コード例 #1
ファイル: admin.py プロジェクト: Nick13342/Fox_II_Website
class Login:

    # Initialise instance of admin
    def __init__(self):
        self._db = Debug("admin", True)

    # Read a Boat by Code
    def AuthLoginByUserCode(self, con, UserCode, password):
        # retValue contains the success or failure of the read operation. Default to success
        self._retvalue = False
        self._error = None


        # define SQL query
        query = "SELECT u.Password FROM users u WHERE u.UserCode = ?"


            con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
            cur = con.cursor()
            cur.execute(query, (UserCode, ))


            row = cur.fetchone()

            if row == None:
                self._error = "No User found for User Code: " + UserCode
                self._retvalue = False
                return (self._retvalue, self._error)


            if row[0] == password:
                self._retvalue = True

                self._error = "Incorrect Password"
                self._retvalue = False
                return (self._retvalue, self._error)

        # Exception processing logic here.
        except Exception as err:
            self._error = "Query Failed: " + str(err)


        return (self._retvalue)

# Property functions here

    def UserCode(self):
        return self.UserCode

    def password(self):
        return self.password

    # ----- any error codes -----
    def error(self):
        return self._error
コード例 #2
ファイル: app2.py プロジェクト: Nick13342/Fox_II_Website
# Create a debug object here.  Either set to True for debugging or False
# Set to False by default and we can enable / disable it when we like
db = Debug("app2", True)

# Make a connection to the database
con = sqlite3.connect('database/Fox_II.db')
#Makes sure foreign keys are enforce for database integrity
con.execute('pragma foreign_keys=ON')

#Confirm database connection.
db.print("Opened database successfully")

# Procedure to read the Country table and populate the list before
# rendering in the customer details page
def readCountryTable():
    #create country object and read the Countries
    ctry = Country()
    (dbStatus, countries) = ctry.readCountries(con)
    if (dbStatus == False):
        return render_template('error.html', error=ctry.error)
        return (countries)
コード例 #3
ファイル: schedule.py プロジェクト: Nick13342/Fox_II_Website
class Schedule:

    # Initialise instance of schedule
    def __init__(self):

        # Set debugging for this module.
        self._db = Debug("schedule", False)

    # Initialse a blank Schedule structure
    def __nullSchedule(self):
        # Create blank instance variables for the new created object here.  We will
        # prefix these with a single '_' to make clear that they are internal to this class.
        self._CruiseDate = None
        self._CruiseNo = 1
        self._departure = ""
        self._BoatID = ""
        self._RouteID = ""
        self._return = ""
        self._available = 0
        self._error = ""

    #  Internal function to set the property values to the current row.  The __ at the
    #  start of the dunction indicate that it cannot be access for any calling programs
    def __setSchedule(self, row):
        # Allocate the retrieved columns into the object variables.
        self._CruiseDate = row['CruiseDate']
        self._CruiseNo = row['CruiseNo']
        self._departure = row['departure']
        self._BoatID = row['BoatID']
        self._RouteID = row['RouteID']
        self._return = row['return']
        self._available = int(row['available'])

    # Return a blank schedule row
    def blankScheduleRow(self):
        row = []
            'CruiseDate': self._CruiseDate,
            'CruiseNo': self._CruiseNo,
            'departure': self._departure,
            'BoatID': self._BoatID,
            'Route_ID': self._RouteID,
            'return': self._return,
            'available': self._available
        return (row)

    #  Internal function to check the date or time format.  Usually we expect that the
    #  incoming value has been successfully validated, but this final check will ensure
    #  database integrity in the event that it hasn't been validated correctly
    def __validateDT(self, date_text, format):
            # Take the date_text and return a datetime value formatted as supplied to the function.
            # Reformatting the string back ensure we have the format we require, including leading
            # 0's. eg 09:04, 2017-03-02
            # If there is an error converting the date with strptime, then a Value error execption
            # is raised.  If the dates don't match we raise the ValueError eception as well so
            # it can be handled in the same way
            if date_text != datetime.strptime(date_text,
                raise ValueError
            return True
        except ValueError:
            return False

