def runpipeline(pl, convdict, conf): """runs the quicklook pipeline as configured Args: pl: is a list of [pa,qas] where pa is a pipeline step and qas the corresponding qas for that pa convdict: converted dictionary e.g : conf["IMAGE"] is the real psf file but convdict["IMAGE"] is like desispec.image.Image object and so on. details in setup_pipeline method below for examples. conf: a configured dictionary, read from the configuration yaml file. e.g: conf=configdict=yaml.load(open('configfile.yaml','rb')) """ qlog = qllogger.QLLogger("QuickLook", 20) log = qlog.getlog() hb = QLHB.QLHeartbeat(log, conf["Period"], conf["Timeout"]) inp = convdict["rawimage"] paconf = conf["PipeLine"] qlog = qllogger.QLLogger("QuickLook", 0) log = qlog.getlog() for s, step in enumerate(pl):"Starting to run step %s" % (paconf[s]["StepName"])) pa = step[0] pargs = mapkeywords(step[0].config["kwargs"], convdict) try: hb.start("Running %s" % (step[0].name)) inp = pa(inp, **pargs) except Exception as e: log.critical("Failed to run PA %s error was %s" % (step[0].name, e)) sys.exit("Failed to run PA %s" % (step[0].name)) qaresult = {} for qa in step[1]: try: qargs = mapkeywords(qa.config["kwargs"], convdict) hb.start("Running %s" % ( res = qa(inp, **qargs) log.debug("%s %s" % (, inp)) qaresult[] = res except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to run QA %s error was %s" % (, e)) if len(qaresult): yaml.dump(qaresult, open(paconf[s]["OutputFile"], "wb")) hb.stop("Step %s finished. Output is in %s " % (paconf[s]["StepName"], paconf[s]["OutputFile"])) else: hb.stop("Step %s finished." % (paconf[s]["StepName"])) hb.stop("Pipeline processing finished. Serializing result") return inp
def setup_pipeline(config): """ Given a configuration from QLF, this sets up a pipeline [pa,qa] and also returns a conversion dictionary from the configuration dictionary so that Pipeline steps (PA) can take them. This is required for runpipeline. """ import as fits import as fibIO import as skyIO import as ffIO import desispec.fiberflat as ff import as imIO import desispec.image as im import as frIO import desispec.frame as dframe from desispec.quicklook import procalgs from desispec.boxcar import do_boxcar qlog=qllogger.QLLogger("QuickLook",20) log=qlog.getlog() if config is None: return None"Reading Configuration") if "RawImage" not in config: log.critical("Config is missing \"RawImage\" key.") sys.exit("Missing \"RawImage\" key.") inpname=config["RawImage"] if "FiberMap" not in config: log.critical("Config is missing \"FiberMap\" key.") sys.exit("Missing \"FiberMap\" key.") fibname=config["FiberMap"] proctype="Exposure" if "Camera" in config: camera=config["Camera"] if "DataType" in config: proctype=config["DataType"] debuglevel=20 if "DebugLevel" in config: debuglevel=config["DebugLevel"] log.setLevel(debuglevel) hbeat=QLHB.QLHeartbeat(log,config["Period"],config["Timeout"]) if config["Timeout"]> 200.0: log.warning("Heartbeat timeout exceeding 200.0 seconds") dumpintermediates=False if "DumpIntermediates" in config: dumpintermediates=config["DumpIntermediates"] biasimage=None #- This will be the converted dictionary key biasfile=None if "BiasImage" in config: biasfile=config["BiasImage"] darkimage=None darkfile=None if "DarkImage" in config: darkfile=config["DarkImage"] pixelflatfile=None pixflatimage=None if "PixelFlat" in config: pixelflatfile=config["PixelFlat"] fiberflatimagefile=None fiberflatimage=None if "FiberFlatImage" in config: fiberflatimagefile=config["FiberFlatImage"] arclampimagefile=None arclampimage=None if "ArcLampImage" in