コード例 #1
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def newCategory():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Get name from the posted form
        name = request.form['name'].strip()
        # Verify that a name was entered
        if name:
            db = DBConnect()
            # Check if this category already exsists
            if not db.categoryNameUsed(name):
                # Add the new category
                db.addCategory(name, 1)
                # Redirect to catalog page
                return redirect(url_for('catalog'))
                # If the category was not added, redirect the
                # user to the error page
            return redirect(
                        error='This name\
            was already used'))
        return redirect(url_for('error', error='You need to enter a name'))

    if request.method == 'GET':
        user = session.get('username')
        if user is None:
            return redirect(url_for('showLogin'))
        return render_template('newCategory.html')
コード例 #2
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def catalog():
    db = DBConnect()
    categories = db.getAllCategories()
    recentItems = db.getAllRecentItems()
    return render_template('categories.\
コード例 #3
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def showCategory(category_name):
    db = DBConnect()
    categories = db.getAllCategories()
    items = db.getItemsByCategory(category_name)
    count = db.getItemCountByCategory(category_name)
    return render_template('showCategory.html',
コード例 #4
ファイル: model.py プロジェクト: apt-webdev/toolkit
    def create_dbconnect(self):
            conn, cursor = DBConnect.open_connection("db\\" + self.import_db_file)
            print("SUCCESS: open database file")

        except Exception as e:
            print("ERROR:", e)

            # TODO create db table
            graph = DBConnect.create_pathgraph(cursor)
コード例 #5
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def editItem(category_name, item_name):
    db = DBConnect()
    item = db.getItemByName(item_name)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.form['name']
        description = request.form['description']
        categoryName = request.form['category']
        if name and description and categoryName:
            category = db.getCategoryByName(categoryName)
            db.editItem(item, name, description, category.id)
            return redirect(

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # Authorization check before serving the edit page
        userEmail = session.get('email')
        userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(userEmail)
        if userID != item.user.id:
            return redirect(
                        error='You are not\
            authorized to edit this item'))
        categories = db.getAllCategories()
        return render_template('editItem.html',
コード例 #6
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def showItem(category_name, item_name):
    db = DBConnect()
    selectedItem = db.getItemByName(item_name)
    userEmail = session.get('email')
    userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(userEmail)
    if userID != selectedItem.user.id:
        return render_template('publicShowItem.html\
    return render_template('showItem.html\
コード例 #7
def db_dl_prodinfo(dbinfo, orders_scenes):
    Queries the database to get the associated product options

    This query is meant to go with downloads by product

    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :param orders_scenes: Order id's that have been downloaded from
     based on web logs and scene names
    :type orders_scenes: tuple
    :return: Dictionary of count values
    ids = zip(*orders_scenes)[0]
    ids = remove_duplicates(ids)

    sql = ('SELECT o.orderid, o.product_opts '
           'FROM ordering_order o '
           'WHERE o.orderid = ANY (%s)')

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, (ids, ))
        results = {k: val for k, val in db.fetcharr}

    return results
コード例 #8
def db_uniquestats(source, begin_date, end_date, sensors, dbinfo):
    Queries the database to get the total number of unique users
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param sensors: which sensor types to process (['tm4', 'etm7',...])
    :type sensors: tuple
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the count
    sql = '''select count(distinct(email))
             from ordering_order
             left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True
             where order_date::date >= %s
             and order_date::date <= %s
             and order_source = %s
             and sensors in %s
             and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs' ;'''

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, (begin_date, end_date, source, sensors))
        return db[0][0]
コード例 #9
def query_sensor_count(dbinfo, start, end, sensors=None):
    """Select aggregate number of scenes sorted by sensor."""
    sql = '''
        select count(s.name) n_scenes,
                left(s.name, 4) sensor,
                extract(month from o.order_date) mm,
                extract(year from o.order_date) yy
        from ordering_scene s
            join ordering_order o on o.id=s.order_id
        where o.order_date::date >= '{0}'
            and o.order_date::date <= '{1}'
            and s.sensor_type = 'landsat'
        group by sensor, yy, mm'''

