class VitaResFinder: def __init__(self): self.debug = Debug() self.startLogo() self.startWarning() self.debug.letWait() def startLogo(self): self.debug.print("VitaResFinder, version:{0} by K4CZP3R".format( values.version)) def startWarning(self): self.debug.print( "THIS TOOL IS NOT NOOB-PROOF, It'll only work if you know what you are doing", color=Fore.RED) def askForAction(self): self.debug.print( "Question \/ \nChoose option\n1. Help about decompiling bin to arm\n2. Search for resolution entry in arm code\n3. Get new resolution entry\n4. Show known mods\n0. Exit" ) tmp = self.debug.ask("Selection") return tmp def showDecompileHelp(self): self.debug.print("Decompile help selected!") help_lines = [ "=== basic info ===", "To decompile eboot.bin to desired format you'll need:", "1. Modified prx-tool (included)", "2. (decrypted) eboot.bin [tested on maidumps eboots]", "3. Default resolution of game (ex. 720x408)" ] prxtool_help_lines = [ "=== prx-tool info ===", "To decompile it, follow these steps:", "1. Get eboot.bin of your game and copy it near prx-tool", "2. Run following command", "Where ebootbin, give path of eboot.bin", "Where ebootout, give path of output (file needed for this script)", "./prxtool -r 0x0 -i -b -w -n db.json ebootbin > ebootout", "Then wait a couple of minutes (no progress bar)" ] program_help_lines = [ '=== VitaResFinder ===', "After you have decompiled your eboot with prx-tool and you know default resolution of your game", "You can choose option 2 in this program", "After saving results of option 2, go to option 3 to generate new resolution" ] for line in help_lines: self.debug.print(line) for line in prxtool_help_lines: self.debug.print(line) for line in program_help_lines: self.debug.print(line) def resSearchMain(self): self.debug.print("Resolution search selected!") input_eboot = str(self.debug.ask("Location of decompiled eboot.bin")) input_resx = str( self.debug.ask("Default width resolution (ex *720*x408)")) input_resy = str( self.debug.ask("Default height resolution (ex 720x*408*)")) input_armfunction = str( self.debug.ask("ARM fuction to search ({0})? ".format( values.default_armfunction))) if (len(input_armfunction) != 0): armfunction = input_armfunction else: armfunction = values.default_armfunction summary_lines = [ "=== summary ===", "Eboot: {0}".format(input_eboot), "Resolution: {0}x{1}".format(input_resx, input_resy), "ARM Function: {0}".format(armfunction) ] for line in summary_lines: self.debug.print(line) input_change = self.debug.ask( "Want to change something? (path,resx,resy,armfunc,no)") if str(input_change) == "path": input_eboot = str( self.debug.ask("Location of decompiled eboot.bin")) if str(input_change) == "resx": input_resx = str( self.debug.ask("Default width resolution (ex *720*x408)")) if str(input_change) == "resy": input_resy = str( self.debug.ask("Default height resolution (ex 720x*408*)")) if str(input_change) == "armfunc": input_armfunction = str( self.debug.ask("ARM fuction to search ({0})? ".format( values.default_armfunction))) self.debug.print("Will perform checks on user input...") if not Path(input_eboot).is_file(): self.debug.printError("Can't find {0}".format(input_eboot)) return if len(input_resx) != 3 or len(input_resy) != 3: self.debug.printError("Resolution is too big/small") return action_resx = "{0}{1}".format( "#", str(hex(int(input_resx))).upper().replace('X', 'x')) action_resy = "{0}{1}".format( "#", str(hex(int(input_resy))).upper().replace('X', 'x')) self.debug.print( "Ok, will search for those values: {0} and {2} ({1}x{3})".format( action_resx, input_resx, action_resy, input_resy)) self.resSearchAction(input_eboot, armfunction, action_resx, action_resy) def resSearchAction(self, path, instr, resx, resy): resx = resx.lower() resy = resy.lower() instr = instr.lower() location_a = 0 location_b = 0 value_a = "" value_b = "" closeList = list() maxSpace = 32 count = 0 info = "" line_color = Fore.GREEN self.debug.print( "Opening file to read lines (will take a minute or 2)") f = open(path) f_lines = len(f.readlines()) f.close() self.debug.print("File contains {0} lines".format(str(f_lines))) f = open(path) start_time = time.time() while count < f_lines: line = f.readline().strip('\n').lower() if instr in line: if resx in line or resy in line: location_a = count value_a = line if ((location_a - location_b) < maxSpace): line_color = Fore.RED if resx in value_a and resx in value_b: info = "{0} copy".format(resx) elif resy in value_a and resy in value_b: info = "{0} copy".format(resy) else: closeList.append( "//begin\nvalA: '{0}' [@{1}line]\nvalB: '{2}' [@{3}line]\n//end\n" .format(str(value_a), str(location_a), str(value_b), str(location_b))) else: info = "" line_color = Fore.GREEN print("{0}{1} * [delta:{2}, line:{3}/{5}] {4}*".format( line_color, line, str(location_a - location_b), str(count), str(info), str(f_lines - count))) location_b = location_a value_b = value_a count = count + 1 end_time = time.time() - start_time self.debug.print("Took {0}s".format(str(end_time))) self.debug.print("Showing