コード例 #1
    def init(self):
        '''This method is invoked in order to set up common dependencies for every test case.'''

        self._db_conn = Mock()
        self._model_facade = Mock()
        model_facade_cls = Mock(return_value=self._model_facade)

        self._generator = AccessTokenGenerator(
            self._db_conn, model_facade_cls=model_facade_cls)
コード例 #2
    def init(self):
        '''This method is invoked in order to set up common dependencies for every test case.'''

        self._db_conn = Mock()
        self._model_facade = Mock()
        model_facade_cls = Mock(return_value=self._model_facade)

        self._generator = AccessTokenGenerator(self._db_conn, model_facade_cls=model_facade_cls)
コード例 #3
class AccessTokenGeneratorTests(FantasticoUnitTestsCase):
    '''This class provides the tests suite for access tokens generator.'''

    _db_conn = None
    _model_facade = None
    _generator = None

    def init(self):
        '''This method is invoked in order to set up common dependencies for every test case.'''

        self._db_conn = Mock()
        self._model_facade = Mock()
        model_facade_cls = Mock(return_value=self._model_facade)

        self._generator = AccessTokenGenerator(
            self._db_conn, model_facade_cls=model_facade_cls)

    def test_generate_ok(self):
        '''This test case ensures an access token can be correctly generated.'''

        creation_time = time.time()

        time_provider = Mock()
        time_provider.time = Mock(return_value=creation_time)

        token_desc = {
            "client_id": "my-sample-app",
            "user_id": 123,
            "scopes": "scope1 scope2 scope3 scope4",
            "expires_in": 3600

        expected_client = Client()
        expected_client.scopes = [
            Scope(name=scope) for scope in token_desc["scopes"].split(" ")


        token = self._generator.generate(token_desc, time_provider)

        self.assertEqual(token_desc["client_id"], token.client_id)
        self.assertEqual(token_desc["user_id"], token.user_id)
        self.assertEqual(token_desc["scopes"].split(" "), token.scopes)
        self.assertEqual(int(creation_time), token.creation_time)
            int(creation_time) + token_desc["expires_in"],

    def test_generate_noclientid(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if no client id is specified.'''

        self._test_generate_template_error("client_id", None)

    def test_generate_nouserid(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if no user id is specified.'''

        token_desc = {"client_id": "sample-client"}

        self._test_generate_template_error("user_id", token_desc)

    def test_generate_noscopes(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if no scopes are specified.'''

        token_desc = {"client_id": "sample-client", "user_id": 123}

        for scopes in [None, ""]:
            token_desc["scopes"] = scopes

            self._test_generate_template_error("scopes", token_desc)

    def test_generate_noexpiresin(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if no expires_in is specified.'''

        token_desc = {
            "client_id": "sample-client",
            "user_id": 123,
            "scopes": "scope1 scope2"

        self._test_generate_template_error("expires_in", token_desc)

    def _test_generate_template_error(self, attr_name, token_desc):
        '''This method provides a sample method for testing various generate exception cases caused by missing keys from token

        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidTokenDescriptorError) as ctx:

        self.assertEqual(attr_name, ctx.exception.attr_name)

    def test_generate_client_revoked(self):
        '''This test case ensures a token can not be generated for a client which is revoked.'''

        client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        token_desc = {
            "client_id": client_id,
            "user_id": 1,
            "scopes": "scope1 scope2",
            "expires_in": 3600

        expected_client = Client(client_id, name="simple app", revoked=True)


        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidClientError):

            {Client.client_id: client_id})

    def test_generate_client_notfound(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if the client specified in descriptor is not found.'''

        client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        token_desc = {
            "client_id": client_id,
            "user_id": 1,
            "scopes": "scope1 scope2",
            "expires_in": 3600


        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidClientError):

            {Client.client_id: client_id})

    def test_generate_client_invalidscopes(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if the client is not allowed to used requested scopes.'''

