class RCMRD_LandDegrDialogTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test dialog works.""" def setUp(self): """Runs before each test.""" self.dialog = RCMRD_LandDegrDialog(None) def tearDown(self): """Runs after each test.""" self.dialog = None def test_dialog_ok(self): """Test we can click OK.""" button = self.dialog.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) result = self.dialog.result() self.assertEqual(result, QDialog.Accepted) def test_dialog_cancel(self): """Test we can click cancel.""" button = self.dialog.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) result = self.dialog.result() self.assertEqual(result, QDialog.Rejected)
def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'RCMRD_LandDegr_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = RCMRD_LandDegrDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&RCRMD: land degradation') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'RCMRD: land degradation') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'RCMRD: land degradation') # Declare user instance variables self.roiDefinitions = None self.roiDefinitions = [{"name":"IGAD", "roiXY":[21.8094, -4.6775, 51.417, 22.227]}, {"name":"Djibouti", "roiXY":[41.749110148,10.929824931, 43.418711785,12.707912502]}, {"name":"Eritrea", "roiXY":[36.423647095,12.360021871, 43.123871290,18.004828192]}, {"name":"Ethiopia", "roiXY":[32.989799845,3.403333435, 47.979169149,14.879532166]}, {"name":"Kenya", "roiXY":[33.890468384,-4.677504165, 41.885019165,5.030375823]}, {"name":"Sudan", "roiXY":[42.647246541,7.996515605, 48.93911199991,11.498928127]}, {"name":"South Sudan", "roiXY":[24.121555623,3.490201518, 35.920835409,12.216154684]}, {"name":"Somali Land", "roiXY":[42.647246541,7.996515605, 48.93911199991,11.498928127]}, {"name":"Somalia", "roiXY":[40.965385376,-1.69628316498, 51.417037811,11.989118646]}, {"name":"Uganda", "roiXY":[29.548459513,-1.475205994, 35.006472615,4.219691875]}] #self.selectedRoi = None self.raster_list = [] # list all files open in QGis, contains file objects self.dictReproj = None # dictionary: 'input filename' -> reprojected filename self.clipLayer = None # store the clipping vector layer self.listIDInputs={} # dictionary: key -> layer name. See keys definition in the code ('VGT', 'RFE', ...) self.listIDWeightsPotential={} self.listIDWeightsActual={} SettingsOrganisation='RCMRD_QGIS' SettingsApplication='RCMRD_LandDegr'
class RCMRD_LandDegr: """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'RCMRD_LandDegr_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = RCMRD_LandDegrDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&RCRMD: land degradation') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'RCMRD: land degradation') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'RCMRD: land degradation') # Declare user instance variables self.roiDefinitions = None self.roiDefinitions = [{"name":"IGAD", "roiXY":[21.8094, -4.6775, 51.417, 22.227]}, {"name":"Djibouti", "roiXY":[41.749110148,10.929824931, 43.418711785,12.707912502]}, {"name":"Eritrea", "roiXY":[36.423647095,12.360021871, 43.123871290,18.004828192]}, {"name":"Ethiopia", "roiXY":[32.989799845,3.403333435, 47.979169149,14.879532166]}, {"name":"Kenya", "roiXY":[33.890468384,-4.677504165, 41.885019165,5.030375823]}, {"name":"Sudan", "roiXY":[42.647246541,7.996515605, 48.93911199991,11.498928127]}, {"name":"South Sudan", "roiXY":[24.121555623,3.490201518, 35.920835409,12.216154684]}, {"name":"Somali Land", "roiXY":[42.647246541,7.996515605, 48.93911199991,11.498928127]}, {"name":"Somalia", "roiXY":[40.965385376,-1.69628316498, 51.417037811,11.989118646]}, {"name":"Uganda", "roiXY":[29.548459513,-1.475205994, 35.006472615,4.219691875]}] #self.selectedRoi = None self.raster_list = [] # list all files open in QGis, contains file objects self.dictReproj = None # dictionary: 'input filename' -> reprojected filename self.clipLayer = None # store the clipping vector layer self.listIDInputs={} # dictionary: key -> layer name. See keys definition in the code ('VGT', 'RFE', ...) self.listIDWeightsPotential={} self.listIDWeightsActual={} SettingsOrganisation='RCMRD_QGIS' SettingsApplication='RCMRD_LandDegr' # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('RCMRD_LandDegr', message) def add_action( self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): """Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar. :param icon_path: Path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal file system path. :type icon_path: str :param text: Text that should be shown in menu items for this action. :type text: str :param callback: Function to be called when the action is triggered. :type callback: function :param enabled_flag: A flag indicating if the action should be enabled by default. Defaults to True. :type enabled_flag: bool :param add_to_menu: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the menu. Defaults to True. :type add_to_menu: bool :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the toolbar. Defaults to True. :type add_to_toolbar: bool :param status_tip: Optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer hovers over the action. :type status_tip: str :param parent: Parent widget for the new action. Defaults None. :type parent: QWidget :param whats_this: Optional text to show in the status bar when the mouse pointer hovers over the action. :returns: The action that was created. Note that the action is also added to self.actions list. :rtype: QAction """ icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/RCMRD_LandDegr/icon.png' self.add_action( icon_path,'Land Degradation Indices'),,'Compute RCMRD LDIM'), parent=self.iface.mainWindow()) def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI.""" for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu('&Land Degradation (RCMRD)'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) # remove the toolbar del self.toolbar # ____________________ def logMsg(self, msg, errorLvl = QgsMessageLog.INFO): QgsMessageLog.logMessage( msg, tag='RCMRD Land Degradation', level=errorLvl) prepend='' if errorLvl==QgsMessageLog.WARNING: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("WARNING", msg) prepend="Warning! " if errorLvl==QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("CRITICAL",msg) prepend="Critical error! " self.dlg.logTextDump.append(prepend + msg) # ____________________ # Business logic functions and methods # ____________________ # returns uniq of an array, preserve order def