コード例 #1
def finletBCWriter(
        caseDir,  #need to specify case directory

    #IMPORT BLOCK=======================================================
    import os
    import math
    from dfluidData import dfluidData
    #GET THE DATA=======================================================
    #                           EDITABLE
    g = 9.81
    [sigma, rho, mu, theta0, thetaA, thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
    beta = float((theta0 + thetaA + thetaR) /
                 3) / 180 * math.pi  #get initial contact angle in radians
    #                           DO NOT EDIT

    # recalculation for ND mesh - lenght is ND by inlet height
    L = 1  #h0
    a0, h0, cellL, cellW = a0 / L, h0 / L, cellL / L, cellW / L

    # auxiliary variables - meshing
    nCellsIn = int(
        round(a0 / cellW * nCellsW) + round(a0 / cellW * nCellsW) % 2)
    nCellsWVec = [(nCellsW - nCellsIn) / 2, nCellsIn, (nCellsW - nCellsIn) / 2]

    hVec = []
    uVec = []
    #~ for i in range(0,nCellsIn/2):
    #~ hVec.append(a0**2 - (2*i*a0/nCellsIn)**2)
    #~ for i in range(nCellsIn/2+1,nCellsIn)
    #~ hVec.append(a0**2 - (2*i*a0/nCellsIn)**2)
    Bsqrt = a0 * math.sqrt(rho * g * math.cos(alpha) / sigma)
    A = a0 * math.tan(beta) / (Bsqrt * math.sinh(Bsqrt))

    #~ yVec  = [(2*a0*i/float(nCellsIn) - a0) for i in range(nCellsIn+1)]
    #~ print yVec

    print 'sqrt(B) = ' + repr(Bsqrt)
    #~ print A

    # calculate the inlet profile shape
    for i in range(nCellsIn + 1):
        dzeta = 2 * i / float(nCellsIn) - 1
        hVec.append(A * (math.cosh(Bsqrt) - math.cosh(Bsqrt * dzeta)))

    #calculate the inlet profile cross section
    step = 2 * a0 / float(nCellsIn)
    cSec = 0
    for i in range(len(hVec) - 1):
        cSec = cSec + hVec[i + 1] + hVec[i]
    cSec = cSec * step / 2

    #calculate the inlet liquid velocity to sustain demanded mDot
    u0 = mDot / rho / cSec

    #~ for i in range(len(hVec)):
    #~ uVec.append([hVec[i]**2*rho*g/(2*mu),0,0])
    #~ print uVec


    #CREATE FILE AND WRITE THE DATA IN======================================
    idStr = 'inlet'

    # write everything to the file
    # Uf
    with open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()

    for i in range(len(data)):
        fInd = data[i].find(idStr)
        if fInd > -1:
            data[i:] = []

    with open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf', 'w') as file:

    bMD = open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf',
               'a')  #open file temporary file for writing
    # write data to file
    # -- case of dirichlet boundary
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tfixedValue;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tnonuniform List<vector>  \n\t\t' + repr(nCellsIn) + '\n\t\t(\n')
    #~ for row in uVec:
    #~ bMD.write('\t\t\t ( ' + ' '.join(str(e) for e in row) + ' )\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\t); \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # -- case of flowRateInletVelocity (could it be applied?)
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tflowRateInletVelocity;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tmassFlowRate\tconstant\t' + repr(mDot) + ';\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\t\tuniform (1 0 0);\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # -- case of constant velocity
    bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tuniform \t\t(%5.4e 0 0);\n' % u0)
    bMD.write('\t} \n\n')

    # footline
        '// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // \n\n'

    # close file

    # deltaf
    with open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()

    for i in range(len(data)):
        fInd = data[i].find(idStr)
        if fInd > -1:
            data[i:] = []

    with open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf', 'w') as file:

    bMD = open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf',
               'a')  #open file temporary file for writing
    # write data to file
    bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tnonuniform List<scalar>  \n\t\t' +
              repr(nCellsIn + 1) + '\n\t\t(\n')
    for i in range(len(hVec)):
        bMD.write('\t\t\t ' + repr(hVec[i]) + '\n')
    bMD.write('\t\t); \n')
    bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tfixedValue;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tuniform \t\t' + repr(h0) + ';\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')