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        dat = sqlio.read_sql_query(sql.format(start, end), db.conn)

    d2 = dat.pivot_table(index='mm', values='n_scenes',

    def p_month_name(mmm):
        """Format integers as month names."""
        return datetime.date(2017, mmm, 1).strftime('%b')
    d2.index = d2.index.astype(int).map(p_month_name)

    if 'LO08' in d2.columns:
        d2['LC08'] += d2['LO08']
    return d2[sensors]
コード例 #10
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def catalogJSON():
    user = session.get('username')
    if user is None:
        return redirect(url_for('showLogin'))
    db = DBConnect()
    categories = db.getAllCategories()
    # Building the json object to be returned
    total = {'Category': []}
    for c in categories:
        items = db.getItemsByCategory(c.name)
            'id': c.id,
            'name': c.name,
            'items': [i.serialize for i in items]
    return jsonify(total)
コード例 #11
def db_prodinfo(dbinfo, begin_date, end_date, sensors):
    Queries the database to build the ordered product counts
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :param begin_date: Date to start the counts on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to end the counts on
    :type end_date: str
    :param sensors: which sensors to process (['tm4','etm7',...])
    :type sensors: tuple
    :return: Dictionary of count values
    sql = ('SELECT product_opts '
           'FROM ordering_order '
           'left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True '
           'WHERE order_date::date >= %s '
           'AND order_date::date <= %s '
           'AND sensors in %s '
           "and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs' "
           "group by product_opts, id")

    init = {'total': 0}

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, (begin_date, end_date, sensors))
        results = reduce(counts_prodopts, [process_db_prodopts(r, sensors) for r in db.fetcharr], init)

    results['title'] = 'What was Ordered'
    return results
コード例 #12
def db_top10stats(begin_date, end_date, sensors, dbinfo):
    Queries the database to get the total number of unique users
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param sensors: which sensor types to process (['tm4', 'etm7',...])
    :type sensors: tuple
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the count
    sql = '''select u.email, coalesce(sum(jsonb_array_length(product_opts->sensors->'inputs')),0) scenes
             from ordering_order o
             left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True
             join auth_user u
                  on o.user_id = u.id
             where o.order_date::date >= %s
             and o.order_date::date <= %s
             and sensors in %s
             and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs'
             group by u.email
             order by scenes desc
             limit 10'''

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, (begin_date, end_date, sensors))
        return db[:]
コード例 #13
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def newItem(category_name):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        # Strip off the extra spaces the user may have entered
        name = request.form['name'].strip()
        description = request.form['description']
        # Ensure we have needed item info
        if name and description:
            db = DBConnect()
            isUsed = db.itemNameUsed(name)
            # Check if the item name has already been used somewhere else
            if not isUsed['used']:
                category = db.getCategoryByName(category_name)
                userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(session['email'])
                db.addItem(name, description, category.id, userID)
                return redirect(
            return redirect(
            item name has already been used'))
        return redirect(
                    error='You need to enter\
        both a name and description'))

    if request.method == 'GET':
        user = session.get('username')
        if user is None:
            return redirect(url_for('showLogin'))
        return render_template('newItem.html', categoryName=category_name)
コード例 #14
 def get_tables(self):
     '''returns all tables required in the from clause for this query.
     tables = self.get_queried_tables()
     # add the tables required to link the above tables together
     db = DBConnect.getInstance()
     exps = db.get_linking_expressions(tables)
     for exp in exps:
         tables += exp.get_tables()
     return list(set(tables))
コード例 #15
    def __init__(self, parent, properties = None, show_controls = True, size=(600, 600), loadData = True, **kwargs):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, size=size, title='Dimensionality Reduction Plot', **kwargs)
        self.SetName('Plot main')

