コード例 #1
    def test_init(self):
        """Tests the __init__() function of the AttractorField"""
        # testing without args:
        field = AttractorField()

        # testing with provided occupancy_grid:
        field = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid)
        self.assertTrue((field._occupancy_grid == self.occupancy_grid).all())
        self.assertEqual((self.N, self.M), field._grid_shape)
        self.assertTrue((np.array([self.N, self.M]) == field._grid_shape_arr).all())

        # testing with provided goal:
        field = AttractorField(goal=self.goal)
        self.assertTrue((field._goal == self.goal).all())

        # testing with provided occupancy grid and goal:
        field = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid, goal=self.goal)
        self.assertTrue((field._occupancy_grid == self.occupancy_grid).all())
        self.assertTrue((field._goal == self.goal).all())
        self.assertEqual((self.N, self.M), field._grid_shape)
        self.assertTrue((np.array([self.N, self.M]) == field._grid_shape_arr).all())
コード例 #2
    def test_update_occupancy_grid(self):
        """Tests the update_occupancy_grid method of the AttractorField"""
        # testing without original occupancy grid:
        field = AttractorField(goal=self.goal)
        self.assertTrue((field._occupancy_grid == self.occupancy_grid).all())
        self.assertEqual((self.N, self.M), field._grid_shape)
        self.assertTrue((np.array([self.N, self.M]) == field._grid_shape_arr).all())

        # testing with original occupancy grid:
        field = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid, goal=self.goal)

        # test wrong shape assertion:
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            field.update_field(np.zeros((self.N - 1, self.M)))

        # check if nothing has changed:
        new_grid = self.occupancy_grid.copy()
        self.assertTrue((field._occupancy_grid == new_grid).all())
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            a = field._changed_indices

        # check if something has changed:
        new_grid[5, 5] = 1
        new_grid[0, 3] = 0
        etalon_changes = np.sort(np.array([[5, 5], [0, 3]]), axis=0)
        changes = np.sort(np.array(field._changed_indices), axis=0)
        self.assertTrue((field._occupancy_grid == new_grid).all())
        self.assertEqual(len(field._changed_indices), 2)
        i = 0
        for ind in changes:
            self.assertTrue((ind == etalon_changes[i]).all())
            i += 1
コード例 #3
    def test_init_field(self):
        """Tests the _init_field method of the AttractorField"""
        # testing without args:
        field = AttractorField()
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        # testing with provided occupancy grid:
        field = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid)
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        # testing with provided goal:
        field = AttractorField(goal=self.goal)
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

        # testing with everything provided:
        field = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid, goal=self.goal)
コード例 #4
    def test_expand_pixel(self):
        """Tests the _expand_pixel method of the AttractorField"""

        # if expanding again any pixels without changing their values, nothing should change:
        # field1 is left as it was and field2 is modified.
        field1 = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid, goal=self.goal)
        field2 = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid, goal=self.goal)

        for ind in [[1, 1], [5, 5], [3, 7], [8, 1], [8, 4]]:
            for i in range(self.N):
                for j in range(self.M):
                    self.assertEqual(field1._field[i, j].value, field2._field[i, j].value)
                    self.assertTrue((field1._field[i, j].grad == field2._field[i, j].grad).all())

        ### placing an obstacle and then removing it from field2: ###
        occ_grid = self.occupancy_grid.copy()
        occ_grid[7, 5] = 1
        field1 = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=occ_grid, goal=self.goal)
        field2 = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=occ_grid, goal=self.goal)

        field2._field[7, 5].value = 0
        field2._expand_pixel(np.array([6, 5]))

        # indices where the value did not change:
        for ind in [(5, 5), (6, 5), (6, 6), (7, 6), (8, 6), (9, 6), (6, 4), (7, 4), (8, 4), (9, 4), (9, 5)]:
            self.assertEqual(field1._field[ind].value, field2._field[ind].value)

        # indices where the gradient did not change:
        for ind in [(5, 5), (6, 5), (6, 6), (7, 7), (8, 7), (9, 7), (6, 4), (7, 3), (8, 3), (9, 3)]:
            self.assertEqual(field1._field[ind].value, field2._field[ind].value)
            self.assertTrue((field1._field[ind].grad == field2._field[ind].grad).all())

        # indices where the value has changed:
        self.assertEqual(field1._field[6, 5].value - 1, field2._field[7, 5].value)
        self.assertEqual(field1._field[8, 5].value + 2, field2._field[8, 5].value)

        # some indices with different gradients:
        self.assertTrue((field2._field[7, 5].grad == np.array([-1, 0])).all())
        self.assertTrue((field2._field[8, 5].grad == np.array([-1, 0])).all())
        self.assertTrue((field2._field[7, 6].grad == np.array([-1 / np.sqrt(2), -1 / np.sqrt(2)])).all())
        self.assertTrue((field2._field[8, 6].grad == np.array([-1 / np.sqrt(2), -1 / np.sqrt(2)])).all())
        self.assertTrue((field2._field[7, 4].grad == np.array([-1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)])).all())
        self.assertTrue((field2._field[8, 4].grad == np.array([-1 / np.sqrt(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2)])).all())
コード例 #5
    def test_set_new_goal(self):
        """Tests the set_new_goal method of the AttractorField"""

        field = AttractorField()
        # checking assertion errors:
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            field.set_new_goal(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
            field.set_new_goal(np.array([[1, 1]]))
        # checking goal setting without occupancy_grid:
        self.assertTrue((field._goal == self.goal).all())