    # footline
        '// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // \n\n'

    # close file

コード例 #2
            postProc,                                                   #case postprocessing (paraview)
            postProcData,                                               #case postprocessing data export
            fluidData,                                                  #used database with fluid data
            #~ rivuletPostProc2Blender,                                    #export paraview->blender
            #~ blenderPrep,                                                #rivulet postprocessing (blender)
for scName in scNames:
    sh.copyfile(scFolder + scName + '.py',caseDir + scName + '.py')     #copy current script version

#CASE CONSTANTS AND CALCULATIONS========================================
# input data------------------------------------------------------------
# -- global parameters
g       = 9.81                                                          #grav. acc., m/s2

# -- liquid properties
[sigma,rho,mu,theta0,thetaA,thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
[_,rhoA,muA,_,_,_]                  = dfluidData('AIR')
#~ NOTE: liquid properties are stored in a special dictionary
#~ sigma       ... surface tension coefficient of the liquid, N/m
#~ rho         ... density of the liquid, kg/m3
#~ mu          ... liquid dynamic viscosity, Pas
#~ theta0,thetaA,thetaR ... equilibrium, advancing and receding contact
#~                          angles

# further calculations
u0      = Re*mu/(rho*hIn)                                               #inlet velocity calculation
nu      = [mu/rho,muA/rhoA]
rho     = [rho,rhoA]
sigma   = [sigma]

#OPEN AUTOGENERATED README FILE=========================================
コード例 #3
def fprepIC_noGravity(caseDir,                                          #case directory name
            a0,Q0,                                                      #initial conditions
            liqName,l,                                                  #model defining properties
            alpha,L,nCellsX,H,nCellsZ,                                  #geometrical and meshing parameters
            pltFlag,                                                    #output plots
    #IMPORT BLOCK=======================================================
    import math
    import numpy as np
    #~ from scipy.optimize import fsolve                                   #NAE solver
    from scipy.integrate import odeint                                      #ODE solver
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #IMPORT BLOCK-CUSTOM================================================
    from dfluidData import dfluidData
    #LOCAL FUNCTIONS====================================================
    def writeCylinder(h,a,x,deltaX):
        # function returning list o strings to write cylinderToCell entry
        # into setFieldsDict file
        R   = h/2.0 + a**2.0/(2.0*h)                                    #cylinder diameter
        d   = R - h                                                     #how much bellow the plate is the cylinder center
        # -- create the strings to return
        cellStr = []
        cellStr.append('\tcylinderToCell\n\t\t{\n')                     #entry openning lines
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tp1 (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%(x,0.0,-d))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tp2 (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%(x+deltaX,0.0,-d))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tradius %5.5e;\n\n'%R)
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolScalarFieldValue alpha.liquid 1\n\t\t\t);\n')
        cellStr.append('\t\t}\n')                                       #entry ending line
        return cellStr
    def writeBox(h,deltah,a,x,deltaX,UVec,p_rgh):
        # function returning list of strings to write boxToCell entry into
        # setFieldsDict file
        cellStr = []
        cellStr.append('\tboxToCell\n\t\t{\n')                              #entry openning lines
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tbox (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e) (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n\n'%(x,-a,h,x+deltaX,a,h+deltah))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolVectorFieldValue U (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e)\n'%tuple(UVec))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolScalarFieldValue p_rgh %5.5e\n\t\t\t);\n'%p_rgh)
        cellStr.append('\t\t}\n')                                           #entry ending line
        return cellStr
    def writeBoxAlpha(h,deltah,a,x,deltaX,alpha):
        # function returning list of strings to write boxToCell entry into
        # setFieldsDict file
        cellStr = []
        cellStr.append('\tboxToCell\n\t\t{\n')                              #entry openning lines
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tbox (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e) (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n\n'%(x,-a,h,x+deltaX,a,h+deltah))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolScalarFieldValue alpha.liquid %5.5e\n\t\t\t);\n'%alpha)
        cellStr.append('\t\t}\n')                                           #entry ending line
        return cellStr
    def writeRotBoxAlpha(origin,i,j,k,alpha):
        # function returning list of strings to write boxToCell entry into
        # setFieldsDict file
        cellStr = []
        cellStr.append('\trotatedBoxToCell\n\t\t{\n')                              #entry openning lines
        cellStr.append('\t\t\torigin (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%tuple(origin))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\ti (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%tuple(i))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tj (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n'%tuple(j))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\tk (%5.5e %5.5e %5.5e);\n\n'%tuple(k))
        cellStr.append('\t\t\t\tvolScalarFieldValue alpha.liquid %5.5e\n\t\t\t);\n'%alpha)
        cellStr.append('\t\t}\n')                                           #entry ending line
        return cellStr

