def visual_coannotation(lnds_user, lnds_refs, path_dataset, path_user, img_name, path_visu): """ visualise the co-annotation show consensus annotation and use annotation :param DF lnds_user: loaded DataFrame :param DF lnds_refs: loaded DataFrame :param path_dataset: path to the image dataset (root) :param name_set: name of the image set :param name_user_scale: annotation folder containing user name and used scale :param img_name: particular image/annotation/stain name :param str|None path_visu: path to output :return str: figure path """ name_set, name_user_scale = path_user.split(os.sep)[-2:] user, scale = parse_path_user_scale(name_user_scale) folder_scale = TEMPLATE_FOLDER_SCALE % scale image = None if path_dataset is not None and os.path.isdir(path_dataset): path_dir = os.path.join(path_dataset, name_set, folder_scale) paths_image = find_images(path_dir, img_name) image = load_image(paths_image[0]) if paths_image else None lnds_user = lnds_user * (scale / 100.) lnds_refs = lnds_refs * (scale / 100.) fig = figure_image_landmarks(lnds_refs, image, lnds_user, lnds2_name=user) fig_name = NAME_FIGURE_COANNOT % img_name path_dir = os.path.join(path_visu, name_set, name_user_scale) create_folder_path(path_dir) path_fig = os.path.join(path_dir, fig_name) fig.savefig(path_fig) plt.close(fig) return path_fig
def main(path_annots, path_dataset, path_output, nb_jobs=NB_THREADS, visual=False): coll_dirs, _ = collect_triple_dir([path_annots], '', '', with_user=True)'Collected sub-folder: %i', len(coll_dirs)) user_names = sorted( {parse_path_user_scale(d['landmarks'])[0] for d in coll_dirs})'Found users: %r', user_names) if len(user_names) < 2:'Not enough user annotations.') _evaluate_user = partial(evaluate_user, path_annots=path_annots, path_dataset=path_dataset, path_out=path_output, visual=visual) counts = list( wrap_execute_parallel(_evaluate_user, user_names, nb_jobs=nb_jobs, desc='evaluate'))'Created %i statistics.', sum(counts)) return counts
def main(path_annots, path_dataset, path_output, consensus='mean', visual=False, nb_jobs=NB_THREADS): coll_dirs, _ = collect_triple_dir([path_annots], '', '', with_user=True)'Collected sub-folder: %i', len(coll_dirs)) user_names = sorted( {parse_path_user_scale(d['landmarks'])[0] for d in coll_dirs})'Found users: %r', user_names) if len(user_names) < 2:'Not enough user annotations.') _evaluate_user = partial(evaluate_user, path_annots=path_annots, path_dataset=path_dataset, path_out=path_output, tp_consensus=consensus, visual=visual) dfs = list( iterate_mproc_map(_evaluate_user, user_names, nb_workers=nb_jobs, desc='evaluate')) # aggregate results df_all = pd.concat(dfs, sort=False) df_all.to_csv(os.path.join(path_output, 'STATISTIC__partial.csv')) df_short = pd.DataFrame() for user, dfg in df_all.groupby('user'): stat = dict(dfg['rTRE median'].describe().T[['mean', 'std', 'max']]) stat = {'%s [median rTRE]' % k: stat[k] for k in stat if k != 'count'} stat.update({ 'user': user, 'count': len(dfg), }) df_short = df_short.append(stat, ignore_index=True) df_short.set_index('user', inplace=True)'OVERALL \n%s \n %s' % ('=' * 10, df_short)) df_short.to_csv(os.path.join(path_output, 'STATISTIC__overview.csv'))'Created %i statistics.', len(df_all)) return len(df_all)
