コード例 #1
def main():
    # obtaining command line arguments for path to config directory
    args = parse_args()
    configuration_directory = os.path.abspath(

    # Configure logging
    logger = configure_logging(args['verbose'], args['logfile'])

    conf_file = os.path.join(configuration_directory, 'settings.ini')
    settings = gsm_lib.get_settings(conf_file)
    gsm_lib.read_config(configuration_directory, conf_file, settings)

    # Check if xml_formatting_transform.xsl file is present/properly set in
    # setting.ini
    message2 = "Please set it with appropriate value and restart execution. " \
               "For assistance refer config-example-gsm-input/settings.ini." \
               "\nProgram will now terminate..."
    if not settings.hasoption('xml_formatting_transform_xsl'):
        message = "Required parameter xml_formatting_transform_xsl is missing " \
                  "in settings.ini. " + message2
        raise gsm_lib.ConfigurationError(message)
    elif settings.xml_formatting_transform_xsl == "":
        message = "Required parameter xml_formatting_transform_xsl does not " \
                  "have a value in settings.ini. " + message2
        raise gsm_lib.ConfigurationError(message)
    elif not os.path.exists(
        message = "Required file xml_formatting_transform.xsl does not exist " \
                  "in {0}. Please make sure this file is included in the " \
                  "configuration directory and restart execution. For " \
                  "assistance refer config-example-gsm-input/xml_formatting_transform.xsl." \
                  "\nProgram will now terminate...".format(configuration_directory)
        raise gsm_lib.ConfigurationError(message)

    # Initialize Redcap Interface
    rt = redcap_transactions()
    rt.configuration_directory = configuration_directory

    properties = rt.init_redcap_interface(settings, logger)
    #get data from the redcap for the fields listed in the source_data_schema.xml
    response = rt.get_data_from_redcap(properties, logger)
    xml_tree = etree.fromstring(response)

    #XSL Transformation 1: This transformation removes junk data, rename elements and extracts site_id and adds new tag site_id
    transform_xsl = os.path.join(configuration_directory,
    xslt = etree.parse(transform_xsl)
    transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
    xml_transformed = transform(xml_tree)
    xml_str = etree.tostring(xml_transformed, method='xml', pretty_print=True)

    #XSL Transformation 2: This transformation groups the data based on site_id
    transform2_xsl = proj_root + 'bin/utils/groupby_siteid_transform.xsl'
    xslt = etree.parse(transform2_xsl)
    transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
    xml_transformed2 = transform(xml_transformed)

    #XSL Transformation 3: This transformation removes all the nodes which are not set
    transform3_xsl = proj_root + 'bin/utils/remove_junktags_transform.xsl'
    xslt = etree.parse(transform3_xsl)
    transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
    xml_transformed3 = transform(xml_transformed2)

    #Prettifying the output generated by XSL Transformation
    xml_str2 = etree.tostring(xml_transformed3,
    tree = etree.fromstring(xml_str2, etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True))

    # Loop through the start_date elements and update theur values
    for k in tree.iter('start_date'):
        d = datetime.datetime.strptime(k.text,
                                       "%Y-%m-%d").date() - timedelta(days=365)
        k.text = str(d)

    #writing data to smi+site_code.xml. This xml will be saved to sftp of the site as smi.xml
    do_keep_gen_files = args['keep']
    tmp_folder = gsm_lib.get_temp_path(do_keep_gen_files)

    subject_map_input = {}
    for k in tree:
        site_code = k.attrib['id']
        file_name = tmp_folder + 'smi' + site_code + '.xml'
        gsm_lib.write_element_tree_to_file(ET.ElementTree(k), file_name)
        subject_map_input[site_code] = file_name

    site_catalog_file = os.path.join(configuration_directory,
    parse_site_details_and_send(site_catalog_file, subject_map_input, logger,
                                settings, do_keep_gen_files)
コード例 #2
def main():
    # obtaining command line arguments for path to config directory
    args = parse_args()
    configuration_directory = os.path.abspath(args['configuration_directory_path'])

    if 'debug' in args:
        if args['debug']:
            debugging = args['debug']
            debugging = False
        debugging = False