uniquify(self, seq): noDupes = [] [noDupes.append(i) for i in seq if not noDupes.count(i)] return noDupes # ____________________ # Get target extent, in geographical coordinates #def getTE(self): # xmin=float(self.dlg.RoiWestEdit.text()) # xmax=float(self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.text()) # ymin=float(self.dlg.RoiSouthEdit.text()) # ymax=float(self.dlg.RoiNorthEdit.text()) # return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] # _____________________ def ParseType(self, type): if type == 'Byte': return GDT_Byte elif type == 'Int16': return GDT_Int16 elif type == 'UInt16': return GDT_UInt16 elif type == 'Int32': return GDT_Int32 elif type == 'UInt32': return GDT_UInt32 elif type == 'Float32': return GDT_Float32 elif type == 'Float64': return GDT_Float64 elif type == 'CInt16': return GDT_CInt16 elif type == 'CInt32': return GDT_CInt32 elif type == 'CFloat32': return GDT_CFloat32 elif type == 'CFloat64': return GDT_CFloat64 else: return GDT_Float32 # _____________________ # doInitDir: if the directory does not exist: create it def doInitDir(self, thisDir): if os.path.isdir(thisDir): return True os.makedirs(thisDir) # _____________________ def doTempFile(self, prefix='', suffix='', dir=''): idTag = random.randint(10000, 99999) return os.path.join(dir, prefix + '_' + str(idTag) + suffix) # ____________________ # search for a layer name, return filename def retrieveFromName(self, name): for ii in self.raster_list: if return ii.source() return False # ____________________ # return an array of input files (file paths) # For each type of file (listed in listIDInputs), tries macthing corresponding name from rasters_layer # note: do not trust sorting order def getInputFiles(self): inFiles=[] for kk, ii in self.listIDInputs.iteritems(): thisFile = self.retrieveFromName( ii ) if thisFile==False: self.logMsg("Could no retrieve file {} associated to key {}".format( ii, kk )) return False else: inFiles.append(thisFile) self.dictInput[ii]=thisFile return inFiles # _____________________ # doResample: resample the inputs to a common projection and resolution, will crop images # images saved into the working directory # note: to read documentation about an algorithm: import processing; processing.alghelp("gdalogr:warpreproject") def doResample(self, inFileName, output): self.doInitDir( self.dlg.editWrkDir.text() ) # for now, dst is hard coded #inCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) # actually, must be read from the input file newCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem() #newCRS.createFromProj4('+proj=aea +lat_1=18 +lat_2=-4 +lat_0=11 +lon_0=25 +x_0=37.5 +y_0=11') newCRS.createFromSrid(4326) if not newCRS.isValid(): self.logMsg("The projection definition is not valid. Exit", QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) return False # see: # inFileName = self.raster_list[self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.currentIndex()].source() inFID = gdal.Open(inFileName, GA_ReadOnly) inCRS = inFID.GetProjection() inTrans = inFID.GetGeoTransform() inDataType = inFID.GetRasterBand(1).DataType # for now, we only resample 1 dataset, to be placed in a loop later on TR = self.dlg.spinTR_deg.value() extraParam='' if self.clipLayer is not None: ext = self.clipLayer.extent() bb = [ ext.xMinimum(), ext.yMinimum(), ext.xMaximum(), ext.yMaximum() ] extraParam = '-dstnodata 0 -te {} {} {} {} -cutline "{}" -crop_to_cutline '.format(bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], self.dlg.editClipShp.text() ) method = 0 # because we resample thematic layers # rtype 0: Byte, 1: int16, 2: uint16, 3:uint32, 4: int32, 5: Float32, 6: Float54 # processing.runalg("gdalogr:warpreproject") #ALGORITHM: Warp (reproject) #INPUT <ParameterRaster> #SOURCE_SRS <ParameterCrs> #DEST_SRS <ParameterCrs> #NO_DATA <ParameterString> #TR <ParameterNumber> #METHOD <ParameterSelection> #RTYPE <ParameterSelection> #COMPRESS <ParameterSelection> #JPEGCOMPRESSION <ParameterNumber> #ZLEVEL <ParameterNumber> #PREDICTOR <ParameterNumber> #TILED <ParameterBoolean> #BIGTIFF <ParameterSelection> #TFW <ParameterBoolean> #EXTRA <ParameterString> #OUTPUT <OutputRaster> #METHOD(Resampling method): 0 - near, 1 - bilinear, 2 - cubic, 3 - cubicspline, 4 - lanczos #RTYPE(Output raster type): 0 - Byte, 1 - Int16, 2 - UInt16, 3 - UInt32, 4 - Int32, 5 - Float32, 6 - Float64 #COMPRESS(GeoTIFF options. Compression type): 0 - NONE, 1 - JPEG, 2 - LZW, 3 - PACKBITS, 4 - DEFLATE #BIGTIFF(Control whether the created file is a BigTIFF or a classic TIFF): 0 - , 1 - YES, 2 - NO, 3 - IF_NEEDED, 4 - IF_SAFER testproc = processing.runalg('gdalogr:warpreproject', inFileName, # input inCRS, # source ss newCRS.toProj4(), # dest srs '', # no data, <parameterString> TR, # target resolution: 0=unchanged 0, # method: thematic layers, use 0 0, # output raster type 2, # compression None, # jpeg compression None, # zlevel None, # predictor None, # tiled None, # bigtiff None, # TFW extraParam, # extra output) if not testproc: self.logMsg("Reprojection failed for file {}".format(inFileName)) return False return True # ____________________ def doIndices(self): self.logMsg("In do indices") # open reprojected files fid={} noData={} for id, layerName in self.listIDInputs.iteritems(): thisFile = self.dictReproj[ self.retrieveFromName( self.listIDInputs[id] )] fid[id] = gdal.Open(thisFile, GA_ReadOnly) if fid[id] is None: self.logMsg('Error: could not open file {}'.format(thisFile), QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) return False noData[id]=fid[id].GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() self.logMsg("dataset {}, no data is {}".format(id, noData[id])) # create ouputs from info read in VGT # this implies that all files were reprojected to the same footprint and resolution ns = fid['VGT'].RasterXSize nl = fid['VGT'].RasterYSize projection = fid['VGT'].GetProjection() geotrans = fid['VGT'].GetGeoTransform() outDrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') outFID = {} outFID['Actual'] = outDrv.Create( self.dlg.editOutALDI.text(), ns, nl, 1, GDT_Float32 ) outFID['Potential'] = outDrv.Create( self.dlg.editOutPLDI.text(), ns, nl, 1, GDT_Float32 ) # define outputs projections and geotransformations for ii in ['Actual', 'Potential']: outFID[ii].SetProjection(projection) outFID[ii].SetGeoTransform(geotrans) # infos self.logMsg("Weights Actual") for ii, ww in self.listIDWeightsActual.iteritems(): self.logMsg("IDWeightsActual[{}]={}".format(ii,ww)) self.logMsg("Weights Potential") for