def app(self, label="InQL Scanner"): frame = JFrame(label) frame.setForeground( frame.setBackground(Color.lightGray) cp = frame.getContentPane() cp.add(self.this) frame.pack() frame.setVisible(True) frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) while frame.isVisible(): time.sleep(1)
class Pipeline(): def __init__(self): #If a swing interface is asked for this will be the JFrame. self.frame = None #Keeps track of the number of queries processed. self.jobCount = 0 #Keeps track of the query currently being processed. self.currentJob = "" #Keeps track of the massage to be displayed. self.message = 0 #Messages to be displayed at each stage in the processing of a single query. self.messages = ["Searching for genes via genemark", "Extending genes found via genemark", "Searching for intergenic genes", "Removing overlapping genes", "Searching for promoters", "Using transterm to find terminators", "Removing transcription signals which conflict with genes", "Using tRNAscan to find transfer RNAs", "Writing Artemis file", "Writing summary .xml, .html, and .xls files"] self.exception = None def initializeDisplay(self, queries, swing): """ queries: A list of the fasts files to be processed. swing: If true then updates about progress will be displayed in a swing window, otherwise they will be written to stdout. Initializes the interface for telling the user about progress in the pipeline. Queries is used to count the number of queries the pipeline will process and to size the swing display(if it is used) so that text isn't cutoff at the edge of the window. The swing display is setup if swing is true. """ self.numJobs = len(queries) if swing: self.frame = JFrame("Neofelis") self.frame.addWindowListener(PipelineWindowAdapter(self)) contentPane = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) self.frame.setContentPane(contentPane) self.globalLabel = JLabel(max(queries, key = len)) self.globalProgress = JProgressBar(0, self.numJobs) self.currentLabel = JLabel(max(self.messages, key = len)) self.currentProgress = JProgressBar(0, len(self.messages)) self.doneButton = JButton(DoneAction(self.frame)) self.doneButton.setEnabled(False) constraints = GridBagConstraints() constraints.gridx, constraints.gridy = 0, 0 constraints.gridwidth, constraints.gridheight = 1, 1 constraints.weightx = 1 constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL contentPane.add(self.globalLabel, constraints) constraints.gridy = 1 contentPane.add(self.globalProgress, constraints) constraints.gridy = 2 contentPane.add(self.currentLabel, constraints) constraints.gridy = 3 contentPane.add(self.currentProgress, constraints) constraints.gridy = 4 constraints.weightx = 0 constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_END contentPane.add(self.doneButton, constraints) self.frame.pack() self.frame.setResizable(False) self.globalLabel.setText(" ") self.currentLabel.setText(" ") self.frame.setLocationRelativeTo(None) self.frame.setVisible(True) def updateProgress(self, job): """ query: Name of the query currently being processed. This function use used for updating the progress shown in the interface. If job is not equal to currentJob then global progress is incremented and shown and the currentProgress is reset and shown. If job is equal to currentJob then the globalProgress does not change and currentProgress is increased. """ if self.exception: raise self.exception if self.frame: if job != self.currentJob: self.currentProgress.setValue(self.currentProgress.getMaximum()) self.globalLabel.setText(job) self.globalProgress.setValue(self.jobCount) print "Processing %s, %.2f%% done" % (job, 100.0*self.jobCount/self.numJobs) self.jobCount += 1 self.currentJob = job self.message = -1 self.message += 1 print " %s, %.2f%% done" % (self.messages[self.message], 100.0*self.message/len(self.messages)) self.currentProgress.setValue(self.message) self.currentLabel.setText(self.messages[self.message]) else: if job != self.currentJob: print "Processing %s, %.2f%% done" % (job, 100.0*self.jobCount/self.numJobs) self.jobCount += 1 self.currentJob = job self.message = -1 self.message += 1 print " %s, %.2f%% done" % (self.messages[self.message], 100.0*self.message/len(self.messages)) def finished(self): """ This function is to be called at the end of the pipeline. Informs the user that the pipeline is finished and if a swing interface is being used the Done button is enabled. """ print "Processing 100.00% done" if self.frame: self.globalLabel.setText("Finished") self.globalProgress.setValue(self.globalProgress.getMaximum()) self.currentLabel.setText(" ") self.currentProgress.setValue(self.currentProgress.getMaximum()) self.doneButton.setEnabled(True) while self.frame.isVisible(): pass def run(self, blastLocation, genemarkLocation, transtermLocation, tRNAscanLocation, database, eValue, matrix, minLength, scaffoldingDistance, promoterScoreCutoff, queries, swing = False, email = ""): """ blastLocation: Directory blast was installed in. genemarkLocation: Directory genemark was installed in. transtermLocation: Directory transterm was installed in. tRNAscanLocation: Directory tRNAscan was installed in. database: Name of the