コード例 #1
def cossim(vec1, vec2):
    vec1, vec2 = dict(vec1), dict(vec2)
    if not vec1 or not vec2:
        return 0.0
    vec1len = 1.0 * math.sqrt(sum(val * val for val in itervalues(vec1)))
    vec2len = 1.0 * math.sqrt(sum(val * val for val in itervalues(vec2)))
    assert vec1len > 0.0 and vec2len > 0.0, "sparse documents must not contain any explicit zero entries"
    if len(vec2) < len(vec1):
        vec1, vec2 = vec2, vec1 # swap references so that we iterate over the shorter vector
    result = sum(value * vec2.get(index, 0.0) for index, value in iteritems(vec1))
    result /= vec1len * vec2len # rescale by vector lengths
    return result
コード例 #2
ファイル: dictionary.py プロジェクト: biddyweb/gensim
    def filter_extremes(self, no_below=5, no_above=0.5, keep_n=100000):
        Filter out tokens that appear in

        1. less than `no_below` documents (absolute number) or
        2. more than `no_above` documents (fraction of total corpus size, *not*
           absolute number).
        3. after (1) and (2), keep only the first `keep_n` most frequent tokens (or
           keep all if `None`).

        After the pruning, shrink resulting gaps in word ids.

        **Note**: Due to the gap shrinking, the same word may have a different
        word id before and after the call to this function!
        no_above_abs = int(no_above * self.num_docs) # convert fractional threshold to absolute threshold

        # determine which tokens to keep
        good_ids = (v for v in itervalues(self.token2id)
                      if no_below <= self.dfs[v] <= no_above_abs)
        good_ids = sorted(good_ids, key=self.dfs.get, reverse=True)
        if keep_n is not None:
            good_ids = good_ids[:keep_n]
        logger.info("keeping %i tokens which were in no less than %i and no more than %i (=%.1f%%) documents" %
                     (len(good_ids), no_below, no_above_abs, 100.0 * no_above))

        # do the actual filtering, then rebuild dictionary to remove gaps in ids
        logger.info("resulting dictionary: %s" % self)
コード例 #3
    def filter_extremes(self, no_below=5, no_above=0.5, keep_n=100000):
        Filter out tokens that appear in

        1. less than `no_below` documents (absolute number) or
        2. more than `no_above` documents (fraction of total corpus size, *not*
           absolute number).
        3. after (1) and (2), keep only the first `keep_n` most frequent tokens (or
           keep all if `None`).

        After the pruning, shrink resulting gaps in word ids.

        **Note**: Due to the gap shrinking, the same word may have a different
        word id before and after the call to this function!
        no_above_abs = int(
            no_above * self.num_docs
        )  # convert fractional threshold to absolute threshold

        # determine which tokens to keep
        good_ids = (v for v in itervalues(self.token2id)
                    if no_below <= self.dfs[v] <= no_above_abs)
        good_ids = sorted(good_ids, key=self.dfs.get, reverse=True)
        if keep_n is not None:
            good_ids = good_ids[:keep_n]
            "keeping %i tokens which were in no less than %i and no more than %i (=%.1f%%) documents"
            % (len(good_ids), no_below, no_above_abs, 100.0 * no_above))

        # do the actual filtering, then rebuild dictionary to remove gaps in ids
        logger.info("resulting dictionary: %s" % self)
コード例 #4
ファイル: word2vec.py プロジェクト: EricChanBD/gensim
    def create_binary_tree(self):
        Create a binary Huffman tree using stored vocabulary word counts. Frequent words
        will have shorter binary codes. Called internally from `build_vocab()`.

        logger.info("constructing a huffman tree from %i words" % len(self.vocab))

        # build the huffman tree
        heap = list(itervalues(self.vocab))
        for i in xrange(len(self.vocab) - 1):
            min1, min2 = heapq.heappop(heap), heapq.heappop(heap)
            heapq.heappush(heap, Vocab(count=min1.count + min2.count, index=i + len(self.vocab), left=min1, right=min2))

        # recurse over the tree, assigning a binary code to each vocabulary word
        if heap:
            max_depth, stack = 0, [(heap[0], [], [])]
            while stack:
                node, codes, points = stack.pop()
                if node.index < len(self.vocab):
                    # leaf node => store its path from the root
                    node.code, node.point = codes, points
                    max_depth = max(len(codes), max_depth)
                    # inner node => continue recursion
                    points = array(list(points) + [node.index - len(self.vocab)], dtype=uint32)
                    stack.append((node.left, array(list(codes) + [0], dtype=uint8), points))
                    stack.append((node.right, array(list(codes) + [1], dtype=uint8), points))

