コード例 #1
def ngc1851_image():
    Plot an image of NGC 1851 for the paper.
    image_root = '/u/jlu/data/gsaoi/commission/reduce/ngc1851/combo/ngc1851'

    # Load up the PSF stars file to get the coordinates.
    stars = atpy.Table(image_root + '_psf_stars_pixel.txt', type='ascii')

    stars.Xarc = stars.X * scale
    stars.Yarc = stars.Y * scale

    scale = 0.00995

    # gc = aplpy.FITSFigure(image_file)
    # gc.show_grayscale()

    img = pyfits.getdata(image_root + '.fits')
    img = img_scale.log(img, scale_min=0, scale_max=1e4)
    #img = img_scale.sqrt(img, scale_min=500, scale_max=5e4)
    # img = img_scale.linear(img, scale_min=500, scale_max=4e4)

    xmin = ((0 - cooPix[0]) * scale * -1.0) + cooAsec[0]
    xmax = ((img.shape[1] - cooPix[0]) * scale * -1.0) + cooAsec[0]
    ymin = ((0 - cooPix[1]) * scale) + cooAsec[1]
    ymax = ((img.shape[0] - cooPix[1]) * scale) + cooAsec[1]
    extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

    py.imshow(img, extent=extent, cmap=py.cm.gray_r)
コード例 #2
def ngc1851_image():
    Plot an image of NGC 1851 for the paper.
    image_root = '/u/jlu/data/gsaoi/commission/reduce/ngc1851/combo/ngc1851'

    # Load up the PSF stars file to get the coordinates.
    stars = atpy.Table(image_root + '_psf_stars_pixel.txt', type='ascii')

    stars.Xarc = stars.X * scale
    stars.Yarc = stars.Y * scale

    scale = 0.00995

    # gc = aplpy.FITSFigure(image_file)
    # gc.show_grayscale()

    img = pyfits.getdata(image_root + '.fits')
    img = img_scale.log(img, scale_min=0, scale_max=1e4)
    #img = img_scale.sqrt(img, scale_min=500, scale_max=5e4)
    # img = img_scale.linear(img, scale_min=500, scale_max=4e4)

    xmin = ((0 - cooPix[0]) * scale * -1.0) + cooAsec[0]
    xmax = ((img.shape[1] - cooPix[0]) * scale * -1.0) + cooAsec[0]
    ymin = ((0 - cooPix[1]) * scale) + cooAsec[1]
    ymax = ((img.shape[0] - cooPix[1]) * scale) + cooAsec[1]
    extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]

    py.imshow(img, extent=extent, cmap=py.cm.gray_r)
コード例 #3
ファイル: map.py プロジェクト: AtomyChan/JLU-python-code
def mosaic_kp():
    Make a mosaic of our NIRC2 data on W51, one per filter.
    hepochs = ['09jun26', '09jun26', '09jun26', '09jun26']
    kepochs = ['09jun10', '09jun10', '09jun10', '09jun26']
    lepochs = ['09jun26', '09jun26', '09jun26', '09jun26']

    cooStarsH = ['f1_psf0', 'f2_psf0', 'f3_psf0', 'f4_psf0']
    cooStarsK = ['f1_psf0', 'f2_psf0', 'f3_psf0', 'f4_psf0']
    cooStarsL = ['f1_psf1', 'f2_psf0', 'f3_psf2', 'f4_psf1']

    cooStarsH = ['E4-1', 'E8-1', 'N5-1', 'W6-2']
    cooStarsK = ['E4-1', 'E8-1', 'N5-1', 'W6-2']
    cooStarsL = ['S0-1', 'E8-1', 'W7-1', 'W9-1']

    scaleMinH = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    scaleMinK = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    scaleMinL = [1000, 1100, 1200, 1250]

    scaleMaxH = [6000, 6000, 5000, 6000]
    scaleMaxK = [6500, 6500, 6500, 5500]
    scaleMaxL = [1600, 1300, 1400, 1600]

    img = np.zeros((2400, 2400, 3), dtype=float)
    imgH = np.zeros((2400, 2400), dtype=float)
    imgK = np.zeros((2400, 2400), dtype=float)
    imgL = np.zeros((2400, 2400), dtype=float)
    origin = np.array([1200.0, 1200.0])

