コード例 #1
def calcRadialDiskDensity():
    yng = young.loadAllYoungStars('./')
    r2d = yng.getArray('r2d')
    names = yng.getArray('name')

    sidx = r2d.argsort()
    r2d = r2d[sidx]
    names = [names[ss] for ss in sidx]

    halfway = len(r2d) / 2
    names_inner = names[0:halfway]
    names_outer = names[halfway:]

    # copy over the *.mc.dat files
    for name in names_inner:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_inner/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name,
                        'aorb_efit_all_inner/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    for name in names_outer:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_outer/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name,
                        'aorb_efit_all_outer/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    #diski = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_inner/')
    #diski.names = names_inner

    disko = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_outer/')
    disko.names = names_outer
コード例 #2
ファイル: lu09yng.py プロジェクト: AtomyChan/JLU-python-code
def calcRadialDiskDensity():
    yng = young.loadAllYoungStars('./')
    r2d = yng.getArray('r2d')
    names = yng.getArray('name')
    sidx = r2d.argsort()
    r2d = r2d[sidx]
    names = [names[ss] for ss in sidx]
    halfway = len(r2d) / 2
    names_inner = names[0:halfway]
    names_outer = names[halfway:]

    # copy over the *.mc.dat files
    for name in names_inner:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_inner/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name, 
                        'aorb_efit_all_inner/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    for name in names_outer:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_outer/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name, 
                        'aorb_efit_all_outer/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    #diski = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_inner/')
    #diski.names = names_inner

    disko = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_outer/')
    disko.names = names_outer
コード例 #3
ファイル: lu09yng.py プロジェクト: AtomyChan/JLU-python-code
def calcRadialDiskDensity3():
    yng = young.loadAllYoungStars('./')
    r2d = yng.getArray('r2d')
    names = yng.getArray('name')
    sidx = r2d.argsort()
    r2d = r2d[sidx]
    names = [names[ss] for ss in sidx]
    cut1 = 3.5
    cut2 = 7.0

    names1 = []
    names2 = []
    names3 = []

    for rr in range(len(r2d)):
        if (r2d[rr] <= cut1):
        if ((r2d[rr] > cut1) & (r2d[rr] <= cut2)):
        if (r2d[rr] > cut2):

    # copy over the *.mc.dat files
    for name in names1:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_r1/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name, 
                        'aorb_efit_all_r1/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    for name in names2:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_r2/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name, 
                        'aorb_efit_all_r2/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    for name in names3:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_r3/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name, 
                        'aorb_efit_all_r3/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    disk1 = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_r1/')
    disk1.names = names1

    disk2 = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_r2/')
    disk2.names = names2

    disk3 = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_r3/')
    disk3.names = names3
コード例 #4
def calcRadialDiskDensity3():
    yng = young.loadAllYoungStars('./')
    r2d = yng.getArray('r2d')
    names = yng.getArray('name')

    sidx = r2d.argsort()
    r2d = r2d[sidx]
    names = [names[ss] for ss in sidx]

    cut1 = 3.5
    cut2 = 7.0

    names1 = []
    names2 = []
    names3 = []

    for rr in range(len(r2d)):
        if (r2d[rr] <= cut1):
        if ((r2d[rr] > cut1) & (r2d[rr] <= cut2)):
        if (r2d[rr] > cut2):

    # copy over the *.mc.dat files
    for name in names1:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_r1/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name,
                        'aorb_efit_all_r1/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    for name in names2:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_r2/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name,
                        'aorb_efit_all_r2/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    for name in names3:
        if not os.path.exists('aorb_efit_all_r3/%s.mc.dat' % name):
            shutil.copy('aorb_efit_all/%s.mc.dat' % name,
                        'aorb_efit_all_r3/%s.mc.dat' % name)

    disk1 = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_r1/')
    disk1.names = names1

    disk2 = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_r2/')
    disk2.names = names2

    disk3 = aorb.Disk('./', 'aorb_efit_all_r3/')
    disk3.names = names3
コード例 #5
def generateData(root, outdir, N=10**7):
    Remember to calculate at least 2 times more stars than you want
    because many are dropped from our observing window.
    cc = objects.Constants()

    yng = young.loadAllYoungStars(root)
    names = yng.getArray('name')