    # Fuction to validate the fields of any record being inserted or updated.  Any
    # failure will be return to the user instead of updating the database
    def __validateFields(self):
        # Do any data validation checks here to ensure database integrity.  Some fields will be handled by
        # constraints within the database itself.
        if not self.__validateDT(self._CruiseDate, "%Y-%m-%d"):
            self._error = "Invalid Cruise date format"
            return False

        # Check the departure time is the time format we require
        self._db.print("Departure = " + str(self._departure))

        if not self._departure:
            self._error = "Departure Time is required"
            return False

        if not self.__validateDT(self._departure, "%H:%M"):
            self._error = "Invalid departure time format"
            return False

        # Check the return time is the time we require
        self._db.print("Return Time = " + str(self._return))

        if not self._return:
            self._error = "Return Time is required"
            return False

        if not self.__validateDT(self._return, "%H:%M"):
            self._error = "Invalid return time format"
            return False

        # Even though the CruiseNo field is defined as Integer, SQLite will allow string values
        # to be inserted! So doesn't hurt to to a check here.
            self._CruiseNo = int(self._CruiseNo)
            self._error = "CruiseNo is not numeric"
            return False

        if self._CruiseNo < 1:
            self._error = "Cruise Number must be greater than 0"
            return self._retvalue

        return True

    # Read a schedule record from the database.  Required is the database handle, the Cruise Date
    # and Cruise No
    def readSched(self, con, CruiseDate, CruiseNo):
        # retValue contains the success or failure of the read operation. Default to success
        self._retvalue = True
        self._error = ""
        row = []

        # Check the date is in the correct format.  The query would fail to return a record anyway
        # but it's nicer to return to the calling program a valid reason why it has failed.
        if not self.__validateDT(CruiseDate, "%Y-%m-%d"):
            self._error = "Invalid date format"
            self._retvalue = False
            return self._retvalue

        # Same for the Cruise No return a 'nice' error if CruiseNo < 1
            CruiseNo = int(CruiseNo)
            self._error = "Cruise Number in not an integer"
            self._retvalue = False

        if CruiseNo < 1:
            self._error = "Cruise Number must be greater than 0"
            self._retvalue = False
            return self._retvalue

        self._db.print("CruiseDate = " + CruiseDate)
        self._db.print("CruiseNo = " + str(CruiseNo))

        # define SQL query
        read_query = "SELECT s.CruiseDate, s.CruiseNo, s.departure, s.BoatID, b.name, s.RouteID, \
                     r.description, s.return, s.available \
                    FROM schedule s \
                    INNER JOIN boat b \
                    ON b.BoatID = s.BoatID \
                    INNER JOIN route r \
                    ON s.RouteID = r.RouteID \
                    WHERE s.CruiseDate = ? \
                    AND s.CruiseNo = ?"

            # define cursone and execute the query, CustID is the primary key so we will only expect
            # one record to be returned.
            con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
            cur = con.cursor()
            cur.execute(read_query, (CruiseDate, CruiseNo))

            row = cur.fetchall()

            if not row:
                self._error = "No schedule record found for date " + str(
                    CruiseDate) + " and number  " + str(CruiseNo)
                self._retvalue = False

        # Exception processing logic here.
        except Exception as err:
            self._error = "Query Failed: " + str(err)
            self._retvalue = False

        return (self._retvalue, row)

    # Read the schedule record and return those matching the starting and ending dates as passed
    # from the calling program
    def readSchedulebyDate(self, con, startDate, endDate):
        # retValue contains the success or failure of the read operation. Default to success
        self._retvalue = True
        self._error = ""
        rows = []
        # Null the schedule properties

        # Check that the dates are in a valid format and consistant with those that will be stored
        # within the Schedule table
        if not self.__validateDT(startDate,
                                 "%Y-%m-%d") or not self.__validateDT(
                                     endDate, "%Y-%m-%d"):
            self._error = "Invalid date format"
            self._retvalue = False
            return (self._retvalue, rows)

        if startDate > endDate:
            self._error = "Start date cannot be greater than end date"
            self._retvalue = False
            return (self._retvalue, rows)

        # Print these values if we are debugging
        self._db.print("startDate = " + startDate)
        self._db.print("endDate = " + endDate)