        if properties is not None:
            global p
            p = properties

            if not p.is_initialized():
                logging.critical('Classifier requires a properties file. Exiting.')
                raise Exception('Classifier requires a properties file. Exiting.')
            global db
            db = DBConnect.getInstance()

        global classifier
        classifier = parent

        if loadData:
            # Define a progress dialog
            dlg = wx.ProgressDialog('Fetching cell data...', '0% Complete', 100, classifier,
                                    wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME |
                                    wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT)
            def cb(frac):
                cont, skip = dlg.Update(int(frac * 100.), '%d%% Complete'%(frac * 100.))
                if not cont: # cancel was pressed
                    raise StopCalculating()

            # Load the data for each object
                self.data, self.data_dic = self.load_obj_measurements(cb)
            except StopCalculating:
                self.PostMessage('User canceled updating training set.')
            self.data, self.data_dic = None, None
        self.features_dic = self.load_feature_names()
        self.class_masks = None
        self.class_names = None
        self.object_opacity = None

        figpanel = PlotNotebook(self)
        self.figure_scores = figpanel.add('Scores')
        self.figure_loadings = figpanel.add('Loadings')
        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        sizer.Add(figpanel, 1, wx.EXPAND)
        configpanel = PlotControl(self, self.figure_scores, self.figure_loadings)
        sizer.Add(configpanel, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)
コード例 #16
def query_scene_count(dbinfo, start, end, who=None):
    """Query count of scenes ordered per path/row.

        dbinfo (dict): database connection info
        start (str): begining of period range (e.g. '2018-04-01')
        end (str): end of periof range (e.g. '2018-04-30')

        np.array: number of scenes per path/row

    sql = '''
        select  count(*) n_scenes,
                case when split_part(s.name, '_', 2) = ''
                    then right(left(s.name,6),3)
                    else left(split_part(s.name, '_', 3), 3) end as path,

                case when split_part(s.name, '_', 2) = ''
                    then right(left(s.name,9),3)
                    else right(split_part(s.name, '_', 3), 3) end as row

        from ordering_scene s
        left join ordering_order o on o.id=s.order_id

            o.order_date::date >= '{0}'
            and o.order_date::date <= '{1}'
            and s.sensor_type = 'landsat'

        group by path, row


    email_str = '' if who is 'ALL' else ("and o.email = '%s'" % who)

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        dat = sqlio.read_sql_query(sql.format(start, end, email_str), db.conn)

    dat['path'] = dat['path'].astype(int)
    dat['row'] = dat['row'].astype(int)
    dat['alpha'] = dat['n_scenes'].apply(lambda v: get_alpha
                                         (v, MAXALPHA, MINALPHA,
    dat = dat.sort_values(by='alpha')
    return (
        dat[['path', 'row', 'alpha']].values,
コード例 #17
def db_orderstats(source, begin_date, end_date, sensors, dbinfo):
    Queries the database to get the total number of orders
    separated by USGS and non-USGS emails
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param sensors: which sensor types to process (['tm4', 'etm7',...])
    :type sensors: tuple
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the counts
    sql = ('''select COUNT(distinct orderid)
              from ordering_order
              left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True
              where order_date::date >= %s
              and order_date::date <= %s
              and orderid like '%%@usgs.gov-%%'
              and order_source = %s
              and sensors in %s
              and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs' ;''',
           '''select COUNT(distinct orderid)
              from ordering_order
              left join lateral jsonb_object_keys(product_opts) sensors on True
              where order_date::date >= %s
              and order_date::date <= %s
              and orderid not like '%%@usgs.gov-%%'
              and order_source = %s
              and sensors in %s
              and product_opts->sensors ? 'inputs' ;''')

    counts = {'orders_month': 0,
              'orders_usgs': 0,
              'orders_non': 0}