    # Get out the distributions we will need for our simulation.
    # Each relevant parameter will be plotted as a function of
    # radius, divided into the following radial bins:
    #    BIN #1:  r = 0.8" - 2.5"
    #    BIN #2:  r = 2.5" - 3.5"
    #    BIN #3:  r = 3.5" - 7.0"
    #    BIN #4:  r = 7.0" - 13.5"

    binsIn = np.array([0.8, 2.5, 3.5, 7.0, 13.5])
    colors = ['red', 'orange', 'green', 'blue']
    legend = ['0.8"-2.5"', '2.5"-3.5"', '3.5"-7.0"', '7.0"-13.5"']

    r2d = yng.getArray('r2d')

    py.hist(r2d, bins=binsIn, histtype='step', linewidth=2)
    py.xlabel('Projected Radius (arcsec)')
    py.ylabel('Number of Stars Observed')
    py.savefig(outdir + 'hist_r2d_obs.png')

    binCnt = len(binsIn) - 1

    ridx = []
    for bb in range(binCnt):
        idx = np.where((r2d >= binsIn[bb]) & (r2d < binsIn[bb + 1]))[0]

    # For each star we will use error distributions from the
    # data itself. Set these up.
    # Positional Uncertainties in arcsec
    xerrDist, yerrDist = distPositionalError(yng, binsIn)

    # Proper motion uncertainties in arcsec/yr
    vxerrDist, vyerrDist = distProperMotionError(yng, binsIn, r2d, ridx,
                                                 colors, legend, outdir)

    # Radial velocity uncertainties in km/s
    vzerrDist = distRadialVelocityError(yng, binsIn, r2d, ridx, colors, legend,

    # Acceleration uncertainties in arcsec/yr^2
    axerrDist, ayerrDist = distAccelerationError(yng, binsIn, r2d, colors,
                                                 legend, outdir)

    # We will need a random number distribution for each of these.
    # These are all 0-1, but we will convert them into indices into
    # the above distributions later on when we know the radius of each
    # of the simulated stars.
    xerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    yerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    vxerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    vyerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    vzerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    axerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    ayerrRand = scipy.rand(N)

    # Generate simulated stars' orbital parameters

    # Inclination and Omega (degrees)
    i, o = distNormalVector(N, outdir)

    # Angle to the ascending node (degrees)
    w = scipy.rand(N) * 360.0

    # Semi-major axis (pc) and period (years)
    a, p = distSemimajorAxisPeriod(N, outdir)

    # Eccentricity
    e = scipy.stats.powerlaw.rvs(2, 0, size=N)

    # Lets correct the eccentricities just to prevent the
    # infinite loops.
    edx = np.where(e > 0.98)[0]
    e[edx] = 0.98

    # Time of Periapse (yr)
    t0 = scipy.rand(N) * p

    # Determine x, y, vx, vy, vz, ax, ay
    # Assign errors accordingly.
    # Record star to file IF it falls within our projected
    # observing window.
    x = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    y = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vx = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vy = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vz = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    ax = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    ay = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)

    xerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    yerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vxerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vyerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vzerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    axerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    ayerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)

    skipped = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int16)

    for nn in range(N):
        if (((nn % 10**4) == 0)):
            print 'Simulated Star %d: ' % nn, time.ctime(time.time())

        orb = orbits.Orbit()
        orb.w = w[nn]
        orb.o = o[nn]
        orb.i = i[nn]
        orb.e = e[nn]
        orb.p = p[nn]
        orb.t0 = t0[nn]

