rot);
  r = rot / th;
  R = np.cos(th)*np.eye(3) + (1 - np.cos(th))*np.dot(r, r.T) + np.sin(th)*np.array([[0, -r[2], r[1]], [r[2], 0, -r[0]], [-r[1], r[0], 0]]);

  if not isRect:
    Trect = tr.trans(-projectionMatrix[0,3]/cameraMatrix[0,0],-projectionMatrix[1,3]/cameraMatrix[1,1], 0)
    Rcam = tr.rot2tr(np.asarray(rotationMatrix));
    Tmodel2cam = np.dot(Trect, np.dot(Rcam, np.dot(tr.trans(trans), tr.rot2tr(R))));
    Tmodel2cam = np.dot(tr.trans(trans), tr.rot2tr(R));

  return ru.to_PoseStamped(Tmodel2cam, frame_id=info.header.frame_id, stamp=info.header.stamp); 
コード例 #2
 def detcb(imagemsg):
     if imagemsg.header.stamp > timestart:
         cvimage = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(imagemsg, 'mono8')
         corners = self.detect(cvimage)
         if corners is not None:
             with donecond:
                 # get the pose with respect to the attached sensor tf frame
                 if self.cvKK is None or self.cvkc is None:
                     KK, kc, Ts, error = self.calibrateIntrinsicCamera(
                         [self.getObjectPoints()], [corners],
                         (cvimage.width, cvimage.height),
                     T = Ts[0]
                     cvrvec = cv.CreateMat(1, 3, cv.CV_64F)
                     cvtvec = cv.CreateMat(1, 3, cv.CV_64F)
                         cv.fromarray(corners), self.cvKK, self.cvkc,
                         cvrvec, cvtvec)
                     T = matrixFromAxisAngle(array(cvrvec)[0])
                     T[0:3, 3] = array(cvtvec)[0]
                 data[0] = {
                     'T': T,
                     'corners_raw': corners,
                     'image_raw': array(cvimage)
                 if 'type' in self.pattern:
                     data[0]['type'] = self.pattern['type']
コード例 #3
def FindExtrinsicCameraParams(imagepoints, objectpoints, KK):
    """ Use OpenCV to solve for the affine transformation that matches imagepoints to object points
    imagepoints - 2xN array
    objectpoints - 3xN array
    KK - 3x3 array or 4 element array
    imagepoints = array(imagepoints,float)
    objectpoints = array(objectpoints,float)
    if len(KK.shape) == 1:
        cvKK = cv.CreateMat(3,3,cv.CV_32FC1)
        cvKK[0,0] = KK[0]; cvKK[0,1] = 0; cvKK[0,2] = KK[2];
        cvKK[1,0] = 0; cvKK[1,1] = KK[1]; cvKK[1,2] = KK[3];
        cvKK[2,0] = 0; cvKK[2,1] = 0; cvKK[2,2] = 1;
        cvKK = cv.fromarray(KK)
    cvDist = cv.CreateMat(4,1,cv.CV_32FC1)
    cvDist[0,0] = 0; cvDist[1,0] = 0; cvDist[2,0] = 0; cvDist[3,0] = 0;
    rvec = cv.CreateMat(3,1,cv.CV_32FC1)
    tvec = cv.CreateMat(3,1,cv.CV_32FC1)    
    object_points = cv.CreateMatHeader(3,objectpoints.shape[0],cv.CV_32FC1)
    image_points = cv.CreateMatHeader(2,imagepoints.shape[0],cv.CV_32FC1)
    T = matrixFromAxisAngle((rvec[0,0],rvec[1,0],rvec[2,0]))
    T[0:3,3] = [tvec[0,0],tvec[1,0],tvec[2,0]]
    return T
コード例 #4
def get_target_pose(cam):
    # Populate object_points
    object_points = cv.fromarray(
        numpy.array([[p.x, p.y, p.z] for p in cam.features.object_points]))
    image_points = cv.fromarray(
        numpy.array([[p.x, p.y] for p in cam.features.image_points]))
    dist_coeffs = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]))
    camera_matrix = numpy.array(
        [[cam.cam_info.P[0], cam.cam_info.P[1], cam.cam_info.P[2]],
         [cam.cam_info.P[4], cam.cam_info.P[5], cam.cam_info.P[6]],
         [cam.cam_info.P[8], cam.cam_info.P[9], cam.cam_info.P[10]]])
    rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
    trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
    cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(object_points, image_points,
                                  cv.fromarray(camera_matrix), dist_coeffs,
                                  rot, trans)
    rot3x3 = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
    cv.Rodrigues2(rot, rot3x3)
    frame = PyKDL.Frame()
    for i in range(3):
        frame.p[i] = trans[i, 0]
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            frame.M[i, j] = rot3x3[i, j]
    return frame
コード例 #5
ファイル: datamatrix.py プロジェクト: splionar/vision_opencv
    def gotimage(self, imgmsg):
        if imgmsg.encoding == "bayer_bggr8":
            imgmsg.encoding = "8UC1"
        img = CvBridge().imgmsg_to_cv(imgmsg)
        # cv.ShowImage("DataMatrix", img)
        # cv.WaitKey(6)


        # monocular case
        print self.cams
        if 'l' in self.cams:
            for (code, corners) in self.tracking.items():
                model = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[0,0,0], [.1, 0, 0], [.1, .1, 0], [0, .1, 0]], numpy.float32))

                rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
                trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
                                              cv.fromarray(numpy.array(corners, numpy.float32)),

                ts = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped()
                ts.header.frame_id = imgmsg.header.frame_id
                ts.header.stamp = imgmsg.header.stamp
                ts.child_frame_id = code
                posemsg = pm.toMsg(pm.fromCameraParams(cv, rot, trans))
                ts.transform.translation = posemsg.position
                ts.transform.rotation = posemsg.orientation

                tfm = tf.msg.tfMessage([ts])
コード例 #6
ファイル: cameracheck.py プロジェクト: JLEONR/image_pipeline
    def handle_monocular(self, msg):
        def pt2line(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2):
            """ point is (x0, y0), line is (x1, y1, x2, y2) """
            return abs((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y0) - (x1 - x0) *
                       (y2 - y1)) / math.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)

        (image, camera) = msg
        rgb = self.mkgray(image)
        C = self.image_corners(rgb)
        if C:
            cc = self.board.n_cols
            cr = self.board.n_rows
            errors = []
            for r in range(cr):
                (x1, y1) = C[(cc * r) + 0]
                (x2, y2) = C[(cc * r) + cc - 1]
                for i in range(1, cc - 1):
                    (x0, y0) = C[(cc * r) + i]
                    errors.append(pt2line(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2))
            linearity_rms = math.sqrt(
                sum([e**2 for e in errors]) / len(errors))

            # Add in reprojection check
            A = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, 0)
            image_points = cv.fromarray(numpy.array(C))
            object_points = cv.fromarray(numpy.zeros([cc * cr, 3]))
            for i in range(cr):
                for j in range(cc):
                    object_points[i * cc + j, 0] = j * self.board.dim
                    object_points[i * cc + j, 1] = i * self.board.dim
                    object_points[i * cc + j, 2] = 0.0
            dist_coeffs = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]))
            camera_matrix = numpy.array(
                [[camera.P[0], camera.P[1], camera.P[2]],
                 [camera.P[4], camera.P[5], camera.P[6]],
                 [camera.P[8], camera.P[9], camera.P[10]]])
            rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(object_points, image_points,
                                          dist_coeffs, rot, trans)
            # Convert rotation into a 3x3 Rotation Matrix
            rot3x3 = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Rodrigues2(rot, rot3x3)
            # Reproject model points into image
            object_points_world = numpy.asmatrix(rot3x3) * (
                numpy.asmatrix(object_points).T) + numpy.asmatrix(trans)
            reprojected_h = camera_matrix * object_points_world
            reprojected = (reprojected_h[0:2, :] / reprojected_h[2, :])
            reprojection_errors = image_points - reprojected.T
            reprojection_rms = numpy.sqrt(
                numpy.sum(numpy.array(reprojection_errors)**2) /

            # Print the results
            print "Linearity RMS Error: %.3f Pixels      Reprojection RMS Error: %.3f Pixels" % (
                linearity_rms, reprojection_rms)
            print 'no chessboard'
コード例 #7
def solve(C, Q, matches, dbsiftpath, dbimgpath):

  # open EarthMine info
  info = os.path.join(C.infodir, os.path.basename(dbimgpath)[:-4] + '.info')
  em = render_tags.EarthmineImageInfo(dbimgpath, info)
  map3d = C.pixelmap.open(dbsiftpath)

  # find non-None features
  vector = []
  for i, m in enumerate(matches):
    d = m['db']

    # get 3d pt of feature
    feature = map3d[int(d[0]), int(d[1])]
    if not feature:

    # convert from latlon to meters relative to earthmine camera
    pz, px = geom.lltom(em.lat, em.lon, feature['lat'], feature['lon'])
    py = feature['alt'] - em.alt
    vector.append((m['query'][:2], (px, py, -pz)))

  print vector[0]

  # reference camera matrix
  # f 0 0
  # 0 f 0
  # 0 0 1
  A = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64F)
  f = 662 # focal len?
  cv.Set2D(A, 0, 0, cv.Scalar(f))
  cv.Set2D(A, 1, 1, cv.Scalar(f))
  cv.Set2D(A, 2, 2, cv.Scalar(1))

  # convert vector to to cvMats
  objectPoints3d = cv.CreateMat(len(vector), 1, cv.CV_64FC3)
  imagePoints2d = cv.CreateMat(len(vector), 1, cv.CV_64FC2)
  for i, (p2d, p3d) in enumerate(vector):
    cv.Set2D(imagePoints2d, i, 0, cv.Scalar(*p2d))
    cv.Set2D(objectPoints3d, i, 0, cv.Scalar(*p3d))

  coeff = cv.CreateMat(4, 1, cv.CV_64F)
  rvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_64F)
  tvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_64F)

  # since rvec, tvec are zero the initial guess is the earthmine camera
  ret = cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(objectPoints3d, imagePoints2d, A,
    coeff, rvec, tvec, useExtrinsicGuess=False)
  np_rvec = np.matrix(rvec)
  np_tvec = np.matrix(tvec)
  print np_rvec
  print np_tvec
  return np_rvec, np_tvec
コード例 #8
def backproject_depth(im, depth, corners):
    # Use 'extrinsic rectification' to find plane equation
    global obj, cam, distcc, rvec, tvec, bp
    obj = np.mgrid[:6, :8, :1].astype('f').reshape(3, -1) * 0.0254
    f = 583.0
    cx = 321
    cy = 249
    distcc = np.zeros((4, 1), 'f')
    rvec = np.zeros((3, 1), 'f')
    tvec = np.zeros((3, 1), 'f')
    cam = np.array([[f, 0, cx], [0, f, cy], [0, 0, 1]])
    cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(obj, corners, cam, distcc, rvec, tvec)

    # Back project to see how it went
    bp = np.array(corners)
    cv.ProjectPoints2(obj, rvec, tvec, cam, distcc, bp)

    global pts1
    # Show the points in a point cloud, using rvec and tvec
    RT = np.eye(4).astype('f')
    RT[:3, :3] = expmap.axis2rot(rvec.squeeze())
    RT[:3, 3] = tvec.squeeze()
    #RT = np.linalg.inv(RT)
    pts1 = np.dot(RT[:3, :3], obj) + RT[:3, 3].reshape(3, 1)
    pts1[1, :] *= -1
    pts1[2, :] *= -1
    rgb1 = np.zeros((pts1.shape[1], 4), 'f')
    rgb1[:, :] = [0, 0, 0, 1]

    # Also show the points in the region, using the calib image
    global mask, pts2
    bounds = corners[[0, 7, 5 * 8 + 7, 5 * 8], :]
    polys = (tuple([tuple(x) for x in tuple(bounds)]), )
    mask = np.zeros((480, 640), 'f')
    cv.FillPoly(mask, polys, [1, 0, 0])
    mask = (mask > 0) & (depth < 2047)
    v, u = np.mgrid[:480, :640].astype('f')
    pts2 = np.vstack(project(depth[mask].astype('f'), u[mask], v[mask]))
    rgb2 = np.zeros((pts2.shape[1], 4), 'f')
    rgb2[:, :] = [0, 1, 0, 1]

    if np.any(np.isnan(pts2.mean(1))): return

        np.hstack((pts1, pts2)).transpose(), np.vstack((rgb1, rgb2)))
    window.lookat = pts1.mean(1)

コード例 #9
ファイル: datamatrix.py プロジェクト: splionar/vision_opencv
    def handle_mono(self, qq):
        (imgmsg, caminfo) = qq
        img = CvBridge().imgmsg_to_cv(imgmsg, "mono8")
        pcm = image_geometry.PinholeCameraModel()


        for (code, corners) in self.tracking.items():
            # detector numbers vertices clockwise like this:
            # 1 2
            # 0 3
            if isinstance(self.dim, (float, int)):
                d = self.dim
                d = self.dim[code]
            # User specifies black bar length, but detector uses
            # full module, including the 2-unit quiet zone,
            # so scale by 14/10
            d = d * 14 / 10     
            model = cv.fromarray(numpy.array([[0,0,0], [0, d, 0], [d, d, 0], [d, 0, 0]], numpy.float32))

            rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
                                          cv.fromarray(numpy.array(corners, numpy.float32)),

            ts = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped()
            ts.header.frame_id = imgmsg.header.frame_id
            ts.header.stamp = imgmsg.header.stamp
            ts.child_frame_id = code
            posemsg = pm.toMsg(pm.fromCameraParams(cv, rot, trans))
            ts.transform.translation = posemsg.position
            ts.transform.rotation = posemsg.orientation

