class OsmApi: def __init__(self): self.client = Connection(host="mongomaster") self.proj = GlobalMercator() def getTile(self, zoom, x, y): (x, y) = self.proj.GoogleTile(x, y, zoom) quadkey = self.proj.QuadTree(x, y, zoom) print "Querying for %s." % (quadkey, ) (minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon) = self.proj.TileLatLonBounds(x, y, zoom) # Nodes in the tile nodes = {} cursor = self.client.osm.nodes.find( {'qk': { '$regex': "^%s" % (quadkey, ) }}) for row in cursor: nodes[row['_id']] = row # Ways with nodes in the tile ways = {} cursor = self.client.osm.ways.find( {'loc': { '$regex': "^%s" % (quadkey, ) }}) for row in cursor: ways[row['_id']] = row # Nodes on ways that extend beyond the bounding box otherNids = set() for way in ways.values(): for nid in way['nodes']: otherNids.add(nid) cursor = self.client.osm.nodes.find({'_id': {'$in': list(otherNids)}}) for row in cursor: nodes[row['_id']] = row # Relations that contain any of the above as members relations = {} # Sort the results by id nodes = sorted(nodes.iteritems()) ways = sorted(ways.iteritems()) relations = sorted(relations.iteritems()) doc = { 'bounds': { 'minlat': minlat, 'minlon': minlon, 'maxlat': maxlat, 'maxlon': maxlon }, 'nodes': nodes, 'ways': ways, 'relations': relations } return doc
def main(tiles_path, db_file, groups, zoom_levels): merc = GlobalMercator() # Set-up the output db conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file) c = conn.cursor() for zoom in [zoom_levels]: #TODO zoom levels results_set = c.execute("select x, y, quadkey, group_type from people_by_group order by quadkey asc, rand asc" ) use_ellipse, radius_rel, gamma, os_scale = STYLE[zoom] radius = os_scale*radius_rel/4/2 quadkey = None img = None for i,r in enumerate(results_set): if (i % 1000 == 0): print i x = float(r[0]) y = float(r[1]) next_quadkey = r[2][:zoom] group = r[3] if next_quadkey != quadkey: #finish last tile if img: save_tile(img, tiles_path, zoom, gtx, gty) quadkey = next_quadkey tx, ty = merc.MetersToTile(x, y, zoom) gtx, gty = merc.GoogleTile(tx,ty,zoom) img ="RGB", (TILE_X*os_scale, TILE_Y*os_scale), "white") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) minx, miny, maxx, maxy = (c/A for c in merc.TileBounds(tx, ty, zoom)) xscale = (TILE_X*os_scale)/(maxx - minx) yscale = (TILE_Y*os_scale)/(maxy - miny) #print 'minx', minx, 'miny', miny, 'maxx', maxx, 'maxy', maxy #print 'xscale',xscale,'yscale',yscale #print 'x',x,'y',y,'tx',tx,'ty',ty # Translate coordinates to tile-relative, google ready coordinates rx = (x/A - minx)*xscale ry = (maxy - y/A)*yscale fill=ImageColor.getrgb(groups[group]['color']) if use_ellipse: draw.ellipse((rx-radius,ry-radius,rx+radius,ry+radius), fill=fill) else: draw.point((rx, ry), fill=fill) #print "Draw at ", (rx-radius,ry-radius,rx+radius,ry+radius), ImageColor.getrgb(groups[group]['color']) save_tile(img, tiles_path, zoom, gtx, gty) save_defined_tiles(tiles_path)
def GetGridID(Coord): lat=Coord[0]/1000 lon=Coord[1]/1000 tz=8 mercator = GlobalMercator() mx, my = mercator.LatLonToMeters( Coord[0]/1000.0, Coord[1]/1000.0 ) tx, ty = mercator.MetersToTile( mx, my, tz ) gx, gy = mercator.GoogleTile(tx, ty, tz) #print "\tGoogle:", gx, gy #print tx, ty return ("%03d" % gx)+("%03d" % gy)
pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=total_tiles).start() tile_list = [] for ty in range(tminy, tmaxy + 1): for tx in range(tminx, tmaxx + 1): tile_list.append([tx, ty]) print("Downloading images ...") nthreads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nthreads) for i, _ in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(process_tile, tile_list), 1): pbar.update(i) print("merging images ...") nthreads = 1 gtx0, gty0 = mercator.GoogleTile(tminx, tminy, tz) debug_print("create image of size: %d, %d" % ((tmaxx - tminx + 1) * actual_tile_size, (tmaxy - tminy + 1) * actual_tile_size)) new_im ='RGB', ((tmaxx - tminx + 1) * actual_tile_size, (tmaxy - tminy + 1) * actual_tile_size)) for tile_pair in tile_list: merge_images(tile_pair) print("saving image ..."), "JPEG") if tif_output: # to geotif lefttop_minlat, lefttop_minlon, lefttop_maxlat, lefttop_maxlon = mercator.TileLatLonBounds( tminx, tminy, tz)
def getTile(self, zoomlevel): mercator = GlobalMercator() mx, my = mercator.LatLonToMeters(, self.lon) tminx, tminy = mercator.MetersToTile(mx, my, zoomlevel) gx, gy = mercator.GoogleTile(tminx, tminy, zoomlevel) #+1? return gx, gy, zoomlevel
root = options.destination + '/' + str(z) try: if os.path.exists(root) == False: os.makedirs(root) except: print "Could not create destination. It may already exist." for x in range(xarr[0], xarr[1] + 1): for y in range(yarr[0], yarr[1] + 1): gx = x gy = y xdir = root + '/' + str(x) if os.path.exists(xdir) == False: os.makedirs(xdir) if options.inverty == 'false': gx, gy = gm.GoogleTile(x, y, z) url = options.template.format(z=options.zoom, x=gx, y=gy) #y2 = y - 303 fname = xdir + '/' + str(y) + extension xscale, xshift, yshift, yscale, xorigin, yorigin = gm.WorldFileParameters( x, y, z) try: image = urllib.URLopener() image.retrieve(url, fname) newline = str(xscale) + '\n' + str(xshift) + '\n' + str( yshift) + '\n' + str(yscale) + '\n' + str( xorigin) + '\n' + str(yorigin) file = open(xdir + '/' + str(y) + wf, 'w') file.write(newline) file.close() except:
tminx, tminy = mercator.MetersToTile(mx, my, tz) if boundingbox: mx, my = mercator.LatLonToMeters(latmax, lonmax) print "Spherical Mercator (ESPG:900913) cooridnate for maxlat/maxlon: " print(mx, my) tmaxx, tmaxy = mercator.MetersToTile(mx, my, tz) else: tmaxx, tmaxy = tminx, tminy for ty in range(tminy, tmaxy + 1): for tx in range(tminx, tmaxx + 1): tilefilename = "%s/%s/%s" % (tz, tx, ty) print tilefilename, "( TileMapService: z / x / y )" gx, gy = mercator.GoogleTile(tx, ty, tz) print "\tGoogle:", gx, gy quadkey = mercator.QuadTree(tx, ty, tz) print "\tQuadkey:", quadkey, '(', int(quadkey, 4), ')' bounds = mercator.TileBounds(tx, ty, tz) print print "\tEPSG:900913 Extent: ", bounds wgsbounds = mercator.TileLatLonBounds(tx, ty, tz) print "\tWGS84 Extent:", wgsbounds print "\tgdalwarp -ts 256 256 -te %s %s %s %s %s %s_%s_%s.tif" % ( bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2], bounds[3], "<your-raster-file-in-epsg900913.ext>", tz, tx, ty) print ########NEW FILE########
class Downloader(object): ''' Based on ''' def __init__(self, mapdir, minzoom, maxzoom): self.mercator = GlobalMercator(256) self.minzoom = minzoom self.maxzoom = maxzoom self.TopRightLat = None self.TopRightLon = None self.BottomLeftLat = None self.BottomLeftLon = None self.mminx = None self.mminy = None self.mmaxx = None self.mmaxy = None self.mapdir = mapdir = Queue.Queue() def download(self, toprightlat, toprightlon, bottomleftlat, bottomleftlon): self.TopRightLat = toprightlat self.TopRightLon = toprightlon self.BottomLeftLat = bottomleftlat self.BottomLeftLon = bottomleftlon self.mminx, self.mminy = self.mercator.LatLonToMeters( toprightlat, toprightlon) self.mmaxx, self.mmaxy = self.mercator.LatLonToMeters( bottomleftlat, bottomleftlon) map(self.addJobForZoom, range(self.minzoom, self.maxzoom + 1)) self.runJobs() def addJobForZoom(self, zoom): tminx, tminy = self.mercator.MetersToTile(self.mminx, self.mminy, zoom) tmaxx, tmaxy = self.mercator.MetersToTile(self.mmaxx, self.mmaxy, zoom) if tminx > tmaxx: tminx, tmaxx = tmaxx, tminx if tminy > tmaxy: tminy, tmaxy = tmaxy, tminy for tx in range(tminx, tmaxx + 1): for ty in range(tminy, tmaxy + 1): gx, gy = self.mercator.GoogleTile(tx, ty, zoom){'x': gx, 'y': gy, 'z': zoom}) def runJobs(self): workers = [] for threadNum in range(0, MAX_THREADS): subdownloader = self.SubDownloader(self) workers.append(subdownloader) workers[-1].start() for worker in workers: worker.join(20) print "Finished!" class SubDownloader(Thread): def __init__(self, parent): Thread.__init__(self) self.parent = parent def run(self): while 1: try: job = except Queue.Empty: return mt = random.randrange(0, 4) filename = '%i/gm_%i_%i_%i.png' % (job['z'], job['x'], job['y'], job['z']) if os.path.isfile('%s%s' % (self.parent.mapdir, filename)): # print "skippnig", filename, "left:", continue if not os.path.isdir('%s%s' % (self.parent.mapdir, job['z'])): os.mkdir('%s%s' % (self.parent.mapdir, job['z'])) # url = '' % ( mt, job['x'], job['y'], job['z']) try: tile = urllib2.urlopen(url=url, timeout=20).read() except: # print "Can't open", url, "left:", continue fh = open(filename, 'wb') fh.write(tile) fh.close()
print(result) result = gm.MetersToLatLon(meters['mx'], meters['my']) print(result) result = gm.MetersToPixels(meters['mx'], meters['my'], zoom) print(result) result = gm.PixelsToTile(pixels['px'], pixels['py']) print(result) result = gm.PixelsToMeters(pixels['px'], pixels['py'], zoom) print(result) result = gm.TileBounds(tile['tx'], tile['ty'], zoom) print(result) result = gm.LatLonToTile(geographic['lat'], geographic['lon'], zoom) print(result) result = gm.MetersToTile(meters['mx'], meters['my'], zoom) print(result) result = gm.GoogleTile(tile['tx'], tile['ty'], zoom) print(result) result = gm.QuadTree(tile['tx'], tile['ty'], zoom) print(result) tx, ty, zoom = gm.QuadKeyToTile(quadKey) print(tx, ty, zoom)
class TileGrid(object): #def __init__(self, parentgeometry, bearing = 0.0, zoomlevel = 16, lat = dec.Decimal('32.829608'), lon = dec.Decimal('35.080498')): #def __init__(self, parentgeometry, bearing = 0.0, zoomlevel = 16, lat = dec.Decimal('32.330347'), lon = dec.Decimal('34.851395')): def __init__(self, bearing=0.0, zoomlevel=16, lat=decimal.Decimal('32.018300'), lon=decimal.Decimal('34.898161'), parent=None): #set initial values self.parent = parent self.bearingSensitivity = decimal.Decimal('0.00001') self.bearing = bearing self.zoomlevel = zoomlevel = lat self.lon = lon self.gx, = None, None self.velocity = 0.0 self.sysPath = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "") self.mapPath = self.sysPath self.maxZoomLevel = 16 self.destlat = decimal.Decimal('32.776250') self.destlon = decimal.Decimal('35.028946') self.distance = 0 self.setBounds(parent.geometry().width(), parent.geometry().height()) self.halfboundx = math.ceil(self.boundx / 2) self.halfboundy = math.ceil(self.boundy / 2) #make GlobalMercator instance self.mercator = GlobalMercator() # create pathways self.refresh() def setMapPath(self, path): if path != "": self.mapPath = path + "/" print self.mapPath def setBounds(self, newx, newy): self.boundx, self.boundy = newx, newy # adding 16px to halfbounds