def __init__(self, vehicle_type, name, network_type, display, kill, location_data): #socket for broadcasting telemetry to gcs self.telem_broadcast_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) self.telem_broadcast_sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, MULTICAST_TTL) self.telem_broadcast_sock.settimeout(0.4) self.telem_broadcast_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, 25, str(BIND_INTERFACE + '\0').encode('utf-8')) self.telem_broadcast_sock.bind((TELEM_IP, TELEM_PORT)) #socket for listening to other vehicle telemetry self.vehicle_to_vehicle_telem_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.vehicle_to_vehicle_telem_sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, MULTICAST_TTL) self.vehicle_to_vehicle_telem_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, 25, str(BIND_INTERFACE + '\0').encode('utf-8')) self.vehicle_to_vehicle_telem_sock.bind((TELEM_IP, V2V_TELEM_PORT)) self.vehicle_type = vehicle_type = name self.gufi = "" self.update_rate = 1 self.network_type = network_type self.kill = kill self.agent_lock = threading.Lock() self.agents = {} self.identify_peripherals() self.display = display if display: self.lcd = lcd.lcd() self.location_data = location_data self.gps = None
def set(self, num): oldnum = if oldnum != num: lcd16 = lcd.lcd(0x3f) #lcd20 = lcd.lcd(0x27) lcd16.backlight(1) #lcd20.backlight(1) self.clear() name = "" if num == 1: name = "Salon" self.pcf.port[3] = False elif num == 2: name = "Kriss" self.pcf.port[4] = False elif num == 3: name = "FreeBox" self.pcf.port[5] = False elif num == 4: name = "TV" self.pcf.port[6] = False elif num == 5: name = "Cyke" self.pcf.port[7] = False self.write(num, name) lcd16.printlcd("Source : " + name, 1) #lcd20.printlcd("Source : " + name, 1) else: lcd16 = lcd.lcd(0x3f) #lcd20 = lcd.lcd(0x27) lcd16.backlight(1) #lcd20.backlight(1) name = "" if num == 1: name = "Salon" elif num == 2: name = "Kriss" elif num == 3: name = "FreeBox" elif num == 4: name = "TV" elif num == 5: name = "Cyke" lcd16.printlcd("Source : " + name, 1)
def __init(self): self.mqttAdater = ma.MQTTAdapter() self.sensormanager = sm.SensorManager() self.lcd = lcd.lcd() self.button_led = button_led.Button_LED() self.isStart = False print("DEVICE START") self.__processing() self.__receiving() self.__rfid_listening() print("DEVICE PROCESSING..") self.__listen()
def __init__(self, model, interval=1, delay=2): super().__init__(interval=interval, delay=delay) self._model = model self._lcd = lcd.lcd(cols=_COLS) self._lcd.clear() _sem.acquire() try: for i in range(0, len(_BANNER) - 1): self._lcd.print(_BANNER[i].center(_COLS), i) finally: _sem.release()
def test_lcd_zero(): assert_equals(lcd(0), " _ \n| |\n|_|")
def test_lcd_all(): assert_equals(lcd(123456789), """\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_| ||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|""")
def test_lcd_nine(): assert_equals(lcd(9), " _ \n|_|\n _|")
def test_lcd_seven(): assert_equals(lcd(7), " _ \n |\n |")
def test_lcd_five(): assert_equals(lcd(5), " _ \n|_ \n _|")
__author__ = 'beau' import pyb import micropython from MAX6675 import MAX6675 from PDM import PDM from rotary import rotary import lcd as LCD from PID import PID micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) pdm = PDM() tc = MAX6675() knob = rotary() lcd = LCD.lcd() pdm.set_output(0.7) def get_temp(): global tc return tc.FIR.get_value() * 0.25 pid = PID(get_temp, pdm.set_output) # sw = pyb.Switch() # sw_state = 1 # def toggle(): # global sw_state
from __future__ import unicode_literals import time try: import lcd lcd = lcd.lcd() # Change this to your i2c address lcd.set_addr(0x23) except Exception: lcd = False def log(string, color='white'): color_hex = { 'red': '91m', 'green': '92m', 'yellow': '93m', 'blue': '94m', 'cyan': '96m' } if color not in color_hex: print('[{time}] {string}'.format( time=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), string=string.decode('utf-8') )) else: print( '[{time}] \033[{color} {string} \033[0m'.format( time=time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), color=color_hex[color], string=string.decode('utf-8')
