コード例 #1
def serialize_class(filename):
    xml = objectify.parse(filename)
    doxygen = xml.getroot()

    clazz = doxygen.compounddef
    documentation_class = getclass(clazz.compoundname.text)
    #f = open('documentation/' + classname + ".html.mako",'w')
    #index.write("[" + classname + "](" + classname + ".html)\n\n")
    #f.write( '<%inherit file="_templates/documentation.mako" />\n' )
    #f.write( '___' + classname + "___\n" )
    inheritsfrom = []
    if clazz.find('derivedcompoundref')!=None:
        inheritsfrom = clazz.derivedcompoundref

    if clazz.find('sectiondef')!=None:
        for section in clazz.sectiondef:
            for member in section.memberdef:
                #if section.get("kind") == public TODO: access, virtual, pure virtual
                if member.get("kind") == 'enum':
                    #f.write( "$$code(lang=c++)\n" )
                    if member.get("kind") == 'variable':
                        var = documentation_class.var_by_name(member.name.text)
                        if not var:
                            var = DocsVar(0)
                            var.name = member.name.text
                            var.access = member.get("prot")
                            var.version_started = currentversion
                            var.version_deprecated = ""
                            var.constant = member.get("mutable")=="no"
                            var.static = member.get("static")
                            var.clazz = documentation_class.name
                            var.type = member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
                        #f.write( str(member.type.text) + " " + str(member.name.text) + "\n" )
                    if member.get("kind") == 'function':
                        argstring = str(member.argsstring.text)
                        params = argstring[argstring.find('(')+1:argstring.rfind(')')]
                        returns = member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
                        returns = ("" if returns is None else returns)
                        method = documentation_class.function_by_signature(member.name.text, returns, params)
                        method.static = member.get("static")
                        method.clazz = documentation_class.name
                        method.access = member.get("prot")
                        method.returns = returns
                        #method.description = method.description.replace("~~~~{.brush: cpp}","~~~~{.cpp}").replace('</pre>',"~~~~")
                        method.description = method.description.replace('<p>','').replace('</p>','').replace('<code>','').replace('</code>','').replace('<pre>','')
                        if method.new:
                            method.version_started = currentversion
                        #f.write( str(member.type.text) + " " + str(member.name.text) + str(member.argsstring.text) + "\n" )
                    #f.write( "$$/code\n\n\n\n" )
コード例 #2
def serialize_class(filename):
    xml = objectify.parse(filename)
    doxygen = xml.getroot()

    clazz = doxygen.compounddef
    documentation_class = getclass(clazz.compoundname.text)

    inheritsfrom = []
    if clazz.find('derivedcompoundref') != None:
        inheritsfrom = clazz.derivedcompoundref

    if clazz.find('sectiondef') != None:
        for section in clazz.sectiondef:
            for member in section.memberdef:
                if member.get("kind") == 'enum':
                    if member.get("kind") == 'variable':
                        var = documentation_class.var_by_name(member.name.text)
                        if not var:
                            var = DocsVar(0)
                            var.name = member.name.text
                            var.access = member.get("prot")
                            var.version_started = currentversion
                            var.version_deprecated = ""
                            var.constant = member.get("mutable") == "no"
                            var.static = member.get("static")
                            var.clazz = documentation_class.name
                            var.type = member.type.ref.text if hasattr(
                                member.type, 'ref') else member.type.text
                    if member.get("kind") == 'function':
                        argstring = str(member.argsstring.text)
                        params = argstring[argstring.find('(') +
                        returns = member.type.ref.text if hasattr(
                            member.type, 'ref') else member.type.text
                        returns = ("" if returns is None else returns)
                        method = documentation_class.function_by_signature(
                            member.name.text, returns, params)
                        method.static = member.get("static")
                        method.clazz = documentation_class.name
                        method.access = member.get("prot")
                        method.returns = returns
                        if method.new:
                            method.version_started = currentversion

コード例 #3
def serialize_class(filename):
    xml = objectify.parse(filename)
    doxygen = xml.getroot()

    clazz = doxygen.compounddef
    documentation_class = getclass(clazz.compoundname.text)
    inheritsfrom = []
    if clazz.find('derivedcompoundref')!=None:
        inheritsfrom = clazz.derivedcompoundref