height and width to display icons self.halfboundx = int(math.ceil(self.boundx / 2)) + 31 self.halfboundy = int(math.ceil(self.boundy / 2)) + 31 def getOffset(self): 'get pixel offset of coordinates from 0,0 of tile' offpx = self.px - self.tx * self.mercator.tileSize #the y pixel coordinate system begins from top offpy = self.mercator.tileSize - ( - self.ty * self.mercator.tileSize) return offpx, offpy def moveTo(self, lat, lon, calculateBearing=True): 'move position to lat, lon and update all properties' #update bearing from previous position if calculateBearing: if abs(lon - self.lon) > self.bearingSensitivity \ or abs(lat - > self.bearingSensitivity: self.bearing = math.degrees( math.atan2(lon - self.lon, lat - if self.bearing < 0: self.bearing += 360 = lat self.lon = lon #get meters from lat/lon mx, my = self.mercator.LatLonToMeters(float(, float(self.lon)) #dx, dy = self.mercator.LatLonToMeters( float(self.destlat), float(self.destlon) ) #self.distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(mx-dx, 2) + math.pow(my-dy, 2 )) #get pixels from meters self.px, = self.mercator.MetersToPixels(mx, my, self.zoomlevel) #get tile from pixels self.tx, self.ty = self.mercator.PixelsToTile(int(self.px), int( #get google tile self.gx, = self.mercator.GoogleTile(self.tx, self.ty, self.zoomlevel) #update offset of tile self.offpx, self.offpy = self.getOffset() #TODO: calculate loadRect bounds for peripherial tiles self.sizex = int(math.ceil(self.boundx / self.mercator.tileSize)) + 1 self.sizey = int(math.ceil(self.boundy / self.mercator.tileSize)) + 1 halfdeltax = int(math.ceil(self.sizex / 2)) + 1 halfdeltay = int(math.ceil(self.sizey / 2)) + 1 self.images = set() offtilex = halfdeltax * self.mercator.tileSize + self.offpx for x in range(self.gx - halfdeltax, self.gx + halfdeltax + 1): offtiley = halfdeltay * self.mercator.tileSize + self.offpy for y in range( - halfdeltay, + halfdeltay + 1): fname = "%i/gm_%i_%i_%i.png" % (self.zoomlevel, x, y, self.zoomlevel) if not QtCore.QFile.exists(self.mapPath + fname): fname = "404.png" self.images.add((QtCore.QPointF(-offtilex, -offtiley), fname)) offtiley -= self.mercator.tileSize offtilex -= self.mercator.tileSize # print fname self.bounds = { 'TL': (self.px - self.halfboundx, - self.halfboundy), 'TR': (self.px + self.halfboundx, - self.halfboundy), 'BR': (self.px + self.halfboundx, + self.halfboundy), 'BL': (self.px - self.halfboundx, + self.halfboundy) } self.pathways = QtGui.QPolygonF() # create waypoints icons self.visible_waypoints = set() for wp in self.waypoints_pixels: x = wp[0] - self.px y = - wp[1] self.pathways.append(QtCore.QPointF(x, y)) if self.isVisible(wp): self.visible_waypoints.add(QtCore.QPointF(x - 15, y - 32)) # print self.waypoints_pixels def isVisible(self, wp): return wp[0] > self.bounds['TL'][0] and \ wp[0] < self.bounds['TR'][0] and \ wp[1] > self.bounds['TL'][1] and \ wp[1] < self.bounds['BL'][1] def refresh(self): self.waypoints_pixels = set() for wp in self.parent.waypoint: wpm = self.mercator.LatLonToMeters(wp[0], wp[1]) wppx = self.mercator.MetersToPixels(wpm[0], wpm[1], self.zoomlevel) self.waypoints_pixels.add(wppx) self.moveTo(, self.lon) def setZoom(self, zoom): self.zoomlevel = zoom self.refresh() def zoomIn(self): if self.zoomlevel < self.maxZoomLevel: self.zoomlevel += 1 self.refresh() def zoomOut(self): if self.zoomlevel > 0: self.zoomlevel -= 1 self.refresh() def setBearing(self, bear): self.bearing = bear def setVelocity(self, vel): self.velocity = vel