        # define SQL query
        # taking CruiseDate and CruiseNo and join into one field so can be used for the book now button
        read_query = "SELECT s.CruiseDate, s.CruiseNo, s.departure, s.BoatID, b.name, s.RouteID, \
                     r.description, s.return, s.available, (s.CruiseDate || '.' || s.CruiseNo) as 'key' \
                    FROM schedule s \
                    INNER JOIN boat b \
                    ON b.BoatID = s.BoatID \
                    INNER JOIN route r \
                    ON s.RouteID = r.RouteID \
                    WHERE s.CruiseDate between ? and ? \
                    ORDER BY s.CruiseDate ASC"

            # define cursor and execute the query
            con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
            cur = con.cursor()
            cur.execute(read_query, (startDate, endDate))

            rows = cur.fetchall()

            if not rows:
                self._error = "No schedule records found between: " + str(
                    startDate) + " " + str(endDate)
                self._retvalue = False

        # Exception processing logic here.
        except Exception as err:
            self._error = "Query Failed: " + str(err)
            self._retvalue = False

        return (self._retvalue, rows)

    # Delete a schedule record from the database.  Required is the database handle and the Cruise Date
    # and cruise No.
    def deleteSchedule(self, con, CruiseDate, CruiseNo):
        # retValue contains the success or failure of the update operation. Default to success
        self._retvalue = True
        self._error = ""

        # Check the date is in the correct format.  The query would fail to return a record anyway
        # but it's nicer to return to the calling program a valid reason why it has failed.
        if not self.__validateDT(CruiseDate, "%Y-%m-%d"):
            self._error = "Invalid date format"
            self._retvalue = False
            return self._retvalue

        # Same for the Cruise No return a 'nice' error if CruiseNo < 1
            CruiseNo = int(CruiseNo)
            self._error = "Cruise Number in not an integer"
            self._retvalue = False
            return self._retvalue

        if CruiseNo < 1:
            self._error = "Cruise Number must be greater than 0"
            self._retvalue = False
            return self._retvalue

        self._db.print("CruiseDate = " + CruiseDate)
        self._db.print("CruiseNo = " + str(CruiseNo))

        # define SQL query
        delete_query = "delete from schedule where CruiseDate = ? and CruiseNo = ?"

        # attempt to execute the query
            cur = con.cursor()

            cur.execute(delete_query, (CruiseDate, CruiseNo))

            # Commit the trasaction if successful.
            self._error = "Schedule successfully deleted"

        # Exception processing logic here.
        except Exception as err:
            self._error = "Query Failed: " + str(err)
            # Rollback transaction if failed.
            self._retvalue = False

        return self._retvalue

    # Update a schedule record from the database.  Required is the database handle and the Cruise Date
    # and cruise No.
    # All fields will be updated with the object variables.
    def updateSchedule(self, con, CruiseDate, CruiseNo):
        # retValue contains the success or failure of the update operation. Default to success
        self._retvalue = True
        self._error = ""

        # Make sure all of the fields are good before we attempt to insert the new Schedule
        self._CruiseDate = CruiseDate
        self._CruiseNo = CruiseNo

        self._retvalue = self.__validateFields()
        if self._retvalue == False:
            return self._retvalue

        # define SQL query
        update_query = "update schedule set departure = ?, BoatID = ?," \
        "RouteID = ?, return = ?, available = ?" \
        "where CruiseDate = ? and CruiseNo = ?"

        # attempt to execute the query
            cur = con.cursor()

            cur.execute(update_query, (self._departure, self._BoatID, self._RouteID, \
                                self._return, self._available, \
                                self._CruiseDate, self._CruiseNo))

            # Commit the trasaction if successful.
            self._error = "Schedule successfully updated"

        # Exception processing logic here.
        except Exception as err:
            self._error = "Query Failed: " + str(err)
            # Rollback transaction if failed.
            self._retvalue = False

        return self._retvalue

    # Insert a new schedule using the property values for schedule which need to have been
    # set by the calling program.
    def insertSchedule(self, con):
        # retValue contains the success or failure of the update operation. Default to success
        self._retvalue = True
        self._error = ""

        # Make sure all of the fields are good before we attempt to insert the new Customer
        self._retvalue = self.__validateFields()
        if self._retvalue == False:
            return self._retvalue

