def run(): env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') env._max_episode_steps = None state_size = env.observation_space.shape[0] action_size = env.action_space.n agent = HRL(state_size, action_size) horizon = 20 for e in range(agent.episodes): state = torch.tensor(env.reset(), dtype=torch.float) goal = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=torch.float) score = 0 # Rollout for t in range(horizon): score += 1 env.render() action = agent.act(state, goal, torch.tensor([horizon - t], dtype=torch.float)) next_state, _, done, _ = env.step(action) agent.remember(state, action, next_state, None, None, done) agent.augment_goals(state, action, next_state, done) state = next_state if done: print("episode: {}/{}, score: {}, e: {:.2}".format( e, agent.episodes, score, agent.epsilon)) break # Perform optimization for _ in range(agent.n): agent.replay()
def verify(args): args = prsr.parse_args(args) wdth = 1024 hght = 768 # Initializing HRL flnm = args.flnm flds = ['Intensity'] + [ 'Luminance' + str(i) for i in range(args.nsmps) ] graphics = 'datapixx' inputs = 'keyboard' photometer = args.photometer lut = args.lut bg = fs = True hrl = HRL(graphics=graphics,inputs=inputs,photometer=photometer ,wdth=wdth,hght=hght,bg=bg,rfl=flnm,rhds=flds,fs=fs,lut=lut,scrn=1) itss = np.linspace(,,args.stps) if args.rndm: shuffle(itss) if args.rvs: itss = itss[::-1] (pwdth,phght) = (wdth*,hght* ppos = ((wdth - pwdth)/2,(hght - phght)/2) print pwdth print ppos print phght done = False for its in itss: hrl.results['Intensity'] = its ptch =[[its]])) ptch.draw(ppos,(pwdth,phght)) print 'Current Intensity:', its smps = [] for i in range(args.nsmps): smps.append(hrl.photometer.readLuminance(5,args.slptm)) for i in range(len(smps)): hrl.results['Luminance' + str(i)] = smps[i] hrl.writeResultLine() if hrl.inputs.checkEscape(): break # Experiment is over! hrl.close()
def main(): wdth = 1024 hght = 768 args = prsr.parse_args() # Initializations hrl = HRL(wdth,hght,0,dpx=True,ocal=True,fs=True) hrl = HRL(wdth,hght,0,coords=(0,1,0,1),flipcoords=False,dpx=True,ocal=True,fs=True) pwdth,phght = int(wdth*,int(hght* ppos = ((wdth - pwdth)/2,(hght - phght)/2) wv1 = np.array([ [round((np.sin(x*np.pi*2) + 1)/2)] for x in np.linspace(0,args.scyc,phght) ]) wv2 = np.array([ [round((np.sin(x*np.pi*2 + np.pi) + 1)/2)] for x in np.linspace(0,args.scyc,phght) ]) ptch1 = hrl.newTexture(wv1) ptch2 = hrl.newTexture(wv2) slptm = int(1000.0 / args.tfrq) for i in range(args.ncyc): ptch1.draw(ppos,(pwdth,phght)) hrl.flip() pg.time.wait(slptm) ptch2.draw(ppos,(pwdth,phght)) hrl.flip() pg.time.wait(slptm) if hrl.checkEscape(): break # Experiment is over! hrl.close()
def main(): hrl = HRL(graphics='datapixx', inputs='responsepixx', photometer=None, wdth=WIDTH, hght=HEIGHT, bg=0.27, scrn=1, lut='lut.csv', db=False, fs=True) # loop over design # ================ for trl in np.arange(start_trl, end_trl): run_trial(hrl, trl, start_trl, end_trl) # function that executes the experiment hrl.close() print "Session complete" rfl.close()
def main(): wdth = 1024 hght = 768 flds = ['Intensity','Luminance'] args = prsr.parse_args() flnm = 'results/' + args.flnm hrl = HRL(wdth,hght,0,coords=(0,1,0,1),flipcoords=False,dpx=True,ocal=True,rfl=flnm,rhds=flds,fs=True) # Initializations ptch = hrl.newTexture(np.array([[args.lm]])) pwdth,phght = wdth*,hght* ppos = ((wdth - pwdth)/2,(hght - phght)/2) if args.rnd: rnd = round else: rnd = lambda x: x nitss = int(args.tmprs/args.bfrq) itss = [ args.bamp * rnd((1 + np.sin(2*np.pi*x)) / 2) + ((1-args.bamp)/2) for x in np.linspace(0,1,nitss) ] tsts = [ n % (nitss / args.sfrq) == 0 for n in range(nitss) ] cycl = zip(itss,tsts) slptm = int(1000.0 / args.tmprs) def opticalRead(its): print 'Current Intensity:', its lm = hrl.readLuminance(1,0) hrl.rmtx['Intensity'] = its hrl.rmtx['Luminance'] = lm hrl.writeResultLine() for (its,tst) in cycl * args.ncyc: hrl.changeBackground(its) ptch.draw(ppos,(pwdth,phght)) hrl.flip() pg.time.wait(slptm) if tst: prcs = Process(target=opticalRead,args=(its,)) prcs.start() if hrl.checkEscape(): break # Experiment is over! hrl.close
def main(): # determine design and result file name try: (design_fn, result_fn, completed_trials, total_trials, check_fn) = prepare_files() except EndExperiment: return 0 result_headers = ['Trial', 'adaptor_type', 'coaxial_lum', 'test_lum', 'match_lum', 'flank_lum', 'test_loc', 'grating_ori', 'response_time', 'match_initial', 'adaptor_shift'] global hrl hrl = HRL(graphics='datapixx', inputs='responsepixx', photometer=None, wdth=1024, hght=768, bg=0.5, dfl=design_fn, rfl=result_fn, rhds=result_headers, scrn=1, lut='lut0to88.csv', db = False, fs=True) # monkey patch to use non-blocking readButton function # should be removed once hrl.inputs.readButton is fixed hrl.inputs.readButton = lambda to: waitButton(hrl.datapixx, to) # set the bar width of the grating. this value determines all positions global bar_width bar_width = 38 y_border = 768 // 2 - int(6 * bar_width) x_border = (1024 - 6 * bar_width) // 2 # the coordinates of the four