ii, ww in self.listIDWeightsPotential.iteritems(): self.logMsg("IDWeightsPotential[{}]={}".format(ii,ww)) # compute indicators for each line for il in range(nl): data={} outData = {} for id in self.listIDInputs: data[ id ] = numpy.ravel( fid[id].GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0,il, ns, 1) ) # let's compute actual LDIM dataActual=numpy.zeros(ns) for ii, ww in self.listIDWeightsActual.iteritems(): if noData[ii] is not None: wdata = ( data[ii] != noData[ii] ) if wdata.any(): dataActual[wdata] += ww * data[ii][wdata] else: dataActual += ww * data[ii] dataPotential = numpy.zeros(ns) for ii, ww in self.listIDWeightsPotential.iteritems(): if noData[ii] is not None: wdata = data[ii] != noData[ii] if wdata.any(): dataPotential[wdata] += ww * data[ii][wdata] else: dataPotential += ww * data[ii] # save lines outFID['Actual'].GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( dataActual.reshape(1,ns), 0, il) outFID['Potential'].GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( dataPotential.reshape(1,ns), 0, il) return True # ____________________ # Run business logic # 1./ reproject/resample input files, save in tmp files # 2./ compute indices, per pixel, using weights, save in output files # Will exit on any error, reports for errors def doProcessing(self): # Inputs are reprojected and resampled listInput = self.getInputFiles() if listInput == False: self.logMsg("Missing input files, processing impossible") return False for thisFName in listInput: self.logMsg("Resampling and reprojection file {}".format(thisFName)) output = self.doTempFile('reproject', '.tif', self.dlg.editWrkDir.text() ) self.dictReproj[ thisFName ] = output if self.doResample(thisFName, output) == False: self.logMsg("Reprojection failed for {}".format(thisFName)) return False # now compute indices if self.doIndices() == False: self.logMsg("Error in processing indices") return False return True # ____________________ def doCheckToGo(self): #if (self.selectedRoi) is None: # self.logMsg("Please choose a region, in the 'Settings' tab.") # self.dlg.logTextDump.append("Please choose a region, in the 'Settings' tab.") # self.dlg.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.logTextDump) # return False self.logMsg("Checking inputs") # clipping vector is now mandatory if self.dlg.editClipShp.text()=='': self.logMsg("You must define a clipping vector (for example a shapefile)", QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) self.dlg.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.logTextDump) return False # check all files are different listFName=[ii.source() for ii in self.raster_list] if self.uniquify(listFName) != listFName: self.logMsg("Input files must be different. Please revise inputs in 'Input files' tab.", QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.logTextDump) self.listIDInputs={'VGT': self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.currentText(), 'RFE':self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.currentText(), 'PopDens':self.dlg.comboPopDensity.currentText(), 'SoilErod':self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.currentText(), 'SlopeLF':self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.currentText() } self.listIDWeightsPotential={'RFE': self.dlg.spinPotRFE.value(), 'PopDens': self.dlg.spinPotPopDens.value(), 'SoilErod': self.dlg.spinPotSoilErod.value(), 'SlopeLF': self.dlg.spinPotSlopeLF.value()} self.listIDWeightsActual={'VGT': self.dlg.spinActVGT.value(), 'RFE': self.dlg.spinActRFE.value(), 'PopDens': self.dlg.spinActPopDens.value(), 'SoilErod': self.dlg.spinActSoilErod.value(), 'SlopeLF': self.dlg.spinActSlopeLF.value()} return True # _____________________ #def displayRoiValues(self): # if self.dlg.comboChooseArea.currentIndex() is None: # return # elif self.dlg.comboChooseArea.currentIndex() == -1: # self.dlg.RoiWestEdit.clear() # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.clear() # self.dlg.RoiSouthEdit.clear() # self.dlg.RoiNorthEdit.clear() # else: # listRoiNames = [] # listRoiNames = [ ii["name"] for ii in self.roiDefinitions ] # self.selectedRoi = listRoiNames[self.dlg.comboChooseArea.currentIndex()] # # West, xmin, roiXY[0] # self.dlg.RoiWestEdit.setText( "%12.7f" % [ f["roiXY"][0] for f in self.roiDefinitions if (f["name"]==self.selectedRoi) ][0] ) # self.dlg.RoiWestEdit.displayText # # East, xmax, roiXY[2] # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.setText( "%12.7f" % [ f["roiXY"][2] for f in self.roiDefinitions if (f["name"]==self.selectedRoi) ][0] ) # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.displayText # # South, ymin, roiXY[1] # self.dlg.RoiSouthEdit.setText( "%12.7f" % [ f["roiXY"][1] for f in self.roiDefinitions if (f["name"]==self.selectedRoi) ][0] ) # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.displayText # # North ymax, roiXY[3] # self.dlg.RoiNorthEdit.setText( "%12.7f" % [ f["roiXY"][3] for f in self.roiDefinitions if (f["name"]==self.selectedRoi) ][0] ) # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.displayText # # return True # _____________________ # add a filename to the list of opened files # anf move the index to the last opened file def openFile(self, name): text={'SHPCLIP':'clipping vector file','VGT':'Vegetation', 'RFE':'Rainfall erosivity', 'PopDens': 'Population density', 'SoilErod':'Soil Erodibility','SlopeLF':'Slope length'} ltype={'SHPCLIP':'vector','VGT':'raster', 'RFE':'raster', 'PopDens': 'raster', 'SoilErod':'raster','SlopeLF':'raster'} dialog = QFileDialog() fname = dialog.getOpenFileName(self.dlg,"Open raster file")) if fname=='': return True if ltype[name]=='raster': layer = QgsRasterLayer(fname, name) if not layer.isValid(): self.logMsg("Could not open this file") self.dlg.logTextDump.append( "Could not open file {}".format(name) ) self.dlg.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.logTextDump) return False self.raster_list.append(layer) if ltype[name]=='vector': layer = QgsVectorLayer( fname, "Clip", 'ogr') if not layer.isValid(): self.logMsg( "Could not load vector layer {} with {}".format(, fname), QgsMessageLog.WARNING) self.dlg.logTextDump.append( "Could not load vector layer {}".format(fname) ) self.dlg.setCurrentWidget(self.logTextDump) return False self.clipLayer = layer # now put it in the correct list and make it the current selection if name=='VGT': self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.addItem(name) self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.count()-1 ) elif name=='RFE': self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.addItem(fname) self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.count()-1 ) elif name=='PopDens': self.dlg.comboPopDensity.addItem(fname) self.dlg.comboPopDensity.