コード例 #1
def test_gods():
    character_name = "sunspire"
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    expected = [
        "Nemelex Xobeh",
        "Sif Muna",
        "Wu Jian",
        "The Shining One",
    result = morgue_parser.gods()
    assert result == expected
コード例 #2
ファイル: morgue_db.py プロジェクト: davidbegin/morguebot
def save_a_buncha_info(character_name):
    character = Character(name=character_name)
    morgue_db = MorgueDB(character_name)
    morgue_file = character.s3_morgue_file()
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(morgue_file)
        runes = morgue_parser.runes()
        if runes:
            nice_runes = [rune.strip() for rune in runes.split(",")]
            morgue_db.save_stuff("SS", "runes", nice_runes)

        xl_level = fetch_xl_level(morgue_file)
        if xl_level:
            morgue_db.save_stuff("S", "xl", xl_level.strip())

        weapons = fetch_weapons(morgue_file)
        if weapons:
            morgue_db.save_stuff("SS", "weapons", weapons)

        # gods = fetch_altars(morgue_file)
        # morgue_db.save_stuff("SS", "gods", gods)

        armour = fetch_armour(morgue_file)
        if armour:
            morgue_db.save_stuff("SS", "armour", armour)
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error in save_a_buncha_info by we are ok: {e}")
コード例 #3
def test_weapons():
    character_name = "sunspire"
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    expected = [
        "a +9 scimitar of holy wrath (weapon)",
        "the +8 arc blade {discharge, rElec}",
        "a +7 whip of pain",
        "a +5 scimitar of pain",
    result = morgue_parser.weapons()
    assert result == expected
コード例 #4
    def fetch(self):
        characters = fetch_characters()

        for character_name in characters:
            character = Character(name=character_name)
            morgue_db = MorgueDB(character_name)
            morgue_parser = MorgueParser(character.non_saved_morgue_file())
            runes = morgue_parser.runes()
            if runes:
                nice_runes = [rune.strip() for rune in runes.split(",")]
                print(f"\033[37mSaving {character_name}'s runes\033[0m")
                morgue_db.save_stuff("SS", "runes", nice_runes)
コード例 #5
def test_jewellery():
    character_name = "kilrfish"
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    expected = [
        "an uncursed ring of resist corrosion",
        "a +3 ring of strength (left hand)",
        "a ring of poison resistance (right hand)",
        "an amulet of regeneration (around neck)",
        "an uncursed ring of fire",
        "an uncursed ring of flight",
    result = morgue_parser.jewellery()
    assert result == expected
コード例 #6
def test_potions():
    character_name = "sunspire"
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    expected = [
        " q - 23 potions of mutation",
        " r - 14 potions of curing",
        " t - a potion of cancellation",
        " v - a potion of magic",
        " z - 5 potions of brilliance",
        " D - 5 potions of resistance",
        " J - a potion of berserk rage",
        " S - 5 potions of haste",
        " Z - 7 potions of flight",
    result = morgue_parser.potions()
    assert result == expected
コード例 #7
    def print_spells(self):
        morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.character.morgue_file())
        raw_spells = morgue_parser.spells()
        spells = [spell for spell in raw_spells if (len(spell.split()) >= 5)]
        formatted_spells = []
        for spell in spells:
            spell_parts = spell.split()
            hunger, level, failure, power, spell_type, *spell = spell_parts
                f"{' '.join(spell)} - {spell_type} - {power} - {failure}")

        return [
            "TakeNRG Listing All Spells TakeNRG",
            "Spell Type Power Failure",
        ] + formatted_spells
コード例 #8
ファイル: character.py プロジェクト: davidbegin/morguebot
    def __init__(self,
        self.morgue_filepath = morgue_filepath
        self.morgue_url = morgue_url
        self.name = name