possible test check positions # test coordinates are (y,x) position within the grating array global test_coords test_coords = ((bar_width * 3, bar_width * 2), (bar_width * 3, bar_width * 3), (bar_width * 4, bar_width * 2), (bar_width * 4, bar_width * 3)) # match coordinates are (x,y) screen positions global match_coords match_coords = ((x_border + bar_width * 2, 384 + int(bar_width * 2)), (x_border + bar_width * 3, 384 + int(bar_width * 2)), (x_border + bar_width * 2, 384 + int(bar_width * 1)), (x_border + bar_width * 3, 384 + int(bar_width * 1))) global match_bg_loc match_bg_loc = (x_border, 384) global stim_loc stim_loc = (x_border, y_border) # prepare fixation mark textures global fix_inner fix_inner =,1)) * .5, 'circle') global fix_outer fix_outer =,1)), 'circle') # prepare confirmation texture global confirmation confirmation ='Weiter?', bg=.5)) # show instruction screen if completed_trials == 0: for i in range(6): instructions = plt.imread('instructions%d.png' % (i + 1))[..., 0] instructions = instructions.draw((0, 0)) btn = None while btn != 'Space': btn, _ = hrl.inputs.readButton(to=3600) # show test trials test_dsgn = [{'adaptor_type': 'none', 'grating_ori': 'horizontal', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.55', 'test_loc': '0', 'test_lum': '0.5'}, {'adaptor_type': 'vertical', 'grating_ori': 'horizontal', 'grating_vals': '0.55,0.45', 'test_loc': '1', 'test_lum': '0.5'}, {'adaptor_type': 'horizontal', 'grating_ori': 'horizontal', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.55', 'test_loc': '2', 'test_lum': '0.5'}, {'adaptor_type': 'vertical', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.55,0.45', 'test_loc': '2', 'test_lum': '0.5'}, {'adaptor_type': 'none', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.45', 'test_loc': '1', 'test_lum': '0.5'}, {'adaptor_type': 'vertical_shifted', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.55,0.45', 'test_loc': '2', 'test_lum': '0.5'}, {'adaptor_type': 'none', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.55,0.55', 'test_loc': '1', 'test_lum': '0.5'}, {'adaptor_type': 'horizontal_shifted', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.55', 'test_loc': '1', 'test_lum': '0.5'}, {'adaptor_type': 'horizontal', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.55', 'test_loc': '3', 'test_lum': '0.5'}] for dsgn in test_dsgn: run_trial(dsgn) # show experiment start confirmation lines = [u'Die Probedurchgänge sind fertig.', u'Wenn du bereit bist, drücke die mittlere Taste.', u' ', u'Wenn du noch Fragen hast, oder mehr Probedurchgänge', u'machen willst, wende dich an den Versuchsleiter.'] for line_nr, line in enumerate(lines): textline =, fontsize=36)) textline.draw(((1024 - textline.wdth) / 2, (768 / 2 - (3 - line_nr) * (textline.hght + 10)))) btn = None while btn != 'Space': btn, _ = hrl.inputs.readButton(to=3600) ### Core Loop ### # hrl.designs is an iterator over all the lines in the specified design # matrix, which was loaded at the creation of the hrl object. Looping over # it in a for statement provides a nice way to run each line in a design # matrix. The fields of each design line (dsgn) are drawn from the design # matrix in the design file (design.csv). start_time = time.time() try: for trial, dsgn in enumerate(hrl.designs): # skip trials that we already had data for if trial < completed_trials: continue # check if we should take a break (every 15 minutes) if time.time() - start_time > (60 * 15): show_break(trial, total_trials) start_time = time.time() match_lum, t, bg_values = run_trial(dsgn) # convert adaptor type name to convention more useful for analysis adaptor_ori = dsgn['adaptor_type'].replace('_shifted', '') if adaptor_ori == 'none': adaptor_type = 'none' elif dsgn['grating_ori'] == adaptor_ori: adaptor_type = 'parallel' else: adaptor_type = 'orthogonal' # determine flank and coaxial luminance based on test patch position grating_vals = [float(v) for v in dsgn['grating_vals'].split(',')] loc = int(dsgn['test_loc']) go = dsgn['grating_ori'] if (go == 'horizontal' and loc in [2, 3]) or \ (go == 'vertical' and loc in [0, 2]): coaxial_lum, flank_lum = grating_vals else: flank_lum, coaxial_lum = grating_vals # Once a value has been chosen by the subject, we save all relevant # variables to the result file by loading it all into the hrl.results # dictionary, and then finally running hrl.writeResultLine(). hrl.results['Trial'] = trial hrl.results['test_lum'] = dsgn['test_lum'] hrl.results['adaptor_type'] = adaptor_type hrl.results['test_loc'] = dsgn['test_loc'] hrl.results['grating_ori'] = dsgn['grating_ori'] hrl.results['coaxial_lum'] = coaxial_lum hrl.results['flank_lum'] = flank_lum hrl.results['response_time'] = time.time() - t hrl.results['match_lum'] = float(match_lum) hrl.writeResultLine() # write match bg values to file with open(check_fn, 'a') as f: f.write('%s\n' %','.join('%0.4f' % x for x in bg_values)) # We print the trial number simply to keep track during an experiment print hrl.results['Trial'] # catch EndExperiment exception raised by pressing escp for clean exit except EndExperiment: print "Experiment aborted" # And the experiment is over! hrl.close() print "Session complete"