    labelFile = '/u/jlu/data/w51/source_list/w51a_label.dat'
    labels = starTables.Labels(labelFile=labelFile)

    dataRoot = '/u/jlu/data/w51/'

    foo = range(len(hepochs))
    for ii in foo[::-1]:
#     for ii in range(1):
        rootH = '%s/%s/combo/mag%s_w51a_f%d_h' % \
            (dataRoot, hepochs[ii], hepochs[ii], ii+1)
        rootK = '%s/%s/combo/mag%s_w51a_f%d_kp' % \
            (dataRoot, kepochs[ii], kepochs[ii], ii+1)
        rootL = '%s/%s/combo/mag%s_w51a_f%d_lp' % \
            (dataRoot, lepochs[ii], lepochs[ii], ii+1)
        # Load up the images
        h, hhdr = pyfits.getdata(rootH + '.fits', header=True)
        k, khdr = pyfits.getdata(rootK + '.fits', header=True)
        l, lhdr = pyfits.getdata(rootL + '.fits', header=True)

        hint = hhdr['ITIME'] * hhdr['COADDS']
        kint = khdr['ITIME'] * khdr['COADDS']
        lint = lhdr['ITIME'] * lhdr['COADDS']

        # Make the arrays into the largest size.
        h_new = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=float)
        k_new = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=float)
        l_new = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=float)

        h_new[0:h.shape[0], 0:h.shape[1]] = h
        k_new[0:k.shape[0], 0:k.shape[1]] = k
        l_new[0:l.shape[0], 0:l.shape[1]] = l

        # Load up the coo stars
        tmpH = open(rootH + '.coo').readline().split()
        cooH = np.array([float(tmpH[0]), float(tmpH[1])])
        tmpK = open(rootK + '.coo').readline().split()
        cooK = np.array([float(tmpK[0]), float(tmpK[1])])

        tmpL = open(rootL + '.coo').readline().split()
        cooL = np.array([float(tmpL[0]), float(tmpL[1])])
        # Get the coordinates of each coo star in arcsec.
        idxH = np.where(labels.name == cooStarsH[ii])[0][0]
        idxK = np.where(labels.name == cooStarsK[ii])[0][0]
        idxL = np.where(labels.name == cooStarsL[ii])[0][0]

        asecH = np.array([labels.x[idxH], labels.y[idxH]])
        asecK = np.array([labels.x[idxK], labels.y[idxK]])
        asecL = np.array([labels.x[idxL], labels.y[idxL]])

        scale = np.array([-0.00995, 0.00995])

        # Now figure out the necessary shifts
        originH = cooH - asecH/scale
        originK = cooK - asecK/scale
        originL = cooL - asecL/scale

        # Shift the J and H images to be lined up with K-band
        shiftL = origin - originL
        shiftK = origin - originK
        shiftH = origin - originH
        l = interp.shift(l_new, shiftL[::-1])
        k = interp.shift(k_new, shiftK[::-1])
        h = interp.shift(h_new, shiftH[::-1])
        print shiftH
        print shiftL

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(img.shape[0]), np.arange(img.shape[1]))

        idx = np.where((h >= 1) & (k >= 1) & (l >= 1))

        # Trim off the bottom 10 rows where there is data
        ymin = yy[idx[0], idx[1]].min()
        ydx = np.where(yy[idx[0],idx[1]] > (ymin+10))[0]
        idx = (idx[0][ydx], idx[1][ydx])

        img[idx[0],idx[1],0] = img_scale.log(l[idx[0],idx[1]], 
        img[idx[0],idx[1],1] = img_scale.log(k[idx[0], idx[1]], 
        img[idx[0],idx[1],2] = img_scale.log(h[idx[0], idx[1]], 

        imgH[idx[0], idx[1]] = h[idx[0], idx[1]] / hint
        imgK[idx[0], idx[1]] = k[idx[0], idx[1]] / kint
        imgL[idx[0], idx[1]] = l[idx[0], idx[1]] / lint