blast database to use. eValue: The e value used whenever a blast search is done. matrix: The matrix to use when running genemark. If None then genemark is run heuristically. minLength: Minimum length of any genes included in the resulting annotation. scaffoldingDistance: The maximum length allowed between genes when contiguous regions of genes are being identified promoterScoreCutoff: Minimum score allowed for any promoters included in the resulting annotation queries: A list of faster files to process. swing: If true a swing window will be used to updated the user about the pipeline's progress. email: If this is a non-empty string an email will be sent to the address in the string when the pipeline is done. This will be attempted with the sendmail command on the local computer. The main pipeline function. For every query genemark is used to predict genes, these genes are then extended to any preferable starts. Then the pipeline searches for any intergenic genes(genes between those found by genemark) and these are combined with the extended genemark genes. Then the genes are pruned to remove any undesirable genes found in the intergenic stage. BPROM and Transterm are used to find promoters and terminators, which are then pruned to remove any signals which are inside or too far away from any genes. Next, tRNAscan is used to find any transfer RNAs in the genome. Finally, all the remaining genes, promoters, and terminators are written to an artemis file in the directory of the query with the same name but with a .art extension, and .xml, .html, and .xls files will be generating describing the blast results of the final genes. """ self.initializeDisplay(queries, swing) try: for query in queries: name = os.path.splitext(query)[0] queryDirectory, name = os.path.split(name) genome = utils.loadGenome(query) swapFileName = "query" + str(id(self)) + ".fas" queryFile = open(swapFileName, "w") queryFile.write(">" + name + "\n") for i in range(0, len(genome), 50): queryFile.write(genome[i:min(i+50, len(genome))] + "\n") queryFile.close() self.updateProgress(query) initialGenes = genemark.findGenes(swapFileName, name, blastLocation, database, eValue, genemarkLocation, matrix, self) self.updateProgress(query) extendedGenes = extend.extendGenes(swapFileName, initialGenes, name, blastLocation, database, eValue, self) self.updateProgress(query) intergenicGenes = intergenic.findIntergenics(swapFileName, extendedGenes, name, minLength, blastLocation, database, eValue, self) genes = {} for k, v in extendedGenes.items() + intergenicGenes.items(): genes[k] = v self.updateProgress(query) scaffolded = scaffolds.refineScaffolds(genes, scaffoldingDistance) self.updateProgress(query) initialPromoters = promoters.findPromoters(swapFileName, name, promoterScoreCutoff, self.frame) self.updateProgress(query) initialTerminators = terminators.findTerminators(swapFileName, name, genes.values(), transtermLocation) self.updateProgress(query) filteredSignals = signals.filterSignals(scaffolded.values(), initialPromoters + initialTerminators) filteredPromoters = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, promoters.Promoter), filteredSignals) filteredTerminators = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, terminators.Terminator), filteredSignals) self.updateProgress(query) transferRNAs = rna.findtRNAs(tRNAscanLocation, swapFileName) os.remove(swapFileName) self.updateProgress(query) artemis.writeArtemisFile(os.path.splitext(query)[0] + ".art", genome, scaffolded.values(), filteredPromoters, filteredTerminators, transferRNAs) self.updateProgress(query), scaffolded, os.path.splitext(query)[0]) if email: if not os.path.isfile("EMAIL_MESSAGE"): message = open("EMAIL_MESSAGE", "w") message.write("Subject: Annotation Complete\nYour genome has been annotated.\n") message.close() sent = False while not sent: message = open("EMAIL_MESSAGE", "r") sendmailProcess = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-F", "Neofelis", "-f", "*****@*****.**", email], stdin = message, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) result = "" nextRead = while nextRead: result += nextRead nextRead = sent = not result.strip() message.close() self.finished() except PipelineException: return
def getArguments(self): """ This function brings up a window to retreive any required arguments. It uses a window with fields for each argument, filled with any arguments already given. While this window is visible the program will wait, once it is no longer visible all the arguments will be filled with the entries in the fields. """ class LocationAction(AbstractAction): """ Action to set the text of a text field to a folder or directory. """ def __init__(self, field): AbstractAction.__init__(self, "...") self.field = field def actionPerformed(self, event): fileChooser = JFileChooser() fileChooser.fileSelectionMode = JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES if fileChooser.showOpenDialog(None) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION: self.field.text = fileChooser.selectedFile.absolutePath class HelpAction(AbstractAction): """ Displays a help page in a web browser. """ def __init__(self): AbstractAction.