    # Configure logging
    logger = configure_logging(args['verbose'], args['logfile'])

    conf_file = os.path.join(configuration_directory, 'settings.ini')
    settings = gsm_lib.get_settings(conf_file)
    gsm_lib.read_config(configuration_directory, conf_file, settings)

    if debugging:
        if settings.redcap_log_file:
            redcap_log_file = os.path.join(configuration_directory, settings.redcap_log_file)
            redcap_log_file = 'redcap.log.xml'

    # Check if xml_formatting_transform.xsl file is present/properly set in
    # setting.ini
    message2 = "Please set it with appropriate value and restart execution. " \
               "For assistance refer config-example-gsm-input/settings.ini." \
               "\nProgram will now terminate..."
    if not settings.hasoption('xml_formatting_transform_xsl'):
        message = "Required parameter xml_formatting_transform_xsl is missing " \
                  "in settings.ini. " + message2
        raise gsm_lib.ConfigurationError(message)
    elif settings.xml_formatting_transform_xsl == "":
        message = "Required parameter xml_formatting_transform_xsl does not " \
                  "have a value in settings.ini. " + message2
        raise gsm_lib.ConfigurationError(message)
    elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(configuration_directory, settings.xml_formatting_transform_xsl)):
        message = "Required file xml_formatting_transform.xsl does not exist " \
                  "in {0}. Please make sure this file is included in the " \
                  "configuration directory and restart execution. For " \
                  "assistance refer config-example-gsm-input/xml_formatting_transform.xsl." \
                  "\nProgram will now terminate...".format(configuration_directory)
        raise gsm_lib.ConfigurationError(message)

    # Initialize Redcap Interface
    rt = redcap_transactions()
    rt.configuration_directory = configuration_directory

    properties = rt.init_redcap_interface(settings, logger)
    #get data from the redcap for the fields listed in the source_data_schema.xml
    response = rt.get_data_from_redcap(properties, logger)

    if debugging:
            print('Writing REDCap response to file: ')
            with open(redcap_log_file, 'w') as log_file:
            print('Unable to write the REDCap response to ' + redcap_log_file)

        xml_tree = etree.fromstring(response)

        #XSL Transformation 1: This transformation removes junk data, rename elements and extracts site_id and adds new tag site_id
        logger.debug("Beginning XSL Transformation 1: This transformation removes junk data, rename elements and extracts site_id and adds new tag site_id")
        transform_xsl = os.path.join(configuration_directory, settings.xml_formatting_transform_xsl)
        xslt = etree.parse(transform_xsl)
        transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
        xml_transformed = transform(xml_tree)
        xml_str = etree.tostring(xml_transformed, method='xml', pretty_print=True)
        logger.debug("XSL Transformation 1 completed.")

        #XSL Transformation 2: This transformation groups the data based on site_id
        logger.debug("Beginning XSL Transformation 2: This transformation groups the data based on site_id")
        transform2_xsl = proj_root + 'rsm/utils/groupby_siteid_transform.xsl'
        xslt = etree.parse(transform2_xsl)
        transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
        xml_transformed2 = transform(xml_transformed)
        logger.debug("XSL Transformation 2 completed.")

        #XSL Transformation 3: This transformation removes all the nodes which are not set
        logger.debug("Beginning XSL Transformation 3: This transformation removes all the nodes which are not set")
        transform3_xsl = proj_root + 'rsm/utils/remove_junktags_transform.xsl'
        xslt = etree.parse(transform3_xsl)
        transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
        xml_transformed3 = transform(xml_transformed2)
        logger.debug("XSL Transformation 3 completed.")

