コード例 #1
ファイル: lines.py プロジェクト: btweinstein/python-ternary
def line(ax, p1, p2, permutation=None, **kwargs):
    Draws a line on `ax` from p1 to p2.

    ax: Matplotlib AxesSubplot, None
        The subplot to draw on.
    p1: 2-tuple
        The (x,y) starting coordinates
    p2: 2-tuple
        The (x,y) ending coordinates
        Any kwargs to pass through to Matplotlib.

    pp1 = project_point(p1, permutation=permutation)
    pp2 = project_point(p2, permutation=permutation)
    ax.add_line(Line2D((pp1[0], pp2[0]), (pp1[1], pp2[1]), **kwargs))
コード例 #2
ファイル: lines.py プロジェクト: FluvialSeds/CongoWaxes
def line(ax, p1, p2, permutation=None, **kwargs):
    Draws a line on `ax` from p1 to p2.

    ax: Matplotlib AxesSubplot, None
        The subplot to draw on.
    p1: 2-tuple
        The (x,y) starting coordinates
    p2: 2-tuple
        The (x,y) ending coordinates
        Any kwargs to pass through to Matplotlib.

    pp1 = project_point(p1, permutation=permutation)
    pp2 = project_point(p2, permutation=permutation)
    ax.add_line(Line2D((pp1[0], pp2[0]), (pp1[1], pp2[1]), **kwargs))
コード例 #3
    def _redraw_labels(self):
        Redraw axis labels, typically after draw or resize events.

        ax = self.get_axes()
        # Remove any previous labels
        for mpl_object in self._to_remove:
        self._to_remove = []
        # Redraw the labels with the appropriate angles
        for (label, position, rotation, kwargs) in self._labels.values():
            transform = ax.transAxes
            x, y = project_point(position)
            # Calculate the new angle.
            position = numpy.array([x,y])
            new_rotation = ax.transData.transform_angles(numpy.array((rotation,)), position.reshape((1,2)))[0]
            text = ax.text(x, y, label, rotation=new_rotation, transform=transform,
                        horizontalalignment="center", **kwargs)
コード例 #4
def set_ternary_axis_label(ax, label, position, rotation, event_names=None,
    Sets axis labels and registers a callback to adjust text angle when the
    user resizes or triggers a redraw in interactive mode. Not intended to
    be called directly by the user.

    ax: Matplotlib AxesSubplot, None
        The subplot to draw on.
    label: String
        The axis label.
    position: 3-tuple
        The coordinates to place the label at.
    rotation: float
        The angle of rotation of the label.
    event_names: sequence of strings
        The Matplotlib events to callback on.
        Any kwargs to pass through to matplotlib.

    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4018860/text-box-with-line-wrapping-in-matplotlib

    if not event_names:
        event_names = ('resize_event', 'draw_event')
    transform = ax.transAxes
    x, y = project_point(position)
    text = ax.text(x, y, label, rotation=rotation, transform=transform,
    # Set callback. Make sure that we don't rotate other text fields, like the
    # title.
    hash_ = text.__hash__()
    callback = partial(mpl_callback, rotation=rotation, hash_=hash_)
    figure = ax.get_figure()
    for event_name in event_names:
        figure.canvas.mpl_connect(event_name, callback)
コード例 #5
ファイル: lines.py プロジェクト: FluvialSeds/CongoWaxes
def ticks(ax, scale, ticks=None, locations=None, multiple=1, axis='b',
          offset=0.01, clockwise=False, **kwargs):
    Sets tick marks and labels.

    ax: Matplotlib AxesSubplot, None
        The subplot to draw on.
    scale: float, 1.0
        Simplex scale size.
    ticks: list of strings, None
        The tick labels
    locations: list of points, None
        The locations of the ticks
    multiple: float, None
        Specifies which ticks gridelines to draw. For example, if scale=30 and
        multiple=6, only 5 ticks will be drawn.
    axis: str, 'b'
        The axis or axes to draw the ticks for. `axis` must be a substring of
        'lrb' (as sets)
    offset: float, 0.01
        controls the length of the ticks
    clockwise: bool, False
        Draw ticks marks clockwise or counterclockwise
        Any kwargs to pass through to matplotlib.


    axis = axis.lower()
    valid_axis_chars = set(['l', 'r', 'b'])
    axis_chars = set(axis)
    if not axis_chars.issubset(valid_axis_chars):
        raise ValueError, "axis must be some combination of 'l', 'r', and 'b'"

    if not ticks:
        locations = arange(0, scale + multiple, multiple)
        ticks = locations

    offset *= scale

    if 'r' in axis:
        for index, i in enumerate(locations):
            loc1 = (scale - i, i, 0)
            if clockwise:
                # Right parallel
                loc2 = (scale - i, i + offset, 0)
                text_location = (scale - i, i + 2 * offset, 0)
                tick = ticks[index]
                # Horizontal
                loc2 = (scale - i + offset, i, 0)
                text_location = (scale - i + 2.6 * offset, i - 0.5 * offset, 0)
                tick = ticks[-(index+1)]
            line(ax, loc1, loc2, **kwargs)
            x, y = project_point(text_location)
            ax.text(x, y, str(tick), horizontalalignment="center",)

    if 'l' in axis:
        for index, i in enumerate(locations):
            loc1 = (0, i, 0)
            if clockwise:
                # Horizontal
                loc2 = (-offset, i, 0)
                text_location = (-2 * offset, i - 0.5 * offset, 0)
                tick = ticks[-(index+1)]
                # Right parallel
                loc2 = (-offset, i + offset, 0)
                text_location = (-2 * offset, i + 1.5 * offset, 0)

                tick = ticks[index]
            line(ax, loc1, loc2, **kwargs)
            x, y = project_point(text_location)
            ax.text(x, y, str(tick), horizontalalignment="center",)

    if 'b' in axis:
        for index, i in enumerate(locations):
            loc1 = (i, 0, 0)
            if clockwise:
                # Right parallel
                loc2 = (i + offset, -offset, 0)
                text_location = (i + 3 * offset, -3.5 * offset, 0)
                tick = ticks[index]
                # Left parallel
                loc2 = (i, -offset, 0)
                text_location = (i + 0.5 * offset, - 3.5 * offset, 0)
                tick = ticks[-(index+1)]
            line(ax, loc1, loc2, **kwargs)
            x, y = project_point(text_location)
            ax.text(x, y, str(tick), horizontalalignment="center",)
コード例 #6
 def annotate(self, text, position, **kwargs):
     ax = self.get_axes()
     p = project_point(position)
     ax.annotate(text, (p[0], p[1]), **kwargs)
コード例 #7
 def annotate(self, text, position, **kwargs):
     ax = self.get_axes()
     p = project_point(position)
     ax.annotate(text, (p[0], p[1]), **kwargs)
コード例 #8
 def transform_fn(p):
     return project_point(p, **_self.projection)