bfl = open('results/%s/mlds/%s_blocks_done.txt' %(vp_id, vp_id), 'a') if blocksdone == None: block_headers = ['number', 'block'] bfl.write('\t'.join(block_headers)+'\n') bfl.flush() # Pass this to HRL if we want to use gamma correction. lut = 'lut.csv' if inlab: ## create HRL object hrl = HRL(graphics='datapixx', inputs='responsepixx', photometer=None, wdth=WIDTH, hght=HEIGHT, bg=0.27, scrn=1, lut=lut, db = False, fs=True) else: hrl = HRL(graphics='gpu', inputs='keyboard', photometer=None, wdth=WIDTH, hght=HEIGHT, bg=0.27, scrn=1, lut=lut, db = True,
def main(subject, target_type): ### Argument Parser ### ### HRL Parameters ### ttype = target_type # Here we define all the paremeters required to instantiate an HRL object. # Which devices we wish to use in this experiment. See the # pydoc documentation for a list of # options. graphics = "datapixx" # 'datapixx' is another option inputs = "responsepixx" # 'responsepixx' is another option scrn = 1 photometer = None # Screen size wdth = 1024 hght = 768 # Whether or not to use fullscreen. You probably want to do this when # actually running experiments, but when just developing one, fullscreen # locks out access to the rest of the computer, so you'll probably want to # turn this off. fs = True # Pass this to HRL if we want to use gamma correction. lut = "../lut.csv" # Design and result matrix information. This allows us the to use the HRL # functionality for automatically reading a design matrix, and # automatically generating a result matrix. See 'pydoc hrl.hrl' for more # information about these. if target_type == 0.0: dfl = "../design/base/test_design_onDark.csv" rfl = "../results/base/test_results_onDark_" + subject + ".csv" rhds = ["Trial", "target", "LumT", "LumM_start", "LumM_end", "RT"] hrl = HRL( graphics=graphics, inputs=inputs, photometer=photometer, scrn=scrn, wdth=wdth, hght=hght, bg=0, dfl=dfl, rfl=rfl, rhds=rhds, fs=fs, lut=lut, ) hrl.results["Trial"] = 0 elif target_type == 1.0: dfl = "../design/base/test_design_onLight.csv" rfl = "../results/base/test_results_onLight_" + subject + ".csv" rhds = ["Trial", "target", "LumT", "LumM_start", "LumM_end", "RT"] hrl = HRL( graphics=graphics, inputs=inputs, photometer=photometer, scrn=scrn, wdth=wdth, hght=hght, bg=0, dfl=dfl, rfl=rfl, rhds=rhds, fs=fs, lut=lut, ) hrl.results["Trial"] = float(len(pd.read_csv(dfl, sep=" ", index_col=0))) smlstp = 2 / 255.0 bgstp = 10 / 255.0 for dsgn in hrl.designs: # Here we save the values of the design line with appropriately cast # types and simple names. Lum_S = float(dsgn["Lum_S"]) Lum_CD = float(dsgn["Lum_CD"]) # ~ Lum_S = float(53) # ~ Lum_CD = float(68.4285714286) curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) # stimulus presentation frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) # And finally we preload some variables to prepare for our button # reading loop. # The button pressed btn = None # The time it took to decide on the mean luminance t = 0.0 # Whether escape was pressed escp = False print hrl.results["Trial"], " LumS = ", Lum_S, " LumCD = ", Lum_CD ### Input Loop #### # Until the user finalizes their luminance choice for the central # circle, or pressed escape... while (btn != "Space") & (escp != True): # Read the next button press (btn, t1) = hrl.inputs.readButton() # Add the time it took to press to the decision time t += t1 if ttype == 1: # Respond to the pressed button if btn == "Up": Lum_CD += bgstp * 255 # Make sure the luminance doesn't fall out of the range [0,1] if Lum_CD > 255: Lum_CD = 255 curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) elif btn == "Right": Lum_CD += smlstp * 255 if Lum_CD > 255: Lum_CD = 255 curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) elif btn == "Down": Lum_CD -= bgstp * 255 if Lum_CD < 0: Lum_CD = 0 curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) elif btn == "Left": Lum_CD -= smlstp * 255 if Lum_CD < 0: Lum_CD = 0 curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) elif btn == "Escape": escp = True break if ttype == 0: # Respond to the pressed button if btn == "Up": Lum_S += bgstp * 255 # Make sure the luminance doesn't fall out of the range [0,1] if Lum_S > 255: Lum_S = 255 curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) elif btn == "Right": Lum_S += smlstp * 255 if Lum_S > 255: Lum_S = 255 curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) elif btn == "Down": Lum_S -= bgstp * 255 if Lum_S < 0: Lum_S = 0 curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) elif btn == "Left": Lum_S -= smlstp * 255 if Lum_S < 0: Lum_S = 0 curr_image = drawImg("../renTemplate", 25, Lum_S, Lum_CD) frm1 = frm1.draw((0, 0), (wdth, hght)) elif btn == "Escape": escp = True break # Once a value has been chosen by the subject, we save all the relevant # variables to the result file by loading it all into the hrl.results # dictionary, and then finally running hrl.writeResultLine(). # rhds = ['Trial', 