        # self.local_mode = True
        self.local_mode = local_mode

        self.key = f"{name}/morguefile.txt"
        self.weapons = fetch_weapons(self.non_saved_morgue_file())
        self.morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.non_saved_morgue_file())
コード例 #9
def test_parse_spells():
    morgue_file = open("support/kilrfish.txt").read()
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(morgue_file)
    spells = morgue_parser.spells()
    expected_spells = [
        "Animate Skeleton         Necr           N/A          98%         1    ##.....",
        "Apportation              Tloc           #.....       98%         1    ##.....",
        "Confusing Touch          Hex            #.....       98%         1    ##.....",
        "Corona                   Hex            #......      98%         1    ##.....",
        "Infusion                 Chrm           #...         98%         1    ##.....",
        "Shock                    Conj/Air       #...         98%         1    ##.....",
        "Summon Small Mammal      Summ           #...         98%         1    ##.....",
        "Call Imp                 Summ           #.......     99%         2    ###....",
        "Ensorcelled Hibernation  Hex/Ice        #.....       99%         2    ###....",
        "Shroud of Golubria       Chrm/Tloc      #.....       99%         2    ###....",
        "Song of Slaying          Chrm           #.......     99%         2    ###....",
        "Swiftness                Chrm/Air       #.......     99%         2    ###....",
        "Call Canine Familiar     Summ           #.......     100%        3    ####...",
        "Confuse                  Hex            #.......     100%        3    ####...",
        "Dazzling Spray           Conj/Hex       #.....       100%        3    ####...",
        "Portal Projectile        Hex/Tloc       #.....       100%        3    ####...",
        "Regeneration             Chrm/Necr      #.........   100%        3    ####...",
        "Spectral Weapon          Hex/Chrm       #.......     100%        3    ####...",
        "Static Discharge         Conj/Air       #.......     100%        3    ####...",
        "Summon Guardian Golem    Hex/Summ       #.......     100%        3    ####...",
        "Tukima's Dance           Hex            #.......     100%        3    ####...",
        "Airstrike                Air            #.........   100%        4    #####..",
        "Ice Form                 Ice/Tmut       #.......     100%        4    #####..",
        "Leda's Liquefaction      Hex/Erth       #.........   100%        4    #####..",
        "Summon Ice Beast         Ice/Summ       #.......     100%        4    #####..",
        "Summon Lightning Spire   Summ/Air       #.......     100%        4    #####..",
        "Lightning Bolt           Conj/Air       #.........   100%        5    ######.",
        "Metabolic Englaciation   Hex/Ice        #.........   100%        5    ######.",
        "Bolt of Cold             Conj/Ice       #.........   100%        6    #######",
        "Freezing Cloud           Conj/Ice/Air   #.........   100%        6    #######",
        "Ozocubu's Refrigeration  Ice            #.........   100%        6    #######",
        "Simulacrum               Ice/Necr       #.........   100%        6    #######",

    assert spells == expected_spells
コード例 #10
def test_skills():
    character_name = "sunspire"
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    expected = [
        " + Level 17.1 Fighting",
        " + Level 16.6 Short Blades",
        " + Level 17.1 Long Blades",
        " + Level 16.6 Axes",
        " + Level 16.6 Maces & Flails",
        " + Level 16.6 Polearms",
        " + Level 16.6 Staves",
        " + Level 16.6 Slings",
        " + Level 16.6 Bows",
        " + Level 16.6 Crossbows",
        " + Level 16.8 Throwing",
        " + Level 16.8 Armour",
        " + Level 17.1 Dodging",
        " + Level 16.6 Stealth",
        " + Level 16.6 Shields",
        " + Level 16.6 Unarmed Combat",
        " + Level 17.2 Spellcasting",
        " + Level 14.3 Conjurations",
        " + Level 14.3 Hexes",
        " + Level 14.3 Charms",
        " + Level 14.3 Summonings",
        " + Level 14.3 Necromancy",
        " + Level 15.1 Translocations",
        " + Level 14.3 Transmutations",
        " + Level 14.3 Fire Magic",
        " + Level 14.3 Ice Magic",
        " + Level 14.3 Air Magic",
        " + Level 14.3 Earth Magic",
        " + Level 14.3 Poison Magic",
        " + Level 17.9 Invocations",
        " + Level 16.6 Evocations",
    result = morgue_parser.skills()
    assert result == expected
コード例 #11
ファイル: character.py プロジェクト: davidbegin/morguebot
class Character:
    def __init__(self,
        self.morgue_filepath = morgue_filepath
        self.morgue_url = morgue_url
        self.name = name