__author__ = 'beau' import pyb import micropython from MAX6675 import MAX6675 from PDM import PDM from rotary import rotary import lcd as LCD from PID import PID micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) pdm = PDM() tc = MAX6675() knob = rotary() lcd = LCD.lcd() pdm.set_output(0.7) def get_temp(): global tc return tc.FIR.get_value()*0.25 pid = PID(get_temp,pdm.set_output) # sw = pyb.Switch() # sw_state = 1 # def toggle(): # global sw_state # if sw_state == 0:
def __init__(self): self.lcd = lcd.lcd() self.lcd.clear() self.where_to_write = 1
import datetime from datetime import timedelta import time import indigo import sys import re # regular expressions import eps # 1.13 import dtutil # 1.13 from lcd import lcd lcdlib = lcd() parent = None # # Definitions # defThermostat = ["temperatureInput1", "humidity", "setpointHeat", "setpointCool"] defSprinklers = ["activeZone", "activeZone.ui"] defNOAA = ["currentCondition", "humidity", "windDegrees", "windDirection", "windMPH"] defWeathersnoop = [ "humidity", "weather", "windDirection", "windDirection.ui", "solarRadiation", "temperature_F.ui", ] # any .ui here are just so we trigger a state change to calculate other things that don't exist in the weathersnoop device (like "feelslike") defWUnderground = [ "currentWeather",
DOOR = door.door(door_pin, door_open_state) if rotary is not None: encoder = rotaryEncoder.rotaryEncoder(rotary_A, rotary_B, rotary_PB) else: encoder = rotaryEncoder.rotaryEncoder(0, 0, 0, dummy=True) encoder.start() heater = relay.relay(relay_HOT, invert=invert_hot) cooler = relay.relay(relay_COLD, invert=invert_cold) # Nokia LCD has 17 chars by 6 lines, but original display and web display # show 20 chars by 4 lines, so make a buffer at least that big. LCD = lcd.lcd(lines=6, chars=20, hardware=LCD_hardware) tempControl = tempControl.tempController(ID_fridge, ID_beer, ID_ambient, cooler=cooler, heater=heater, door=DOOR) # Set the temperature calibration offsets (if available) # FIXME - This should be part of deviceManager & saved to/loaded from the eeprom tempControl.fridgeSensor.calibrationOffset = fridgeCalibrationOffset tempControl.beerSensor.calibrationOffset = beerCalibrationOffset tempControl.ambientSensor.calibrationOffset = ambientCalibrationOffset eepromManager = EepromManager.eepromManager(tempControl=tempControl) piLink = piLink.piLink(tempControl=tempControl, path=config['port'].get('path'), eepromManager=eepromManager) menu = Menu.Menu(encoder=encoder, tempControl=tempControl, piLink=piLink)
def ring(): print("ring") pass def loop(): while True: schedule.run_pending() lcd.update(tmp) if GPIO.input(12) == GPIO.LOW: print("next") music.next_song() time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': lcd = lcd() tmp = temp() lamp = Lamp() lcd.update(tmp) sleep(5) music = Music() music.load_random() music.play_random() lamp.switch_on() lcd.wake_up(tmp) buttonPin = 12 # define the buttonPin GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(buttonPin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) t = Thread(target=loop)