'target', 'LumS', 'Lum_CD', 'LumCD_end', 'RT'] # We print the trial number simply to keep track during an experiment print hrl.results["Trial"], " LumS= ", Lum_S, " LumCD= ", Lum_CD if ttype == 0: hrl.results["Trial"] += 1 hrl.results["target"] = ttype hrl.results["LumT"] = Lum_CD hrl.results["LumM_start"] = float(dsgn["Lum_S"]) hrl.results["LumM_end"] = Lum_S hrl.results["RT"] = t hrl.writeResultLine() if ttype == 1: hrl.results["Trial"] += 1 hrl.results["target"] = ttype hrl.results["LumT"] = Lum_S hrl.results["LumM_start"] = float(dsgn["Lum_CD"]) hrl.results["LumM_end"] = Lum_CD hrl.results["RT"] = t hrl.writeResultLine() # If escape has been pressed we break out of the core loop if escp: print "Session cancelled" break # And the experiment is over! hrl.close() print "Session complete"
def main(sbj, blk): #~ observer_id = raw_input ('Please write the subject\'s initials: ') #~ os.path.isfile(observer_id*) ### HRL Parameters ### # Here we define all the paremeters required to instantiate an HRL object. # Which devices we wish to use in this experiment. See the # pydoc documentation for a list of # options. graphics='datapixx' # 'datapixx' is another option inputs='responsepixx' # 'responsepixx' is another option photometer=None scrn = 1 # Screen size wdth = 1024 hght = 768 # Whether or not to use fullscreen. You probably want to do this when # actually running experiments, but when just developing one, fullscreen # locks out access to the rest of the computer, so you'll probably want to # turn this off. fs = True # Design and result matrix information. This allows us the to use the HRL # functionality for automatically reading a design matrix, and # automatically generating a result matrix. See 'pydoc hrl.hrl' for more # information about these. # Design and Result matrix files names #~ designFname = #~ dfl = '../design/' + designFname + '.csv' #~ dfl = '../design/%s_design.csv' %(observer_id) #~ rfl = '../results/%s_results.csv' %(observer_id) if blk == 0: dfl = '../design/2afc_design_Dark_' + sbj + '.csv' rfl = '../results/2afc_results_Dark_' + sbj + '.csv' if blk == 1: dfl = '../design/2afc_design_Light_' + sbj + '.csv' rfl = '../results/2afc_results_Light_' + sbj + '.csv' # The names of the fields in the results matrix. In each loop of the # script, we write another line of values to results.csv under these # headings. rhds = ['Trial', 'LumTarget', 'LumMatch', 'LT-LM', 'LumComp', '%deviance', 'Choice', 'RT'] # Pass this to HRL if we want to use gamma correction. lut = '../stimuli/lut.csv' # Create the hrl object with the above fields. All the default argument names are # given just for illustration. hrl = HRL(graphics=graphics, inputs=inputs, photometer=photometer, wdth=wdth, hght=hght, bg=0, dfl=dfl, rfl=rfl, rhds=rhds, fs=fs, scrn=scrn, lut=lut ) # hrl.results is a dictionary which is automatically created by hrl when # give a list of result fields. This can be used to easily write lines to # the result file, as will be seen later. hrl.results['Trial'] = 0 btn = None t = 0 escp = False #instruction screen frmInst =[[1]])) frmInst.draw((0,0), (wdth,hght)) while ((btn != 'Space') & (escp != True)): (btn,t1) = hrl.inputs.readButton() if btn == 'Escape': escp = True raise Exception('experiment terminated by the subject') ### Experiment setup ### # texture creation in buffer : stimulus I DO NOT NEED A BUFFERED IMAGE TO DRAW ON ### Core Loop ### # hrl.designs is an iterator over all the lines in the specified design # matrix, which was loaded at the creation of the hrl object. Looping over # it in a for statement provides a nice way to run each line in a design # matrix. The fields of each design line (dsgn) are drawn from the design # matrix in the design file (design.csv). for dsgn in hrl.designs: # Here we save the values of the design line with appropriately cast # types and simple names. LumS = float(dsgn['Lum_S']) LumCD = float(dsgn['Lum_CD']) LumCL = float(dsgn['Lum_CL']) if blk == 1: img_fname = '../stimuli/' + sbj +'/lS%d_CD%d_CL%d' %(int(LumS), int(LumCD), int(LumCL)) if blk == 0: img_fname = '../stimuli/' +sbj + '/dS%d_CD%d_CDD%d' %(int(LumS), int(LumCD), int(LumCL)) #~ curr_image = image_to_array(img_fname) curr_image2 = image_to_array(img_fname) curr_image = normalize_image2(curr_image2, 0, 1) # prestimulus fixation frmFix =[[float(120.0/255.0)]])) frmFix.draw((0,0), (wdth,hght)) time.sleep(0.5) # And finally we preload some variables to prepare for our button # reading loop. # stimulus presentation #~ frm1 = frm1 = frm1.draw((0,0),(wdth,hght)) time.sleep(0.25) #~ time.sleep(1.0) # response fixation frmFix.draw((0,0), (wdth,hght)) if hrl.results['Trial'] > 99: nte2 = hrl.results['Trial'] / 100 nte1 = hrl.results['Trial'] / 10 - nte2*10 nte0 = hrl.results['Trial'] %10 fileN = 'testingImg_%d' %(nte1) fileN2 = 'testingImg_%d' %(nte0) fileN3 = 'testingImg_%d' %(nte2) nT = normalize_image2(image_to_array(fileN),0,1) nT2 = normalize_image2(image_to_array(fileN2),0,1) nT3 = normalize_image2(image_to_array(fileN3),0,1),0), (20,28)),0), (20,28)),0), (20,28)) elif hrl.results['Trial'] > 9: nte1 = hrl.results['Trial'] / 10 nte0 = hrl.results['Trial'] %10 fileN = 'testingImg_%d' %(nte1) filen2 = 'testingImg_%d' %(nte0) nT = normalize_image2(image_to_array(fileN),0,1) nT2 = normalize_image2(image_to_array(filen2),0,1),0), (20,28)),0), (20,28)) else: fileN = 'testingImg_%d' %(hrl.results['Trial']) nT = normalize_image2(image_to_array(fileN), 0, 1),0), (20,28)) ### Input Loop #### # Until the user finalizes their luminance choice for the central # circle, or pressed escape... # The button pressed btn = None # The time it took to decide on which pair is more different t = 0 # Whether escape was pressed escp = False while ((btn != 'Space') & (escp != True)): # Read the next button press (btn,t1) = hrl.inputs.readButton() # Add the time it took to press to the decision time t += t1 # Respond to the pressed button if blk == 0: if btn == 'Left': # if CDD-CD-S, then Left = CDD-CD looks more similar # if CD-S-CL , then Left = CD- S looks more similar hrl.results['Trial'] += 1 hrl.results['LumTarget'] = LumS hrl.results['LumMatch'] = LumCD hrl.results['LT-LM'] = LumS-LumCD hrl.results['LumComp'] = LumCL hrl.results['%deviance'] = np.round(((LumCL-LumCD)/LumCD)*100, 0) hrl.results['Choice'] = 0 hrl.results['RT'] = t hrl.writeResultLine() break elif btn == 'Right': # if CDD-CD-S, then Right = CD-S looks more similar # if CD-S-CL , then Right = S- CL looks more similar hrl.results['Trial'] += 1 hrl.results['LumTarget'] = LumS hrl.results['LumMatch'] = LumCD hrl.results['LT-LM'] = LumS-LumCD hrl.results['LumComp'] = LumCL hrl.results['Choice'] = 1 hrl.results['%deviance'] = np.round(((LumCL-LumCD)/LumCD)*100, 0) hrl.results['RT'] = t hrl.writeResultLine() break elif btn == 'Escape': escp = True break if blk == 1: if btn == 'Down': # if CDD-CD-S, then Left = CDD-CD looks more similar # if CD-S-CL , then Left = CD- S looks more similar hrl.results['Trial'] += 1 hrl.results['LumTarget'] = LumS hrl.results['LumMatch'] = LumCD hrl.results['LT-LM'] = LumS-LumCD hrl.results['LumComp'] = LumCL hrl.results['%deviance'] = np.round(((LumCL-LumCD)/LumCD)*100, 0) hrl.results['Choice'] = 0 hrl.results['RT'] = t hrl.writeResultLine() break elif btn == 'Up': # if CDD-CD-S, then Right = CD-S looks more similar # if CD-S-CL , then Right = S- CL looks more similar hrl.results['Trial'] += 1 hrl.results['LumTarget'] = LumS hrl.results['LumMatch'] = LumCD hrl.results['LT-LM'] = LumS-LumCD hrl.results['LumComp'] = LumCL hrl.results['Choice'] = 1 hrl.results['%deviance'] = np.round(((LumCL-LumCD)/LumCD)*100, 0) hrl.results['RT'] = t hrl.writeResultLine() break elif btn == 'Escape': escp = True break # We print the trial number simply to keep track during an experiment print hrl.results['Trial'] # If escape has been pressed we break out of the core loop if escp: print "Session cancelled" break # And the experiment is over! hrl.close() print "session complete"
def main(): debug = 0 #print debug if debug: ### HRL Parameters for DESKTOP ### graphics = 'gpu' inputs = 'keyboard' # Screen GPU wdth = 800 hght = 600 fs = False # fullscreen mode off scrn = 0 # screen number else: ### HRL Parameters for DATAPIXX ### graphics = 'datapixx' inputs = 'responsepixx' # or 'responsepixx' wdth = 1024 hght = 768 #wdth = 1600 #hght = 1200 #wdth = 2048 #hght = 1536 fs = True # fullscreen mode scrn = 1 # screen number ############################################# hrl = HRL(graphics=graphics, inputs=inputs, lut=lut, photometer=None, wdth=wdth, hght=hght, bg=background, fs=fs, scrn=scrn) whlf = wdth / 2.0 hhlf = hght / 2.0 weht = wdth / 8.0 heht = hght / 8.0 # texture creation in buffer, input is numpy array [0-1] white =[[1]])) black =[[0]])) s = 150 white.draw((whlf - s, hhlf - s), (s, s)) black.draw((whlf, hhlf - s), (s, s)) white.draw((whlf, hhlf), (s, s)) black.draw((whlf - s, hhlf), (s, s)) ####################################### while True: # clr= True to clear buffer (btn, t1) = hrl.inputs.readButton() #print btn if btn == 'Space': break # closing window hrl.close()
def main(): # determine design and result file name try: (design_fn, result_fn, completed_trials, total_trials, check_fn) = prepare_files() except EndExperiment: return 0 result_headers = [ 'Trial', 'adaptor_type', 'coaxial_lum', 'test_lum', 'match_lum', 'flank_lum', 'test_loc', 'grating_ori', 'response_time', 'match_initial', 'adaptor_shift' ] global hrl hrl = HRL(graphics='datapixx', inputs='responsepixx', photometer=None, wdth=1024, hght=768, bg=0.5, dfl=design_fn, rfl=result_fn, rhds=result_headers, scrn=1, lut='lut0to88.csv', db=False, fs=True) # monkey patch to use non-blocking readButton function # should be removed once hrl.inputs.readButton is fixed hrl.inputs.readButton = lambda to: waitButton(hrl.datapixx, to) # set the bar width of the grating. this value determines all positions global bar_width bar_width = 38 y_border = 768 // 2 - int(6 * bar_width) x_border = (1024 - 6 * bar_width) // 2 # the coordinates of the four possible test check positions # test coordinates are (y,x) position within the grating