        # self.local_mode = True
        self.local_mode = local_mode

        self.key = f"{name}/morguefile.txt"
        self.weapons = fetch_weapons(self.non_saved_morgue_file())
        self.morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.non_saved_morgue_file())

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{super().__repr__()}: {self.name}"

    # ========================================================================================

    def overview(self):
        morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.non_saved_morgue_file())
        return morgue_parser.overview()

    def spells(self):
        return (SpellFactory(spell).new()
                for spell in self.morgue_parser.spells())

    def spells_above(self, level):
        print(f"Spells Above!: {level}")
        return [
            spell.overview() for spell in self.spells()
            if spell.level >= float(level)

    # ========================================================================================

    def morgue_file(self):
        if self.local_mode:
            morgue = open(self.morgue_filepath).read()
            morgue = self.s3_morgue_file()
            if morgue is None:
                morgue = self.fetch_online_morgue()

        return morgue

    def non_saved_morgue_file(self):
        if self.local_mode:
            return open(self.morgue_filepath).read()
            return self.fetch_online_morgue()

    def s3_morgue_file(self):
            client = boto3.client("s3")
            response = client.get_object(Bucket=BUCKET, Key=self.key)
            return response["Body"].read().decode()
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error fetching morguefile: {BUCKET} {self.key}")
            return None

    def fetch_online_morgue(self):
        response = requests.get(self.morgue_url)
        if response.status_code == 200:
            return response.text
            if not os.environ.get("TEST_MODE", False):
                    f"\033[031;1mCould not find the Character at {self.morgue_url}\033[0m"

    # ========================================================================================

    def _find_morguefile(self):
        if self.local_mode and self.morgue_filepath is None:
            self.morgue_filepath = self._find_morgue_filepath()
            self.morgue_url = self._find_morgue_url()

    def _find_name(self):
        if self.name:

        if self.local_mode:
            morgue_path = self.morgue_filepath
            morgue_path = self.morgue_url
        self.name = morgue_path.split("/")[-1].replace(".txt", "")

    def _find_morgue_url(self):
        MORGUE_DOMAIN = "http://crawl.akrasiac.org/rawdata"
        return f"{MORGUE_DOMAIN}/{self.name}/{self.name}.txt"

    def _find_morgue_filepath(self):
        return f"{find_morgue_folder()}/{self.name}.txt"

    def spellcasting(self):
        return self.lookup_skill("Spellcasting").level

    def skills(self):
        return self.morgue_parser.skills()

    def lookup_skill(self, desired_skill):
            raw_skill = [
                skill for skill in self.skills() if desired_skill in skill
            return SkillFactory(raw_skill).new()
        except Exception as e:
            return Skill(skill_type=desired_skill, level=0, status=None)

    def intelligence(self):
        return self.morgue_parser.intelligence()
コード例 #12
def process_event(event):
    morgue_event = MorgueEvent.from_event(event)

    if morgue_event.command == "!h?":
        return print_the_help()

    # Elif Island
    msg = None
    if morgue_event.is_character_command():
        print("A single Character Command!")
        character = Character(name=morgue_event.character)
        formatter = Formatter(character)

        if morgue_event.command == "!armour":
            msg = formatter.print_armour()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!weapons":
            msg = formatter.print_weapons()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!runes":
            msg = formatter.print_runes()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!spells":

            if morgue_event.level_barrier:
                msg = character.spells_above(morgue_event.level_barrier)
                msg = formatter.print_spells()

        elif morgue_event.command == "!skills":
            msg = formatter.print_skills()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!version":
            msg = formatter.print_version()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!jewellery":
            msg = formatter.print_jewellery()
                f"WE are looking for jewellery and this is what we found {msg}"
        elif morgue_event.command == "!max_damage":
            msg = formatter.print_max_damage()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!mutations":
            msg = formatter.print_mutations()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!scrolls":
            msg = formatter.print_scrolls()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!potions":
            msg = formatter.print_potions()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!gods":
            msg = formatter.print_gods()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!overview":
            morgue_parser = MorgueParser(character.non_saved_morgue_file())
            msg = morgue_parser.overview()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!fetch":
            morgue_saver(character, character.non_saved_morgue_file(), True)
        elif morgue_event.command == "!fetch_s3_morgue":
            print(f"We are fetching the S3 Morgue for {character.name}")
            with open(f"tmp/s3_{character.name}.txt", "w") as f:
        elif morgue_event.command == "!save_morgue":
        elif morgue_event.command == "!search":
            # for c in ["!armour", "!weapons", "!jewellery"]:
            #     call_command_with_arg(formatter, c, morgue_event.args[0])

