def S_LSTM(dimx=30, dimy=30, embedding_matrix=None, LSTM_neurons=32): inpx = Input(shape=(dimx, ), dtype='int32', name='inpx') x = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix, train='False')(inpx) inpy = Input(shape=(dimy, ), dtype='int32', name='inpy') y = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix, train='False')(inpy) #hx = LSTM(LSTM_neurons)(x) #hy = LSTM(LSTM_neurons)(y) shared_lstm = Bidirectional(LSTM(LSTM_neurons, return_sequences=False), merge_mode='sum') #shared_lstm = LSTM(LSTM_neurons,return_sequences=True) hx = shared_lstm(x) #hx = Dropout(0.2)(hx) hy = shared_lstm(y) #hy = Dropout(0.2)(hy) h1, h2 = hx, hy corr1 = Exp()([h1, h2]) adadelta = optimizers.Adadelta() model = Model([inpx, inpy], corr1) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=adadelta) return model
def WA_LSTM(embedding_matrix, dimx=50, dimy=50, nb_filter=120, embedding_dim=50, filter_length=(50, 4), depth=1, shared=0, LSTM_neurons=64, word_level=1, opt_params=[0.0008, 'adam']): print 'Model Uses Attenion+LSTM......' inpx = Input(shape=(dimx, ), dtype='int32', name='inpx') inpy = Input(shape=(dimy, ), dtype='int32', name='inpy') x = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix, train=False)(inpx) y = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix, train=False)(inpy) #x = Permute((2,1))(x) #y = Permute((2,1))(y) channel_1, channel_2 = [], [] for dep in range(depth): #filter_width = filter_widths[dep] #conv1 = ZeroPadding2D((filter_width - 1, 0))(conv1) #conv2 = ZeroPadding2D((filter_width - 1, 0))(conv2) if shared: shared_lstm = Bidirectional(LSTM(LSTM_neurons, return_sequences=True), merge_mode='concat') ques = shared_lstm(x) ans = shared_lstm(y) else: ques = Bidirectional(LSTM(LSTM_neurons, return_sequences=True), merge_mode='concat')(x) ans = Bidirectional(LSTM(LSTM_neurons, return_sequences=True), merge_mode='concat')(y) ############## word - level attention ######################### if word_level: q_vec = TimeDistributed(Dense(1))(ques) else: q_vec = Dense(1)(ques) q_vec = RepeatVector(dimx)(q_vec) a_vec = TimeDistributed(Dense(1))(ans) m = Merge(mode='sum')([q_vec, a_vec]) m = Activation(activation='tanh')(m) s = TimeDistributed(Dense(1, activation='softmax'))(m) ans_f = Merge(mode='mul')([ans, s]) ques = Dropout(0.5)(ques) ans = Dropout(0.5)(ans) channel_1.append(GlobalMaxPooling1D()(ques)) channel_2.append(GlobalMaxPooling1D()(ans_f)) x = MaxPooling1D()(ques) y = MaxPooling1D()(ans) #reg1 = reg2 = 0.00002 h1 = channel_1.pop(-1) if channel_1: h1 = merge([h1] + channel_1, mode="concat") h2 = channel_2.pop(-1) if channel_2: h2 = merge([h2] + channel_2, mode="concat") #h1 = Dropout(0.5)(h1) #h2 = Dropout(0.5)(h2) #reg2 = 0.00005 h = Merge(mode="concat", name='h')([h1, h2]) #h = Dropout(0.2)(h) #h = Dense(50, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(reg2),activation='relu')(h) #wrap = Dropout(0.5)(h) #wrap = Dense(64, activation='tanh')(h) opt = keras.optimizers.adam(lr=opt_params[0], clipnorm=1.) score = Dense(2, activation='softmax', name='score')(h) model = Model([inpx, inpy], [score]) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt) return model
def bcnn(embedding_matrix, dimx=50, dimy=50, nb_filter = 120, embedding_dim = 50, filter_length = (50,4), depth = 1, shared = 0, opt_params = [0.0008,'adam']): #if True: print ('Model Uses BCNN......') inpx = Input(shape=(dimx,),dtype='int32',name='inpx') inpy = Input(shape=(dimy,),dtype='int32',name='inpy') x = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix,train=False)(inpx) y = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix,train=False)(inpy) x = Permute((2,1))(x) y = Permute((2,1))(y) conv1 = Reshape((embedding_dim,dimx,1))(x) conv2 = Reshape((embedding_dim,dimy,1))(y) channel_1, channel_2 = [], [] for dep in range(depth): #filter_width = filter_widths[dep] #conv1 = ZeroPadding2D((filter_width - 1, 0))(conv1) #conv2 = ZeroPadding2D((filter_width - 1, 0))(conv2) if shared: conv = Conv2D(nb_filter=nb_filter, kernel_size = filter_length, activation='relu', data_format = 'channels_last',border_mode="valid") ques = conv(conv1) ans = conv(conv2) else: ques = Conv2D(nb_filter=nb_filter, kernel_size = filter_length, activation='relu', data_format = 'channels_last',border_mode="valid")(conv1) ans = Conv2D(nb_filter, kernel_size = filter_length, activation='relu', data_format="channels_last",border_mode="valid")(conv2) ques = Dropout(0.5)(ques) ans = Dropout(0.5)(ans) channel_1.append(GlobalMaxPooling2D()(ques)) channel_2.append(GlobalMaxPooling2D()(ans)) #channel_1.append(Reshape((ques._keras_shape[2]*ans._keras_shape[3]))(AveragePooling2D(4))(ques)) #channel_2.appendFlatten()((AveragePooling2D(4))(ans)) #reg1 = reg2 = 0.00002 h1 = channel_1.pop(-1) if channel_1: h1 = merge([h1] + channel_1, mode="concat") h2 = channel_2.pop(-1) if channel_2: h2 = merge([h2] + channel_2, mode="concat") #h1 = Dropout(0.5)(h1) #h2 = Dropout(0.5)(h2) #reg2 = 0.00005 h = Merge(mode="concat",name='h')([h1, h2]) #h = Dropout(0.2)(h) #h = Dense(50, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(reg2),activation='relu')(h) #wrap = Dropout(0.5)(h) #wrap = Dense(64, activation='tanh')(h) opt = keras.optimizers.adam(lr=opt_params[0],clipnorm=1.) score = Dense(2,activation='sigmoid',name='score')(h) model = Model([inpx, inpy],[score]) model.compile( loss='categorical_crossentropy',optimizer=opt) #label = to_categorical(label)[data_l,data_r],label,nb_epoch=nb_epoch,batch_size=batch_size,verbose=2) return model
def cnn_sim_ft(embedding_matrix, dimx=50, dimy=50, dimft=44, nb_filter=120, embedding_dim=50, filter_length=(50, 4), vocab_size=8000, depth=1): print 'Model Uses CNN with Sim and Features......' inpx = Input(shape=(dimx, ), dtype='int32', name='inpx') inpy = Input(shape=(dimy, ), dtype='int32', name='inpy') inpft = Input(shape=(dimft, ), dtype='int32', name='inpft') x = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix, train=True)(inpx) y = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix, train=True)(inpy) x = Permute((2, 1))(x) y = Permute((2, 1))(y) conv1 = Reshape((embedding_dim, dimx, 1))(x) conv2 = Reshape((embedding_dim, dimy, 1))(y) channel_1, channel_2 = [], [] for dep in range(depth): #filter_width = filter_length[1] #conv1 = ZeroPadding2D((filter_width - 1, 0))(conv1) #conv2 = ZeroPadding2D((filter_width - 1, 0))(conv2) ques = Conv2D(nb_filter=nb_filter, kernel_size=filter_length, activation='relu', data_format='channels_last', border_mode="valid")(conv1) ans = Conv2D(nb_filter, kernel_size=filter_length, activation='relu', data_format="channels_last", border_mode="valid")(conv2) ques = Dropout(0.5)(ques) ans = Dropout(0.5)(ans) ques = GlobalMaxPooling2D()(ques) ans = GlobalMaxPooling2D()(ans) ques = Dropout(0.5)(ques) ans = Dropout(0.5)(ans) channel_1.append(ques) channel_2.append(ans) #channel_1.append(GlobalAveragePooling2D()(ques)) #channel_2.append(GlobalAveragePooling2D()(ans)) h1 = channel_1.pop(-1) if channel_1: h1 = merge([h1] + channel_1, mode="concat") h2 = channel_2.pop(-1) if channel_2: h2 = merge([h2] + channel_2, mode="concat") sim = Similarity(nb_filter)([h1, h2]) h = Merge(mode="concat", name='h')([h1, sim, h2, inpft]) #h = Dropout(0.2)(h) #h = Dense(50, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(reg2),activation='relu')(h) #wrap = Dropout(0.5)(h) #wrap = Dense(64, activation='tanh')(h) score = Dense(2, activation='softmax', name='score')(h) model = Model([inpx, inpy, inpft], [score]) model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam') return model