            logger.info("built huffman tree with maximum node depth %i" % max_depth)
コード例 #5
ファイル: matutils.py プロジェクト: EricChanBD/gensim
def sparse2full(doc, length):
    Convert a document in sparse corpus format (sequence of 2-tuples) into a dense
    numpy array (of size `length`).
    result = numpy.zeros(length, dtype=numpy.float32) # fill with zeroes (default value)
    doc = dict(doc)
    # overwrite some of the zeroes with explicit values
    result[list(doc)] = list(itervalues(doc))
    return result
コード例 #6
def sparse2full(doc, length):
    Convert a document in sparse corpus format (sequence of 2-tuples) into a dense
    numpy array (of size `length`).
    result = numpy.zeros(
        length, dtype=numpy.float32)  # fill with zeroes (default value)
    doc = dict(doc)
    # overwrite some of the zeroes with explicit values
    result[list(doc)] = list(itervalues(doc))
    return result
コード例 #7
ファイル: word2vec.py プロジェクト: wsgan001/pTopMod
    def create_binary_tree(self):
        Create a binary Huffman tree using stored vocabulary word counts. Frequent words
        will have shorter binary codes. Called internally from `build_vocab()`.

        logger.info("constructing a huffman tree from %i words" %

        # build the huffman tree
        heap = list(itervalues(self.vocab))
        for i in xrange(len(self.vocab) - 1):
            min1, min2 = heapq.heappop(heap), heapq.heappop(heap)
                Vocab(count=min1.count + min2.count,
                      index=i + len(self.vocab),

        # recurse over the tree, assigning a binary code to each vocabulary word
        if heap:
            max_depth, stack = 0, [(heap[0], [], [])]
            while stack:
                node, codes, points = stack.pop()
                if node.index < len(self.vocab):
                    # leaf node => store its path from the root
                    node.code, node.point = codes, points
                    max_depth = max(len(codes), max_depth)
                    # inner node => continue recursion
                    points = array(list(points) +
                                   [node.index - len(self.vocab)],
                        (node.left, array(list(codes) + [0],
                                          dtype=uint8), points))
                        (node.right, array(list(codes) + [1],
                                           dtype=uint8), points))

            logger.info("built huffman tree with maximum node depth %i" %
コード例 #8
    def compactify(self):
        Assign new word ids to all words.

        This is done to make the ids more compact, e.g. after some tokens have
        been removed via :func:`filter_tokens` and there are gaps in the id series.
        Calling this method will remove the gaps.
        logger.debug("rebuilding dictionary, shrinking gaps")

        # build mapping from old id -> new id
        idmap = dict(
            izip(itervalues(self.token2id), xrange(len(self.token2id))))

        # reassign mappings to new ids
        self.token2id = dict((token, idmap[tokenid])
                             for token, tokenid in iteritems(self.token2id))
        self.id2token = {}
        self.dfs = dict(
            (idmap[tokenid], freq) for tokenid, freq in iteritems(self.dfs))
コード例 #9
ファイル: dictionary.py プロジェクト: biddyweb/gensim
    def compactify(self):
        Assign new word ids to all words.

        This is done to make the ids more compact, e.g. after some tokens have
        been removed via :func:`filter_tokens` and there are gaps in the id series.
        Calling this method will remove the gaps.
        logger.debug("rebuilding dictionary, shrinking gaps")

        # build mapping from old id -> new id
        idmap = dict(izip(itervalues(self.token2id),

        # reassign mappings to new ids
        self.token2id = dict((token, idmap[tokenid])
                             for token, tokenid in iteritems(self.token2id))
        self.id2token = {}
        self.dfs = dict((idmap[tokenid], freq)
                        for tokenid, freq in iteritems(self.dfs))
コード例 #10
ファイル: temp.py プロジェクト: MichiganNLP/TextSimilarity
    def accuracy(self, questions, restrict_vocab=30000):
        Compute accuracy of the model. `questions` is a filename where lines are
        4-tuples of words, split into sections by ": SECTION NAME" lines.
        See https://code.google.com/p/word2vec/source/browse/trunk/questions-words.txt for an example.

        The accuracy is reported (=printed to log and returned as a list) for each
        section separately, plus there's one aggregate summary at the end.

        Use `restrict_vocab` to ignore all questions containing a word whose frequency
        is not in the top-N most frequent words (default top 30,000).