        # Remember r (arcsec), v (mas/yr), a (mas/yr^2)
        (pos, vel, acc) = orb.kep2xyz(np.array([0.0]), mass=4.0e6, dist=8.0e3)
        pos = pos[0]  # in arcsec
        vel = vel[0] / 10**3  # convert to arcsec/yr
        acc = acc[0] / 10**3  # convert to arcsec/yr^2

        r2d = math.sqrt(pos[0]**2 + pos[1]**2)

        # Impose our observing limits
        if (r2d < binsIn[0]) or (r2d > binsIn[-1]):
            skipped[nn] = 1

        tmp = np.where(binsIn > r2d)[0]
        errIdx = tmp[0] - 1

        # Set noisey positions
        xerr[nn] = xerrDist[errIdx]
        yerr[nn] = yerrDist[errIdx]
        x[nn] = np.random.normal(pos[0], xerr[nn])
        y[nn] = np.random.normal(pos[1], yerr[nn])

        # Set noisy velocities
        errCnt = len(vxerrDist)
        vxerr[nn] = vxerrDist[errIdx][int(math.floor(vxerrRand[nn] * errCnt))]
        vyerr[nn] = vyerrDist[errIdx][int(math.floor(vyerrRand[nn] * errCnt))]
        vzerr[nn] = vzerrDist[errIdx][int(math.floor(vzerrRand[nn] * errCnt))]

        # Convert radial velocity into km/s
        vel[2] *= 8.0 * cc.cm_in_au / (1e5 * cc.sec_in_yr)

        vx[nn] = np.random.normal(vel[0], vxerr[nn])
        vy[nn] = np.random.normal(vel[1], vyerr[nn])
        vz[nn] = np.random.normal(vel[2], vzerr[nn])

        # Set noisy accelerations ONLY for close in stars

        if (errIdx <= 1):
            # Close in stars have acceleration constraints
            axerr[nn] = axerrDist[errIdx][int(
                math.floor(axerrRand[nn] * errCnt))]
            ayerr[nn] = ayerrDist[errIdx][int(
                math.floor(ayerrRand[nn] * errCnt))]
            ax[nn] = np.random.normal(acc[0], axerr[nn])
            ay[nn] = np.random.normal(acc[1], ayerr[nn])
            axerr[nn] = 0.0
            ayerr[nn] = 0.0
            ax[nn] = 0.0
            ay[nn] = 0.0

    useIdx = np.where(skipped == 0)[0]
    finalTotal = len(useIdx)
    skipCount = N - finalTotal

    print 'Skipped %d, Final Total %d' % (skipCount, finalTotal)

    x = x[useIdx]
    y = y[useIdx]
    vx = vx[useIdx]
    vy = vy[useIdx]
    vz = vz[useIdx]
    ax = ax[useIdx]
    ay = ay[useIdx]

    xerr = xerr[useIdx]
    yerr = yerr[useIdx]
    vxerr = vxerr[useIdx]
    vyerr = vyerr[useIdx]
    vzerr = vzerr[useIdx]
    axerr = axerr[useIdx]
    ayerr = ayerr[useIdx]

    #print 'x  = ', x[-1], xerr[-1]
    #print 'y  = ', y[-1], yerr[-1]
    #print 'vx = ', vx[-1], vxerr[-1]
    #print 'vy = ', vy[-1], vyerr[-1]
    #print 'vz = ', vz[-1], vzerr[-1]
    #print 'ax = ', ax[-1], axerr[-1]
    #print 'ay = ', ay[-1], ayerr[-1]

    # Verify that we get the expected 2D distribution back out again
    checkSurfaceDensity(x, y, outdir)

    # Write to output file
    _out = open(outdir + '/isotropic_stars.dat', 'w')

    pickle.dump((x, xerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((y, yerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((vx, vxerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((vy, vyerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((vz, vzerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((ax, axerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((ay, ayerr), _out)

