def credits(): global cr_active, cr_background, cr_text if cr_active == False: # when entering credits cr_active = True # create objects cr_background = media_lib.Video(gl.gen_path + "/src/props/intro.mp4") cr_background.start(repeat=True) cr_text = media_lib.TextField(0, 8, gl.W, gl.H - 8, gl.credits_text, gl.standard_font, gl.text_color_2, alignment=0) # input if io.read_input(io.BACK): cr_active = False # draw cr_background.draw() cr_text.draw() if cr_active == False: # when leaving credits cr_background = None cr_text = None gl.prog_pos = gl.cr_prev_pos if gl.show_debug: gl.debug_text.append("prev prog_pos: " + gl.cr_prev_pos)
def settings_choose(): global sc_active, sc_background, sc_btns, sc_pos if sc_active == False: # when entering settings_choose sc_active = True sc_background = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/background.jpeg", 0, 0, gl.W, gl.H) # create background # create buttons sc_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/choose/", "drinks.png", "drinks_sel.png", "drinks.png", 14, 10, 326, 582)) sc_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/choose/", "import.png", "import_sel.png", "import.png", 461, 10, 326, 582)) sc_btns[sc_pos].selected = True # input if io.read_input(io.BACK): # if going back sc_active = False gl.prog_pos = 'm' elif io.read_input(io.NEXT): # selecting a setting sc_active = False if sc_pos == 0: gl.prog_pos = 'sd' else: gl.prog_pos = 'si' elif io.read_input(io.LEFT): # moving the selection sc_pos = 0 sc_btns[0].selected = True sc_btns[1].selected = False elif io.read_input(io.RIGHT): sc_pos = 1 sc_btns[0].selected = False sc_btns[1].selected = True # draw sc_background.draw() for i in sc_btns: i.draw() if sc_active == False: # when leaving settings_choose sc_background = None sc_btns.clear()
def loop(): """ actions that need to be executed every loop (independently from prog_pos) are here. this function will be called before any other actions in the main loop """ io.keyboard_input() # keyboard input io.update_input() # button input # debug information about input and output if gl.show_debug: if not gl.prog_pos == 'i': i_s = "O: " for i in io.valves_state: i_s += str(int(i)) + "; " i_s += str(int(io.pump_state)) gl.debug_text.append(i_s) i_s = "I: up: " + str(int( io.read_input(io.UP))) + "; down: " + str( int(io.read_input(io.DOWN))) + "; left: " + str( int(io.read_input(io.LEFT))) + "; right: " + str( int(io.read_input(io.RIGHT))) + ";" gl.debug_text.append(i_s) i_s = "I: next: " + str(int(io.read_input( io.NEXT))) + "; back: " + str(int(io.read_input(io.BACK))) gl.debug_text.append(i_s)
def settings_import(): global si_active, si_background, si_recipe_list, si_first_recipe, si_btn_list, si_chosen_btn, si_n_visible_btn, si_import_btn, si_marker, si_btns_cords, si_spacing, si_btns_cords_sel if si_active == False: # when entering import settings si_active = True si_background = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/background.jpeg", 0, 0, gl.W, gl.H) # create background # get recipes si_recipe_list = drinks.get_recipes() # create marker si_marker.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/import/", "marker_up_sel.png", "marker_up.png", "marker_up.png", 283, 6, 35, 30)) si_marker.