def get_columns_form(): try: class_name = request.args.get("className") if class_name == "DatasetSurveyBalance": r = API.get_class(class_name) arr = str(, "utf-8") r_json = json.loads(arr) data_create_model = pd.DataFrame(r_json["results"]) index_columns = data_create_model.columns[3:] list_index = list(index_columns) array_index_json = json.dumps(list_index) return array_index_json elif class_name == "DatasetObesity": r = API.get_class(class_name) arr = str(, "utf-8") r_json = json.loads(arr) data_create_model = pd.DataFrame(r_json["results"]) index_columns = data_create_model.columns[3:] list_index = list(index_columns) array_index_json = json.dumps(list_index) return array_index_json except: print("[Error] (getColumnsFrom function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't det columns form"
def load_model(): try: model_id = request.args.get("modelId") classModel = request.args.get("classModel") if (classModel == "SystemModelVn"): r = API.get_class("DatasetSurveyBalance") arr = str(, "utf-8") r_json = json.loads(arr) data = r_json["results"] dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data) dataFrame = dataFrame.iloc[:, 3:] dataFrame.drop('obesity', inplace=True, axis=1) new_record = request.args.get("record") new_record = new_record.split(",") df_new_record = pd.DataFrame([new_record]) df_new_record.columns = dataFrame.columns for i in range(len(df_new_record)): for feature in list(df_new_record.columns): if df_new_record[feature][i] == "": df_new_record[feature][i] = list( dataFrame[feature].value_counts().index)[list( dataFrame[feature].value_counts()).index( min(dataFrame[feature].value_counts()))] if model_id == None: return "[error] modelId not found check (keys) modelId and values" else: r = API.get_model(classModel, model_id) modelUrl = r["modelFile"]["url"] Nu_SVC_classifier = joblib.load(urlopen(modelUrl)) data_transform = { "0": "Thiếu cân (Insufficient weight)", "1": "Bình thường (Normal weight)", "2": "Thừa cân loại 1 (Overweight level 1)", "3": "Thừa cân loại 2 (Overweight level 2)", "4": "Béo phì loại 1 (Obesity type I)", "5": "Béo phì loại 2 (Obesity type II)", "6": "Béo phì loại 3 (Obesity type III)", } KQ = np.array(Nu_SVC_classifier.predict(df_new_record)) dataReturn = { "dataPredict": [], } for rs in KQ: dataReturn["dataPredict"].append(data_transform[str(rs)]) return dataReturn except: print("[error] check key (inputColumns) and value") return "[error] check key (inputColumns) and value (check type inputColumns)" pass
def get_system_model(): try: r_mx = API.get_class("SystemModelMx") arr_mx = str(, "utf-8") r_json_mx = json.loads(arr_mx) model_mx_id = r_json_mx['results'][len(r_json_mx)]['objectId'] r_vn = API.get_class("SystemModelVn") arr_vn = str(, "utf-8") r_json_vn = json.loads(arr_vn) model_vn_id = r_json_vn['results'][len(r_json_vn)]['objectId'] model_system = {"modelVn": model_vn_id, "modelMx": model_mx_id} return model_system except: print("[error] (createModel function") data = {"error": "can't create model"} return data
def download_dataset(): try: # Get opjectId, collabel, feature, algorithm and parameters data_id = request.args.get("dataId") class_name = request.args.get("className") r = API.get_data_create_model(class_name, data_id) file_name = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] + "_data.csv" data_json = json.loads(r["jsonData"]) dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data_json) dataFrame = DATA.check_columns_name(dataFrame) if os.path.exists(app.config["DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"]): file_path_download = os.path.join(app.config["DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"], file_name) else: os.makedirs(app.config["DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"]) file_path_download = os.path.join(app.config["DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"], file_name) # file_path = "./temp/" + file_name # file_path_download = "./temp/" + file_name export_csv = dataFrame.to_csv(file_path_download, index=None, header=True) return send_file( file_path_download, mimetype="test/csv", attachment_filename="data.csv", as_attachment=True, ) except Exception as ex: print("[error] (createModel function") data = {"error": "can't download data"} print(ex) return data