config: arclampimagefile=config["ArcLampImage"] fiberflatfile=None fiberflat=None if "FiberFlatFile" in config: if config["Flavor"] == 'arcs': pass else: fiberflatfile=config["FiberFlatFile"] skyfile=None skyimage=None if "SkyFile" in config: skyfile=config["SkyFile"] psf=None if config["Flavor"] == 'arcs': if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.environ['QL_SPEC_REDUX'],'calib2d','psf',config["Night"])): os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.environ['QL_SPEC_REDUX'],'calib2d','psf',config["Night"])) pass elif "PSFFile" in config: #from specter.psf import load_psf import desispec.psf psf=desispec.psf.PSF(config["PSFFile"]) #psf=load_psf(config["PSFFile"]) if "basePath" in config: basePath=config["basePath"] hbeat.start("Reading input file {}".format(inpname)) #- reading raw image directly from hbeat.start("Reading fiberMap file {}".format(fibname)) fibfile=fibIO.read_fibermap(fibname) fibhdr=fibfile.meta convdict={"FiberMap":fibfile} if psf is not None: convdict["PSFFile"]=psf if biasfile is not None: hbeat.start("Reading Bias Image {}".format(biasfile)) biasimage=imIO.read_image(biasfile) convdict["BiasImage"]=biasimage if darkfile is not None: hbeat.start("Reading Dark Image {}".format(darkfile)) darkimage=imIO.read_image(darkfile) convdict["DarkImage"]=darkimage if pixelflatfile: hbeat.start("Reading PixelFlat Image {}".format(pixelflatfile)) pixelflatimage=imIO.read_image(pixelflatfile) convdict["PixelFlat"]=pixelflatimage if fiberflatimagefile: hbeat.start("Reading FiberFlat Image {}".format(fiberflatimagefile)) fiberflatimage=imIO.read_image(fiberflatimagefile) convdict["FiberFlatImage"]=fiberflatimage if arclampimagefile: hbeat.start("Reading ArcLampImage {}".format(arclampimagefile)) arclampimage=imIO.read_image(arclampimagefile) convdict["ArcLampImage"]=arclampimage if fiberflatfile: hbeat.start("Reading FiberFlat {}".format(fiberflatfile)) fiberflat=ffIO.read_fiberflat(fiberflatfile) convdict["FiberFlatFile"]=fiberflat if skyfile: hbeat.start("Reading SkyModel file {}".format(skyfile)) skymodel=skyIO.read_sky(skyfile) convdict["SkyFile"]=skymodel if dumpintermediates: convdict["DumpIntermediates"]=dumpintermediates hbeat.stop("Finished reading all static files") img=inp convdict["rawimage"]=img pipeline=[] for step in config["PipeLine"]: pa=getobject(step["PA"],log) if len(pipeline) == 0: if not pa.is_compatible(type(img)): log.critical("Pipeline configuration is incorrect! check configuration {} {}".format(img,pa.is_compatible(img))) sys.exit("Wrong pipeline configuration") else: if not pa.is_compatible(pipeline[-1][0].get_output_type()): log.critical("Pipeline configuration is incorrect! check configuration") log.critical("Can't connect input of {} to output of {}. Incompatible types".format(,pipeline[-1][0].name)) sys.exit("Wrong pipeline configuration") qas=[] for q in step["QAs"]: qa=getobject(q,log) if not qa.is_compatible(pa.get_output_type()): log.warning("QA {} can not be used for output of {}. Skipping expecting {} got {} {}".format(,,qa.__inpType__,pa.get_output_type(),qa.is_compatible(pa.get_output_type()))) else: qas.append(qa) pipeline.append([pa,qas]) return pipeline,convdict