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/import/", "marker_down_sel.png", "marker_down.png", "marker_down.png", 283, 563, 35, 30)) # create button list _si_rebuilt_list() # create import button si_import_btn = media_lib.Button( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/import/", "import.png", "import_sel.png", "import.png", 635, 510, 131, 45) # input if io.read_input(io.BACK): if si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].disabled: si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].disabled = False else: si_active = False gl.prog_pos = 'sc' elif io.read_input( io.UP ) and si_import_btn.selected == False: # moving up and down in the list if si_chosen_btn == 0: si_first_recipe -= 1 if si_first_recipe < 0: si_first_recipe = 0 si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].selected = False si_chosen_btn -= 1 if si_chosen_btn < 0: si_chosen_btn = 0 si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].selected = True elif io.read_input(io.DOWN) and si_import_btn.selected == False: if si_chosen_btn == si_n_visible_btn - 1: si_first_recipe += 1 if si_first_recipe > len(si_recipe_list) - si_n_visible_btn: si_first_recipe = len(si_recipe_list) - si_n_visible_btn si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].selected = False si_chosen_btn += 1 if si_chosen_btn > si_n_visible_btn - 1: si_chosen_btn = si_chosen_btn - 1 si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].selected = True if (io.read_input(io.DOWN) or io.read_input(io.UP)) and si_import_btn.selected == False: _si_rebuilt_list() si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].selected = True elif io.read_input(io.RIGHT): # switch to import button si_import_btn.selected = True _si_rebuilt_list(chosen_button_existent=False) elif io.read_input(io.LEFT): # switch to recipe list si_import_btn.selected = False _si_rebuilt_list() notification_text = None if io.read_input(io.NEXT): # pressing next if si_import_btn.selected: # if currently focusing the import-button print("[UI SI] import recipe procedure started" ) # start recipe import success = drinks.import_recipe() if success: print("[UI SI] recipe successfully imported") si_active = False notification_text = "recipe successfully imported" else: print("[UI SI] an error occurred during import") notification_text = "An error occurred during import" else: # if currently focusing somewhere on the list if si_btn_list[ si_chosen_btn].disabled == False: # first select delete si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].disabled = True else: success = drinks.delete_recipe( si_first_recipe + si_chosen_btn) # delete the chosen recipe (if possible) si_active = False if success: notification_text = "successfully deleted recipe" else: notification_text = "couldn't delete recipe, recipe is immutable" if notification_text: gl.notifications.append( media_lib.Notification(notification_text, ver_alignment=1)) # add the recipe names to the buttons for idx, btn in enumerate(si_btn_list): btn.add_text(si_recipe_list[si_first_recipe + idx], gl.standard_font, gl.text_color_1) # control marker # upper marker if si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].text == si_recipe_list[ 0]: # if first item in recipe-list is visible -> we are on the top of the list si_marker[0].disabled = True else: si_marker[0].disabled = False # lower marker if si_btn_list[si_chosen_btn].text == si_recipe_list[ -1]: # if last item in recipe-list is visible -> we are on the bottom of the list si_marker[1].disabled = True else: si_marker[1].disabled = False # draw si_background.draw() for i in si_btn_list: i.draw() for i in si_marker: i.draw() si_import_btn.draw() if si_active == False: # when leaving import settings print("[UI SI] leaving import settings") si_background = None si_recipe_list.clear() si_btn_list.clear() si_marker.clear() if gl.show_debug: # append debug info gl.debug_text.append("[UI SI] chosen_btn: " + str(si_chosen_btn) + " first_recipe: " + str(si_first_recipe) + " chosen_recipe: " + str([si_first_recipe + si_chosen_btn]))