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        for q in sql:
            db.select(q, (begin_date, end_date, source, sensors))

            if 'not like' in q:
                counts['orders_non'] += int(db[0][0])
                counts['orders_usgs'] += int(db[0][0])

    counts['orders_month'] = counts['orders_usgs'] + counts['orders_non']

    return counts
コード例 #18
def get_email_addr(dbinfo, who):
    Retrieve email address(es) from the database
    for a specified role
    key = 'email.{0}'.format(who)
    sql = 'select value from ordering_configuration where key = %s'

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, key)
        out = db[0][0].split(',')

    return out
コード例 #19
    def extractDataFromGroupsMysql(self, dependentDataValues, independentDataValues):
        from properties import Properties
        from dbconnect import (
        import sqltools as sql

        p = Properties.getInstance()
        db = DBConnect.getInstance()

        def buildquery(self, theGroup, var):
            pairs = theGroup.pairsDict
            if var == "dep":
                for i in pairs.keys():
                    print i
                    q = "SELECT " + "`" + self.dependentVariable + "`" + "FROM " + self.table + " WHERE "
                    q2 = [i + " LIKE `" + pairs[i] + "` AND " for i in pairs.keys()]
                    result = q + "".join(q2)[:-4]
                    print result
            if var == "ind":
                for i in pairs.keys():
                    print i
                    q = "SELECT " + "`" + self.independentVariable + "`" + "FROM " + self.table + "WHERE"
                    q2 = [i + "`" + " LIKE `" + pairs[i] + "` AND " for i in pairs.keys()]
                    result = q + "".join(q2)[:-4]
                    print result
            return result

        import numpy as np

        dataDict = {}
        dependentDataValues = np.array(dependentDataValues)
        independentDataValues = np.array(independentDataValues)
        tmp = {}
        for iGrp in self.groupDefinitions:
            theGroup = iGrp
            tmp["dependentData"] = db.execute(buildquery(self, theGroup, "dep"))
            tmp["independentData"] = db.execute(buildquery(self, theGroup, "ind"))
            # tmp['pairs'] = theGroup.pairsDict[theGroup.description]
            dataDict[theGroup.description] = tmp
            # print iGrp,theGroup.description,tmp
        return dataDict
コード例 #20
def get_config_value(dbinfo, key):
    Retrieve a specified configuration value

    :param dbinfo: DB connection information
    :param key: table key to get the value for
    :return: value

    sql = ('SELECT value from ordering_configuration ' 'WHERE key = %s')

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, key)
        ret = db[0][0]

    return ret
コード例 #21
def current_pass(db_info):
    Retrieves the current password from the  database

    :param db_info: database connection information
    :type db_info: dict
    :return: exception message

    sql_str = "select value from ordering_configuration where key = 'landsatds.password'"

    with DBConnect(**db_info) as db:
        curr = db[0][0]

    return curr
コード例 #22
 def __init__(self, env):
     self._base_url = base_url_from_env(env)
     self._first_name = ''
     self._last_name = ''
     self._job_title = ''
     self._email = ''
     self._password = ''
     self._space_guid = ''
     self._organization_guid = ''
     self._role = ''
     self._person_guid = ''
     self._employee_guid = ''
     self._user_guid = ''
     self._invite_code_guid = ''
     self._headers = {}
     self._dbconn = DBConnect(env)
     self._is_admin = False
コード例 #23
def update_db(passwrd, db_info):
    Update the database with the new password

