class Formatter: def __init__(self, character=None): self.character = character self.morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.character.morgue_file()) def print_command(self, name, value): fmt_str = f"{name}: {value}" print("\n\033[35m" + fmt_str + "\033[0m") return [fmt_str] def print_gods(self): gods = self.morgue_parser.gods() gods_remaining = 25 - len(gods) if len(gods) == 25: return ["Kreygasm YOU HAVE SEEN EVERY GOD! Kreygasm"] else: return [ f"MercyWing1 Gods MercyWing2", ", ".join(sorted(gods)), f"You have {gods_remaining} to be found", ] def print_spells(self): morgue_parser = MorgueParser(self.character.morgue_file()) raw_spells = morgue_parser.spells() spells = [spell for spell in raw_spells if (len(spell.split()) >= 5)] formatted_spells = [] for spell in spells: spell_parts = spell.split() spell_parts.reverse() hunger, level, failure, power, spell_type, *spell = spell_parts formatted_spells.append( f"{' '.join(spell)} - {spell_type} - {power} - {failure}") return [ "TakeNRG Listing All Spells TakeNRG", "Spell Type Power Failure", ] + formatted_spells def print_skills(self): skills = fetch_skills(self.character.morgue_file()) formatted_skills = [] for skill in skills: split_skills = skill.split() if len(split_skills) == 3: _, level, *skill = skill.split() else: _, _, level, *skill = skill.split() formatted_skills.append(f"Level {level} {' '.join(skill)}") return ["PowerUpL Listing All Skills PowerUpR"] + formatted_skills # ======================================================================================== def print_version(self): return self.character.morgue_file().split("\n")[0] def print_mutations(self): title = [f"Squid1 Squid2 Listing All Mutations Squid4"] return title + [self.morgue_parser.mutations()] # ======================================================================================== def find_unique_items(self, items, regex): if items is None: return None uniq_items = [] for item in items: m =, item) if m: # This should check for the amout of groups to know whether it has amounts msg = uniq_items.append( return uniq_items def print_runes(self): return self.morgue_parser.runes() def print_weapons(self): weapons = self.morgue_parser.weapons() # weapons = self.find_unique_items(raw_weapons, "\w\s-\s(.*)") if weapons: return ["twitchRaid Listing All Weapons twitchRaid"] + weapons else: return ["No Weapons Found!"] def print_armour(self): armour = self.morgue_parser.armour() if armour: return ["BloodTrail Listing All Armour BloodTrail"] + armour else: return ["No Armour Found!"] def print_jewellery(self): jewellery = self.morgue_parser.jewellery() if jewellery: return ["CoolCat Listing All Jewellery CoolCat"] + jewellery else: return ["No Jewellery Found!"] def print_potions(self): potions = self.morgue_parser.potions() formatted_potions = [] for potion in potions: m ="\w\s-\s(\d+)\s(.*)", potion) if m: amount = potion_name = msg = f"{amount} {potion_name}" print(msg) formatted_potions.append(msg) return [f"DrinkPurple Listing All Potions DrinkPurple" ] + formatted_potions def print_scrolls(self): scrolls = self.morgue_parser.scrolls() formatted_scrolls = [] for scroll in scrolls: m ="\w\s-\s(\d+)\s(.*)", scroll) if m: amount = scroll_name = msg = f"{amount} {scroll_name}" print(msg) formatted_scrolls.append(msg) return ["copyThis Listing All Scrolls copyThis"] + formatted_scrolls # ======================================================================================== def print_max_damage(self): weapons = self.morgue_parser.weapons() return WeaponsFormatter(character=self.character, weapons=weapons).format_max_damages()
def test_scrolls(): character_name = "GucciMane" morgue_parser = MorgueParser(open(f"support/{character_name}.txt").read()) expected = [" b - a scroll labeled BUCEUFOSTE"] result = morgue_parser.scrolls() assert result == expected