            tfm = tf.msg.tfMessage([ts])
コード例 #10
 def fit(self, data):
     m = mean(data, 0)
     diff = data - tile(m, (data.shape[0], 1))
     area0 = abs(linalg.det(dot(transpose(diff[:, 0:2]), diff[:, 0:2])))
     if area0 < 0.00001:  # check if point area is large enough
         #print 'degenerate 2d data %f'%area0
         return None
     # have to compute if the 3d points are collinear or not
     eigvalues = linalg.eigvalsh(dot(transpose(diff[:, 2:5]), diff[:, 2:5]))
     if sum(abs(eigvalues) <= 1e-9
            ) >= 2:  # check if point area is large enough
         #print 'degenerate 3d points',eigvalues
         return None
     if data.shape[0] == self.ninitial:
         object_points = self.object_points
         image_points = self.image_points
         object_points = cv.CreateMatHeader(3, data.shape[0], cv.CV_32FC1)
         image_points = cv.CreateMatHeader(2, data.shape[0], cv.CV_32FC1)
         struct.pack('f' * (data.shape[0] * 3),
                     *transpose(data[:, 2:5]).flat), 4 * data.shape[0])
         struct.pack('f' * (data.shape[0] * 2),
                     *transpose(data[:, 0:2]).flat), 4 * data.shape[0])
     cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(object_points, image_points, self.cvKK,
                                   self.cvDist, self.rvec, self.tvec)
     T = matrixFromAxisAngle(
         (self.rvec[0, 0], self.rvec[1, 0], self.rvec[2, 0]))
     T[0:3, 3] = [self.tvec[0, 0], self.tvec[1, 0], self.tvec[2, 0]]
     # make sure that texture faces towards the image (ie, z axis has negative z component)
     if T[2, 2] < 0:
         return None
     return T
コード例 #11
class CrCalibration:
    def __init__(self, size, dim):

        self.chess_size = size
        self.dim = dim

        left_ns = rospy.remap_name('left')
        range_ns = rospy.remap_name('range')
        limg_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(left_ns + '/image_rect',
        rimg_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(range_ns + '/image_rect',
        linfo_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(left_ns + '/camera_info',
        rinfo_sub = message_filters.Subscriber(range_ns + '/camera_info',

        ts = message_filters.TimeSynchronizer(
            [limg_sub, linfo_sub, rimg_sub, rinfo_sub], 16)
        self.bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()

        self.frame_list = []
        self.static_pose = None
        self.result_list = []
        self.last_err = 0

    def calc_frame(self, lst):
        pos = PyKDL.Vector()
        ex = 0
        ey = 0
        ez = 0
        for f in lst:
            pos += f.p
            z, y, x = f.M.GetEulerZYX()
            ex += x
            ey += y
            ez += z

        size = len(lst)
        return PyKDL.Frame(
            PyKDL.Rotation.EulerZYX(ez / size, ey / size, ex / size),
            pos / size)

    def calc_distance(self, f1, f2):
        test = f1 * f2.Inverse()
        angle, axis = test.M.GetRotAngle()
        norm = test.p.Norm()
        return (norm + (angle / 10.0))

    def queue_cr(self, limg, linfo, rimg, rinfo):
        lpose = self.find_checkerboard_pose(limg, linfo)
        rpose = self.find_checkerboard_pose(rimg, rinfo)
        if lpose == None or rpose == None:
            if lpose == None:
                rospy.loginfo("can't find CB on left camera image")
            if rpose == None:
                rospy.loginfo("can't find CB on range image")
            return False

        # calcurate pose
        lframe = pm.fromMsg(lpose.pose)
        rframe = pm.fromMsg(rpose.pose)
        frame = lframe * rframe.Inverse()

        # check pose euniqness
        for r in self.result_list:
            if self.calc_distance(r[0], lframe) < 0.075:
                return False

        # check pose_movement
        if len(self.frame_list) == 0:
            self.static_pose = lframe
            return False

        dist = self.calc_distance(self.static_pose, lframe)
        print dist
        if dist > 0.012:
            self.frame_list = []
            self.static_pose = None
            return False

        if len(self.frame_list) > 5:
            self.frame_list = []
            self.static_pose = None
            # check resut list num
            ret = self.calc_frame([r[1] for r in self.result_list])
            err = 0.0
            for r in self.result_list:
                err += self.calc_distance(r[1], ret)

            qx, qy, qz, qw = ret.M.GetQuaternion()
            rospy.loginfo("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f / err = %f" %
                          (ret.p.x(), ret.p.y(), ret.p.z(), qx, qy, qz, qw,
                           err / len(self.result_list)))
            self.last_err = err / len(self.result_list)

            # finish check
            if len(self.result_list) > 7 and self.last_err < 0.1:
                rospy.loginfo("Finished size = %d, err = %f" %
                              (len(self.result_list), self.last_err))
                print "translation: [%f, %f, %f]\nrotation: [%f, %f, %f, %f]" % (
                    ret.p.x(), ret.p.y(), ret.p.z(), qx, qy, qz, qw)
                print "(make-coords :pos #f(%f %f %f) :rot (quaternion2matrix #f(%f %f %f %f)))" % (
                    1000 * ret.p.x(), 1000 * ret.p.y(), 1000 * ret.p.z(), qw,
                    qx, qy, qz)
                #print "<node pkg=\"tf\" type=\"static_transform_publisher\" name=\"cam_link_broadcaster\" args=\"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f link1 link2 30\" />" % (ret.p.x(), ret.p.y(), ret.p.z(), qw, qx, qy, qz)

            return True

        return True

    def detect(self, image):
        corners_x = self.chess_size[0]
        corners_y = self.chess_size[1]

        #Here, we'll actually call the openCV detector
        found, corners = cv.FindChessboardCorners(
            image, (corners_x, corners_y), cv.CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH)

        if found:
            board_corners = (corners[0], corners[corners_x - 1],
                             corners[(corners_y - 1) * corners_x],
                             corners[len(corners) - 1])

            #find the perimeter of the checkerboard
            perimeter = 0.0
            for i in range(len(board_corners)):
                next = (i + 1) % 4
                xdiff = board_corners[i][0] - board_corners[next][0]
                ydiff = board_corners[i][1] - board_corners[next][1]
                perimeter += math.sqrt(xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff)

            #estimate the square size in pixels
            square_size = perimeter / ((corners_x - 1 + corners_y - 1) * 2)
            radius = int(square_size * 0.5 + 0.5)

            corners = cv.FindCornerSubPix(
                image, corners, (radius, radius), (-1, -1),
                (cv.CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | cv.CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1))

            #uncomment to debug chessboard detection
            #cv.DrawChessboardCorners(image, (corners_x, corners_y), corners, 1)
            #cv.ShowImage("image", image)

            #we'll also generate the object points if the user has specified spacing
            object_points = cv.CreateMat(3, corners_x * corners_y, cv.CV_32FC1)

            for y in range(corners_y):
                for x in range(corners_x):
                    cv.SetReal2D(object_points, 0, y * corners_x + x,
                                 x * self.dim)
                    cv.SetReal2D(object_points, 1, y * corners_x + x,
                                 y * self.dim)
                    cv.SetReal2D(object_points, 2, y * corners_x + x, 0.0)

