コード例 #1
def test_delete_user():
    """create and then deletes a user
    user = {"name": "jean-louis"}
    inserted = db_access.create_user(user)
    assert inserted
    read = db_access.get_user(inserted)
    assert read
    read = db_access.get_user(inserted)
    assert not read
コード例 #2
def login():
    success = False
    if session.get('user') is None:
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return render_template('login.html')
                user = db_access.get_user(request.form.get('username'))
                if user is None:
                    flash('Wrong username!')
                    if check_password_hash(user.get('password'),
                        session['user'] = request.form.get('username')
                        success = True
                        flash('Wrong password!')
            except (db_access.CredentialsMissingError,
                abort(500, 'A database error occured!')
        flash('Already logged in!')
        success = True
    if success:
        return redirect(url_for('index'))
        return render_template('login.html')
コード例 #3
ファイル: echo_bot.py プロジェクト: kibanov/PredictionGameBot
def send_current_match_info(message):
        chat_id = message.chat.id
        user_profile = db_access.get_user(chat_id)
        current_matches = db_access.current_matches()
        if(len(current_matches) == 0):
            bot.send_message(chat_id, 'There are no matches now!')
            for match in current_matches:
                predictions_for_match = db_access.get_predictions_match(match, user_profile)
                string_to_send = match['team_1'] + ' vs. ' + match['team_2'] + ':\n'
                for prediction_for_match in predictions_for_match:
                    if ('name' in prediction_for_match):
                        string_to_send = string_to_send + prediction_for_match['name'] + ': '
                    if ('predictions' in prediction_for_match):
                        prediction_l = prediction_for_match['predictions']
                        prediction = prediction_l[0]
                        if (prediction['winner'] == 0):
                            string_to_send = string_to_send + 'Draw ' + str(prediction['goals']) + ':' + str(prediction['goals']) + ', '
                            if (prediction['winner'] == 1):
                                string_to_send = string_to_send + match['team_1']
                            elif (prediction['winner'] == 2):
                                string_to_send = string_to_send + match['team_2']
                            string_to_send = string_to_send + ' by ' + str(prediction['goals']) + ' goal(s), '
                        if (prediction['total'] == 0):
                            string_to_send = string_to_send + '<2.5\n'
                        elif (prediction['total'] == 1):
                            string_to_send = string_to_send + '>2.5\n'
                        string_to_send = string_to_send + 'No prediction\n'
                bot.send_message(chat_id, string_to_send)
    except Exception as e:
        bot.reply_to(message, 'Something went wrong! Please, contact the provider of this bot!')
コード例 #4
def register():
    success = False
    if session.get('user') is None:
        if request.method == 'GET':
            return render_template('register.html')
                username = request.form.get('username')
                password = generate_password_hash(request.form.get('password'))
                user = db_access.get_user(username)
                if user is None:
                    if not check_password_hash(
                            password, request.form.get('password_verify')):
                        flash('Passwords do not match!')
                        db_access.add_user(username, password)
                        session['user'] = username
                        success = True
                    flash('Username taken!')
            except (db_access.CredentialsMissingError,
                abort(500, 'A database error occured!')
        flash('Already logged in!')
        success = True
    if success:
        return redirect(url_for('index'))
        return render_template('register.html')
コード例 #5
ファイル: wishlist.py プロジェクト: jobbogamer/a4b
def index():
        owner_id = int(request.vars.get('id'))
    except ValueError as error:
        raise HTTP(404)
    except TypeError as error:
        if auth.is_logged_in() == False:
            redirect(URL('default', 'user/login',vars=dict(_next=URL('wishlist','index'))))
    wishlist = db_access.get_wishlist(db, owner_id)
    owner = db_access.get_user(db, owner_id)

    # Make sure the user actually exists first.
    if owner is None:
        redirect(URL('error', 'not_found', args='user'))
    response.title = owner.username + "'s Wishlist"

    page_actions = [
            ('Collection', URL('collection', 'index', vars={'id': owner_id}), None),
            ('Wishlist', URL('wishlist', 'index', vars={'id': owner_id}), 'ok'),
            ('Trades', URL('trade', 'index', vars={'id': owner_id}), None)