__init__(self, "Help") def actionPerformed(self, event): browsers = ["google-chrome", "firefox", "opera", "epiphany", "konqueror", "conkeror", "midori", "kazehakase", "mozilla"] osName = System.getProperty("") helpHTML = ClassLoader.getSystemResource("help.html").toString() if osName.find("Mac OS") == 0: Class.forName("").getDeclaredMethod( "openURL", [String().getClass()]).invoke(None, [helpHTML]) elif osName.find("Windows") == 0: Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + helpHTML) else: browser = None for b in browsers: if browser == None and Runtime.getRuntime().exec(["which", b]).getInputStream().read() != -1: browser = b Runtime.getRuntime().exec([browser, helpHTML]) class OKAction(AbstractAction): """ Action for starting the pipeline. This action will simply make the window invisible. """ def __init__(self): AbstractAction.__init__(self, "Ok") def actionPerformed(self, event): frame.setVisible(False) class CancelAction(AbstractAction): """ Action for canceling the pipeline. Exits the program. """ def __init__(self): AbstractAction.__init__(self, "Cancel") def actionPerformed(self, event): sys.exit(0) frame = JFrame("Neofelis") frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) constraints = GridBagConstraints() contentPane = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) frame.setContentPane(contentPane) blastField = JTextField(self.blastLocation) genemarkField = JTextField(self.genemarkLocation) transtermField = JTextField(self.transtermLocation) tRNAscanField = JTextField(self.tRNAscanLocation) databaseLocationField = JTextField(os.path.split(self.database)[0]) databaseField = JTextField(os.path.split(self.database)[1]) matrixField = JTextField(str(self.matrix)) eValueField = JTextField(str(self.eValue)) minLengthField = JTextField(str(self.minLength)) scaffoldingDistanceField = JTextField(str(self.scaffoldingDistance)) promoterScoreField = JTextField(str(self.promoterScoreCutoff)) queryField = JTextField(self.sources[0]) constraints.gridx = 0 constraints.gridy = 0 constraints.gridwidth = 1 constraints.gridheight = 1 constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL constraints.weightx = 0 constraints.weighty = 0 contentPane.add(JLabel("Blast Location"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 1 contentPane.add(JLabel("Genemark Location"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 2 contentPane.add(JLabel("Transterm Location"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 3 contentPane.add(JLabel("tRNAscan Location"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 4 contentPane.add(JLabel("Databases Location"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 5 contentPane.add(JLabel("Database"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 6 contentPane.add(JLabel("Matrix(Leave blank to use heuristic matrix)"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 7 contentPane.add(JLabel("E Value"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 8 contentPane.add(JLabel("Minimum Intergenic Length"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 9 contentPane.add(JLabel("Scaffold Distance"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 10 contentPane.add(JLabel("Promoter Score Cutoff"), constraints) constraints.gridy = 11 contentPane.add(JLabel("Query"), constraints) constraints.gridx = 1 constraints.gridy = 0 constraints.weightx = 1 contentPane.add(blastField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 1 contentPane.add(genemarkField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 2 contentPane.add(transtermField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 3 contentPane.add(tRNAscanField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 4 contentPane.add(databaseLocationField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 5 contentPane.add(databaseField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 6 contentPane.add(matrixField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 7 contentPane.add(eValueField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 8 contentPane.add(minLengthField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 9 contentPane.add(scaffoldingDistanceField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 10 contentPane.add(promoterScoreField, constraints) constraints.gridy = 11 contentPane.add(queryField, constraints) constraints.gridx = 2 constraints.gridy = 0 constraints.weightx = 0 constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_END contentPane.add(JButton(LocationAction(blastField)), constraints) constraints.gridy = 1 contentPane.add(JButton(LocationAction(genemarkField)), constraints) constraints.gridy = 2 contentPane.add(JButton(LocationAction(transtermField)), constraints) constraints.gridy = 3 contentPane.add(JButton(LocationAction(tRNAscanField)), constraints) constraints.gridy = 4 contentPane.add(JButton(LocationAction(databaseLocationField)), constraints) constraints.gridy = 11 contentPane.add(JButton(LocationAction(queryField)), constraints) constraints.gridx = 0 constraints.gridy = 12 constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START