def main_menu(): global menu_background, menu_active, menu_btns, menu_pos_x, test_recipe, menu_pos_y if menu_active == False: # setup menu_active = True # background menu_background = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/background.jpeg", 0, 0, gl.W, gl.H) # creating the buttons for the main menu menu_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/main_menu/", "settings.png", "settings_sel.png", "settings.png", 48, 48, 197, 439)) menu_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/main_menu/", "recipes.png", "recipes_sel.png", "recipes.png", 261, 13, 279, 484)) menu_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/main_menu/", "free.png", "free_sel.png", "free.png", 557, 48, 197, 439)) menu_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/main_menu/", "quit.png", "quit_sel.png", "quit.png", 274, 511, 250, 77)) menu_btns[1].selected = True menu_pos_x = 1 # postion of the buttons menu_pos_y = 0 # input if io.read_input(io.UP): menu_pos_y = 0 menu_btns[menu_pos_x].selected = True menu_btns[3].selected = False elif io.read_input(io.DOWN): menu_pos_y = 1 menu_btns[menu_pos_x].selected = False menu_btns[3].selected = True elif io.read_input(io.LEFT) and menu_pos_y == 0: menu_btns[menu_pos_x].selected = False menu_pos_x -= 1 if menu_pos_x < 0: menu_pos_x = 0 menu_btns[menu_pos_x].selected = True elif io.read_input(io.RIGHT) and menu_pos_y == 0: menu_btns[menu_pos_x].selected = False menu_pos_x += 1 if menu_pos_x > 2: menu_pos_x = 2 menu_btns[menu_pos_x].selected = True elif io.read_input(io.NEXT): menu_active = False if menu_pos_y == 0: if menu_pos_x == 0: gl.prog_pos = 'sc' elif menu_pos_x == 1: gl.prog_pos = 'rc' elif menu_pos_x == 2: gl.prog_pos = 'fc' elif menu_pos_y == 1: gl.prog_pos = 'q' # draw menu_background.draw() # for each button in list for btn in menu_btns: btn.draw() # exiting the main menu if menu_active == False: menu_background = None menu_btns.clear() # append debug information if gl.show_debug: gl.debug_text.append("menu_pos_x: " + str(menu_pos_x))
def settings_drink(): global sd_active, sd_background, sd_drinks_list, sd_spacing, sd_btn_list_cords_sel, sd_plug_img_y_pos, sd_first_drink, sd_btn_list, sd_chosen_btn, sd_n_visible_btn, sd_marker, sd_plug_img, sd_plug_img_name, sd_plug_num, sd_plug_img_cords, sd_btn_list_cords if sd_active == False: # when entering drink settings sd_active = True sd_background = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/background.jpeg", 0, 0, gl.W, gl.H) # create background # get recipes sd_drinks_list = drinks.get_drinks() sd_drinks_list.remove( 'cleaning_water' ) # remove cleaning_water, as it is already permanently set to plug 0 sd_drinks_list.remove("None") # put 'None' in first place sd_drinks_list.insert(0, "None") # create button list x, y = sd_btn_list_cords[0], sd_btn_list_cords[1] w, h = sd_btn_list_cords[2], sd_btn_list_cords[3] for i in range(sd_n_visible_btn): sd_plug_img_y_pos.append(y) if i == sd_chosen_btn: # chosen button l_x = sd_btn_list_cords_sel[0] l_w, l_h = sd_btn_list_cords_sel[2], sd_btn_list_cords_sel[3] sd_btn_list.append( media_lib.Button( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/", "btn_sel.png", "btn_sel.png", "btn_sel.png", l_x, y, l_w, l_h)) y += l_h + sd_spacing[1] else: # other buttons sd_btn_list.append( media_lib.Button( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/", "btn.png", "btn.png", "btn.png", x, y, w, h)) y += h + sd_spacing[0] if i + 1 == sd_chosen_btn: y -= sd_spacing[0] - sd_spacing[1] sd_btn_list[sd_chosen_btn].selected = True # create marker sd_marker.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/", "marker_up_sel.png", "marker_up_sel.png", "marker_up.png", 383, 6, 35, 30)) sd_marker.