def evaluate_user(user_name, path_annots, path_out, path_dataset=None, visual=False): """ evaluate single user statistic against consensus :param str user_name: annotator name :param str path_annots: path to the root of annotations :param str path_out: path for statistic and visualisation :param str path_dataset: path to image dataset :param bool visual: visualise also outputs :return int: processed items """ tissue_sets = list_sub_folders(path_annots) path_visu = path_out if visual else None stats = [] for p_set in tissue_sets: paths = list_sub_folders(p_set, '*_scale-*pc') user_names = [parse_path_user_scale(p)[0].lower() for p in paths] paths_lnds_user = [ p for p, u in zip(paths, user_names) if u == user_name.lower() ] paths_lnds_refs = [ p for p, u in zip(paths, user_names) if u != user_name.lower() ] if not paths_lnds_user or not paths_lnds_refs: continue for path_user in paths_lnds_user: stats += compute_statistic(path_user, paths_lnds_refs, path_dataset, path_visu) if not stats: logging.warning('no statistic collected') return 0 df_stats = pd.DataFrame(stats) df_stats.set_index(['name_image_set', 'name_user', 'landmarks'], inplace=True) path_csv = os.path.join(path_out, 'STATISTIC_%s.csv' % user_name) logging.debug('exporting CSV stat.: %s', path_csv) df_stats.to_csv(path_csv) df_stat_short = df_stats.describe().T[['count', 'mean', 'std', 'max']]'USER: %s \n%s \n %s' % (user_name, '=' * 10, df_stat_short)) return len(df_stats)
def compute_statistic(path_user, path_refs, tp_consensus='mean', path_dataset=None, path_visu=None): """ aggregate statistics over all his annotations :param str path_user: path to user annotation :param [str] path_refs: path to annotation of other users :param str tp_consensus: type of consensus landmarks :param str path_dataset: path to image dataset :param str path_visu: path for visualisation (root) :return [{}]: list of stat. dictionaries """ assert path_user and path_refs, 'missing user or reference annotation' lnds_user, _ = create_consensus_landmarks([path_user]) lnds_refs, _ = create_consensus_landmarks(path_refs, method=tp_consensus) list_stats = [] name_set, name_user_scale = path_user.split(os.sep)[-2:] user, scale = parse_path_user_scale(name_user_scale) for csv_name in lnds_user: if csv_name not in lnds_refs: continue im_size = find_image_full_size(path_dataset, name_set, os.path.splitext(csv_name)[0]) d_stat = compute_landmarks_statistic(lnds_refs[csv_name], lnds_user[csv_name], use_affine=False, im_size=im_size) d_stat.update({ 'image_set': name_set, 'user': user, 'scale': scale, 'landmarks': csv_name }) list_stats.append(d_stat) if path_visu is not None and os.path.isdir(path_visu): img_name = os.path.splitext(csv_name)[0] visual_coannotation(lnds_user[csv_name], lnds_refs[csv_name], path_dataset, path_user, img_name, path_visu) return list_stats
def evaluate_user(user_name, path_annots, path_out, path_dataset=None, tp_consensus='mean', visual=False): """ evaluate single user statistic against consensus :param str user_name: annotator name :param str path_annots: path to the root of annotations :param str tp_consensus: type of consensus landmarks :param str path_out: path for statistic and visualisation :param str path_dataset: path to image dataset :param bool visual: visualise also outputs :return int: processed items """ tissue_sets = list_sub_folders(path_annots) path_visu = path_out if visual else None stats = [] for p_set in tissue_sets: paths = list_sub_folders(p_set, '*_scale-*pc') user_names = [parse_path_user_scale(p)[0].lower() for p in paths] paths_lnds_user = [ p for p, u in zip(paths, user_names) if u == user_name.lower() ] paths_lnds_refs = [ p for p, u in zip(paths, user_names) if u != user_name.lower() ] if not paths_lnds_user or not paths_lnds_refs: continue for path_user in paths_lnds_user: stats += compute_statistic(path_user, paths_lnds_refs, tp_consensus, path_dataset, path_visu) if not stats: logging.warning('no statistic collected') return 0 df_stats = pd.DataFrame(stats) return df_stats