contentPane.add(JButton(HelpAction()), constraints) constraints.gridx = 1 constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_END contentPane.add(JButton(OKAction()), constraints) constraints.gridx = 2 contentPane.add(JButton(CancelAction()), constraints) frame.pack() frame.setLocationRelativeTo(None) frame.setVisible(True) while frame.isVisible(): pass self.blastLocation = blastField.getText() self.genemarkLocation = genemarkField.getText() self.transtermLocation = transtermField.getText() self.database = databaseLocationField.getText() + "/" + databaseField.getText() self.matrix = matrixField.getText() self.eValue = float(eValueField.getText()) self.minLength = int(minLengthField.getText()) self.scaffoldingDistance = int(scaffoldingDistanceField.getText()) self.promoterScoreCutoff = float(promoterScoreField.getText()) self.sources = [queryField.getText()]
class Pipeline(): def __init__(self): #If a swing interface is asked for this will be the JFrame. self.frame = None #Keeps track of the number of queries processed. self.jobCount = 0 #Keeps track of the query currently being processed. self.currentJob = "" #Keeps track of the massage to be displayed. self.message = 0 #Messages to be displayed at each stage in the processing of a single query. self.messages = [ "Searching for genes via genemark", "Extending genes found via genemark", "Searching for intergenic genes", "Removing overlapping genes", "Searching for promoters", "Using transterm to find terminators", "Removing transcription signals which conflict with genes", "Writing Artemis file", "Writing summary file" ] self.exception = None def initializeDisplay(self, queries, swing): """ queries: A list of the fasts files to be processed. swing: If true then updates about progress will be displayed in a swing window, otherwise they will be written to stdout. Initializes the interface for telling the user about progress in the pipeline. Queries is used to count the number of queries the pipeline will process and to size the swing display(if it is used) so that text isn't cutoff at the edge of the window. The swing display is setup if swing is true. """ self.numJobs = len(queries) if swing: self.frame = JFrame("Neofelis") self.frame.addWindowListener(PipelineWindowAdapter(self)) contentPane = JPanel(GridBagLayout()) self.frame.setContentPane(contentPane) self.globalLabel = JLabel(max(queries, key=len)) self.globalProgress = JProgressBar(0, self.numJobs) self.currentLabel = JLabel(max(self.messages, key=len)) self.currentProgress = JProgressBar(0, len(self.messages)) self.doneButton = JButton(DoneAction(self.frame)) self.doneButton.setEnabled(False) constraints = GridBagConstraints() constraints.gridx, constraints.gridy = 0, 0 constraints.gridwidth, constraints.gridheight = 1, 1 constraints.weightx = 1 constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL contentPane.add(self.globalLabel, constraints) constraints.gridy = 1 contentPane.add(self.globalProgress, constraints) constraints.gridy = 2 contentPane.add(self.currentLabel, constraints) constraints.gridy = 3 contentPane.add(self.currentProgress, constraints) constraints.gridy = 4 constraints.weightx = 0 constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE constraints.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_END contentPane.add(self.doneButton, constraints) self.frame.pack() self.frame.setResizable(False) self.globalLabel.setText(" ") self.currentLabel.setText(" ") self.frame.setLocationRelativeTo(None) self.frame.setVisible(True) def updateProgress(self, job): """ query: Name of the query currently being processed. This function use used for updating the progress shown in the interface. If job is not equal to currentJob then global progress is incremented and shown and the currentProgress is reset and shown. If job is equal to currentJob then the globalProgress does not change and currentProgress is incremented. """ if self.exception: raise self.exception if self.frame: if job != self.currentJob: self.currentProgress.setValue( self.currentProgress.getMaximum()) self.globalLabel.setText(job) self.globalProgress.setValue(self.jobCount) print "Processing %s, %.2f%% done" % ( job, 100.0 * self.jobCount / self.numJobs) self.jobCount += 1 self.currentJob = job self.message = -1 self.message += 1 print " %s, %.2f%% done" % (self.messages[self.message], 100.0 * self.message / len(self.messages)) self.currentProgress.setValue(self.message) self.currentLabel.setText(self.messages[self.message]) else: if job != self.currentJob: print "Processing %s, %.2f%% done" % ( job, 100.0 * self.jobCount / self.numJobs) self.jobCount += 1 self.currentJob = job self.message = -1 self.message += 1 print " %s, %.2f%% done" % (self.messages[self.message], 100.0 * self.message / len(self.messages)) def finished(self): """ This function is to be called at the end of the pipeline. Informs the user that the pipeline is finished and if a swing interface is being used the Done button is enabled. """ print "Processing 100.00% done" if self.frame: self.globalLabel.setText("Finished") self.globalProgress.setValue(self.globalProgress.getMaximum()) self.currentLabel.setText(" ") self.currentProgress.setValue(self.currentProgress.getMaximum()) self.doneButton.setEnabled(True) while