        #Prettifying the output generated by XSL Transformation
        xml_str2 = etree.tostring(xml_transformed3, method='xml', pretty_print=True)
        tree = etree.fromstring(xml_str2, etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True))

        # Loop through the start_date elements and update their values
        for k in tree.iter('start_date'):
            d = datetime.datetime.strptime(k.text, "%Y-%m-%d").date()-timedelta(days=365)
            k.text = str(d)

        #writing data to smi+site_code.xml. This xml will be saved to sftp of the site as smi.xml
        do_keep_gen_files = args['keep']
        tmp_folder = gsm_lib.get_temp_path(do_keep_gen_files)

        subject_map_input = {}
        for k in tree:
            site_code = k.attrib['id']
            file_name = tmp_folder + 'smi' + site_code + '.xml'
            gsm_lib.write_element_tree_to_file(ET.ElementTree(k), file_name)
            subject_map_input[site_code] = file_name

        site_catalog_file = os.path.join(configuration_directory, settings.site_catalog)
        parse_site_details_and_send(site_catalog_file, subject_map_input, logger, settings, do_keep_gen_files)
    except Exception as xe:
        if debugging:
            print('Unable to transform data returned by REDCap:')
            print('REDCap response logged to ' + redcap_log_file)
            print('Ecountered the following error:')
            print('Unable to transform data returned by REDCap:')
コード例 #3
def main():
    global configuration_directory
    global do_keep_gen_files
    global tmp_folder

    # obtaining command line arguments for path to config directory
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        '-c', dest='configuration_directory_path',
        help='Specify the path to the configuration directory')

    # read the optional argument `-k` for keeping the generated files
        '-k', '--keep',
        help = 'Specify `yes` to preserve the files generated during execution')

    args = vars(parser.parse_args())
    configuration_directory = args['configuration_directory_path'] + '/'
    do_keep_gen_files       = False if args['keep'] is None else True

    #setup_json = configuration_directory + 'setup.json'
    global setup
    setup = gsm_lib.read_config(configuration_directory, 'setup.json')
    site_catalog_file = configuration_directory + setup['site_catalog']
    system_log_file = setup['system_log_file']

    # Configure logging
    global gsmlogger
    gsmlogger = GSMLogger()

    # Initialize Redcap Interface
    rt = redcap_transactions()
    rt.configuration_directory = configuration_directory

    properties = rt.init_redcap_interface(setup, gsmlogger.logger)
    transform_xsl = configuration_directory + setup['xml_formatting_tranform_xsl']
    #get data from the redcap for the fields listed in the source_data_schema.xml
    response = rt.get_data_from_redcap(properties, gsmlogger.logger)

    #XSL Transformation 1: This transformation removes junk data, rename elements and extracts site_id and adds new tag site_id
    xml_tree = etree.fromstring(response)
    xslt = etree.parse(transform_xsl)
    transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
    xml_transformed = transform(xml_tree)
    xml_str = etree.tostring(xml_transformed, method='xml', pretty_print=True)

    #XSL Transformation 2: This transformation groups the data based on site_id
    transform2_xsl = proj_root + 'bin/utils/groupby_siteid_transform.xsl'
    xslt = etree.parse(transform2_xsl)
    transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
    xml_transformed2 = transform(xml_transformed)

    #XSL Transformation 3: This transformation removes all the nodes which are not set
    transform3_xsl = proj_root + 'bin/utils/remove_junktags_transform.xsl'
    xslt = etree.parse(transform3_xsl)
    transform = etree.XSLT(xslt)
    xml_transformed3 = transform(xml_transformed2)

    #Prettifying the output generated by XSL Transformation
    xml_str2 = etree.tostring(xml_transformed3, method='xml', pretty_print=True)
    tree = etree.fromstring(xml_str2, etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True))

    # Loop through the start_date elements and update theur values
    for k in tree.iter('start_date'):
        d = datetime.datetime.strptime(k.text, "%Y-%m-%d").date()-timedelta(days=180)
        k.text = str(d)

    #writing data to smi+site_id.xml. This xml will be saved to sftp of the site as smi.xml
    smi_filenames = []
    smi_ids = []
    tmp_folder = gsm_lib.get_temp_path(do_keep_gen_files)

    for k in tree:
        file_name = tmp_folder + 'smi' + k.attrib['id']+'.xml'
        gsm_lib.write_element_tree_to_file(ET.ElementTree(k), file_name)

    print 'Using smi_filenames: '
    parse_site_details_and_send(site_catalog_file, smi_filenames, smi_ids, gsmlogger)