def app(self, label="InQL Scanner"): frame = JFrame(label) frame.setForeground( frame.setBackground(Color.lightGray) cp = frame.getContentPane() cp.add(self.this) frame.pack() frame.setVisible(True) frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE) while frame.isVisible(): time.sleep(1)
def main(args): _WIDTH = 300 _HEIGHT = 300 fps = 20#frames per second bgColor = Color.white frame = JFrame("Graphics!") frame.setBackground(bgColor); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) drawgraphics = DrawGraphics() content = Animator(drawgraphics, _WIDTH, _HEIGHT, fps) content.setBackground(bgColor) content.setSize(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT) content.setMinimumSize(Dimension(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT)) content.setPreferredSize(Dimension(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT)) frame.setSize(_WIDTH, _HEIGHT) frame.setContentPane(content) frame.setResizable(True) frame.pack() Thread(content).start() frame.setVisible(True)
self._refresh_queries(payload) self._refresh_raw(payload) inherits_popup_menu(self.this) def textarea(self): return self._textareas['raw'] def add_listener(self, listener): """ add a new listener to the textarea :param listener: this parameter should be a lambda or a method :return: None """ self._listener = listener if 'raw' in self._textareas: self._textareas['raw'].getDocument().addDocumentListener( _PayloadListener(listener)) if __name__ == "__main__": frame = JFrame("PayloadView") frame.setForeground( frame.setBackground(Color.lightGray) cp = frame.getContentPane() ft = PayloadView(payload='Payload') ft.add_listener(lambda e: print(e)) cp.add(ft.this) frame.pack() frame.setVisible(True) frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
class PropertyEditor(WindowAdapter): """ Edits Tabular Properties of a given WindowAdapter """ instances = {} last_location = None locations = {} last_size = None sizes = {} NEW_WINDOW_OFFSET = 32 offset = NEW_WINDOW_OFFSET @staticmethod def get_instance(text="Property Editor", columns=None, data=None, empty=None, add_actions=True, actions=None): """ Singleton Method based on the text property. It tries to generate only one property configuration page per text. :param text: getinstance key :param columns: proparty columns it should be an array alike :param data: it contains the current property rows :param empty: empty row property when adding a new one :param add_actions: include or not new actions :param actions: default set of actions to be appended to Add and Delete Rows :return: a new instance of PropertyEditor or a reused one. """ if not actions: actions = [] if not columns: columns = [] if data == None: data = [] if not empty: empty = [] try: PropertyEditor.instances[text] except KeyError: PropertyEditor.instances[text] = \ PropertyEditor().__private_init__(text, columns, data, empty, add_actions, actions) try: PropertyEditor.instances[text].this.setLocation( PropertyEditor.locations[text]) except KeyError: if PropertyEditor.last_location: PropertyEditor.instances[text].this.setLocation( PropertyEditor.last_location.x + PropertyEditor.offset, PropertyEditor.last_location.y + PropertyEditor.offset) PropertyEditor.offset = PropertyEditor.NEW_WINDOW_OFFSET try: PropertyEditor.instances[text].this.setSize( PropertyEditor.sizes[text]) except KeyError: if PropertyEditor.last_size: PropertyEditor.instances[text].this.setSize( PropertyEditor.last_size) PropertyEditor.last_location = PropertyEditor.instances[ text].this.getLocation() PropertyEditor.last_size = PropertyEditor.instances[ text].this.getSize() ## Hack ON: Bring on Front PropertyEditor.instances[text].this.setAlwaysOnTop(True) PropertyEditor.instances[text].this.setAlwaysOnTop(False) ## Hack OFF return PropertyEditor.instances[text] def __private_init__(self, text="Property Editor", columns=None, data=None, empty=None, add_actions=True, actions=None): if not actions: actions = [] if not columns: columns = [] if data == None: data = [] if not empty: empty = [] self._text = text self.this = JFrame(text) self._table = JTable() self._dtm = DefaultTableModel(0, 0) self._dtm.setColumnIdentifiers(columns) self._table.setModel(self._dtm) self._data = data for d in data: self._dtm.addRow(d) self._pane = JScrollPane(self._table) self.this.add(self._pane) self._empty = empty self.this.addWindowListener(self) self._dtm.addTableModelListener(lambda _: self._update_model()) self.this.setLocation(PropertyEditor.NEW_WINDOW_OFFSET, PropertyEditor.NEW_WINDOW_OFFSET) if add_actions: self._popup = JPopupMenu() self._pane.setComponentPopupMenu(self._popup) inherits_popup_menu(self._pane) self._actions = actions self._actions.append( ExecutorAction('Remove Selected Rows', action=lambda e: self._remove_row())) self._actions.append( ExecutorAction('Add New Row', action=lambda e: self._add_row())) for action in self._actions: self._popup.add(action.menuitem) self.this.setForeground( self.this.setBackground(Color.lightGray) self.this.pack() self.this.setVisible(True) self.this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE) return self def _add_row(self): """ Add a new row the selection :return: None """ self._dtm.addRow(self._empty) def _remove_row(self): """ Remove all the selected rows from the selection :return: """ rows = self._table.getSelectedRows() for i in range(0, len(rows)): self._dtm.removeRow(rows[i] - i) def windowClosing(self, evt): """ Overrides WindowAdapter method :param evt: unused :return: None """ PropertyEditor.locations[self._text] = self.this.getLocation() PropertyEditor.sizes[self._text] = self.this.getSize() PropertyEditor.last_location = self.this.getLocation() PropertyEditor.last_size = self.this.getSize() PropertyEditor.offset = 0 self.this.setVisible(False) self.this.dispose() del PropertyEditor.instances[self._text] def _update_model(self): """ Update the data content with the updated rows :return: None """ del self._data[:] nRow = self._dtm.getRowCount() nCol = self._dtm.getColumnCount() for i in range(0, nRow): self._data.append([None] * nCol) for j in range(0, nCol): d = str(self._dtm.getValueAt(i, j)).lower() if d == 'none' or d == '': self._data[i][j] = None elif d == 'true' or d == 't': self._data[i][j] = True elif d == 'false' or d == 'f': self._data[i][j] = False else: try: self._data[i][j] = int(self._dtm.getValueAt(i, j)) except ValueError: self._data[i][j] = self._dtm.getValueAt(i, j)