コード例 #1
def u_glob(U, cells, vertices, dof_map, resolution_per_element=51):
    Compute (x, y) coordinates of a curve y = u(x), where u is a
    finite element function: u(x) = sum_i of U_i*phi_i(x).
    (The solution of the linear system is in U.)
    Method: Run through each element and compute curve coordinates
    over the element.
    This function works with cells, vertices, and dof_map.
    x_patches = []
    u_patches = []
    nodes = {}  # node coordinates (use dict to avoid multiple values)
    for e in range(len(cells)):
        Omega_e = (vertices[cells[e][0]], vertices[cells[e][-1]])
        d = len(dof_map[e]) - 1
        phi = basis(d)
        X = np.linspace(-1, 1, resolution_per_element)
        x = affine_mapping(X, Omega_e)
        u_cell = 0  # u(x) over this cell
        for r in range(d+1):
            i = dof_map[e][r]  # global dof number
            u_cell += U[i]*phi[r](X)
        # Compute global coordinates of local nodes,
        # assuming all dofs corresponds to values at nodes
        X = np.linspace(-1, 1, d+1)
        x = affine_mapping(X, Omega_e)
        for r in range(d+1):
            nodes[dof_map[e][r]] = x[r]
    nodes = np.array([nodes[i] for i in sorted(nodes)])
    x = np.concatenate(x_patches)
    u = np.concatenate(u_patches)
    return x, u, nodes
コード例 #2
def u_glob(U, vertices, cells, dof_map,
    Compute (x, y) coordinates of a curve y = u(x), where u is a
    finite element function: u(x) = sum_i of U_i*phi_i(x).
    Method: Run through each element and compute curve coordinates
    over the element.
    x_patches = []
    u_patches = []
    for e in range(len(cells)):
        Omega_e = [vertices[cells[e][0]], vertices[cells[e][1]]]
        local_nodes = dof_map[e]
        d = len(local_nodes) - 1
        X = np.linspace(-1, 1, resolution_per_element)
        x = affine_mapping(X, Omega_e)
        u_element = 0
        for r in range(len(local_nodes)):
            i = local_nodes[r]  # global node number
            u_element += U[i]*phi_r(r, X, d)
    x = np.concatenate(x_patches)
    u = np.concatenate(u_patches)
    return x, u