array global test_coords test_coords = ((bar_width * 3, bar_width * 2), (bar_width * 3, bar_width * 3), (bar_width * 4, bar_width * 2), (bar_width * 4, bar_width * 3)) # match coordinates are (x,y) screen positions global match_coords match_coords = ((x_border + bar_width * 2, 384 + int(bar_width * 2)), (x_border + bar_width * 3, 384 + int(bar_width * 2)), (x_border + bar_width * 2, 384 + int(bar_width * 1)), (x_border + bar_width * 3, 384 + int(bar_width * 1))) global match_bg_loc match_bg_loc = (x_border, 384) global stim_loc stim_loc = (x_border, y_border) # prepare fixation mark textures global fix_inner fix_inner =, 1)) * .5, 'circle') global fix_outer fix_outer =, 1)), 'circle') # prepare confirmation texture global confirmation confirmation ='Weiter?', bg=.5)) # show instruction screen if completed_trials == 0: for i in range(6): instructions = plt.imread('instructions%d.png' % (i + 1))[..., 0] instructions = instructions.draw((0, 0)) btn = None while btn != 'Space': btn, _ = hrl.inputs.readButton(to=3600) # show test trials test_dsgn = [{ 'adaptor_type': 'none', 'grating_ori': 'horizontal', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.55', 'test_loc': '0', 'test_lum': '0.5' }, { 'adaptor_type': 'vertical', 'grating_ori': 'horizontal', 'grating_vals': '0.55,0.45', 'test_loc': '1', 'test_lum': '0.5' }, { 'adaptor_type': 'horizontal', 'grating_ori': 'horizontal', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.55', 'test_loc': '2', 'test_lum': '0.5' }, { 'adaptor_type': 'vertical', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.55,0.45', 'test_loc': '2', 'test_lum': '0.5' }, { 'adaptor_type': 'none', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.45', 'test_loc': '1', 'test_lum': '0.5' }, { 'adaptor_type': 'vertical_shifted', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.55,0.45', 'test_loc': '2', 'test_lum': '0.5' }, { 'adaptor_type': 'none', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.55,0.55', 'test_loc': '1', 'test_lum': '0.5' }, { 'adaptor_type': 'horizontal_shifted', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.55', 'test_loc': '1', 'test_lum': '0.5' }, { 'adaptor_type': 'horizontal', 'grating_ori': 'vertical', 'grating_vals': '0.45,0.55', 'test_loc': '3', 'test_lum': '0.5' }] for dsgn in test_dsgn: run_trial(dsgn) # show experiment start confirmation lines = [ u'Die Probedurchgänge sind fertig.', u'Wenn du bereit bist, drücke die mittlere Taste.', u' ', u'Wenn du noch Fragen hast, oder mehr Probedurchgänge', u'machen willst, wende dich an den Versuchsleiter.' ] for line_nr, line in enumerate(lines): textline =, fontsize=36)) textline.draw(((1024 - textline.wdth) / 2, (768 / 2 - (3 - line_nr) * (textline.hght + 10)))) btn = None while btn != 'Space': btn, _ = hrl.inputs.readButton(to=3600) ### Core Loop ### # hrl.designs is an iterator over all the lines in the specified design # matrix, which was loaded at the creation of the hrl object. Looping over # it in a for statement provides a nice way to run each line in a design # matrix. The fields of each design line (dsgn) are drawn from the design # matrix in the design file (design.csv). start_time = time.time() try: for trial, dsgn in enumerate(hrl.designs): # skip trials that we already had data for if trial < completed_trials: continue # check if we should take a break (every 15 minutes) if time.time() - start_time > (60 * 15): show_break(trial, total_trials) start_time = time.time() match_lum, t, bg_values = run_trial(dsgn) # convert adaptor type name to convention more useful for analysis adaptor_ori = dsgn['adaptor_type'].replace('_shifted', '') if adaptor_ori == 'none': adaptor_type = 'none' elif dsgn['grating_ori'] == adaptor_ori: adaptor_type = 'parallel' else: adaptor_type = 'orthogonal' # determine flank and coaxial luminance based on test patch position grating_vals = [float(v) for v in dsgn['grating_vals'].split(',')] loc = int(dsgn['test_loc']) go = dsgn['grating_ori'] if (go == 'horizontal' and loc in [2, 3]) or \ (go == 'vertical' and loc in [0, 2]): coaxial_lum, flank_lum = grating_vals else: flank_lum, coaxial_lum = grating_vals # Once a value has been chosen by the subject, we save all relevant # variables to the result file by loading it all into the hrl.results # dictionary, and then finally running hrl.writeResultLine(). hrl.results['Trial'] = trial hrl.results['test_lum'] = dsgn['test_lum'] hrl.results['adaptor_type'] = adaptor_type hrl.results['test_loc'] = dsgn['test_loc'] hrl.results['grating_ori'] = dsgn['grating_ori'] hrl.results['coaxial_lum'] = coaxial_lum hrl.results['flank_lum'] = flank_lum hrl.results['response_time'] = time.time() - t hrl.results['match_lum'] = float(match_lum) hrl.writeResultLine() # write match bg values to file with open(check_fn, 'a') as f: f.write('%s\n' % ','.join('%0.4f' % x for x in bg_values)) # We print the trial number simply to keep track during an experiment print hrl.results['Trial'] # catch EndExperiment exception raised by pressing escp for clean exit except EndExperiment: print "Experiment aborted" # And the experiment is over! hrl.close() print "Session complete"