    elif morgue_event.is_multi_character_command():
        print("A multiple Character Command!")
        if morgue_event.command == "!stalk_all":
            characters = fetch_characters()
            for character in characters:
                character = Character(name=character)
                morgue_saver(character, character.non_saved_morgue_file(),
        elif morgue_event.command == "!rune_awards":
        elif morgue_event.command == "!characters":
            characters = fetch_characters()
            msg = ["All The Characters"] + [", ".join(characters)]
        elif morgue_event.command == "!clean_morgue":
            print("COMING SOON")
            # clean_the_morgue()
        elif morgue_event.command == "!weapon_awards":
        print("WE DON'T KNOW THAT COMMAND!!!!!!!")

    if morgue_event.search:
        print(f"We are searching: {morgue_event.search}")

        if type(msg) is list:
            print("Search a List")
            msg = [item for item in msg if morgue_event.search in item]
            print("Search a strang")
            if morgue_event.search not in msg:
                msg = None

    if msg:
            f"No Message return for command: {morgue_event.command} character: {morgue_event.character}"
コード例 #13
class Formatter:
    def __init__(self, character=None):
        self.character = character
        self.morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.character.morgue_file())

    def construct_message(self, command):
            f"Formatter construct_message {command} for {self.character.name}")

        if command == "!overview":
            return self.print_overview()
        elif command == "!weapons":
            return self.print_weapons()
        elif command == "!armour":
            return self.print_armour()
        elif command == "!jewellery":
            return self.print_jewellery()
        elif command == "!skills":
            return self.print_skills()
        elif command == "!mutations":
            return self.print_mutations()
        elif command == "!potions":
            return self.print_potions()
        elif command == "!runes":
            return self.print_runes()
        elif command == "!scrolls":
            return self.print_scrolls()
        elif command == "!spells":
            return self.print_spells()
        elif command == "!version":
            return self.print_version()
        elif command == "!max_damage":
            return self.print_max_damage()

    def print_command(self, name, value):
        fmt_str = f"{name}: {value}"
        print("\n\033[35m" + fmt_str + "\033[0m")
        return [fmt_str]

    def print_gods(self, morgue_file):
        altars = set(fetch_altars(morgue_file))
        gods_remaining = 25 - len(altars)

        if len(altars) == 25:
            return ["Kreygasm YOU HAVE SEEN EVERY GOD! Kreygasm"]
            return [
                f"MercyWing1 Gods MercyWing2",
                ", ".join(sorted(altars)),
                f"You have {gods_remaining} to be found",

    def print_spells(self):
        morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.character.morgue_file())
        raw_spells = morgue_parser.spells()
        spells = [spell for spell in raw_spells if (len(spell.split()) >= 5)]
        formatted_spells = []
        for spell in spells:
            spell_parts = spell.split()
            hunger, level, failure, power, spell_type, *spell = spell_parts
                f"{' '.join(spell)} - {spell_type} - {power} - {failure}")

        return [
            "TakeNRG Listing All Spells TakeNRG",
            "Spell Type Power Failure",
        ] + formatted_spells

    def print_skills(self):
        skills = fetch_skills(self.character.morgue_file())

        formatted_skills = []
        for skill in skills:
            split_skills = skill.split()
            if len(split_skills) == 3:
                _, level, *skill = skill.split()
                _, _, level, *skill = skill.split()

            formatted_skills.append(f"Level {level} {' '.join(skill)}")

        return ["PowerUpL Listing All Skills PowerUpR"] + formatted_skills

    # ========================================================================================

    def print_version(self):
        return self.character.morgue_file().split("\n")[0]

    def print_overview(self):
        overview = fetch_overview(self.character.morgue_file())
        print("\n\033[35m" + str(overview) + "\033[0m")
        return overview

    def print_mutations(self):
        return [f"Squid1 Squid2 Listing All Mutations Squid4"
                ] + self.print_command(
                    "Mutations", fetch_mutations(self.character.morgue_file()))