    if clazz.find('sectiondef')!=None:
        for section in clazz.sectiondef:
            for member in section.memberdef:
                if member.get("kind") == 'enum':
                    if member.get("kind") == 'variable':
                        var = documentation_class.var_by_name(member.name.text)
                        if not var:
                            var = DocsVar(0)
                            var.name = member.name.text
                            var.access = member.get("prot")
                            var.version_started = currentversion
                            var.version_deprecated = ""
                            var.constant = member.get("mutable")=="no"
                            var.static = member.get("static")
                            var.clazz = documentation_class.name
                            var.type = member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
                    if member.get("kind") == 'function':
                        argstring = str(member.argsstring.text)
                        params = argstring[argstring.find('(')+1:argstring.rfind(')')]
                        returns = member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
                        returns = ("" if returns is None else returns)
                        method = documentation_class.function_by_signature(member.name.text, returns, params)
                        method.static = member.get("static")
                        method.clazz = documentation_class.name
                        method.access = member.get("prot")
                        method.returns = returns
                        if method.new:
                            method.version_started = currentversion
コード例 #4
def parse_variable(documentation_class, clazz, member):
    var = documentation_class.var_by_name(member.displayname)
    if not var:
        var = DocsVar(0)
        var.name = member.spelling
        var.access = member.access_specifier.name.lower()
        var.version_started = currentversion
        var.version_deprecated = ""
        var.constant = member.result_type.is_volatile_qualified()
        var.static = member.kind == CursorKind.VAR_DECL
        var.clazz = documentation_class.name
        #member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
        var.type = substitutetype(member.type.spelling)
        var.inlined_description = parse_docs(member)
    return var
コード例 #5
def serialize_class(filename,is_addon=False):
    xml = objectify.parse(filename)
    doxygen = xml.getroot()
    clazz = doxygen_compound.parse(filename).compounddef #doxygen.compounddef
    documentation_class = getclass(clazz.compoundname)
    current_variables_list = []
    current_methods_list = []
    #f = open('documentation/' + classname + ".html.mako",'w')
    #index.write("[" + classname + "](" + classname + ".html)\n\n")
    #f.write( '<%inherit file="_templates/documentation.mako" />\n' )
    #f.write( '___' + classname + "___\n" )
    inheritsfrom = []
    #if clazz.find('derivedcompoundref')!=None:
    inheritsfrom = clazz.derivedcompoundref

    documentation_class.detailed_inline_description = ""
    #clazz_for_description = doxygen_compound.parse(filename).compounddef 
    for p in clazz.briefdescription.get_para():
        documentation_class.detailed_inline_description = documentation_class.detailed_inline_description + serialize_doxygen_paragraph(p)
    documentation_class.detailed_inline_description = documentation_class.detailed_inline_description + "\n"
    for p in clazz.detaileddescription.get_para():
        documentation_class.detailed_inline_description = documentation_class.detailed_inline_description + serialize_doxygen_paragraph(p)

    #if clazz.find('sectiondef')!=None:
    for section in clazz.sectiondef:
        for member in section.memberdef:
            #if section.get("kind") == public TODO: access, virtual, pure virtual
            if member.kind == 'enum':
                #f.write( "$$code(lang=c++)\n" )
                if member.kind == 'variable':
                    var = documentation_class.var_by_name(member.name)
                    if not var:
                        var = DocsVar(0)
                        var.name = member.name
                        var.access = member.prot
                        var.version_started = currentversion
                        var.version_deprecated = ""
                        var.constant = member.mutable=="no"
                        var.static = member.static!="no"
                        var.clazz = documentation_class.name
                        #member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
                        var.type = ""
                            for e in member.type_.content_:
                                if type(e.value) == doxygen_compound.refTextType:
                                    var.type = var.type +  e.value.valueOf_
                                    var.type = var.type + e.value + " "
                    #f.write( str(member.type.text) + " " + str(member.name.text) + "\n" )
                if member.kind == 'function' and member.name.find("OF_DEPRECATED_MSG")==-1:
                    #print member.name
                    argstring = str(member.argsstring)
                    params = argstring[argstring.find('(')+1:argstring.rfind(')')]
                    returns = ""
                        for e in member.type_.content_:
                            if type(e.value) == doxygen_compound.refTextType:
                                returns = returns +  e.value.valueOf_
                                returns = returns + e.value
                    returns = ("" if returns is None else returns)
                    method = documentation_class.function_by_signature(member.name, returns, params)
                    method.static = member.static!="no"
                    method.clazz = documentation_class.name
                    method.access = member.prot
                    method.returns = returns
                    #method.description = method.description.replace("~~~~{.brush: cpp}","~~~~{.cpp}").replace('</pre>',"~~~~")
                    method.description = method.description.replace('<p>','').replace('</p>','').replace('<code>','').replace('</code>','').replace('<pre>','')
                    if method.new:
                        print "new method " + method.name + " in " + method.clazz
                        method.version_started = currentversion
                    method.inlined_description = ""
                    for p in member.briefdescription.get_para():
                        method.inlined_description = method.inlined_description + serialize_doxygen_paragraph(p)
                    method.inlined_description = method.inlined_description + "\n"
                    for p in member.detaileddescription.get_para():
                        method.inlined_description = method.inlined_description + serialize_doxygen_paragraph(p)
                    #f.write( str(member.type.text) + " " + str(member.name.text) + str(member.argsstring.text) + "\n" )
                """if member.name.text.find("OF_DEPRECATED_MSG")!=-1:
                    print "found deprecated function " + member.name.text
                    print "argstring = " + str(member.argsstring.text)
                    print "params = " + member.argsstring.text[member.argsstring.text.find('(')+1:member.argsstring.text.rfind(')')]
                    returns = member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
                    print "returns = " + ("" if returns is None else returns)"""
                #f.write( "$$/code\n\n\n\n" )
    deprecated_methods = []
    for method in documentation_class.function_list:
        if method.name.find("OF_DEPRECATED_MSG")!=-1:
    for method in deprecated_methods:
    class_name_printed = False
    for method in documentation_class.function_list:
        if not method in current_methods_list:
            if method.description.strip("\n ") != "":
                if not class_name_printed:    
                    print "\n\n\n\n"
                    print "========================================"
                    print "class " + documentation_class.name
                    class_name_printed = True
                print "\n\n\n\n"
                print "removing method " + method.returns + " " + method.name + "(" + method.parameters + ")"
                print "with description:"
                print method.description
    documentation_class.function_list = current_methods_list
    for var in documentation_class.var_list:
        if not var in current_variables_list:
            if var.description.strip("\n ") != "":
                if not class_name_printed:    
                    print "\n\n\n\n"
                    print "========================================"
                    print "class " + documentation_class.name
                    class_name_printed = True
                print "removing " + var.name
                print "with description:"
                print var.description
    documentation_class.var_list = current_variables_list
    documentation_class.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: function.name)
    documentation_class.var_list.sort(key=lambda variable: variable.name)
コード例 #6
ファイル: markdown_file.py プロジェクト: garpert/ofSite
def getclass(clazz, getTemplated=False):
    var = DocsVar(0)
    documentation_clazz = DocsClass(0)
    var.clazz = clazz
    documentation_clazz.name = clazz
    documentation_clazz.new = True
    method = DocsMethod(0)
    method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
    prevBreakLine = False
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)):
        for name in files:
            file_split = os.path.splitext(name)
            if file_split[1] == '.markdown' and file_split[0] == clazz:
                f = open(os.path.join(root, name), 'r')
                state = 'begin'
                linenum = 0
                for line in f:
                    line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace")
                    if state == 'begin' and line.find(
                            '#class') == 0 and line.find(clazz) != -1:
                        state = 'class'
                        documentation_clazz.module = os.path.basename(root)
                        documentation_clazz.new = False

                    elif state == 'class' and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(
                            ' ') == '##Methods':
                        state = 'methods'

                    elif state == 'methods' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print "##########method: " + line
                        state = 'method'

                    elif state == 'method' and line.find(
                            '_') == 0 and line.find('_description') == -1:
                        #print "##########field: " + line
                        addfield(method, line)

                    elif state == 'method' and line.find('_description') == 0:
                        state = 'description'
                        prevBreakLine = False

                    elif state == 'description' and line.find(
                    ) != 0 and line.find(
                    ) == -1 and (line != '\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        method.description = method.description + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line == '\n')

                    elif state == 'description' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        state = 'method'
                        method = DocsMethod(0)
                        method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
                        method.linenum = linenum
                        method.file = os.path.join(root, name)

                    elif state == 'description' and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(
                            ' ') == '##Variables':
                        state = 'vars'

                    elif state == 'vars' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print line
                        state = 'var'

                    elif state == 'var' and line.find('_') == 0 and line.find(
                            '_description') == -1:
                        addfield(var, line)

                    elif state == 'var' and line.find('_description') == 0:
                        state = 'vardescription'
                        prevBreakLine = False

                    elif state == 'vardescription' and line.find(
                    ) != 0 and line.find(
                    ) == -1 and (line != '\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        var.description = var.description + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line == '\n')

                    elif state == 'vardescription' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print line
                        state = 'var'
                        var = DocsVar(0)
                        var.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
                        var.linenum = linenum
                        var.file = os.path.join(root, name)

                    elif state == 'class' and line.find(
                            '##Description') == -1 and (line != '\n'
                                                        or not prevBreakLine):
                        documentation_clazz.reference = documentation_clazz.reference + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line == '\n')

                    linenum = linenum + 1
                if state == 'vardescription':

                if getTemplated:
                    templatedClazz = getclass(clazz + "_")
                    if not templatedClazz.new:
                        #print "found templated class " + clazz + "_"
                        if documentation_clazz.new:
                            documentation_clazz.id = templatedClazz.id
                            documentation_clazz.module = templatedClazz.module
                            documentation_clazz.new = False
                            documentation_clazz.advanced = templatedClazz.advanced
                            documentation_clazz.visible = templatedClazz.visible
                            documentation_clazz.example = templatedClazz.example
                            documentation_clazz.reference = templatedClazz.reference
                            documentation_clazz.addons = templatedClazz.addons
                            documentation_clazz.function_list = templatedClazz.function_list
                            documentation_clazz.var_list = templatedClazz.var_list
                            documentation_clazz.reference = documentation_clazz.reference + templatedClazz.reference
                            documentation_clazz.example = documentation_clazz.example + templatedClazz.example

                    key=lambda function: function.name)
                    key=lambda variable: variable.name)
                #documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key= sort_function)
                return documentation_clazz

    if getTemplated:
        templatedClazz = getclass(clazz + "_")
        if not templatedClazz.new:
            #print "found templated class " + clazz + "_"
            if documentation_clazz.new:
                documentation_clazz.id = templatedClazz.id
                documentation_clazz.module = templatedClazz.module
                documentation_clazz.new = False
                documentation_clazz.advanced = templatedClazz.advanced
                documentation_clazz.visible = templatedClazz.visible
                documentation_clazz.example = templatedClazz.example
                documentation_clazz.reference = templatedClazz.reference
                documentation_clazz.addons = templatedClazz.addons
                documentation_clazz.function_list = templatedClazz.function_list
                documentation_clazz.var_list = templatedClazz.var_list
                documentation_clazz.reference = documentation_clazz.reference + templatedClazz.reference
                documentation_clazz.example = documentation_clazz.example + templatedClazz.example

    #documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key= sort_function)
    documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: function.name)
    documentation_clazz.var_list.sort(key=lambda variable: variable.name)
    return documentation_clazz
コード例 #7
def getclass(clazz):
    var = DocsVar(0)
    documentation_clazz = DocsClass(0)
    var.clazz  = clazz
    documentation_clazz.name = clazz
    documentation_clazz.new = True
    method = DocsMethod(0)
    method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
    prevBreakLine = False;
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)):
        for name in files:
            file_split = os.path.splitext(name)
            if file_split[1]=='.markdown' and file_split[0] == clazz: 
                f = open(os.path.join(root,name),'r')
                state = 'begin'
                linenum = 0
                for line in f:
                    line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace")
                    if state == 'begin' and line.find('#class') == 0 and line.find(clazz)!=-1:
                        state = 'class'
                        documentation_clazz.module = os.path.basename(root)
                        documentation_clazz.new = False
                    elif state == 'class' and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(' ') == '##Methods':
                        state = 'methods'
                    elif state == 'methods' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print "##########method: " + line
                        state = 'method'
                    elif state == 'method' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_description')==-1:
                        #print "##########field: " + line
                    elif state == 'method' and line.find('_description')==0:
                        state = 'description'
                        prevBreakLine = False
                    elif state == 'description' and line.find('##')!=0 and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        method.description = method.description + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line=='\n')
                    elif state == 'description' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        state = 'method'
                        method = DocsMethod(0)
                        method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
                        method.linenum = linenum
                        method.file = os.path.join(root,name)
                    elif state == 'description' and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(' ') == '##Variables':
                        state = 'vars'
                    elif state == 'vars' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print line
                        state = 'var'
                    elif state == 'var' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_description')==-1:
                    elif state == 'var' and line.find('_description') == 0:
                        state = 'vardescription'
                        prevBreakLine = False
                    elif state == 'vardescription' and line.find('##')!=0 and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        var.description = var.description + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line=='\n')
                    elif state == 'vardescription' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print line
                        state = 'var'
                        var = DocsVar(0)
                        var.clazz  = documentation_clazz.name
                        var.linenum = linenum
                        var.file = os.path.join(root,name)
                    elif state == 'class' and line.find('##Description')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        documentation_clazz.reference  = documentation_clazz.reference + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line=='\n')
                    linenum = linenum + 1
                if state == 'vardescription':
                return documentation_clazz   

    return documentation_clazz
コード例 #8
ファイル: markdown_file.py プロジェクト: Alsivkov/ofSite
def getclass(clazz):
    var = DocsVar(0)
    documentation_clazz = DocsClass(0)
    if clazz[-1]=="_":
        documentation_clazz.istemplated = True
    var.clazz  = clazz
    documentation_clazz.name = clazz
    documentation_clazz.new = True
    method = DocsMethod(0)
    method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
    prevBreakLine = False;
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)):
        for name in files:
            file_split = os.path.splitext(name)
            if file_split[1]=='.markdown' and file_split[0] == clazz: 
                documentation_clazz.new = False
                f = open(os.path.join(root,name),'rU')
                state = 'begin'
                linenum = 0
                for line in f:
                    #line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace")
                    if state == 'begin' and line.find('#class') == 0 and line.find(clazz)!=-1:
                        state = 'class'
                        documentation_clazz.module = os.path.basename(root)
                        documentation_clazz.new = False
                    elif state == 'classdescription' and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(' ') == '##Methods':
                        state = 'methods'
                    elif state == 'methods' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print "##########method: " + line
                        state = 'method'
                    elif state == 'method' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_description')==-1 and line.find('_inlined_description')==-1:
                        #print "##########field: " + line
                    elif state == 'method' and line.find('_inlined_description')==0:
                        state = 'inlined_description'
                        prevBreakLine = False
                    elif (state == 'inlined_description' or state=='method') and line.find('_description')==0:
                        state = 'description'
                        prevBreakLine = False
                    elif state == 'inlined_description' and line.find('##')!=0 and line.find('_description')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        method.inlined_description = method.inlined_description + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line=='\n')
                    elif state == 'description' and line.find('##')!=0 and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        method.description = method.description + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line=='\n')
                    elif state == 'description' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        state = 'method'
                        method = DocsMethod(0)
                        method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
                        method.linenum = linenum
                        method.file = os.path.join(root,name)
                    elif (state == 'description' or state == 'methods') and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(' ') == '##Variables':
                        if state == 'description':
                        state = 'vars'
                    elif state == 'vars' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print line
                        state = 'var'
                    elif state == 'var' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_description')==-1:
                    elif state == 'var' and line.find('_description') == 0:
                        state = 'vardescription'
                        prevBreakLine = False
                    elif state == 'vardescription' and line.find('##')!=0 and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        var.description = var.description + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line=='\n')
                    elif state == 'vardescription' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print line
                        state = 'var'
                        var = DocsVar(0)
                        var.clazz  = documentation_clazz.name
                        var.linenum = linenum
                        var.file = os.path.join(root,name)
                    elif state == 'class' and line.find('_')==0:
                    elif state == 'class' and line.find('##InlineDescription')==0:
                        state = 'classinlinedescription'
                        documentation_clazz.detailed_inline_description = ""
                    elif state == 'classinlinedescription' and line.find('##Description')==-1 and line.find('##InlineDescription')==-1 and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        documentation_clazz.detailed_inline_description  = documentation_clazz.detailed_inline_description + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line=='\n')
                    elif (state == 'classinlinedescription' or state == 'class') and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(' ') == '##Description':
                        state = "classdescription"
                    elif state == 'classdescription' and (line!='\n' or not prevBreakLine):
                        documentation_clazz.reference  = documentation_clazz.reference + line
                        prevBreakLine = (line=='\n')
                    linenum = linenum + 1
                if state == 'vardescription':
                """if getTemplated:
                    templatedClazz = getclass(clazz+"_")
                    if not templatedClazz.new:
                        #print "found templated class " + clazz + "_"
                        if documentation_clazz.new:
                            documentation_clazz.id = templatedClazz.id
                            documentation_clazz.module = templatedClazz.module
                            documentation_clazz.new = False
                            documentation_clazz.advanced = templatedClazz.advanced
                            documentation_clazz.visible = templatedClazz.visible
                            documentation_clazz.example = templatedClazz.example
                            documentation_clazz.reference = templatedClazz.reference
                            documentation_clazz.addons = templatedClazz.addons
                            documentation_clazz.function_list = templatedClazz.function_list
                            documentation_clazz.var_list = templatedClazz.var_list
                            documentation_clazz.istemplated = True
                            documentation_clazz.reference = documentation_clazz.reference + templatedClazz.reference
                            documentation_clazz.example = documentation_clazz.example + templatedClazz.example
                            documentation_clazz.istemplated = True"""
                documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key= sort_function)
                #documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: function.name)
                documentation_clazz.var_list.sort(key=lambda variable: variable.name)
                #documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key= sort_function)
                return documentation_clazz   

    """if getTemplated:
        templatedClazz = getclass(clazz+"_")
        if not templatedClazz.new:
            #print "found templated class " + clazz + "_"
            if documentation_clazz.new:
                documentation_clazz.id = templatedClazz.id
                documentation_clazz.module = templatedClazz.module
                documentation_clazz.new = False
                documentation_clazz.advanced = templatedClazz.advanced
                documentation_clazz.visible = templatedClazz.visible
                documentation_clazz.example = templatedClazz.example
                documentation_clazz.reference = templatedClazz.reference
                documentation_clazz.addons = templatedClazz.addons
                documentation_clazz.function_list = templatedClazz.function_list
                documentation_clazz.var_list = templatedClazz.var_list
                documentation_clazz.istemplated = True
                documentation_clazz.reference = documentation_clazz.reference + templatedClazz.reference
                documentation_clazz.example = documentation_clazz.example + templatedClazz.example
                documentation_clazz.istemplated = True"""
    documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key= sort_function)
    #documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: function.name)
    documentation_clazz.var_list.sort(key=lambda variable: variable.name)
    return documentation_clazz
コード例 #9
ファイル: markdown_file.py プロジェクト: kajiyan/ofSite
def getclass(clazz):
    var = DocsVar(0)
    documentation_clazz = DocsClass(0)
    if clazz[-1] == "_":
        documentation_clazz.istemplated = True

    var.clazz = clazz
    documentation_clazz.name = clazz
    documentation_clazz.new = True
    method = DocsMethod(0)
    method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
    prevBreakLine = False
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)):
        for name in files:
            file_split = os.path.splitext(name)
            if file_split[1] == ".markdown" and file_split[0] == clazz:
                f = open(os.path.join(root, name), "rU")
                state = "begin"
                linenum = 0
                for line in f:
                    line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace")
                    if state == "begin" and line.find("#class") == 0 and line.find(clazz) != -1:
                        state = "class"
                        documentation_clazz.module = os.path.basename(root)
                        documentation_clazz.new = False

                    elif state == "classdescription" and line.rstrip("\n").rstrip(" ") == "##Methods":
                        state = "methods"

                    elif state == "methods" and line.find("###") == 0:
                        # print "##########method: " + line
                        state = "method"

                    elif (
                        state == "method"
                        and line.find("_") == 0
                        and line.find("_description") == -1
                        and line.find("_inlined_description") == -1
                        # print "##########field: " + line
                        addfield(method, line)

                    elif state == "method" and line.find("_inlined_description") == 0:
                        state = "inlined_description"
                        prevBreakLine = False

                    elif (state == "inlined_description" or state == "method") and line.find("_description") == 0:
                        state = "description"
                        prevBreakLine = False

                    elif (
                        state == "inlined_description"
                        and line.find("##") != 0
                        and line.find("_description") == -1
                        and (line != "\n" or not prevBreakLine)
                        method.inlined_description = method.inlined_description + line
                        prevBreakLine = line == "\n"

                    elif (
                        state == "description"
                        and line.find("##") != 0
                        and line.find(
                        == -1
                        and (line != "\n" or not prevBreakLine)
                        method.description = method.description + line
                        prevBreakLine = line == "\n"

                    elif state == "description" and line.find("###") == 0:
                        state = "method"
                        method = DocsMethod(0)
                        method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
                        method.linenum = linenum
                        method.file = os.path.join(root, name)

                    elif (state == "description" or state == "methods") and line.rstrip("\n").rstrip(
                        " "
                    ) == "##Variables":
                        if state == "description":
                        state = "vars"

                    elif state == "vars" and line.find("###") == 0:
                        # print line
                        state = "var"

                    elif state == "var" and line.find("_") == 0 and line.find("_description") == -1:
                        addfield(var, line)

                    elif state == "var" and line.find("_description") == 0:
                        state = "vardescription"
                        prevBreakLine = False

                    elif (
                        state == "vardescription"
                        and line.find("##") != 0
                        and line.find(
                        == -1
                        and (line != "\n" or not prevBreakLine)
                        var.description = var.description + line
                        prevBreakLine = line == "\n"

                    elif state == "vardescription" and line.find("###") == 0:
                        # print line
                        state = "var"
                        var = DocsVar(0)
                        var.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
                        var.linenum = linenum
                        var.file = os.path.join(root, name)

                    elif state == "class" and line.find("_") == 0:
                        addfield(documentation_clazz, line)

                    elif state == "class" and line.find("##InlineDescription") == 0:
                        state = "classinlinedescription"
                        documentation_clazz.detailed_inline_description = ""

                    elif (
                        state == "classinlinedescription"
                        and line.find("##Description") == -1
                        and line.find("##InlineDescription") == -1
                        and (line != "\n" or not prevBreakLine)
                        documentation_clazz.detailed_inline_description = (
                            documentation_clazz.detailed_inline_description + line
                        prevBreakLine = line == "\n"

                    elif (state == "classinlinedescription" or state == "class") and line.rstrip("\n").rstrip(
                        " "
                    ) == "##Description":
                        state = "classdescription"

                    elif state == "classdescription" and (line != "\n" or not prevBreakLine):
                        documentation_clazz.reference = documentation_clazz.reference + line
                        prevBreakLine = line == "\n"

                    linenum = linenum + 1
                if state == "vardescription":