コード例 #6
def generateData(root, outdir, N=10**7):
    Remember to calculate at least 2 times more stars than you want
    because many are dropped from our observing window.
    cc = objects.Constants()

    yng = young.loadAllYoungStars(root)
    names = yng.getArray('name')

    # Get out the distributions we will need for our simulation.
    # Each relevant parameter will be plotted as a function of 
    # radius, divided into the following radial bins:
    #    BIN #1:  r = 0.8" - 2.5"
    #    BIN #2:  r = 2.5" - 3.5"
    #    BIN #3:  r = 3.5" - 7.0"
    #    BIN #4:  r = 7.0" - 13.5"
    binsIn = np.array([0.8, 2.5, 3.5, 7.0, 13.5])
    colors = ['red', 'orange', 'green', 'blue']
    legend = ['0.8"-2.5"', '2.5"-3.5"', '3.5"-7.0"', '7.0"-13.5"']

    r2d = yng.getArray('r2d')

    py.hist(r2d, bins=binsIn, histtype='step', linewidth=2)
    py.xlabel('Projected Radius (arcsec)')
    py.ylabel('Number of Stars Observed')
    py.savefig(outdir + 'hist_r2d_obs.png')

    binCnt = len(binsIn) - 1
    ridx = []
    for bb in range(binCnt):
        idx = np.where((r2d >= binsIn[bb]) & (r2d < binsIn[bb+1]))[0] 
        ridx.append( idx )
    # For each star we will use error distributions from the 
    # data itself. Set these up.
    # Positional Uncertainties in arcsec
    xerrDist, yerrDist = distPositionalError(yng, binsIn)

    # Proper motion uncertainties in arcsec/yr
    vxerrDist, vyerrDist = distProperMotionError(yng, binsIn, r2d, ridx, 
                                                 colors, legend, outdir)

    # Radial velocity uncertainties in km/s
    vzerrDist = distRadialVelocityError(yng, binsIn, r2d, ridx, 
                                        colors, legend, outdir)

    # Acceleration uncertainties in arcsec/yr^2
    axerrDist, ayerrDist = distAccelerationError(yng, binsIn, r2d,
                                                 colors, legend, outdir)

    # We will need a random number distribution for each of these.
    # These are all 0-1, but we will convert them into indices into
    # the above distributions later on when we know the radius of each
    # of the simulated stars.
    xerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    yerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    vxerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    vyerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    vzerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    axerrRand = scipy.rand(N)
    ayerrRand = scipy.rand(N)

    # Generate simulated stars' orbital parameters

    # Inclination and Omega (degrees)
    i, o = distNormalVector(N, outdir)

    # Angle to the ascending node (degrees)
    w = scipy.rand(N) * 360.0

    # Semi-major axis (pc) and period (years)
    a, p = distSemimajorAxisPeriod(N, outdir)

    # Eccentricity
    e = scipy.stats.powerlaw.rvs(2, 0, size=N)

    # Lets correct the eccentricities just to prevent the
    # infinite loops.
    edx = np.where(e > 0.98)[0]
    e[edx] = 0.98

    # Time of Periapse (yr)
    t0 = scipy.rand(N) * p

    # Determine x, y, vx, vy, vz, ax, ay
    # Assign errors accordingly.
    # Record star to file IF it falls within our projected
    # observing window.
    x = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    y = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vx = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vy = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vz = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    ax = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    ay = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)

    xerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    yerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vxerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vyerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    vzerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    axerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)
    ayerr = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)

    skipped = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int16)

    for nn in range(N):
        if ( ((nn % 10**4) == 0)):
            print 'Simulated Star %d: ' % nn, time.ctime(time.time())

        orb = orbits.Orbit()
        orb.w = w[nn]
        orb.o = o[nn]
        orb.i = i[nn]
        orb.e = e[nn]
        orb.p = p[nn]
        orb.t0 = t0[nn]

        # Remember r (arcsec), v (mas/yr), a (mas/yr^2)
        (pos, vel, acc) = orb.kep2xyz(np.array([0.0]), mass=4.0e6, dist=8.0e3)
        pos = pos[0]         # in arcsec
        vel = vel[0] / 10**3 # convert to arcsec/yr
        acc = acc[0] / 10**3 # convert to arcsec/yr^2

        r2d = math.sqrt(pos[0]**2 + pos[1]**2)

        # Impose our observing limits
        if (r2d < binsIn[0]) or (r2d > binsIn[-1]):
            skipped[nn] = 1

        tmp = np.where(binsIn > r2d)[0]
        errIdx = tmp[0] - 1

        # Set noisey positions
        xerr[nn] = xerrDist[errIdx]
        yerr[nn] = yerrDist[errIdx]
        x[nn] = np.random.normal(pos[0], xerr[nn])
        y[nn] = np.random.normal(pos[1], yerr[nn])
        # Set noisy velocities
        errCnt = len(vxerrDist)
        vxerr[nn] = vxerrDist[errIdx][ int(math.floor(vxerrRand[nn] * errCnt)) ]
        vyerr[nn] = vyerrDist[errIdx][ int(math.floor(vyerrRand[nn] * errCnt)) ]
        vzerr[nn] = vzerrDist[errIdx][ int(math.floor(vzerrRand[nn] * errCnt)) ]

        # Convert radial velocity into km/s
        vel[2] *= 8.0 * cc.cm_in_au / (1e5 * cc.sec_in_yr)

        vx[nn] = np.random.normal(vel[0], vxerr[nn])
        vy[nn] = np.random.normal(vel[1], vyerr[nn])
        vz[nn] = np.random.normal(vel[2], vzerr[nn])

        # Set noisy accelerations ONLY for close in stars

        if (errIdx <= 1):
            # Close in stars have acceleration constraints
            axerr[nn] = axerrDist[errIdx][ int(math.floor(axerrRand[nn] * errCnt)) ]
            ayerr[nn] = ayerrDist[errIdx][ int(math.floor(ayerrRand[nn] * errCnt)) ]
            ax[nn] = np.random.normal(acc[0], axerr[nn])
            ay[nn] = np.random.normal(acc[1], ayerr[nn])
            axerr[nn] = 0.0
            ayerr[nn] = 0.0
            ax[nn] = 0.0
            ay[nn] = 0.0

    useIdx = np.where(skipped == 0)[0]
    finalTotal = len(useIdx)
    skipCount = N - finalTotal
    print 'Skipped %d, Final Total %d' % (skipCount, finalTotal)

    x = x[useIdx]
    y = y[useIdx]
    vx = vx[useIdx]
    vy = vy[useIdx]
    vz = vz[useIdx]
    ax = ax[useIdx]
    ay = ay[useIdx]

    xerr = xerr[useIdx]
    yerr = yerr[useIdx]
    vxerr = vxerr[useIdx]
    vyerr = vyerr[useIdx]
    vzerr = vzerr[useIdx]
    axerr = axerr[useIdx]
    ayerr = ayerr[useIdx]

    #print 'x  = ', x[-1], xerr[-1]
    #print 'y  = ', y[-1], yerr[-1]
    #print 'vx = ', vx[-1], vxerr[-1]
    #print 'vy = ', vy[-1], vyerr[-1]
    #print 'vz = ', vz[-1], vzerr[-1]
    #print 'ax = ', ax[-1], axerr[-1]
    #print 'ay = ', ay[-1], ayerr[-1]

    # Verify that we get the expected 2D distribution back out again
    checkSurfaceDensity(x, y, outdir)

    # Write to output file
    _out = open(outdir + '/isotropic_stars.dat', 'w')
    pickle.dump((x, xerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((y, yerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((vx, vxerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((vy, vyerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((vz, vzerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((ax, axerr), _out)
    pickle.dump((ay, ayerr), _out)