results, save them in pairs (valA,valB)") print(*closeList, sep='\n') def newResolution(self): self.debug.print("Resolution update selected!") input_eboot = str( self.debug.ask("Location of eboot.bin (NOT prxtooled EBOOT)")) info_lines = [ " === Resolution change ===", "To perform it you'll need:", "valA and valB from option 2" ] info_lines_example = [ "//valA example: ' 0x00196210: 0x72ccf45f '_..r' - movs.w a3, #0x198' [@424324line]", "//valB example: ' 0x0019620c: 0x7134f45f '_.4q' - movs.w a2, #0x2d0' [@424323line]" ] for line in info_lines: self.debug.print(line, color=Fore.YELLOW) for line in info_lines_example: self.debug.print(line, color=Fore.BLUE) resolution_info_lines = [ " === Following resolutions are supported ===", "960x544, 720x408, 640x368, 480x272" ] for line in resolution_info_lines: self.debug.print(line) default_resx = self.debug.ask( "What was the default width resolution? (ex *720*x408)") default_resy = self.debug.ask( "What was the default height resolution? (ex 720x*408*)") default_resolution_lines = [ "=== Default resolutions ===", "Width: {0}, search for value: {1}".format(str(default_resx), hex(int(default_resx))), "Height: {0}, search for value: {1}".format( str(default_resy), hex(int(default_resy))) ] for line in default_resolution_lines: self.debug.print(line) supported_resolutions_lines = [ "=== Supported resolutions ===", "960 | 544", "720 | 408", "640 | 368", "480 | 272" ] for line in supported_resolutions_lines: self.debug.print(line) new_resx = self.debug.ask("What is new width resolution (ex 640)") new_resy = self.debug.ask("What is new height resolution (ex 368)") update_resolution_lines = [ "Change in valA and valB: {0} to {1} and {2} to {3}".format( hex(int(default_resx)), hex(int(new_resx)), hex(int(default_resy)), hex(int(new_resy))), "Then, visit: and select x32 - ARM32/AArch32/ARMv7 Converter and then paste function of valA and then of valB", "Get Thumb-2 HEX from this website" ] update_resolution_lines_example = [ "//example: copy 'movs.w a1, #0x198' to the site and get Thumb-2 HEX" ] for line in update_resolution_lines: self.debug.print(line) for line in update_resolution_lines_example: self.debug.print(line, color=Fore.BLUE) offset_lines = [ "Get offset of height and width instruction (0xOFFSET)" ] offset_lines_example = [ "//example: 0xOFFSET: 0xInstrOff '_..p' - movs.w a1, #0x198" ] for line in offset_lines: self.debug.print(line) for line in offset_lines_example: self.debug.print(line, color=Fore.BLUE) offset_width = self.debug.ask("Offset of width instruction") thumb2_width = self.debug.ask("Thumb2 HEX of width instruction") offset_height = self.debug.ask("Offset of height instruction") thumb2_height = self.debug.ask("Thumb2 HEX of height instruction") offset2_lines = [ "You have 2 methods", "1. Patch it yourself using hxd", "2. Let program patch it" ] for line in offset2_lines: self.debug.print(line) input_selection = self.debug.ask("Selected method") if (int(input_selection) is 2): self.newResolutionPatch(input_eboot, offset_width, thumb2_width, offset_height, thumb2_height) else: offset3_lines = [ "Open hex editor (Edit hex, not characters!):", "1. Go to {0} and enter {1}".format(offset_width, thumb2_width), "2. Go to {0} and enter {1}".format(offset_height, thumb2_height) ] for line in offset3_lines: self.debug.print(line) self.debug.letWait() self.debug.print( "All actions performed, copy patched eboot.bin and try to run game!" ) def newResolutionPatch(self, file, offset_w, thumb2_w, offset_h, thumb2_h): summary_lines = [ "Will patch {0} at offsets: {1} and {2} with values {3} and {4}". format(file, offset_w, offset_h, thumb2_w, thumb2_h) ] for line in summary_lines: self.debug.print(line) #binascii.a2b_hex("THUMB2") offset_w = int(offset_w, 16) offset_h = int(offset_h, 16) self.debug.print("Writing thumb2 of width!") f = open(file, "r+b") f.write(binascii.a2b_hex(thumb2_w)) f.close() self.debug.print("OK!") self.debug.print("Writing thumb2 of height!") f = open(file, "r+b") f.write(binascii.a2b_hex(thumb2_h)) f.close() self.debug.print("OK!") def knownResGames(self): self.debug.print("Known games!") for x in range(0, len(values.known_games)): info = "Game: '{0}' | mod for '{1}' | change (offset, value): '{2}' and '{3}'".format( values.known_games[x], values.known_mod[x], values.known_offsetandval_w[x], values.known_offsetandval_h[x]) self.debug.print(info)
from k4czp3r_psvitares import VitaResFinder from debug import Debug vrf = VitaResFinder() debug=Debug() main_loop=True while main_loop: debug.clearScreen() input_action=vrf.askForAction() #1. info decompiling, 2. res search, 3. try: int(input_action) except: debug.printError("Selection is not valid!") if int(input_action) is 1: vrf.showDecompileHelp() elif int(input_action) is 2: vrf.resSearchMain() elif int(input_action) is 3: vrf.newResolution() elif int(input_action) is 4: vrf.knownResGames() elif int(input_action) is 0: break else: debug.printError("Selection not valid!") debug.letWait() debug.print("Thanks for using it!") debug.print("K4CZP3R, 2018")