def get_algorithm(): try: class_name = request.args.get("className") r = API.get_class(class_name) return except: print("[Error] (getAlgorithm function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get algorithm"
def get_params(): try: className = request.args.get("className") r = API.get_class(className) return r except: print("[Error] (getParams function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get params"
def get_datasets(): try: class_name = request.args.get("className") # class_name = "Dataset" r = API.get_class(class_name) return except: print("[Error] (getDataModels function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get datamodel"
def new_record_survey(): try: new_record = request.args.get("record") new_record = new_record.split(",") class_name = request.args.get("className") df_new_record = pd.DataFrame([new_record]) df_new_record.columns = [ "meal_of_the_day", "nicotine", "sleep_time", "require_of_job", "park", "time_use_tech_equip", "depression", "breakfast_of_the_week", "protein_of_meal", "water_of_the_day", "vegetable_in_meal", "time_do_exercise", "alcohol", "time_of_sport", "fast_food_of_the_week", "dinner_of_the_week", "obesity" ] for i in range(len(df_new_record)): data_post = { "mealOfTheDay": int(df_new_record["meal_of_the_day"][i]), "breakfastOfTheWeek": float(df_new_record["breakfast_of_the_week"][i]), "dinnerOfTheWeek": float(df_new_record["dinner_of_the_week"][i]), "fastFoodOfTheWeek": float(df_new_record["fast_food_of_the_week"][i]), "vegetableInMeal": float(df_new_record["vegetable_in_meal"][i]), "waterOfTheDay": float(df_new_record["water_of_the_day"][i]), "proteinOfMeal": float(df_new_record["protein_of_meal"][i]), "timeDoExcerciseForWeek": float(df_new_record["time_do_exercise"][i]), "sportTimeForWeek": float(df_new_record["time_of_sport"][i]), "alcohol": float(df_new_record["alcohol"][i]), "nicotine": float(df_new_record["nicotine"][i]), "timeSleep": float(df_new_record["sleep_time"][i]), "requireOfJob": float(df_new_record["require_of_job"][i]), "park": float(df_new_record["park"][i]), "timeUseTechEquip": float(df_new_record["time_use_tech_equip"][i]), "depression": float(df_new_record["depression"][i]), "obesity": int(df_new_record["obesity"][i]), } data =, data_post) return str("ok") except: print("[error] check key (inputColumns) and value") return "[error] check key (inputColumns) and value (check type inputColumns)" pass
def check_data_delete(): try: className = request.args.get("className") object_id_delete = request.args.get("dataId") r = API.check_data(className, object_id_delete) return r except: print("[Error] (getAlgorithm function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get algorithm"
def linking_users(): try: login_info_auth = {"username": "******", "password": "******"} login_user_info = API.user_login(login_info_auth) login_user_info.sessiontoken return str(login_user_info) except: print("[Error] (Linking_Users function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't Linking_Users"
def get_data_models(): try: user_id = request.args.get("userId") class_name = "Model" r = API.get_model_user(class_name) return r except: print("[Error] (getDataModels function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get datamodel"
def delete_data(): try: object_id = request.args.get("oId") class_id = "Data" data = API.delete_data(class_id, object_id) return data except: print("[Error] (delete function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't delete dataset"
def delete_data_model(): try: object_id = request.args.getlist("oId")[0] className = request.args.getlist("class")[0] class_id = className data = API.delete_object(class_id, object_id) return data except: print("[Error] (deleteDataModel function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't delete model"
def get_data(): try: userId = request.args.get("userId") className = "Data" r = API.get_data_user("Data", userId) data = return except: print("[Error] (getData function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get data"
def get_model_detail(): try: modelId = request.args.get("modelId") r = API.get_model_detail("ModelDetail", modelId) if r == False: data = { "error": "[error] request fail, model " + str(modelId) + " not found" } return data else: data = r["results"][0] return data except: print("[Error] (useModel function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get model detail"
def upload_dataset(): try: dataset = pd.read_csv("./data_api/data_preprocessing_2.csv") print(dataset) for i in range(len(dataset)): data_post = { "name": dataset["name"][i], "gender": str(dataset["gender"][i]), "yearOfBirth": int(dataset["year_of_birth"][i]), "job": dataset["job"][i], "height": float(dataset["height"][i]), "weight": int(dataset["weight"][i]), "mealOfTheDay": int(dataset["meal_of_the_day"][i]), "breakfastOfTheWeek": dataset["breakfast_of_the_week"][i], "dinnerOfTheWeek": dataset["dinner_of_the_week"][i], "fastFoodOfTheWeek": dataset["fast_food_of_the_week"][i], "vegetableInMeal": dataset["vegetable_in_meal"][i], "sourceOfFood": dataset["source_of_food"][i], "waterOfTheDay": dataset["water_of_the_day"][i], "proteinOfMeal": dataset["protein_of_meal"][i], "timeDoExcerciseForWeel": dataset["time_do_exercise"][i], "sportTimeForWeek": dataset["time_of_sport"][i], "alcohol": dataset["alcohol"][i], "sodaWater": dataset["soda_water"][i], "nicotine": dataset["nicotine"][i], "timeSleep": str(dataset["sleep_time"][i]), "chronicDiseases": dataset["chronic_diseases"][i], "chronicDiseasesMedicine": dataset["chronic_diseases_medicine"][i], "chronicDiseasesRelative": dataset["chronic_diseases_relatives"][i], "requireOfJob": str(dataset["require_of_job"][i]), "income": str(dataset["income"][i]), "transport": dataset["transport"][i], "park": dataset["park"][i], "timeUseTechEquip": str(dataset["time_use_tech_equip"][i]), "sedative": dataset["sedative"][i], "depression": dataset["depression"][i], "age": str(dataset["age"][i]), } class_name = "Dataset" data =, data_post) return data except UnboundLocalError: print("[error] ") return "fail, can't upload dataset"
def register(): try: userName = request.args.get("userName") password = request.args.get("password") email = request.args.get("email") data_info = { "username": userName, "password": password, "email": email } signing_info = API.signing_up(data_info) # object_id = signing_info['objectId'] # time = signing_info['CreatedAt'] # session_token = signing_info['sessionToken'] return signing_info except: print("[Error] (Register function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't Register"
def get_data_charts(): try: class_name = request.args.get("className") r = API.get_class(class_name) arr = str(, "utf-8") r_json = json.loads(arr) data = r_json["results"] df = pd.DataFrame(data) data_mealOfTheDay = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "mealOfTheDay") data_breakfastOfTheWeek = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "breakfastOfTheWeek") data_dinnerOfTheWeek = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "dinnerOfTheWeek") data_fastfoodOfTheWeek = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "fastFoodOfTheWeek") data_vegetableInMeal = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "vegetableInMeal") data_proteinOfMeal = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "proteinOfMeal") data_waterOfTheDay = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "waterOfTheDay") data_timeDoExcerciseForWeek = DATA.get_data_chart( df, "timeDoExcerciseForWeek") data_sportTimeForWeek = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "sportTimeForWeek") data_alcohol = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "alcohol") data_nicotine = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "nicotine") data_requireOfJob = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "requireOfJob") data_park = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "park") data_depression = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "depression") data_result = { "chart_meal_of_theday": data_mealOfTheDay, "chart_breakfast_of_theweek": data_breakfastOfTheWeek, "chart_dinner_of_theweek": data_dinnerOfTheWeek, "chart_fastfood_of_theweek": data_fastfoodOfTheWeek, "chart_vegetable_in_meal": data_vegetableInMeal, "chart_protein_of_meal": data_proteinOfMeal, "chart_water_of_the_day": data_waterOfTheDay, "chart_time_doexcercise_for_week": data_timeDoExcerciseForWeek, "chart_sporttime_for_week": data_sportTimeForWeek, "chart_alcohol": data_alcohol, "chart_nicotine": data_nicotine, "chart_requireOfJob": data_requireOfJob, "chart_park": data_park, "chart_depression": data_depression, } # data_result = json.dumps(data_result) return data_result except: print("[Error] (getDataModels function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get datamodel"
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import pandas as pd from function_api import API dataset = pd.read_csv("./data/data_fit.csv") # dataset = pd.read_csv("./data/data_end_no_encode.csv") # dataset_p["BMI"] = dataset["weight"] / (dataset["height"] * dataset["height"]) for i in range(len(dataset)): data_post = { "mealOfTheDay": int(dataset["meal_of_the_day"][i]), "breakfastOfTheWeek": float(dataset["breakfast_of_the_week"][i]), "dinnerOfTheWeek": float(dataset["dinner_of_the_week"][i]), "fastFoodOfTheWeek": float(dataset["fast_food_of_the_week"][i]), "vegetableInMeal": float(dataset["vegetable_in_meal"][i]), "waterOfTheDay": float(dataset["water_of_the_day"][i]), "proteinOfMeal": float(dataset["protein_of_meal"][i]), "timeDoExcerciseForWeek": float(dataset["time_do_exercise"][i]), "sportTimeForWeek": float(dataset["time_of_sport"][i]), "alcohol": float(dataset["alcohol"][i]), "nicotine": float(dataset["nicotine"][i]), "timeSleep": float(dataset["sleep_time"][i]), "requireOfJob": float(dataset["require_of_job"][i]), "park": float(dataset["park"][i]), "timeUseTechEquip": float(dataset["time_use_tech_equip"][i]), "depression": float(dataset["depression"][i]), "obesity": int(dataset["obesity"][i]), } class_name = "DatasetSurveyBalance" data =, data_post)
def create_api_model(): # try: if request.headers["CONTENT_TYPE"] == "application/json": try: data_request = request.json modelId = data_request["modelId"] if modelId == None: return "[error] modelId not found check (keys) modelId and values " else: data_test_json = data_request["data"] data_test_dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data_test_json) r = API.get_model("Model", modelId) modelUrl = r["modelFile"]["url"] Nu_SVC_classifier = joblib.load(urlopen(modelUrl)) KQ = np.array(Nu_SVC_classifier.predict(data_test_dataFrame)) data_transform = { "0": "Thiếu cân (Insufficient weight)", "1": "Bình thường (Normal weight)", "2": "Thừa cân loại 1 (Overweight level 1)", "3": "Thừa cân loại 2 (Overweight level 2)", "4": "Béo phì loại 1 (Obesity type I)", "5": "git Béo phì loại 2 (Obesity type II)", "6": "Béo phì loại 3 (Obesity type III)", } dataReturn = { "result": [], } for rs in KQ: dataReturn["result"].append(data_transform[str(rs)]) return dataReturn except: print("[error] check key (inputColumns) and value") return ( "[error] check key (inputColumns) and value (check type inputColumns)" ) pass else: modelId = request.form.get("modelId") if modelId == None: return "[error] modelId not found check (keys) modelId and values " else: file_test = request.files.getlist("data")[0] file_name = secure_filename(file_test.filename) if file_name == "": return "[error] Can't find data, check keys 'data' and values" else: try: filename_random = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] + "_" + file_name if os.path.exists(app.config["DATA_API_FOLDER"]): file_path_test = os.path.join( app.config["DATA_API_FOLDER"], filename_random) else: os.makedirs(app.config["DATA_API_FOLDER"]) file_path_test = os.path.join( app.config["DATA_API_FOLDER"], filename_random) df_test, columns, n, m ="csv", file_path_test, ",") except Exception as e: print(e) return "[error] can't save data, request fail" pass try: col_feature_test_string = request.form.getlist( "inputColumns")[0] col_feature_test_list = ast.literal_eval( col_feature_test_string) col_feature_test_array = np.array(col_feature_test_list) r = API.get_model("Model", modelId) modelUrl = r["modelFile"]["url"] Nu_SVC_classifier = joblib.load(urlopen(modelUrl)) except: print("[error] request fail") notification = ( "[error] request fail check key 'modelId', model " + str(modelId) + " not found") return notification pass try: data_test = df_test.iloc[:, col_feature_test_array] KQ = np.array(Nu_SVC_classifier.predict(data_test)) data_transform = { "0": "Thiếu cân (Insufficient weight)", "1": "Bình thường (Normal weight)", "2": "Thừa cân loại 1 (Overweight level 1)", "3": "Thừa cân loại 2 (Overweight level 2)", "4": "Béo phì loại 1 (Obesity type I)", "5": "Béo phì loại 2 (Obesity type II)", "6": "Béo phì loại 3 (Obesity type III)", } dataReturn = { "result": [], } for rs in KQ: dataReturn["result"].append(data_transform[str(rs)]) os.remove(file_path_test) return dataReturn except IndexError: print("[error] check key (inputColumns) and value") return "[error] check key (inputColumns) and value check (number inputColumns)" pass except ValueError: print("[error] check key (inputColumns) and value") return "[error] check key (inputColumns) and value (check type inputColumns)" pass
def create_model(): try: # Get opjectId, collabel, feature, algorithm and parameters data_name = request.args.get("dataName") class_name = request.args.get("className") model_name = request.args.get("modelname") col_label = int(request.args.get("label")) col_feature_str = (request.args.get("feature")).split(",") col_feature = [] for col in col_feature_str: col_feature.append(int(col)) athm = request.args.get("algorithm") athm_id = request.args.get("algorithmId") params = json.loads(request.args.get("params")) # print(params) if params == {}: params = None test_size = 0.3 else: test_size = float(params["testSize"]) if test_size >= 1.0 or test_size <= 0.0: data = {"error": "0.0 < test size < 1.0"} return data # get data r = API.get_class(class_name) arr = str(, "utf-8") r_json = json.loads(arr) data = r_json["results"] dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data) if class_name == "DatasetSurveyBalance": dataFrame = dataFrame.iloc[:, 3:] elif class_name == "DatasetObesity": dataFrame = dataFrame.iloc[:, 3:] if "yearOfBirth" in list(dataFrame.columns): del dataFrame["yearOfBirth"] # dataFrame = dataFrame.dropna(axis="1",how = "any") col_feature_name = np.array((dataFrame.iloc[:, col_feature]).columns) col_feature_name_str = col_feature_name[0] col_feature_name = list(col_feature_name) col_feature_name.pop(0) col_feature_name = np.array(col_feature_name) for col in col_feature_name: col_feature_name_str = col_feature_name_str + "," + col col_label_name = str( np.array( pd.DataFrame(np.matrix(dataFrame.columns)).iloc[0, col_label])) # get data train, test X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = DATA.get_data_train( dataFrame, col_feature, col_label, test_size) model, evalution, error, params = get_athm(athm, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, params) if error != "": data = {"error": error} return data else: # Create random id for file name folder_model = "./upload_model" randomId = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] file_name_model = (randomId + "_" + str(athm) + "_" + str(class_name) + str(".pkl")) pkl_filename = folder_model + "/" + file_name_model joblib.dump(model, str(file_name_model)) custom_header = {} custom_header[ "X-Parse-Application-Id"] = API.X_Parse_Application_Id custom_header["X-Parse-REST-API-Key"] = API.X_Parse_REST_API_Key custom_header["Content-Type"] = "application/x-binary" desription = description = ( "Model " + " use " + str(athm) + " algorithm " + ". " + "Dataset for model is " + str(data_name) + ", columns label is " + str(col_label_name) + " and columns feature is " + str(col_feature_name)) r_upload = API.upload_model_file( file_name_model, model_name, data_name, athm_id, params, col_label, col_label_name, col_feature, col_feature_name_str, description, evalution, ) return r_upload except: print("[error] (createModel function") data = {"error": "can't create model"} return data
