def discoverVolumeGroups(shell): try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lsvg') except ValueError, ex: logger.reportWarning('Failed to discover Logical Volumes') logger.warn(str(ex)) return {}
def discoverLparPhysScsiAndRaid(shell, physicalVolumesDict): scsiList = [] physVolumes = [] output = "" for hdisk in physicalVolumesDict.keys(): try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lspath -l %s -F"name:parent"' % hdisk) except ValueError, ex: logger.warn(str(ex)) continue (hdisks, devices) = parseHdiskToScsiCorres(output, "\:+") for i in range(len(devices)): deviceName = devices[i] physicalVolume = physicalVolumesDict.get(hdisks[i]) if physicalVolume: command = "lscfg | grep %s" % deviceName try: output = shell.execAlternateCmds(command, "ioscli " + command, "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli " + command) if output: physicalPath = re.match('\+\s+scsi1\s+([\w\.\-]+)\s+', output.strip()) if physicalPath: localSlotNumber = re.match(".*-[Cc](\d+)", or re.match(".*-[Pp](\d+)", if localSlotNumber: scsi = storage_topology.ScsiAdapter() scsi.physicalPath = scsi.slotNumber = physicalVolume.scsiAdapterSlotNumber = scsi.slotNumber physVolumes.append(physicalVolume) scsiList.append(scsi) except: logger.warnException("Failed to discover physical SCSI and RAID.")
def discoverPhysicalVolumes(shell): physVolumeDict = {} output = None # modified by Daniel La 29/03/2012 use to be output = '' try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lspv') except ValueError, ex: logger.reportWarning('Failed to discover Physical Volumes') logger.warn(str(ex))
def discoverPhysicalVolumes(shell): physVolumeDict = {} output = "" try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, "lspv") except ValueError, ex: logger.reportWarning("Failed to discover Physical Volumes") logger.warn(str(ex))
def discoverPhysicalVolumes(shell): physVolumeDict = {} output = '' try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lspv') except ValueError, ex: logger.reportWarning('Failed to discover Physical Volumes') logger.warn(str(ex))
def discoverPhysScsiAndRaid(shell, physicalVolumesDict): scsiList = [] physVolumes = [] output = "" try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, "lspath -field name parent") if output and"\s+isk\d+\s+sc\s+si\d+", output, re.DOTALL): output = output.replace('isk', 'hdisk').replace('sc si', 'scsi') except ValueError, ex: logger.reportWarning('Failed to run lspath.') logger.warn(str(ex))
def discoverVirtIoSlots(shell, servers): """ Lists and calls parser for all I/O Slots on the Managed Systems @param shell: either SSH or Telnet client @type shell: instance of the ShellUtills class @param managedSystemsDoList: all previously discovered Managed Systems @type managedSystemsDoList: list of the ManagedSystemDo class instances """ if servers: for server in servers: try: #Discover Virtual IO Slot parameters output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype slot --level slot -m \'' + + '\'') server.managedSystem.vIoSlotList = ibm_hmc_lib.getEntiesAsList(output, parseVirtIoSlots) except ValueError, ex: logger.warn(str(ex))
def discoverIoSlots(shell, servers): """ Lists and calls parser for all I/O Slots on the Managed Systems @param shell: either SSH or Telnet client @type shell: instance of the ShellUtills class @param managedSystemsDoList: all previously discovered Managed Systems @type managedSystemsDoList: list of the ManagedSystemDo class instances """ if servers: for server in servers: try: #Discover IO Slot parameters output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand( shell, 'lshwres -r io --rsubtype slot -m \'' + + '\'') server.managedSystem.ioSlotList = ibm_hmc_lib.getEntiesAsList( output, parseIoSlot) except ValueError, ex: logger.warn(str(ex))
def discoverLparPhysScsiAndRaid(shell, physicalVolumesDict): scsiList = [] physVolumes = [] output = "" for hdisk in physicalVolumesDict.keys(): try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand( shell, 'lspath -l %s -F"name:parent"' % hdisk) except ValueError, ex: logger.warn(str(ex)) continue (hdisks, devices) = parseHdiskToScsiCorres(output, "\:+") for i in range(len(devices)): deviceName = devices[i] physicalVolume = physicalVolumesDict.get(hdisks[i]) if physicalVolume: command = "lscfg | grep %s" % deviceName try: output = shell.execAlternateCmds( command, "ioscli " + command, "/usr/ios/cli/ioscli " + command) if output: physicalPath = re.match('\+\s+scsi1\s+([\w\.\-]+)\s+', output.strip()) if physicalPath: localSlotNumber = re.match( ".*-[Cc](\d+)", or re.match( ".*-[Pp](\d+)", if localSlotNumber: scsi = storage_topology.ScsiAdapter() scsi.physicalPath = 1).strip() scsi.slotNumber = 1).strip() physicalVolume.scsiAdapterSlotNumber = scsi.slotNumber physVolumes.append(physicalVolume) scsiList.append(scsi) except: logger.warnException( "Failed to discover physical SCSI and RAID.")
if vgId: return def discoverVolumeGroups(shell): try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lsvg') except ValueError, ex: logger.reportWarning('Failed to discover Logical Volumes') logger.warn(str(ex)) return {} vgDict = parseVolumeGroupNames(output) if vgDict: for vg in vgDict.values(): try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lsvg %s' % vg.vgName) vg.vgId = parseVolumeGroupParameters(output) vgDict[vg.vgName] = vg except ValueError, ex: logger.warn(str(ex)) return vgDict def parsePhysicalVolume(output): pvDoDict = {} if output: lines = ibm_hmc_lib.splitCommandOutput(output) if lines: if re.match("\s*NAME\s+PVID", output): lines = lines[1:] for line in lines: tokens = re.split("\s+", line)
if vgId: return def discoverVolumeGroups(shell): try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lsvg') except ValueError, ex: logger.reportWarning('Failed to discover Logical Volumes') logger.warn(str(ex)) return {} vgDict = parseVolumeGroupNames(output) if vgDict: for vg in vgDict.values(): try: output = ibm_hmc_lib.executeCommand(shell, 'lsvg %s' % vg.vgName) vg.vgId = parseVolumeGroupParameters(output) vgDict[vg.vgName] = vg except ValueError, ex: logger.warn(str(ex)) return vgDict def parsePhysicalVolume(output): pvDoDict = {} if output: lines = ibm_hmc_lib.splitCommandOutput(output) if lines: if re.match("\s*NAME\s+PVID", output): lines = lines[1:] for line in lines: