コード例 #1
def postgres_backup(target, local_path=None):
    Usage: `fab postgres_backup:dev` `fab postgres_backup:dev,/path/to/backup/folder/`. Backups the target's database to local. Backup path defaults to [cwd]/backups/db/[target]/.

    target_name = target
    if target == 'localhost':
        target_name = 'local'
    # dynamic import for the right target's settings
    import_string = "from {0}.settings.{1} import *".\
            format(env.project_name, target_name)
    exec import_string

    print("Dumping the postgres database")

    dump_path = "/tmp/db_backup"

    run("[ -d %(dump_path)s ] || mkdir %(dump_path)s" % {'dump_path': dump_path})

    timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
    dump_file = "%(path)s/pg_dump_%(target)s_%(timestamp)s.db" % {
        'path': dump_path,
        'target': target,
        'timestamp': timestamp,}
    dump_file_gz = "%(dump_file)s.gz" % {'dump_file': dump_file}

    cmd = [
        "-F c",
    db_user = DATABASES.get('default', {}).get('USER', '')
    if db_user:

    # TODO: add args for host and port


    db_name = DATABASES.get('default', {}).get('NAME', '')
    if db_name:

    result = run(" ".join(cmd))

    result = run("gzip -9q %(dump_file)s" % {'dump_file': dump_file})

    if local_path is None:
        local_path = "%(cwd)s/backups/db/%(target)s" % {'cwd': os.getcwd(), 'target': target}

    if not os.path.exists(local_path):

    print("Transfering db dump")
    get(dump_file_gz, local_path)

    print("Removing remote dump file")
    run("rm %(dump_file_gz)s" % {'dump_file_gz': dump_file_gz})
コード例 #2
def media_backup(target="localhost", local_path=None):
    Usage: `fab media_backup:dev` `fab media_backup:dev,/path/to/backup/folder/`. Backups the target's static files to local. Backup path defaults to [cwd]/backups/static/[target]/.

    target_name = target
    if target == 'localhost':
        target_name = 'local'
    # dynamic import for the right target's settings
    import_string = "from {0}.settings.{1} import *".\
            format(env.project_name, target_name)
    exec import_string

    gz_path = "/tmp/static_backup"

    run("[ -d %(gz_path)s ] || mkdir %(gz_path)s" % {'gz_path': gz_path})

    timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
    gz_file = "%(path)s/static_%(target)s_%(timestamp)s.tar.gz" % {
        'path': gz_path,
        'target': target,
        'timestamp': timestamp}

    static_path = env.project_sites.get(target, {}).get('STATIC_PATH', None)
    if static_path == None:
        # TODO: document the requirement of STATIC_PATH in fabsettings
        raise Exception("You must define STATIC_PATH in fabsettings.py for this environment.")

    cmd = ["tar", "cvzpf", gz_file, static_path]
    result = run(" ".join(cmd))

    if local_path is None:
        local_path = "%(cwd)s/backups/static/%(target)s" % {'cwd': os.getcwd(), 'target': target}

    if not os.path.exists(local_path):

    print("Transfering static files")
    get(gz_file, local_path)

    print("Removing remote tar.gz file")
    run("rm %(gz_file)s" % {'gz_file': gz_file})
コード例 #3
def chk_req():
    Usage `fab chk_req`. Check if the current requirements.txt file matches what is in user's virtualenv. Returns True or False.
    env.warn_only = True
    path_to_req = env.project_path + "/requirements.txt"
    cmd = "/bin/bash -c 'diff -B <(sort {0}) <(pip freeze | sort)'".format(path_to_req)
    result = str(subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]).rstrip()
    result_list = result.splitlines()
    mismatch_dependencies = [item[1:].strip() if item[0] == ">" else None for item in result_list]
    mismatch_dependencies = filter(None, mismatch_dependencies)
    if mismatch_dependencies:
        for item in mismatch_dependencies:
            print(item + " is not in your requirements file.")
        print("Please run pip freeze to update your requirements file.")
        return False
        return True