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboPopDensity.count()-1 ) elif name=='SoilErod': self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.addItem(fname) self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.count()-1 ) elif name=='SlopeLF': self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.addItem( fname) self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.count()-1 ) elif name=='SHPCLIP': self.dlg.editClipShp.setText( fname ) return True # ____________________ def saveFile(self, selector): text={'PotLDIM':'Potential LDIM', 'ActLDIM':'Actual LDIM'} dialog = QFileDialog() fname = dialog.getSaveFileName(self.dlg,"Define a file name to save {}".format(text[selector])), os.path.expanduser("~")) if fname: # be sure to append '.tif' pathname, extension = os.path.splitext(fname) if extension!='.tif': fname = pathname + '.tif' if selector=='PotLDIM': self.dlg.editOutPLDI.setText(fname) if selector=='ActLDIM': self.dlg.editOutALDI.setText(fname) return True # ___________________ def TR_degEdited(self): # spot VGT has pixel centered coordinates and considers 112 pixels per degrees # for pixel corners coordinates, one considers 111 pixels per degrees # convert into meters self.dlg.spinTR_m.setValue( self.dlg.spinTR_deg.value()* 111.0 * 1000.0 ) def TR_mEdited(self): # convert into degrees self.dlg.spinTR_deg.setValue( self.dlg.spinTR_m.value() / ( 1000.0 * 111.0) ) #____________________ def saveDir(self, selector): text={'WrkDir':'intermediate processing'} dialog = QFileDialog() dname = dialog.getExistingDirectory(self.dlg,"Choose a directory to save {}".format(text[selector])), os.path.expanduser("~")) if dname: if selector=='WrkDir': self.dlg.editWrkDir.setText(dname) # ___________________ # def doClipShpWidgetsUpdate(self): # if self.dlg.checkClipShp.isChecked(): # self.dlg.editClipShp.setEnabled(True) # self.dlg.buttonClipShp.setEnabled(True) # else: # self.dlg.editClipShp.setEnabled(False) # self.dlg.buttonClipShp.setEnabled(False) # ____________________ def doInitGUI(self): self.raster_list = [] self.dictInput = {} self.dictReproj = {} # clear files selectors #self.dlg.comboChooseArea.clear() self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.clear() self.dlg.comboPopDensity.clear() self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.clear() self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.clear() self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.clear() # do not clear messages tab: so we can read messages from the former run # if wrkDir not set, then initialise, else leave it as it is if self.dlg.editWrkDir.text()=='': self.dlg.editWrkDir.setText(self.dlg.editWrkDir.text()) # force opening on the "Help" tab self.dlg.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.tabHelp) # setup "settings" tools. ROI are defined with xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax #self.dlg.comboChooseArea.addItems( [ ii["name"] for ii in self.roiDefinitions ] ) #for ii in self.roiDefinitions: # self.dlg.logTextDump.append( ii["name"] ) #self.dlg.comboChooseArea.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.displayRoiValues) #self.dlg.comboChooseArea.setCurrentIndex(-1) #self.displayRoiValues() # connect the file chooser function to the buttons self.dlg.buttonVegetationIndex.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openFile('VGT')) self.dlg.buttonRainfallErosivity.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openFile('RFE')) self.dlg.buttonPopDensity.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openFile('PopDens')) self.dlg.buttonErodibility.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openFile('SoilErod')) self.dlg.buttonSlopeLF.clicked.connect(lambda: self.openFile('SlopeLF')) # connect buttons to saveFile functions self.dlg.buttonPotLDIM.clicked.connect(lambda: self.saveFile('PotLDIM') ) self.dlg.buttonActLDIM.clicked.connect(lambda: self.saveFile('ActLDIM') ) # define temp directory self.dlg.editWrkDir.setText( os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), "qgis_rcmrdplugin" ) ) self.dlg.buttonWrkDir.clicked.connect(lambda: self.saveDir('WrkDir')) # pixel resolution control self.dlg.spinTR_m.setValue(100.0) self.dlg.spinTR_deg.setValue(100.0 / (1000.0 * 111.0) ) self.dlg.spinTR_m.valueChanged.connect(self.TR_mEdited) self.dlg.spinTR_deg.valueChanged.connect(self.TR_degEdited) # signals for clipShp widgets #self.dlg.checkClipShp.stateChanged.connect( self.doClipShpWidgetsUpdate ) self.dlg.buttonClipShp.clicked.connect( (lambda: self.openFile('SHPCLIP') ) ) # ____________________ def run(self): """Set up the interface content and call business-logic functions""" self.doInitGUI() # setup input files self.dlg.logTextDump.append("Scanning loaded files") layers = self.iface.legendInterface().layers() vector_list = [] self.raster_list=[] # reset to 0 each time the plugin is called # detect vectors and rasters already loaded in QGis for layer in layers: layerType = layer.type() if (layerType == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer) and (layer.wkbType()==QGis.WKBPolygon): vector_list.append( QgsMessageLog.logMessage("--- Vector") #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(dir(layer))) print layer.geometryType() QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Vector: '+str( ' '+str(layer.geometryType())) if layerType == QgsMapLayer.RasterLayer: self.raster_list.append(layer) # Assign the pre-loaded rasters and vectors to the interface objects for ii in self.raster_list: self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.addItem( self.dlg.comboPopDensity.addItem( self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.addItem( self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.addItem( self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.addItem( # show the dialog self.dlg.logTextDump.append("Waiting for settings") # Run the dialog event loop, and exit only if all check are ok checkToGo = False result = False while not checkToGo: result = self.dlg.exec_() if result: checkToGo = self.doCheckToGo() else: checkToGo = True #self.dlg.logTextDump.append("Application running.") #self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Info","Running") # See if OK was pressed self.logMsg("Result {} checktogo {}".format(result, checkToGo)) if result: # then run processings if self.doProcessing(): self.iface.addRasterLayer(unicode(self.dlg.editOutPLDI.text()), 'Potential LDIM') self.iface.addRasterLayer(unicode(self.dlg.editOutALDI.text()), 'Actual LDIM')
