コード例 #1
    def test_apply_homography(self):
        assert_array_equal(apply_homography(self.homography_i, self.bounds_1),

        assert_array_equal(apply_homography(self.homography_i2, self.bounds_1),

        assert_array_equal(apply_homography(self.homography_1, self.bounds_1),

        assert_array_equal(apply_homography(self.homography_2, self.bounds_1),
コード例 #2
def check_blue_line(
        frame, img_name):  #Check to see if a blue line(s) exists in a frame
    color_segmented_line = color_transform_blue(frame)
    if True:  #Try to detect blue line
        objective = []
        points = []
        im_space_points = []
        im2, contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(color_segmented_line,
        print("There were {} contours found".format(len(contours)))
        bboxes = []
        y_max = frame.shape[1]
        for contour in contours:  #There may be multiple lines; we should always take the one closest to us
            bbox = cv.boundingRect(contour)
            u, v, w, h = bbox
            if v > y_max / 3:
                (x1, y1) = (u, v + h / 2)
                (x2, y2) = (u + w, v + h / 2)
                #print("Area is",w*h)
                xl, yl = homography.apply_homography(
                    x1, y1)  #Left end point of blue line in world space
                xr, yr = homography.apply_homography(
                    x2, y2)  #Right end point of blue line in world space
                im_space_points.append((x1, y1, x2, y2))
                bboxes.append((u, v, u + w, v + h))
                objective.append(w * h)
                points.append((xl, yl, xr, yr))

        segments_path = r"C:\Users\mitadm\Documents\Ryan\6.141\final_challenge\deep_learning\_lines/"
        if not os.path.exists(segments_path):
            contour_index = np.argmax(objective)
            contour = contours[contour_index]
            (x1, y1, x2, y2) = bboxes[contour_index]
            cv.imwrite(segments_path + "_segmented_" + img_name, im2)
            im3 = cv.rectangle(frame, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), 15)
            cv.imwrite(segments_path + "_cropped_" + img_name, im3)

            A = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
            if A > 5000 and (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1) > 5:  #Detection
                return points[contour_index], (xl +
                                               xr) / 2  #Returns xl,yl,xr,yr
                return None, None
            return None, None
コード例 #3
def image_to_ground(bbox):
    u, v = bbox_low_midpoint(bbox)
    return apply_homography(u, v)
コード例 #4
class Vision:
    # Get parameters, initialize subscribers and publishers, etc.
    def __init__(self):
        self.camera_topic        = rospy.get_param("~camera_topic")
        self.vision_output_topic = rospy.get_param("~vision_output_topic")
        self.labeled_image_topic = rospy.get_param("~labeled_image_topic")
        self.obj_detect_results_topic = rospy.get_param("~obj_detect_results_topic")
        self.classes_path        = rospy.get_param("~classes_path")

        self.class_names = _get_class(self.classes_path)

        self.camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.camera_topic, Image, self.camera_callback)
        # self.camera_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.camera_topic + "/compressed",
        #    CompressedImage, self.camera_callback, queue_size=1)
        self.obj_detect_results_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.obj_detect_results_topic,
            DetectionResults, self.obj_detect_results_callback, queue_size=1)

        self.labels_visualizer = utils.LabelsVisualizer(self.class_names)
        self.vision_output_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.vision_output_topic,
            VisionOutput, queue_size=1)
        # self.labeled_image_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.labeled_image_topic, Image, queue_size=1)
        self.labeled_image_pub = rospy.Publisher(self.labeled_image_topic + "/compressed",
            CompressedImage, queue_size=1)