        client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        token_desc = {
            "client_id": client_id,
            "user_id": 1,
            "scopes": "scope1 scope2",
            "expires_in": 3600

        expected_client = Client(client_id, name="simple app", revoked=False)
        expected_client.scopes = []


        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidScopesError):

            {Client.client_id: client_id})

    def _mock_client_search(self, expected_client):
        '''This method provides the mock for client search by client_id. It returns a mock model facade which returns
        expected_client when invoked.'''

        if expected_client:
            self._model_facade.find_by_pk = Mock(return_value=expected_client)
            self._model_facade.find_by_pk = Mock(
                side_effect=FantasticoDbNotFoundError("Client not found."))

    def test_validate_ok(self):
        '''This test case ensures a valid token passes validation.'''

        creation_time = int(time.time())
        expiration_time = creation_time + 3600

        token = Token({
            "client_id": "sample-app",
            "type": "access",
            "user_id": 1,
            "creation_time": creation_time,
            "expiration_time": expiration_time

        expected_client = Client(client_id=token.client_id, revoked=False)


    def test_validate_invalidtype(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised when the token type is not compatible with generator.'''

        creation_time = int(time.time())
        expiration_time = creation_time + 3600

        token = Token({
            "client_id": "sample-app",
            "type": "unknown",
            "user_id": 1,
            "creation_time": creation_time,
            "expiration_time": expiration_time

        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidTokenTypeError) as ctx:

        self.assertEqual(token.type, ctx.exception.token_type)

    def test_validate_tokenexpired(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if the token is expired.'''

        creation_time = int(time.time() - 7200)
        expiration_time = int(time.time() - 3600)

        token = Token({
            "client_id": "sample-app",
            "type": "access",
            "user_id": 1,
            "creation_time": creation_time,
            "expiration_time": expiration_time

        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2TokenExpiredError):

    def test_validate_token_clientrevoked(self):
        '''This test case ensures an expection is raised if the token client is not valid.'''

        creation_time = int(time.time())
        expiration_time = creation_time + 3600

        token = Token({
            "client_id": "sample-app",
            "type": "access",
            "user_id": 1,
            "creation_time": creation_time,
            "expiration_time": expiration_time

        expected_client = Client(client_id=token.client_id, revoked=True)

        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidClientError):
コード例 #4
class AccessTokenGeneratorTests(FantasticoUnitTestsCase):
    '''This class provides the tests suite for access tokens generator.'''

    _db_conn = None
    _model_facade = None
    _generator = None

    def init(self):
        '''This method is invoked in order to set up common dependencies for every test case.'''

        self._db_conn = Mock()
        self._model_facade = Mock()
        model_facade_cls = Mock(return_value=self._model_facade)

        self._generator = AccessTokenGenerator(self._db_conn, model_facade_cls=model_facade_cls)

    def test_generate_ok(self):
        '''This test case ensures an access token can be correctly generated.'''

        creation_time = time.time()

        time_provider = Mock()
        time_provider.time = Mock(return_value=creation_time)

        token_desc = {"client_id": "my-sample-app",
                      "user_id": 123,
                      "scopes": "scope1 scope2 scope3 scope4",
                      "expires_in": 3600}

        expected_client = Client()
        expected_client.scopes = [Scope(name=scope) for scope in token_desc["scopes"].split(" ")]


        token = self._generator.generate(token_desc, time_provider)

        self.assertEqual(token_desc["client_id"], token.client_id)
        self.assertEqual(token_desc["user_id"], token.user_id)
        self.assertEqual(token_desc["scopes"].split(" "), token.scopes)
        self.assertEqual(int(creation_time), token.creation_time)
        self.assertEqual(int(creation_time) + token_desc["expires_in"], token.expiration_time)

    def test_generate_noclientid(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if no client id is specified.'''

        self._test_generate_template_error("client_id", None)

    def test_generate_nouserid(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if no user id is specified.'''

        token_desc = {"client_id": "sample-client"}

        self._test_generate_template_error("user_id", token_desc)

    def test_generate_noscopes(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if no scopes are specified.'''