    #if the user is looking at his own page, allow him to add new items
    own_page = (auth.user_id == owner_id)

    if own_page:
        page_actions.append(('Add New Item', URL('item', 'add'), None))

    return dict(wishlist=wishlist, page_actions=page_actions, own_page=own_page)
コード例 #6
def test_get_user():
    """create and then get a user
    user = {"name": "jean-louis"}
    inserted = db_access.create_user(user)
    assert inserted
    read = db_access.get_user(inserted)
    assert read
コード例 #7
def chirps_hn(handle):
    uid = db_access.get_id(handle)
    chirp_list = db_access.get_chirps(db_access.get_id(handle))
    return render_template('chirp.html',
コード例 #8
def follow_user(uid):
    if 'user' in session:
        user = db_access.get_user(uid)
        message = ('Sorry, you cannot follow %s.' % (user), 'danger_message')
        if db_access.follow(uid, session['user']) == True:
            message = ('You are now following %s' % (user), 'success_message')
        return redirect(url_for('user_page', handle=user))
    return redirect(url_for('account'))
コード例 #9
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: jobbogamer/a4b
def index():
    Display details of a single item. The item should be specified by passing
    its ID as a query parameter, e.g. /item?id=123
    # Check that an ID was passed in, and show a 404 error if not.
        item_id = int(request.vars.get('id'))
    except ValueError as error:
        redirect(URL('error', 'not_found', args='item'))

    # Retrieve the item from the database.
    item = db_access.get_item(db, item_id)

    # Check that the item actually exists.
    if item is None:
        redirect(URL('error', 'not_found', args='item'))

    # Check if the item is private. If it is, the logged in user must match
    # the owner of the item.
    if item.private:
        if auth.user_id != item.owner_id:
            redirect(URL('error', 'private', args='item'))

    # Get the details of the item's owner.
    user = db_access.get_user(db, item.owner_id)

    # Set the title of the page to show the user where they are.
    response.title = item.name

    # Create a link to the user's profile.
    user_link = A(user.username, _href=URL('collection', 'index', vars={'id': user.id}))

    # Set the subtitle to say who owns the item.
    if item.on_wishlist:
        response.subtitle = 'On {user}\'s wishlist'.format(user=user_link)
        response.subtitle = 'Owned by {user}'.format(user=user_link)

    # The action buttons depend on whether the item belongs to the logged-in
    # user. They shouldn't be able to delete or edit someone else's item.
    if item.owner_id == auth.user_id:
        # Add buttons to the top of the page to edit and delete the item.
        page_actions = [
            ('Edit',   URL('item', 'edit',           vars={'id': item.id}), 'pencil'),
            ('Delete', URL('item', 'confirm_delete', vars={'id': item.id}), 'trash')
        # Add a button to request a trade with the current item. This is shown
        # even if no user is logged in, so that people don't get confused by
        # there being no way to actually trade things. The create trade screen
        # will ask for a login anyway.
        page_actions = [
            ('Request Trade', URL('trade', 'request_item', vars={'id': item.id}), 'transfer')

    return dict(item=item, user=user, page_actions=page_actions)
コード例 #10
def login(handle, password):
    login_info = db_access.get_user_by_handle_and_password(handle, password)
    if login_info is not None:
        uid = login_info[0]  # uid for user id
        handle = db_access.get_user(uid)
        session['user'] = uid
        session['name'] = handle
        flash('Hello %s!' % (handle), 'success_message')
        return True
    return False
コード例 #11
ファイル: search.py プロジェクト: jobbogamer/Longboxes
def index():
    - /search

    - Display the search box
    - Display search results
    # Create the search form to put at the top of the page.
    form = search_form(submit_button='Search')

    # Set the title of the page.
    response.title = 'Search'

    # Process the form, keeping the text in the search box to remind the
    # user what they searched for.
    if form.process(keepvalues=True).accepted:
        # If a user is logged in, show results from their own collection,
        # including private comics, at the top of the page. Also, exclude
        # that user's results from the second section, which searches all
        # other users' comics.
        if auth.user_id is not None:
            my_results = db_access.search(form.vars.search_term, only_user=auth.user_id, include_private=True)
            other_results = db_access.search(form.vars.search_term, except_user=auth.user_id, include_private=False)
        # If no user is logged in, search across all users' public comics.
            my_results = None
            other_results = db_access.search(form.vars.search_term, include_private=False)

        my_results = None
        other_results = None

    # Add owner information to each comic.
    if my_results is not None:
        my_results = [(comic, db_access.get_user(comic.owner_id)) for comic in my_results]

    if other_results is not None:
        other_results = [(comic, db_access.get_user(comic.owner_id)) for comic in other_results]

    return dict(form=form, my_results=my_results, other_results=other_results)
コード例 #12
ファイル: comic.py プロジェクト: jobbogamer/Longboxes
def copy():
    - /comic/copy?id=123

    - Ask the user which box to file a copy of a comic into, and then perform
      the copy operation.
    # Find out which comic is being copied.
    requested_comic = request.vars.get('id')

    # If a malformed ID (or no ID) is passed in, throw a 404 error.
        comic_id = int(requested_comic)
    except ValueError as error:
        raise HTTP(404)
    # Get the details of the comic.
    comic = db_access.get_comic(requested_comic)