def main(): ### HRL Parameters ### # Here we define all the paremeters required to instantiate an HRL object. # Which devices we wish to use in this experiment. See the # pydoc documentation for a list of # options. graphics = "gpu" # 'datapixx' is another option inputs = "keyboard" # 'responsepixx' is another option photometer = None # Screen size wdth = 1024 hght = 768 # Whether or not to use fullscreen. You probably want to do this when # actually running experiments, but when just developing one, fullscreen # locks out access to the rest of the computer, so you'll probably want to # turn this off. fs = True # Design and result matrix information. This allows us the to use the HRL # functionality for automatically reading a design matrix, and # automatically generating a result matrix. See 'pydoc hrl.hrl' for more # information about these. # Design and Result matrix files names dfl = "design.csv" rfl = "results.csv" # The names of the fields in the results matrix. In each loop of the # script, we write another line of values to results.csv under these # headings. rhds = [ "SelectedMunsell", "LeftMunsell", "RightMunsell", "Trial", "TrialTime", "FramePresent", "LeftLuminance", "RightLuminance", "InitialLuminance", "InitialMunsell", "SelectedLuminance", ] # Pass this to HRL if we want to use gamma correction. lut = "lut.csv" # Create the hrl object with the above fields. All the default argument names are # given just for illustration. hrl = HRL( graphics=graphics, inputs=inputs, photometer=photometer, wdth=wdth, hght=hght, bg=0, dfl=dfl, rfl=rfl, rhds=rhds, fs=fs, ) # hrl.results is a dictionary which is automatically created by hrl when # give a list of result fields. This can be used to easily write lines to # the result file, as will be seen later. hrl.results["Trial"] = 0 ### Experiment setup ### # We are arranging circles and shapes around the screen, so it's helpful to # section the screen into eights and halves. whlf = wdth / 2.0 hhlf = hght / 2.0 weht = wdth / 8.0 heht = hght / 8.0 # These are the big and small step sizes for luminance changes smlstp = 0.005 bgstp = 0.05 # Here we load the square frame which contains the circles into the back # buffer. This is simply a white square covered by a slightly smaller black # square. The textures loaded are simply 1x1 pixel values, but then we use # the draw function to stretch them to the appropriate size. Since we never # draw these objects again, we don't bother saving the texture objects # returned by newTexture, but rather simply draw them right away and then # throw them away. frm1 =[[1]])) frm2 =[[0]])) frm1.draw((1.9 * weht, 1.9 * heht), (0.525 * wdth, 0.525 * hght)) frm2.draw((2 * weht, 2 * heht), (0.5 * wdth, 0.5 * hght)) frm1.draw((1.9 * weht, 1.9 * heht), (0.525 * wdth, 0.525 * hght)) frm2.draw((2 * weht, 2 * heht), (0.5 * wdth, 0.5 * hght)) ### Core Loop ### # hrl.designs is an iterator over all the lines in the specified design # matrix, which was loaded at the creation of the hrl object. Looping over # it in a for statement provides a nice way to run each line in a design # matrix. The fields of each design line (dsgn) are drawn from the design # matrix in the design file (design.csv). for dsgn in hrl.designs: # Here we save the values of the design line with appropriately cast # types and simple names. lmns = float(dsgn["LeftMunsell"]) rmns = float(dsgn["RightMunsell"]) rds = float(dsgn["Radius"]) frm = bool(dsgn["FramePresent"]) # And we randomly initialize the luminance of the central circle. cmns = uniform(0.0, 1.0) # Here we create our circle textures. Again, they are simply 1x1 pixel # textures, but since they are uniform in colour, it serves simply to # stretch them to our desired dimensions. llm = munsell2luminance(np.array([[lmns]])) rlm = munsell2luminance(np.array([[rmns]])) clm = munsell2luminance(np.array([[cmns]])) # Here we draw the circles to the back buffer lcrc =, "circle") rcrc =, "circle") lcrc.draw((whlf - weht, hhlf), (2 * rds, 2 * rds)) rcrc.draw((whlf + weht, hhlf), (2 * rds, 2 * rds)) lcrc.draw((whlf - weht, hhlf), (2 * rds, 2 * rds)) rcrc.draw((whlf + weht, hhlf), (2 * rds, 2 * rds)), "circle").draw((whlf, hhlf), (2 * rds, 2 * rds)) # Finally we load our frame and our circles to the screen. We don't # clear the back buffer because we don't want to redraw the frame, and # we'll simply draw new circles ontop of old ones. # And finally we preload some variables to prepare for our button # reading loop. # The button pressed btn = None # The time it took to decide on the mean luminance t = 0.0 # Whether escape was pressed escp = False ### Input Loop #### # Until the user finalizes their luminance choice for the central # circle, or pressed escape... while (btn != "Space") & (escp != True): # Read the next button press (btn, t1) = hrl.inputs.readButton() # Add the time it took to press to the decision time t += t1 # Respond to the pressed button if btn == "Up": cmns += bgstp elif btn == "Right": cmns += smlstp