        # define SQL query
        insert_query = "insert into schedule (CruiseDate, CruiseNo, departure, BoatID, RouteID, \
        return, available) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"

        # attempt to execute the query
            cur = con.cursor()

            cur.execute(insert_query, (self._CruiseDate, self._CruiseNo, self._departure, \
                                self._BoatID, self._RouteID, self._return, self._available))

            # Commit the trasaction if successful.
            self._error = "Schedule successfully inserted"

        # Exception processing logic here.
        except Exception as err:
            self._error = "Query Failed: " + str(err)
            # Rollback transaction if failed.
            self._retvalue = False

        return self._retvalue

    # If a new booking is made then we subtract the number of people booked from the
    # available seats
    def newBooking(self, seats):
        self._available -= seats

    # Expose the instance variables to calling programs using 'setter' and 'getter' routines instead
    # of using individual methods.  This allows us to control how the properties are set and returned
    # to the calling program.

    # ----- Cruise Date ------
    def CruiseDate(self):
        return self._CruiseDate

    def CruiseDate(self, CruiseDate):
        self._CruiseDate = CruiseDate

    # ----- Cruise Number ------
    def CruiseNo(self):
        return self._CruiseNo

    def CruiseNo(self, CruiseNo):
        self._CruiseNo = CruiseNo

# ---- Boat ID -----

    def BoatID(self):
        return self._BoatID

    def BoatID(self, BoatID):
        self._BoatID = BoatID

# ---- Route ID -----

    def RouteID(self):
        return self._RouteID

    def RouteID(self, RouteID):
        self._RouteID = RouteID

# ---- departure -----

    def departure(self):
        return self._departure

    def departure(self, departure):
        self._departure = departure

# ---- return time -----

    def returntime(self):
        return self._return

    def returntime(self, returntime):
        self._return = returntime

    def available(self):
        return self._available

    def available(self, available):
        self._available = available

    # ----- any error codes -----
    def error(self):
        return self._error
コード例 #4
class VitaResFinder:
    def __init__(self):
        self.debug = Debug()

    def startLogo(self):
        self.debug.print("VitaResFinder, version:{0} by K4CZP3R".format(

    def startWarning(self):
            "THIS TOOL IS NOT NOOB-PROOF, It'll only work if you know what you are doing",

    def askForAction(self):
            "Question \/ \nChoose option\n1. Help about decompiling bin to arm\n2. Search for resolution entry in arm code\n3. Get new resolution entry\n4. Show known mods\n0. Exit"
        tmp = self.debug.ask("Selection")
        return tmp

    def showDecompileHelp(self):
        self.debug.print("Decompile help selected!")
        help_lines = [
            "=== basic info ===",
            "To decompile eboot.bin to desired format you'll need:",
            "1. Modified prx-tool (included)",
            "2. (decrypted) eboot.bin [tested on maidumps eboots]",
            "3. Default resolution of game (ex. 720x408)"
        prxtool_help_lines = [
            "=== prx-tool info ===", "To decompile it, follow these steps:",
            "1. Get eboot.bin of your game and copy it near prx-tool",
            "2. Run following command",
            "Where ebootbin, give path of eboot.bin",
            "Where ebootout, give path of output (file needed for this script)",
            "./prxtool -r 0x0 -i -b -w -n db.json ebootbin > ebootout",
            "Then wait a couple of minutes (no progress bar)"
        program_help_lines = [
            '=== VitaResFinder ===',
            "After you have decompiled your eboot with prx-tool and you know default resolution of your game",
            "You can choose option 2 in this program",
            "After saving results of option 2, go to option 3 to generate new resolution"

        for line in help_lines:
        for line in prxtool_help_lines:
        for line in program_help_lines:

    def resSearchMain(self):
        self.debug.print("Resolution search selected!")
        input_eboot = str(self.debug.ask("Location of decompiled eboot.bin"))
        input_resx = str(
            self.debug.ask("Default width resolution (ex *720*x408)"))
        input_resy = str(
            self.debug.ask("Default height resolution (ex 720x*408*)"))
        input_armfunction = str(
            self.debug.ask("ARM fuction to search ({0})? ".format(
        if (len(input_armfunction) != 0):
            armfunction = input_armfunction
            armfunction = values.default_armfunction

