コード例 #1
H = HubbardHamiltonian(Hsp2)
H.set_polarization(up=[6], dn=[28])
n_AFM = H.n

f = open('FM-AFM.dat', 'w')

mixer = sisl.mixing.PulayMixer(0.7, history=7)

for u in np.arange(5, 0, -0.25):
    # We approach the solutions for different U values
    H.U = u

    # AFM case first
    success = H.read_density(
        'clar-goblet.nc')  # Try reading, if we already have density on file
    if not success:
        H.n = n_AFM.copy()

    dn = H.converge(density.calc_n_insulator, tol=1e-10, mixer=mixer)
    eAFM = H.Etot
    n_AFM = H.n.copy()

    if u == 3.5:
        p = plot.SpinPolarization(H, colorbar=True, vmax=0.4, vmin=-0.4)
        p.savefig('spin_pol_U%i_AFM.pdf' % (H.U * 1000))

    # Now FM case
    H.q[0] += 1  # change to two more up-electrons than down
    H.q[1] -= 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: fig3.py プロジェクト: dipc-cc/hubbard
# 3NN tight-binding model
Hsp2 = sp2(mol, t1=2.7, t2=0.2, t3=.18)

H = HubbardHamiltonian(Hsp2)

# Plot the single-particle TB (U = 0.0) wavefunction (SO) for Type 1
H.U = 0.0
ev, evec = H.eigh(eigvals_only=False, spin=0)
N = H.q[0]
midgap = H.find_midgap()
ev -= midgap
f = 3800
v = evec[:, int(round(N)) - 1]
j = np.argmax(abs(v))
wf = f * v**2 * np.sign(v[j]) * np.sign(v)
p = plot.Wavefunction(H, wf)
p.set_title(r'$E = %.3f$ eV' % (ev[int(round(N)) - 1]))

# Plot MFH spin polarization for U = 3.5 eV
H.U = 3.5
success = H.read_density(
    'fig3_type1.nc')  # Try reading, if we already have density on file
if not success:
mixer = sisl.mixing.PulayMixer(0.7, history=7)
H.converge(density.calc_n_insulator, mixer=mixer)
p = plot.SpinPolarization(H, ext_geom=mol, vmax=0.20)
コード例 #3
# Test all plot functionalities of hubbard module
# using a reference molecule (already converged)

# Build sisl Geometry object
molecule = sisl.get_sile('mol-ref/mol-ref.XV').read_geometry()
molecule.sc.set_nsc([1, 1, 1])
molecule = molecule.move(-molecule.center(what='xyz')).rotate(220, [0, 0, 1])
H_mol = sp2(molecule)

p = plot.BondHoppings(H_mol, annotate=False, off_diagonal_only=False, cmap_e='winter')

H = HubbardHamiltonian(H_mol, U=3.5)

p = plot.Charge(H, ext_geom=molecule, colorbar=True)

p = plot.ChargeDifference(H, ext_geom=molecule, colorbar=True)

p = plot.SpinPolarization(H, ext_geom=molecule, colorbar=True, vmax=0.2)

ev, evec = H.eigh(eigvals_only=False, spin=0)
コード例 #4
# Build sisl Geometry object only for a subset of atoms
molecule = sisl.get_sile('mol-ref/mol-ref.XV').read_geometry().sub([2,3,5])
molecule.sc.set_nsc([1, 1, 1])

# Build HubbardHamiltonian object
Hsp2 = sp2(molecule)
H = HubbardHamiltonian(Hsp2, U=3.5)
# Generate simple density
H.n = np.ones((2, H.sites))*0.5

print(f'1. Write and read densities under group {H.get_hash()} using the HubbardHamiltonian class\n')
# Write density in file
H.write_density('mol-ref/test.HU.nc', group=H.get_hash(), mode='w')
# Read density using the HubbardHamiltonian class
H.read_density('mol-ref/test.HU.nc', group=H.get_hash())

# Write another density in file under another group
print(f'2. Write another densities under another group\n')
H.n *= 2
H.write_density('mol-ref/test.HU.nc', group='group2', mode='a')

print('3. Read density, U and kT using ncsile from all groups')
fh = sisl.get_sile('mol-ref/test.HU.nc', mode='r')
for g in fh.groups:
    print('group: ', g)
    print('n:', fh.read_density(group=g))
    print('U:', fh.read_U(group=g))
    print('kT:', fh.read_kT(group=g))
コード例 #5
ファイル: compute.py プロジェクト: dipc-cc/hubbard
# 3NN tight-binding model
Hsp2 = sp2(mol, t1=2.7, t2=0.2, t3=.18)
H = HubbardHamiltonian(Hsp2)