        # Fix scaling of first image.
        if ii == 0:
            imgK[idx[0], idx[1]] -= 0.4

        # Save on memory
        l = None
        k = None
        h = None
        l_new = None
        k_new = None
        h_new = None

        # Define the axes
        xaxis = np.arange(-0.5, img.shape[1]+0.5, 1)
        xaxis = ((xaxis - origin[0]) * scale[0])
        yaxis = np.arange(-0.5, img.shape[0]+0.5, 1)
        yaxis = ((yaxis - origin[1]) * scale[1])
        extent = [xaxis[0], xaxis[-1], yaxis[0], yaxis[-1]]

#         py.figure(1)
#         py.imshow(img[:,:,0], extent=extent, cmap=py.cm.gray)
#         py.axis('equal')

        py.imshow(img[:,:,1], extent=extent, cmap=py.cm.gray)

#         py.figure(3)
#         py.imshow(img[:,:,2], extent=extent, cmap=py.cm.gray)
#         py.axis('equal')

        foo = raw_input('Continue?')


    pyfits.writeto('w51a_h_mosaic.fits', imgH)
    pyfits.writeto('w51a_k_mosaic.fits', imgK)
    pyfits.writeto('w51a_l_mosaic.fits', imgL)
コード例 #4
def mosaic_kp():
    Make a mosaic of our NIRC2 data on W51, one per filter.
    hepochs = ['09jun26', '09jun26', '09jun26', '09jun26']
    kepochs = ['09jun10', '09jun10', '09jun10', '09jun26']
    lepochs = ['09jun26', '09jun26', '09jun26', '09jun26']

    cooStarsH = ['f1_psf0', 'f2_psf0', 'f3_psf0', 'f4_psf0']
    cooStarsK = ['f1_psf0', 'f2_psf0', 'f3_psf0', 'f4_psf0']
    cooStarsL = ['f1_psf1', 'f2_psf0', 'f3_psf2', 'f4_psf1']

    cooStarsH = ['E4-1', 'E8-1', 'N5-1', 'W6-2']
    cooStarsK = ['E4-1', 'E8-1', 'N5-1', 'W6-2']
    cooStarsL = ['S0-1', 'E8-1', 'W7-1', 'W9-1']

    scaleMinH = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    scaleMinK = [0, 0, 0, 0]
    scaleMinL = [1000, 1100, 1200, 1250]

    scaleMaxH = [6000, 6000, 5000, 6000]
    scaleMaxK = [6500, 6500, 6500, 5500]
    scaleMaxL = [1600, 1300, 1400, 1600]

    img = np.zeros((2400, 2400, 3), dtype=float)
    imgH = np.zeros((2400, 2400), dtype=float)
    imgK = np.zeros((2400, 2400), dtype=float)
    imgL = np.zeros((2400, 2400), dtype=float)
    origin = np.array([1200.0, 1200.0])

    labelFile = '/u/jlu/data/w51/source_list/w51a_label.dat'
    labels = starTables.Labels(labelFile=labelFile)

    dataRoot = '/u/jlu/data/w51/'

    foo = range(len(hepochs))
    for ii in foo[::-1]:
        #     for ii in range(1):
        rootH = '%s/%s/combo/mag%s_w51a_f%d_h' % \
            (dataRoot, hepochs[ii], hepochs[ii], ii+1)
        rootK = '%s/%s/combo/mag%s_w51a_f%d_kp' % \
            (dataRoot, kepochs[ii], kepochs[ii], ii+1)
        rootL = '%s/%s/combo/mag%s_w51a_f%d_lp' % \
            (dataRoot, lepochs[ii], lepochs[ii], ii+1)

        # Load up the images
        h, hhdr = pyfits.getdata(rootH + '.fits', header=True)
        k, khdr = pyfits.getdata(rootK + '.fits', header=True)
        l, lhdr = pyfits.getdata(rootL + '.fits', header=True)

        hint = hhdr['ITIME'] * hhdr['COADDS']
        kint = khdr['ITIME'] * khdr['COADDS']
        lint = lhdr['ITIME'] * lhdr['COADDS']