        # checking goal setting with occupancy grid:
        field = AttractorField()
        field._occupancy_grid = self.occupancy_grid
        self.assertTrue((field._goal == self.goal).all())
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, occupancy_grid, goal_pos, goal_ang, R, params):
        """Initializes the GradController object."""

        self._occupancy_grid = occupancy_grid
        self.set_new_goal(goal_pos, goal_ang)
        self._R = R

        # creating the attractive and repulsive gradient fields:
        self._attractor = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self._occupancy_grid,
        self._repulsive = RepulsiveField(occupancy_grid=self._occupancy_grid,

        # setting up some params based on the json file if provided:
コード例 #7
    def test_update_pixel(self):
        """Tests the _update_pixel method of the AttractorField"""

        field = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid, goal=self.goal)
        # setting some pixels:
        for ind in [(6, 5), (6, 6), (5, 6), (4, 6), (4, 5), (4, 4), (6, 4)]:
            field._field[ind].value = -3
        field._field[5, 4].value = -2

        # the pixel value is already bigger:
        field._field[5, 5].value = -1
        new_pix = field._field[5, 5]
        new_pix = field._update_pixel(new_pix)
        self.assertEqual(new_pix.value, -1)
        self.assertTrue((new_pix.grad == np.array([0, 0])).all())

        # the pixel value has to be changed:
        field._field[5, 5].value = -4
        new_pix = field._field[5, 5]
        new_pix = field._update_pixel(new_pix)
        self.assertEqual(new_pix.value, -3)
        self.assertTrue((new_pix.grad == np.array([0, -1])).all())
コード例 #8
    def test_list_expandable_indices(self):
        """Tests the _list_expandable_indices method of the AttractorField"""
        field = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid, goal=self.goal)
        field._changed_indices = [np.array([0, 5]), np.array([5, 5])]
        # expected list:
        etalon_indices = [np.array([1, 5]), np.array([4, 5]), np.array([6, 5]), np.array([5, 4]), np.array([5, 6])]

        # run function:
        indices = field._list_expandable_indices()

        # check if the list members are the same:
        self.assertEqual(len(etalon_indices), len(indices))
        for index in etalon_indices:
            self.assertTrue(array_is_in_list(index, indices))

        # check the order of the list:
        for i, index in enumerate(indices[: -1]):
            next_index = indices[i + 1]
            value = field._field[index[0], index[1]].value
            next_value = field._field[next_index[0], next_index[1]].value
            self.assertTrue(value >= next_value)
コード例 #9
    def test_update_occupancy_grid(self):
        """Tests the update_occupancy_grid method of the AttractorField"""

        # testing without original occupancy grid:
        field = AttractorField(goal=self.goal)
        self.assertTrue((field._occupancy_grid == self.occupancy_grid).all())
        self.assertEqual((self.N, self.M), field._grid_shape)
        self.assertTrue((np.array([self.N, self.M]) == field._grid_shape_arr).all())

        # testing with original occupancy grid:
        field = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=self.occupancy_grid, goal=self.goal)

        # test wrong shape assertion:
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            field.update_occupancy_grid(np.zeros((self.N - 1, self.M)))

        # check if nothing has changed:
        new_grid = self.occupancy_grid.copy()
        self.assertTrue((field._occupancy_grid == new_grid).all())
        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            a = field._changed_indices

        # check if something has changed:
        new_grid[5, 5] = 1
        new_grid[0, 3] = 0
        etalon_changes = np.sort(np.array([[5, 5], [0, 3]]), axis=0)
        changes = np.sort(np.array(field._changed_indices), axis=0)
        self.assertTrue((field._occupancy_grid == new_grid).all())
        self.assertEqual(len(field._changed_indices), 2)
        i = 0
        for ind in changes:
            self.assertTrue((ind == etalon_changes[i]).all())
            i += 1

        # Test with changes in the occupancy grid

        goal = np.array([3, 3])
        occ_grid_no_obst = self.occupancy_grid.copy()
        # occupancy grid with an U shaped obstacle:
        occ_grid_with_obst = self.occupancy_grid.copy()
        occ_grid_with_obst[6, 4: 7] = 1
        occ_grid_with_obst[7, 4] = 1
        occ_grid_with_obst[7, 6] = 1

        # testing the insertion of new obstacle:
        field1 = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=occ_grid_with_obst, goal=goal)
        field2 = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=occ_grid_no_obst, goal=goal)

        # testing the values:
        result_vals1 = get_values_from_field(field1._field)
        result_vals2 = get_values_from_field(field2._field)
        self.assertTrue((result_vals1 == result_vals2).all())

        # testing the grads:
        for i in range(self.N):
            for j in range(self.M):
                self.assertTrue((field1._field[i, j].grad == field2._field[i, j].grad).all())

        # testing when the obstacle dissappears:
        field1 = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=occ_grid_no_obst, goal=goal)
        field2 = AttractorField(occupancy_grid=occ_grid_with_obst, goal=goal)

        # testing the values:
        result_vals1 = get_values_from_field(field1._field)
        result_vals2 = get_values_from_field(field2._field)
        self.assertTrue((result_vals1 == result_vals2).all())

        # testing the grads:
        for i in range(self.N):
            for j in range(self.M):
                self.assertTrue((field1._field[i, j].grad == field2._field[i, j].grad).all())