    :param passwrd: new password
    :type passwrd: string
    :param db_info: database connection information
    :type db_info: dict
    :return: exception message
    sql_str = "update ordering_configuration set value = %s where key = 'landsatds.password'"
        with DBConnect(**db_info) as db:
            db.execute(sql_str, passwrd)
    except Exception:
        raise CredentialException('Error updating the database with the new password')
コード例 #24
def db_scenestats(source, begin_date, end_date, dbinfo):
    Queries the database for the number of scenes ordered
    separated by USGS and non-USGS emails
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the counts
    sql = ('''select COUNT(*)
              from ordering_scene
              inner join ordering_order on ordering_scene.order_id = ordering_order.id
              where ordering_order.order_date::date >= %s
              and ordering_order.order_date::date <= %s
              and ordering_order.orderid like '%%@usgs.gov-%%'
              and ordering_order.order_source = %s;''', '''select COUNT(*)
              from ordering_scene
              inner join ordering_order on ordering_scene.order_id = ordering_order.id
              where ordering_order.order_date::date >= %s
              and ordering_order.order_date::date <= %s
              and ordering_order.orderid not like '%%@usgs.gov-%%'
              and ordering_order.order_source = %s;''')

    counts = {'scenes_month': 0, 'scenes_usgs': 0, 'scenes_non': 0}

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        for q in sql:
            db.select(q, (begin_date, end_date, source))

            if 'not like' in q:
                counts['scenes_non'] += int(db[0][0])
                counts['scenes_usgs'] += int(db[0][0])

    counts['scenes_month'] = counts['scenes_usgs'] + counts['scenes_non']

    return counts
コード例 #25
 def get_where_clause(self):
     '''Build the where clause from conditions given by the user and 
     conditions that link all the tables together.
     db = DBConnect.getInstance()
     conditions = []
     conditions += ['(%s)'%(str(f)) for f in self.filters]
     queried_tables = self.get_queried_tables()
     if len(queried_tables) > 1:
         link_exps = db.get_linking_expressions(queried_tables)
         if link_exps:
             conditions += [str(exp) for exp in link_exps]
     if self.old_filters:
         conditions += ['%s.%s = subquery_%d.%s'%(p.image_table, col, i, col) 
                        for i in range(len(self.old_filters))
                        for col in image_key_columns()]
     if self.wheres:
         conditions += [str(where) for where in self.wheres]
     return ' AND '.join(conditions)
コード例 #26
def db_dl_prodinfo(dbinfo, ids):
    Queries the database to get the associated product options

    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :param ids: Order id's that have been downloaded from based on web logs
    :type ids: tuple
    :return: Dictionary of count values
    ids = remove_duplicates(ids)

    sql = ('SELECT o.orderid, o.product_options '
           'FROM ordering_order o '
           'WHERE o.orderid = ANY (%s)')

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, (ids, ))
        results = [x for x in db]

    return results
コード例 #27
def db_prodinfo(dbinfo, begin_date, end_date):
    Queries the database to build the ordered product counts
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :param begin_date: Date to start the counts on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to end the counts on
    :type end_date: str
    :return: Dictionary of count values
    sql = ('''SELECT COUNT(s.name) "total",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_cfmask' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_cfmask",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_customized_source_data' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_customized_source_data",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_evi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_evi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_source_metadata' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_source_metadata",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_msavi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_msavi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_nbr' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_nbr",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_nbr2' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_nbr2",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_ndmi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_ndmi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_ndvi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_ndvi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_savi' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_savi",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_source_data' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_source_data",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_thermal' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_thermal",
              SUM(CASE WHEN o.product_options::json->>'include_sr_toa' = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) "include_sr_toa"
              FROM ordering_order o
              JOIN ordering_scene s ON s.order_id = o.id
              WHERE LENGTH(o.product_options) > 0
              AND o.order_date::date >= %s
              AND o.order_date::date <= %s;''')

    with DBConnect(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor, **dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, (begin_date, end_date))
        results = dict(db[0])

    results['title'] = 'What was Ordered'
    return results
コード例 #28
def db_uniquestats(source, begin_date, end_date, dbinfo):
    Queries the database to get the total number of unique users
    dates are given as ISO 8601 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    :param source: EE or ESPA
    :type source: str
    :param begin_date: Date to start the count on
    :type begin_date: str
    :param end_date: Date to stop the count on
    :type end_date: str
    :param dbinfo: Database connection information
    :type dbinfo: dict
    :return: Dictionary of the count
    sql = '''select count(distinct(split_part(orderid, '-', 1)))
             from ordering_order
             where order_date::date >= %s
             and order_date::date <= %s
             and order_source = %s;'''

    with DBConnect(**dbinfo) as db:
        db.select(sql, (begin_date, end_date, source))
        return db[0][0]
コード例 #29
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def deleteItem(category_name, item_name):
    db = DBConnect()
    item = db.getItemByName(item_name)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        return redirect(url_for('showCategory', category_name=category_name))