                """if getTemplated:
                    templatedClazz = getclass(clazz+"_")
                    if not templatedClazz.new:
                        #print "found templated class " + clazz + "_"
                        if documentation_clazz.new:
                            documentation_clazz.id = templatedClazz.id
                            documentation_clazz.module = templatedClazz.module
                            documentation_clazz.new = False
                            documentation_clazz.advanced = templatedClazz.advanced
                            documentation_clazz.visible = templatedClazz.visible
                            documentation_clazz.example = templatedClazz.example
                            documentation_clazz.reference = templatedClazz.reference
                            documentation_clazz.addons = templatedClazz.addons
                            documentation_clazz.function_list = templatedClazz.function_list
                            documentation_clazz.var_list = templatedClazz.var_list
                            documentation_clazz.istemplated = True
                            documentation_clazz.reference = documentation_clazz.reference + templatedClazz.reference
                            documentation_clazz.example = documentation_clazz.example + templatedClazz.example
                            documentation_clazz.istemplated = True"""

                documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: function.name)
                documentation_clazz.var_list.sort(key=lambda variable: variable.name)
                # documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key= sort_function)
                return documentation_clazz

    """if getTemplated:
        templatedClazz = getclass(clazz+"_")
        if not templatedClazz.new:
            #print "found templated class " + clazz + "_"
            if documentation_clazz.new:
                documentation_clazz.id = templatedClazz.id
                documentation_clazz.module = templatedClazz.module
                documentation_clazz.new = False
                documentation_clazz.advanced = templatedClazz.advanced
                documentation_clazz.visible = templatedClazz.visible
                documentation_clazz.example = templatedClazz.example
                documentation_clazz.reference = templatedClazz.reference
                documentation_clazz.addons = templatedClazz.addons
                documentation_clazz.function_list = templatedClazz.function_list
                documentation_clazz.var_list = templatedClazz.var_list
                documentation_clazz.istemplated = True
                documentation_clazz.reference = documentation_clazz.reference + templatedClazz.reference
                documentation_clazz.example = documentation_clazz.example + templatedClazz.example
                documentation_clazz.istemplated = True"""

    # documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key= sort_function)
    documentation_clazz.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: function.name)
    documentation_clazz.var_list.sort(key=lambda variable: variable.name)
    return documentation_clazz
コード例 #10
def getclass(clazz):
    method = DocsMethod(0)
    var = DocsVar(0)
    documentation_clazz = DocsClass(0)
    var.clazz  = clazz
    documentation_clazz.name = clazz
    documentation_clazz.new = True
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(documentation_root)):
        for name in files:
            file_split = os.path.splitext(name)
            if file_split[1]=='.markdown' and file_split[0] == clazz: 
                f = open(os.path.join(root,name),'r')
                state = 'begin'
                linenum = 0
                for line in f:
                    if state == 'begin' and line.find('#class') == 0 and line.find(clazz)!=-1:
                        state = 'class'
                        documentation_clazz.module = os.path.basename(root)
                        documentation_clazz.new = False
                    elif state == 'class' and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(' ') == '##Methods':
                        state = 'methods'
                    elif state == 'methods' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print "##########method: " + line
                        state = 'method'
                    elif state == 'method' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_description')==-1:
                        #print "##########field: " + line
                    elif state == 'method' and line.find('_description')==0:
                        state = 'description'
                    elif state == 'description' and line.find('##')!=0 and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and line!='\n':
                        method.description = method.description + line
                    elif state == 'description' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        state = 'method'
                        method = DocsMethod(0)
                        method.clazz = documentation_clazz.name
                        method.linenum = linenum
                        method.file = os.path.join(root,name)
                    elif state == 'description' and line.rstrip('\n').rstrip(' ') == '##Variables':
                        state = 'vars'
                    elif state == 'vars' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print line
                        state = 'var'
                    elif state == 'var' and line.find('_')==0 and line.find('_description')==-1:
                    elif state == 'var' and line.find('_description') == 0:
                        state = 'vardescription'
                    elif state == 'vardescription' and line.find('##')!=0 and line.find('<!----------------------------------------------------------------------------->')==-1 and line!='\n':
                        var.description = var.description + line
                    elif state == 'vardescription' and line.find('###') == 0:
                        #print line
                        state = 'var'
                        var = DocsVar(0)
                        var.clazz  = documentation_clazz.name
                        var.linenum = linenum
                        var.file = os.path.join(root,name)
                    elif state == 'class' and line.find('##Description')==-1 and line!='\n':
                        documentation_clazz.reference  = documentation_clazz.reference + line
                    linenum = linenum + 1
                if state == 'vardescription':
                return documentation_clazz   

    return documentation_clazz
コード例 #11
def serialize_class(filename, is_addon=False):
    xml = objectify.parse(filename)
    doxygen = xml.getroot()

    clazz = doxygen_compound.parse(filename).compounddef  #doxygen.compounddef

    documentation_class = getclass(clazz.compoundname)

    current_variables_list = []
    current_methods_list = []

    #f = open('documentation/' + classname + ".html.mako",'w')

    #index.write("[" + classname + "](" + classname + ".html)\n\n")

    #f.write( '<%inherit file="_templates/documentation.mako" />\n' )
    #f.write( '___' + classname + "___\n" )

    inheritsfrom = []
    #if clazz.find('derivedcompoundref')!=None:
    inheritsfrom = clazz.derivedcompoundref

    documentation_class.detailed_inline_description = ""