def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'RCMRD_LandDegr_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = RCMRD_LandDegrDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&RCRMD: land degradation') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'RCMRD: land degradation') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'RCMRD: land degradation') # Declare user instance variables self.roiDefinitions = None self.roiDefinitions = [{ "name": "IGAD", "roiXY": [21.8094, -4.6775, 51.417, 22.227] }, { "name": "Djibouti", "roiXY": [41.749110148, 10.929824931, 43.418711785, 12.707912502] }, { "name": "Eritrea", "roiXY": [36.423647095, 12.360021871, 43.123871290, 18.004828192] }, { "name": "Ethiopia", "roiXY": [32.989799845, 3.403333435, 47.979169149, 14.879532166] }, { "name": "Kenya", "roiXY": [33.890468384, -4.677504165, 41.885019165, 5.030375823] }, { "name": "Sudan", "roiXY": [42.647246541, 7.996515605, 48.93911199991, 11.498928127] }, { "name": "South Sudan", "roiXY": [24.121555623, 3.490201518, 35.920835409, 12.216154684] }, { "name": "Somali Land", "roiXY": [42.647246541, 7.996515605, 48.93911199991, 11.498928127] }, { "name": "Somalia", "roiXY": [40.965385376, -1.69628316498, 51.417037811, 11.989118646] }, { "name": "Uganda", "roiXY": [29.548459513, -1.475205994, 35.006472615, 4.219691875] }] #self.selectedRoi = None self.raster_list = [ ] # list all files open in QGis, contains file objects self.dictReproj = None # dictionary: 'input filename' -> reprojected filename self.clipLayer = None # store the clipping vector layer self.listIDInputs = { } # dictionary: key -> layer name. See keys definition in the code ('VGT', 'RFE', ...) self.listIDWeightsPotential = {} self.listIDWeightsActual = {} SettingsOrganisation = 'RCMRD_QGIS' SettingsApplication = 'RCMRD_LandDegr'
class RCMRD_LandDegr: """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'RCMRD_LandDegr_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = RCMRD_LandDegrDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&RCRMD: land degradation') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'RCMRD: land degradation') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'RCMRD: land degradation') # Declare user instance variables self.roiDefinitions = None self.roiDefinitions = [{ "name": "IGAD", "roiXY": [21.8094, -4.6775, 51.417, 22.227] }, { "name": "Djibouti", "roiXY": [41.749110148, 10.929824931, 43.418711785, 12.707912502] }, { "name": "Eritrea", "roiXY": [36.423647095, 12.360021871, 43.123871290, 18.004828192] }, { "name": "Ethiopia", "roiXY": [32.989799845, 3.403333435, 47.979169149, 14.879532166] }, { "name": "Kenya", "roiXY": [33.890468384, -4.677504165, 41.885019165, 5.030375823] }, { "name": "Sudan", "roiXY": [42.647246541, 7.996515605, 48.93911199991, 11.498928127] }, { "name": "South Sudan", "roiXY": [24.121555623, 3.490201518, 35.920835409, 12.216154684] }, { "name": "Somali Land", "roiXY": [42.647246541, 7.996515605, 48.93911199991, 11.498928127] }, { "name": "Somalia", "roiXY": [40.965385376, -1.69628316498, 51.417037811, 11.989118646] }, { "name": "Uganda", "roiXY": [29.548459513, -1.475205994, 35.006472615, 4.219691875] }] #self.selectedRoi = None self.raster_list = [ ] # list all files open in QGis, contains file objects self.dictReproj = None # dictionary: 'input filename' -> reprojected filename self.clipLayer = None # store the clipping vector layer self.listIDInputs = { } # dictionary: key -> layer name. See keys definition in the code ('VGT', 'RFE', ...) self.listIDWeightsPotential = {} self.listIDWeightsActual = {} SettingsOrganisation = 'RCMRD_QGIS' SettingsApplication = 'RCMRD_LandDegr' # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('RCMRD_LandDegr', message) def add_action(self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): """Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar. :param icon_path: Path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal file system path. :type icon_path: str :param text: Text that should be shown in menu items for this action. :type text: str :param callback: Function to be called when the action is triggered. :type callback: function :param enabled_flag: A flag indicating if the action should be enabled by default. Defaults to True. :type enabled_flag: bool :param add_to_menu: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the menu. Defaults to True. :type add_to_menu: bool :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the toolbar. Defaults to True. :type add_to_toolbar: bool :param status_tip: Optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer hovers over the action. :type status_tip: str :param parent: Parent widget for the new action. Defaults None. :type parent: QWidget :param whats_this: Optional text to show in the status bar when the mouse pointer hovers over the action. :returns: The action that was created. Note that the action is also added to self.actions list. :rtype: QAction """ icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/RCMRD_LandDegr/icon.png' self.add_action(icon_path,'Land Degradation Indices'),,'Compute RCMRD LDIM'), parent=self.iface.mainWindow()) def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI.""" for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu('&Land Degradation (RCMRD)'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) # remove the toolbar del self.toolbar # ____________________ def logMsg(self, msg, errorLvl=QgsMessageLog.INFO): QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, tag='RCMRD Land Degradation', level=errorLvl) prepend = '' if errorLvl == QgsMessageLog.WARNING: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("WARNING", msg) prepend = "Warning! " if errorLvl == QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("CRITICAL", msg) prepend = "Critical error! " self.dlg.logTextDump.append(prepend + msg) # ____________________ # Business logic functions and methods # ____________________ # returns uniq of an array, preserve order def uniquify(self, seq): noDupes = [] [noDupes.append(i) for i in seq if not noDupes.count(i)] return noDupes # ____________________ # Get target extent, in geographical coordinates #def