self.frame.isVisible(): pass def run(self, blastLocation, genemarkLocation, transtermLocation, database, eValue, matrix, minLength, scaffoldingDistance, ldfCutoff, queries, swing=False, email=""): """ blastLocation: Directory blast was installed in. genemarkLocation: Directory genemark was installed in. transtermLocation: Directory transterm was installed in. database: Name of the blast database to use. eValue: The e value used whenever a blast search is done. matrix: The matrix to use when running genemark. If None then genemark is run heuristically. minLength: Minimum length of any genes included in the resulting annotation. scaffoldingDistance: The maximum length allowed between genes when contiguous regions of genes are being identified ldfCutoff: Minimum LDF allowed for any promoters included in the resulting annotation queries: A list of faster files to process. swing: If true a swing window will be used to updated the user about the pipeline's progress. email: If this is a non-empty string an email will be sent to the address in the string when the pipeline is done. The local machine will be used as an SMTP server and this will not work if it isn't. The main pipeline function. For every query genemark is used to predict genes, these genes are then extended to any preferable starts. Then the pipeline searches for any intergenic genes(genes between those found by genemark) and these are combined with the extended genemark genes. Then the genes are pruned to remove any undesirable genes found in the intergenic stage. BPROM and Transterm are used to find promoters and terminators, which are then pruned to remove any signals which are inside or too far away from any genes. Finally, all the remaining genes, promoters, and terminators ar written to an artemis file in the directory of the query with the same name but with a .art extension, and .dat and .xls files will be generating describing the blast results of the final genes. """ self.initializeDisplay(queries, swing) try: for query in queries: name = os.path.splitext(query)[0] queryDirectory, name = os.path.split(name) genome = utils.loadGenome(query) swapFileName = "query" + str(id(self)) + ".fas" queryFile = open(swapFileName, "w") queryFile.write(">" + name + "\n") for i in range(0, len(genome), 50): queryFile.write(genome[i:min(i + 50, len(genome))] + "\n") queryFile.close() self.updateProgress(query) initialGenes = genemark.findGenes(swapFileName, name, blastLocation, database, eValue, genemarkLocation, matrix, self) #artemis.writeArtemisFile(os.path.splitext(query)[0] + "", genome, initialGenes.values()) self.updateProgress(query) extendedGenes = extend.extendGenes(swapFileName, initialGenes, name, blastLocation, database, eValue, self) #artemis.writeArtemisFile(os.path.splitext(query)[0] + "", genome, extendedGenes.values()) self.updateProgress(query) intergenicGenes = intergenic.findIntergenics( swapFileName, extendedGenes, name, minLength, blastLocation, database, eValue, self) #artemis.writeArtemisFile(os.path.splitext(query)[0] + "", genome, intergenicGenes.values()) genes = {} for k, v in extendedGenes.items() + intergenicGenes.items(): genes[k] = v self.updateProgress(query) scaffolded = scaffolds.refineScaffolds(genes, scaffoldingDistance) self.updateProgress(query) initialPromoters = promoters.findPromoters(swapFileName, name) self.updateProgress(query) initialTerminators = terminators.findTerminators( swapFileName, name, genes.values(), transtermLocation) self.updateProgress(query) filteredSignals = signals.filterSignals( scaffolded.values(), initialPromoters + initialTerminators) filteredPromoters = filter( lambda x: isinstance(x, promoters.Promoter), filteredSignals) filteredTerminators = filter( lambda x: isinstance(x, terminators.Terminator), filteredSignals) self.updateProgress(query) artemis.writeArtemisFile( os.path.splitext(query)[0] + ".art", genome, scaffolded.values(), filteredPromoters, filteredTerminators) self.updateProgress(query), scaffolded, os.path.splitext(query)[0]) if email: message = MIMEText("Your genome has been annotated.") message["Subject"] = "Annotation complete" message["From"] = "Neofelis" message["To"] = email smtp = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) smtp.ehlo() smtp.starttls() smtp.ehlo smtp.sendmail("Neofelis", [email], message.as_string()) smtp.close() self.finished() except PipelineException: return
] nbButtons = len(buttons) win = JFrame("Music Player") win.getContentPane().setLayout(FlowLayout()) for i in range(nbButtons): win.getContentPane().add(buttons[i]) win.getContentPane().add(status) win.setTitle("Music Player") win.setSize(700, 100) win.setLocation(200, 100) win.setVisible(True) status.setText("Please open a WAV music file") doDisplayTime = True # Display loop while (win.isVisible()): if player != None: if doDisplayTime: status.setText("Current time: " + getClipTime()) else: status.setText("Current volume: " + str(volume)) SoundPlayer.delay(300) doDisplayTime = True SoundPlayer.delay(100) # Cleanup if player != None: player.stop() win.dispose() # free resources