def abcnn(embedding_matrix, attention=1, dimx=50, dimy=50, nb_filter=72, filter_length=(50, 4), dropout=None, shared=1, embedding_dim=50, depth=1, filter_widths=[4, 3, 2], opt_params=[0.0008, 'adam']): #if True: print '\n Model Uses ABCNN architecture ......' print 'attention : ', attention print 'nb_filters :', nb_filter print 'filter_size :', filter_length print 'opt params :', opt_params #print 'dense layer :',dense_neuron,' ',reg1 if dropout: print 'using dropout' if shared: print 'using shared params' print '\n' inpx = Input(shape=(dimx, ), dtype='int32', name='inpx') inpy = Input(shape=(dimy, ), dtype='int32', name='inpy') x = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix, train=False)(inpx) y = word2vec_embedding_layer(embedding_matrix, train=False)(inpy) #x = Permute((2,1))(x) #y = Permute((2,1))(y) mul = MatchScore(x, y) mulT = Permute((2, 1))(mul) d1 = Dense(units=embedding_dim)(mul) d2 = Dense(units=embedding_dim)(mulT) x = Permute((2, 1))(x) y = Permute((2, 1))(y) if attention in [1, 3]: x = Reshape((embedding_dim, dimx, 1))(x) y = Reshape((embedding_dim, dimy, 1))(y) d1 = Reshape((embedding_dim, dimx, 1))(d1) d2 = Reshape((embedding_dim, dimy, 1))(d2) if attention in [1, 3]: conv1 = merge([x, d1], mode='concat', concat_axis=1) conv2 = merge([y, d2], mode='concat', concat_axis=1) else: conv1, conv2 = x, y channel_1, channel_2 = [], [] for dep in range(depth): filter_width = filter_widths[dep] if attention in [1, 3]: conv1 = ZeroPadding2D((filter_width - 1, 0))(conv1) conv2 = ZeroPadding2D((filter_width - 1, 0))(conv2) if shared: conv = Conv2D(nb_filter=nb_filter, kernel_size=filter_length, activation='tanh', data_format='channels_last', border_mode="valid") ques = conv(conv1) ans = conv(conv2) else: ques = Conv2D(nb_filter=nb_filter, kernel_size=filter_length, activation='relu', data_format='channels_last', padding='same')(conv1) ans = Conv2D(nb_filter, kernel_size=filter_length, activation='relu', data_format="channels_last", padding='same')(conv2) if attention in [3]: ques = Reshape( (ques._keras_shape[1], ques._keras_shape[2] * ques._keras_shape[3]))(ques) ans = Reshape((ans._keras_shape[1], ans._keras_shape[2] * ans._keras_shape[3]))(ans) rep_vec = ques._keras_shape[2] #if attention in [3]: ans_T = Permute((2, 1))(ans) ques_T = Permute((2, 1))(ques) attn2_mat = MatchScore(ques, ans) a1_row = Lambda(lambda a: K.sum(a, axis=1), output_shape=(attn2_mat._keras_shape[2], 1))(attn2_mat) a2_col = Lambda(lambda a: K.sum(a, axis=2), output_shape=(attn2_mat._keras_shape[1], 1))(attn2_mat) a1_row = RepeatVector(rep_vec)(a1_row) a2_col = RepeatVector(rep_vec)(a2_col) attn_pool_1 = Merge(mode='mul')([a1_row, ques_T]) attn_pool_2 = Merge(mode='mul')([a2_col, ans_T]) #attn_pool_2 = Permute((2,1))(attn_pool_2) #h1 = Lambda(lambda a: K.sum(a,axis=1))(attn_pool_1) #h2 = Lambda(lambda a: K.sum(a,axis=2))(attn_pool_2) conv1 = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(attn_pool_1) conv2 = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(attn_pool_2) else: conv1 = GlobalMaxPooling2D()(ques) conv2 = GlobalMaxPooling2D()(ans) #conv1 = Flatten()MaxPooling2D()(ques) #conv2 = Flatten()MaxPooling2D()(ans) channel_1.append(conv1) channel_2.append(conv2) h1 = channel_1.pop(-1) if channel_1: h1 = merge([h1] + channel_1, mode="concat") h2 = channel_2.pop(-1) if channel_2: h2 = merge([h2] + channel_2, mode="concat") h = Merge(mode="concat", name='h')([h1, h2]) opt = keras.optimizers.adam(lr=opt_params[0], clipnorm=1.) score = Dense(2, activation='softmax', name='score')(h) model = Model([inpx, inpy], [score]) model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='categorical_crossentropy') return model