    # -- other physical properties
    g       = 9.81                                                      #gravity
    # -- liquid properties
    [sigma,rho,mu,theta0,thetaA,thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
    # -- calculation parameters
    deltaX  = L/nCellsX
    deltaZ  = H/nCellsZ
    #MODEL DEFINITION=======================================================
    # -- constants
    psi     = np.power(105.0*mu*Q0 / (4.0*rho*g*np.sin(alpha)),0.3333)
    varpi   = 2.0*mu/(rho*g*np.sin(alpha)*l**2.0)
    # -- functions
    betaFunc= lambda a      : np.arctan(np.divide(psi,a**1.3333))
    h0Func  = lambda a,beta : 2.0*np.multiply(a,np.tan(beta)/2.0)
    # -- model ODE (to be solved numerically)
    def model(a,x):
        beta = betaFunc(a)
        dadx = 1.0*beta**3.0*sigma*varpi/(9.0*mu*np.log(a/(2.0*np.exp(2.0)*l)))
        return dadx
    def jac(a,x):
        dfun = -(1.0/9.0)*np.arctan(psi/a**4.0)**2.0*sigma*(np.arctan(psi/a**4.0)*(a**8.0+psi**2.0)-12.0*a**4.0*psi*(ln(2.0)+2.0-ln(a/l)))*varpi/(mu*(ln(2.0)+2.0-ln(a/l))**2.0*(a**8.0+psi**2.0)*a)
        return dfun
    #SETFIELDSDICT EDITING==============================================
    with open(caseDir + './system/setFieldsDict', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()
    regsLine = 0                                                        #at the time empty
    # -- find position of regions keyword
    for i in range(len(data)):
        if data[i].find('regions') >-1:
            auxData = data[0:i+2]
            regsLine = i
    # -- find the height of liquid surface at inlet
    h       = 2.0*math.pi/(5.0*alpha)*(6.0*Q0**2.0/g)**0.2
    a0      = 2.0*h*np.sqrt(3.0)/3.0
    # -- fill in the inlet by liquid
    #~ # -- connect the liquid in inlet with the liquid in rivulet
    #~ auxData.extend(writeRotBoxAlpha([0,-a0,h],[-10*np.tan(alpha),0,-10],[0,2*a0,0],[10,0,-10*np.tan(alpha)],1.0))
    # -- solve the model ODE
    x       = np.linspace(-h,L,nCellsX+int(round(nCellsX*h/L))+1)       #create solution grid
    aList   = odeint(model,a0,x,Dfun=jac,printmessg=True)               #solve the system
    # -- auxiliary calculations
    betaList = betaFunc(aList)
    h0List   = h0Func(aList,betaList)
    # -- extend the list by the cylinders (gas-liquid interface position)
    for i in range(nCellsX):
        # -- prepare the phase fraction fields
        cellStr = writeCylinder(h0List[i],aList[i],x.item(i),deltaX)
        # -- prepare the velocity field - as boxes
        R = h0List.item(i)/2.0 + aList.item(i)**2.0/(2.0*h0List.item(i))
        for j in range(1,int(math.ceil(nCellsZ*h0List.item(i)/H))):
            uVec    = [rho*g*np.sin(alpha)/(2.0*mu)*(2.0*h0List.item(i)*j*deltaZ - (j*deltaZ)**2.0),0.0,0.0]
            #~ p_rgh   = rho*g*np.cos(alpha)*(h0List.item(i) - (j*deltaZ)) + np.tan(betaList.item(i))/aList.item(i)*sigma
            p_rgh   = np.tan(betaList.item(i))/aList.item(i)*sigma
            # -- get the current rivulet width (at height j*deltaZ)
            c       = np.sqrt((R-(h0List.item(i)-j*deltaZ)/2.0)*8.0*(h0List.item(i)-j*deltaZ))
            cellStr = writeBox(j*deltaZ,deltaZ,c,x.item(i),deltaX,uVec,p_rgh)
    # -- extend the list by the rest of the lines
    # rewrite the setFieldsDict file
    with open(caseDir + './system/setFieldsDict', 'w') as file:
        file.writelines( auxData )
    if pltFlag:
        plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(20, 12), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
        plt.title('Contact angle evolution along the rivulet')
        plt.xlabel('step count')
        plt.ylabel('apparent contact angle')
        plt.title('Rivulet half width evolution')
        plt.xlabel('step count')
        plt.ylabel('rivulet half width')
        plt.title('Rivulet centerline height evolution')
        plt.xlabel('step count')
        plt.ylabel('rivulet centerline height')
コード例 #4
def finletBCWriter(caseDir,												#need to specify case directory
    #IMPORT BLOCK=======================================================
    import os
    import math
    from dfluidData import dfluidData
    #GET THE DATA=======================================================
    #                           EDITABLE
    g   = 9.81
    [sigma,rho,mu,theta0,thetaA,thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
    beta = float((theta0+thetaA+thetaR)/3)/180*math.pi                #get initial contact angle in radians
    #                           DO NOT EDIT
    # recalculation for ND mesh - lenght is ND by inlet height
    L             = 1#h0
    a0,h0,cellL,cellW = a0/L,h0/L,cellL/L,cellW/L
    # auxiliary variables - meshing
    nCellsIn   = int(round(a0/cellW*nCellsW)+round(a0/cellW*nCellsW)%2)
    nCellsWVec = [(nCellsW-nCellsIn)/2,nCellsIn,(nCellsW-nCellsIn)/2]