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/", "marker_down_sel.png", "marker_down_sel.png", "marker_down.png", 383, 563, 35, 30)) sd_marker[1].set_size(y=sd_btn_list[-1].y + sd_btn_list[-1].height + 7) #create plug image sd_plug_img = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/" + sd_plug_img_name[sd_plug_num], sd_plug_img_cords[0], sd_plug_img_cords[1], sd_plug_img_cords[2], sd_plug_img_cords[3]) # input if io.read_input(io.BACK): sd_active = False gl.prog_pos = 'sc' # selecting drink elif io.read_input(io.UP): if sd_chosen_btn == 0: sd_first_drink -= 1 if sd_first_drink < 0: sd_first_drink = 0 # menu boundaries sd_chosen_btn -= 1 if sd_chosen_btn < 0: sd_chosen_btn = 0 sd_btn_list[sd_chosen_btn].selected = True elif io.read_input(io.DOWN): if sd_chosen_btn == sd_n_visible_btn - 1: sd_first_drink += 1 if sd_first_drink > len(sd_drinks_list) - sd_n_visible_btn: sd_first_drink = len(sd_drinks_list) - sd_n_visible_btn # menu boundaries sd_chosen_btn += 1 if sd_chosen_btn > sd_n_visible_btn - 1: sd_chosen_btn = sd_chosen_btn - 1 if io.read_input(io.UP) or io.read_input(io.DOWN): sd_btn_list.clear() x, y = sd_btn_list_cords[0], sd_btn_list_cords[1] w, h = sd_btn_list_cords[2], sd_btn_list_cords[3] for i in range(sd_n_visible_btn): if i == sd_chosen_btn: # chosen button l_x = sd_btn_list_cords_sel[0] l_w, l_h = sd_btn_list_cords_sel[2], sd_btn_list_cords_sel[3] sd_btn_list.append( media_lib.Button( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/", "btn_sel.png", "btn_sel.png", "btn_sel.png", l_x, y, l_w, l_h)) y += l_h + sd_spacing[1] else: # other buttons sd_btn_list.append( media_lib.Button( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/", "btn.png", "btn.png", "btn.png", x, y, w, h)) y += h + sd_spacing[0] if i + 1 == sd_chosen_btn: y -= sd_spacing[0] - sd_spacing[1] sd_marker[1].set_size(y=sd_btn_list[-1].y + sd_btn_list[-1].height + 7) sd_btn_list[sd_chosen_btn].selected = True l_y = sd_btn_list[sd_chosen_btn].y sd_plug_img_cords[1] = l_y sd_plug_img = sd_plug_img = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/" + sd_plug_img_name[sd_plug_num], sd_plug_img_cords[0], l_y, sd_plug_img_cords[2], sd_plug_img_cords[3]) # selecting plug elif io.read_input(io.LEFT): sd_plug_num -= 1 if sd_plug_num < 1: sd_plug_num = 1 # add text plug field sd_plug_img = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/" + sd_plug_img_name[sd_plug_num], sd_plug_img_cords[0], sd_plug_img_cords[1], sd_plug_img_cords[2], sd_plug_img_cords[3]) elif io.read_input(io.RIGHT): sd_plug_num += 1 if sd_plug_num > len(drinks.plugs) - 1: sd_plug_num = len(drinks.plugs) - 1 # add text plug field sd_plug_img = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/settings/drinks/" + sd_plug_img_name[sd_plug_num], sd_plug_img_cords[0], sd_plug_img_cords[1], sd_plug_img_cords[2], sd_plug_img_cords[3]) # setting new drink to plug elif io.read_input(io.NEXT): drink = sd_btn_list[sd_chosen_btn].text drinks.set_drink(sd_plug_num, drink) notification_text = str(sd_plug_num) + " set to " + str(drink) if drink == 'None': notification_text = str(sd_plug_num) + " set clear" gl.notifications.append(media_lib.Notification(notification_text)) # add the drink names to the buttons for idx, btn in enumerate(sd_btn_list): text = sd_drinks_list[sd_first_drink + idx] btn.add_text(text, gl.standard_font, gl.text_color_1) # control marker # upper marker if sd_btn_list[sd_chosen_btn].text == sd_drinks_list[ 0]: # if first item in recipe-list is visible -> we are on the top of the list sd_marker[0].disabled = True else: sd_marker[0].disabled = False # lower marker if sd_btn_list[sd_chosen_btn].text == sd_drinks_list[ -1]: # if last item in recipe-list is visible -> we are on the bottom of the list sd_marker[1].disabled = True else: sd_marker[1].disabled = False # draw sd_background.draw() for i in sd_btn_list: i.draw() for i in sd_marker: i.draw() sd_plug_img.draw() if sd_active == False: # when leaving drink settings print("[UI SD] leaving import settings") sd_background = None sd_drinks_list.clear() sd_btn_list.clear() sd_plug_img = None sd_marker.clear() sd_plug_img_y_pos.clear() if gl.show_debug: # append debug info gl.debug_text.append("[UI SD] chosen_btn: " + str(sd_chosen_btn) + " first_drink: " + str(sd_first_drink) + " chosen_drink: " + str(drinks.drinks[sd_first_drink + sd_chosen_btn])) t = "[UI SD] set drinks:" for idx, drink in enumerate(drinks.plugs): t += " " + str(idx) + ": " + str(drink) + "; " gl.debug_text.append(t)
def recipe_choose(): global rc_active, rc_btns, rc_pos, rc_visible_pos, rc_spacing, rc_x_offset, rc_recipes, rc_stage, rc_marker, rc_standard_file, rc_background, rc_info_textfield, rc_info_btns, rc_btn_size, rc_btn_size_sel # entering the menu if rc_active == False: rc_active = True # filling recipe list (first all available recipes, then the unavailable ones) list_available = drinks.get_recipes(available=True) list_available.sort() list_unavailable = drinks.get_recipes(available=False) list_unavailable.sort() rc_recipes = list_available + list_unavailable # creating background rc_background = media_lib.Image(gl.gen_path + rc_standard_file, 0, 0, gl.W, gl.H) # creating buttons height = 44 rc_btns.clear() for i in range(rc_visible_n): if i == rc_visible_pos: # selected button rc_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/", "btn_sel.png", "btn_sel.png", "btn_sel.png", 90, height, rc_btn_size_sel[0], rc_btn_size_sel[1])) height += rc_btn_size_sel[1] + rc_spacing[1] else: # other buttons rc_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/", "btn.png", "btn.png", "btn.png", 90 + rc_x_offset, height, rc_btn_size[0], rc_btn_size[1])) height += rc_btn_size[1] + rc_spacing[0] if i + 1 == rc_visible_pos: height -= rc_spacing[0] - rc_spacing[1] # creating marker rc_marker.clear() rc_marker.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/", "marker_up_sel.png", "marker_up_sel.png", "marker_up.png", 283, 7, 35, 30)) rc_marker.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/", "marker_down_sel.png", "marker_down_sel.png", "marker_down.png", 281, 563, 35, 30)) rc_marker[1].set_size(y=rc_btns[-1].y + rc_btns[-1].height + 7) """ input """ # go up or down if rc_stage == 0: # only if in list mode if io.read_input(io.UP): rc_visible_pos -= 1 rc_pos -= 1 if rc_visible_pos < 0: rc_visible_pos = 0 if io.read_input(io.DOWN): rc_visible_pos += 1 rc_pos += 1 if rc_visible_pos > rc_visible_n - 1: rc_visible_pos = rc_visible_n - 1 if io.read_input(io.UP) or io.read_input(io.DOWN): height = 44 rc_btns.clear() for i in range(rc_visible_n): if i == rc_visible_pos: # selected button rc_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/", "btn_sel.png", "btn_sel.png", "btn_sel.png", 90, height, rc_btn_size_sel[0], rc_btn_size_sel[1])) height += rc_btn_size_sel[1] + rc_spacing[1] else: # other buttons rc_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/", "btn.png", "btn.png", "btn.png", 90 + rc_x_offset, height, rc_btn_size[0], rc_btn_size[1])) height += rc_btn_size[1] + rc_spacing[0] if i + 1 == rc_visible_pos: height -= rc_spacing[0] - rc_spacing[1] rc_marker[1].set_size(y=rc_btns[-1].y + rc_btns[-1].height + 7) # select menu item / start mixing if io.read_input(io.NEXT) or io.read_input(io.RIGHT): rc_stage += 1 # go back to menu / list if io.read_input(io.BACK) or io.read_input(io.LEFT): rc_stage -= 1 """ logic """ chosen_recipe = None # find the chosen recipe for btn in rc_btns: if btn.selected: chosen_recipe = btn.text # menu boundaries # complete list if rc_pos < 0: rc_pos = 0 elif rc_pos > len(rc_recipes) - 1: rc_pos = len(rc_recipes) - 1 # moving menu / setting correct text a = rc_pos - rc_visible_pos # first visible item for btn in rc_btns: btn.add_text(rc_recipes[a], gl.standard_font, gl.text_color_1, 1) a += 1 # control marker # upper marker if rc_btns[rc_visible_pos].text == rc_recipes[ 0]: # if first item in recipe-list is visible -> we are on the top of the list rc_marker[0].disabled = True else: rc_marker[0].disabled = False # lower marker if rc_btns[rc_visible_pos].text == rc_recipes[ -1]: # if last item in recipe-list is visible -> we are on the bottom of the list rc_marker[1].disabled = True else: rc_marker[1].disabled = False # selected item for idx, btn in enumerate(rc_btns): if idx == rc_visible_pos: btn.selected = True else: btn.selected = False # showing info if rc_stage == 1 and not rc_info_textfield: file = open(gl.gen_path + "/src/recipes/" + chosen_recipe, 'r') text = file.readline() # read the first line (info about recipe) file.close() # create textfield rc_info_textfield = media_lib.TextField(98, 107, 396, 203, text, gl.standard_font_small, gl.text_color_1, alignment=1) rc_info_textfield.add_background( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/info_textfield.png") # creating info objects a = drinks._test_availability(chosen_recipe) rc_info_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/", "mix.png", "mix_sel.png", "mix.png", 635, 509, 131, 45, selected=a)) # mix button rc_info_btns.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/recipe/", "info_recipe.png", "mix_sel.png", "mix.png", 90, 44, 404, 56)) # recipe name rc_info_btns[-1].add_text(chosen_recipe, gl.standard_font, gl.text_color_1, hor_alignment=1) # disabling info if rc_stage == 0 and rc_info_textfield: rc_info_textfield = None rc_info_btns.clear() # navigating back and forwards if rc_stage == -1: # going back gl.prog_pos = 'm' rc_active = False elif rc_stage == 2: # start mixing chosen_recipe = None # find the chosen recipe for btn in rc_btns: if btn.selected: chosen_recipe = btn.text drinks.start_mixing(chosen_recipe) # start mixing procedure if drinks.is_mixing: # if really started gl.prog_pos = 'ro' # go to recipe output else: rc_stage = 1 """ draw """ rc_background.draw() if rc_stage == 0: # list mode for i in rc_btns: i.draw() for i in rc_marker: i.draw() elif rc_stage == 1: # info mode rc_info_textfield.draw() for i in rc_info_btns: i.draw() # if leaving recipe choose, clean up variables if gl.prog_pos != 'rc': rc_active = False rc_btns.clear() rc_stage = 0 rc_marker.clear() rc_background = None rc_info_textfield = None rc_info_btns.clear() rc_recipes.clear() # debug information if gl.show_debug: gl.debug_text.append("rc_pos: " + str(rc_pos) + "; rc_visible_pos: " + str(rc_visible_pos) + "; rc_stage: " + str(rc_stage) + "; chosen_recipe: " + str(chosen_recipe))
