def plot_segts_fit(ts, seg_ts, seg_fit = None, imshow=False, shape_symbol_list=None):

    # iterate each segment and plot
    for i in range(len(seg_ts)):
        seg = seg_ts[i]
        startpoint = seg[0]
        endpoint = seg[1]

        plt.plot(range(startpoint, endpoint), ts[startpoint:endpoint], linewidth=1, color='b')
        if seg_fit is None:
            plt.plot(range(startpoint, endpoint), fit_shape(ts[startpoint:endpoint])[0], linewidth=1, color='r')
            plt.plot(range(startpoint, endpoint), seg_fit[i], linewidth=1, color='r')

    # plot vertical line to divide segments, just draw the line in the middle of two segments
    for seg in seg_ts[:-1]:
        # seg[1] is the exclusive(!!!) end point 
        seg_boundary = seg[1] - 0.5 
        plt.axvline(seg_boundary, linewidth=2, color='k')

    titlestr = "#Segments={k}".format(k=str(len(seg_ts)))

    # add the text of shape symbol as well
    if shape_symbol_list:
        ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
        ypos = ymin + (ymax-ymin) * 0.9
        for i in range(len(seg_ts)):
            seg = seg_ts[i]
            # text_ypos  = (seg[0] + seg[1])/2.005
            text_ypos = seg[0] + 1
            plt.text(text_ypos, ypos, shape_symbol_list[i], fontsize=14, color='green')

        # display the word in the figure
        titlestr = titlestr + ", symbolic representation = \"" + "".join(shape_symbol_list) + "\""

    plt.title(titlestr, fontsize=15)
    # TRICK: control if show the figure immediately
    if imshow:
コード例 #2
ファイル: プロジェクト: ymwdalex/time-series
# for x1 in range(50, 2000, 100):

original_list = np.arange(x0,x1,1)

fit_x = original_list * original_list / 5.0 + 3*original_list
print fit_x
print fit_x
print np.mean(fit_x)
print np.std(fit_x, ddof=1)

fit_xx = fit_x[::2]
print fit_xx
print np.mean(fit_xx)
print np.std(fit_xx, ddof=1)

fit_y, likelihood, shape_ind, shape_dir, std_y, mean_y, theta, alpha = fitting.fit_shape(fit_x)
print fit_y, likelihood, shape_ind, shape_dir, alpha
x_list = np.linspace(0,1,len(original_list))
print x_list
mu = np.mean(np.power(x_list, 2))
std = np.std(np.power(x_list, 2), ddof=1)
print mu, std
# x_list = np.linspace(0,1,101)
# print x_list
# mu = np.mean(np.power(x_list, 2))
# std = np.std(np.power(x_list, 2), ddof=1)
# print mu, std
estimate_y = (((np.power((original_list - x0) / float(x1 - x0 - 1), 2) - mu) / std) * theta  )* std_y + mean_y