    # ========================================================================================

    def find_unique_items(self, items, regex):
        if items is None:
            return None

        uniq_items = []
        for item in items:
            m = re.search(regex, item)
            if m:
                # This should check for the amout of groups to know whether it has amounts
                msg = m.group(1)

        return uniq_items

    def print_runes(self):
        return self.morgue_parser.runes()

    def print_weapons(self):
        weapons = fetch_weapons(self.character.morgue_file())
        # weapons = self.find_unique_items(raw_weapons, "\w\s-\s(.*)")
        if weapons:
            return ["twitchRaid Listing All Weapons twitchRaid"] + weapons
            return ["No Weapons Found!"]

    def print_armour(self):
        armour = self.find_unique_items(
            fetch_armour(self.character.morgue_file()), "\w\s-\s(.*)")
        if armour:
            return ["BloodTrail Listing All Armour BloodTrail"] + armour
            return ["No Armour Found!"]

    # def print_jewellery(self):
    #     jewellery = self.find_unique_items(
    #         fetch_jewellery(self.character.morgue_file()), "\w\s-\s(.*)"
    #     )
    #     if jewellery:
    #         return ["CoolCat Listing All Jewellery CoolCat"] + jewellery
    #     else:
    #         return ["No Jewellery Found!"]

    def print_potions(self):
        potions = fetch_potions(self.character.morgue_file())

        formatted_potions = []
        for potion in potions:
            m = re.search(f"\w\s-\s(\d+)\s(.*)", potion)
            if m:
                amount = m.group(1)
                potion_name = m.group(2)
                msg = f"{amount} {potion_name}"


        return [f"DrinkPurple Listing All Potions DrinkPurple"
                ] + formatted_potions

    def print_scrolls(self):
        scrolls = fetch_scrolls(self.character.morgue_file())

        formatted_scrolls = []
        for scroll in scrolls:
            m = re.search(f"\w\s-\s(\d+)\s(.*)", scroll)
            if m:
                amount = m.group(1)
                scroll_name = m.group(2)
                msg = f"{amount} {scroll_name}"

        return ["copyThis Listing All Scrolls copyThis"] + formatted_scrolls

    # ========================================================================================

    def print_max_damage(self):
        if True:
            weapons = fetch_weapons(self.character.morgue_file())
            return WeaponsFormatter(character=self.character,
            max_damages = {}
            from morgue_stalker import fetch_characters

            characters = morgue_stalker.fetch_characters()

            for character in characters:
                max_damages[character] = max_damage(
            return max_damages
コード例 #14
 def __init__(self, character=None):
     self.character = character
     self.morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.character.morgue_file())
コード例 #15
class Formatter:
    def __init__(self, character=None):
        self.character = character
        self.morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.character.morgue_file())

    def print_command(self, name, value):
        fmt_str = f"{name}: {value}"
        print("\n\033[35m" + fmt_str + "\033[0m")
        return [fmt_str]

    def print_gods(self):
        gods = self.morgue_parser.gods()
        gods_remaining = 25 - len(gods)

        if len(gods) == 25:
            return ["Kreygasm YOU HAVE SEEN EVERY GOD! Kreygasm"]
            return [
                f"MercyWing1 Gods MercyWing2",
                ", ".join(sorted(gods)),
                f"You have {gods_remaining} to be found",

    def print_spells(self):
        morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.character.morgue_file())
        raw_spells = morgue_parser.spells()
        spells = [spell for spell in raw_spells if (len(spell.split()) >= 5)]
        formatted_spells = []
        for spell in spells:
            spell_parts = spell.split()
            hunger, level, failure, power, spell_type, *spell = spell_parts
                f"{' '.join(spell)} - {spell_type} - {power} - {failure}")