getTE(self): # xmin=float(self.dlg.RoiWestEdit.text()) # xmax=float(self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.text()) # ymin=float(self.dlg.RoiSouthEdit.text()) # ymax=float(self.dlg.RoiNorthEdit.text()) # return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] # _____________________ def ParseType(self, type): if type == 'Byte': return GDT_Byte elif type == 'Int16': return GDT_Int16 elif type == 'UInt16': return GDT_UInt16 elif type == 'Int32': return GDT_Int32 elif type == 'UInt32': return GDT_UInt32 elif type == 'Float32': return GDT_Float32 elif type == 'Float64': return GDT_Float64 elif type == 'CInt16': return GDT_CInt16 elif type == 'CInt32': return GDT_CInt32 elif type == 'CFloat32': return GDT_CFloat32 elif type == 'CFloat64': return GDT_CFloat64 else: return GDT_Float32 # _____________________ # doInitDir: if the directory does not exist: create it def doInitDir(self, thisDir): if os.path.isdir(thisDir): return True os.makedirs(thisDir) # _____________________ def doTempFile(self, prefix='', suffix='', dir=''): idTag = random.randint(10000, 99999) return os.path.join(dir, prefix + '_' + str(idTag) + suffix) # ____________________ # search for a layer name, return filename def retrieveFromName(self, name): for ii in self.raster_list: if == name: return ii.source() return False # ____________________ # return an array of input files (file paths) # For each type of file (listed in listIDInputs), tries macthing corresponding name from rasters_layer # note: do not trust sorting order def getInputFiles(self): inFiles = [] for kk, ii in self.listIDInputs.iteritems(): thisFile = self.retrieveFromName(ii) if thisFile == False: self.logMsg( "Could no retrieve file {} associated to key {}".format( ii, kk)) return False else: inFiles.append(thisFile) self.dictInput[ii] = thisFile return inFiles # _____________________ # doResample: resample the inputs to a common projection and resolution, will crop images # images saved into the working directory # note: to read documentation about an algorithm: import processing; processing.alghelp("gdalogr:warpreproject") def doResample(self, inFileName, output): self.doInitDir(self.dlg.editWrkDir.text()) # for now, dst is hard coded #inCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(4326) # actually, must be read from the input file newCRS = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem() #newCRS.createFromProj4('+proj=aea +lat_1=18 +lat_2=-4 +lat_0=11 +lon_0=25 +x_0=37.5 +y_0=11') newCRS.createFromSrid(4326) if not newCRS.isValid(): self.logMsg("The projection definition is not valid. Exit", QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) return False # see: # inFileName = self.raster_list[self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.currentIndex()].source() inFID = gdal.Open(inFileName, GA_ReadOnly) inCRS = inFID.GetProjection() inTrans = inFID.GetGeoTransform() inDataType = inFID.GetRasterBand(1).DataType # for now, we only resample 1 dataset, to be placed in a loop later on TR = self.dlg.spinTR_deg.value() extraParam = '' if self.clipLayer is not None: ext = self.clipLayer.extent() bb = [ ext.xMinimum(), ext.yMinimum(), ext.xMaximum(), ext.yMaximum() ] extraParam = '-dstnodata 0 -te {} {} {} {} -cutline "{}" -crop_to_cutline '.format( bb[0], bb[1], bb[2], bb[3], self.dlg.editClipShp.text()) method = 0 # because we resample thematic layers # rtype 0: Byte, 1: int16, 2: uint16, 3:uint32, 4: int32, 5: Float32, 6: Float54 # processing.runalg("gdalogr:warpreproject") #ALGORITHM: Warp (reproject) #INPUT <ParameterRaster> #SOURCE_SRS <ParameterCrs> #DEST_SRS <ParameterCrs> #NO_DATA <ParameterString> #TR <ParameterNumber> #METHOD <ParameterSelection> #RTYPE <ParameterSelection> #COMPRESS <ParameterSelection> #JPEGCOMPRESSION <ParameterNumber> #ZLEVEL <ParameterNumber> #PREDICTOR <ParameterNumber> #TILED <ParameterBoolean> #BIGTIFF <ParameterSelection> #TFW <ParameterBoolean> #EXTRA <ParameterString> #OUTPUT <OutputRaster> #METHOD(Resampling method): 0 - near, 1 - bilinear, 2 - cubic, 3 - cubicspline, 4 - lanczos #RTYPE(Output raster type): 0 - Byte, 1 - Int16, 2 - UInt16, 3 - UInt32, 4 - Int32, 5 - Float32, 6 - Float64 #COMPRESS(GeoTIFF options. Compression type): 0 - NONE, 1 - JPEG, 2 - LZW, 3 - PACKBITS, 4 - DEFLATE #BIGTIFF(Control whether the created file is a BigTIFF or a classic TIFF): 0 - , 1 - YES, 2 - NO, 3 - IF_NEEDED, 4 - IF_SAFER testproc = processing.runalg( 'gdalogr:warpreproject', inFileName, # input inCRS, # source ss newCRS.toProj4(), # dest srs '', # no data, <parameterString> TR, # target resolution: 0=unchanged 0, # method: thematic layers, use 0 0, # output raster type 2, # compression None, # jpeg compression None, # zlevel None, # predictor None, # tiled None, # bigtiff None, # TFW extraParam, # extra output) if not testproc: self.logMsg("Reprojection failed for file {}".format(inFileName)) return False return True # ____________________ def doIndices(self): self.logMsg("In do indices") # open reprojected files fid = {} noData = {} for id, layerName in self.listIDInputs.iteritems(): thisFile = self.dictReproj[self.retrieveFromName( self.listIDInputs[id])] fid[id] = gdal.Open(thisFile, GA_ReadOnly) if fid[id] is None: self.logMsg('Error: could not open file {}'.format(thisFile), QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) return False noData[id] = fid[id].GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() self.logMsg("dataset {}, no data is {}".format(id, noData[id])) # create ouputs from info read in VGT # this implies that all files were reprojected to the same footprint and resolution ns = fid['VGT'].RasterXSize nl = fid['VGT'].RasterYSize projection = fid['VGT'].GetProjection() geotrans = fid['VGT'].GetGeoTransform() outDrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') outFID = {} outFID['Actual'] = outDrv.Create(self.dlg.editOutALDI.text(), ns, nl, 1, GDT_Float32) outFID['Potential'] = outDrv.Create(self.dlg.editOutPLDI.text(), ns, nl, 1, GDT_Float32) # define outputs projections and geotransformations for ii in ['Actual', 'Potential']: outFID[ii].SetProjection(projection) outFID[ii].SetGeoTransform(geotrans) # infos self.logMsg("Weights Actual") for ii, ww in self.listIDWeightsActual.iteritems(): self.logMsg("IDWeightsActual[{}]={}".format(ii, ww)) self.logMsg("Weights Potential") for ii, ww in self.listIDWeightsPotential.iteritems(): self.logMsg("IDWeightsPotential[{}]={}".format(ii, ww)) # compute indicators for each line for il in range(nl): data = {} outData = {} for id in self.listIDInputs: data[id] = numpy.ravel(fid[id].GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray( 0, il, ns, 1)) # let's compute actual LDIM dataActual = numpy.zeros(ns) for ii, ww in self.listIDWeightsActual.iteritems(): if noData[ii] is not None: wdata = (data[ii] != noData[ii]) if wdata.any(): dataActual[wdata] += ww * data[ii][wdata] else: dataActual += ww * data[ii] dataPotential = numpy.zeros(ns) for ii, ww in self.listIDWeightsPotential.iteritems(): if noData[ii] is not None: wdata = data[ii] != noData[ii] if wdata.any(): dataPotential[wdata] += ww * data[ii][wdata] else: dataPotential += ww * data[ii] # save lines outFID['Actual'].GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( dataActual.reshape(1, ns), 0, il) outFID['Potential'].GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( dataPotential.reshape(1, ns), 0, il) return True # ____________________ # Run business logic # 1./ reproject/resample input files, save in tmp files # 2./ compute indices, per pixel, using weights, save in output files # Will exit on any error, reports for errors def doProcessing(self): # Inputs are reprojected and resampled listInput = self.getInputFiles() if listInput == False: self.logMsg("Missing input files, processing impossible") return False for thisFName in listInput: self.logMsg( "Resampling and reprojection file {}".format(thisFName)) output = self.doTempFile('reproject', '.tif', self.dlg.editWrkDir.text()) self.dictReproj[thisFName] = output if self.doResample(thisFName, output) == False: self.logMsg("Reprojection failed for {}".format(thisFName)) return False # now compute indices if self.doIndices() == False: self.logMsg("Error in processing indices") return False return True # ____________________ def doCheckToGo(self): #if (self.selectedRoi) is None: # self.logMsg("Please choose a region, in the 'Settings' tab.") # self.dlg.logTextDump.append("Please choose a region, in the 'Settings' tab.") # self.dlg.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.logTextDump) # return False self.logMsg("Checking inputs") # clipping vector is now mandatory if self.dlg.editClipShp.text() == '': self.logMsg( "You must define a clipping vector (for example a shapefile)", QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) self.dlg.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.logTextDump) return False # check all files are different listFName = [ii.source() for ii in self.raster_list] if self.uniquify(listFName) != listFName: self.logMsg( "Input files must be different. Please revise inputs in 'Input files' tab.", QgsMessageLog.CRITICAL) tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.logTextDump) self.listIDInputs = { 'VGT': self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.currentText(), 'RFE': self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.currentText(), 'PopDens': self.dlg.comboPopDensity.currentText(), 'SoilErod': self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.currentText(), 'SlopeLF': self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.currentText() } self.listIDWeightsPotential = { 'RFE': self.dlg.spinPotRFE.value(), 'PopDens': self.dlg.spinPotPopDens.value(), 'SoilErod': self.dlg.spinPotSoilErod.value(), 'SlopeLF': self.dlg.spinPotSlopeLF.value() } self.listIDWeightsActual = { 'VGT': self.dlg.spinActVGT.value(), 'RFE': self.dlg.spinActRFE.value(), 'PopDens': self.dlg.spinActPopDens.value(), 'SoilErod': self.dlg.spinActSoilErod.value(), 'SlopeLF': self.dlg.spinActSlopeLF.value() } return True # _____________________ #def displayRoiValues(self): # if self.dlg.comboChooseArea.currentIndex() is None: # return # elif self.dlg.comboChooseArea.currentIndex() == -1: # self.dlg.RoiWestEdit.clear() # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.clear() # self.dlg.RoiSouthEdit.clear() # self.dlg.RoiNorthEdit.clear() # else: # listRoiNames = [] # listRoiNames = [ ii["name"] for ii in self.roiDefinitions ] # self.selectedRoi = listRoiNames[self.dlg.comboChooseArea.currentIndex()] # # West, xmin, roiXY[0] # self.dlg.RoiWestEdit.setText( "%12.7f" % [ f["roiXY"][0] for f in self.roiDefinitions if (f["name"]==self.selectedRoi) ][0] ) # self.dlg.RoiWestEdit.displayText # # East, xmax, roiXY[2] # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.setText( "%12.7f" % [ f["roiXY"][2] for f in self.roiDefinitions if (f["name"]==self.selectedRoi) ][0] ) # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.displayText # # South, ymin, roiXY[1] # self.dlg.RoiSouthEdit.setText( "%12.7f" % [ f["roiXY"][1] for f in self.roiDefinitions if (f["name"]==self.selectedRoi) ][0] ) # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.displayText # # North ymax, roiXY[3] # self.dlg.RoiNorthEdit.setText( "%12.7f" % [ f["roiXY"][3] for f in self.roiDefinitions if (f["name"]==self.selectedRoi) ][0] ) # self.dlg.RoiEastEdit.displayText # # return True # _____________________ # add a filename to the list of opened files # anf move the index to the last opened file def openFile(self, name): text = { 'SHPCLIP': 'clipping vector file', 'VGT': 'Vegetation', 'RFE': 'Rainfall erosivity', 'PopDens': 'Population density', 'SoilErod': 'Soil Erodibility', 'SlopeLF': 'Slope length' } ltype = { 'SHPCLIP': 'vector', 'VGT': 'raster', 'RFE': 'raster', 'PopDens': 'raster', 'SoilErod': 'raster', 'SlopeLF': 'raster' } dialog = QFileDialog() fname = dialog.getOpenFileName(self.dlg,"Open raster file")) if fname == '': return True if ltype[name] == 'raster': layer = QgsRasterLayer(fname, name) if not layer.isValid(): self.logMsg("Could not open this file") self.dlg.logTextDump.append( "Could not open file {}".format(name)) self.dlg.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.logTextDump) return False self.raster_list.append(layer) if ltype[name] == 'vector': layer = QgsVectorLayer(fname, "Clip", 'ogr') if not layer.isValid(): self.logMsg( "Could not load vector layer {} with {}".format(, fname), QgsMessageLog.WARNING) self.dlg.logTextDump.append( "Could not load vector layer {}".format(fname)) self.dlg.setCurrentWidget(self.logTextDump) return False self.clipLayer = layer # now put it in the correct list and make it the current selection if name == 'VGT': self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.addItem(name) self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.count() - 1) elif name == 'RFE': self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.addItem(fname) self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.count() - 1) elif name == 'PopDens': self.dlg.comboPopDensity.addItem(fname) self.dlg.comboPopDensity.