    # If the requested comic doesn't exist, throw a 404.
    if comic is None:
        raise HTTP(404)

    # Get the id of the current user.
    current_user = auth.user_id

    # Get the details of the comic's owner.
    owner = db_access.get_user(comic.owner_id)

    # Set the title of the page.
    response.title = 'Copy Comic'

    # Remind the user what comic they are copying.
    response.subtitle = 'Copying {title} #{issue} from {name}'.format(title=comic.title,

    # Create a box selection form populated with a list of the user's boxes.
    form = box_selection_form(db, current_user, submit_button='Copy')

    # The form has no validation so it will always be accepted.
    if form.process().accepted:
        # Perform the copy operation, assigning the comic to the new user.
        new_comic_id = db_access.copy_comic(comic_id, current_user)

        # Create a filing between the new comic and the selected box.
        db_access.create_filing(new_comic_id, form.vars.box_id)

        # Take the user to their new comic.
        redirect(URL('comic', 'index', vars={'id': new_comic_id}))

    return dict(form=form)
コード例 #13
def user_page(handle):
    uid = db_access.get_id(handle)
    uid = uid if uid is not None else handle
    my_followers = []
    name = None
    chirp_list = []
    if 'user' in session:
        my_followers = get_followers()
        user = session['user']
        name = db_access.get_user(user)
    if db_access.user_exists(uid) is True:
        chirp_list = db_access.get_chirps(uid)
        handle = db_access.get_user(uid)
        return render_template('user_page.html',
        return render_template('404.html', notfound='user_page', handle=handle)
コード例 #14
def vote_for_planet():
        user = db_access.get_user(session.get('user'))
        db_access.add_vote(user.get('id'), request.args.get('pname'))
        result = '''
                    <div class="flashed-message bg-success">
                        <p class="text-success">Successfully voted.</p>
    except (db_access.CredentialsMissingError, db_access.DatabaseError):
        result = '''
                    <div class="flashed-message bg-warning">
                        <p class="text-danger">Vote unsuccessful.</p>
    return result
コード例 #15
def chirp():
    if 'user' in session:
        user = session['user']
        MD = False
        if request.method == 'POST':
            content = request.form["content"]
            if len(content) in range(1, 360):
                db_access.add_chirp(content, user)
        if 'filter' in request.args:
            chirp_list = db_access.get_chirps(
            chirp_list = db_access.get_all_chirps(user)
        return render_template('chirp.html',
    return redirect(url_for('index'))
コード例 #16
ファイル: echo_bot.py プロジェクト: kibanov/PredictionGameBot
def send_today_info(message):
        chat_id = message.chat.id
        today_matches = db_access.today_matches()
        if (len(today_matches) == 0):
            bot.send_message(chat_id, 'No matches today!')
        today_matches_ids = [c['match_no'] for c in today_matches]
        user_profile = db_access.get_user(chat_id)
        info_text = 'Matches and your predictions for today:\n'
        if (user_profile == 0):
            return (0)
            user_predictions = user_profile['predictions']
            today_user_prediction_ids = [c['match_no'] for c in user_predictions if c['match_no'] in today_matches_ids]
            # TODO: make map instead of for-loop:
            for match in today_matches:
                info_text = info_text + match['team_1'] + " vs. " + match['team_2'] + ': '
                if match['match_no'] in today_user_prediction_ids:
                    prediction = [c for c in user_predictions if c['match_no'] == match['match_no']][0]
                    if (prediction['winner'] == 0):
                        info_text = info_text + 'Draw '
                        info_text = info_text + str(prediction['goals']) + ':' + str(prediction['goals']) + ', ' 
                        if (prediction['winner'] == 1):
                            info_text = info_text + match['team_1']
                        elif (prediction['winner'] == 2):
                            info_text = info_text + match['team_2']
                        info_text = info_text + ' by ' + str(prediction['goals']) + ' goals, '
                    if (prediction['total'] == 0):
                        info_text = info_text + '<2.5'
                    elif (prediction['total'] == 1):
                        info_text = info_text + '>2.5'
                    info_text = info_text + 'No prediction (yet)'
                info_text = info_text + '\n'
            info_text = info_text + 'Click /predict to make Predictions!'
            bot.send_message(chat_id, info_text)
    except Exception as e:
        bot.reply_to(message, 'Something went wrong! Please, contact the provider of this bot!')
コード例 #17
def bio():
    if 'user' in session:
        usr = session['user']
        db_access.edit_bio(usr, request.form.get('bio'))
        return redirect(url_for('user_page', handle=db_access.get_user(usr)))
    return redirect(url_for('index'))
コード例 #18
def check_user():
        user = db_access.get_user(request.args.get('username'))
        return str(user is not None)
    except (db_access.CredentialsMissingError, db_access.DatabaseError):
        return str(False)
コード例 #19
ファイル: trade.py プロジェクト: jobbogamer/a4b
def index():
        owner_id = int(request.vars.get('id'))
    except ValueError as error:
        raise HTTP(404)
    except TypeError as error:
        if auth.is_logged_in() == False:
            redirect(URL('default', 'user/login',vars=dict(_next=URL('trade','index'))))
    owner = db_access.get_user(db, owner_id)