            #not sure why opencv functions return non opencv compatible datatypes... but they do so we'll convert
            corners_cv = cv.CreateMat(2, corners_x * corners_y, cv.CV_32FC1)
            for i in range(corners_x * corners_y):
                cv.SetReal2D(corners_cv, 0, i, corners[i][0])
                cv.SetReal2D(corners_cv, 1, i, corners[i][1])

            return (corners_cv, object_points)
            #cv.ShowImage("image_scaled", image_scaled)
            rospy.logwarn("Didn't find checkerboard")
            return (None, None)

    def intrinsic_matrix_from_info(self, cam_info):
        intrinsic_matrix = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)

        #Because we only want the upper 3x3 (normal) portion of the rectified intrinsic matrix
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                intrinsic_matrix[i, j] = cam_info.P[4 * i + j]
        return intrinsic_matrix

    def find_checkerboard_pose(self, ros_image, cam_info):
        #we need to convert the ros image to an opencv image
            image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(ros_image, "mono8")
        except CvBridgeError, e:
            rospy.logerror("Error importing image %s" % e)

        corners, model = self.detect(image)

        if corners == None or model == None:
            return None
            #find the pose of the checkerboard
            rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            kc = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Set(kc, 0.0)
            intrinsic_matrix = self.intrinsic_matrix_from_info(cam_info)

            cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(model, corners, intrinsic_matrix, kc,
                                          rot, trans)

            #We want to build a transform now, but first we have to convert the
            #rotation vector we get back from OpenCV into a rotation matrix
            rot_mat = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Rodrigues2(rot, rot_mat)

            #Now we need to convert this rotation matrix into a quaternion
            #This can be done better in never versions of opencv, but we need to be boxturtle compatible
            numpy_mat = numpy.fromstring(rot_mat.tostring(),
                                         dtype=numpy.float32).reshape((3, 3))

            #of course, tf expects all matricies passed to it to be 4x4... so we'll build a full matrix here
            full_pose = numpy.zeros((4, 4))

            #first, copy in the rotation matrix
            full_pose[0:3, 0:3] = numpy_mat[0:3, 0:3]

            #next, we'll copy in the translation
            full_pose[0:3, 3] = [trans[i, 0] for i in range(3)]

            #and make sure to add a 1 in the lower right corner
            full_pose[3][3] = 1.0

            rospy.logdebug("%s" % numpy_mat)
            rospy.logdebug("%s" % full_pose)

            tf_trans = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix(full_pose)
            tf_rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(full_pose)

            #and now we'll actually build our pose stamped
            board_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped()
            board_pose.header = ros_image.header
            board_pose.pose.position.x = tf_trans[0]
            board_pose.pose.position.y = tf_trans[1]
            board_pose.pose.position.z = tf_trans[2]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.x = tf_rot[0]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.y = tf_rot[1]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.z = tf_rot[2]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.w = tf_rot[3]
            rospy.logdebug("%s" % board_pose)

            #we'll publish the pose so we can display it in rviz
            # self.pose_pub.publish(board_pose)
            return board_pose
コード例 #12
ファイル: cb_detector.py プロジェクト: UbiCALab/tfm_adrian
class ImageCbDetectorNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.corners_x = rospy.get_param('~corners_x', 6)
        self.corners_y = rospy.get_param('~corners_y', 6)
        self.spacing_x = rospy.get_param('~spacing_x', None)
        self.spacing_y = rospy.get_param('~spacing_y', None)
        self.width_scaling = rospy.get_param('~width_scaling', 1)
        self.height_scaling = rospy.get_param('~height_scaling', 1)

        self.im_cb_detector = ImageCbDetector()

        self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("image_stream", Image, self.callback)
        self.caminfo_sub = rospy.Subscriber("camera_info", CameraInfo,
        self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("board_pose", PoseStamped, latch=True)
        self.pose_srv = None
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.mutex = threading.RLock()
        self.cam_info = None
        self.ros_image = None

    def intrinsic_matrix_from_info(self, cam_info):
        intrinsic_matrix = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)

        #Because we only want the upper 3x3 (normal) portion of the rectified intrinsic matrix
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                intrinsic_matrix[i, j] = cam_info.P[4 * i + j]

        return intrinsic_matrix

    def attempt_to_advertise(self):
        #we'll only advertise the service after we've received a cam_info/image pair
        if self.ros_image != None and self.cam_info != None:
            self.pose_srv = rospy.Service("get_checkerboard_pose",

    def cam_info_cb(self, cam_info):
        with self.mutex:
            self.cam_info = cam_info
            if self.pose_srv == None:

    def callback(self, ros_image):
        #copy over the latest image to be used when a service call is made
        with self.mutex:
            self.ros_image = ros_image
            if self.pose_srv == None:

    def find_checkerboard_service(self, req):
        poses = []
        min_x = self.ros_image.width
        min_y = self.ros_image.height
        max_x = 0
        max_y = 0
        for i in range(10):

            #copy the image over
            with self.mutex:
                image = self.ros_image

            result = self.find_checkerboard_pose(image, req.corners_x,
                                                 req.corners_y, req.spacing_x,
            if result is None:
                rospy.logerr("Couldn't find a checkerboard")

            p, corners = result
            for j in range(corners.cols):
                x = cv.GetReal2D(corners, 0, j)
                y = cv.GetReal2D(corners, 1, j)
                min_x = min(min_x, x)
                max_x = max(max_x, x)
                min_y = min(min_y, y)
                max_y = max(max_y, y)

        # convert all poses to twists
        twists = []
        for p in poses:
                PyKDL.diff(PyKDL.Frame.Identity(), posemath.fromMsg(p.pose)))

        # get average twist
        twist_res = PyKDL.Twist()
        for t in twists:
            for i in range(3):
                twist_res.vel[i] += t.vel[i] / len(poses)
                twist_res.rot[i] += t.rot[i] / len(poses)

        # get noise
        noise_rot = 0
        noise_vel = 0
        for t in twists:
            n_vel = (t.vel - twist_res.vel).Norm()
            n_rot = (t.rot - twist_res.rot).Norm()
            if n_vel > noise_vel:
                noise_vel = n_vel
            if n_rot > noise_rot:
                noise_rot = n_rot

        # set service resul
        pose_res = PyKDL.addDelta(PyKDL.Frame.Identity(), twist_res, 1.0)
        pose_msg = PoseStamped()
        pose_msg.header = poses[0].header
        pose_msg.pose = posemath.toMsg(pose_res)
        return GetCheckerboardPoseResponse(pose_msg, min_x, max_x, min_y,
                                           max_y, noise_vel, noise_rot)

    def find_checkerboard_pose(self, ros_image, corners_x, corners_y,
                               spacing_x, spacing_y, width_scaling,
        #we need to convert the ros image to an opencv image
            image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(ros_image, "mono8")
        except CvBridgeError, e:
            rospy.logerror("Error importing image %s" % e)

        corners, model = self.im_cb_detector.detect(image, corners_x,
                                                    corners_y, spacing_x,
                                                    spacing_y, width_scaling,

        if corners != None and model != None and self.cam_info != None:
            #find the pose of the checkerboard
            rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            with self.mutex:
                intrinsic_matrix = self.intrinsic_matrix_from_info(
                kc = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC1)
                cv.Set(kc, 0.0)
                cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(model, corners, intrinsic_matrix,
                                              kc, rot, trans)