        return [
            "TakeNRG Listing All Spells TakeNRG",
            "Spell Type Power Failure",
        ] + formatted_spells

    def print_skills(self):
        skills = fetch_skills(self.character.morgue_file())

        formatted_skills = []
        for skill in skills:
            split_skills = skill.split()
            if len(split_skills) == 3:
                _, level, *skill = skill.split()
                _, _, level, *skill = skill.split()

            formatted_skills.append(f"Level {level} {' '.join(skill)}")

        return ["PowerUpL Listing All Skills PowerUpR"] + formatted_skills

    # ========================================================================================

    def print_version(self):
        return self.character.morgue_file().split("\n")[0]

    def print_mutations(self):
        title = [f"Squid1 Squid2 Listing All Mutations Squid4"]
        return title + [self.morgue_parser.mutations()]

    # ========================================================================================

    def find_unique_items(self, items, regex):
        if items is None:
            return None

        uniq_items = []
        for item in items:
            m = re.search(regex, item)
            if m:
                # This should check for the amout of groups to know whether it has amounts
                msg = m.group(1)

        return uniq_items

    def print_runes(self):
        return self.morgue_parser.runes()

    def print_weapons(self):
        weapons = self.morgue_parser.weapons()
        # weapons = self.find_unique_items(raw_weapons, "\w\s-\s(.*)")
        if weapons:
            return ["twitchRaid Listing All Weapons twitchRaid"] + weapons
            return ["No Weapons Found!"]

    def print_armour(self):
        armour = self.morgue_parser.armour()
        if armour:
            return ["BloodTrail Listing All Armour BloodTrail"] + armour
            return ["No Armour Found!"]

    def print_jewellery(self):
        jewellery = self.morgue_parser.jewellery()
        if jewellery:
            return ["CoolCat Listing All Jewellery CoolCat"] + jewellery
            return ["No Jewellery Found!"]

    def print_potions(self):
        potions = self.morgue_parser.potions()

        formatted_potions = []
        for potion in potions:
            m = re.search(f"\w\s-\s(\d+)\s(.*)", potion)
            if m:
                amount = m.group(1)
                potion_name = m.group(2)
                msg = f"{amount} {potion_name}"


        return [f"DrinkPurple Listing All Potions DrinkPurple"
                ] + formatted_potions

    def print_scrolls(self):
        scrolls = self.morgue_parser.scrolls()

        formatted_scrolls = []
        for scroll in scrolls:
            m = re.search(f"\w\s-\s(\d+)\s(.*)", scroll)
            if m:
                amount = m.group(1)
                scroll_name = m.group(2)
                msg = f"{amount} {scroll_name}"

        return ["copyThis Listing All Scrolls copyThis"] + formatted_scrolls

    # ========================================================================================

    def print_max_damage(self):
        weapons = self.morgue_parser.weapons()
        return WeaponsFormatter(character=self.character,
コード例 #16
def test_scrolls():
    character_name = "GucciMane"
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    expected = [" b - a scroll labeled BUCEUFOSTE"]
    result = morgue_parser.scrolls()
    assert result == expected
コード例 #17
def test_mutations():
    character_name = "kilrfish"
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    expected = "retaliatory headbutt, horns 2"
    result = morgue_parser.mutations()
    assert result == expected
コード例 #18
def test_fetch_armour():
    character_name = "kaostheory"
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    expected_armour = [" g - a +0 pair of boots (worn)", " h - a +0 ring mail (worn)"]
    armour = morgue_parser.armour()
    assert armour == expected_armour
コード例 #19
def test_overview():
    morgue_file = open("support/Fa.txt").read()
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(morgue_file)
    overview = morgue_parser.overview()
    expected_overview = "Fa the Merry Centaur (Centaur Hunter)  XL:      27  Health:  243/243      Location: Pandemonium."
    assert overview == expected_overview
コード例 #20
ファイル: character.py プロジェクト: davidbegin/morguebot
 def overview(self):
     morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.non_saved_morgue_file())
     return morgue_parser.overview()
コード例 #21
def test_runes(character_name, expected_runes):
    morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read())
    runes = morgue_parser.runes()
    assert runes == expected_runes