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # Authorization check before serving the delete page
        userEmail = session.get('email')
        userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(userEmail)
        if userID != item.user.id:
            return redirect(
                        error='You are not\
            authorized to delete this item'))
        return render_template('deleteItem.html',
コード例 #30
    def __init__(self,
                 size=(600, 600),
                          title='Dimensionality Reduction Plot',
        self.SetName('Plot main')

        if properties is not None:
            global p
            p = properties

            if not p.is_initialized():
                    'Classifier requires a properties file. Exiting.')
                raise Exception(
                    'Classifier requires a properties file. Exiting.')
            global db
            db = DBConnect.getInstance()

        global classifier
        classifier = parent

        if loadData:
            # Define a progress dialog
            dlg = wx.ProgressDialog(
                'Fetching cell data...', '0% Complete', 100, classifier,
                wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME | wx.PD_ESTIMATED_TIME
                | wx.PD_REMAINING_TIME | wx.PD_CAN_ABORT)

            def cb(frac):
                cont, skip = dlg.Update(int(frac * 100.),
                                        '%d%% Complete' % (frac * 100.))
                if not cont:  # cancel was pressed
                    raise StopCalculating()

            # Load the data for each object
                self.data, self.data_dic = self.load_obj_measurements(cb)
            except StopCalculating:
                self.PostMessage('User canceled updating training set.')
            self.data, self.data_dic = None, None

        self.features_dic = self.load_feature_names()
        self.class_masks = None
        self.class_names = None
        self.object_opacity = None

        figpanel = PlotNotebook(self)
        self.figure_scores = figpanel.add('Scores')
        self.figure_loadings = figpanel.add('Loadings')
        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        sizer.Add(figpanel, 1, wx.EXPAND)

        configpanel = PlotControl(self, self.figure_scores,
        sizer.Add(configpanel, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5)
コード例 #31
ファイル: project2.py プロジェクト: chetchop/Catalog-Project
def gconnect():
    # Verify that the token the client sends the server matches the one
    # that was sent
    if request.args.get('state') != session['state']:
        # If they do not match then respond with an error
        response = make_response(json.dumps('Invalid state token'), 401)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
    # If the state tokens match then we take our code
    code = request.data
    # Try to use the one time code and exchange it for a
    # credentials object
        # Create oauth flow object and adds client secret key info to
        # that object
        oauth_flow = flow_from_clientsecrets('secret/client_secrets.json',
        # Specify that this the one time code flow this server sends off
        oauth_flow.redirect_uri = 'postmessage'
        # Init exchange
        credentials = oauth_flow.step2_exchange(code)
    # Handle the case where an error occurs during the exchange
    except FlowExchangeError:
        response = make_response(
            json.dumps('Failed to upgrade the\
        authorization code'), 401)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
    # Check to see if there is a valid access token inside of the
    # returned credentials
    access_token = credentials.access_token
    url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo?access_token=%s'\
          % access_token
    h = httplib2.Http()
    result = json.loads(h.request(url, 'GET')[1])
    if result.get('error') is not None:
        response = make_response(json.dumps(result['error']), 500)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
    # Compare id in the credentials object against the id returned
    # by the google api server
    gplus_id = credentials.id_token['sub']
    if result['user_id'] != gplus_id:
        response = make_response(
            json.dumps('Token user ID does not\
        match given user ID'), 401)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response
    # Compare client IDs
    if result['issued_to'] != CLIENT_ID:
        response = make_response(
            json.dumps('Token client ID does not\
        match the apps ID'), 401)
        print('Token client ID does not match the apps ID')
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response