#!/usr/bin/python from pcf8574 import PCF8574 from time import sleep import soundRelay as rl import lcd i2c_port_num = 1 btn_add = 0x38 btn = PCF8574(i2c_port_num, btn_add) s = rl.soundrelay() while True: if btn.port[0] is False: s.set(3) elif btn.port[1] is False: s.set(2) elif btn.port[2] is False: s.set(4) elif btn.port[3] is False: s.set(1) elif btn.port[4] is False: s.set(5) elif btn.port[5] is False: lcd16 = lcd.lcd(0x3f) #lcd20 = lcd.lcd(0x27) lcd16.backlight(0) #lcd20.backlight(0) sleep(0.1)
#!/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append("/root/rpi-lcd") import lcd import time lcd1 = lcd.lcd(0x27) lcd2 = lcd.lcd(0x3f) lcd1.backlight(1) lcd2.backlight(1) lcd1.printlcd( "blbl", 1) time.sleep(1) lcd1.printlcd( "blbl", 2) time.sleep(1) lcd1.printlcd("blbl", 3) time.sleep(1) lcd1.printlcd("blbl", 4) time.sleep(2) lcd2.printlcd("blbl", 1) time.sleep(1) lcd2.printlcd("blbl", 2) time.sleep(2) lcd1.backlight(0) lcd2.backlight(0)
def test_lcd_one(): assert_equals(lcd(1), " \n |\n |")
return GPIO.input(13) mode = 0 switches = 0 #Catch when script is interupted, cleanup correctly #light > 20000 equals dark #distance < 20in then movement try: # Main loop while True: runs = 0 sent = 1 #security mode while (mode == 1 & (runs < 10)): lcd.lcd_display_string(lcd(), 'Security Mode', 1) message = 'From Raspberry Pi: Security Compromised ' + str(sent) light = rc_time(pin_to_circuit) if light > 20000: lightprint = 'It is dark' else: lightprint = 'Light has been shown' #distance = distanceIN(PIN_TRIGGER, PIN_ECHO) #setup() distance = getDistanceIn() print "Light:", light, ' ', lightprint print "Distance:", distance, "in" #for movement or light send email if (light < 20000 or int(distance) < 20): if light < 20000:
def test_lcd_three(): assert_equals(lcd(3), " _ \n _|\n _|")
def test_lcd_two(): assert_equals(lcd(2), " _ \n _|\n|_ ")
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str import time from colorama import Fore, Back, Style from pokemongo_bot.event_manager import manager # Uncomment for type annotations on Python 3 # from typing import Optional try: # pylint: disable=import-error import lcd # type: ignore LCD = lcd.lcd() # Change this to your i2c address LCD.set_addr(0x23) except ImportError: LCD = None def log(string, color="black", prefix=None, fire_event=True): # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[bool]) -> None if fire_event:"logging", text=string, color=color, prefix=prefix) else: _log(text=string, color=color, prefix=prefix) @manager.on("logging")
def test_lcd_four(): assert_equals(lcd(4), " \n|_|\n |")
def __init__(self): = lcd.lcd(address)
def test_lcd_six(): assert_equals(lcd(6), " _ \n|_ \n|_|")
# Global objects for our hardware devices DOOR = door.door(door_pin, door_open_state) if rotary is not None: encoder = rotaryEncoder.rotaryEncoder(rotary_A, rotary_B, rotary_PB) else: encoder = rotaryEncoder.rotaryEncoder(0, 0, 0, dummy=True) encoder.start() heater = relay.relay(relay_HOT, invert=invert_hot) cooler = relay.relay(relay_COLD, invert=invert_cold) # Nokia LCD has 17 chars by 6 lines, but original display and web display # show 20 chars by 4 lines, so make a buffer at least that big. LCD = lcd.lcd(lines=6, chars=20, hardware=LCD_hardware) tempControl = tempControl.tempController(ID_fridge, ID_beer, ID_ambient, cooler=cooler, heater=heater, door=DOOR) # Set the temperature calibration offsets (if available) # FIXME - This should be part of deviceManager & saved to/loaded from the eeprom tempControl.fridgeSensor.calibrationOffset = fridgeCalibrationOffset tempControl.beerSensor.calibrationOffset = beerCalibrationOffset tempControl.ambientSensor.calibrationOffset = ambientCalibrationOffset eepromManager = EepromManager.eepromManager(tempControl=tempControl)
def test_lcd_eight(): assert_equals(lcd(8), " _ \n|_|\n|_|")