    #clazz_for_description = doxygen_compound.parse(filename).compounddef
    for p in clazz.briefdescription.get_para():
        documentation_class.detailed_inline_description = documentation_class.detailed_inline_description + serialize_doxygen_paragraph(
    documentation_class.detailed_inline_description = documentation_class.detailed_inline_description + "\n"

    for p in clazz.detaileddescription.get_para():
        documentation_class.detailed_inline_description = documentation_class.detailed_inline_description + serialize_doxygen_paragraph(

    #if clazz.find('sectiondef')!=None:
    for section in clazz.sectiondef:
        for member in section.memberdef:
            #if section.get("kind") == public TODO: access, virtual, pure virtual
            if member.kind == 'enum':
                #f.write( "$$code(lang=c++)\n" )
                if member.kind == 'variable':
                    var = documentation_class.var_by_name(member.name)
                    if not var:
                        var = DocsVar(0)
                        var.name = member.name
                        var.access = member.prot
                        var.version_started = currentversion
                        var.version_deprecated = ""
                        var.constant = member.mutable == "no"
                        var.static = member.static != "no"
                        var.clazz = documentation_class.name
                        #member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
                        var.type = ""
                            for e in member.type_.content_:
                                if type(e.value
                                        ) == doxygen_compound.refTextType:
                                    var.type = var.type + e.value.valueOf_
                                    var.type = var.type + e.value + " "
                    #f.write( str(member.type.text) + " " + str(member.name.text) + "\n" )
                if member.kind == 'function' and member.name.find(
                        "OF_DEPRECATED_MSG") == -1:
                    #print member.name
                    argstring = str(member.argsstring)
                    params = argstring[argstring.find('(') +

                    returns = ""
                        for e in member.type_.content_:
                            if type(e.value) == doxygen_compound.refTextType:
                                returns = returns + e.value.valueOf_
                                returns = returns + e.value

                    returns = ("" if returns is None else returns)
                    method = documentation_class.function_by_signature(
                        member.name, returns, params)
                    method.static = member.static != "no"
                    method.clazz = documentation_class.name
                    method.access = member.prot
                    method.returns = returns
                    #method.description = method.description.replace("~~~~{.brush: cpp}","~~~~{.cpp}").replace('</pre>',"~~~~")
                    method.description = method.description.replace(
                        '').replace('</p>', '').replace('<code>', '').replace(
                            '</code>', '').replace('<pre>', '')
                    if method.new:
                        print "new method " + method.name + " in " + method.clazz
                        method.version_started = currentversion

                    method.inlined_description = ""
                    for p in member.briefdescription.get_para():
                        method.inlined_description = method.inlined_description + serialize_doxygen_paragraph(

                    method.inlined_description = method.inlined_description + "\n"
                    for p in member.detaileddescription.get_para():
                        method.inlined_description = method.inlined_description + serialize_doxygen_paragraph(


                    #f.write( str(member.type.text) + " " + str(member.name.text) + str(member.argsstring.text) + "\n" )
                """if member.name.text.find("OF_DEPRECATED_MSG")!=-1:
                    print "found deprecated function " + member.name.text
                    print "argstring = " + str(member.argsstring.text)
                    print "params = " + member.argsstring.text[member.argsstring.text.find('(')+1:member.argsstring.text.rfind(')')]
                    returns = member.type.ref.text if hasattr(member.type,'ref') else member.type.text
                    print "returns = " + ("" if returns is None else returns)"""
                #f.write( "$$/code\n\n\n\n" )

    deprecated_methods = []
    for method in documentation_class.function_list:
        if method.name.find("OF_DEPRECATED_MSG") != -1:
    for method in deprecated_methods:

    class_name_printed = False

    for method in documentation_class.function_list:
        if not method in current_methods_list:
            if method.description.strip("\n ") != "":
                if not class_name_printed:
                    print "\n\n\n\n"
                    print "========================================"
                    print "class " + documentation_class.name
                    class_name_printed = True
                print "\n\n\n\n"
                print "removing method " + method.returns + " " + method.name + "(" + method.parameters + ")"
                print "with description:"
                print method.description
    documentation_class.function_list = current_methods_list

    for var in documentation_class.var_list:
        if not var in current_variables_list:
            if var.description.strip("\n ") != "":
                if not class_name_printed:
                    print "\n\n\n\n"
                    print "========================================"
                    print "class " + documentation_class.name
                    class_name_printed = True
                print "removing " + var.name
                print "with description:"
                print var.description
    documentation_class.var_list = current_variables_list

    documentation_class.function_list.sort(key=lambda function: function.name)
    documentation_class.var_list.sort(key=lambda variable: variable.name)
    setclass(documentation_class, is_addon)