def runpipeline(pl,convdict,conf,mergeQA=False): """ Runs the quicklook pipeline as configured Args: pl: is a list of [pa,qas] where pa is a pipeline step and qas the corresponding qas for that pa convdict: converted dictionary e.g : conf["IMAGE"] is the real psf file but convdict["IMAGE"] is like desispec.image.Image object and so on. details in setup_pipeline method below for examples. conf: a configured dictionary, read from the configuration yaml file. e.g: conf=configdict=yaml.load(open('configfile.yaml','rb')) mergedQA: if True, outputs the merged QA after the execution of pipeline. Perhaps, this should always be True, but leaving as option, until configuration and IO settles. """ qlog=qllogger.QLLogger("QuickLook",20) log=qlog.getlog() hb=QLHB.QLHeartbeat(log,conf["Period"],conf["Timeout"]) inp=convdict["rawimage"] paconf=conf["PipeLine"] qlog=qllogger.QLLogger("QuickLook",0) log=qlog.getlog() passqadict=None #- pass this dict to QAs downstream QAresults=[] #- merged QA list for the whole pipeline. This will be reorganized for databasing after the pipeline executes for s,step in enumerate(pl):"Starting to run step {}".format(paconf[s]["StepName"])) pa=step[0] pargs=mapkeywords(step[0].config["kwargs"],convdict) try: hb.start("Running {}".format(step[0].name)) oldinp=inp #- copy for QAs that need to see earlier input inp=pa(inp,**pargs) except Exception as e: log.critical("Failed to run PA {} error was {}".format(step[0].name,e)) sys.exit("Failed to run PA {}".format(step[0].name)) qaresult={} for qa in step[1]: try: qargs=mapkeywords(qa.config["kwargs"],convdict) hb.start("Running {}".format( qargs["dict_countbins"]=passqadict #- pass this to all QA downstream if"RESIDUAL" or"Sky_Residual": res=qa(inp[0],inp[1],**qargs) else: if isinstance(inp,tuple): res=qa(inp[0],**qargs) else: res=qa(inp,**qargs) if"COUNTBINS" or"CountSpectralBins": #TODO -must run this QA for now. change this later. passqadict=res log.debug("{} {}".format(,inp)) qaresult[]=res except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to run QA {} error was {}".format(,e)) if len(qaresult): if conf["DumpIntermediates"]: f = open(paconf[s]["OutputFile"],"w") f.write(yaml.dump(yamlify(qaresult))) hb.stop("Step {} finished. Output is in {} ".format(paconf[s]["StepName"],paconf[s]["OutputFile"])) else: hb.stop("Step {} finished.".format(paconf[s]["StepName"])) QAresults.append([,qaresult]) hb.stop("Pipeline processing finished. Serializing result") #- merge QAs for this pipeline execution if mergeQA is True: from desispec.quicklook.util import merge_QAs"Merging all the QAs for this pipeline execution") merge_QAs(QAresults) if isinstance(inp,tuple): return inp[0] else: return inp
def runpipeline(pl, convdict, conf): """runs the quicklook pipeline as configured Args: pl: is a list of [pa,qas] where pa is a pipeline step and qas the corresponding qas for that pa convdict: converted dictionary e.g : conf["IMAGE"] is the real psf file but convdict["IMAGE"] is like desispec.image.Image object and so on. details in setup_pipeline method below for examples. conf: a configured dictionary, read from the configuration yaml file. e.g: conf=configdict=yaml.load(open('configfile.yaml','rb')) """ qlog = qllogger.QLLogger("QuickLook", 20) log = qlog.getlog() hb = QLHB.QLHeartbeat(log, conf["Period"], conf["Timeout"]) inp = convdict["rawimage"] paconf = conf["PipeLine"] qlog = qllogger.QLLogger("QuickLook", 0) log = qlog.getlog() passqadict = None #- pass this dict to QAs downstream for s, step in enumerate(pl):"Starting to run step %s" % (paconf[s]["StepName"])) pa = step[0] pargs = mapkeywords(step[0].config["kwargs"], convdict) try: hb.start("Running %s" % (step[0].name)) oldinp = inp #- copy for QAs that need to see earlier input inp = pa(inp, **pargs) except Exception as e: log.critical("Failed to run PA %s error was %s" % (step[0].name, e)) sys.exit("Failed to run PA %s" % (step[0].name)) qaresult = {} for qa in step[1]: try: qargs = mapkeywords(qa.config["kwargs"], convdict) hb.start("Running %s" % ( qargs[ "dict_countbins"] = passqadict #- pass this to all QA downstream if == "RESIDUAL" or == "Sky_Residual": res = qa(oldinp, inp[1], **qargs) else: if isinstance(inp, tuple): res = qa(inp[0], **qargs) else: res = qa(inp, **qargs) if == "COUNTBINS" or == "CountSpectralBins": #TODO -must run this QA for now. change this later. passqadict = res log.debug("%s %s" % (, inp)) qaresult[] = res except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to run QA %s error was %s" % (, e)) if len(qaresult): #- TODO - This dump of QAs for each PA should be reorganised. Dumping everything now. yaml.dump(qaresult, open(paconf[s]["OutputFile"], "wb")) hb.stop("Step %s finished. Output is in %s " % (paconf[s]["StepName"], paconf[s]["OutputFile"])) else: hb.stop("Step %s finished." % (paconf[s]["StepName"])) hb.stop("Pipeline processing finished. Serializing result") if isinstance(inp, tuple): return inp[0] else: return inp
def runpipeline(pl, convdict, conf): """ Runs the quicklook pipeline as configured Args: pl: is a list of [pa,qas] where pa is a pipeline step and qas the corresponding qas for that pa convdict: converted dictionary e.g : conf["IMAGE"] is the real psf file but convdict["IMAGE"] is like desispec.image.Image object and so on. details in setup_pipeline method below for examples. conf: a configured dictionary, read from the configuration yaml file. e.g: conf=configdict=yaml.load(open('configfile.yaml','rb')) """ qlog = qllogger.QLLogger() log = qlog.getlog() hb = QLHB.QLHeartbeat(log, conf["Period"], conf["Timeout"]) inp = convdict["rawimage"] singqa = conf["singleqa"] paconf = conf["PipeLine"] qlog = qllogger.QLLogger() log = qlog.getlog() passqadict = None #- pass this dict to QAs downstream schemaMerger = QL_QAMerger(conf['Night'], conf['Expid'], conf['Flavor'], conf['Camera'], conf['Program'], convdict) QAresults = [] if singqa is None: for s, step in enumerate(pl):"Starting to run step {}".format(paconf[s]["StepName"])) pa = step[0] pargs = mapkeywords(step[0].config["kwargs"], convdict) schemaStep = schemaMerger.addPipelineStep(paconf[s]["StepName"]) try: hb.start("Running {}".format(step[0].name)) oldinp = inp #- copy for QAs that need to see earlier input inp = pa(inp, **pargs) if step[0].name == 'Initialize': schemaStep.addMetrics(inp[1]) except Exception as e: log.critical("Failed to run PA {} error was {}".format( step[0].name, e), exc_info=True) sys.exit("Failed to run PA {}".format(step[0].name)) qaresult = {} for qa in step[1]: try: qargs = mapkeywords(qa.config["kwargs"], convdict) hb.start("Running {}".format( qargs[ "dict_countbins"] = passqadict #- pass this to all QA downstream if == "RESIDUAL" or == "Sky_Residual": res = qa(inp[0], inp[1], **qargs) else: if isinstance(inp, tuple): res = qa(inp[0], **qargs) else: res = qa(inp, **qargs) if == "COUNTBINS" or == "CountSpectralBins": passqadict = res if "qafile" in qargs: qawriter.write_qa_ql(qargs["qafile"], res) log.debug("{} {}".format(, inp)) qaresult[] = res schemaStep.addParams(res['PARAMS']) schemaStep.addMetrics(res['METRICS']) except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to run QA {}. Got Exception {}".format(, e), exc_info=True) hb.stop("Step {} finished.".format(paconf[s]["StepName"])) QAresults.append([, qaresult]) hb.stop("Pipeline processing finished. Serializing result") else: import numpy as np qa = None qas = [[], [ 'Bias_From_Overscan', 'Get_RMS', 'Count_Pixels', 'Calc_XWSigma' ], 'Trace_Shifts', 