def start_serving(self, host, port): """ This method is used by server to accept binding request of client on ip address on which server is listening and also creating seperate process to handle each client.. """ print("*** Seving on {host}:{port}".format(host=host, port=port)) if '' == host: # translating all available ips to socket convention host = '' self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # Create socket self.socket.bind((host, port)) # built-in method, bind with socket db.bind_session() # Binding with database background_thread1 = threading.Thread(target=thread_4_incoming_sms, args=()) # Creating thread for handling incoming smses. background_thread1.start() # Start thread which will run infintely unless smpp server stops. try: while True: self.socket.listen(1) # listening for connections print("Zong server listening......") conn, addr = self.socket.accept() # accept connections and return ip and port sc = SharedConnection(conn) sc.is_open = True P = multiprocessing.Process(target=handle_client_connection, args=(sc, addr)) P.start() active_conns = multiprocessing.active_children() print("Total connections: %i" % len(active_conns)) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print("Good bye!") background_thread1.join()
import db from db import DBSession from models import User, Sms, Selected_package, User_Number, Prefix_Match import hashlib import transaction from smpp5.lib.util.hex_print import hex_convert, hex_print from smpp5.lib.parameter_types import Integer, CString, String, TLV from smpp5.lib.pdu.session_management import * from smpp5.lib.constants import interface_version as IV from smpp5.lib.pdu.session_management import BindTransmitter, BindTransmitterResp, BindReceiver, BindReceiverResp, BindTransceiver, BindTransceiverResp, OutBind, UnBind, UnBindResp, EnquireLink, EnquireLinkResp, AlertNotification, GenericNack from smpp5.lib.constants import * from sqlalchemy import func import datetime if '__main__' == __name__: db.bind_session() d = S = Sms() S.sms_type = 'outgoing' S.sms_from = '+9233365195924' S.sms_to = '+923366767999' S.schedule_delivery_time = d # give date 2nd december S.validity_period = d+datetime.timedelta(days=1) S.msg = "dont disturb.." S.timestamp = d S.status = 'delivered' S.msg_type = 'text' S.user_id = 'ASMA' S.package_name = 'dhamaka' S.rates = 0.0 S.target_network = 'ufone' # process sms file would use it to send to respective network of which server is.