    # Make sure the user actually exists first.
    if owner is None:
        redirect(URL('error', 'not_found', args='user'))

    if owner_id == current_user:
        response.title = "Your Trades"
        trades = db_access.view_my_trades(db, current_user)
        response.title = "Your Trades with " + owner.username
        trades = db_access.view_my_trades_with_user(db, current_user, owner_id)

    # Get the first item in each trade so that images can be shown in the list.
    trades_and_items = []
    for trade in trades:
        my_items = db_access.get_users_items_in_trade(db, trade.trade.id, current_user)

        # See which user (a or b) the current user is, then get the id of the
        # other user, in order to get their items from this trade.
        if trade.trade.user_a_id == current_user:
            other_user_id = trade.trade.user_b_id
            other_user_id = trade.trade.user_a_id

        their_items = db_access.get_users_items_in_trade(db, trade.trade.id, other_user_id)

        my_first_item = None
        their_first_item = None

        if len(my_items) > 0:
            my_first_item = my_items[0]

        if len(their_items) > 0:
            their_first_item = their_items[0]

        trades_and_items.append( (trade, my_first_item, their_first_item) )

    page_actions = [
        ('Collection', URL('collection', 'index', vars={'id': owner_id}), None),
        ('Wishlist', URL('wishlist', 'index', vars={'id': owner_id}), None),
        ('Trades', URL('trade', 'index', vars={'id': owner_id}), 'ok')
    #if the user is NOT looking at his own page, allow him to add a new trade
    if auth.user_id != owner_id:
        page_actions.append(('Request Trade', URL('trade', 'request_trade', vars={'id': owner_id}), 'transfer'))
    return dict(trades_and_items=trades_and_items, current_user=current_user, page_actions=page_actions)
コード例 #20
ファイル: comic.py プロジェクト: jobbogamer/Longboxes
def index():
    - /comic?id=123

    - Display the details of the comic with the given ID.
    # Get the ID of the comic to display.
    requested_comic = request.vars.get('id')

    # If a malformed ID (or no ID) is passed in, throw a 404 error.
        comic_id = int(requested_comic)
    except ValueError as error:
        raise HTTP(404)

    # Get the details of the comic and its owner.
    comic = db_access.get_comic(requested_comic)

    # If the requested comic doesn't exist, throw a 404 error.
    if comic is None:
        raise HTTP(404)

    # Get the details of the comic's owner.
    user = db_access.get_user(comic.owner_id)

    # Get a list of the boxes the comic is stored in. If the comic's owner is
    # the currently logged in user, this can include private boxes.
    include_private = (comic.owner_id == user.id)
    boxes = db_access.get_boxes_for_comic(requested_comic, include_private=include_private)

    # If the comic is only filed in private boxes and the current user doesn't
    # own the comic, it shouldn't be visible. In this case, since the query
    # above would have excluded private boxes, then no boxes will have been
    # returned.
    has_permission = len(boxes) > 0

    # If the user doesn't have permission, redirect to the private page.
    if not has_permission:
        redirect(URL('private', 'index', args='comic'))

    # Set the title of the page to show the user where they are.
    response.title = "{title} #{issue}".format(title=comic.title, issue=comic.issue_number)

    # Create a link to the comic's owner.
    user_link = A(user.username, _href=URL('user', 'index', vars={'id': user.id}))

    # Display the owner of the comic below the title.
    response.subtitle = 'Owned by {user}'.format(user=user_link)

    # The action buttons depend on whether the comic belongs to the logged-in
    # user. They shouldn't be able to delete or edit someone else's comic, or
    # copy their own comic to their collection.
    if comic.owner_id == auth.user_id:
        # Add buttons to the top of the page to edit, delete, and file the comic.
        page_actions = [
            ('File in Boxes', URL('comic', 'file',           vars={'id': comic.id}), 'credit-card'),
            ('Edit',          URL('comic', 'edit',           vars={'id': comic.id}), 'pencil'),
            ('Delete',        URL('comic', 'confirm_delete', vars={'id': comic.id}), 'trash')
    elif auth.user_id is not None:
        # Add a button to copy the comic to the current user's collection, if a
        # user is actually logged in.
        page_actions = [
            ('Copy to My Collection', URL('comic', 'copy', vars={'id': comic.id}), 'duplicate')
        page_actions = []

    return dict(comic=comic, user=user, boxes=boxes, has_permission=has_permission, page_actions=page_actions)