        # bridge is no longer necessary for CompressedImage, consider removing the line below
        self.bridge = CvBridge() # Instantiate bridge between cv2 and ROS

        self.last_obj_detect_results_time = rospy.get_time()
        #Threshold parameters for determining whether or not to call controller routines
        self.stop_sign_thr = rospy.get_param("~stop_sign_thr") #Minimum bbox area for stop sign 
        self.yield_sign_thr = rospy.get_param("~yield_sign_thr") #Minimum bbox are for yield sign
        self.traffic_light_thr = rospy.get_param("~traffic_light_thr") #Minimum bbox are for traffic light
        self.pedestrian_sign_thr = rospy.get_param("~pedestrian_sign_thr") #Minimum bbox for pedestrian sign

        self.bbox_low_midpoint = None
        #State variable attributes
        self.centerlines = []
        self.are_cones = False
        self.is_disabled_parking = False
        self.is_pedestrian_sign = False
        self.is_pedestrian = False
        self.is_stop_sign = False
        self.is_traffic_light = False
        self.is_green = False
        self.obstacle_distance = -1 #TODO: Initialize to large or small num?
        self.TAcar_distance = -1 #TODO: Initialize to large or small num?
        self.TAcar_loc = [0,0] # I am the TA jkjk
        self.pedestrian_distance = 0 #TODO: Initialize to large or small num?

        self.start_parking_time = 0
        self.is_parking = False

    def camera_callback(self, msg):
            # Convert your ROS Image message to OpenCV2
            image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8")
            print "new image at time %.2f" % rospy.get_time()
        except CvBridgeError, e:
            print("error converting imgmsg to cv2: %s" % e)
        # image = utils.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(msg)
        centerlines_world = lane_segmentation.centerlines(image)

        # for visualizing line in rqt_image_view
        new_lines_world = np.reshape(centerlines_world, (-1, 2)) # reshape to array of endpoints
        new_lines_warped = homography.world_to_orig_image_fn(new_lines_world)
        centerlines_warped = np.reshape(new_lines_warped, (-1, 4))
        line_types = ["other" for _ in centerlines_warped]
        #print('CENTERLINES_WORLD', centerlines_world)
        #print('CENTERLINES_WARPED', centerlines_warped)

        # self.detect_objects(image)
        # TODO: add other processing steps

            # publish annotated image for real-time visualization
            labeled_image = image # TODO: CHANGE
            self.labeled_image_pub.publish(self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(labeled_image, "bgr8"))
        except CvBridgeError as e:
            print("error converting cv2 to imgmsg: %s" % e)

        # CONES
        pcones = cone_segmentation.check_cones(image)
        self.mid_cone_u, self.mid_cone_v = -1, -1
        self.mid_cone_x, self.mid_cone_y = -1, -1
        if pcones is not None:
            size_smallest_cone = pcones["size_smallest_cone"] 
            if size_smallest_cone > 30000:
                print("size_smallest_cone too large %.2f" % size_smallest_cone)
            elif self.is_parking and 6 < (rospy.get_time() - self.start_parking_time) < 8 and pcones["goal_point_smallest"] is not None:
                mid_cone_u, mid_cone_v = pcones["goal_point_smallest"]
                mid_cone_x, mid_cone_y = homography.apply_homography(mid_cone_u, mid_cone_v)
                self.mid_cone_u, self.mid_cone_v = mid_cone_u, mid_cone_v
                self.mid_cone_x, self.mid_cone_y = mid_cone_x, mid_cone_y
                print "use smallest two cones' midpoint instead; x: %.2f, y: %.2f" % (self.mid_cone_x, self.mid_cone_y)
            elif self.is_parking and (rospy.get_time() - self.start_parking_time) >= 8:
                self.is_parking = False
            elif pcones["goal_point_largest_3"] is not None:
                mid_cone_u, mid_cone_v = pcones["goal_point_largest_3"]
                mid_cone_x, mid_cone_y = homography.apply_homography(mid_cone_u, mid_cone_v)
                if mid_cone_x < 2:
                    self.mid_cone_u, self.mid_cone_v = mid_cone_u, mid_cone_v
                    self.mid_cone_x, self.mid_cone_y = mid_cone_x, mid_cone_y
                    print "found 3 cones - midpoint is x: %.2f, y: %.2f" % (self.mid_cone_x, self.mid_cone_y)
                    if not self.is_parking:
                        self.start_parking_time = rospy.get_time()
                        self.is_parking = True 
                        print "start parking at time %.2f" % rospy.get_time()

        if self.labeled_image_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            # draw road lines
            labeled_image = utils.draw_lines(image, centerlines_warped, line_types)