        # Make the arrays into the largest size.
        h_new = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=float)
        k_new = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=float)
        l_new = np.zeros((img.shape[0], img.shape[1]), dtype=float)

        h_new[0:h.shape[0], 0:h.shape[1]] = h
        k_new[0:k.shape[0], 0:k.shape[1]] = k
        l_new[0:l.shape[0], 0:l.shape[1]] = l

        # Load up the coo stars
        tmpH = open(rootH + '.coo').readline().split()
        cooH = np.array([float(tmpH[0]), float(tmpH[1])])

        tmpK = open(rootK + '.coo').readline().split()
        cooK = np.array([float(tmpK[0]), float(tmpK[1])])

        tmpL = open(rootL + '.coo').readline().split()
        cooL = np.array([float(tmpL[0]), float(tmpL[1])])

        # Get the coordinates of each coo star in arcsec.
        idxH = np.where(labels.name == cooStarsH[ii])[0][0]
        idxK = np.where(labels.name == cooStarsK[ii])[0][0]
        idxL = np.where(labels.name == cooStarsL[ii])[0][0]

        asecH = np.array([labels.x[idxH], labels.y[idxH]])
        asecK = np.array([labels.x[idxK], labels.y[idxK]])
        asecL = np.array([labels.x[idxL], labels.y[idxL]])

        scale = np.array([-0.00995, 0.00995])

        # Now figure out the necessary shifts
        originH = cooH - asecH / scale
        originK = cooK - asecK / scale
        originL = cooL - asecL / scale

        # Shift the J and H images to be lined up with K-band
        shiftL = origin - originL
        shiftK = origin - originK
        shiftH = origin - originH
        l = interp.shift(l_new, shiftL[::-1])
        k = interp.shift(k_new, shiftK[::-1])
        h = interp.shift(h_new, shiftH[::-1])
        print shiftH
        print shiftL

        xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(img.shape[0]), np.arange(img.shape[1]))

        idx = np.where((h >= 1) & (k >= 1) & (l >= 1))

        # Trim off the bottom 10 rows where there is data
        ymin = yy[idx[0], idx[1]].min()
        ydx = np.where(yy[idx[0], idx[1]] > (ymin + 10))[0]
        idx = (idx[0][ydx], idx[1][ydx])

        img[idx[0], idx[1], 0] = img_scale.log(l[idx[0], idx[1]],
        img[idx[0], idx[1], 1] = img_scale.log(k[idx[0], idx[1]],
        img[idx[0], idx[1], 2] = img_scale.log(h[idx[0], idx[1]],

        imgH[idx[0], idx[1]] = h[idx[0], idx[1]] / hint
        imgK[idx[0], idx[1]] = k[idx[0], idx[1]] / kint
        imgL[idx[0], idx[1]] = l[idx[0], idx[1]] / lint

        # Fix scaling of first image.
        if ii == 0:
            imgK[idx[0], idx[1]] -= 0.4

        # Save on memory
        l = None
        k = None
        h = None
        l_new = None
        k_new = None
        h_new = None

        # Define the axes
        xaxis = np.arange(-0.5, img.shape[1] + 0.5, 1)
        xaxis = ((xaxis - origin[0]) * scale[0])
        yaxis = np.arange(-0.5, img.shape[0] + 0.5, 1)
        yaxis = ((yaxis - origin[1]) * scale[1])
        extent = [xaxis[0], xaxis[-1], yaxis[0], yaxis[-1]]

        #         py.figure(1)
        #         py.imshow(img[:,:,0], extent=extent, cmap=py.cm.gray)
        #         py.axis('equal')

        py.imshow(img[:, :, 1], extent=extent, cmap=py.cm.gray)

        #         py.figure(3)
        #         py.imshow(img[:,:,2], extent=extent, cmap=py.cm.gray)
        #         py.axis('equal')

        foo = raw_input('Continue?')

        ['w51a_h_mosaic.fits', 'w51a_k_mosaic.fits', 'w51a_l_mosaic.fits'])

    pyfits.writeto('w51a_h_mosaic.fits', imgH)
    pyfits.writeto('w51a_k_mosaic.fits', imgK)
    pyfits.writeto('w51a_l_mosaic.fits', imgL)