            #We want to build a transform now, but first we have to convert the
            #rotation vector we get back from OpenCV into a rotation matrix
            rot_mat = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Rodrigues2(rot, rot_mat)

            #Now we need to convert this rotation matrix into a quaternion
            #This can be done better in never versions of opencv, but we need to be boxturtle compatible
            numpy_mat = numpy.fromstring(rot_mat.tostring(),
                                         dtype=numpy.float32).reshape((3, 3))

            #of course, tf expects all matricies passed to it to be 4x4... so we'll build a full matrix here
            full_pose = numpy.zeros((4, 4))

            #first, copy in the rotation matrix
            full_pose[0:3, 0:3] = numpy_mat[0:3, 0:3]

            #next, we'll copy in the translation
            full_pose[0:3, 3] = [trans[i, 0] for i in range(3)]

            #and make sure to add a 1 in the lower right corner
            full_pose[3][3] = 1.0

            rospy.logdebug("%s" % numpy_mat)
            rospy.logdebug("%s" % full_pose)

            tf_trans = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix(full_pose)
            tf_rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(full_pose)

            #and now we'll actually build our pose stamped
            board_pose = PoseStamped()
            board_pose.header = ros_image.header
            board_pose.pose.position.x = tf_trans[0]
            board_pose.pose.position.y = tf_trans[1]
            board_pose.pose.position.z = tf_trans[2]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.x = tf_rot[0]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.y = tf_rot[1]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.z = tf_rot[2]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.w = tf_rot[3]
            rospy.logdebug("%s" % board_pose)

            #we'll publish the pose so we can display it in rviz
            return (board_pose, corners)
コード例 #13
    def calibrate(self):
        self.projector_to_camera_translation_vector = cv.CreateMat(
            3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
        self.projector_to_camera_rotation_vector = cv.CreateMat(
            3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
        for i in range(self.number_of_scenes):
            camera_tvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            camera_rvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
                                          camera_rvec, camera_tvec)

            print "Camera To Board Vector:"
            for row in range(camera_tvec.height):
                for col in range(camera_tvec.width):
                    print camera_tvec[row, col],
            projector_tvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            projector_rvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
                self.object_points[i], self.projector_image_points[i],
                self.projector_model.distortionCoeffs(), projector_rvec,

            print "Projector To Board Vector:"
            for row in range(projector_tvec.height):
                for col in range(projector_tvec.width):
                    print projector_tvec[row, col],

            camera_rmat = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Rodrigues2(camera_rvec, camera_rmat)

            projector_rmat = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Rodrigues2(projector_rvec, projector_rmat)

            scene_projector_to_camera_rotation_matrix = cv.CreateMat(
                3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.GEMM(camera_rmat, projector_rmat, 1, None, 0,
                    scene_projector_to_camera_rotation_matrix, cv.CV_GEMM_B_T)
            scene_projector_to_camera_rotation_vector = cv.CreateMat(
                3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    print scene_projector_to_camera_rotation_matrix[i, j],
            print "Scene Rotation Vector:"
            for row in range(scene_projector_to_camera_rotation_vector.height):
                for col in range(
                    print scene_projector_to_camera_rotation_vector[row, col],

            scene_projector_to_camera_translation_vector = cv.CreateMat(
                3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.GEMM(projector_rmat, projector_tvec, -1, None, 0,
            cv.GEMM(camera_rmat, scene_projector_to_camera_translation_vector,
                    1, camera_tvec, 1,
                    scene_projector_to_camera_translation_vector, 0)
            print "Scene Translation Vector:"
            for row in range(
                for col in range(
                    print scene_projector_to_camera_translation_vector[row,


                        scale=1.0 / self.number_of_scenes)
                        scale=1.0 / self.number_of_scenes)

        print "Final Translation Vector:"
        for row in range(self.projector_to_camera_translation_vector.height):
            for col in range(
                print self.projector_to_camera_translation_vector[row, col],

        print "Final Rotation Vector:"
        for row in range(self.projector_to_camera_rotation_vector.height):
            for col in range(self.projector_to_camera_rotation_vector.width):
                print self.projector_to_camera_rotation_vector[row, col],
コード例 #14
def qsolve(C, Q, matches, dbsiftpath, dbimgpath):

    # Get image information.
    info = os.path.join(C.infodir, os.path.basename(dbimgpath)[:-4] + '.info')
    qsource = render_tags.QueryImageInfo(Q.datasource)
    dbsource = render_tags.EarthmineImageInfo(dbimgpath, info)
    map3d = C.pixelmap.open(dbsiftpath)

    # Get 2d pixels and 3d locations of feature inliers
    matches = [(m['query'][0],m['query'][1],m['db'][0],m['db'][1]) for m in matches]
    matches = list(set(matches))
    q2d = [arr([m[0],m[1]]) for m in matches]
    db2d = [arr([m[2],m[3]]) for m in matches]
    db3d = [map3d[int(d[0]),int(d[1])] for d in db2d]
    i = 0
    while i < len(db3d):
        if db3d[i] is None:
            i = i+1
    olat,olon,oalt = dbsource.lat,dbsource.lon,dbsource.alt
    qlat,qlon = qsource.lat,qsource.lon
    qzx = geom.lltom(olat,olon,qlat,qlon)
    zx = [geom.lltom(olat,olon,d['lat'],d['lon']) for d in db3d]
    y = [dbsource.alt-d['alt'] for d in db3d]
    xyz = [[zx[i][1],y[i],zx[i][0]] for i in range(len(y))]
    print len(xyz)

    # Set K, Rhat
    wx,wy = qsource.pgmsize[0], qsource.pgmsize[1]
    tx,ty = qsource.view_angle[0], qsource.view_angle[1]
    f1, f2 = (wx-1)/(2*np.tan(tx/2)), (wy-1)/(2*np.tan(ty/2))
    f = (f1+f2) / 2
    K = arr([[f,0,(wx-1)/2.0],
    y,p,r = qsource.yaw, qsource.pitch, qsource.roll
    print [180*y/np.pi,180*p/np.pi,180*r/np.pi]
    Ry = arr([[np.cos(y),0,np.sin(y)],
    Rx = arr([[1,0,0],
    Rz = arr([[np.cos(r),-np.sin(r),0],
    Rhat = dot(Ry,dot(Rx,Rz)) # camera orientation (camera to world)
    tRhat = tp(Rhat)

    # reference camera matrix
    # f 0 cx
    # 0 f cy
    # 0 0 1
    A = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64F)
    cv.Set2D(A, 0, 0, cv.Scalar(f))
    cv.Set2D(A, 1, 1, cv.Scalar(f))
    cv.Set2D(A, 2, 2, cv.Scalar(1))
    cv.Set2D(A, 0, 2, cv.Scalar((wx-1)/2.0))
    cv.Set2D(A, 1, 2, cv.Scalar((wy-1)/2.0))