elif btn == "Down": cmns -= bgstp elif btn == "Left": cmns -= smlstp elif btn == "Escape": escp = True break # Make sure the luminance doesn't fall out of the range [0,1] if cmns > 1: cmns = 1 if cmns < 0: cmns = 0 # And update the display with the new value clm = munsell2luminance(np.array([[cmns]])), "circle").draw((whlf, hhlf), (2 * rds, 2 * rds)) # Once a value has been chosen by the subject, we save all the relevant # variables to the result file by loading it all into the hrl.results # dictionary, and then finally running hrl.writeResultLine(). hrl.results["Trial"] += 1 hrl.results["FramePresent"] = frm hrl.results["LeftLuminance"] = llm[0, 0] hrl.results["LeftMunsell"] = lmns hrl.results["RightLuminance"] = rlm[0, 0] hrl.results["RightMunsell"] = rmns hrl.results["InitialLuminance"] = clm[0, 0] hrl.results["InitialMunsell"] = cmns hrl.results["TrialTime"] = t hrl.results["SelectedLuminance"] = clm[0, 0] hrl.results["SelectedMunsell"] = cmns hrl.writeResultLine() # We print the trial number simply to keep track during an experiment print hrl.results["Trial"] # If escape has been pressed we break out of the core loop if escp: print "Session cancelled" break # And the experiment is over! hrl.close() print "Session complete"
def main(files): debug = 0 #print debug if debug: ### HRL Parameters for DESKTOP ### graphics = 'gpu' inputs = 'keyboard' # Screen GPU wdth = 800 hght = 600 fs = False # fullscreen mode off scrn = 0 # screen number else: ### HRL Parameters for DATAPIXX ### graphics = 'datapixx' inputs = 'responsepixx' # or 'responsepixx' wdth = 1024 hght = 768 fs = True # fullscreen mode scrn = 1 # screen number ############################################# hrl = HRL(graphics=graphics, inputs=inputs, lut=lut, photometer=None, wdth=wdth, hght=hght, bg=background, fs=fs, scrn=scrn) whlf = wdth / 2.0 hhlf = hght / 2.0 #qh = hght/4.0 #qw = wdth/4.0 #ws = wdth/6.0 # reading PNGs and converting to grayscale textures = [] for fname in files: print "loading... %s " % fname ## the image is loaded using PIL module and converted to a ## numpy array ranging from 0 to 1. image ="L") im = np.asarray(image) / 255. # texture creation in buffer, input is numpy array [0-1] tex = textures.append(tex) # generating text for filenames to be displayed texts = [] for fname in files: im = draw_text(fname, bg=0.27, text_color=0, fontsize=20) tex = texts.append(tex) ####### i = 0 ####################################### while True: tex = textures[i] tex.draw((whlf - tex.wdth / 2, hhlf - tex.hght / 2)) tex = texts[i] tex.draw((100, 100)) # clr= True to clear buffer print "currently showing: %s" % files[i] (btn, t1) = hrl.inputs.readButton() #print btn if btn == 'Space': break elif btn == 'Right': i += 1 elif btn == 'Left': i -= 1 if i < 0: i = len(textures) - 1 if i == len(textures): i = 0 # closing window hrl.close()
def main(): # Parse args args = prsr.parse_args() # HRL parameters wdth = 1024 hght = 768 # Section the screen - used by Core Loop wqtr = wdth/4.0 # IO Stuff dpxBool = False dfl = 'design.csv' rfl = 'results/' + args.sbj + '.csv' flds = ['TrialTime','SelectedLuminance'] btns = ['Yellow','Red','Blue','Green','White'] # Central Coordinates (the origin of the graphics buffers is at the centre of the # screen. Change this if you don't want a central coordinate system. If you delete # this part the default will be a matrix style coordinate system. coords = (-0.5,0.5,-0.5,0.5) flipcoords = False # Pass this to HRL if we want to use gamma correction. lut = 'LUT.txt' # If fs is true, we must provide a way to exit with e.g. checkEscape(). fs = False # Step sizes for luminance changes smlstp = 0.01 bgstp = 0.1 # HRL Init hrl = HRL(wdth,hght,dpx=dpxBool,dfl=dfl,rfl=rfl,rhds=flds ,btns=btns,fs=fs,coords=coords,flipcoords=flipcoords) # Core Loop for dsgn in hrl.dmtx: # Load Trial mnl = float(dsgn['MinLuminance']) mxl = float(dsgn['MaxLuminance']) rds = float(dsgn['Radius']) # Create Patches mnptch = hrl.newTexture(np.array([[mnl]]),'circle') mxptch = hrl.newTexture(np.array([[mxl]]),'circle') cntrllm = uniform(0.0,1.0) cntrlptch = hrl.newTexture(np.array([[cntrllm]]),'circle') # Draw Patches mnptch.draw((-wqtr,0),(2*rds,2*rds)) mxptch.draw((wqtr,0),(2*rds,2*rds)) cntrlptch.draw((0,0),(2*rds,2*rds)) # Draw but don't clear the back buffer hrl.flip(clr=False) # Prepare Core Loop logic btn = None t = 0.0 escp = False # Adjust central patch while ((btn != 'White') & (escp != True)): (btn,t1) = hrl.readButton() t += t1 if btn == 'Yellow': cntrllm += smlstp elif btn == 'Red': cntrllm += bgstp elif btn == 'Blue': cntrllm -= smlstp elif btn == 'Green': cntrllm -= bgstp # Bound Checking if cntrllm > 1: cntrllm = 1 if cntrllm < 0: cntrllm = 0 # Update display cntrlptch = hrl.newTexture(np.array([[cntrllm]]),'circle') cntrlptch.draw((0,0),(2*rds,2*rds)) hrl.flip(clr=False) if hrl.checkEscape(): escp = True # Save results of trial hrl.rmtx['TrialTime'] = t hrl.rmtx['SelectedLuminance'] = cntrllm hrl.writeResultLine() # Check if escape has been pressed if escp: break # Experiment is over! hrl.close()