    # Check if the user is already logged into the system
    stored_credentials = session.get('credentials')
    stored_gplus_id = session.get('gplus_id')
    if stored_credentials is not None and stored_gplus_id == gplus_id:
        response = make_response(
            json.dumps('Current user is\
        already logged in'), 200)
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        return response

    # Store credentials and google plus id in this session
    session['credentials'] = credentials.access_token
    session['gplus_id'] = gplus_id

    # Get more information about the user from the google plus api
    userinfo_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo'
    params = {'access_token': credentials.access_token, 'alt': 'json'}
    answer = requests.get(userinfo_url, params=params)
    data = json.loads(answer.text)
    # Store user info in login session
    session['username'] = data['email']
    session['email'] = data['email']
    session['picture'] = data['picture']

    db = DBConnect()
    userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(session['email'])
    if userID is None:
        db.createUser(session['username'], session['email'],
        userID = db.getUserIDByEmail(session['email'])

    session['user_id'] = userID
    output = ''
    output += '<h1>Welcome, '
    output += session['username']
    return output
コード例 #32
def HTS_GroupDataExtractMySql(dataSelector,table):
    from HTS_dataDict import HTS_dataDict
    import xlrd as xl
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from properties import Properties
    from dbconnect import DBConnect, UniqueImageClause, UniqueObjectClause, GetWhereClauseForImages, GetWhereClauseForObjects, image_key_columns, object_key_columns
    import sqltools as sql

    p = Properties.getInstance()
    db = DBConnect.getInstance()
    dependentDataValues = False
    independentDataValues = False
#    def buildquery(self, table):
#        q = 'SELECT ' + self.independentVar + ', '+ self.dependentVar +' FROM ' + table
#        q2= [' WHERE '+ y[1] +' LIKE ' +y[0] for y in group.pairs]
#        return q + ''.join(q2)

    returnDict = HTS_dataDict(dataSelector)
    #for iFile in range(nFiles):
    print('HTS_GroupDataExtract: using sheet %s for %s\n',table)
    query ='SELECT `' + dataSelector.independentVariable + '`  FROM ' + '`' +table+'`'
    print query
    query = 'SELECT `' + dataSelector.dependentVariable + '`  FROM ' + '`' +table+'`'
    print query
    print dependentDataValues, independentDataValues, "variables"
    if not dependentDataValues:
        print 'HTS_GroupDataExtract: dependent variable not found in %s',
    if not independentDataValues:
        print 'HTS_GroupDataExtract: independent variable not found in %s'
    # print dataSelector.extractDataFromGroups(dependentDataValues,independentDataValues)
    dataSelector.table =  table
    returnDict.dict[table] =  dataSelector.extractDataFromGroupsMysql(dependentDataValues,independentDataValues)

#    if nFiles > 1:
#       # Get data from the selector
#        nGroups = dataSelector.nGroups
#        groupKeys = dataSelector.getGroupDescriptions()
#      # Create the combined group
#        combinedData = {}
#        tmpStruct = {}
#        tmpStruct['dependentData'] = np.array([])
#        tmpStruct['independentData'] = np.array([])
#        for iGrp in range(nGroups):
#            combinedData[groupKeys[iGrp]] = tmpStruct
#        for iFile in range(nFiles):
#            #print('the key = %s\n')
#            fileData = returnDict.dict[dataFiles[iFile]]
#            for iGrp in range(nGroups):
#                grpKey = groupKeys[iGrp]
#                #combDepData = combinedData[grpKey]['dependentData']
#                fileDepData = fileData[grpKey]['dependentData']
#                tmpStruct['dependentData'] = np.concatenate((tmpStruct['dependentData'],fileDepData[:]))
#                #combIndData = [combinedData[grpKey]['independentData']]
#                fileIndData = fileData[grpKey]['independentData']
#                tmpStruct['independentData'] = np.concatenate((tmpStruct['independentData'],fileIndData[:]))
#                combinedData[grpKey] = tmpStruct
#        returnDict.dict['combinedData'] = combinedData