    # convert 2d, 3d points to cvMats
    objectPoints3d = cv.CreateMat(len(xyz), 1, cv.CV_64FC3)
    imagePoints2d = cv.CreateMat(len(xyz), 1, cv.CV_64FC2)
    for i in range(len(xyz)):
        cv.Set2D(imagePoints2d, i, 0, cv.Scalar(*q2d[i]))
        cv.Set2D(objectPoints3d, i, 0, cv.Scalar(*xyz[i]))

    # set initial rotation and translation vectors, distortion coefficients
    coeff = cv.CreateMat(4, 1, cv.CV_64F)
    rmat = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64F)
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 0, 0, cv.Scalar(tRhat[0,0]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 0, 1, cv.Scalar(tRhat[0,1]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 0, 2, cv.Scalar(tRhat[0,2]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 1, 0, cv.Scalar(tRhat[1,0]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 1, 1, cv.Scalar(tRhat[1,1]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 1, 2, cv.Scalar(tRhat[1,2]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 2, 0, cv.Scalar(tRhat[2,0]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 2, 1, cv.Scalar(tRhat[2,1]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 2, 2, cv.Scalar(tRhat[2,2]))
    print 'YPR init for PnP'
    print 180*np.array(geom.ypr_fromR(Rhat))/np.pi
    rvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_64F)
    cv.Rodrigues2(rmat,rvec) # convert from rotation matrix to Rodrigues vector
    tvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_64F)

    # solvepnp
    ret = cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(objectPoints3d, imagePoints2d, A,
        coeff, rvec, tvec, useExtrinsicGuess=False)
    np_rvec = np.matrix(rvec).A
    np_rmat = np.transpose(np.matrix(rmat)).A
    np_tvec = np.dot(np_rmat,np.squeeze(np.matrix(tvec).A))
    print 'Rq from PnP'
    print np_rmat
    print 'YPR from PnP'
    print 180*np.array(geom.ypr_fromR(np_rmat))/np.pi

    return np_rmat, np_tvec
コード例 #15
    def find_checkerboard_pose(self, ros_image, cam_info):
        #we need to convert the ros image to an opencv image
            image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(ros_image, "mono8")
        except CvBridgeError as e:
            rospy.logerror("Error importing image %s" % e)

        corners, model = self.detect(image)

        if corners == None or model == None:
            return None
            #find the pose of the checkerboard
            rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            kc = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Set(kc, 0.0)
            intrinsic_matrix = self.intrinsic_matrix_from_info(cam_info)

            cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(model, corners, intrinsic_matrix, kc,
                                          rot, trans)

            #We want to build a transform now, but first we have to convert the
            #rotation vector we get back from OpenCV into a rotation matrix
            rot_mat = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Rodrigues2(rot, rot_mat)

            #Now we need to convert this rotation matrix into a quaternion
            #This can be done better in never versions of opencv, but we need to be boxturtle compatible
            numpy_mat = numpy.fromstring(rot_mat.tostring(),
                                         dtype=numpy.float32).reshape((3, 3))

            #of course, tf expects all matricies passed to it to be 4x4... so we'll build a full matrix here
            full_pose = numpy.zeros((4, 4))

            #first, copy in the rotation matrix
            full_pose[0:3, 0:3] = numpy_mat[0:3, 0:3]

            #next, we'll copy in the translation
            full_pose[0:3, 3] = [trans[i, 0] for i in range(3)]

            #and make sure to add a 1 in the lower right corner
            full_pose[3][3] = 1.0

            rospy.logdebug("%s" % numpy_mat)
            rospy.logdebug("%s" % full_pose)

            tf_trans = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix(full_pose)
            tf_rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(full_pose)

            #and now we'll actually build our pose stamped
            board_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped()
            board_pose.header = ros_image.header
            board_pose.pose.position.x = tf_trans[0]
            board_pose.pose.position.y = tf_trans[1]
            board_pose.pose.position.z = tf_trans[2]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.x = tf_rot[0]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.y = tf_rot[1]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.z = tf_rot[2]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.w = tf_rot[3]
            rospy.logdebug("%s" % board_pose)

            #we'll publish the pose so we can display it in rviz
            # self.pose_pub.publish(board_pose)
            return board_pose
コード例 #16
def dbsolve(C, Rhat, matches, dbsiftpath, dbimgpath):

    # Get image information.
    info = os.path.join(C.infodir, os.path.basename(dbimgpath)[:-4] + '.info')
    dbsource = render_tags.EarthmineImageInfo(dbimgpath, info)
    map3d = C.pixelmap.open(dbsiftpath)

    # Get 2d pixels and 3d locations of feature inliers
    matches = [(m['query'][0],m['query'][1],m['db'][0],m['db'][1]) for m in matches]
    matches = list(set(matches))
    db2d = [arr([m[2],m[3]]) for m in matches]
    db3d = [map3d[int(d[0]),int(d[1])] for d in db2d]
    i = 0
    while i < len(db3d):
        if db3d[i] is None:
            i = i+1
    olat,olon,oalt = dbsource.lat,dbsource.lon,dbsource.alt
    zx = [geom.lltom(olat,olon,d['lat'],d['lon']) for d in db3d]
    y = [dbsource.alt-d['alt'] for d in db3d]
    xyz = [[zx[i][1],y[i],zx[i][0]] for i in range(len(y))]

    # reference camera matrix Kd
    wx,wy = dbsource.image.size
    fov = dbsource.fov
    f = (wx-1)/(2*np.tan(fov/2))
    # f 0 cx
    # 0 f cy
    # 0 0 1
    A = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64F)
    cv.Set2D(A, 0, 0, cv.Scalar(f))
    cv.Set2D(A, 1, 1, cv.Scalar(f))
    cv.Set2D(A, 2, 2, cv.Scalar(1))
    cv.Set2D(A, 0, 2, cv.Scalar((wx-1)/2.0))
    cv.Set2D(A, 1, 2, cv.Scalar((wy-1)/2.0))

    # convert 2d, 3d points to cvMats
    objectPoints3d = cv.CreateMat(len(xyz), 1, cv.CV_64FC3)
    imagePoints2d = cv.CreateMat(len(xyz), 1, cv.CV_64FC2)
    for i in range(len(xyz)):
        cv.Set2D(imagePoints2d, i, 0, cv.Scalar(*db2d[i]))
        cv.Set2D(objectPoints3d, i, 0, cv.Scalar(*xyz[i]))