        summary_lines = [
            "=== summary ===", "Eboot: {0}".format(input_eboot),
            "Resolution: {0}x{1}".format(input_resx, input_resy),
            "ARM Function: {0}".format(armfunction)
        for line in summary_lines:
        input_change = self.debug.ask(
            "Want to change something? (path,resx,resy,armfunc,no)")
        if str(input_change) == "path":
            input_eboot = str(
                self.debug.ask("Location of decompiled eboot.bin"))
        if str(input_change) == "resx":
            input_resx = str(
                self.debug.ask("Default width resolution (ex *720*x408)"))
        if str(input_change) == "resy":
            input_resy = str(
                self.debug.ask("Default height resolution (ex 720x*408*)"))
        if str(input_change) == "armfunc":
            input_armfunction = str(
                self.debug.ask("ARM fuction to search ({0})? ".format(

        self.debug.print("Will perform checks on user input...")
        if not Path(input_eboot).is_file():
            self.debug.printError("Can't find {0}".format(input_eboot))
        if len(input_resx) != 3 or len(input_resy) != 3:
            self.debug.printError("Resolution is too big/small")
        action_resx = "{0}{1}".format(
            str(hex(int(input_resx))).upper().replace('X', 'x'))
        action_resy = "{0}{1}".format(
            str(hex(int(input_resy))).upper().replace('X', 'x'))
            "Ok, will search for those values: {0} and {2} ({1}x{3})".format(
                action_resx, input_resx, action_resy, input_resy))
        self.resSearchAction(input_eboot, armfunction, action_resx,

    def resSearchAction(self, path, instr, resx, resy):
        resx = resx.lower()
        resy = resy.lower()
        instr = instr.lower()

        location_a = 0
        location_b = 0
        value_a = ""
        value_b = ""
        closeList = list()
        maxSpace = 32
        count = 0
        info = ""
        line_color = Fore.GREEN

            "Opening file to read lines (will take a minute or 2)")
        f = open(path)
        f_lines = len(f.readlines())
        self.debug.print("File contains {0} lines".format(str(f_lines)))

        f = open(path)
        start_time = time.time()
        while count < f_lines:
            line = f.readline().strip('\n').lower()
            if instr in line:
                if resx in line or resy in line:
                    location_a = count
                    value_a = line
                    if ((location_a - location_b) < maxSpace):
                        line_color = Fore.RED
                        if resx in value_a and resx in value_b:
                            info = "{0} copy".format(resx)
                        elif resy in value_a and resy in value_b:
                            info = "{0} copy".format(resy)
                                "//begin\nvalA: '{0}' [@{1}line]\nvalB: '{2}' [@{3}line]\n//end\n"
                                .format(str(value_a), str(location_a),
                                        str(value_b), str(location_b)))
                        info = ""
                        line_color = Fore.GREEN
                    print("{0}{1}     * [delta:{2}, line:{3}/{5}] {4}*".format(
                        line_color, line, str(location_a - location_b),
                        str(count), str(info), str(f_lines - count)))
                    location_b = location_a
                    value_b = value_a
            count = count + 1
        end_time = time.time() - start_time
        self.debug.print("Took {0}s".format(str(end_time)))
        self.debug.print("Showing results, save them in pairs (valA,valB)")
        print(*closeList, sep='\n')

    def newResolution(self):
        self.debug.print("Resolution update selected!")
        input_eboot = str(
            self.debug.ask("Location of eboot.bin (NOT prxtooled EBOOT)"))
        info_lines = [
            " === Resolution change ===", "To perform it you'll need:",
            "valA and valB from option 2"
        info_lines_example = [
            "//valA example: ' 0x00196210: 0x72ccf45f '_..r' - movs.w     a3, #0x198' [@424324line]",
            "//valB example: ' 0x0019620c: 0x7134f45f '_.4q' - movs.w     a2, #0x2d0' [@424323line]"
        for line in info_lines:
            self.debug.print(line, color=Fore.YELLOW)
        for line in info_lines_example:
            self.debug.print(line, color=Fore.BLUE)
        resolution_info_lines = [
            " === Following resolutions are supported ===",
            "960x544, 720x408, 640x368, 480x272"
        for line in resolution_info_lines:

        default_resx = self.debug.ask(
            "What was the default width resolution? (ex *720*x408)")
        default_resy = self.debug.ask(
            "What was the default height resolution? (ex 720x*408*)")
        default_resolution_lines = [
            "=== Default resolutions ===",
            "Width: {0}, search for value: {1}".format(str(default_resx),
            "Height: {0}, search for value: {1}".format(
                str(default_resy), hex(int(default_resy)))
        for line in default_resolution_lines:

        supported_resolutions_lines = [
            "=== Supported resolutions ===", "960 | 544", "720 | 408",
            "640 | 368", "480 | 272"
        for line in supported_resolutions_lines:
        new_resx = self.debug.ask("What is new width resolution (ex 640)")
        new_resy = self.debug.ask("What is new height resolution (ex 368)")
        update_resolution_lines = [
            "Change in valA and valB: {0} to {1} and {2} to {3}".format(
                hex(int(default_resx)), hex(int(new_resx)),
                hex(int(default_resy)), hex(int(new_resy))),
            "Then, visit: http://armconverter.com and select x32 - ARM32/AArch32/ARMv7 Converter and then paste function of valA and then of valB",
            "Get Thumb-2 HEX from this website"
        update_resolution_lines_example = [
            "//example: copy 'movs.w     a1, #0x198' to the site and get Thumb-2 HEX"
        for line in update_resolution_lines:
        for line in update_resolution_lines_example:
            self.debug.print(line, color=Fore.BLUE)

        offset_lines = [
            "Get offset of height and width instruction (0xOFFSET)"
        offset_lines_example = [
            "//example: 0xOFFSET: 0xInstrOff '_..p' - movs.w     a1, #0x198"
        for line in offset_lines:
        for line in offset_lines_example:
            self.debug.print(line, color=Fore.BLUE)

        offset_width = self.debug.ask("Offset of width instruction")
        thumb2_width = self.debug.ask("Thumb2 HEX of width instruction")
        offset_height = self.debug.ask("Offset of height instruction")
        thumb2_height = self.debug.ask("Thumb2 HEX of height instruction")

        offset2_lines = [
            "You have 2 methods", "1. Patch it yourself using hxd",
            "2. Let program patch it"
        for line in offset2_lines:

        input_selection = self.debug.ask("Selected method")
        if (int(input_selection) is 2):
            self.newResolutionPatch(input_eboot, offset_width, thumb2_width,
                                    offset_height, thumb2_height)
            offset3_lines = [
                "Open hex editor (Edit hex, not characters!):",
                "1. Go to {0} and enter {1}".format(offset_width,
                "2. Go to {0} and enter {1}".format(offset_height,
            for line in offset3_lines:
            "All actions performed, copy patched eboot.bin and try to run game!"

    def newResolutionPatch(self, file, offset_w, thumb2_w, offset_h, thumb2_h):
        summary_lines = [
            "Will patch {0} at offsets: {1} and {2} with values {3} and {4}".
            format(file, offset_w, offset_h, thumb2_w, thumb2_h)
        for line in summary_lines:
        offset_w = int(offset_w, 16)
        offset_h = int(offset_h, 16)
        self.debug.print("Writing thumb2 of width!")
        f = open(file, "r+b")
        self.debug.print("Writing thumb2 of height!")
        f = open(file, "r+b")

    def knownResGames(self):
        self.debug.print("Known games!")
        for x in range(0, len(values.known_games)):
            info = "Game: '{0}' | mod for '{1}' | change (offset, value): '{2}' and '{3}'".format(
                values.known_games[x], values.known_mod[x],
                values.known_offsetandval_w[x], values.known_offsetandval_h[x])
コード例 #5
from k4czp3r_psvitares import VitaResFinder
from debug import Debug
vrf = VitaResFinder()



while main_loop:
    input_action=vrf.askForAction() #1. info decompiling, 2. res search, 3.
    try: int(input_action)
    except: debug.printError("Selection is not valid!")
    if int(input_action) is 1:
    elif int(input_action) is 2:
    elif int(input_action) is 3:
    elif int(input_action) is 4:
    elif int(input_action) is 0:
        debug.printError("Selection not valid!")

debug.print("Thanks for using it!")
debug.print("K4CZP3R, 2018")