# Output file to collect the energy difference between
# FM and AFM solutions
f = open('FM-AFM.dat', 'w')

mixer = sisl.mixing.PulayMixer(0.7, history=7)

for u in np.linspace(0.0, 4.0, 5):
    # We approach the solutions from above, starting at U=4eV
    H.U = 4.0 - u

    # AFM case first
    success = H.read_density(
        mol_file + '.nc')  # Try reading, if we already have density on file
    if not success:
        H.set_polarization([1, 6, 15])  # polarize lower zigzag edge
    dn = H.converge(density.calc_n_insulator, mixer=mixer)
    eAFM = H.Etot
    H.write_density(mol_file + '.nc')

    p = plot.SpinPolarization(H, colorbar=True, vmax=0.4, vmin=-0.4)
    p.savefig('%s-spin-U%i.pdf' % (mol_file, H.U * 1000))

    # Now FM case
    H.q[0] += 1  # change to two more up-electrons than down
    H.q[1] -= 1
コード例 #6
ファイル: test-hubbard-quick.py プロジェクト: dipc-cc/hubbard
from hubbard import HubbardHamiltonian, sp2, density, NEGF
import sisl

# Build sisl Geometry object
molecule = sisl.get_sile('mol-ref/mol-ref.XV').read_geometry()
molecule.sc.set_nsc([1, 1, 1])

print('1. Run one iteration with calc_n_insulator')
Hsp2 = sp2(molecule)
H = HubbardHamiltonian(Hsp2, U=3.5)
dn = H.iterate(density.calc_n_insulator, mixer=sisl.mixing.LinearMixer())
print('   dn, Etot: ', dn, H.Etot, '\n')

print('2. Run one iteration with data from ncfile')
H.read_density('mol-ref/density.nc', group='3abe772')
dn = H.iterate(density.calc_n_insulator, mixer=sisl.mixing.LinearMixer())
etot = 1 * H.Etot
print('   dn, Etot: ', dn, etot, '\n')

print('3. Run one iteration with calc_n')
d = H.iterate(density.calc_n, mixer=sisl.mixing.LinearMixer())
e = H.Etot
print('   dn, dEtot: ', d - dn, e - etot, '\n')

# Write fdf-block
print('\n4. Write initspin to fdf-block')
H.write_initspin('test.fdf', mode='w')

import random
print('5. Run one iteration for spin-degenerate calculation')
コード例 #7
# Set U and kT for the whole calculation
U = 2.0
kT = 0.025

# Build zigzag GNR
ZGNR = sisl.geom.zgnr(5)

# and 3NN TB Hamiltonian
H_elec = sp2(ZGNR, t1=2.7, t2=0.2, t3=0.18)

mixer = sisl.mixing.PulayMixer(0.6, history=7)

# Hubbard Hamiltonian of elecs
MFH_elec = HubbardHamiltonian(H_elec, U=U, nkpt=[102, 1, 1], kT=kT)
# Initial densities
success = MFH_elec.read_density('elec_density.nc')
if not success:
    # If no densities saved, start with random densities with maximized polarization at the edges
    MFH_elec.set_polarization([0], dn=[9])

# Converge Electrode Hamiltonians
dn = MFH_elec.converge(density.calc_n, mixer=mixer)
# Write also densities for future calculations
# Plot spin polarization of electrodes
p = plot.SpinPolarization(MFH_elec, colorbar=True)

# Find Fermi level of reservoirs and write to netcdf file
Ef_elecs = MFH_elec.fermi_level(q=MFH_elec.q)
コード例 #8
ファイル: fig_S15.py プロジェクト: dipc-cc/hubbard
# 3NN tight-binding model
Hsp2 = sp2(mol, t1=2.7, t2=0.2, t3=.18)

H = HubbardHamiltonian(Hsp2)

# Output file to collect the energy difference between
# FM and AFM solutions
f = open('FM-AFM.dat', 'w')

mixer = sisl.mixing.PulayMixer(0.7, history=7)
H.set_polarization([77], dn=[23])
for u in np.linspace(0.0, 1.4, 15):
    # We approach the solutions from above, starting at U=4eV
    H.U = 4.4 - u
    # AFM case first
    success = H.read_density(
        'fig_S15.nc')  # Try reading, if we already have density on file

    dn = H.converge(density.calc_n_insulator, mixer=mixer, tol=1e-6)
    eAFM = H.Etot

    # Now FM case
    H.q[0] += 1  # change to two more up-electrons than down
    H.q[1] -= 1
    success = H.read_density(
        'fig_S15.nc')  # Try reading, if we already have density on file

    dn = H.converge(density.calc_n_insulator, mixer=mixer, tol=1e-6)
    eFM = H.Etot