    # set initial rotation and translation vectors, distortion coefficients
    coeff = cv.CreateMat(4, 1, cv.CV_64F)
    rmat = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64F)
    tRhat = tp(Rhat)
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 0, 0, cv.Scalar(tRhat[0,0]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 0, 1, cv.Scalar(tRhat[0,1]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 0, 2, cv.Scalar(tRhat[0,2]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 1, 0, cv.Scalar(tRhat[1,0]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 1, 1, cv.Scalar(tRhat[1,1]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 1, 2, cv.Scalar(tRhat[1,2]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 2, 0, cv.Scalar(tRhat[2,0]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 2, 1, cv.Scalar(tRhat[2,1]))
    cv.Set2D(rmat, 2, 2, cv.Scalar(tRhat[2,2]))
    rvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_64F)
    cv.Rodrigues2(rmat,rvec) # convert from rotation matrix to Rodrigues vector
    tvec = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_64F)

    #print Rhat
    # solvepnp
    ret = cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(objectPoints3d, imagePoints2d, A,
        coeff, rvec, tvec, useExtrinsicGuess=False)
    np_rvec = np.matrix(rvec).A
    np_rmat = np.transpose(np.matrix(rmat)).A
    np_tvec = np.dot(np_rmat,np.squeeze(np.matrix(tvec).A))

    return np_rmat, np_tvec
コード例 #17
    def calibrateFromObservations(self,
        while True:
            if len(observations) < 3:
                raise self.CalibrationError('very little observations: %d!' %
            object_points = self.getObjectPoints()
            all_object_points = []
            all_corners = []
            imagesize = None
            for o in observations:
                if imagesize:
                    assert imagesize[0] == o['image_raw'].shape[
                        1] and imagesize[1] == o['image_raw'].shape[0]
                    imagesize = (o['image_raw'].shape[1],
            intrinsiccondition = self.validateCalibrationData(
                all_object_points, all_corners)
            if intrinsiccondition is None:
                raise self.CalibrationError(
                    'bad condition number, %d observations' %
            KKorig, kcorig, Traws, error_intrinsic, error_grad = self.calibrateIntrinsicCamera(
            cvKKorig = cv.fromarray(KKorig)
            cvkcorig = cv.fromarray(kcorig)
            thresh = median(error_intrinsic) + 0.5
            if any(error_intrinsic > thresh):
                # compute again using a pruned set of observations
                print 'pruning observations (thresh=%f) because intrinsic error is: ' % thresh, error_intrinsic
                observations = [
                    o for i, o in enumerate(observations)
                    if error_intrinsic[i] <= thresh
                if mean(error_intrinsic) > 0.6:
                    raise self.CalibrationError(
                        'intrinsic error is huge (%s)! giving up, KK=(%s)' %
                        (str(error_intrinsic), str(KKorig)))
        if not calibextrinsic:
            return KKorig, kcorig, None, {
                'error_intrinsic': error_intrinsic,
                'intrinsiccondition': intrinsiccondition,
                'error_grad': error_grad
        if Tcameraestimate is None:
            raise TypeError(
                'Tcameraestimate needs to be initialized to a 4x4 matrix')
        # unwarp all images and re-detect the checkerboard patterns
        cvKK = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64F)
        cv.GetOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cvKKorig, cvkcorig, imagesize, 0, cvKK)
        cvUndistortionMapX = cv.CreateMat(imagesize[1], imagesize[0],
        cvUndistortionMapY = cv.CreateMat(imagesize[1], imagesize[0],
        cv.InitUndistortRectifyMap(cvKKorig, cvkcorig, cv.fromarray(eye(3)),
                                   cvKK, cvUndistortionMapX,
        KK = array(cvKK)
        KKinv = linalg.inv(KK)
        if full_output:
            print 'KKorig: ', KKorig, '  KK:', KK
        cvimage = None
        cvkczero = cv.fromarray(zeros(kcorig.shape))
        cvrvec = cv.CreateMat(1, 3, cv.CV_64F)
        cvtvec = cv.CreateMat(1, 3, cv.CV_64F)
        all_optimization_data = []
        Tworldpatternestimates = []
        for i, o in enumerate(observations):
            cvimage_dist = cv.fromarray(o['image_raw'])
            if not cvimage:
                cvimage = cv.CloneMat(cvimage_dist)
            cv.Remap(cvimage_dist, cvimage, cvUndistortionMapX,
                     cv.CV_INTER_LINEAR + cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS)
            corners = self.detect(cvimage)
            if corners is not None:
                                              cv.fromarray(corners), cvKK,
                                              cvkczero, cvrvec, cvtvec)
                T = matrixFromAxisAngle(array(cvrvec)[0])
                T[0:3, 3] = array(cvtvec)[0]
                    dot(dot(o['Tlink'], Tcameraestimate), T))
                    (transformPoints(KKinv, corners), linalg.inv(o['Tlink'])))
                print 'could not detect original pattern ', i

        # have the following equation: Tlink * Tcamera * Tdetectedpattern * corners3d = Tworldpattern * corners3d
        # need to solve for Tcamera and Tworldpattern
        # instead of using Tdetectedpattern, use projected difference:
        # corners - proj( inv(Tcamera) * inv(Tlink) * Tworldpattern *corners3d)
        corners3d = self.getObjectPoints()
        quatWorldPatternEstimates = array([
            quatFromRotationMatrix(T[0:3, 0:3]) for T in Tworldpatternestimates
        quatWorldPatternInitial, success = leastsq(
            lambda q: quatArrayTDist(q / sqrt(sum(q**2)),

        rWorldPatternInitial = zeros(6, float64)
        rWorldPatternInitial[0:3] = axisAngleFromQuat(quatWorldPatternInitial)
        rWorldPatternInitial[3:6] = mean(
            array([T[0:3, 3] for T in Tworldpatternestimates]), 0)
        Tcameraestimateinv = linalg.inv(Tcameraestimate)
        rCameraInitial = zeros(6, float64)
        rCameraInitial[0:3] = axisAngleFromRotationMatrix(
            Tcameraestimateinv[0:3, 0:3])
        rCameraInitial[3:6] = Tcameraestimateinv[0:3, 3]

        def errorfn(x, optimization_data):
            Tworldpattern = matrixFromAxisAngle(x[0:3])
            Tworldpattern[0:3, 3] = x[3:6]
            Tcamerainv = matrixFromAxisAngle(x[6:9])
            Tcamerainv[0:3, 3] = x[9:12]
            err = zeros(len(optimization_data) * len(corners3d) * 2)
            off = 0
            for measuredcameracorners, Tlinkinv in optimization_data:
                cameracorners3d = transformPoints(
                    dot(dot(Tcamerainv, Tlinkinv), Tworldpattern), corners3d)
                iz = 1.0 / cameracorners3d[:, 2]
                    off + len(corners3d)
                )] = measuredcameracorners[:, 0] - cameracorners3d[:, 0] * iz
                off += len(corners3d)
                    off + len(corners3d)
                )] = measuredcameracorners[:, 1] - cameracorners3d[:, 1] * iz
                off += len(corners3d)
            if full_output:
                print 'rms: ', sqrt(sum(err**2))
            return err