def free_choose(): global fc_active, fc_background, fc_buttons, fc_bars, fc_pos, fc_values, fc_sum_text, fc_sum_image # entering free_choose if fc_active == False: fc_active = True # set video background fc_background = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/background.jpeg", 0, 0, gl.W, gl.H) # set buttons # button: go back fc_buttons.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/free/", "back.png", "back_sel.png", "back.png", 47, 515, 64, 50)) # buttons with the drinks and bars x = [57, 57, 290, 523, 523] y = [115] * 5 w = [221] * 5 h = [377] * 5 img = [ "tower_1.png", "tower_2.png", "tower_3.png", "tower_4.png", "tower_5.png" ] img_sel = [ "tower_1_sel.png", "tower_2_sel.png", "tower_3_sel.png", "tower_4_sel.png", "tower_5_sel.png" ] bar = ["tower_1/", "tower_2/", "tower_3/", "tower_4/", "tower_5/"] for i in range(5): fc_buttons.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/free/", img[i], img_sel[i], img[i], x[i], y[i], w[i], h[i])) fc_bars.append( media_lib.Bar(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/free/" + bar[i], x[i], y[i], w[i], h[i])) # button: next fc_buttons.append( media_lib.Button(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/free/", "next.png", "next_sel.png", "next.png", 704, 515, 64, 50)) fc_buttons[fc_pos].selected = True # textfield for sum fc_sum_image = media_lib.Image( gl.gen_path + "/src/media/free/sum_bg.png", 153, 17, 495, 69) fc_sum_text = media_lib.Bar(gl.gen_path + "/src/media/free/sum/", 345, 35, 112, 39) """ logic / input """ # go left or right if io.read_input(io.LEFT): fc_buttons[fc_pos].selected = False fc_pos -= 1 if fc_pos < 0: # lower boundary fc_pos = 0 fc_buttons[fc_pos].selected = True if io.read_input(io.RIGHT): fc_buttons[fc_pos].selected = False fc_pos += 1 if fc_pos > len(fc_buttons) - 1: # upper boundary fc_pos = len(fc_buttons) - 1 fc_buttons[fc_pos].selected = True # raising / lowering values interval = 10 # interval, by which the values will be lowered/raised sum_values = sum(fc_values) if fc_pos > 0 and fc_pos < len( fc_buttons ) - 1: # checking if a drink (and not go back / next) is selected if io.read_input( io.UP ) and sum_values < 100: # when raising a value, but sum is less than 100% fc_values[fc_pos - 1] += interval if fc_values[fc_pos - 1] > 100: # upper boundary fc_values[fc_pos - 1] = 100 if io.read_input(io.DOWN): fc_values[fc_pos - 1] -= interval if fc_values[fc_pos - 1] < 0: # lower boundary fc_values[fc_pos - 1] = 0 fc_bars[fc_pos - 1].set_state( fc_values[fc_pos - 1]) # set the new state for selected bar fc_sum_text.set_state(sum_values) # update sum value # exiting the menu or start mixing if io.read_input( io.BACK) or (io.read_input(io.NEXT) and fc_pos == 0): # if back pressed or back selected fc_active = False gl.prog_pos = 'm' if io.read_input( io.NEXT ) and not fc_pos == 0: # if next pressed and not back selected file = open(drinks.dir_recipes + "free_mixed_recipe", 'w') # open file file.truncate(0) # delete content file.write( "this file contains a self mixed recipe\n") # write first line for idx, val in enumerate( fc_values): # for every drink with value more than zero, if val > 0: val = int( (gl.GLASS_SIZE / 100) * val ) # converts the relative value (#HACK: from 0 to 100, not 0 to 1) # to an absolute value from 0 to gl.GLASS_SIZE using a linear function text = str(drinks.plugs[idx + 1]) + "," + str( val ) # prepare text (idx+1, because the first one would be cleaning_water) file.write(text + "\n") # add to file with name and amount file.close() # close file drinks.start_mixing( "free_mixed_recipe" ) # start the micing procedure with the freshly written file fc_active = False # also, leave this menu gl.prog_pos = 'fo' # and go to free_output """ draw """ fc_background.draw() fc_sum_image.draw() fc_sum_text.draw() for bar in fc_bars: bar.draw() for btn in fc_buttons: btn.draw() """ if leaving this menu, clear all big variables/objects up """ if fc_active == False: fc_background = None fc_buttons.clear() fc_bars.clear() fc_sum_image = None fc_sum_text = None """ add debug info """ if gl.show_debug: t = "fc_values: " for i in fc_values: t += str(i) + ", " gl.debug_text.append(t)