'CountSpectralBins', ['Sky_Continuum', 'Sky_Peaks'], ['Calculate_SNR'], ['Sky_Rband', 'Integrate_Spec']] singleqaperpa = [ 'Bias_From_Overscan', 'Check_HDUs', 'Trace_Shifts', 'CountSpectralBins' ] for palg in range(len(qas)): if singqa in qas[palg]: pa = pl[palg][0] pac = paconf[palg] if singqa in singleqaperpa: qa = pl[palg][1][0] else: for qalg in range(len(qas[palg])): if qas[palg][qalg] == singqa: qa = pl[palg][1][qalg] if qa is None: log.critical("Unknown input QA... Valid QAs are: {}".format(qas)) sys.exit()"Starting to run step {}".format(pac["StepName"])) pargs = mapkeywords(pa.config["kwargs"], convdict) schemaStep = schemaMerger.addPipelineStep(pac["StepName"]) qaresult = {} try: qargs = mapkeywords(qa.config["kwargs"], convdict) hb.start("Running {}".format( if singqa == "Sky_Residual": res = qa(inp[0], inp[1], **qargs) else: if isinstance(inp, tuple): res = qa(inp[0], **qargs) else: res = qa(inp, **qargs) if singqa == "CountSpectralBins": passqadict = res if "qafile" in qargs: qawriter.write_qa_ql(qargs["qafile"], res) log.debug("{} {}".format(, inp)) schemaStep.addMetrics(res['METRICS']) except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to run QA {}. Got Exception {}".format(, e), exc_info=True) if len(qaresult): if conf["DumpIntermediates"]: f = open(pac["OutputFile"], "w") f.write(yaml.dump(yamlify(qaresult)))"{} finished".format( #- merge QAs for this pipeline execution #- RS: don't write merged file if running single QA if singqa is None: log.debug("Dumping mergedQAs") from import findfile specprod_dir = os.environ[ 'QL_SPEC_REDUX'] if 'QL_SPEC_REDUX' in os.environ else "" destFile = findfile('ql_mergedQA_file', night=conf['Night'], expid=conf['Expid'], camera=conf['Camera'], specprod_dir=specprod_dir) schemaMerger.writeTojsonFile(destFile)"Wrote merged QA file {}".format(destFile)) if isinstance(inp, tuple): return inp[0] else: return inp
def runpipeline(pl, convdict, conf, mergeQA=False): """ Runs the quicklook pipeline as configured Args: pl: is a list of [pa,qas] where pa is a pipeline step and qas the corresponding qas for that pa convdict: converted dictionary e.g : conf["IMAGE"] is the real psf file but convdict["IMAGE"] is like desispec.image.Image object and so on. details in setup_pipeline method below for examples. conf: a configured dictionary, read from the configuration yaml file. e.g: conf=configdict=yaml.load(open('configfile.yaml','rb')) mergedQA: if True, outputs the merged QA after the execution of pipeline. Perhaps, this should always be True, but leaving as option, until configuration and IO settles. """ qlog = qllogger.QLLogger() log = qlog.getlog() hb = QLHB.QLHeartbeat(log, conf["Period"], conf["Timeout"]) inp = convdict["rawimage"] singqa = conf["singleqa"] paconf = conf["PipeLine"] qlog = qllogger.QLLogger() log = qlog.getlog() passqadict = None #- pass this dict to QAs downstream schemaMerger = QL_QAMerger(conf['Night'], conf['Expid'], conf['Flavor'], conf['Camera'], conf['Program']) QAresults = [ ] #- merged QA list for the whole pipeline. This will be reorganized for databasing after the pipeline executes if singqa is None: for s, step in enumerate(pl):"Starting to run step {}".format(paconf[s]["StepName"])) pa = step[0] pargs = mapkeywords(step[0].config["kwargs"], convdict) schemaStep = schemaMerger.addPipelineStep(paconf[s]["StepName"]) try: hb.start("Running {}".format(step[0].name)) oldinp = inp #- copy for QAs that need to see earlier input inp = pa(inp, **pargs) except Exception as e: log.critical("Failed to run PA {} error was {}".format( step[0].name, e), exc_info=True) sys.exit("Failed to run PA {}".format(step[0].name)) qaresult = {} for qa in step[1]: try: qargs = mapkeywords(qa.config["kwargs"], convdict) hb.start("Running {}".format( qargs[ "dict_countbins"] = passqadict #- pass this to all QA downstream if == "RESIDUAL" or == "Sky_Residual": res = qa(inp[0], inp[1], **qargs) else: if isinstance(inp, tuple): res = qa(inp[0], **qargs) else: res = qa(inp, **qargs) if == "COUNTBINS" or == "CountSpectralBins": #TODO -must run this QA for now. change this later. passqadict = res if "qafile" in qargs: qawriter.write_qa_ql(qargs["qafile"], res) log.debug("{} {}".format(, inp)) qaresult[] = res schemaStep.addParams(res['PARAMS']) schemaStep.addMetrics(res['METRICS']) except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to run QA {}. Got Exception {}".format(, e), exc_info=True) if len(qaresult): if conf["DumpIntermediates"]: f = open(paconf[s]["OutputFile"], "w") f.write(yaml.dump(yamlify(qaresult))) hb.stop("Step {} finished. Output is in {} ".format( paconf[s]["StepName"], paconf[s]["OutputFile"])) else: hb.stop("Step {} finished.".format(paconf[s]["StepName"])) QAresults.append([, qaresult]) hb.stop("Pipeline processing finished. Serializing result") else: import numpy as np qa = None qas = [ 'Bias_From_Overscan', ['Get_RMS', 'Calc_XWSigma', 'Count_Pixels'], 'CountSpectralBins', ['Sky_Continuum', 'Sky_Peaks'], ['Sky_Residual', 'Integrate_Spec', 'Calculate_SNR'] ] for palg in range(len(qas)): if singqa in qas[palg]: pa = pl[palg][0] pac = paconf[palg] if singqa == 'Bias_From_Overscan' or singqa == 'CountSpectralBins': qa = pl[palg][1][0] else: for qalg in range(len(qas[palg])): if qas[palg][qalg] == singqa: qa = pl[palg][1][qalg] if qa is None: log.critical("Unknown input... Valid QAs are: {}".format(qas)) sys.exit()"Starting to run step {}".format(pac["StepName"])) pargs = mapkeywords(pa.config["kwargs"], convdict) schemaStep = schemaMerger.addPipelineStep(pac["StepName"]) qaresult = {} try: qargs = mapkeywords(qa.config["kwargs"], convdict) hb.start("Running {}".format( if singqa == "Sky_Residual": res = qa(inp[0], inp[1], **qargs) else: if isinstance(inp, tuple): res = qa(inp[0], **qargs) else: res = qa(inp, **qargs) if singqa == "CountSpectralBins": passqadict = res if "qafile" in qargs: qawriter.write_qa_ql(qargs["qafile"], res) log.debug("{} {}".format(, inp)) schemaStep.addMetrics(res['METRICS']) except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to run QA {}. Got Exception {}".format(, e), exc_info=True) if len(qaresult): if conf["DumpIntermediates"]: f = open(pac["OutputFile"], "w") f.write(yaml.dump(yamlify(qaresult)))"{} finished".format( #- merge QAs for this pipeline execution if mergeQA is True: # from desispec.quicklook.util import merge_QAs #"Merging all the QAs for this pipeline execution") # merge_QAs(QAresults,conf) log.debug("Dumping mergedQAs") from import findfile ftype = 'ql_mergedQA_file' specprod_dir = os.environ[ 'QL_SPEC_REDUX'] if 'QL_SPEC_REDUX' in os.environ else "" if conf['Flavor'] == 'arcs': ftype = 'ql_mergedQAarc_file' destFile = findfile(ftype, night=conf['Night'], expid=conf['Expid'], camera=conf['Camera'], specprod_dir=specprod_dir) # this will overwrite the file. above function returns same name for different QL executions # results will be erased. schemaMerger.writeToFile(destFile)"Wrote merged QA file {}".format(destFile)) schemaMerger.writeTojsonFile(destFile)"Wrote merged QA file {}".format( destFile.split('.yaml')[0] + '.json')) if isinstance(inp, tuple): return inp[0] else: return inp