        optimization_data = all_optimization_data
        xorig, cov_x, infodict, mesg, iter = leastsq(
            lambda x: errorfn(x, all_optimization_data),
            r_[rWorldPatternInitial, rCameraInitial],
        if pruneoutliers:
            # prune the images with the most error
            errors = reshape(
                errorfn(xorig, all_optimization_data)**2,
                (len(all_optimization_data), len(corners3d) * 2))
            errorreprojection = mean(
                sqrt(KK[0, 0]**2 * errors[:, 0:len(corners3d)] +
                     KK[1, 1]**2 * errors[:, len(corners3d):]), 1)
            thresh = median(
                errorreprojection) + 20  #0.5*std(errorreprojection)
            print 'thresh:', thresh, 'errors:', errorreprojection
            optimization_data = [
                for i in flatnonzero(errorreprojection <= thresh)
            x, cov_x, infodict, mesg, iter = leastsq(
                lambda x: errorfn(x, optimization_data),
            x = xorig
        Tcamerainv = matrixFromAxisAngle(x[6:9])
        Tcamerainv[0:3, 3] = x[9:12]
        Tcamera = linalg.inv(Tcamerainv)
        Tworldpattern = matrixFromAxisAngle(x[0:3])
        Tworldpattern[0:3, 3] = x[3:6]
        points3d = self.Compute3DObservationPoints(Tcamerainv,

        if full_output:
            errors = reshape(
                errorfn(x, optimization_data)**2,
                (len(optimization_data), len(corners3d) * 2))
            error_reprojection = sqrt(
                KK[0, 0]**2 * errors[:, 0:len(corners3d)] +
                KK[1, 1]**2 * errors[:, len(corners3d):]).flatten()
            print 'final reprojection error (pixels): ', mean(
                error_reprojection), std(error_reprojection)
            error_3d = sqrt(
                sum((transformPoints(Tworldpattern, corners3d) - points3d)**2,
            print '3d error: ', mean(error_3d), std(error_3d)
            return KKorig, kcorig, Tcamera, {
                'error_reprojection': error_reprojection,
                'error_3d': error_3d,
                'error_intrinsic': error_intrinsic,
                'intrinsiccondition': intrinsiccondition,
                'error_grad': error_grad,
                'KK': array(cvKK)
        return KKorig, kcorig, Tcamera, None
コード例 #18
class ImageCbDetectorNode:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mutex = threading.RLock()
        self.corners_x = rospy.get_param('~corners_x', 6)
        self.corners_y = rospy.get_param('~corners_y', 6)
        self.spacing_x = rospy.get_param('~spacing_x', 0.022)
        self.spacing_y = rospy.get_param('~spacing_y', 0.022)
        self.publish_period = rospy.Duration(
            rospy.get_param('~publish_period', 0))
        self.last_publish_time = rospy.Time()
        self.width_scaling = rospy.get_param('~width_scaling', 1)
        self.height_scaling = rospy.get_param('~height_scaling', 1)

        self.im_cb_detector = ImageCbDetector()

        self.pose_srv = None
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.cam_info = None
        self.ros_image = None

        self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber("image_stream", Image, self.callback)
        self.caminfo_sub = rospy.Subscriber("camera_info", CameraInfo,
        self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("board_pose", PoseStamped)

    def intrinsic_matrix_from_info(self, cam_info):
        intrinsic_matrix = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)

        #Because we only want the upper 3x3 (normal) portion of the rectified intrinsic matrix
        for i in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
                intrinsic_matrix[i, j] = cam_info.P[4 * i + j]

        return intrinsic_matrix

    def attempt_to_advertise(self):
        #we'll only advertise the service after we've received a cam_info/image pair
        if self.ros_image != None and self.cam_info != None:
            self.pose_srv = rospy.Service("get_checkerboard_pose",

    def cam_info_cb(self, cam_info):
        with self.mutex:
            self.cam_info = cam_info
            if self.pose_srv == None:

    def callback(self, ros_image):
        #copy over the latest image to be used when a service call is made
        with self.mutex:
            self.ros_image = ros_image
            if self.pose_srv == None:
            if rospy.Duration(
            ) != self.publish_period and rospy.rostime.get_rostime(
            ) - self.last_publish_time > self.publish_period:
                pose = self.find_checkerboard_pose(
                    ros_image, self.corners_x, self.corners_y, self.spacing_x,
                    self.spacing_y, self.width_scaling, self.height_scaling)
                if pose:
                    self.last_publish_time = rospy.rostime.get_rostime()

    def find_checkerboard_service(self, req):
        #copy the image over
        with self.mutex:
            image = self.ros_image

        pose = self.find_checkerboard_pose(image, req.corners_x, req.corners_y,
                                           req.spacing_x, req.spacing_y,
        return GetCheckerboardPoseResponse(pose)

    def find_checkerboard_pose(self, ros_image, corners_x, corners_y,
                               spacing_x, spacing_y, width_scaling,
        #we need to convert the ros image to an opencv image
            image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(ros_image, "mono8")
        except CvBridgeError, e:
            rospy.logerror("Error importing image %s" % e)

        corners, model = self.im_cb_detector.detect(image, corners_x,
                                                    corners_y, spacing_x,
                                                    spacing_y, width_scaling,

        if corners != None and model != None and self.cam_info != None:
            #find the pose of the checkerboard
            rot = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            trans = cv.CreateMat(3, 1, cv.CV_32FC1)
            with self.mutex:
                kc = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_32FC1)
                cv.Set(kc, 0.0)
                intrinsic_matrix = self.intrinsic_matrix_from_info(

                cv.FindExtrinsicCameraParams2(model, corners, intrinsic_matrix,
                                              kc, rot, trans)

            #We want to build a transform now, but first we have to convert the
            #rotation vector we get back from OpenCV into a rotation matrix
            rot_mat = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_32FC1)
            cv.Rodrigues2(rot, rot_mat)

            #Now we need to convert this rotation matrix into a quaternion
            #This can be done better in never versions of opencv, but we need to be boxturtle compatible
            numpy_mat = numpy.fromstring(rot_mat.tostring(),
                                         dtype=numpy.float32).reshape((3, 3))

            #of course, tf expects all matricies passed to it to be 4x4... so we'll build a full matrix here
            full_pose = numpy.zeros((4, 4))

            #first, copy in the rotation matrix
            full_pose[0:3, 0:3] = numpy_mat[0:3, 0:3]

            #next, we'll copy in the translation
            full_pose[0:3, 3] = [trans[i, 0] for i in range(3)]

            #and make sure to add a 1 in the lower right corner
            full_pose[3][3] = 1.0

            rospy.logdebug("%s" % numpy_mat)
            rospy.logdebug("%s" % full_pose)

            tf_trans = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix(full_pose)
            tf_rot = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(full_pose)

            #and now we'll actually build our pose stamped
            board_pose = PoseStamped()
            board_pose.header = ros_image.header
            board_pose.pose.position.x = tf_trans[0]
            board_pose.pose.position.y = tf_trans[1]
            board_pose.pose.position.z = tf_trans[2]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.x = tf_rot[0]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.y = tf_rot[1]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.z = tf_rot[2]
            board_pose.pose.orientation.w = tf_rot[3]
            rospy.logdebug("%s" % board_pose)

            #we'll publish the pose so we can display it in rviz
            return board_pose