#!/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append("../lib") import lcd import accelerometer import math import time accel = accelerometer.mpu6050() screen = lcd.lcd() accel.setup() accel.setSampleRate(100) accel.setGResolution(16) screen.lcd_clear() I = accel.readData() Threshold = 0.2 ShakeFlag = False while True: while (accel.readStatus() & 1) == 0: pass I = accel.readData() PeakForce = 0 for loop in range(20): while (accel.readStatus() & 1) == 0: pass C = accel.readData() CurrentForce = math.sqrt((C.Gx - I.Gx) * (C.Gx - I.Gx) +
def test_lcd_onefourseven(): assert_equals(lcd(147), """\ _ ||_| | | | |""")
#!/usr/bin/python import pyowm import lcd lcd16 = lcd.lcd(0x3f) lcd20 = lcd.lcd(0x27) while True: owm = pyowm.OWM('d1063f632e75759f0dedbcae4ab9e830') observation = owm.weather_at_place('Toulouse,fr') w = observation.get_weather() temp = w.get_temperature('celsius')
def test_lcd_string(): assert_equals(lcd("0123456789"), """\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | _| _||_||_ |_ ||_||_| |_| ||_ _| | _||_| ||_| _|""")
# Trainer INITIALIZATION trainer = Trainer(conditions, task) ## TRACKING FILENAME if filename is None: filename = '/home/pi/Videos/' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S-") + 'tracker' ## RECORDING FILENAME if recording: fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG') out = cv2.VideoWriter( os.path.join(videopath, time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S-") + filename + '.avi'), fourcc, framerate, resolution) # LCD - open screen window lcd = lcd(fullscr=True) currentTime = time.time() prevTime = time.time() fps = None counter = 0 TTLactive = True cv2.namedWindow('Frame', cv2.WINDOW_FREERATIO) # VIDEOTRACKING CALIBRATION if posTracker: print('- Tracking Variables') print(' Finding arena: please wait...') clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=1.0, tileGridSize=(5, 5)) x, y, w, h = 0, 0, 0, 0 while (x, y, w, h) == (0, 0, 0, 0): frame =
s.connect(('', 1)) # connect() for UDP doesn't send packets local_ip_address = s.getsockname()[0] return local_ip_address except: return "NO IP" def uptime(): with open('/proc/uptime', 'r') as f: uptime_seconds = float(f.readline().split()[0]) uptime_string = str(timedelta(seconds = uptime_seconds)) return(uptime_string) CONFIG_FILE="ds485.ini" display=lcd.lcd() display.backlight_on() key=keys.KEYS() relay=GPIO("J4.29","OUTPUT") led=GPIO("PB8","OUTPUT") STATE_INIT=0 STATE_WELCOME=1 STATE_MYADDR=2 STATE_TEMPERATURES=3 STATE_MYIP=4 STATE_UPTIME=5 STATE_MESSAGES=6 STATE_TEST_RELAY=7 STATE_BACKLIGHT=8 LAST_STATE=8
from lcd import lcd import time display = lcd() display.lcd_display_string("Hello", 1) display.lcd_display_string("World!", 2) time.sleep(3) display.lcd_clear()
import lcd import time import RPi.GPIO as GPIO D4 = 6 D5 = 13 D6 = 19 D7 = 26 RS = 20 EN = 21 mylcd = lcd.lcd() mylcd.begin(D4, D5, D6, D7, RS, EN) mylcd.Print("How are you") time.sleep(2) mylcd.clear() mylcd.Print("I am RaspberryPi") mylcd.setCursor(2, 1) mylcd.Print("Electro-Passion") time.sleep(2) mylcd.clear() mylcd.Print("Seconds=") seconds = 0 mylcd.setCursor(1, 9) mylcd.Print(seconds) mylcd.shift(mylcd.right, 5) mylcd.shift(mylcd.left, 5) mylcd.blinkCursorOn() time.sleep(2) mylcd.blinkCursorOff()
#!/usr/bin/python import lcd import os from time import sleep lcd20 = lcd.lcd(0x27) line1 = "" line2 = "" line3 = "" line4 = "" light = None while True: if True if os.system("ping -c 1 > /dev/null") is 0 else False: if not light or light is None: lcd20.backlight(1) light = True file = open("/gpio/nom", "r") name = file.close source = "Source : " + name if line1 != source: lcd20.printlcd(source + " ", 1) line1 = source else: if light or light is None: lcd20.backlight(0) light = False sleep(0.1)