def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return Response({}, status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) data = dict( photo = data['photo'][0] name = ext = os.path.splitext(name)[-1] user_pk = data.get('user_pk', [0]) user_pk = int(user_pk[0]) if not user_pk: user_pk = user = request.user else: user = models.MainUser.objects.get(pk=user_pk) if != user_pk: if not in user.pk_can_edit: if not request.user.is_admin: return Response({}, status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN) filepath = "profile_photos/" + \ helpers.id_generator() + str(helpers.timestamp_sec() / 100) + ext helpers.fs.save_file(filepath, photo) helpers.fs.generate_single_avatar(filepath, if not user.is_organization and not user.is_expert: patient = users.Patient.objects.get(pk=user.patient) = [filepath] elif user.is_expert: expert = users.Expert.objects.get( = [filepath] return Response({'path': filepath})
def saveDicomFromImagingStudy(reference, user_pk): r = requests.get("" + reference, stream=True) filename = helpers.id_generator(13) with open("/tmp/" + filename + ".dcm", 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) f = open("/tmp/" + filename + ".dcm") path = google_cloud.upload_to_gc(f) return path
def deploy_dind(repo, branch): """ Deploys an isolated `Docker-In-Docker` environment and mounts the pulled repository to the container. :param oauth_token: Authorization token for Owner. :type oauth_token: String :param repo: Name of the cloned github repository. :type repo: String :param branch: Branch for the pull request. :type branch: String """ oauth_token = session.get('oauth_token') name = "exdous-{}".format(id_generator()) # to ssh into container use `docker exec -ti <name> /bin/sh` print("logging: Reading Testfile config") test_file_params = parse(repo, oauth_token) print("logging: Testfile config read") client = docker.from_env() try: volume = test_file_params['VOL'] vol_host = os.getcwd() + "/{}".format(repo) except KeyError: volume = '/{}'.format(repo) try: cwd = test_file_params['CWD'] except KeyError: cwd = '/' print("logging: find free port for the application") try: port = test_file_params['PORTS'] free_port = find_free_port(1)[0] except KeyError: return redirect("404/Ports_Not_Mentioned") print("logging: will accept tcp request on port: {}".format(free_port)) print("logging: deploying prmod/base-image") dind_env = 'prmod/base-image', name=name, ports={port: free_port}, volumes={ vol_host: { 'bind': volume, 'mode': 'rw' } }, working_dir=cwd, privileged=True, detach=True) session['container_id'] = print("logging: prmod/base-image deployed") execute_testfile(dind_env, test_file_params) print("logging: application deployed on server") url = "{}:{}".format(Config.SERVER_IP, port) session['{0}-{1}'.format(repo, session.get('pr_no'))] = url return redirect(url)
def git_pull_repo(user, owner, repo, branch): """ Pulls a repo from github and changes the branch. :param user: Authorized User. :type user: String :param owner: Repository Owner. :type owner: String :param repo: Name of the github repository. :type repo: String :param branch: Branch of the PR owner. :type branch: String :returns: Redirects to deploy_dind. """ oauth_token = session.get('oauth_token') print("logging: Pulling Repository from github") # name of the cloned repository on server repo_name = "{0}-{1}".format(repo, id_generator()) session['repo_name'] = repo_name try: # Clone the forked repository remote_url = constants.remote_url_string.format(user, repo) https_remote_url = constants.https_url_string.format( oauth_token, remote_url) Repo.clone_from(https_remote_url, repo_name) except KeyError: # Fork doesnot exist, Clone from main repository remote_url = constants.remote_url_string.format(owner, repo) https_remote_url = constants.https_url_string.format( oauth_token, remote_url) Repo.clone_from(https_remote_url, repo_name) print("logging: Repo pull complete") # change branch in the cloreponed repository os.chdir(repo_name) # changes dir to the cloned repo os.system('git checkout {}'.format(branch)) os.chdir('../') # change back to the pwd return redirect( url_for( 'deploy_dind', oauth_token=oauth_token, repo=repo_name, branch=branch) )
def upload_photo(): if request.method == 'POST': if 'file_data' not in request.files: return "File data not found" file = request.files['file_data'] filename = file.filename if file and allowed_file(file.filename): logical_id = choice([1, 2]) physical_ids = machine_mapping[logical_id] photoid = id_generator() payload = {"logicalFile": logical_id, "imageId": photoid} try: for phy in physical_ids: r1 ="http://%s/addimage" % (port_mapping[phy]), data=payload, files={'file': file}) r2 = get_caption(file) except Exception, e: print e return jsonify({ "error": "There was some issue in uploading you files. Please try again." }) # Insert into Mongo if request succeeded item = { "logical_id": logical_id, "_id": photoid, "physical_ids": physical_ids, "caption": r2["caption"], "category": r2["category"] } item["url"] = get_url(item) collection.insert_one(item) return jsonify(item) else: return jsonify({"error": "File name not allowed!"})