    hVec = []
    uVec = []
    #~ for i in range(0,nCellsIn/2):
         #~ hVec.append(a0**2 - (2*i*a0/nCellsIn)**2)
    #~ for i in range(nCellsIn/2+1,nCellsIn)
         #~ hVec.append(a0**2 - (2*i*a0/nCellsIn)**2)
    Bsqrt = a0*math.sqrt(rho*g*math.cos(alpha)/sigma)
    A     = a0*math.tan(beta)/(Bsqrt*math.sinh(Bsqrt))
    #~ yVec  = [(2*a0*i/float(nCellsIn) - a0) for i in range(nCellsIn+1)]
    #~ print yVec
    print 'sqrt(B) = ' + repr(Bsqrt)
    #~ print A
    # calculate the inlet profile shape
    for i in range(nCellsIn+1):
        dzeta = 2*i/float(nCellsIn) - 1
    #calculate the inlet profile cross section
    step    = 2*a0/float(nCellsIn)
    cSec    = 0
    for i in range(len(hVec)-1):
        cSec = cSec + hVec[i+1] + hVec[i]
    cSec    = cSec*step/2
    #calculate the inlet liquid velocity to sustain demanded mDot
    u0      = mDot/rho/cSec
    #~ for i in range(len(hVec)):
        #~ uVec.append([hVec[i]**2*rho*g/(2*mu),0,0])
    #~ print uVec
    #CREATE FILE AND WRITE THE DATA IN======================================
    idStr = 'inlet'
    # write everything to the file
    # Uf
    with open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(data)):
        fInd = data[i].find(idStr)
        if fInd>-1:
            data[i:] = []
    with open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf', 'w') as file:
        file.writelines( data )
    bMD = open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf','a')                                                 #open file temporary file for writing
    # write data to file
    # -- case of dirichlet boundary
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tfixedValue;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tnonuniform List<vector>  \n\t\t' + repr(nCellsIn) + '\n\t\t(\n')
    #~ for row in uVec:
        #~ bMD.write('\t\t\t ( ' + ' '.join(str(e) for e in row) + ' )\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\t); \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # -- case of flowRateInletVelocity (could it be applied?)
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tflowRateInletVelocity;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tmassFlowRate\tconstant\t' + repr(mDot) + ';\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\t\tuniform (1 0 0);\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # -- case of constant velocity
    bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tuniform \t\t(%5.4e 0 0);\n'%u0)
    bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    # footline
    bMD.write('// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // \n\n')
    # close file
    # deltaf
    with open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf', 'r') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()
    for i in range(len(data)):
        fInd = data[i].find(idStr)
        if fInd>-1:
            data[i:] = []
    with open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf', 'w') as file:
        file.writelines( data )
    bMD = open(caseDir + '0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf','a')                                                 #open file temporary file for writing
    # write data to file
    bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tnonuniform List<scalar>  \n\t\t' + repr(nCellsIn+1) + '\n\t\t(\n')
    for i in range(len(hVec)):
        bMD.write('\t\t\t ' + repr(hVec[i]) + '\n')
    bMD.write('\t\t); \n')
    bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\tinlet \n\t{ \n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\ttype\tfixedValue;\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t\tvalue\tuniform \t\t' + repr(h0) + ';\n')
    #~ bMD.write('\t} \n\n')
    #~ bMD.write('}\n\n')
    # footline
    bMD.write('// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // \n\n')
    # close file
コード例 #5
            inletBCWriter,                                              #preProcFunc - BC writer
            rivuletPostProc,                                            #rivulet postprocessing (paraview)
            rivuletPostProc2Blender,                                    #export paraview->blender
            blenderPrep,                                                #rivulet postprocessing (blender)
for scName in scNames:
    sh.copyfile(scFolder + scName + '.py',caseDir + scName + '.py')     #copy current script version
#CASE CONSTANTS AND CALCULATIONS========================================
# input data------------------------------------------------------------
# -- global parameters
g       = 9.81                                                          #grav. acc., m/s2
deltaWet= 1e-5                                                          #height above which is the plate considered wet, m