    return returnDict
コード例 #33
import properties
import logging
import matplotlib.cm
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
import os
import sys
import re
import wx
import cpa.helpmenu
import csv

p = properties.Properties.getInstance()
# Hack the properties module so it doesn't require the object table.
properties.optional_vars += ['object_table']
db = DBConnect.getInstance()

required_fields = ['plate_shape', 'well_id']

fixed_width = (200,-1)

class PlateViewer(wx.Frame, CPATool):
    def __init__(self, parent, size=(800,-1), **kwargs):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, size=size, title='Plate Viewer', **kwargs)
        self.SetBackgroundColour("white") # Fixing the color

        # Check for required properties fields.
        fail = False
        for field in required_fields:
コード例 #34
from employee import Employee
from erp_organization import Organization
from workspace import Workspace
from dbconnect import DBConnect


while True:
    env = input("Введите среду (test/dev/demo/prod): ").lower()
    if env not in ['test', 'dev', 'demo', 'prod']:

new_space = Workspace(env)
new_space_admin = Employee(env)
db = DBConnect(env)

while True:
    space_name = input("Введите Имя Спейса (должно быть уникальным): ")
    if space_name.lower() in db.space_codes_on_server():
        print("Пространство с таким именем уже сущестует. Введите другое имя")

while True:
    email = input("Введите валидный email (логин должен быть уникальным в рамках всех спейсов): ")
    if new_space_admin.login_exists(email):
        print("Логин занят")
コード例 #35
import urllib3
import sys
from authorization import Authorization
from employee import Employee
from erp_organization import Organization
from workspace import Workspace
from dbconnect import DBConnect

env = sys.argv[1]
space_name = sys.argv[2]
email = sys.argv[3]

new_space = Workspace(env)
new_space_admin = Employee(env)
db = DBConnect(env)

space_guid = new_space.create_workspace(space_name=space_name,
new_space_admin.create_admin_for_new_space(space_guid, email)

auth = Authorization(env)
headers = auth.create_headers(email)
new_organization_guid = Organization(env, headers).add_organization('Owner')

new_space_admin.add_admin_to_employees(new_organization_guid, headers)
print(space_guid, space_name, email)
コード例 #36
from __future__ import with_statement
from dbconnect import DBConnect
from properties import Properties
from singleton import Singleton
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
import imagetools
import logging
import numpy
import threading
import wx
import os

db = DBConnect.getInstance()
p = Properties.getInstance()

def load_lock():
    return TileCollection.getInstance().load_lock

class List(list):

class TileCollection(Singleton):
    Main access point for loading tiles through the TileLoader.
    def __init__(self):
        self.tileData = WeakValueDictionary()
コード例 #37

    def make_unique_plot_name(self, prefix):
        '''This function must be called to generate a unique name for each plot.
        eg: plot.SetName(wx.GetApp().make_unique_plot_name('Histogram'))
        plot_num = max([int(plot.Name[len(prefix):]) 
                        for plot in self.plots if plot.Name.startswith(prefix)])
        return '%s %d'%(prefix, plot_num)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Initialize the app early because the fancy exception handler
    # depends on it in order to show a dialog.
    app = CPAnalyst(redirect=False)
    if sys.platform=='darwin':
        import bioformats
    # Install our own pretty exception handler unless one has already
    # been installed (e.g., a debugger)
    if sys.excepthook == sys.__excepthook__:
        from errors import show_exception_as_dialog
        sys.excepthook = show_exception_as_dialog

    # Black magic: Bus errors occur on certain Macs if we wait until
    # later to connect, so we'll do it here.