            # draw bboxes
            labeled_image = self.labels_visualizer.draw_bboxes(labeled_image,
                self.out_boxes, self.out_scores, self.out_classes)

            # draw obstacle low midpoint
            if self.bbox_low_midpoint is not None:
                u, v = self.bbox_low_midpoint
                u, v = int(u), int(v)
                print("obstacle low midpoint at %d, %d" % (u, v) )
                labeled_image = cv2.circle(labeled_image, (u, v), 10, (0, 0, 255), -1)
            # draw cone midpoint
            if self.mid_cone_u != -1:
                u, v = self.mid_cone_u, self.mid_cone_v
                print("cone midpoint at %d, %d" % (u, v))
                labeled_image = cv2.circle(labeled_image, (u, v), 10, (255, 0, 0), -1)

            msg = utils.cv2_to_compressed_imgmsg(labeled_image)

        if self.vision_output_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            self.centerlines = centerlines_world

コード例 #5
    def obj_detect_results_callback(self, msg):
        obj_detect_results = msg.results
        self.out_classes = [result.out_class for result in obj_detect_results]
        self.out_scores = [result.out_score for result in obj_detect_results]
        self.out_boxes = [result.location for result in obj_detect_results]
        self.obstacle_distance = -1 # maybe clear all obj det results here
        self.bbox_low_midpoint = None
        self.is_green = msg.is_green

        for result in obj_detect_results:
            label = self.class_names[result.out_class]
            score = result.out_score
            # bbox from YOLO was switched between u and v coordinates
            v1, u1, v2, u2 = result.location

            # TODO: where to apply homography transform? where to calculate distance?
            bbox_msg = BBox()
            bbox_msg.x1, bbox_msg.y1 = u1, v1
            bbox_msg.x2, bbox_msg.y2 = u2, v2
            bbox_msg.score = score

            if label == "CONE": #TODO: Set to actual class label name

            elif label == "DISABLED_PARKING_SIGN": #TODO: Set to actual class label name
                bbox_area = abs((u2-u1)*(v2-v1)) #Area of our bounding box
                if bbox_area >= self.disabled_parking_sign_thr: #If area exceeds our threshold
                    self.is_disabled_parking = True #Tell our controller we have detected a pedestrian sign

            elif label in ["SOCCER_BALL", "PERSON", "TA_CAR"]:
                u, v = utils.bbox_low_midpoint(bbox_msg)
                x, y = homography.apply_homography(u, v)
                print("person/ball found at %.2f, %.2f" % (u, v))
                if abs(y) < 0.4:
                    print("+++++++++++ side distance %.2f; set as bbox low midpoint" % y)
                    self.bbox_low_midpoint = u, v
                    if label in ["SOCCER_BALL", "PERSON"]:    
                        self.obstacle_distance = min(self.obstacle_distance, x)
                    elif label == "TA_CAR":
                        self.TAcar_distance = min(self.TAcar_distance, x)
                        self.TAcar_loc = [x,y]
                    print("----------- side distance %.2f; not set")

            elif label == "PEDESTRIAN_SIGN": #TODO: Set to actual class label name
                bbox_area = abs((u2-u1)*(v2-v1)) #Area of our bounding box
                if bbox_area >= self.pedestrian_sign_thr: #If area exceeds our threshold
                    self.is_pedestrian_sign = True #Tell our controller we have detected a pedestrian sign
            elif label in ["STOP_SIGN","stop sign"]: #TODO: Set to actual class label name
                bbox_area = abs((u2-u1)*(v2-v1)) #Area of our bounding box
                if bbox_area >= self.stop_sign_thr: #If area exceeds our threshold
                    self.is_stop_sign = True #Tell our controller we have detected a stop sign

            elif label in ["traffic light", "parking meter","TRAFFIC_LIGHT"]: #TODO: Set to actual class label names
                bbox_area = abs((u2-u1)*(v2-v1)) #Area of our bounding box
                if bbox_area >= self.traffic_light_thr: #If area exceeds our threshold
                    self.is_traffic_light = True #Tell our controller we have detected a traffic 
        self.last_obj_detect_results_time = rospy.get_time()