        This method corresponds to the `compute-accuracy` script of the original C word2vec.

        ok_vocab = dict(sorted(iteritems(self.vocab),
                               key=lambda item: -item[1].count)[:restrict_vocab])
        ok_index = set(v.index for v in itervalues(ok_vocab))

        def log_accuracy(section):
            correct, incorrect = section['correct'], section['incorrect']
            if correct + incorrect > 0:
                logger.info("%s: %.1f%% (%i/%i)" %
                    (section['section'], 100.0 * correct / (correct + incorrect),
                    correct, correct + incorrect))

        sections, section = [], None
        for line_no, line in enumerate(open(questions)):
            # TODO: use level3 BLAS (=evaluate multiple questions at once), for speed
            if line.startswith(': '):
                # a new section starts => store the old section
                if section:
                section = {'section': line.lstrip(': ').strip(), 'correct': 0, 'incorrect': 0}
                if not section:
                    raise ValueError("missing section header before line #%i in %s" % (line_no, questions))
                    a, b, c, expected = [word.lower() for word in line.split()]  # TODO assumes vocabulary preprocessing uses lowercase, too...
                    logger.info("skipping invalid line #%i in %s" % (line_no, questions))
                if a not in ok_vocab or b not in ok_vocab or c not in ok_vocab or expected not in ok_vocab:
                    logger.debug("skipping line #%i with OOV words: %s" % (line_no, line))

                ignore = set(self.vocab[v].index for v in [a, b, c])  # indexes of words to ignore
                predicted = None
                # find the most likely prediction, ignoring OOV words and input words
                for index in argsort(self.most_similar(positive=[b, c], negative=[a], topn=False))[::-1]:
                    if index in ok_index and index not in ignore:
                        predicted = self.index2word[index]
                        if predicted != expected:
                            logger.debug("%s: expected %s, predicted %s" % (line.strip(), expected, predicted))
                section['correct' if predicted == expected else 'incorrect'] += 1
        if section:
            # store the last section, too

        total = {'section': 'total', 'correct': sum(s['correct'] for s in sections), 'incorrect': sum(s['incorrect'] for s in sections)}
        return sections
コード例 #11
ファイル: temp.py プロジェクト: MichiganNLP/TextSimilarity
    def train(self, sentences, total_words=None, word_count=0, chunksize=100):
        Update the model's neural weights from a sequence of sentences (can be a once-only generator stream).
        Each sentence must be a list of utf8 strings.

        if FAST_VERSION < 0:
            import warnings
            warnings.warn("Cython compilation failed, training will be slow. Do you have Cython installed? `pip install cython`")
        logger.info("training model with %i workers on %i vocabulary and %i features" % (self.workers, len(self.vocab), self.layer1_size))

        if not self.vocab:
            raise RuntimeError("you must first build vocabulary before training the model")

        start, next_report = time.time(), [1.0]
        word_count, total_words = [word_count], total_words or sum(v.count for v in itervalues(self.vocab))
        jobs = Queue(maxsize=2 * self.workers)  # buffer ahead only a limited number of jobs.. this is the reason we can't simply use ThreadPool :(
        lock = threading.Lock()  # for shared state (=number of words trained so far, log reports...)

        def worker_train():
            """Train the model, lifting lists of sentences from the jobs queue."""
            work = zeros(self.layer1_size, dtype=REAL)  # each thread must have its own work memory
            neu1 = matutils.zeros_aligned(self.layer1_size, dtype=REAL)

            while True:
                job = jobs.get()
                if job is None:  # data finished, exit
                # update the learning rate before every job
                alpha = max(self.min_alpha, self.alpha * (1 - 1.0 * word_count[0] / total_words))
                # how many words did we train on? out-of-vocabulary (unknown) words do not count
                if self.sg:
                    job_words = sum(train_sentence_sg(self, sentence, alpha, work) for sentence in job)
                    job_words = sum(train_sentence_cbow(self, sentence, alpha, work, neu1) for sentence in job)
                with lock:
                    word_count[0] += job_words
                    elapsed = time.time() - start
                    if elapsed >= next_report[0]:
                        logger.info("PROGRESS: at %.2f%% words, alpha %.05f, %.0f words/s" %
                            (100.0 * word_count[0] / total_words, alpha, word_count[0] / elapsed if elapsed else 0.0))
                        next_report[0] = elapsed + 1.0  # don't flood the log, wait at least a second between progress reports

        workers = [threading.Thread(target=worker_train) for _ in xrange(self.workers)]
        for thread in workers:
            thread.daemon = True  # make interrupting the process with ctrl+c easier

        # convert input strings to Vocab objects (or None for OOV words), and start filling the jobs queue
        no_oov = ([self.vocab.get(word, None) for word in sentence] for sentence in sentences)
        for job_no, job in enumerate(utils.grouper(no_oov, chunksize)):
            logger.debug("putting job #%i in the queue, qsize=%i" % (job_no, jobs.qsize()))
        logger.info("reached the end of input; waiting to finish %i outstanding jobs" % jobs.qsize())
        for _ in xrange(self.workers):
            jobs.put(None)  # give the workers heads up that they can finish -- no more work!

        for thread in workers:

        elapsed = time.time() - start
        logger.info("training on %i words took %.1fs, %.0f words/s" %
            (word_count[0], elapsed, word_count[0] / elapsed if elapsed else 0.0))

        return word_count[0]