def close(event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: freenect.sync_stop() sys.exit() color = (100, 255, 100) cv.NamedWindow('Depth') cv.SetMouseCallback('Depth', close, param=None) depthThreshold = Threshold(0) cv.CreateTrackbar('Depth Threshold', 'Depth', 0, 1200, depthThreshold) depth_history = [] while 1: depth, dts = freenect.sync_get_depth_np() #rgb, rts = freenect.sync_get_rgb_np() depth = ((depth <= depthThreshold.p).astype(np.uint8) * depth).astype( np.uint16) dP = Points(np.argwhere(depth != 0)) avg_dep = 0 #depth = depth.astype(np.uint8) if dP.points.any(): # Average of the depth values that meet threshold depth_values = depth[depth != 0] avg_dep = sum(depth_values) / len(depth_values) #if len(depth_history) == 5: depth = array2cv(depth.astype(np.uint8)) bound_Rect = dP.boundingBox() cv.Rectangle(depth, bound_Rect[0], bound_Rect[1], color, thickness=3) #cv.PutText(detph, str(avg_dep), (50,50), ,
def close(event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: freenect.sync_stop() sys.exit() color = (100,255, 100) cv.NamedWindow('Depth') cv.SetMouseCallback('Depth', close, param=None) depthThreshold = Threshold(0) cv.CreateTrackbar('Depth Threshold', 'Depth', 0, 1200, depthThreshold) depth_history = [] while 1: depth, dts = freenect.sync_get_depth_np() #rgb, rts = freenect.sync_get_rgb_np() depth = ((depth <= depthThreshold.p).astype(np.uint8)*depth).astype(np.uint16) dP = Points(np.argwhere(depth!=0)) avg_dep=0 #depth = depth.astype(np.uint8) if dP.points.any(): # Average of the depth values that meet threshold depth_values =depth[depth != 0] avg_dep=sum(depth_values)/len(depth_values) #if len(depth_history) == 5: depth = array2cv(depth.astype(np.uint8)) bound_Rect = dP.boundingBox() cv.Rectangle(depth, bound_Rect[0], bound_Rect[1], color, thickness=3) #cv.PutText(detph, str(avg_dep), (50,50), , cv.Circle(depth, dP.calculateCenter(), 48, color)
from queue import * #from arrayfilter import * DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 640 COLOR = (100, 255, 100) depthThreshold = Threshold(DEFAULT_THRESHOLD) cv.NamedWindow('Depth') cv.CreateTrackbar('Threshold', 'Depth', DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, 1200, depthThreshold) mouse_control = MouseControl(320, 240) depth_values_queue = Queue(40) while 1: depth, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_depth_np() depth = depth[::2, ::2] #depth = gaussian(depth) threshold_depths = ((depth <= depthThreshold.level).astype(np.uint8) * depth).astype(np.uint16) depth_points = Points(np.argwhere(threshold_depths != 0)) if depth_points.points.any(): threshold_depths = array2cv(threshold_depths.astype(np.uint8)) bound_rect = depth_points.boundingBox() cv.Rectangle(threshold_depths, bound_rect[0], bound_rect[1], COLOR, thickness=3)
#!/usr/bin/env python import freenect import cv import numpy as np cv.NamedWindow('Depth') cv.NamedWindow('RGB') while 1: depth, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_depth_np() rgb, timestamp = freenect.sync_get_rgb_np() cv.ShowImage('Depth', depth.astype(np.uint8)) cv.ShowImage('RGB', rgb.astype(np.uint8)) cv.WaitKey(10)
#!/usr/bin/env python import freenect import matplotlib.pyplot as mp mp.ion() mp.figure(1) image_depth = mp.imshow(freenect.sync_get_depth_np()[0], interpolation="nearest", animated=True) mp.figure(2) image_rgb = mp.imshow(freenect.sync_get_rgb_np()[0], interpolation="nearest", animated=True) while 1: mp.figure(1) image_depth.set_data(freenect.sync_get_depth_np()[0]) mp.figure(2) image_rgb.set_data(freenect.sync_get_rgb_np()[0]) mp.draw()
import freenect while 1: a, t0 = freenect.sync_get_depth_np() b, t1 = freenect.sync_get_rgb_np() print(t0, t1)