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboPopDensity.count() - 1) elif name == 'SoilErod': self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.addItem(fname) self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.count() - 1) elif name == 'SlopeLF': self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.addItem(fname) self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.setCurrentIndex( self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.count() - 1) elif name == 'SHPCLIP': self.dlg.editClipShp.setText(fname) return True # ____________________ def saveFile(self, selector): text = {'PotLDIM': 'Potential LDIM', 'ActLDIM': 'Actual LDIM'} dialog = QFileDialog() fname = dialog.getSaveFileName( self.dlg,"Define a file name to save {}".format(text[selector])), os.path.expanduser("~")) if fname: # be sure to append '.tif' pathname, extension = os.path.splitext(fname) if extension != '.tif': fname = pathname + '.tif' if selector == 'PotLDIM': self.dlg.editOutPLDI.setText(fname) if selector == 'ActLDIM': self.dlg.editOutALDI.setText(fname) return True # ___________________ def TR_degEdited(self): # spot VGT has pixel centered coordinates and considers 112 pixels per degrees # for pixel corners coordinates, one considers 111 pixels per degrees # convert into meters self.dlg.spinTR_m.setValue(self.dlg.spinTR_deg.value() * 111.0 * 1000.0) def TR_mEdited(self): # convert into degrees self.dlg.spinTR_deg.setValue(self.dlg.spinTR_m.value() / (1000.0 * 111.0)) #____________________ def saveDir(self, selector): text = {'WrkDir': 'intermediate processing'} dialog = QFileDialog() dname = dialog.getExistingDirectory( self.dlg,"Choose a directory to save {}".format(text[selector])), os.path.expanduser("~")) if dname: if selector == 'WrkDir': self.dlg.editWrkDir.setText(dname) # ___________________ # def doClipShpWidgetsUpdate(self): # if self.dlg.checkClipShp.isChecked(): # self.dlg.editClipShp.setEnabled(True) # self.dlg.buttonClipShp.setEnabled(True) # else: # self.dlg.editClipShp.setEnabled(False) # self.dlg.buttonClipShp.setEnabled(False) # ____________________ def doInitGUI(self): self.raster_list = [] self.dictInput = {} self.dictReproj = {} # clear files selectors #self.dlg.comboChooseArea.clear() self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.clear() self.dlg.comboPopDensity.clear() self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.clear() self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.clear() self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.clear() # do not clear messages tab: so we can read messages from the former run # if wrkDir not set, then initialise, else leave it as it is if self.dlg.editWrkDir.text() == '': self.dlg.editWrkDir.setText(self.dlg.editWrkDir.text()) # force opening on the "Help" tab self.dlg.tabWidget.setCurrentWidget(self.dlg.tabHelp) # setup "settings" tools. ROI are defined with xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax #self.dlg.comboChooseArea.addItems( [ ii["name"] for ii in self.roiDefinitions ] ) #for ii in self.roiDefinitions: # self.dlg.logTextDump.append( ii["name"] ) #self.dlg.comboChooseArea.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.displayRoiValues) #self.dlg.comboChooseArea.setCurrentIndex(-1) #self.displayRoiValues() # connect the file chooser function to the buttons self.dlg.buttonVegetationIndex.clicked.connect( lambda: self.openFile('VGT')) self.dlg.buttonRainfallErosivity.clicked.connect( lambda: self.openFile('RFE')) self.dlg.buttonPopDensity.clicked.connect( lambda: self.openFile('PopDens')) self.dlg.buttonErodibility.clicked.connect( lambda: self.openFile('SoilErod')) self.dlg.buttonSlopeLF.clicked.connect( lambda: self.openFile('SlopeLF')) # connect buttons to saveFile functions self.dlg.buttonPotLDIM.clicked.connect( lambda: self.saveFile('PotLDIM')) self.dlg.buttonActLDIM.clicked.connect( lambda: self.saveFile('ActLDIM')) # define temp directory self.dlg.editWrkDir.setText( os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "qgis_rcmrdplugin")) self.dlg.buttonWrkDir.clicked.connect(lambda: self.saveDir('WrkDir')) # pixel resolution control self.dlg.spinTR_m.setValue(100.0) self.dlg.spinTR_deg.setValue(100.0 / (1000.0 * 111.0)) self.dlg.spinTR_m.valueChanged.connect(self.TR_mEdited) self.dlg.spinTR_deg.valueChanged.connect(self.TR_degEdited) # signals for clipShp widgets #self.dlg.checkClipShp.stateChanged.connect( self.doClipShpWidgetsUpdate ) self.dlg.buttonClipShp.clicked.connect( (lambda: self.openFile('SHPCLIP'))) # ____________________ def run(self): """Set up the interface content and call business-logic functions""" self.doInitGUI() # setup input files self.dlg.logTextDump.append("Scanning loaded files") layers = self.iface.legendInterface().layers() vector_list = [] self.raster_list = [] # reset to 0 each time the plugin is called # detect vectors and rasters already loaded in QGis for layer in layers: layerType = layer.type() if (layerType == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer) and (layer.wkbType() == QGis.WKBPolygon): vector_list.append( QgsMessageLog.logMessage("--- Vector") #QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(dir(layer))) print layer.geometryType() QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Vector: ' + str( + ' ' + str(layer.geometryType())) if layerType == QgsMapLayer.RasterLayer: self.raster_list.append(layer) # Assign the pre-loaded rasters and vectors to the interface objects for ii in self.raster_list: self.dlg.comboVegetationIndex.addItem( self.dlg.comboPopDensity.addItem( self.dlg.comboRainfallErosivity.addItem( self.dlg.comboSlopeLF.addItem( self.dlg.comboSoilErodibility.addItem( # show the dialog self.dlg.logTextDump.append("Waiting for settings") # Run the dialog event loop, and exit only if all check are ok checkToGo = False result = False while not checkToGo: result = self.dlg.exec_() if result: checkToGo = self.doCheckToGo() else: checkToGo = True #self.dlg.logTextDump.append("Application running.") #self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage("Info","Running") # See if OK was pressed self.logMsg("Result {} checktogo {}".format(result, checkToGo)) if result: # then run processings if self.doProcessing(): self.iface.addRasterLayer(unicode(self.dlg.editOutPLDI.text()), 'Potential LDIM') self.iface.addRasterLayer(unicode(self.dlg.editOutALDI.text()), 'Actual LDIM')
def setUp(self): """Runs before each test.""" self.dialog = RCMRD_LandDegrDialog(None)