# -- liquid properties
[sigma,rho,mu,theta0,thetaA,thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
#~ [_,rhoA,muA,_,_,_]                  = dfluidData('AIR')
#~ NOTE: liquid properties are stored in a special dictionary
#~ sigma       ... surface tension coefficient of the liquid, N/m
#~ rho         ... density of the liquid, kg/m3
#~ mu          ... liquid dynamic viscosity, Pas
#~ theta0,thetaA,thetaR ... equilibrium, advancing and receding contact
#~                          angles

# -- further calculations
mDot    = Q0*rho                                                        #mass flow rate calculation
beta    = float((theta0+thetaA+thetaR)/3)/180*math.pi                   #get initial contact angle in radians

# -- additional parameters
lC      = math.sqrt(sigma/(rho*g));                                     #liquid capillary length
コード例 #6
    rivuletPostProc,  #rivulet postprocessing (paraview)
    rivuletPostProc2Blender,  #export paraview->blender
    blenderPrep,  #rivulet postprocessing (blender)
for scName in scNames:
    sh.copyfile(scFolder + scName + '.py',
                caseDir + scName + '.py')  #copy current script version

#CASE CONSTANTS AND CALCULATIONS========================================
# input data------------------------------------------------------------
# -- global parameters
g = 9.81  #grav. acc., m/s2
deltaWet = 1e-5  #height above which is the plate considered wet, m

# -- liquid properties
[sigma, rho, mu, theta0, thetaA, thetaR] = dfluidData(liqName)
#~ [_,rhoA,muA,_,_,_]                  = dfluidData('AIR')
#~ NOTE: liquid properties are stored in a special dictionary
#~ sigma       ... surface tension coefficient of the liquid, N/m
#~ rho         ... density of the liquid, kg/m3
#~ mu          ... liquid dynamic viscosity, Pas
#~ theta0,thetaA,thetaR ... equilibrium, advancing and receding contact
#~                          angles

# -- further calculations
mDot = Q0 * rho  #mass flow rate calculation
beta = float((theta0 + thetaA + thetaR) /
             3) / 180 * math.pi  #get initial contact angle in radians

# -- additional parameters
lC = math.sqrt(sigma / (rho * g))