        token_desc = {"client_id": "sample-client",
                      "user_id": 123}

        for scopes in [None, ""]:
            token_desc["scopes"] = scopes

            self._test_generate_template_error("scopes", token_desc)

    def test_generate_noexpiresin(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if no expires_in is specified.'''

        token_desc = {"client_id": "sample-client",
                      "user_id": 123,
                      "scopes": "scope1 scope2"}

        self._test_generate_template_error("expires_in", token_desc)

    def _test_generate_template_error(self, attr_name, token_desc):
        '''This method provides a sample method for testing various generate exception cases caused by missing keys from token

        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidTokenDescriptorError) as ctx:

        self.assertEqual(attr_name, ctx.exception.attr_name)

    def test_generate_client_revoked(self):
        '''This test case ensures a token can not be generated for a client which is revoked.'''

        client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        token_desc = {"client_id": client_id,
                      "user_id": 1,
                      "scopes": "scope1 scope2",
                      "expires_in": 3600}

        expected_client = Client(client_id, name="simple app", revoked=True)


        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidClientError):

        self._model_facade.find_by_pk.assert_called_once_with({Client.client_id: client_id})

    def test_generate_client_notfound(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if the client specified in descriptor is not found.'''

        client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        token_desc = {"client_id": client_id,
                      "user_id": 1,
                      "scopes": "scope1 scope2",
                      "expires_in": 3600}


        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidClientError):

        self._model_facade.find_by_pk.assert_called_once_with({Client.client_id: client_id})

    def test_generate_client_invalidscopes(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if the client is not allowed to used requested scopes.'''

        client_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        token_desc = {"client_id": client_id,
                      "user_id": 1,
                      "scopes": "scope1 scope2",
                      "expires_in": 3600}

        expected_client = Client(client_id, name="simple app", revoked=False)
        expected_client.scopes = []


        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidScopesError):

        self._model_facade.find_by_pk.assert_called_once_with({Client.client_id: client_id})

    def _mock_client_search(self, expected_client):
        '''This method provides the mock for client search by client_id. It returns a mock model facade which returns
        expected_client when invoked.'''

        if expected_client:
            self._model_facade.find_by_pk = Mock(return_value=expected_client)
            self._model_facade.find_by_pk = Mock(side_effect=FantasticoDbNotFoundError("Client not found."))

    def test_validate_ok(self):
        '''This test case ensures a valid token passes validation.'''

        creation_time = int(time.time())
        expiration_time = creation_time + 3600

        token = Token({"client_id": "sample-app",
                       "type": "access",
                       "user_id": 1,
                       "creation_time": creation_time,
                       "expiration_time": expiration_time})

        expected_client = Client(client_id=token.client_id, revoked=False)


    def test_validate_invalidtype(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised when the token type is not compatible with generator.'''

        creation_time = int(time.time())
        expiration_time = creation_time + 3600

        token = Token({"client_id": "sample-app",
                       "type": "unknown",
                       "user_id": 1,
                       "creation_time": creation_time,
                       "expiration_time": expiration_time})

        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidTokenTypeError) as ctx:

        self.assertEqual(token.type, ctx.exception.token_type)

    def test_validate_tokenexpired(self):
        '''This test case ensures an exception is raised if the token is expired.'''

        creation_time = int(time.time() - 7200)
        expiration_time = int(time.time() - 3600)

        token = Token({"client_id": "sample-app",
                       "type": "access",
                       "user_id": 1,
                       "creation_time": creation_time,
                       "expiration_time": expiration_time})

        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2TokenExpiredError):

    def test_validate_token_clientrevoked(self):
        '''This test case ensures an expection is raised if the token client is not valid.'''

        creation_time = int(time.time())
        expiration_time = creation_time + 3600

        token = Token({"client_id": "sample-app",
                       "type": "access",
                       "user_id": 1,
                       "creation_time": creation_time,
                       "expiration_time": expiration_time})

        expected_client = Client(client_id=token.client_id, revoked=True)

        with self.assertRaises(OAuth2InvalidClientError):