def create_model_system_mx(): try: # Get opjectId, collabel, feature, algorithm and parameters data_name = 'DatasetMX' class_name = 'DatasetObesity' model_name = "MODEL SYSTEM" col_label = 7 col_feature_str = [ '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16' ] col_feature = [] for col in col_feature_str: col_feature.append(int(col)) athm = 'SupportVectorMachine' athm_id = 'ccn7ofeacm' params = { 'C': '100000', 'degree': '3', 'gamma': '0.3', 'kernel': 'linear', 'testSize': '0.3' } if params == {}: params = None test_size = 0.3 else: test_size = float(params["testSize"]) if test_size >= 1.0 or test_size <= 0.0: data = {"error": "0.0 < test size < 1.0"} return data # get data r = API.get_class(class_name) arr = str(, "utf-8") r_json = json.loads(arr) data = r_json["results"] dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(data) if class_name == "DatasetSurveyBalance": dataFrame = dataFrame.iloc[:, 3:] elif class_name == "DatasetObesity": dataFrame = dataFrame.iloc[:, 3:] if "yearOfBirth" in list(dataFrame.columns): del dataFrame["yearOfBirth"] # dataFrame = dataFrame.dropna(axis="1",how = "any") col_feature_name = np.array((dataFrame.iloc[:, col_feature]).columns) col_feature_name_str = col_feature_name[0] col_feature_name = list(col_feature_name) col_feature_name.pop(0) col_feature_name = np.array(col_feature_name) for col in col_feature_name: col_feature_name_str = col_feature_name_str + "," + col col_label_name = str( np.array( pd.DataFrame(np.matrix(dataFrame.columns)).iloc[0, col_label])) # get data train, test X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = DATA.get_data_train( dataFrame, col_feature, col_label, test_size) model, evalution, error, params = get_athm(athm, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, params) if error != "": data = {"error": error} return data else: # Create random id for file name folder_model = "./upload_model" randomId = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] file_name_model = (randomId + "_" + str(athm) + "_" + str(class_name) + str(".pkl")) pkl_filename = folder_model + "/" + file_name_model joblib.dump(model, str(file_name_model)) custom_header = {} custom_header[ "X-Parse-Application-Id"] = API.X_Parse_Application_Id custom_header["X-Parse-REST-API-Key"] = API.X_Parse_REST_API_Key custom_header["Content-Type"] = "application/x-binary" desription = description = ( "Model " + " use " + str(athm) + " algorithm " + ". " + "Dataset for model is " + str(data_name) + ", columns label is " + str(col_label_name) + " and columns feature is " + str(col_feature_name)) r_upload_2 = API.upload_model_file_system_mx( file_name_model, model_name, data_name, athm_id, params, col_label, col_label_name, col_feature, col_feature_name_str, description, evalution, ) return r_upload_2 except: print("[error] (createModel function") data = {"error": "can't create model"} return data
def get_data_charts_obesity(): try: class_name = request.args.get("className") # class_name = "Dataset" r = API.get_class(class_name) arr = str(, "utf-8") r_json = json.loads(arr) data = r_json["results"] df = pd.DataFrame(data) columns = list(df.columns)[4:] columns.remove("weight") for i in range(len(df)): for column in list(columns): try: df[column][i] = int(round(df[column][i])) except: df[column][i] = str(df[column][i]) data_FAVC = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "FAVC") data_gender = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "gender") data_NCP = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "NCP") data_FHWO = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "FHWO") data_CAEC = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "CAEC") data_CH2O = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "CH2O") data_SMOKE = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "SMOKE") data_FCVC = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "FCVC") data_SCC = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "SCC") data_FAF = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "FAF") data_TUE = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "TUE") data_CALC = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "CALC") data_MTRANS = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "MTRANS") data_NObeyesdad = DATA.get_data_chart(df, "NObeyesdad") df1 = df.sort_values(by=["weight"], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True) weight_values = { "duoi_40": [], "duoi_50": [], "duoi_60": [], "duoi_70": [], "duoi_80": [], "duoi_90": [], "duoi_100": [], "tren_100": [], } for i in range(len(df1)): if float(df1["weight"][i]) < 40: weight_values["duoi_40"].append(float(df1["height"][i])) elif (float(df1["weight"][i]) >= 40) and (float(df1["weight"][i]) < 50): weight_values["duoi_50"].append(float(df1["height"][i])) elif (float(df1["weight"][i]) >= 50) and (float(df1["weight"][i]) < 60): weight_values["duoi_60"].append(float(df1["height"][i])) elif (float(df1["weight"][i]) >= 60) and (float(df1["weight"][i]) < 70): weight_values["duoi_70"].append(float(df1["height"][i])) elif (float(df1["weight"][i]) >= 70) and (float(df1["weight"][i]) < 80): weight_values["duoi_80"].append(float(df1["height"][i])) elif (float(df1["weight"][i]) >= 80) and (float(df1["weight"][i]) < 90): weight_values["duoi_90"].append(float(df1["height"][i])) elif (float(df1["weight"][i]) >= 90) and (float(df1["weight"][i]) < 100): weight_values["duoi_100"].append(float(df1["height"][i])) elif float(df1["weight"][i]) >= 100: weight_values["tren_100"].append(float(df1["height"][i])) data_height_weight = [ { "name": "Ít hơn 40 kg", "value": DATA.trung_binh(weight_values["duoi_40"]), }, { "name": "Từ 40 - 50 kg", "value": DATA.trung_binh(weight_values["duoi_50"]), }, { "name": "Từ 50 - 60 kg", "value": DATA.trung_binh(weight_values["duoi_60"]), }, { "name": "Từ 60 - 70 kg", "value": DATA.trung_binh(weight_values["duoi_70"]), }, { "name": "Từ 70 - 80 kg", "value": DATA.trung_binh(weight_values["duoi_80"]), }, { "name": "Từ 80 - 90 kg", "value": DATA.trung_binh(weight_values["duoi_90"]), }, { "name": "Từ 90 - 100 kg", "value": DATA.trung_binh(weight_values["duoi_100"]), }, { "name": "Trên 100 kg", "value": DATA.trung_binh(weight_values["tren_100"]), }, ] data_age = [ { "name": "Dưới 20 tuổi", "value": 0 }, { "name": "Từ 20 - dưới 30 tuổi", "value": 0 }, { "name": "Từ 30 - dưới 40 tuổi", "value": 0 }, { "name": "Từ 40 - dưới 50 tuổi", "value": 0 }, { "name": "Từ 50 - dưới 60 tuổi", "value": 0 }, { "name": "Từ 60 trở lên", "value": 0 }, ] data_result = { "chart_gender": data_gender, "chart_FAVC": data_FAVC, "chart_NCP": data_NCP, "chart_FHWO": data_FHWO, "chart_CAEC": data_CAEC, "chart_CH2O": data_CH2O, "chart_SMOKE": data_SMOKE, "chart_FCVC": data_FCVC, "chart_SCC": data_SCC, "chart_FAF": data_FAF, "chart_TUE": data_TUE, "chart_CALC": data_CALC, "chart_MTRANS": data_MTRANS, "chart_age": data_age, "chart_obesity": data_NObeyesdad, } # data_result = json.dumps(data_result) return data_result except: print("[Error] (getDataModels function") return "[Error] BAD REQUEST can't get datamodel"
def add_record_obesity(): try: new_record = request.args.get("record") new_record = new_record.split(",") class_name = request.args.get("className") class_name_raw = request.args.get("classNameRaw") data_tf_obesity = { "0": "Insufficient_Weight", "1": "Normal_Weight", "2": "Overweight_Level_I", "3": "Overweight_Level_II", "4": "Obesity_Type_I", "5": "Obesity_Type_II", "6": "Obesity_Type_III", } data_tf_gender = {"0": "Female", "1": "Male"} data_tf_FHWO = {"0": "no", "1": "yes"} data_tf_FAVC = {"0": "no", "1": "yes"} data_tf_CAEC = { "0": "no", "1": "Sometimes", "2": "Frequently", "3": "Always" } data_tf_CALC = { "0": "no", "1": "Sometimes", "2": "Frequently", "3": "Always" } data_tf_SMOKE = {"0": "no", "1": "yes"} data_tf_SCC = {"0": "no", "1": "yes"} data_tf_MTRANS = { "0": "Public_Transportation", "1": "Automobile", "2": "Walking", "3": "Motorbike", "4": "Bike", } df_new_record = pd.DataFrame([new_record]) df_new_record.columns = [ "GENDER", "HEIGHT", "FAVC", "AGE", "NCP", "FHWO", "CAEC", "CH2O", "SMOKE", "FCVC", "SCC", "FAF", "TUE", "CALC", "MTRANS", "WEIGHT", "CLASS_OB", ] for i in range(len(df_new_record)): data_post_raw = { "gender": str(data_tf_gender[str(df_new_record["GENDER"][i])]), "age": float(df_new_record["AGE"][i]), "height": float(df_new_record["HEIGHT"][i]), "weight": float(df_new_record["WEIGHT"][i]), "FHWO": str(data_tf_FHWO[str(df_new_record["FHWO"][i])]), "FAVC": str(data_tf_FAVC[str(df_new_record["FAVC"][i])]), "FCVC": float(df_new_record["FCVC"][i]), "NCP": float(df_new_record["NCP"][i]), "CAEC": str(data_tf_CAEC[str(df_new_record["CAEC"][i])]), "SMOKE": str(data_tf_SMOKE[str(df_new_record["SMOKE"][i])]), "CH2O": float(df_new_record["CH2O"][i]), "SCC": str(data_tf_SCC[str(df_new_record["SCC"][i])]), "FAF": float(df_new_record["FAF"][i]), "TUE": float(df_new_record["TUE"][i]), "CALC": str(data_tf_CALC[str(df_new_record["CALC"][i])]), "MTRANS": str(data_tf_MTRANS[str(df_new_record["MTRANS"][i])]), "NObeyesdad": str(data_tf_obesity[str(df_new_record["CLASS_OB"][i])]), } data_post = { "gender": float(df_new_record["GENDER"][i]), "age": float(df_new_record["AGE"][i]), "height": float(df_new_record["HEIGHT"][i]), "weight": float(df_new_record["WEIGHT"][i]), "FHWO": float(df_new_record["FHWO"][i]), "FAVC": float(df_new_record["FAVC"][i]), "FCVC": float(df_new_record["FCVC"][i]), "NCP": float(df_new_record["NCP"][i]), "CAEC": float(df_new_record["CAEC"][i]), "SMOKE": float(df_new_record["SMOKE"][i]), "CH2O": float(df_new_record["CH2O"][i]), "SCC": float(df_new_record["SCC"][i]), "FAF": float(df_new_record["FAF"][i]), "TUE": float(df_new_record["TUE"][i]), "CALC": float(df_new_record["CALC"][i]), "MTRANS": float(df_new_record["MTRANS"][i]), "NObeyesdad": float(df_new_record["CLASS_OB"][i]), } data_raw =, data_post_raw) data =, data_post) return str(postok) except: print("[error] check key (inputColumns) and value") return "[error] check key (inputColumns) and value (check type inputColumns)" pass
def upload_file_url(): try: # Get file url = request.args.get("urlData") data_name = request.args.get("dataName") separator = request.args.get("separator") if data_name == "": data_name = "dataset_not_name" user_id = request.args.get("userId") except AttributeError: print("[error] can't find file_upload (upfile function") pass try: # Create random id random_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8] # Random file_name filename_upload_random = str(random_id) + "_" + "upload.csv" # get file_path if os.path.exists(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"]): file_path_upload = os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], filename_upload_random) else: os.makedirs(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"]) file_path_upload = os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], filename_upload_random) # save file # Save file locally a = urlretrieve(url, file_path_upload) # Read file into a DataFrame and print its head except UnboundLocalError: print( "[error] local variable 'filename' referenced before assignment (upfile function" ) pass except ValueError: data_return_err = {"error": "unknown url"} return data_return_err try: data, col, n, m ="csv", file_path_upload, separator) file_name_csv = data_name + ".csv" file_path_save_csv = os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], file_name_csv) export_csv = data.to_csv(file_path_save_csv, index=None, header=True) data_str = DATA.convert_str(file_path_save_csv) data_str = str(data_str) data_post = { "jsonData": data_str, "dataName": data_name, "userUpload": { "__type": "Pointer", "className": "_User", "objectId": user_id, }, "delimiter": separator, "uploadFrom": "url", } class_name = "Data" data =, data_post) print(data) return data except UnboundLocalError: print("[error] ") return "fail, can't upload dataset"